can you compare your website with your guest bedroom?

Post on 19-Mar-2016






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This PDF File highlights the relation between a website and a guest bedroom, as created by


Do you think your website like the

guest bedroom in your house??

Making your website “Google Friendly” simply refers to optimse every single element on every single page

of your site. Therefore, when planning to create an online presence for your business, it is extremely

important that your site layout and content is optimized for search engines.

Do you treat your website like the guest bedroom in your house? Is it inviting and comfortable enough for the

guests to live in it. Are you considerate enough and decorate your bedroom that your guests might need?

The same thing happens with your website too. Your website also needs to be inviting and comfortable

enough for your visitors. It should look like that you have made an effort to ensure that all its given

information are quite pleasing for your visitors. Your website should look professional and should also

highlight that you are proud of your business and at the same time expects a lot of visitors at your site too.

Compare Your Homepage with the

Accessories of Your Guest Room

This is where your visitors get the first

impression after visiting your website. After

visiting the homepage, they will decide whether

to look further into your site or to hit the back


Just as the beautifully designed wallpaper being

used in the wall of your guest room, the

vacuumed carpet, the clean and fresh sheets of

your bed, fresh flowers and a pleasant color

scheme as well as the long scented curtains

that make your guests comfortable in it.

In the similar way, your homepage should be

cushy and cozy for your visitors to browse it as

long as they want. They should be able to know

what your business is what all about and what

your homepage is trying to a say in short about

your website. Thus, your website’s homepage

should be furnished in a precise paragraph with

descriptive titles and relevant images.

“Bed”==“SEO Friendly Coding”

Just as the bed acts as the backbone of your bedroom, in the same way the coding structure being

used in your website also acts as the main frame of your website.

As we know that a good mattress with clean sheets being spread on your bed definitely gets you a

comfortable sleep, similarly the codes being used in your website if applied properly definitely

makes your site SEO friendly and would help search engine bots to crawl the site properly.

For example, generally we use html codes in our website such as <br> used for line break. But

unfortunately, this is not appreciated by Google. What Google like is the use of <p> instead of

using <br> which denotes paragraphs by paragraph elements and not line breaks.

SEO Friendly coding structure

Making your website user-friendly

Are you considerate enough and leaves everything in

your room that your guest might need like shampoo,

perfumes, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.

Just as these cosmetics and toileteries are extremely

necessary and essential for your guests to stay

comfortably in the room. Similarly some points need to

be keep in mind while making your site user friendly

such as:

1.Giving required information

2. Easy navigation

3.Less page loading time and lastly

4. Easy accessibility

These four tips are also extremely important for the

visitors to feel comfortable at your site and browse it as

long as they want.

Applying great designs to your website

As we feel that a good wallpaper of your guest room or the beautiful color scheme gives a soothing and a pleasant effect to the eyes of your guests.

In the similar manner, a well designed website with good tinctures of colors as well as amazing curves of designs definitely helps the visitors to feel your website comfortable enough to stay as long as they want.

The success behind a website being successful and user-friendly lies in the design of a website. The more beautiful the design of your site is, the more visitors it will attract. Thus using responsive web design tools in your website such as Apache, Dreamweaver, Photoshop etc gives a remarkable effect on your website.

Thus, it should be keep in mind while designing a website that –

"Most value and benefit is gained in the early stages of the site’s design"

Don’t Make Your Website Congested With Links

Yes, I understand that a well decorated guest

room definitely makes your guest feel

comfortable but have you ever thought that if

your guest room is over decorated and piled

up with extra things that they might not need.

Searching for a soap, they are coming out with

different brands body shampoos but not the

perfect soap they are searching for. This may

be a problem for your guest too. Or you may

think in this way, that your guest room has got

so many night lamps as well as wall hanging

lamps, that they have to make an effort of

putting off at around ten to fifteen lamps

before going to sleep. This may turn out hectic

to them and could snatch away their sleep.

The same thinks happens with your website too. If

your website is congested with extra links, then the

visitors might not get the proper information easily.

They might get confuse at your website which

would distract their attention and would stop them

from visiting your sites once again in the future.

Thus, increasing the bounce rate of your website.

For example, if the visitors wants the “contact

page” at your site and every time time, they are

landing on “about us” page as simply they are

getting lost in the congested link pages of your

site. This may out turn out to be negative for your

site as well as for your visitors.

Use Well-Organized Site Maps

We usually guide our guests as they check-in the guest room, to make assure that they

donot find any problem to get their necessary things in the room such as towel, wardrobes

to hang up their clothes, different cosmetics and toiletries they might need. Here, we take

up the role of a guide in guiding our guests so that they find their necessary items without

much hassles.

In the similar manner, a well-organized site-map acts as the guide for your website too. It

is definitely helpful for the search engines when crawling your website to ensure they index

all your pages as well as for the visitors looking for a specific page at your website. They

can browse your sitemap and find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

Check Your Links!

Before our guest gets into the guest room,

as we usually checks whether all the

accessories in the room are working

properly. Or the necessary cosmetics are

positioned at the appropriate place or not

so that they definitely feels comfortable

after checking into the room.

Similarly, the last thing before declaring

your website as a published one is to

browse around your website and to

verify whether all your links are working

properly or not. It is very

unprofessional if your visitors find any

of the link is broken or not working. So,

these things should be taken care of

before publishing your site.

Creating A Search Bar On Your Site

Just as we keep telephone in our guest

room for any time help if they want. Like if

they are searching for any essential

appliances which they might need and

unfortunately they are not getting it at the

proper place. For this purpose only, they

can make use of the telephone and can

ring the house owner directly asking for

the particular supplementary parts they

are looking for.

Similarly, while creating a website, we can

create a search bar on our site as it is a

great way to serve up relevant contents to

the visitors if they are not getting on the

website. This has also got an analytic side

where you can directly track the searches

being made on your site and can get a

better understanding of what your website

visitors are interested in.

Contact Us

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at –

Our Corporate Office

Web Design Expert

Y8, Block - EPSector V, Salt Lake

Kolkata - 700091INDIA

Ph: +91-33-40200838

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