cathedral news: october 2011

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Anne Roberts is inducted into the St. Katharine Drexel society. Martin & Helen Reidy receive the 2011 Jim Foley service award.


CCCATHEDRALATHEDRALATHEDRAL N N NEWSEWSEWS October 2011 Volume 17 Issue 2 Tulsa, Oklahoma

Holy Family

Anne Roberts honored at School Auction

Photo: Cathy Nelson

Photo: Cathy Nelson

Dear People of Holy Family:

With the coming of October our newly

ordained Father Michael Pratt returns to

Rome to complete his studies at the

Pope John Paul Il Institute for Family

Studies. At the conclusion of his studies

he will return to the Diocese and serve in

one of the parishes as the Associate

Pastor. Certainly his time with us has

been most beneficial to us. We have not

had one so young since Fr. Michael

Dodd and Father Matthew Gerlach. Just

having him around the rectory has been

a real joy. His enthusiasm for his priest-

hood and his gentle manner has been

good for us. He also claims that his time

with us has been good for him. He says

that he has a much greater knowledge of

his role as Confessor and Celebrant of

the Mass. So I guess we have been truly

good for him. I am sure we all wish him

well and many blessings in his coming

year in Rome.

The school Auction and Dinner went

well. It gave us a great opportunity to

Sincerely in the Holy Family,

Msgr. Gregory A. Gier


Identification Statement: The Cathedral News Issue 1 August 2011 (USPS 022-729) is published 10 x per year (monthly, except for June and July) by Holy Family Cathedral at 122 W 8th St., Tulsa OK 74119-1402. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CA-

THEDRAL NEWS, PO BOX 3204, Tulsa, OK 74101-3204.

thank Anne Roberts and the Friends of

Catholic Education for their tremendous

work in support of our Catholic Schools.

Without people like Anne and her Board

of Directors our Catholic Schools would

not be able to assist the many children

they serve. So once again I say Thank

You to them and appreciate all that they

do for us at Holy Family Cathedral

School as well as Saints Peter and Paul,

St. Catherine and the preschool at St.


On the cover of our Cathedral News

you see a picture of our honoree Anne

Roberts along with me and one of the

great women of the Church in the city of

Tulsa, Sister Jacinta Dorado, OSB. Sis-

ter represents the great dedication and

service given to us in Tulsa by her Bene-

dictine Sisters at St. Joseph Monastery.

It would be hard to evaluate the

depth of the debt we in Tulsa owe

to the women of her community

for their service to our children.

A Word from the Rector

Cathedral News deadlines: Please submit articles and announcements to the Cathedral News by the 15th of the month. Email or send your article to Mike Malcom at the parish office.

Notes from the Knightstand BY MARTIN REIDY

sephone will spend one third of the

year in the Underworld.

Now, Demeter is the goddess of the

crop, the harvest, - have what you

may. So, Demeter goes into mourning

for four months (winter) until Perseph-

one is allowed to come back (spring).

Now for St. Michael: The Church, in

its wisdom, took on this sometimes

riotous harvest celebration and named

it Michaelmas from the passage of

John 12:7 where he cast the dragon

into the earth. Now the dragon can

also be understood as being Ahrimanic

- the Persian god of Darkness (winter,

again!). So, Michael, with his flaming

sword, drives evil (the devil) into Hell

(the Underworld) with life brought back

into the world at spring (the Resurrec-

tion/Rebirth of Christ in Spring/Easter),

Michaelmas, in the Middle Ages, was a

well celebrated feast but has lapsed

into obscurity-probably because the

commercial world has not found a way

to capitalize on it. But for all of you who

did celebrate the feast on Sept. 29th

know that you join in on one of the

world's oldest celebrations - if not the


Now to dust up odds and ends: a

THANKS! to Fred Barnes for the 50

odd caps (new) that he donated to the

Day Center in August for the hatless

homeless - and were they ever appre-

ciated (remember 113 deg. heat?)!

Also, our apologies to those who

missed out on the sausage at Septem-

ber's pancake breakfast. While we

planned for a crowd we did not plan on

a multitude! Seems that there was a

parents meeting of some sort called by

those in power and everyone but us

Knights knew about it! Finally, I thank

Monsignor Gier and all the unknown

deliberators who selected my wife,

Helen. & myself for the Jim Foley

Award for 2011. It is, indeed, an honor

to which we will persevere to attain the

standards set forth there on. Now,

while no coin of the realm accompa-

nied the award it is our understanding

that riches await us in heaven - such

remuneration known, in some circles,

as the Eternal Income Retirement Plan

- IF one fulfills all the terms of the con-



Come Demeter now and with her-Fall! Reap the meadows for Harvest Ball! But enjoy the moment- this weather mild for soon Demeter will lose her child! As Autumn‘s end is soon to be- for to Hades goes Persephone!

Indeed! It appears that the Fall sea-

son is upon us and what a welcome

relief following a parching drought and

summer's punishing heat! I am not

conversant whether or not there is a

crop to reap given the drought in the

midwest which calls into question

whether or not there will be a Harvest

Ball. In the mist of time the harvesting,

or Fall, season was a time for much

merrymaking for the farmer's lot was

an arduous one - definitely one of

manual labor.

And that brings us to the Feast of

Michaelmas - also known as the Feast

of Michael and all the Angels. Hades,

brother of Zeus, and god of the Under-

world lost his heart (and some say his

good sense!) over the daughter of De-

meter who is Persephone and who is

also the niece of Hades as Perseph-

one's father was Zeus! So, Hades

talked Zeus into a devious plot to kid-

nap Persephone and take her to the

Underworld - but he failed to reckon

with Demeter! Demeter went looking

for Persephone and wanted her back -

no buts about it! So Zeus arbitrates

this dilemma and it is agreed that Per-

Holy Family Cathedral School

held their Annual Auction on Sep-

tember 10th. The Auction was on

the eve of Holy Family Cathedral

School’s 112th birthday.

Holy Family was proud to honor

Anne Roberts and Friends of

Catholic Education by inducting

them into the St. Katharine Drexel


The Auction was a huge success

raising nearly $30,000 towards the

school endowment. Thank you to

everyone who supported our


Religious Education Fall FestivalReligious Education Fall Festival

Mark your calendar now for Sunday, November 6, Mark your calendar now for Sunday, November 6,

2011 11:30 2011 11:30 -- 1:00. We will have having our annual 1:00. We will have having our annual

Fall Festival for religious education students and Fall Festival for religious education students and

their families.their families.

Plan to join us for fun and food!Plan to join us for fun and food!

The HFC Women’s Club will have a

meeting on October 6 following the

noon Mass in the Halpine Room. Main

dish is spaghetti and meatballs. Please

bring a side dish or dessert. RSVP to

Nancy, 918-508-9800.

Deacon Jerry Mattox’s weekly Bible

Study is focusing on Genesis and

Church History. It is open to all parish-

ioners and meets at 7:00 p.m. every

Thursday in the Halpine Room.

October 15 to November 13: The Ca-

thedral Women’s Club and the Council

of Catholic Women are collecting new

gloves, mittens, scarves, and anything

warm for children and adults in need.

Look for boxes at the south and east

doors. All donations will go to Catholic


Bishop Kelley High School, grades 9-

12, will administer the Placement Test

for incoming 9th graders for the

2012/2013 academic school year on

November 5th. The test fee of $20 is

payable at the time of testing, but pre-

registration is required. A question/

answer session for parents will also be

given at 8:00 a.m. in the Student Com-

mons. Pre-register for the test at under Admissions.

For more information, contact Jane

Oberste at Bishop Kelley at 918-609-


The 40 Days for Life campaign is hap-

pening now to Nov. 6 at the Garden of

Hope. Registration for an hour of

prayer at the Garden of Hope is avail-

able online at

Tulsa. Questions? Call 918-307-4940

or 918-307-4939 or email

October 21-23, Married couples: Want

to give a gift that keeps on giving?

Register for the next Worldwide Mar-

riage Encounter Weekend. It’s the

best gift you’ll ever give to your hus-

band or wife, and your marriage! Early

registration is highly recommended.

Contact Rick and Bev Feller at 405-

323-9119,, or visit

Natural Family Planning: No devices.

No drugs. What freedom! Natural fam-

ily planning classes in the sympto-

thermal method start Oct. 9 at St. Fran-

cis Hospital South. Registration is re-

quired at Call Dan or

Julianne O'Brien at 918-279-8610 for

more information.

First Thursday Literary Society:

Good literature has always been a part

of Catholic Culture. Join us once a

month for a discussion of these works

of fiction largely written by Roman

Catholics, and all dealing with the cen-

tral themes of faith, the human condi-

tion, incarnation, sacrament, redemp-

tion, the struggle between good and

evil, and sin and grace. A brief intro-

duction to the author will be followed

by a moderated conversation on the

book and its insights on faith and life.

Read the book and join the discussion

or just sit in and listen for fun. This

class (The Power and the Glory by

Graham Greene) will be taught by Ma-

son Beecroft, Rod Treat and Joey

Spencer on Oct 6, 7-8:30pm at the

Chancery Office, “B” Building, 12300

E. 91st St., Broken Arrow. To register

for any of these classes, contact the

PSI Office at

or call 918-307-4941.

Upcoming Events

Holy Family Cathedral

P.O. Box 3204

Tulsa, OK 74101-3204

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