
Post on 23-Mar-2016






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The catastrophes in Japan: The earthquake, the tsunami and the nuclear plant.

The earthquake of Japan caused 9079 deaths and more than 12600 persons were missing. The earthquake isn’t very serious because Japan is very prepared to these catastrophes, but no for tsunamis.

Eleven days after the earthquake with magnitude 9 in the Richard’s scale there are 320.000 persons evacuated.

The nuclear plant will close. The government was decided to close it when the problems with the reactor finish.

By: Luis Fernandez Poza

The area south of Encédalo, a moon of Saturn, concentrated peculiarities sufficient to draw the special attention of scientists.

It is a geologically active area, and this activity is focused on four major linear cracks 130 km long each, and a mile wide. They are called tiger stripes, and they emerge constantly pro jets of ice particles and water vapor at elevated temperatures due to internal heat Encédalo. This activity is known since 2005. Now, researchers from Cassini, the spacecraft from NASA and European Space Agency (ESA) which is observing the ringed planet and its surroundings have measured the heat energy in the south polar region of Encelado: 15.8 gigawatts, equivalent to about 20 coal-fired power plants.This means more magnitude higher than what scientists estimated.

By Luis Fernández Poza

The Karangetang

The Karangetang, one of the most active volcanoes of Indonesia, start to expulse clouds of gas and lava.

Hours after the earthquake, with magnitude 8.9, in the ritchards scale, crashed into the northeastern of Japan and causing a tsunami; the Karangetang erupted.

For a moment, the number of victims is unknow, but at this moment, the evacuation has finished. The volcano caused serious damage, but the authorities didn’t know if it is severe.

The zone is very dangerous because the volcano expulsed gas and lava.

By: Luis Fernandez Poza

THE HISTORY OF THE FERRARI The history of the Ferrari from in 1929 when Enzo Ferrari founded the scuderia Ferrari since now.

Ferrari an Italian sport car manufacturer in Maranello, Italy. Throughout its history, the company has been noted for its continued participation in racing, especially in Formula One, where it had great victories. Enzo Ferrari never intended to produce road cars when he formed Scuderia Ferrari and usually used to mean "Team Ferrari" Ferrari prepared, and successfully raced, various drivers in Alfa Romeo cars until 1938, when he was hired by Alfa Romeo to head their motor racing department.

In 1941, Alfa Romeo was confiscated by the Fascistgo Vernment of Benito Mussolini as part of the Axis Powers war effort. Enzo Ferrari's division was small enough to be unaffected by this.

Because he was prohibited by contract from racing for four years, the Scuderia briefly became Auto Avio construction of ferrari, which ostensibly produced machine tools and aircraft accessories.

The first Ferrari road car was in 1947 the 125s, powered by a 1.5 Lv12 engine; Enzo Ferrari reluctantly built and sold his automobiles to fund scuderia. The famous symbol of the Ferrari race team is the Cavallino Rampante horse black stallion on a yellow shield, usually with the letters S F for Scuderia Ferrari, with three stripes of green, white and red the Italian national colours at the top.

By: Diego Menéndez Alonso



The history of the discovery including all his launches and the missions.

Space Shuttle Discovery orbiter vehicle designation: was one of the orbiters in the Space Shuttle fleet of NASA, the space agency of the united states, and was operational from her maiden flight, on 30 August 1984 until her final landing from its 133 mission on 9 March 2011. The Space Shuttle Discovery is the NASA Orbiter Fleet leader, having flown 39 successful missions, starting from until 133, on 27 years of service, before being decommissioned last 9 March 2011.The spacecraft takes its name from four British chips of exploration named Discovery, primarily HSM dicovery, one of the ships commanded by Captain James Cook during his third and final biggest voyage, 1979. A mission from Vandenburg Air Force Base in 1986 for the United States Department of

Defense gone ahead, Discovery would have flown it.Once a Boing 747 carring the Discovery.

Mission insignies for Discovery flights has 39 insignies. The Discovery inside is an amazing.

By: Diego Menéndez Alonso

The fastest motorcycle of the world

The MTT turbine motorcycle are the fastest motorcycle in the world with a helicopter engine.

The MTT turbin motorcycle often call motorbike, also known as the Y2K Turbine SUPERBIKE, is the world's second wheel-driven motorcycle powered by a turbine engine, created by Ted McIntyreThe engines used in the motorcycle are second-hand, having reached the FAA running time limit, after which they have to be rebuilt, regardless of condition. MTT can buy these engines for a much lower price than new engines and use them on surface vehicles without requiring FAA approval.

To get around the problem of procuring the kerosene usually used in turbine engines, the engine of the bike is also able to use Diesel fuel, or even Jet- A fuel. Unlike other contemporary motorcycles, the 2001 and later models of the MTT Turbine Superbike do not have the 300 km/h speed limiting imposed by Japanese manufacturers. In 2008, MTT released the "Streetfighter," another jet-bike with a more powerful 310 kW engine. The sound of the engine is an amazing.

By: Diego Menéndez Alonso

FishesEVOLUTION Fishes originated from other cordados about the beginning of the Cambrian one. It is not known exactly where to fix their origin; the most primitive group of the known fish corresponds to the ostracodermos, from

which they get down the modern agnatos (that it understands to the lampreys and to the mixines). One of the most important evolutionary achievements was the development of jaws from the branchial gill, since it allowed to the primitive fish to be fed on major chunks, to capture dams, to crush, etc. Inside the first fish, the placodermos, jaws are considered to appear towards the end of the silúrico. The terrestrial vertebrates differed from fish of fins lobuladas, related to the celacanto or them dipnoos

DESCRIPTION The fish are aquatic animalsvertebrates, generally ecoterm, covered mainly by scales and endowed with fins, which allow its displacement in the aquatic way, and gills, with which they catch the oxygen dissolved in the water. The fish are abundant both in seawater and in fresh water, being able to be species from the creeks of mountain as well as in the deepest of the ocean. The food prepared with fish

is an important source of nutrition for the human beings. They can be fished from wild, or bred copies of a way similar to the cattle. Nowadays the so called fishing-sport becomes more popular everyday. The fish have had an important role in many cultures across the history.

By: Rebeca Manso

A Day In the circus The animals were not always artists of the circus, they never acted but through the years this changed.

In the circus

Animals are born inside the circus companies because their parents form a part of it. There are others that are included and tamed to take forward their numbers.

In general the tricks that they develop are leant through much practice.

The most common animals of the circus are:-Elephants-Lions-Tigers-Monkeys-Poneis-Dogs-Horses-Zebras-Giraffes-Panters

Abuse of the animals

The circuses are one of the maximum attractions for the small ones. These laugh and applaud which each of the artistic performances , but it is important to know that the animals are being ill-threated to make possible that the people enjoy the spectacle.

The animals of the circuses are kidnapped from their habitats or bought by dealers and they suffer cruel training with tools of punishment are included as the hull hoods that are rods that end in a hook, which is in used for calling the attention of the elephants striking them in the faces and behind their knees.The blowpipe also is used against these animals to withdraw that whole hair that they have in the loin and head in order the tamer could sit down on them without falling.

By: Rebeca Manso Fernandez

“We aren’t different, we are like you”The animals are good pets but it is necessary to give them care and attention. Many people don’t think only about his pets, think of amusing ill-treating them.

The kennel

The kennel also called” centers of control” are places where” strayed animals” are bought in vehicles. The use methods are questionable enough and the animals caught often cannot be tamed by their owners to the moment of the capture the animal was in the street. They are in the habit of being tied and manipulated by violence up to introducing them in the vehicle. They are taken to the center of canine control and are in the habit of working like anti-rabies if the animal isn’t claimed in a term from 24 to 72 hours, it will be sacrified. The animal will surffer confiremend and issolation in a better, and in the worst he will die in a extreme painful form.

Chronices of a kennel

Many people are gathering signatures to close the kennels but they know that if they want to come to the end of theirs, they must collect also money, because of it they have proposed to write a book on the topic of the mistreatment and the abandon of animals.Also there are organized strikes that manage to join million persons for a just reason. Whit the strikes only they manage to catch the attention of the mass media, and because of it they prefer doing blogs to gather signatures for internet and that the government writes a new law against the animal mistreatment.They expect the book to be ready for November 2012 but they aren’t going to continue having news of the animal mistreatment.

By Rebeca Manso Fernández


I’m going to speak all of you about many theories that people had about this idea. Really anyone knows the truth of the origen of life but there are some scientist who said that it occurred thousand million years ago.One theory is about the life in our planet started when the water was condensed by the first time. People from Aristotles to Pasteur thought that life came from the spontaneous generation (a process by which life would systematically emerge from sources other than seeds, eggs or parents)Charles Darwin explained in a letter that the oxygen produced by many living things, undermines any attempt to form life.

Aleksandr Ivanovich Oparin and J.B.S. Haldane discarded the spontaneous generation and in 1924, Oparin experimentally showed that atmospheric oxygen impeded the synthesis of organic molecules that are constituents necessary for the emergence of life. Aristotles Pasteur

Charles Darwin

Aleksandr Oparin J.B.S. Haldane

By: José Luis Cagigal Bedia

Mammals in the world We need to know some things about mammals because we are mammals and we want to understand where are we from, who are our far family, how many characteristics have we got in common with the other mammals…

We take part into the class of the mammals. Mammalia is a class of vertebrate animals, who are characterized by the possession of hair, three middle ear bones, and mammary glands functional in mothers with young. Many mammals have got specialized teeth, and the largest group of mammals, the placentals, have a placenta which feeds the baby during gestation.

Depending on classification scheme, there are approximately 5,500 species of mammals, distributed in three subclasses: the monotremes( 5 species), the marsupials (272

species) and placentals (the rest of the species). The three largest orders are Rodentia (mice, rats, porcupines, beavers, capybaras and other gnawing mammals), Chiroptera (bats), and Soricomorpha (shrews, moles and solenodons). The next three largest orders include the Carnivora (dogs, cats, weasels, bears, seals, and their relatives), the Cetartiodactyla (including the even-toed hoofed mammals and the whales) and the Primates, to which the human species belongs.

Modern mammalian orders appeared in the Palaeocene and Eocene epochs of the Palaeogene period. Phylogenetically, the clade Mammalia is defined as all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of monotremes (echidnas and platypuses) and marsupials and placentals.

We can see that mammals are adapted to their habitats and they evolution by different forms and weight. Two examples of the differences of the evolution are the blue whale (160 tons) and the

pig snout bat of Kitty (2g).

There are 80 million times of


By José Luis Caigal Bedia

The theory of the evolution of DarwinCharles Darwin (1809-1882) was an English naturalist who defended the idea of all the living things evolutioned along time from a common ancestor by the natural selection (the characteristics of the living things depend of the good or bad conditions of their environment.Darwin studied different species of animals and plants around the world in a sea travel. He looked for wild life and fossils who he recollected in his travel in the HMS Beagle. Charles investigated about species transmutation.

Charles Darwin wrote many books as: -Origin of Species

-Voyage of the Beagle-Descent of Man

-Zoology of the Beagle

He published many books and articles and from 1930 to today, natural selection

is the elementary explanation of the evolution process and now it formed the base of modern evolutionary synthesis. Darwin’s HMS Beagle travel

Charles Robert Darwin

By: José Luis Cagigal Bedia

Jaimito was in the classroom with  their peers, as the teacher did not come and all the students began to fuss. When the teacher  arrived, she saw the mess that there was and began to question the children.-Juanita, what are you doing?-I am drawing on the board.-Pedrito,  and you, what did you do?-I threw my desk on the floor.-Jaimito, and you, what did you do?-I threw serpentine out of the window.-Wow, learn from Jaimito, he is not a brat like you.A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door  and a girl came in, the teacher asked:-What is your name? -My name is Serpentine.What is the most dangerous pencil?lapiztolaThe teacher told the students their marks: -Luisito:  ten.-Pedrito: eight. -Juanito six.-Jaimito:zero.-Hey teacher, Why do I get zero?-Because you copied  Pedrito’s review.-And how do you know?-First, four answers are the same, and the last question Pedrito said: "That, I do not know it"and you wrote: "Me


By: Luis Fernandez Poza

A plane which flew from Brazil

to France disappeared.The 1st of June 2009, 228 persons died in the plane which travelled from Brazil to France. Some people searched to find survivors,but they only found some bodies and parts of the plane in the background of the water. They didn´t find the black boxes. They are planning to do one more search expedition that will cost about 9 million euros.

By: Diego Menendez Alonso

PontevedraIt’s situated in Galicia. It’s a fantastic place for

a holiday and live and it’s an excellent place for enjoy the nature.There aren’t many cities but there are a lot of villages. In Pontevedra there are beautiful beaches and islands like the Cies and Ons. You can do canoing and sailing in sailing boats. There are a lot of seagulls on the beaches and, in the mountain, you can see a lot of wild animals and trees. You can see a lot of stars at night because the sky is clean. You can see the moon who is always clear.By: Luis Fernandez Poza

Cabarceno zoo and villageIt’s situated in Cantabria. It’s a fantastic place for visiting one of the biggest zoos in Spain and enjoy one day of our holidays.Apart of the zoo, Cabarceno is the name of the village that is situated next to the zoo. The zoo is formed by many

mountains, some lakes, long caves, a mountain called “El Mirador del Rubí” where you can see Santander and many other villages and cities…One of the best parts to visit is the farm where there are the same animals as you can find in a real farm and other animals that are very small as rabbits. You also can visit the reptile area where there are many reptiles as turtles, tortoises, snakes…Opposite the reptile area there is a restaurant where you can eat or relax. Also there is the acuatic lions show. In summer there are a lot of people that sax it.You can see the rapaces birds show. The birds past on your head and is very exciting. Apart of the shows you can see many animals in all the places of the zoo. You can see bears, lions, tigers, gorillas, elephants…Is very funny to past a day in Cabarceno.

By: José Luis Cagigal Bedia

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