central sources for understanding jesus chapter 2 p.24

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Central Sources for Understanding JesusChapter 2 p.24

How do we read them?

Are they factual accounts?Are the authors unreliable because they were


“ History is written by the victors”

Shaped by culture

Language, geography, technology, history and religious tradition

Authors used exaggeration, figures of speech, approximation and poetry

Luke: 14, 26

If any one comes to me without hating his father* and mother, wife and children,

brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.

Jesus’ birthday What he looked like Where he went to school His teenage years What was on his ipod


Godspell=good news, glad tidings Glad tidings=Greek word, evangelion Evangelion=the proclamation or

announcement of good news How about dem’Evangelists????

Stage 1: Jesus of Nazareth and His DisciplesBasic Facts of Jesus Life p. 31Born CarpenterPublic career speaking and preachingConsidered by many as prophet, maybe a magician,



The world is changed forever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeTgx_pj6m8


Disciples start thinking that the end is coming…..

Start spreading the news near and far…


It is a story that we are looking backwards and understanding

Many layers Oral tradition

Now they start thinking as a “church” We better get our act together and write for

the future…this “oral tradition” is only going to get us so far.

We better get our act together and write this stuff down for the people who are listening to us NOW!!!!

Four Portraits of Jesus

4 different perspectives How is a picture different from a painting?

Each evangelist had a wealth of material available to him..stories told over and over, the words of Jesus and insights of others..

The Gospels developed like a multi-layered drawing

Each had a particular audience in mind when writing

It is doubtful that any one person was responsible for the total development of any of the Gospels

There are scholars* (note the word..really smart people who study this stuff) who will disagree.

Each Gospel helps paint the portrait.

First gospel written..35-40 years after

Written by???..John Mark a companion of St.Paul

Written in Rome for the GENTILES (Non Jewish) readers.

Mark’s Gospel explained the Jewish customs to a audience that was not familiar with these practices.

A heavy sense of suffering dominates the Gospel of Mark

(the Christians are being persecuted for the burning of Rome)

Maybe Mark’s intention was to explain the that suffering was an essential part of being human.


  Jesus was moved with "compassion" (Mk 6:34);

He "sighed" (Mk 7:34; 8:12); he "marveled" at the unbelief of his own townsfolk (Mk 6:6);

he "looked" upon the rich young man and "loved him" (Mk 10:21). 

Mark also adds vivid details that the other gospel writers leave out.  For example, he describes Jesus' tenderness as he took the little children "in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands upon them" (Mk 10:16). ).

Fear Agony Hunger Betrayal Resting Liked creature comforts Distress Tempted LOVE YOUSELF 13:28-34..Yea Andrew

When did the chapter end? Verse 1-8 Scholars think that the Gospel ended at

verse 8… http://www.youtube.com/watch?


1:23 Maybe Mark is saying “ Wait for Him” he

will be in Galilee? Is that important for us?

Uneasiness at the ending… Scholars were writing manuscripts by hand. Often in Mark’s Gospel Jesus’ disciples

needed to be told about him. They were unsure..they did not understand

4:41(Read 4:35-41) 6:52 (read 6:45-52) 7:8-18 8:17-21

The people closest to Jesus were the ones that needed to understand him.

The demons knew and the Roman centurion knew he was God. 1: 21 ---15:39

How is this relevant to us?

1. Gospel 2. Acts of the Apostles

Often called Gospel of Jesus & Gospel of The Holy Spirit

A doctor?... We can guess…. a well educated GENTILE

who converted to Christianity. MORE IMPORTANTLY..

****Only NON JEW TO Write a Gospel****NOT an eyewitness, had to rely on

accounts of others.Less important but interesting

Probably wrote in Antioch, SyriaProbably used Mark’s Gospel as

Spark Notes

For Converted Christians to Better Understand Their Faith

To establish the continuity of Judiasm Central Role of the Holy Spirit 1:35—Angel tells Mary HS will come to her 1:41-Elizabeth will be filled with HS Stresses Jesus’ MERCY and Compassion


Pharisees Prostitute Dinner Washing of Feet Tears Hair Welcome    

Who Are We in the story??

The Lost Son Luke 15:11-32


This guy is a jerkHis brother is doing all the work..for a long time…….AAGGGHHHH

This is compassionate love

More is recorded about Elizabeth and Mary than the other Gospels. 1:5-79….

the woman who anointed the feet of Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee.

For Whom?????? How can we tell?

Read the 1st chapter!!!!! YIKES

What do we know about the development of the gospel?

16:18 and 18:17

Most Popular Gospel

Synoptic = “to see together”


What about……..

Highly Literary Symbolic http://www.youtube.com/watch?


Let us read.. 1:1-18

Holy Moley

I am the Light of the World 8:12 I am the bread of life 6:35 I am the vine 15:5 I am the good shepard 10:11 I am the resurrection and the life 11:25 I am the way, the truth and the life 14:6

John 3:16 No bread and wine mentioned at the last


Rivers of Living Water.* On the last and greatest day of the feast, Jesus stood up and exclaimed, “Let anyone who thirsts come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as scripture says:

‘Rivers of living water* will flow from within him.’”


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