cgtp introduction syllabus 09082009

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SGTP 9/8/2009


IntroductionSociety of Government Travel Professionals

The Society of Government Travel Professionals developed the Certified Government Travel Professional (CGTP) Course to provide an opportunity for both government and industry personnel to enhance their knowledge and understanding of government travel management to the highest professional standards and help better define current best practices.

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SGTP was established in Washington, D.C. in 1984, as the Society of Travel Agents in Government (STAG). SGTP and its members have been at the forefront of the evolution and advancement of government travel management from its inception in the early 1980’s. The Federal Government, in response to airline deregulation and access to travel data from the computer reservation systems (CRS) initiated programs to gain control of the travel process and budget. Travel professionals worked with government officials on those initiatives to create programs that were mutually beneficial – not always an easy task. SGTP recognized very early that a forum for open communication was essential to realize the mutual goal of successful government travel management. For 25 years the SGTP annual conferences have created an opportunity for government and industry to address all aspects of government travel management to insure continued success and adaptation in the rapidly changing travel industry. SGTP 9/8/2009


It is the goal of the course to create common understanding and to bridge the diversity of background and job responsibilities for all those involved in government travel management at any level on both sides of the equation.

The CGTP Course is designed as a “living document” to be offered online, and to be continually critiqued by, and updated for, students. This plan allows for updates and changes to the content on an ongoing basis. The dynamic nature of the course allows the creation of a “central document” which leverages the collective knowledge industry and government participants. This is essential in the dynamic travel industry where monumental changes can occur daily. The course is flexible enough to accommodate government policy changes as they occur and its modular nature assures ongoing relevance to all certificants.

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Industry professionals, government officials and other students have an opportunity to recommend changes to the course content through the CGTP Course forum. The forum, as well as student white papers, are available to certificants on an ongoing basis; student and certificant participation in the course related forum ensure a dynamic central location for all issues related to and concerning both government and industry participants. Course Change Recommendations can be submitted to the SGTP/CGTP Editorial Board through the forum interface or by e-mail. Recommendations must be consistent with the course and include background references to assure the accuracy of the information. The CGTP Editorial Board reviews recommendations, background, and references prior to submitting the change for inclusion in the course. In summary, the CGTP course is both a traditional course and a gateway to a new community of Travel Management Professionals: a course as dynamic as the industry from which it springs.

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The CGTP Course consists of 12 modules. Some of these modules are longer and more involved than others.

While the schedule is approximately 1 section per week, you have up to one year to complete the course.

Since the course is online, you can complete it at your convenience.

There are three basic requirements for completing the course.

Part I: ModulesEach module will consist of the following exercises:Reading and studying the course material. Taking a 30 question quiz at the end of each module (except section 4A, which only has 10 questions)Passing each 30 question quiz with at least 22 questions correct (73.33%).

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Syllabus (Cont’d)

Part II: PostingsEach student will be required to write one 250 word or greater post per two sections (for at total of six postings) to the CGTP forum based on experiences in the industry, through comments on course material, or additional study. Posts can be in the form of open letters, comments based on experience, or in-depth study of one particular aspect of that material. Each student will post their comments to the CGTP forum under the appropriate heading, and send to the instructor copies of their posts via e-mail. Part III: Position PaperEach student will write one 750 word essay (3 double-spaced typed pages) on one aspect of the course of their choice. These papers will be vetted for relevance and organization, the posted to the “Whitepapers” section of the CGTP website. Passing grade for the position paper is 70%. Position papers will be posted to the forum in an archive accessible to students, faculty, and industry and government travel managers.

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SyllabusSyllabus (Cont’d)

Course Outline:

Weeks 1 & 2: The Government Travel Industry & GDSReading Sections:

IntroductionSection 1: The Government Travel IndustrySection 2A: Global Distribution Systems

2 x 30 question quizzesRequired Posting to CGTP Forum in either Section 1 or Section 2A

Weeks 3 & 4: Airlines & HotelsReading Sections:

Section 2B: AirlinesSection 2C: Hotels

2 x 30 question quizzesRequired Posting to CGTP Forum in either Section 2B or Section 2C

SGTP 9/8/2009

Syllabus (Cont’d)

Weeks 5 & 6: Airlines & HotelsReading Sections:

Section 2D: Rental CarsSection 3A: Electronic Travel Systems

2 x 30 question quizzesRequired Posting to CGTP Forum in either Section 2D or Section 3A.

Week 7 & 8: Travel Management Centers I & IIReading Sections:

Section 3B: Travel Management Centers ISection 3C: Travel Management Centers II

2x 30 question quizzesRequired Posting to CGTP Forum in either Section 3B or Section 3C.

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Syllabus (Cont’d)

Week 9 & 10: Travel Payment Systems & Business Data MiningReading Sections:

Section 4A: Travel Payment SystemsSection 4B: Business Data Mining

1x 30 question quiz, 1 x 10 question quizRequired Posting to CGTP Forum in either Section 4A or Section 4B.

Weeks 11 & 12: Government Travel Professionals & Travel Professional ResourcesReading Sections:

Section 5A: Government Travel ProfessionalSection 5B: Travel Professional Resources

2 x 30 question quizzesRequired Posting to CGTP Forum in either Section 5A or Section 5B.

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Syllabus (Cont’d)


Email To Your Instructor:Email to your instructor is encouraged. Since instructors typically are industry professionals, students are encouraged to ask pointed questions, request further detail, and so on. Your instructor will try to answer as many student questions as possible in the weekly conference call so that all students can benefit from the responses. Students can also contact the instructor during a weekly office hour.

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Syllabus (cont’d)Syllabus (Cont’d)

Postings to the CGTP Forum:Each week you will be required to make a posting to the CGTP forum in one of the subject areas for that week. The postings need to be 250 words or more (about 1 single sided double spaced page). These posts can take many forms: open letter, commentary on the course material, an in depth study of one of the aspects of the material, or personal experience related to the material. Personal experience entries should be governed by the idea that governs the forum – It Should Be Relevant. Postings which are essentially advertisements for a company or service we will ask you to revise. Personal experience entries should focus on “real people with real problems” and how those problems or challenges were solved. In depth studies should pursue further research. Commentaries on the course material should involve further research and relevant detail. Open letters should pose questions related to some aspect or function of the government travel and the relevant section and contain suggestions for positive change in that area.

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Syllabus (Cont’d)

The Position Paper (White Paper)The position paper (or CGTP White Paper) is a key aspect of CGTP certification. It indicates to the community your commitment to the program, and offers to your peers an in-depth expression of your experience and time.

Position papers may extend a forum posting you have made, or may focus on a completely different area. The papers may be drawn entirely from personal experience or may focus (in a more academic sense) on facts and figures. A position paper which focuses on an aspect of the area of government and gives detailed suggestions for how to improve that aspect are encouraged. The CGTP position papers become part of the CGTP Position Paper library, and will be kept indefinitely as a reference for all future Government Travel Professionals. It’s a chance to make your mark, and make your voice heard – so don’t waste it.

CGTP certificants will be required to submit a new position paper every year to maintain certification. The minimum requirement for the Position Paper is 750 words (3 double-spaced pages).

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Syllabus (Cont’d)

QuizzesQuizzes are a required component of the course. You may take quizzes as often as you like, and all quizzes are “open book.” The primary interest of the certification committee is not memorization of key terms, but rather an accumulation of knowledge about the government travel industry. You must receive at least a score of 22 out of 30 on each quiz in order to become a certificant.

CertificationQualification for certification is assessed on the following criteria.Completion of all quizzes with an adequate score (73.33%)Completion of six 250 word postings to the CGTP forumCompletion of the 750 word position paperOptional (but encouraged): Attendance at the weekly Conference Calls

Ongoing Certification:Maintaining CGTP certification entails a new whitepaper by the student each calendar year or participation in a SGTP Conference and a $50 recertificationfee.

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SGTP 9/8/2009

Questions Concerning the Course:Questions concerning the course should be directed to either Travel Management Consultants, Inc., the current contractor for course delivery,

Travel Management Consultants, Inc.1710 Kendall AvenueMadison, WI

or to The Society of Government Travel Professionals

SGTP4938 Hampden Lane Box 332Bethesda, MD 20814202-363-SGTP (7487) Fax:202-379-1775

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