cemp research 2014

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Practice | Praxis


•Educational Practice (new pedagogies) in Creative | Media •Professional Practice (new modalities) in Creative | Media•“Habitus convergence” of educational and professional practices

Impact: Critical Praxis

Current Projects and Publications

• Cohort cultures in creative and media• Media literacies and technology / holistic approaches / childhood • Digital media production and learning in the primary sector • Creative industries and gendered practices • Mediated pedagogies • Training media educators in developing countries • Cross-platform media engagement • Curation pedagogy | Making Learning in Creative Arts and Media | Disruptive Media Education • Social media and innovation • Teaching coding as a language • Doing Text after the subject• Games as authorless literature• Games for critical literacy • Gaming and psychology • Media and social development / technology and not for profit education / e-learning and social equality • New approaches to teaching advertising practice • Praxis as learning in media production• Applying computational thinking to the teaching of computer programming• The construction of student voice in FE media • Pedagogies for creative entrepreneurship • Reflexivity and learning in FE media • Low tech media literacy, youth, voice and civic engagement – UK and European contexts • Digital ethnography as a pedagogic approach

New Opportunities

Strategy (1): Outreach Successes

Collaboration (BU)

Networking and Profile (international)

Collaboration (external)

Strategy (2): Income: The Challenge

New models for PGT in development and ‘leaner’ delivery

PGR and new Ed D - sustainable

Role in CEL for generic Prof Doc model

New short course partnerships

Significant bidding activity and consortia partnerships

Speculative pilot work – eg Spirit of 13

Digital learning tools and publishing – new Media Producer

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