car industry disruption

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Disruption in the Car Industry

The Car Industry Didn't Wait for the Valley to Innovate

...and up to 80 in high-end vehicles

30 Computer Processors in a Basic Car

The Problem Is NOT a Technical One

The Challenge Is a Strategic One

Disruption Has Many Forms

Disruption of Service

Disruption of Manufacturing


The Risk is not a Tesla

Even if it is an Incredible Case of What Silicon Valley is Capable of

The Real Risk: Software is Eating the World and the Car Industry is no Exception

Once Upon a Time... There Was a Smartphone that Entered a Car

The real innovation here was the realization that consumers already had a programmable device with ever-improving high-speed connections, GPS & high-definition displays.

Apps like Waze are even social, crowdsourcing real-time traffic and road information from its users.

This Changes Consumers’ Behavior and Expectations

It is also an opportunity for some player to have a Trojan Horse strategy

“95% of cars sold today have integrated music playback and control from an iOS device, but we want to take this integration to a whole new level”

Let's take a look at Google’s self-driven car

Why Is Google Attacking This?

They Don't Care About the Car...

The Car Manufacturer Is Just a Supplier for Google

Do You Know What Happens to Suppliers?

Will the Passion for Beautiful Mechanics Protect the Manufacturer?

Introducing the Insurance Companies

Why Does Google Have this Master Plan?

It Is a Core Valley Capability: The Disruption

It is Based on a Strong Organizational Behavior

Valley Companies Have Purpose

Valley Companies Provide Autonomy

They Embody Mastery



This Three-Core Skill Spread as a Culture is Going After Everything


Better Performance

YourMechanic is a peer-to-peer car repair marketplace. We have built the world's first e-commerce for car repair (you can buy a car repair service as you buy a book from amazon). Our pricing engine has over 500M+ data points, and we are fully integrated with 80 warehouses which allows us to deliver parts next day in 96% of the zip codes.

Maybe there is a way out: The Platform Strategy

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