central & southern regional community consultative committee … · •xtreme drill dance...

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June 2016

Central & Southern Regional

Community Consultative

Committee update

Legal notice

The following presentation contains forward-looking statements concerning BG Group plc’s strategy, operations, financial performance or condition, outlook, growth opportunities or circumstances in the countries, sectors or markets in which BG Group plc operates. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve uncertainty because they depend on future circumstances, and relate to events, not all of which can be controlled or predicted. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Actual results could differ materially from the guidance given in this presentation for a number of reasons. For a detailed analysis of the factors that may affect our business, financial performance or results of operations, we urge you to look at the “Principal risks and uncertainties” included in the BG Group plc Annual Report & Accounts 2014. Nothing in this presentation should be construed as a profit forecast and no part of this presentation constitutes, or shall be taken to constitute, an invitation or inducement to invest in BG Group plc or any other entity, and must not be relied upon in any way in connection with any investment decision. BG Group plc undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information in this presentation and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by BG Group plc or any of its respective subsidiaries, affiliates and associated companies (or by any of their respective officers, employees or agents) in relation to it.

Safety Moment – Winter Fire Safety


• Check all electrical items for

damage; do not use if damaged

• Install an electrical safety switch

• Regularly clean your oven, stove

top and rangehood

• Only use one appliance per power


• Regularly clean your clothes dryer

and air-conditioner filters

• Store chemicals in a secure area

away from high fire risk areas

• Store matches and lighters in a

secure place not accessible to


• Regularly maintain the yard by

removing dead leaves and scrub

• Roll electric blankets, never fold,

to store for next season

• Ensure your have an up to date

evacuation plan

QFES Resources available from:



Outline of today’s meeting

1. Introductions

2. Adoption of minutes

3. Operations and QGC update

4. Key topic updates

5. Morning Tea

6. Community benefits report

7. Committee feedback


Operations Update

• Routine operations including planned

maintenance – may involve local


• Approval for trials for Remotely

Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) to

continue in Q3 2016

• Wandoan State School visit planned

for 14 June

• Dalby State High School Trade

Futures Program Tour Year 12

Students June 2016

Charlie Development Update

• Construction on multiple work fronts

– Gas Compression Station

– Electric Power Sub-stations

– Two Ponds and Pump Stations

– Overhead High Voltage power line

– Gas and water pipelines

• More than 250,000 hours without a

lost time injury

• Drilling of wells and construction of

the gathering system continues


Charlie Development Update

• Road transport of major components and pipe in the coming months

• Charlie facility turnoff road works in June / July

• Special approvals sought for large vehicles


QGC Update

• The integration of QGC into the Shell

Australia portfolio continues

• In April a new Target Operating Model was

announced informing teams of the

organisational structure to be established

by Q3 2016

• This defines the structure and ways of

working in the combined organisations

• A majority of the jobs in upstream

operations and projects have been


• Some changes will occur at a leadership

level which had been previously planned as

part of our work to improve operational


• Delivery of Charlie development is ongoing

Key topic updates

QGC Procurement Update






Rest of Queensland



Regional Procurement Update




2% 61%


Western Downs Region

Banana Shire Region

Maranoa Region

Toowoomba Region

Gladstone Region

Q1 - Successful Local Suppliers


Contract/Provision of work Successful supplier Location

Telecoms Maintenance


Frog Services Chinchilla

Upstream Site Technical

Cleaning Services

Speciality Services



Progressive Cavity Pumps Kudu Australia Pty Ltd Roma

Well Engineering HSSE, Rigs

and Services

Global Safety Inspection



Orana Pond 3 Redesign FK Gardner & Sons Pty Ltd Toowoomba

Accommodation Services Eastwood Village Miles

Make Good


When a water bore is identified in the four-yearly Underground Water

Impact Report as being within an Immediately Affected Area, QGC

must comply with make-good obligations by:

1. Undertaking a bore assessment within 60 days from when the

UWIR takes effect

2. Using best endeavours to enter into a make-good agreement

within 40 business days from when the bore assessment was

undertaken or as otherwise agreed by the Chief Executive

3. If the bore is, or is likely to be impaired, QGC must provide make-

good measures for the impairment of water supply

Make Good


2012 UWIR Obligations

• No outstanding make good negotiations with private landholders

• One ongoing negotiation with a resource company

• Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment has reviewed and added

two additional bores as immediately affected

• Those negotiations with private landholders are continuing

Draft 2016 UWIR Obligations

• Public consultation closed 29 April 2016 and UWIR now being


• 47 bores in the Immediately Affected Area for QGC covering 2016-19,

triggering bore assessments in the first instance

RPAS Trial

• The business has seen value in extending the trial to continue piloting

this technology

• Next phase of the trial has been extended until September 2016

• Community has shown significant interest during engagement

particularly at the Wandoan and Chinchilla Shows

• Engagement with key stakeholders will be ongoing

Potential benefits:

- Reduces land access requests

- Reduces risk of land access breaches

- Reduces time for landholders to liaise

- Reduces road traffic and improve safety

- Value adds the work profile for wellsite


- Improves wellsite performance

Community benefits report

Science, Technology, Engineering

and Mathematics (STEM)

FutureMakers (Partner: Queensland Museum)

• Teacher Professional Development Term 1 and Term 2

• World Science Festival Regional Program in Chinchilla – report indicated 200

students, around 2,000 community members, high rates of satisfaction 90%+

• Will come to Chinchilla again in 2017

STEM in Schools Program (Partners: DET and Arrow Energy)

• Wonder of Science – Conferences in Wandoan and Dalby in June (Term 2)

• 24 Schools in Western Downs with over 1,000 students participating

Enterprise Development

Western Downs Eastern Opportunities

Forums (Partner: TSBE – Food Leaders


• 3 forums – Wandoan, Tara and Chinchilla

• Range of speakers – Hong Kong

Development Council, EFIC(Federal

Government finance body), TSBE and

DB Schenker

• Lots of positive feedback and people

wanting to pass on the information

received to producers

• Expressions of interest are coming in and

selection will be underway soon

Strengthening Local Chambers

Workshops (Partner: CCIQ)

• 6 work shops held across Jandowae,

Chinchilla, Miles, Tara and Wandoan.

Regional Liveability

Health-e-Regions (Partner: UQ Centre for

Online Health)

• MOU’s in progress with schools in Miles,

Wandoan, Chinchilla, St Joseph’s (Tara) for roll

out of Speech Pathology support following

success of initial Pilot Program with Tara Shire

State College

• Averaged 371 Telehealth consultations per

month (reported by DDHS)

• 86 Telehealth consultations delivered in GP

Clinics (Q1 2016)

QGC Communities Fund

• 79 applications in Round 3 (Q1 2016)

• Continued demand for Service Capacity

• Applications have been assessed and

successful applicants are expected to be

announced soon

Engagement and support activities • Participated in Wandoan, Miles and Chinchilla


• ANZAC Day representatives in Wandoan, Miles and Chinchilla

• Sponsorship of Wandoan Show and Tara Show

• CCCI Golf Day Chinchilla supported with teams

• Xtreme Drill dance support for attendance at camp

• Wandoan gymnastics club supported for training for coaches and committee

• Wandoan Health Auxiliary supported for their cookbook

• Wandoan Rodeo support

• Chinchilla State High School Year 8 Science Presentation

• Ongoing support of the Dalby State High School Trade futures Program



Community feedback

2016 meeting dates

2016 proposed meeting dates:

• Q3: 8 September in Tara; 9 September in Wandoan

• Q4: 1 December in Chinchilla; 2 December in Miles

Venues to be advised.

Proposed time for Central/Southern meetings: 9am-12noon

Proposed time for Northern meetings: 10am-1pm


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