cdc npin in the know: social media measurement and evaluation for public health success

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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This is the sixth part of interactive webcasts in this round of the series, In the Know: Social Media for Public Health. Each webcast focuses on a different social media channel and provides basic information, tips, success stories, and discussion on how best to use social media to promote public health and expand outreach initiatives.



Social Media Measurement &

Evaluation for Public Health Success


Erin Edgerton Norvell, Senior Director for Communication Strategy and Digital; Heather Cole-Lewis, PhD, MPH, Evaluation Specialist;

and Jennifer Smith, Web Content Specialist


• Discuss evaluation and measurement tactics

• Explore social media metrics and tools

• Share social media success stories

• Highlight best practices


Planning for Measurement

Define Communication Goal

Conduct Target Audience Research

Select Communication Channels

Identify Tactics, Implementation Schedule

Map Channel Metrics to Goal


Social Media Evaluation Keys






Social Media Evaluation Keys

•Amount of people you reach with your message


• Amount of people who take action in response to message

• Call to action



Key Aspects

Exposure (also known as reach) will differ across platforms; basic purpose is to identify how many people had the opportunity to see your message.

There are any tools to help with this

• number of fans, followers and subscribers

• number of people and accounts reached by those who re-tweeted, shared or subscribed to your channel.

Think about ways to combine metrics in a way that makes the most sense based on the goals of your evaluation/campaign.

Key Aspects

Engagement is one of the most important measurements. It shows how many people cared enough about what you shared to take some kind of action.

According to the SMM Standards Coalition

Three stages of engagement- LOW, MEDIUM & HIGH

Low: One way –audience receiving information, you pushing info • includes # of followers, second-level followers (followers of followers),

amount of content you post

Key Aspects Medium: Two way - audience responding to information

• includes follows, share messages, retweets, etc.

High: Users become partners in campaign.

• Provides insight on how to improve, or participate in campaign

• activities like posting NEW user content, contributing pictures, blogging,

• taking some physical action; getting an HIV test and blog about experiences

There more resources about this at or follow conversation using #smmstandards on twitter

Social Media Evaluation Keys

• Organization developing standards for social media evaluation




Social Media Evaluation Keys

• Positive, neutral or negative in sentiment


• Exposure-Influence-Engagement-Action



Key Aspects

Influence assess whether the engagement metrics are

positive, neutral or negative in sentiment.

• Did your campaign influence positive mood toward the

campaign or did it create negative sentiments or any


• Because this is a more subjective metric, it is something you’ll want to manually check and not simply rely on an automated tool to report.

Key Aspects Finally for RESULTS:

• Interpret all of the previous ASPECTS- exposure, engagement,


• Determine whether you are reaching your primary goals that you

set in the beginning.

• Use information to inform the rest of the campaign.

ONE THING to note

KEY ASPECTS to social media evaluation are progressive, i.e., you

can’t have Engagement without Exposure; never get to influence

and results unless you’ve had some engagement with your target


Facebook Measurement

• Likes

• Reach of page and individual posts

• People talking about your page and content

• Friends of fans

• Geographical breakdown

• Demographics

• Page views and unique visitors

• External referrers

What can be measured in Facebook:


Facebook Measurement




- Number of likes

- Number of page views

- Number of unique visitors

- Potential page and post reach

- Demographics & locations

Engagement - Number of shares

- Number of clicks images/video/links

- Number of tags

- Influencers

Influence - Qualitative assessment of tags and comments

- Sentiment

- Changes in attitudes and/or behavior

Results - Define presence and impact

- Traffic driven to your site - Contribution to overall goals

Facebook’s Evaluation Tool

• Likes

• Reach of page

• Reach of individual posts

• People talking about your page and content

• Friends of fans

• Geographical breakdown

• Demographics

• Page views

• Unique visitors

• External referrers


Facebook Insights:

Facebook Case Study

• Engaged followers on Facebook with a request for photos of cats for the “Cat Immersion Project” for their patient, Maga.

• Followed up with a video and “thank you” message

• Tracked responses using Facebook Insights: Likes, shares, comments and photos


FB Case Study

This project was a special surprise for Maga, who was confined to her hospital room because of cancer and a compromised immune system.

On July 19, they asked Facebook fans to send pictures for the project

• 1,629 liked the post

• 1,011 commented (most included pictures in the comments)

• 1,900 people shared

• And it reached 55,337 people


FB Case Study On July 25, they posted a thank you message & told people to tune in the next week to see Maga’s reaction. The post got:


• 104 comments (+more photos)


• And it reached 30,207 people

Here, we see the call to action used on Facebook resulted in true engagement with thousands of comments and photos that reached beyond their current followers and received a lot of engagement, starting a true social media dialogue. I’ll talk more about this later on as well.


Twitter Measurement

• Number of followers

• Total posts

• Hashtags

• Reach

• Key influencers

• Demographics

• Geographical location

• Who is mentioning you?

• How many times are your posts re-tweeted?

• Who is re-tweeting your posts?

What can be measured in Twitter:


Twitter Measurement




- Number of followers

- Number of tweets

- Number of participants for events

- Potential Reach

- Demographics & locations


- Number of retweets

- Number of @replies

- Number of clicks images/video

- Hashtag Usage

- Influencers


- Qualitative assessment of @replies

and mentions

- Sentiment

- Changes in attitudes and/or behavior

Results - Define presence and impact - Traffic driven to your site

- Contribution to overall goals

Twitter Evaluation Tools

Basic Reporting Tools with free offerings:

• Tweetreach

• Twitalyzer

• Topsy


Twitter Eval Tools

Tweetreach, Twitanalyzer & Topsy- Can provide basic reports which have metrics such as the number of posts, reach, impressions, could give you a limited transcript of posts, etc.


Twitter Case Study #1

Chicago Public Health Analyzed:

• Hashtag #UnExpected to learn the campaign is top most retweeted post for 2013

– Twice the normal reach

– Know that higher clicks equates to people sharing/engaging

• Post with most reach for 2013 shared free vision exams and glasses for students – Fifteen times the normal reach

– Noticed retweeters had higher influence


Twitter Case Study #1


- Uses free tools to monitor activity and find

- Most popular tweets

- Total mentions

- New Followers

- When people un-followed their account


Twitter Case Study #1

Chicago Public Health Uses:

Native Twitter analytics tool





Symplur’s Healthcare Hashtag Project -


Twitter Case Study #1

A bit more about some of the measurement tools:

• SocialBro can evaluate influencers and best times to tweet

• Vizify provides the year’s most popular terms

• BottleNose shows the most popular hashtags by month. as well as sentiment and influencers around the hashtags

• TweetReach monitor more external hashtags

• Symplur’s Healthcare Hashtag Project can help you find out what healthcare conversations are taking place and discover new influencers within different disciplines


Twitter Case Study #2

@CDCNPIN Jan. 2013 #NPINchat on Twitter for Public Health:

• During the one-hour chat, there were 551 tweets, 82 retweets and 46 mentions

• NPIN posed 6 questions and got 110 direct responses

• Conservative probably reach just over 700,000 and a more liberal, potential reach over of 7 million

• For January, 20 followers participated in multiple chats


Twitter Case Study #2

This is just one example of metrics from the monthly, one-hour @CDCNPIN TwitterChats.

The chats engage partners and build a community of practice so they can draw on each other’s expertise.

The chats also give NPIN a chance to reach new engagers and follow them to create productive, long-term partnerships not only on Twitter but throughout the network of public health care agencies.


LinkedIn Measurement

Pages • Visitors by industry

• Page performance

• Total traffic

• Visitor demographics

• Followers

• Links clicked


• Membership growth

• Activity

• Number of comments

• Discussions

• Demographics

• Location

• Seniority

• Function

• Industry

What can be measured in LinkedIn:


LinkedIn Measurement



- Number of visitors

- Total traffic

- Number of followers

- Potential Reach

- Demographics & locations

- Number of group members


- Number of shares

- Number of comments

- Number of group discussions

- Number of clicks images/video

- Influencers

Influence - Qualitative assessment of

comments and group discussions - Sentiment

Results - Define presence and impact

- Traffic driven to your site - Contribution to overall goals


LinkedIn Evaluation Tools

• LinkedIn Analytics Data for company page and groups to track

insights for pages, followers and posts

• PeopleLinx Paid tool specifically for LinkedIn offering more

detailed stats about engagement, referrals, behavior, etc., tailored to help improve connectivity with key accounts and influencers


LinkedIn Case Study

American Public Health Association (APHA)

• Within LinkedIn, measures:

– Followers

– Profile contacts

– Group members

– Group discussions

– Group comments

• Closely monitor activity level to react to trends

• Use demographics insights to determine tone and content

• Integrate with Google Analytics to track activity


LinkedIn Case Study

For example with Demographics - highest audience is older and values discussions more - second highest audience is entry-level staff who value job opening and career opportunities.

APHA also adds insight to their metrics by tracking all the links posted in SM with Google Analytics and Bitly, a URL shortener.

Bitly allows measurement of both external and APHA links.

Google Analytics helps track links back to the APHA site, providing metrics like Bounce rate, Pages per visit, time on site, % of New visits, and conversions.


LinkedIn Case Study

American Public Health Association (APHA)

Integrate with free tracking tools:

– Bitly

– Google Analytics


LinkedIn Case Study

Bitly lesson:

• Tracking number of clicks, discovered members were very interested in the CDC budget

• BUT, a post about NFL players in flu-prevention ads sent before the Super Bowl generated hardly any clicks

Lesson: Members want timely content but pop culture tie-ins just aren’t intriguing to the group. This is a good time-saving lesson to apply so valuable staff resources aren’t spent on developing posts that don’t engage the audience.


LinkedIn Case Study

Two lessons from Google Analytics:

Bitly report showed a lot of click for an Infographic post. The same traffic reviewed through Google Analytics revealed the landing page had nearly an 80% bounce rate and a pages per visit rate of only 1.1, even though the avg. time on the site was 20% higher.

Lesson: The landing page needed to be optimized to collect email addresses and promote more site engagement. Especially because 88% of visitors were new to the site.


LinkedIn Case Study

Next, APHA analyzed 2 posts with almost identical click numbers - one about state public health-related ballot initiatives and the other a recap of the State of the Union. Deeper review in Google Analytics, showed visitors from the state ballot post spent 85% more time on the site and visited twice as many pages beyond the initial landing page.

Lesson: Although APHA is a national organization, members are still very interested in what is happening at the local level.


YouTube Measurement

What you can measured in YouTube:

• Subscribers

• Likes and Dislikes

• Comments

• Total Views

• Minutes Watched

• Avg. Percentage Watches

• Top Content Viewed

• Geographical Location

• Viewer Demographics

– Age Range

– Gender


YouTube Measurement



- Number of subscribers

- Total views

- Number of followers

- Traffic sources and referrers

- Potential Reach

- Demographics & locations

- Playback location


- Number of likes and dislikes

- Number of comments

- Total minutes watched

- Number of clicks images/video

- Influencers

- Top content viewed

Influence - Qualitative assessment of comments - Sentiment

Results - Define presence and impact - Traffic driven to your site

- Contribution to overall goals 40

YouTube’s Evaluation Tools

YouTube Analytics

• Provided free with your channel

• Provides analytics your channel and videos, including:


• Subscribers

• Likes and Dislikes

• Comments

• Total Views

• Minutes Watched

• Avg. Percentage Watches

• Top Content Viewed

• Geographical Location

• Viewer Demographics

YouTube Case Study

Seattle Children’s Hospital: Cat Immersion Project

‘Thank you’ Video Results: • More than 250,000 views • 864 likes • 81 comments • Story received 40 national,

tier-one media hits


YouTube Case Study

Now we can see the SCH project was a cross-channel success. To monitor results, they used YouTube analytics and Simply Measured. This really is a fantastic showcase of the power of social media, the value of creating deeper stories, and what can be accomplished when multiple channels are linked and leveraged.

There was a high demonstrated level of engagement that went beyond just views and included viewer interaction with story through comments – it also led to action represented by gifts and cards sent to Maga.

To see the video, go to the SCH You Tube channel and/or search for “Cat Immersion Project” on YouTube.


Cross-Channel Evaluation Tools


Coremetrics Facebook, Twitter Paid Service

HootSuite Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Foursquare, MySpace, Wordpress

Free and Paid Services

Lithium Facebook, Twitter Paid Service

Radian6 Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Paid Service

Simply Measured Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Instagram, Vine, Klout Coming soon: Tumblr, Pinterest, LinkedIn

Paid Service

Sysomos Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

Google Analytics All channels Free

Omniture All channels Paid Service


Cross-Channel Eval Tools

• Core Metrics measures total mentions, who is mentioning you, and the sentiment

• Hootsuite - The free version gives basic exposure metrics. The paid version offers more custom reporting, Klout scores, influencers mentioning your account and more than 40 exportable modules and report templates.

• Simply Measured – Has a cool Twitter follower report which shows a complete following list and analyzes it by location, influence, behavior, interests, etc.

- For Facebook, it is similar to Facebook Insights, but with additional reports including a competitive analysis, content analysis and a Fan page analysis.


Cross-Channel Eval Tools

Lithium, Radian6 and Sysomos – Give more detailed Twitter stats in addition to the basic exposure metrics. It tracks more of the advanced metrics like sentiment, key influencers, Twitter handles most often mentioning you and retweeting your posts, as well as provide a full transcript of posts or specific chats.

- Radian6 and Sysomos note: These tools can monitor YouTube, but don’t offer much in terms of evaluating activity. They work based on mentions and not the activity of your channel or videos.


Cross-Channel Evaluation Tools


Coremetrics Facebook, Twitter Paid Service

HootSuite Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Foursquare, MySpace, Wordpress

Free and Paid Services

Lithium Facebook, Twitter Paid Service

Radian6 Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Paid Service

Simply Measured Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Instagram, Vine, Klout Coming soon: Tumblr, Pinterest, LinkedIn

Paid Service

Sysomos Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

Google Analytics All channels Free

Omniture All channels Paid Service


Cross-Channel Eval Tools Google Analytics and Omniture integrate with these social media analytics tools to track activity leading traffic and action on your site, including insight into if others post links the increase traffic to your site .

• One tip for these tools: Create campaign tags for links to your pages from digital channels. You can see:

- times those links have been clicked - visitors actions once they arrive on your site

• This can be done without any integration with social media monitoring tools – it’s simply link tagging to track traffic coming through social media channels.


Measuring what Matters

• Engagement

• Not just vanity metrics

• Influencers

• ‘Virality’

• Repeat engagement

• Stories

• Content distribution

• Unique relationships


Measuring what Matters

Not just counting vanity metrics

• in order to gain a better understanding of your campaign

• build more complex metrics

• combine a few simple metrics of exposure and tell you more information.


• number of active users divided by the total number of fans or followers

• ratio of comments to the number of content posts from you

• Instead of just likes:

- frequency of likes

- or the growth of likes over a period of time.

Measuring what Matters

Unique relationships

• NOT interested in only Metrics.

• Remember: key to social media is building relationships.

• Instead of having a hard focus on metrics, think about what it means to build a unique relationship with each and every one of your followers.

• Not just the LARGE influencers. Scale content to that it’s interesting to the range of your followers. If you work to impress the influencers both LARGE and SMALL, the metrics will speak for themselves.

Measuring what Matters


• Excellent way to understand the effectiveness of a campaign

• pay attention to the stories that you are able to tell based on the way people have interacted with your campaign.


• Did you learn something about your brand or perception of your brand that you didn’t know before?

• What new insights are you gaining about your target audience as a result of social media?

Evaluation: Best Practices

1. Define your social media success

2. Develop measurable goals and objectives

3. Measure engagement

4. Start small

5. Learn to measure results


Evaluation: Best Practices

6. Learn to measure influence

7. Use measurement to connect

8. Don’t use term “return on investment”

9. Use metrics to learn and improve

10. Use measurement to save time





Metrics Collection


Information Sharing

Evaluation Cycle



Erin Edgerton Norvell & Jennifer Smith

Special Guest

Heather Cole-Lewis, PhD, MPH, Columbia University

Executive Producers

Harry Young and Melissa Beaupierre

Technical Producer/Director

James Bethea

Social Media Coordinator

Carlos Chapman II

Health Communications Support Team Katie Mooney, Trayce Poole; Michael Fitzpatrick; Cynthia Newcomer; Valerie Watkins



Thank you for watching Social Media Measurement & Evaluation for Public Health Success



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