cannabis checklist. - · indoor cannabis growers can get their equipment from a...

Post on 14-Oct-2018






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CANNABIS CHECKLIST. All the essentials to grow cannabis easily

Cannabis Seeds with quality genetics. 3Autoflowering cannabis seed varieties. 4Photoperiod cannabis seed varieties. 4Grow location. Where will you grow your cannabis? 4Choose your cannabis grow method. 5Growing cannabis safely. 6Germinating cannabis seeds. 6The most common mistakes made by cannabis growers. 7Cannabis Nutrients. 7Growing cannabis outdoors. 8


Passion Fruit®

CANNABIS SEEDS WITH QUALITY GENETICS.Easy cannabis growing begins with good quality cannabis seeds. There are relatively few well established marijuana seed companies with good track records. Do your research carefully and choose cannabis seeds from a company that you can trust. There are several online cannabis seed categories to consider. Feminized autoflowering seeds and feminized photoperiod varieties are the most popular with home growers. Regular cannabis seeds (un-feminized) give rise to female and male cannabis plants in equal numbers, they are

they are popular with old-school growers and those that like to conduct their own breeding experiments. CBD-rich cannabis seeds give rise to plants with 4% (or more) Cannabidiol in the dry buds, they are increasingly popular with medical growers and some recreational growers that want a less intense psycho active experience. Additionally the best seed companies will offer proven outdoor cannabis genetics. Deciding what types of cannabis seeds will be best for you is one of the first items on your cannabis checklist.

All the essentials to grow cannabis easily

Before you start to grow cannabis its a good idea to create a checklist to ensure you have everything ready to make your cannabis growing as easy and organised as possible. After many decades of working together with home growers here are the most important items on your checklist.





These usually grow from seed to harvest in around 75 days indoors. Outdoors they tend to take 85-90 days. Autos can grow under 20 or 24 hours of daily light from seed to harvest, they grow well in any grow medium and the potency levels of the best autos are as good as photoperiod varieties.

Photoperiod cannabis varieties require daylight hours to be shortened to 12 hours in order to bloom indoors. Most growers give photoperiod feminized cannabis varieties 4-5 weeks of vegetive growth under 18 hours of daily light. Then, by reducing daylight hours from 18 to 12, the plants start to bloom and are usually ready to harvest around 9 weeks later.

GROW LOCATION. WHERE WILL YOU GROW YOUR CANNABIS?Indoors, the back garden, a greenhouse, unused urban land, in the countryside? The location for your cannabis grow will determine the plans and preparations that you need to make. It may also determine the type of cannabis seeds that you will need to buy.

Indoor cannabis growers will need to prepare an indoor grow area. Basic items on the indoor growers checklist which will be required are:

• A grow tent• An indoor grow light• Extraction fan• Carbon filter• Nutrients• Grow medium (eg soil, coco fibre etc)• Thermometer

Indoor cannabis growers can get their equipment from a local grow shop, or they can buy it easily online. A good local grow shop can be a great source of advice.

Auto Daiquiri Lime®



CHOOSE YOUR CANNABIS GROW METHOD.There are numerous ways to grow cannabis using hydroponics (soil-free) systems. Deep water culture (DWC) is one of the best, but nutrient film technique (NFT) is another. Growing in coco fibre is perhaps simpler than the more complexed hydroponics systems, and offers the chance to grow a little bigger and faster than soil. Growing cannabis in a ready-mixed specialist compost from your local grow shop is

one of the easiest ways to grow cannabis. You simply put the pre-mixed compost in a good sized container, germinate the seed and water the plant. The compost will usually have enough nutrients for the first few weeks, so you will need to buy a bottle of bloom nutrients online, or from your local grow shop. A good grow-shop will be able to provide you with all the advice and nutrients necessary for a successful grow.

Passion Fruit®

Hollands Hope®





GERMINATING CANNABIS SEEDS.The best cannabis seed companies will routinely test each batch of seeds for germination rates. Dutch Passion require seeds to have a 95%+ germination rate. Home growers can get the best

germination rates with a clear set of germination guidelines. This Dutch Passion cannabis seed germination guide shows you the best options available.

Auto Night Queen®


Electrical safety is one of the key aspects of growing indoors. Don’t overload sockets with too much power. Home growers with a single grow light have no need to worry if they buy well built products and follow the guidelines. Many online grow shops have good advice and ready-made grow packages. If you have a good local grow shop they will provide the necessary advice. Growing safely also means taking care of the grow room smell, be sure to buy a carbon filter and good quality fan to eliminate the smell of cannabis from your grow room.

THE MOST COMMON MISTAKES MADE BY CANNABIS GROWERSOver-watering and over-feeding cannabis plants are the two biggest mistakes made by home growers. Cannabis roots need oxygen to grow healthily, if the roots are sat permanently in waterlogged soil they may eventually start to rot. In a hydroponic grow system the roots are given oxygen, for example through an air pump. But in soil the roots need some oxygenation, this can occur naturally if the plants are not over watered. Over-watering slows down plant growth and produces weak plants.Over-feeding cannabis plants, and producing ‘nutrient burn’ is another common mistake made by home growers. Instead of producing bigger plants and more potent buds, over feeding your cannabis plants will have the opposite effect. The leaves will often turn brown and crispy at the tips, this is known as nutrient burn. Experienced growers know how to slowly increase the nutrient levels for their plants at different stages of growth without over-feeding them.The internet can be a great source of useful information for cannabis growers, so is a good Cannabis Grow Book, and the local grow shop can also be a great help.

Over watering, with leaves that curl down.

Nutrient burn, leaves turn brown and crispy


CANNABIS NUTRIENTS. One of the most confusing aspects of cannabis growing, especially to a new grower, is the huge selection of nutrient options. There are a large number of suppliers, and they all offer products for numerous different grow methods such as soil, coco or hydroponics.

In general, less experienced growers may find it easier to use a minimum number of nutrients. The more experienced you become, the more likely you are to get the most from using a wider range



Auto Blackberry Kush®8


CHECKLISTGrowing cannabis outdoors is easy, no matter how short your summer. The two main options for growing cannabis outdoors are feminized photoperiod seeds or feminized autoflowering seeds. Feminized photoperiod seeds often take 5-6 months outdoors, they can be grown in many areas however Northern Canada, Northern Europe and parts of South America can be challenging environments with short summers. In these places autoflowering varieties are also a good choice, usually taking just under 3 months from seed to harvest outdoors.


Grow method


Extraction fan & ducting

Carbon filter

Smoke detector

Fire extinguisher

Plant containers

Grow medium





Pots (preferably airpots or fabric bags)


Outdoor cannabis growers often start their seedlings indoors to give them good conditions while the plants are at their most vulnerable. Outdoor grown marijuana plants are often protected with slug pellets to prevent slug/snail attacks. A small fence made from garden wire is a good way to protect the plant from deer, goats and rabbits. A cannabis plant grown outdoors or in a large greenhouse can often reach 3-4 metres tall and just as wide. Remember if you are growing cannabis outdoors that you may need to dry it indoors in a drying tent.

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