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Hindawi Publishing CorporationCase Reports in MedicineVolume 2009, Article ID 379578, 4 pagesdoi:10.1155/2009/379578

Case Report

Colonic Endometriosis Mimicking Colon Cancer ona Virtual Colonoscopy Study: A Potential Pitfall in Diagnosis

Jonathan D. Samet,1 Karen M. Horton,2 Elliot K. Fishman,2 and Ralph H. Hruban3

1 Department of Radiology, Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation, Chicago, IL 60611, USA2 Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD 21287-0801, USA3 Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Karen M. Horton,

Received 17 June 2009; Accepted 18 September 2009

Recommended by Dirk Beyersdorff

Colonic endometriosis has been reported in the literature to mimic colon cancer. Patients can present with symptoms almostidentical to colon cancer. We present an exemplary case of a woman who was found to have a mass on conventional colonoscopy.Virtual colonoscopy was instrumental in characterizing the obstructive sigmoid mass. A biopsy of the mass revealed sigmoidendometriosis.

Copyright © 2009 Jonathan D. Samet et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

1. Introduction

Colonic endometriosis mimicking adenocarcinoma of thecolon is a puzzling scenario for the clinician. Case reportsare scattered throughout the literature describing this phe-nomenon [1–7]. The patient’s symptoms can be similarto colon cancer, with rectal bleeding, change in bowelhabits, and even bowel obstruction. We present a case ofa woman referred for virtual colonoscopy after a conven-tional colonoscopy revealed an obstructing sigmoid mass,a presumed colon cancer. Subsequent biopsy and surgicalpathology revealed endometriosis.

2. Case Report

The patient is a 51-year-old female who presented with aseveral week history of change in bowel habits, an episodeof blood per rectum, and abdominal pain. She denied anyweight loss, or change in appetite. Her past medical historywas significant for a remote history of endometriosis withinfertility and chronic hepatitis B infection. She underwentelective outpatient colonoscopy, which revealed a sigmoidcolon mass causing marked stenosis. The colonoscopist wasunable to pass the lesion. Biopsies were taken. The patientwas then sent down to CT for a virtual colonoscopy to better

evaluate the mass and also to image the remainder of thecolon as well as to stage the presumed colon cancer. Giventhe high suspicion of colon cancer, the virtual colonoscopywas performed using IV contrast. Despite the remote historyof endometriosis, it was not initially considered in thedifferential diagnosis.

The virtual colonoscopy revealed an apple-core lesionin the sigmoid colon as well as a segment of thickeningand nodularity in the left colon. The biopsies taken duringthe colonoscopy revealed endometriosis. Seven days later,the patient was taken to surgery due to the obstruction. A3 cm mass was found in surgery that was adherent to thebladder and the sigmoid colon. The specimen was sent topathology which confirmed that it was endometriosis withhyperplasia involving the full thickness of the bowel wallwith no evidence of malignancy. Of note, there were severalbenign lymph nodes, one with associated endometriosis.

3. Discussion

Endometriosis is defined as the aberrant location of endome-trial tissue. It has a variably reported prevalence due to thedifficulty of diagnosis and select groups that are studied.Estimates range from about 5 to 10% of woman of childbearing age [8]. Because endometrial tissue is fed by ovarian

2 Case Reports in Medicine

(a) Axial image from virtual colonoscopydemonstrates sigmoid mass (arrows)

(b) Coronal multiplanar reconstruction demon-strates the mass (short arrows) and its relation-ship to the bladder (long arrow)




(c) Endoluminal fly through view shows markednarrowing of the sigmoid lumen (arrow) as well asthe lobular mass (∗)

Figure 1

(a) Axial image from virtual colonoscopydemonstrates a segmental area of thickening(arrows) in the descending colon



(b) Endoluminal fly through view shows stenosisand thickening of the segment of descending colonidentified on the axial view

Figure 2

hormones, endometriosis is rare in pre- and postmenopausalwomen, but there are reports of it [9]. When looking atwoman undergoing major gynecologic surgery for variousreasons, 1% was found to have endometriosis. When lookingat women who undergoes laparoscopy for chronic pelvicpain, the frequency increases to 12–32% [10–12].

The pathogenesis of endometriosis has been controver-sial. The implantation theory says that endometrial tissuethat is shed during menstruation refluxes into the fallopiantubes and occasionally out into the peritoneum. This theoryfits with the fact that the implants closest to the uterus aremore common; whereas, the implants in other organ systemsare rare.

Endometriosis is often classified as either pelvic orextrapelvic in location. In patients with pelvic endometriosis,endometrial tissue is confined to the fallopian tubes, ovaries,and nearby pelvic peritoneum [8]. The classic triad ofsymptoms is dyspareunia, dsymenorrhea, and infertility.Symptoms are said to relapse and remit in accordance withthe menstrual cycle, but this only occurs in about 40%of patients [8]. Extrapelvic endometriosis can be locatedvirtually anywhere else in the body, including involvementof the intestines, urinary system, skin, brain, muscles, lungs,

Case Reports in Medicine 3

(a) Endometriosis (long arrows on left) extend-ing to involve the epithelium of the colon (shortarrows on right)

(b) Endometriosis (arrows) involving the mus-cularis propria of the bowel. Note the char-acteristic stroma associated with the glandularepithelium

Figure 3

liver, gallbladder, and even the heart [8]. The vast majorityof extrapelvic endometriosis is in the rectum and sigmoidcolon, accounting for about 95% [8]. The median age atthe time of diagnosis is between 34 and 40 years [8], withup to seven percent of intestinal endometriosis reported inpostmenopausal women [13]. Our patient presented to usat 51 years old with symptomatic sigmoid endometriosis.She was perimenopausal at the time of diagnosis. Intestinalimplants of endometrial tissue are usually asymptomaticand clinically not worrisome. When intestinal endometriallesions sometimes do cause symptoms, there can be widevariety of gastrointestinal symptoms including, dyschezia,blood per rectum, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, andabdominal pain.

Diagnosis of intestinal endometriosis is difficult and asdemonstrated by this case and others can be confused withother more serious lesions such as colon cancer, but thereare a few defining characteristics. By nature of its proposedevolution, endometrial tissue usually involves the outer wallsof the colon such as the serosal layer or submucosa. Alesion that penetrates the mucosa is less likely to be anendometrial lesion [14, 15]. For this reason, colonoscopycan easily miss a colonic endometrioma. However, in ourcase, the full thickness of the bowel wall was involved.Because the lumen of sigmoid bowel was so narrowed in ourpatient, a complete conventional colonoscopy examination

Figure 4: Endoscopy view showing lobular mass in the lumen ofthe sigmoid colon.

was impossible. Virtual colonoscopy helped us describe thelesion more fully and visualize the part of the colon proximalto where the endoscope could not pass. However, the CTcolonoscopy was ordered to evaluate the remainder of thecolon and to fully characterize the presumed obstructingcolon cancer. Had endometriosis been considered as apotential cause of the colonoscopy findings, MRI wouldhave been a better modality to potentially characterizeendometrial implants, while awaiting the biopsy results. CTor CT colonoscopy is not sensitive or specific in evaluatingpatients with endometriosis.

In conclusion, endometrial implants in the colon canpresent clinically identical colon cancer and should probablyhave been considered as a potential etiology of the findingson conventional colonoscopy. While endometriosis is adifficult radiologic diagnosis to make, it must be consideredin women being worked up for a colon mass when the clinicalpicture is unclear. However, biopsy is usually necessary toconfirm the diagnosis, as endometriosis can mimic coloncancer both on the conventional colonoscopy and virtualcolonoscopy, as in this paper.


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