第三課 耶穌早期事工與呼召門徒my-eclassroom.com › gcts › index › courseintro ›...

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《耶穌生平》 第三課 耶穌早期事工與呼召門徒 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 1 頁 共 1 頁

第三課 耶穌早期事工與呼召門徒


I. 加利利的地理、歷史、文化、與宗教

A. 地形:加利利被稱為「環形城」,特色包括小丘、山谷、富庶的農產、海中的魚產、村落為本的


B. 加利利猶太人團體的根基

1. 源於舊約:但、西布倫、拿弗他利、以薩迦、亞設

2. 在公元前 722 年亞述入侵(王下十五 29)之後,更多外邦人移入加利利

3. 在哈斯摩尼王朝時期,較多猶太人搬回加利利

C. 塞佛瑞斯與提比哩亞與加利利相鄰,但耶穌似乎避開這些城市,因為福音書從來沒有提到祂去


1. 那些想使耶穌成為希臘智慧教師的人,在這方面會有問題,因為他們認為耶穌會從這些鄉


2. 有些學者宣稱福音書作者是在描述一位希臘哲士,祂與希臘的「市場」有關--但是他們


3. 因此耶穌如果避開這些城市,我們為什麼要去推想祂是一位希臘哲士?

D. 加利利的漁業經濟(取材自韓生 K. C. Hanson,BTB 27)

1. 漁業開發得相當好,比如,名為塔力西亞的城鎮可以翻譯為「漁業加工村」;在加利利有成


2. 既然漁業非常開發,可能要上稅,因此它包含連帶收取稅收的組織結構

a. 希律要盈利來建築工程(包括在加利利海的防波堤和港口),以及進貢開銷

b. 系統會由稅務局來管理

c. 韓生認為馬太可能是「皇家捕魚權的承包商」(捕魚執照)

d. 發現公元 40-70 年之間的一艘船,26.5 英尺長、7.5 英尺寬、4.5 英尺深

e. 在經濟組織上,家族關係很重要

《耶穌生平》 第三課 耶穌早期事工與呼召門徒 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 2 頁 共 2 頁

(1) 例如:彼得和安得烈,雅各和約翰

(2) 耶穌選取這些有兄弟關係的人做祂的門徒;同時注意到祂去推羅與西頓的造


f. 韓生懷疑可以稱任何人為「中產階級」,並宣稱漁夫應是鄉農小民(可能甚至沒有擁有

船隻);但在馬可一 19-20,我們看到西庇太有兒子們,並雇用工人為他工作

g. 無論如何,門徒們是相當徹底的拋下事業

3. 耶穌從「邊緣」著手事工是否重要?那可能在告訴我們,上帝在世上何處工作

E. 加利利的宗教

1. 舊的觀點:加利利人對遵守律法鬆散

2. 但這似乎不太可能;他們大概與其他猶太人一樣忠實;雖然這並不表示他們對每件事的解


F. 一個造反的溫床嗎?

1. 加利利人猶大在公元 6年曾領導反叛

2. 加利利一般似乎並不比其他地方喜歡造反

3. 可能有些「社會土匪」像羅賓漢一樣,但沒有明確的證據

4. 在加利利,反叛可能仍是當時一個途徑,而耶穌顯然注意到並與之保持距離

II. 耶穌登場

A. 馬太四 12-17

1. 耶穌在約翰下監後,退到加利利

2. 在迦百農建立基地

3. 馬太強調祂事工裏的外邦人層面

4. 耶穌的信息:「天國近了,你們要悔改」

a. 祂的信息延續施洗約翰,但「那個未來就是現在」

b. 「天國」的真正意思只能慢慢顯露出來

B. 呼召門徒

1. 已經提過捕魚的背景;當然有很好的比喻價值

2. 家族關連:耶穌切斷了天然的家人連結(他們必須離開他們的家人),但也尊重它(弟兄仍

《耶穌生平》 第三課 耶穌早期事工與呼召門徒 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 3 頁 共 3 頁


C. 醫病和趕鬼的大能事工

D. 教導和傳講上帝的國

1. 馬太在五至七章將告訴我們一些天國的生活

2. 不用說,人們大概會聽到「以色列的復興」和「上帝的審判」主題,但耶穌對此主題的解


E. 面對敵對勢力:路加福音四章告訴我們耶穌在拿撒勒被拒,顯然這導致祂轉到迦百農


I. 呼召門徒

A. 區分那些被召實地跟隨祂、以及在家鄉為祂作見證的人(馬大和馬利亞,格拉森被鬼附的人)

B. 歷史性的問題為起點:呼召彼得等人的理由?象徵性的價值(得人如得魚)?家庭關係?最重


C. 門徒的社會地位參雜不齊,可能包括鄉農小民、小本生意人和資助人

D. 他們為什麼回應?

1. 就因為祂召他們(看馬太九 9為例)

2. 對生命普遍的關切,要生命有目的與意義

3. 耶穌大能事工的證據

4. 對復興(可能還有革命)普遍的興趣

a. 記得愛色尼人聚集成群是為著潔淨和真實的生活

b. 而其他團體聚集為是著較暴力的目的

E. 耶穌期待他們做什麼?(負面與正面)

1. 必定已經理解是復興運動(例如,在客西馬尼園裏彼得為什麼會有劍)

2. 學習

a. 舊約背景

(1) 以賽亞二章:以耶和華的山堅立做開始(更新,參照馬太五;世界的光),萬


《耶穌生平》 第三課 耶穌早期事工與呼召門徒 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 4 頁 共 4 頁

(2) 以賽亞八 16:耶穌將律法的真義傳達給祂的門徒

b. 福音書:馬太一介紹公開事工之後,馬上就給我們登山寶訓

c. 比喻:耶穌的國度不只需要行動,也需要更深入理解上帝將如何引進祂的國度

3. 對祂的協助與彼此的協助(包括分享物質資源)

a. 從起初就有信徒的團體

(1) 十二人團體

(2) 各種其他參與在運動裏的人

(3) 「倫理」是團體的倫理

b. 談到很多關於錢財的事

(1) 有時是從負面:為他人的利益和自己得釋放去施捨

(2) 有時是從正面:路加提到馬利亞、約亞拿、蘇撒拿等人供應耶穌和門徒們

c. 耶穌常在人們家裏受款待(例如馬大和馬利亞);在路加福音裏接待是一個重要主題,


d. 耶穌是否在宣召一個禧年,取消債務?

(1) 見路加四 16 ff,比較以賽亞六一 1 ff:至少耶穌可能是引用禧年的主題;

注意到 deror(解放)出現在以賽亞六十一章和利未記二十五章

(2) 禧年的主題是可能的,可以是照字面或象徵性;禧年應實際在團體生活中實


(3) 同時注意馬太五章與以賽亞六十一章的相似性:對貧窮者的好消息(1 節),

哀慟的有福(3 節);稱為僕人/上帝的兒子(6 節);繼承地土(7 節);喜樂

的反應(10 節)

(4) 以賽亞六十一章是耶穌事工的主題,在馬太福音和路加福音歷史的交會,然



4. 宣告--耶穌差遣人出去宣告,但他們宣告什麼呢?

a. 特別有意思的是,那是一個僅限於以色列的事工

(1) 見馬太十 1,5ff,特別是 23 節:「走遍以色列的城市」

(2) 犧牲以贖罪仍是晦暗不明,且是未來的,所以那不會是宣告的中心

《耶穌生平》 第三課 耶穌早期事工與呼召門徒 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 5 頁 共 5 頁

(3) 萊特認為其宣告是對以色列當代審判的警告,他們選擇侵略而面對毀滅--


(4) 但還有未來更大審判的弦外之音:這成為全球事工的模式(因此福音書中包


(5) 這是有道理的,因為基本的悔改信息至今仍然相同

b. 宣告應該是基於當日一些復興運動:上帝將要動工,人們應當預備;耶穌將觀念更新


c. 事工也涉及神蹟奇事(趕鬼,醫治)--進一步證明他們所事奉的那位獨特之處

5. 忠於耶穌

a. 要過於家人:馬太十 34-39;十二 49-50(這裏是我的母親與兄弟)

b. 要過於傳統領袖:馬太九 14ff(禁食的問題);馬太十二(安息日);馬太二三(法利


c. 要過於國家:包括主要的象徵聖殿與律法;參考:十二位門徒;人子是安息日的主(太

十二 8);福音書中新以色列的主題

d. 要過於財產:關注在富有的少年人(太十九 16-30)

(1) 如何承受永生的問題--來世的生命,被包括在上帝的國度裏

(2) 遵守誡命--這是演講手法還是靠行為稱義?不,走誡命的道路就是生命,


(3) 耶穌列出多半的誡命,但省略了愛主、不拜偶像、和貪心

(4) 然後耶穌講述那省略的兩個部分:變賣你所有的,來跟隨我

6. 對天國實體與精神的委身

a. 登山寶訓

b. 耶穌將試著去糾正人們對天國的錯誤觀念,這錯誤觀念可見於門徒爭吵誰為首

F. 與末日論述的關連

1. 瓦解傳統的團體關係,或是在新情境下重建、或是以新的團體取代

2. 延伸到你自己的生活--凡要救自己生命的必喪掉生命

3. 同樣,宇宙的瓦解--將在新情境下重現

4. 在這兩個例子裏,耶穌引介新世界的制度,迫使舊造的過去

《耶穌生平》 第三課 耶穌早期事工與呼召門徒 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 6 頁 共 6 頁

G. 什麼區分對耶穌的呼召正面與負面的回應

1. 財產

2. 對家庭或事業的委身

3. 對其他律法解釋的委身

耶穌生平[第三課] ~~ 1 ~~ 大綱

第三課 耶穌早期事工與呼召門徒



I. 加利利的地理,歷史,文化與宗教





2.在主前 722 年亞述入侵(王下 15:29)之後,更多的外邦人搬進了











D.加利利的漁業(取材自 K. C. Hanson,BTB 27)

1.漁業非常開發,比如,名為 Tarichaeae 的城鎮可以譯為“漁業加工




a. 希律要盈收來建築工程(包括在加利利海的防波堤和港泊)及進


b. 系統會是由稅務局管理

c. Hanson 推想馬太可能是“皇家捕魚權的包商”(捕魚執照)

d. 發現一條船,日期是主後 40-70 之間,船長 26.5 尺,寬 7.5 尺,

深度 4.5

e. 在經濟組織上,家族關係是很重要的

(1) 例如:彼得和安得烈,雅各和約翰

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2004 by CentriHall, Inc., Chelmsford, MA USA.

耶穌生平[第三課] ~~ 2 ~~ 大綱

(2) 耶穌將這些兄弟關係用在門徒上。同時注意到他到推羅與


f. Hanson 懷疑可以稱任何人為“中產階級”,並宣稱漁夫應是鄉

農小民(可能甚至沒有擁有船隻)。但是在馬可 1:19-20,我們


g. 無論如何,門徒們是相當徹底的拋下事業







1.加利利人猶大在主後 6年曾領導反叛





II. 耶穌登場

A.馬太 4:12-17





a. 他的信息延續施洗約翰,但是 “那未來就是現在了”

b. 天國的真正意思,只能慢慢的顯露出來


1. 漁業的背景已經提過;當然有很好的比喻價值




Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2004 by CentriHall, Inc., Chelmsford, MA USA.

耶穌生平[第三課] ~~ 3 ~~ 大綱


1.馬太在 5-7 章將多多告訴我們天國的生活



E.面對敵對勢力:路加福音 4 章告訴我們耶穌在拿撒勒被拒,顯然這導致



I. 呼召門徒








1.就因為他召他們(看太 9:9為例)




a. 記得愛色尼人聚集成群是為著潔淨和真正的生活

b. 而其他團體聚集為是著較暴力的目的




a. 舊約背景

(1) 以賽亞 2章:以耶和華的山堅立開始(更新;參照馬太 5;



(2) 以賽亞 8:16:耶穌將律法的真義教導他的門徒

b. 福音書:一介紹了公開事工之後,馬太就給我們登山寶訓

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2004 by CentriHall, Inc., Chelmsford, MA USA.

耶穌生平[第三課] ~~ 4 ~~ 大綱

c. 比喻:耶穌的國度不只需要行動,也需要更深入的理解神將如何





a. 從起初就有信徒的團體

(1) 十二人團體

(2) 各種其他參與在運動裏的人

(3) 倫理是團體的倫理

b. 很多的談到錢財

(1) 有時是從負面的:為了他人的利益和自己得釋放去施捨之

(2) 有時從正面的:路加福音提到馬利亞,約亞拿,蘇撒拿等


c. 耶穌常在人家家裏受款待(例如馬大和馬利亞);在路加福音裏


d. 是否耶穌在呼召一個禧年,取消債務?

(1) 見路 4:16,比較賽 61:1:至少耶穌可能是引用禧年的

主題;注意到 deror(解放)出現在以賽亞 61 和利未記


(2) 禧年的主題是可能的,可以是照字面的或象徵性的;禧年


(3) 同時注意馬太 5 章與以賽亞 61 章的相似性:對貧窮者的


(6節);繼承地土(7節);喜樂的反應(10 節)

(4) 以賽亞 61 章是耶穌事工的主題—馬太福音和路加福音歷





a. 特別有意思的是,那是一個僅限於以色列的事工

(1) 見馬太福音 10:1,5ff,特別是 23 節:“走遍以色列的


(2) 贖罪仍是晦暗不明,且是未來的,所以那不會是宣講的中

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2004 by CentriHall, Inc., Chelmsford, MA USA.

耶穌生平[第三課] ~~ 5 ~~ 大綱

(3) N.T. Wright 認為其宣告是對以色列當代審判的警告,他


(4) 但是同時還有未來更大審判的弦外之音:這成為全球事工


(5) 這是有道理的,因為基本的悔改信息至今仍是相同的

b. 宣講應是基於當日的一些復興運動:神將要動工,人們應當預



c. 事工也涉及神跡奇事(趕鬼,醫治)——進一步證明他們所事奉



a. 要過於家人:太 10:34-9;12:49-50(看我的母親與兄弟)

b. 要過於傳統領袖:馬太 9:14ff(禁食的問題);馬太 12(安息

日);馬太 23 章(法利賽人)

c. 要過於國家:包括主要象徵聖殿與律法;比較 12 個門徒,人子

是安息日的主(太 12:8);福音書中新以色列的主題

d. 要過於財產:集中在富有的少年人(太 19:16-30)

(1) 如何承受永生的問題—來世的生命,被包括在神的國度裏

(2) 遵守誡命—這是一個演講手法或是靠行為稱義嗎?不,走



(3) 耶穌列出了多半的誡命,但是省略了愛主,不拜偶像和貪

(4) 然後耶穌講述那減省的兩個部分:變賣你所有的,來跟隨


a. 登山寶訓

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2004 by CentriHall, Inc., Chelmsford, MA USA.

耶穌生平[第三課] ~~ 6 ~~ 大綱

b. 耶穌將試著去糾正人們對天國的錯誤觀念,這錯誤觀念可見于門












Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2004 by CentriHall, Inc., Chelmsford, MA USA.

LO-3-1©2002 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts

Life of Jesus

Lecture Outline 3

Beginning of Lecture 3a.

Early Ministry in Galilee

I. Geography, History, Culture, and Religion in GalileeA. Lay of the land: Galilee is called “the Circle” and is marked by hills and valleys,

agricultural abundance, fish from the sea, and a village-based culture. B. Foundations of the Jewish community in Galilee

1. Old Testament roots: Dan, Zebulon, Naphtali, Issachar, Asher2. After the Assyrian invasion in 722 B.C. (see 2 Kgs.15:29), more Gentiles moved

into Galilee.3. Under the Hasmoneans, more Jews moved back into Galilee.

C. Sepphoris and Tiberias are near Galilee, but Jesus seems to avoid these cities as the gospels never mention him visiting them—his is a village, small-town-based ministry.1. Those who wish to make Jesus a Hellenistic wisdom teacher should have trouble

with this, as they argue Jesus would have picked up Hellenistic ideas from these towns.

2. Some scholars claim the gospel writers are writing about a Hellenistic sage, who is relevant to the Greek “market”—but they never depict him in nearby major Greek influenced cities!

3. So if Jesus did avoid the cities, why would we imagine he is a Hellenistic sage?D. The Galilean fishing economy (Drawing on K.C. Hanson, BTB 27)

1. Fishing industry was fairly well developed; note, for example that the town named Tarichaeae can be translated as “Processed Fishville” (Hanson) and that there were a string of fishing villages in Galilee.

2. Since the industry was well-developed, it could be taxed. Thus it included the accompanying infrastructure to collect taxes.a. Herod wants revenue for building projects (including breakwaters and harbors

on the Sea of Galilee) and tribute payments.b. System would be administered by tax bureaucratsc. Hanson imagines Matthew could have been “contractor of royal fishing rights”

(fishing licenses).d. Boat was found, dating to A. D. 40-70, which was 26.5 feet long, 7.5 feet

wide, 4.5 feet deepe. Kinship ties important in economic organization

(1) E.g., Peter and Andrew, James and John

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(2) Jesus draws on these people for his disciples; note also the possibility that his trips to Tyre and Sidon could be related to fish trade connections.

f. Hanson is skeptical of calling anyone “middle class,” and claims that fishermen would be peasants (and maybe did not even own boats); but in Mk. 1:19-20, we see that Zebedee has sons and hired laborers working for him.

g. In any case, the disciples’ abandonment of business would be fairly radical.3. Is it significant that Jesus begins on the “margin”? It might tell us where is God

active in the world.E. Religion in Galilee

1. Old view: Galileans lax on Torah observance2. But this does not seem likely; they were probably just as faithful as other Jews,

although this does not mean they will interpret everything precisely the same way as other groups.

F. A hotbed of rebellion?1. Judas the Galilean had led a revolt in A. D. 6 2. Galilee generally seems no more or less prone to rebellion than elsewhere.3. Perhaps some “social banditry” a la Robin Hood, but no secure evidence for this4. Rebellion was probably still a live option in Galilee, and Jesus was apparently

concerned to distance himself from this.

II. Jesus Bursts on the SceneA. Matt. 4:12-17

1. Jesus withdraws to Galilee after John is imprisoned.2. Establishes base at Capernaum3. Matthew highlights the Gentile dimension of his ministry.4. Jesus’ message: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

a. His message has continuity with John the Baptist’s, but “the future is now.”b. What the “kingdom” consists of will emerge more slowly.

B. Calling disciples1. Fishing background already mentioned; good metaphorical value, of course2. Family connections: Jesus is at once breaking natural ties (they have to leave their

families) and honoring them (brothers stick together and social networks work towards spread of the Gospel)

C. Mighty works of healing and exorcismD. Teaching and preaching kingdom of God

1. Matthew is going to tell us quite a bit about life in this kingdom in chapters 5-72. Suffice it to say that people will likely hear the themes of renewal of Israel and the

judgment of God--but Jesus will have an unexpected take on what this means (as

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Life of Jesus

in first Beatitude).E. Facing the opposition: Luke 4 tells us about Jesus’ rejection in Nazareth, which

appears to lead to his shift to Capernaum.

Aspects of Jesus’ Public Ministry

I. Calling DisciplesA. Distinguish between those called to literally follow him and those bearing witness at

home (Martha and Mary, Gerasene demoniac)B. Historical question is point of departure: Rationale for calling Peter, et al? Symbolic

value (fishers of men)? Family relationships? Most important is that it is a sovereign call of God.

C. The social status of the disciples was apparently mixed, possibly including peasants, small businessmen, and patrons or patronesses.

D. Why do they respond?1. Just because he calls them! (See, for example, Mt. 9:9)2. General concern for life to have a purpose and a meaning3. Evidence of Jesus’ mighty works4. General interest in renewal, and perhaps revolution

a. Recall that the Essenes grouped together in communities for the sake of purity and true living.

b. And others grouped together for more violent purposesE. What did Jesus expect them to do (negatively and positively)?

1. Must have been perceived as renewal movement (why does Peter have a sword in the garden, for example?)

2. Learninga. Old Testament background

(1) Isaiah 2: begins with mountain of the Lord being established (renewal; cf. Matthew 5; light of world), to which peoples come to learn of God’s ways; background for Sermon on the Mount

(2) Isa. 8:16: Jesus delivers the true meaning of the law to his disciplesb. Gospels: Right after introduction of public ministry, Matthew gives us the

Sermon on the Mount.c. Parables, too, of course: Jesus’ kingdom will require not just action, but deep

understanding of how God is ushering in his kingdom.

End of Lecture 3a.Beginning of Lecture 3b.

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Life of Jesus

3. Assistance to him and one another (including the sharing of material resources)a. Community of believers assumed from the beginning

(1) Group of twelve(2) The various others involved in the movement(3) Ethics are community ethics

b. Money is certainly talked about a lot.(1) Sometimes negatively: give it away for other’s benefit and your own

liberation(2) Sometimes positively: Luke mentions Mary, Joanna, Susanna and others

who contribute to Jesus and disciples.c. Jesus is often entertained in people’s homes (e.g., Martha and Mary);

hospitality is a major theme in Luke and an important part of discipleship—don’t look down on it!

d. Is Jesus calling for a Jubilee, a canceling of debts?(1) See Lk. 4:16ff. and compare to Isa. 61:1 ff.: at the least, Jesus is perhaps

drawing on Jubilee motifs; note that deror (release) is present in Isaiah 61 and Leviticus 25

(2) Jubilee motif is possible, and can be considered as literal or figurative; Jubilee is meant to be practically lived out in the life of the community, involving the cancellation of sins and debts

(3) Note also the similarities with Matthew 5 and Isaiah 61: good news to poor (v. 1); blessed are mourners (v. 3); called servants/sons of God (v. 6); inheriting the land (v. 7); response of joy (v. 10)

(4) Isaiah 61 is a keynote of Jesus’ ministry—historical confluence in Matthew and Luke, and yet the differences between Matthew and Luke argue against them having copied each other; Jesus’ use of Isaiah is crucial for our understanding of him as the true servant of God

4. Proclamation—Jesus sends people out to proclaim, but what are they proclaiming?a. Particularly interesting is that it is an exclusive ministry to Israel

(1) See Mt. 10:1,5ff., esp. v. 23: “Going through all the towns of Israel”(2) Sacrificial atonement is still obscure and future, so it can not be the

content of the proclamation.(3) N. T. Wright sees the proclamation as a warning of the temporal judgment

on Israel going the way of aggression and meeting with doom—certainly something to this idea.

(4) But there are also overtones of greater judgment to come: this serves as pattern of global ministry (hence inclusion in gospels and interweaving of future themes)

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(5) Makes sense because the basic message of repentance remains the same to this day

b. Proclamation was assumed to be something like other renewal movements of the day: God is going to act and people need to prepare; Jesus’ transformation of concepts obviously takes time to sink in (remember Peter’s sword).

c. Ministry also involved mighty works (exorcism, healing)—further evidence of the uniqueness of the one they were serving

5. Loyalty to Jesusa. Distinction from family: Mt. 10:34-9; 12:49-50 (“here are my mother and

brothers”)b. Distinction from traditional leaders: Mt. 9:14ff. (question of fasting); Matthew

12 (Sabbath); Matthew 23 (Pharisees)c. Distinction from country: including key symbols of temple and torah; cf.

twelve disciples, Son of Man is Lord of Sabbath (Mt.12:8); new Israel motifs in gospels, etc.

d. Distinction from possessions: focus on the rich young man (Mt. 19:16-30)(1) Question of how to inherit eternal life—life in the age to come, inclusion

in God’s kingdom(2) Keep the commandments—is this a rhetorical ploy or works

righteousness? No, walking in the path of commandments is life. You might as well ask for life without breathing—it is part and parcel of the whole affair.

(3) Jesus lists most of the commands, but omits loving the Lord and having no idols and not coveting.

(4) Then Jesus addresses those two missing parts: sell your possession, and follow me.

6. Commitment to kingdom reality and ethosa. Sermon on the Mountb. Jesus will try to correct the wrong views of this kingdom displayed in the

disciples’ discussion about who is to be first.F. Connection with apocalyptic discourse

1. Dissolution of traditional communal ties which will either be given back in a new context or will be replaced with the new community

2. Extends to your own life—he who saves it will lose it3. Similarly, dissolution of cosmos--which will given back in a new context4. In both cases, Jesus signals the introduction of a new world order which

necessitates a break with the old.G. What separates positive and negative responses to Jesus’ call?

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1. Possessions2. Family or business commitments3. Commitment to other ways of interpreting Torah

End of Lecture 3b.

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