camera angle shots within tv drama

Post on 03-Aug-2015






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1. Camera Angle Shots within TVDrama 2. Establishing Shot Establisheslocation Establishessetting Puts what youreseeing intocontext Establishesgenre of theTVprogramme 3. Close Up Can see all of the face Bit more information Sense of the character, begin to establish what they arewearing Reveals emotions, often used in dramatic moments 4. Mid Shot A shot that shows someone fromthe waist upSee more clearly where they areand where they are in relationto other people (if present)Key connotative meanings start to make connectionsbetween the character andtheir emotions, location andother characters 5. Point of ViewPoint of view of thepersonIdentifies what some-oneis doingSee through the eyes ofthe characterEffective in thrillersOr eyes of the murde-reretc. 6. Long ShotA shot that shows a personfrom head to toeGives us greaterunderstanding of thelocationOften used early in a sceneor when a character firstenters a sceneKey connotative meanings location and actions 7. Wide ShotUsed to show action which is happening over a large space or to showseveral people at once. Used in the middle of a scene.

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