caravans around 750 ad, under the influence of islamic peoples, northern and western africans began...

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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Around 750 AD, under the influence of Islamic peoples,

northern and western Africans began to use the camel to transport goods across this

forbidding terrain.

•Camels do several things exceptionally well: •1. carry unbelievably heavy loads •2. Go long distances and •2. keep their footing on sandy terrain.

Ghana (300-1200 AD)• Salt from North Africa was traded for

Ghana’s gold and farming produce


Timbuktu as Center for Learning

Mansa Musa, King of Mali (1312-1332 AD)

1. Visited Mecca

2. Spread Islam

3. Built Muslim houses of worship (Mosques)

5 Pillars of Islam

• 1.Allah is one true god. Muhammad is messenger

• 2. Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca

• 3. Give to poor (Almsgiving)

• 4. Travel to Mecca (Hajj) Mansa Musa?

• 5. Fast during Ramadan

Mansa Musa’s trip to Mecca (1324)

•His caravan consisted of 60,000 people

•80 camels

•4,000 pounds of gold

•12,000 servants, each carrying staffs of gold

•Mansa Musa gave away so much gold that the price of gold fell worldwide for 12 years

•Returned with a Muslim scholar and architect



Islam in Africa

• Cultural Diffusion is the exchange of goods, ideas, and customs among different cultures

Ibn Batuta

Ibn Batuta and Marco Polo

Ibn Batuta (1304-1377) African explorer

born in Morocco who traveled 75,000 miles in 44 nations

Ibn Batuta

Zimbabwe (1100-1500 AD)

1. Built 300 Walled Fortresses that cover a radius of 200 miles

2. Had as many as 18,000 inhabitants

3. Prospered from Gold Trade


Benin (1200-1500 AD)1. Created bronze statues

2. Traded slaves with Dutch

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