ccna introduction to networks r&s_capitulo1

Post on 14-Sep-2015






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Packet Tracer

Explorando la RedCCNA1-R&S Introduction to NetworksCaptulo 1

1Cisco Networking Academy ProgramPacket Tracer: Novice SessionWelcome. This 60-minute session will not allow much opportunity for you to speak so during the session please feel free to type questions in the WebEx chat window.

Thank you for participating in this session of Packet Tracer. To get an idea of the experience-level of this group, I would like to ask you a few questions and ask you to use the yes and no indicators to respond. If you look in the right-hand side of the WebEx window, you should see the yes and no buttons. Click on the yes button to demonstrate that you have found it. Thank you.Have you seen or tried any version of PT before?Have you used any version of PT before in your teaching?The goal of this session is to demonstrate how you can begin using Packet Tracer in your classroom. Objetivos del captulo:

Explicar la manera en cmo las redes afectan nuestra forma de comunicarnos, colaborar y compartirExplicar las caractersticas bsicas de una red que permite la comunicacin en una pequea o mediana empresa Explicar las topologas y dispositivos utilizados en una pequea o mediana empresaExplicar las tendencias en la creacin de redes que afectarn el uso de redes de pequeas y medianas empresas.2Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Captulo 11.1 La comunicacin en un mundo centrado en la red1.2 La red como plataforma1.3 LANs, WANs, e Internet1.4 Expandiendo la Red1.5 Resumen3Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Interconectando nuestras vidasRedes en nuestro pasado y diario vivir

4Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Interconectando nuestras vidasLa Comunidad Global

5Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Interconectando nuestras vidasLas Redes en nuestro diario vivirRedes de apoyo en la manera de comunicarnosRedes de apoyo en la manera de aprenderRedes de apoyo en la manera de trabajarRedes de apoyo en la manera de jugar6Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Soporte en la comunicacinQu es la comunicacin?Un transmisor y receptor identificadoMtodo acordado de comunicacin (face-to-face, telfono, carta, fotografa)Lenguaje y gramtica comnVelocidad y tiempo de entregaConfirmacin o reconocimiento requeridoEstableciendo las reglas7Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Soporte en la comunicacinCalidad en la comunicacinCalidad de la va entre en remitente y el destinatarioNmero de veces que el mensaje debe cambiar de forma.Nmero de veces que el mensaje debe ser reenviado o redireccionado Nmero de otros mensajes siendo transmitidos simultneamente en la redCantidad de tiempo asignado para una comunicacin exitosaFactores externos que afectan el xito de la comunicacin en la red:8Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Soporte en la comunicacinFactores internos de QoSEl tamao del mensajeLa complejidad del mensajeLa importancia del mensajeFactores internos que afectan el xito de la comunicacin a traves de la red:9Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Redes ConvergentesRedes de Servicio Tradicional

10Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Redes ConvergentesPlaneando el futuro

11Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Redes FiablesSoporte en la Arquitectura de RedesTolerancia a fallasEscabilidadCalidad en el servicio (QoS)SeguridadA medida que evolucionan las redes, estamos descubriendo que hay cuatro caractersticas bsicas que las arquitecturas subyacentes deben abordar con el fin de satisfacer las expectativas de los usuarios:12Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Redes FiablesTolerancia a fallas en circuito de red conmutada

13Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Redes FiablesPaquetes Conmutados en la Red

14Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Redes FiablesEscabilidad

15Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Redes FiablesCalidad de Servicio (QoS)Time-sensitive communication, aumento de prioridad para los servicios como telefona o distribucin de videoNon time-sensitive communication, disminuye la prioridad para acceso a pginas web o correo electrnicoHigh importance to organization, aumenta la prioridad para el control de produccin o transaccin de datos en los negociosUndesirable communication, disminuye la prioridad o bloquea la actividad no deseada como P2P files sharing o entretenimiento en lneaEjemplos de toma de decisiones por prioridad para una organizacin podra incluir:16Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Redes FiablesSeguridad en la Red

17Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!LANs, WANs e InternetComponentes de una Red

Existen tres categoras de componentes de red:Dispositivos finalesDispositivos intermediariosMedios para redes18Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Componentes de una RedDispositivos Finales

Estaciones de trabajoImpresores de redServidoresLaptops19Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Componentes de una RedDispositivos FinalesTelfono VoIPTelePresence endpointCmaras IPPDALectores inalmbricos de tarjeta de dbito/crditoEscaner cdigo de barras

20Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Componentes de una RedDispositivos Intermediarios en la RedDispositivos de acceso a la red

Access Point

Switch21Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Componentes de una RedDispositivos Intermediarios en la RedDispositivos de InternetworkingRouterDispositivos de seguridad

Firewall22Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Componentes de una RedMedios para la Red

23Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Componentes de una RedDiagramas de Topologas de Red

24Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!LANs y WANsTipos de RedesLos dos tipos de infraestructura de red ms comunes son :Red de rea Local (LAN)Red de rea Amplia (WAN)Otros tipos de red incluyen:Red de rea Metropolitana (MAN)Red de rea Local Inalmbrica (WLAN)Red de rea de Almacenamiento (SAN)25Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!LANs y WANsRed de rea Local (LAN)

26Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!LANs y WANsRed de rea Amplia (WAN)

27Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!LANs y WANs e InternetEl Internet

28Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!El InternetIntranet y Extranet

29Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!LANs, WANs e InternetTecnologas de Acceso a Internet

30Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Conectndose a InternetConexin remota de usuarios a Internet

31Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Conectndose a InternetConectando negocios a Internet

32Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Tendencias en la RedNuevas tendenciasAlgunas de las principales tendencias incluyen:Traiga su propio dispositivo (BYOD Bring your own device)Colaboracin en lneaVideoLa computacin en la nube33Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Tendencias en la RedTraiga su propio dispositivo (BYOD)

34Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Tendencias en la RedConsideraciones(BYOD)

35Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Tendencias en la RedColaboracin y Consideraciones en lnea

36Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Tendencias en la RedVideo

37Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Tendencias en la RedComputacin en la nubeHay cuatro tipos primarios de nubes:Nube PblicaNube Privada Nube PersonalizadaNube Hbrida

38Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Tendencias en la RedCentro de DatosUn centro de datos es una instalacin utilizada para los sistemas de ordenador de casa y componentes asociados incluyendo:Conexiones redundantes en la comunicacin de datos Servidores virtuales de alta velocidad (a veces referido como granjas de servidores o clsteres de servidores)Sistema redundante de almacenamiento (tpicamente utiliza la tecnologa SAN)Fuentes de energa redundante o de respaldoControles de ambiente (aire acondicionado, extintor de fuego, etc.)Dispositivos de seguridad39Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Futuro de la RedSeguridad de la Red

40Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Seguridad en la RedAmenazas a la SeguridadEntre las amenazas externas ms comunes en la red estn:Virus, gusanos y caballos troyanos Spyware y AdwareAtaques zero-day, tambin llamado ataque zero-hourAtaque de Hackers Ataque de negacin de serviciosRobo e intercepcin de datosRobo de identidad41Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Seguridad en la RedSoluciones de SeguridadLos componentes de seguridad a la red a menudo incluyen:Antivirus y Anti SpywaresFiltrado FirewallSistema de Firewall dedicadoLista de Control de Acceso (ACL)Sistema de Prevencin de Intrusiones (IPS)Redes Virtuales Privadas (VPNs)42Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Arquitecturas de RedArquitecturas de Redes Cisco

43Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Arquitecturas de RedCisco Borderless Network

44Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Arquitecturas de RedArquitectura de Colaboracin

45Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Arquitecturas de RedArquitectura de Centro de Datos

46Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Arquitecturas de RedCisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

47Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Explorando la RedResumenAprendido en este captuloLas redes y el Internet han cambiado la forma de comunicarnos, aprender, trabajar y hasta jugarHay redes de distinto tamao. Pueden desde simples redes que consistan de solo dos computadoras, a redes que conecten millones de serviciosEl Internet ms grande que existe es el Internet. De hecho, el trmino Internet significa Red de Redes. El Internet provee los servicios que nos permiten conectarnos y comunicarnos con nuestros familiares, amigos, trabajo y otros.48Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Explorando la RedResumenLa infraestructura de Red es la plataforma que soporta la red. Provee el canal de estabilidad y confiabilidad sobre lo que pueda ocurrir en la comunicacin. Consta de componentes de red incluyendo dispositivos finales, dispositivo intermediarios y network media.La redes deben ser confiablesLa seguridad en la red, es parte integral en una red de computadoras, independientemente de si la red est limitada a un entorno de casa con una nica conexin a Internet, o como una corporacin grande con cientos de usuarios.49Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!Explorando la RedResumenLa infraestructura de Red puede variar mucho en trminos de tamao, nmero de usuarios y nmero y tipos de servicio que lo soportan. La infraestructura de la red debe crecer y ajustarse a las necesidades del uso de la red. La plataforma de Routing and Switching es la base de cualquier infraestructura de red.50Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!

51Slide 2 How Can I Use Packet Tracer?Here is the scenario we will use in this session:Your students need to learn how to configure an Ethernet interface on a router and then to verify the connectivity from a PC to this interface.How can you demonstrate this to the whole group?How can students practice what they have learned?How can you evaluate their ability to complete all the steps on their own?Use Packet Tracer!

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