can mathematics be seen as anything more than a useful tool in everyday life?

Post on 30-Oct-2015






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Two opposing arguments on the usefulness of Mathematics in our daily life.


Can mathematics be seen as anything more than a useful tool in everyday life?YesOn a macro-perspective, Mathematics is an essential facet of our world with applications that transcends a whole spectrum of disciplines. Modern Mathematics, especially the study of Calculus and Trigonometry, has formed the basis of Science, for the various mathematical concepts and theorems have allowed humans to perform calculations with surgical precision. This allows fine-tuning of existing technology to achieve greater efficiency. Currently, spacecrafts are using the Euler method, a procedure involving integration, to approximate curved courses under zero gravity conditions for smoother navigation in the outer space environment. Trigonometry on the other hand plays a pivotal role in Architecture, where architects use it to correctly position building structures such as roofs and pathways. Even more intriguing is how Mathematics can establish links with Nature. The phenomenon of Fibonacci numbers is seen commonly in flower petal patterns and seashell spirals. In addition, Mathematics can also be used to explain human behaviour and analyse societal trends, such as in the case of Statistics and Game Theory. The latter, in particular, looks into the subject of conflict and cooperation between humans, and was exemplified by the strategies employed by rivalling nations during the Cold War. Given the strong relevance of Mathematics in our society and world, it will be parochial to deem it as only a mere tool in our everyday lives.NoFor the common folk, Mathematics remains something that is used sparingly, because we only require the simplest of mathematical concepts to help us complete simple chores and get along with our lives. We may need to understand how to make financial-related calculations for taxation and bills, or master Arithmetic to tabulate simple sums in our head, but our use of Mathematics is by and large limited to practical purposes only. Furthermore, the proliferation of calculators and computers have even spared us the trouble of making calculations, providing us with even less reason to leverage on our mathematical skills on a daily basis. This is why Mathematics has been consigned to a bit-part role in our lives, and cannot be viewed as anything more than a useful tool.

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