catechism of the catholic church de guadalupe!’ …compendium of the catechism of the catholic...

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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CHAPLAIN’S reports e P t e m b e r 2 0 1 1 � v o l u m e 4 � n u m b e r 9 � w w w . k o f C . o r g / C h a P l a i n s

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS In Service to One. In Service to Al l .

l e a r n i n g t h e f a i t h , l i v i n g t h e f a i t h � 1 C o l u m b u s P l a z a , n e w h a v e n , C t 0 6 5 1 0 - 3 3 2 6 , u s a

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A t the conclusion of our study of theCompendium of the Catechism of the

Catholic Church, let us examine again the purpose of this project. Simply put, the seriesaimed to help Knights of Columbus and theirfamilies grow in understanding of the faith andto engage in the new evangelization. After all,a genuine understanding of the Church’s faithenables us to read Scripture with greater insightand to share more deeply in the Mass and thesacraments. It helps us live according to theGospel and guides us in the ways of prayer.

By knowing, loving and living the faith, weare better prepared to invite others to return home to Christ and the Church and arebetter able to attract those searching for thefullness of truth. We thereby impact individuallives and build up the Church as the Body ofChrist, transforming our culture from within.

Yet, all these goals will elude us unless westep back to look at the faith, not just in itscomponent parts, but as a whole.

Bishop William E. LoriSupreme Chaplain

THIS MONTH’S TOPIC: (Based on the Compendium of theCatechism of the Catholic Church)



SEE CateChism, PAGE 2

New Marian Prayer Program Opens

A new Knights of Columbus MarianPrayer Program dedicated to Our Lady

of Guadalupe was launched Aug. 3 at theSupreme Convention in Denver. The prayerprogram will continue through next year,when the second International GuadalupeFestival will be held in the Los Angeles Coliseum a few days before the 2012Supreme Convention.

At the end of the Wednesday morningMass, state deputies from each of the Order’s72 jurisdictions received specially preparedframed images of Our Lady of Guadalupefor use in the prayer program. The images

have unique features: they were touched tothe original tilma of St. Juan Diego, whichbears the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe,and were blessed by Pope Benedict XVI inRome. In addition, each image is sealed withsoil from Mexico’s Tepeyac hill, where theVirgin of Guadalupe appeared.

Hundreds of similar images of Our Ladyof Guadalupe will be sent from the SupremeCouncil to each jurisdiction for the MarianPrayer Program.

Local councils will sponsor prayer servicesin parish churches and other locations beforesending the image to neighboring councils.At the end of the program, most of theOrder’s 14,000 councils will have receivedand prayed with theGuadalupe images.

‘Viva la Virgende Guadalupe!’

The ‘four pillars’ of faith presented in the Catechism areinterconnected parts of a whole


THE MYSTERY OF FAITHIf our faith was simply a long checklist of unrelated items to be believedand acted upon, then it would be burdensome. As it is, far too manypeople see the faith in this way. But by presenting the “four pillars” ofthe faith, the Catechism of theCatholic Church and its Compendium show us how all aspects of the Church’s faith are interrelated in truth and beauty.

What we believe (the Professionof the Christian Faith) gives rise tohow we worship as a Church (theCelebration of the Christian Mystery), and to how we live (Lifein Christ) and pray (ChristianPrayer).

Far more than an onerous checklist, Christianity is a way oflife. It sheds the light and beauty ofGod’s truth on why we were cre-ated, who we are, how we shouldlive and what our ultimate destinyis. As the Second Vatican Councilsaid so profoundly, “In reality, it isonly in the mystery of the Wordmade flesh that the mystery of mantruly becomes clear” (Gaudium etSpes, 22).

To clarify this point, I would liketo borrow an idea from the title of abook by the late Swiss theologianHans Urs von Balthasar: Truth isSymphonic. The Church’s faithmight be compared with a beautiful symphony. Often, eachmovement of a symphony has a leit-motif, a fundamental musicaltheme that recurs with variations. Sometimes the theme is played softly,sometimes dramatically, sometimes jarringly, but the ears of an attentiveand informed listener can pick up the theme, absorb it, participate in it,and come away with a unified sense of the genius of the composer andhis composition.

The fundamental theme, or leitmotif, of the Church’s faith is what St.Paul refers to as “the mystery” — the plan of creation and redemptionthat the Triune God, shrouded in glory, set into motion. God is love,and he created the world so that human beings, created in his imageand likeness, could enter into a communion of love with him. However, after we had estranged ourselves from him and from one another through sin, God revealed himself to the chosen people. From

this people, he chose Mary, who became the earthly mother of God’s divine Son.

GOD’S PLAN AND OUR RESPONSEBy his preaching and miracles, and ultimately by giving his life for usand in rising triumphant from the dead, Jesus revealed that the Father’s

love, for which we were created, isstronger than sin and death. Jesus established the Church so that, inthe power of the Holy Spirit, wecould share in his redeeming loveuntil the end of time.

This mystery is God’s masterpiece in which the greatthemes of creation and redemptionsound in harmony. Here the love ofan eternal God and the meaning ofhuman history are given voice. Asthis mystery unfolds in human history, it is full of drama and diversity, and rife with the discordant notes of human infidelity. But the love of God always prevails.

By catching sight of God’s planof creation and redemption, we alsosee how Scripture and sacred tradition speak in human termswith one divine voice; we see theunity of the Scripture itself; and wegrasp how both faith and reason liftup the human spirit. So, too, weperceive how our worship in theMass and the sacraments is like a counterpoint, a graced response tothe gift of God’s love.

In the same way, Christianmorality is not merely a jumble ofrules like random notes on a

musical score, but is rather the coherent way in which the theme ofChrist’s goodness and love is to resonate in our intentions, decisionsand actions. Finally, in Christian prayer, we are given the grace to re-spond, intimately and personally, to Christ’s love echoing in the depthsof our being.

The faith of the Church is indeed unified, true, beautiful, good andlife-giving. Let us, the Knights of Columbus, stand united in love inproclaiming and living the faith for the glory of God, for the salvationof our souls and for the good of the Church and the world.

M E M B E R S H I P I N T H E K N I G H T S O F C O LUM B U S is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing)

Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of

faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.

CateChism, FROM PAGE 1

This is the 40th and final installment of Supreme Chaplain Bishop William E.

Lori’s faith formation program on the Compendium of the Catechism of the

Catholic Church. Archived articles are at


To Provide Moral andSpiritual Leadership

W e have just returned from the 129thSupreme Convention in Denver. As

always, the few days were packed with profound liturgical celebrations, inspiringhomilies and talks, animated meetings, renewing of old friendships, and, yes, somehappy times spent together.

I will reserve comment on our chaplainsmeeting held at the convention for nextmonth’s edition to allow more space for theideas covered in that meeting. What I wouldlike to communicate to you this month is theresolution that was adopted and needs to beput into immediate effect at all council meet-ings.

Herewith the exact wording:


WHEREAS, the Knights of Columbuswas founded by an exemplary parish priest,pastor, and spiritual leader, Venerable Servantof God Michael McGivney; and

WHEREAS , the Knights of Columbus hasalways stood in solidarity with our Priests andBishops; and

WHEREAS , Knights of Columbus Councils have been blessed since the founding of the Order in 1882 to have thousands of priests serve as Council Chaplains, providing moral and spiritualleadership and catechesis to generations ofKnights and their families; and

WHEREAS , members of the Knights ofColumbus are mindful that their CouncilChaplains have numerous demands upontheir time, including liturgical, pastoral, andadministrative responsibilities and duties; and

WHEREAS , even with such numerous demands upon their time, our Council Chaplains often go out of their way to attendcouncil meetings for the purpose of providing

moral and spiritual guidance and catecheticalinstruction to the members; and

WHEREAS , Section 125 of the Laws ofthe Knights of Columbus establishes theChaplain’s Report as Item No. 13 in the Orderof Business for a council meeting, which is inthe middle of the meeting; and

WHEREAS , in light of their other responsibilities and duties, it may be difficultor inconvenient for Council Chaplains to attend an entire council meeting or to waituntil the middle of the meeting to address themembers of the council regarding moral, spiritual, or catechetical matters;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED , that to enhance the Chaplain’s participation in council meetingsto provide moral and spiritual leadership andcatechetical instruction, Section 125 of theLaws of the Order shall be revised so that aChaplain’s Message is designated as Item No.7 in the Order of Business, replacing theChaplain’s Report, and preceding the Readingof the Minutes of the Previous Meeting; and

FURTHER RESOLVED , that we callupon our brother Knights to recognize and accommodate the time commitments of ourbeloved priests by allowing the Council Chaplain to provide his message at the beginning of the meeting, as described above,or at any other time during the meeting asmay best fit the schedule of the Chaplain.

I took the liberty above to highlight and underline one section, as it contains the reso-lution’s desired impact on the council meetingagenda. There are two fundamental changes.One is that the item is now entitled the“Chaplain’s Message,” and the other is that itis being brought forward as No. 7 on theagenda.

The reason for this major change is, as theresolution says, “for the purpose of providingmoral and spiritual guidance and catecheticalinstruction to the members.” Much has beenwritten on this topic in previous editions oftheChaplain’s Report. The time has now cometo put it into effect.

A note of urgency to all state and localchaplains, state deputies, district deputies andand Knights — please implement thesechanges and ensure that our brothers’ desire

Father John P.Grace, O.S.A.Director of Chaplain Programs & Development

Chaplains Play anImportant Role The more than 75 bishops

and priests who gathered for

the Supreme Convention’s

Chaplains Meeting on

Monday heard an opening

address from Supreme

Knight Carl Anderson about the important role

they play in the life of the Order on the state and

local levels. The chaplain must become more of

an integral part of the local council meeting and

his contribution should be welcomed by all

Knights, the supreme knight said. The long-term

commitment by the Order to enrich the

catechetical and faith formation of members must

be led by council chaplains. “This means a greater

interaction with our priests,” he explained. The

meeting was chaired by Supreme Chaplain Bishop

William E. Lori, and Father John Grace, O.S.A.,

director of the chaplains program, encouraged the

state chaplains attending to pass the word on to

the local councils within their jurisdictions on the

need for chaplains to be involved in their councils.

More details on this meeting will be featured in the

October issue of ChaplainÕs Newsletter.

Cardinal Burke KeynoteSpeaker at States Dinner Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, prefect of the

Vatican’s Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic

Signatura, the Church’s highest court, delivered

the keynote address at the Supreme Convention’s

States Dinner.

Drawing from the theme of

the convention, “So That the

World May Know New

Hope,” Cardinal Burke

spoke about Blessed John

Paul II’s heroic life and

witness, and quoted

extensively from the late

pope’s apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in America,

from which the words of the convention theme

were taken. Outlining the essence of the new

evangelization proclaimed by John Paul II and

carried on by Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Burke

urged the Knights of Columbus to continue its

support of the Church, its extensive works of

charity, its formation of laypersons and families in

the Catholic faith and its efforts to build a

civilization of love and life.

He has been a member of the Knights of

Columbus for 36 years and addressed the diners

as “brother Knights,” and he thanked the Order for

its continued solidarity with bishops and priests.

The annual States Dinner was a festive gathering

of hundreds of delegates and their wives. On the

dais were dozens of cardinals, archbishops and

bishops who joined Supreme Knight Carl Ander-

son and other members of the Order’s Board of

Directors and their wives.

SEE Resolution PAGE 4

CHAPLAIN’Sreport1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510-3326


Encourage Membership in the Father McGivney Guild

H onor our founder by encouraging Knights, their families and oth-ers to join the Father Michael J. McGivney Guild. The guild

serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality ofFather McGivney. The guild distributes informational materials abouthim, receives reports of favors granted through his intercession and over-sees the distribution of relics. Guild members receive regular updates onthe progress of Father McGivney’s cause for canonization and are invitedto participate in promoting devotion to this Servant of God. Members ofthe Knights of Columbus are not automatically guild members and mustelect to join the guild. The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild Newslet-ter is published bimonthly except July—August, and is sent free to guildmembers. To join the guild go to or write to theaddress below.Requests for information about Father McGivney, materials regarding

his cause for canonization and accounts of any favors received through hisintercession can be directed to The Father McGivney Guild, 1 Colum-bus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510-3326. In addition, ask your council to distribute Father McGivney prayer

cards (#2617) available in English, French or Spanish from the SupremeCouncil Supply Department at no cost. Copies of The Life and Legacyof Father McGivney booklet (#2045) are also available in limited quan-tities. To order items please contact the Supreme Council Supply De-partment by using a Requisition Form (#1). Also, at a council meeting or event encourage the showing of the 16-

minute production The Life and Legacy of Father McGivney. This pro-duction, available at no charge except $3 for shipping and handling fromthe Department of Fraternal Services, must be ordered at least four weeksbefore the intended show date. It can also be downloaded by

for spirituality and faith formation is adequately met at every councilmeeting. Remember that this is not just the whim of any individual. Itis a formal resolution, proposed to the Board of Directors and adopted bythe delegates at the 129th Supreme Convention.

May the good Lord grant that it may have the desired attention and effect — that all our members may have the spirituality and faith

formation to be in fact the “strong right arm of the church.”

God bless and keep you all.



JOHN.GRACE@KOFC.ORG(203) 752-4263

Painting of father mcgivney by antonella Cappuccio

Resolution, FROM PAGE 3

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