ceo where do you go

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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A Crash Course On Financial Crisis



Hi! My name is Antonio.I’m a proud American.

My parents are proud Americans too.

They immigrated from Colombia. They never went to school.

But they’ve sent me to school, here in

America. I’ve graduated from university.

I’ve got married and now I have two great kids.

I joined a bank.

I became an accountant. And I became a proud member of my bank.

My company trained me on how to do things right.

They’d spent a lot of money and time for my training.

“I’m now a competant and loyal accountant in

my bank”. At least that’s how I’d thought.

Until one day.

But before that…

This is our CEO.

He is a celebrity.

I even saw him once.

He visited our department and shook hands with everybody.

That day I was very proud.

I told about this to my parents, to my wife and even to my kids.

But one day…

…we collapsed. I wasn’t afraid a bit.

Because we had a CEO.

He was a celebrity. He was earning zillions of $$$$$$$s in a year.

He was even playing golf when he heard

the news.

He continued to play the game.

He would stop playing if we were in


At least that’s how I thought.

Until one day…

They laid me off together with thousands of

people. But I wasn’t responsible.I was doing my job…properly.

They called my CEO into the Congress

and asked questions about the collapse.

He said he wasn’t responsible. They believed in him.

He continued to recieve his payments… his

salary and even the bonuses. He must have

been right then. He’s not the one who’s responsible.

I must have been the one who’s

responsible as I’m the one who’s been

laid off and as he continued to receive his payments.

I tried to ask him about this while he was playing golf.

He refused to answer and called the security.

Last time I saw him he was running away.

I wanted to shout;“Hey CEO, where do you go”?

I still continue to be a proud American.

I wonder whether the CEO could ever be?

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