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Cadet Handbook

Jesse Bethel High School N.J.R.O.T.CCadet HandbookFor Your Success

Use this as a guide to help you better understand the unit and as a tool for your success.

Change No.

Dates of Changes

Date of Entry


























































































*First Edition: October 12th, 2015


Jesse Bethel High School


Cadet Handbook

Table of Contents

Letter from Former C.O and Author……………………………………………..Page 1

NJROTC Background……………………………………………………………Page 2


Introduction……………………………………………………………………...Page 2

Program Goals…………………………………………………………………...Page 2

SECTION TWO (Program Information)

Classroom Procedures …………………...……………………………………... Page 3

Conduct…………………………………………………………………………..Page 4

Cadet Behavior……………...……………………………………………………Page 5

SECTION THREE (Cadet Guidelines)

Personal Relationships……………………………………………………………Page 6

Fraternization……………………………………………………………….....…Page 6

Favoritism……… ……………………………………………………….………Page 6

Discrimination…………………………………………………………………....Page 7

Sexual Harassment……………………………………………………….............Page 7

Hazing…………………………………………………………………….……...Page 8

Grooming Standards……………………………………………………………...Page 10

Uniforms………………………………………………………………………….Page 10

Discipline………………………………………………………………………….Page 11

Advancement Requirement……………………………………………………….Page 13

The NJROTC Cadet Creed………………………………………………………Page 15

General Orders to the Sentry…………………………………………………Page 16

Unit Chain of Command ....................................................................................Page 20

SECTION FOUR (Staff Organization)

Sub- Section One (Command Staff)

Commanding Officer and Executive Officer…………………………………….Page 21

Operations Officer and Supply Officer………………………………………….Page 22

Administration Officer and Training Officer…………………………………….Page 23

Sub- Section Two (Assistant Staff)

Command Chief, Personnel Officer, and Public Affairs Officer………………..Page 24

Supply Clerks, Equipment Manager, and Assistant Equipment Manager……….Page 25

Athletics Officer and Academics Officer………………………………………..Page 25

Sub- Section Three (Platoon and Team Commanders)

Platoon Commanders, MPOs, and Special Teams Commanders………………..Page 26

Watchbill Coordinator……………………………………………………………Page 26

APPENDIX (Important Forms)

Formal Acknowledgement Form……………………………………………..Appendix 1

Request to Join NJROTC…………………………………………………….Appendix 2

Requirements to Join a Special Team………………………………………...Appendix 3

Team Change Request Form…………………………………………………Appendix 4

Request for absence or non- attendance……………………………………..Appendix 5

Advancement Rubric…………………………………………………………Appendix 6

Staff Application……………………………………………………………..Appendix 7

Folder Guidelines…………………………………………………………….Appendix 8

After Action Form/ Team Grading Sheet……………………………………Appendix 9

Letter to Cadets, Present, and Future.

Dear Cadets,

My name is C/ENS David Saurers and I am, or was, the Commanding Officer of Jesse M. Bethel High School NJROTC for the 2014- 2015 school year. I, along with my incredible staff laid the basic framework of this manual right after our Annual Military Inspection, at the urging of our instructors, Lt Jackson (SNSI), and Chief Hood (NSI). It is important for you, the cadets, to continue the standard of excellence we have worked hard to achieve. Remember, this manual is a Living Document, meaning it can constantly be updated and changed. I one day hope to visit this unit and see a unit that is well developed and full of champions.

Acknowledging the Staff that made this possible:

Staff of 2014-2015

Executive Officer: C/SCPO Brandon Haber

Operations Officer: C/SR Allen Dagohoy

Supply Officer: C/SN Deanne Estigoy

Training Officer: C/SA Gregory Nelkin

Personnel Officer: C/SA Dave Calub

Public Affairs Officer: C/SA Ashley Menguito

Equipment Manager: C/SA Ezequiel Niebla

Academics Officer: C/SN Aurora Sem

Best of luck to all of you in your future endeavors, I hope you all the greatest of futures.


C/ENS David R. Saurers

In loving Memory of C/SA Calvin Knight

NJROTC Background and Unit History

The Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) program was started by congress in 1966 to help young people in our community develop as leaders and become better U.S citizens who would help to keep our nation strong. The program is open to all students who enter high school from 9th-12th grade. Upon successful completion of three years of Naval Science cadets may enlist in the armed forces as an E-3 (E-2 for the U.S. Marine Corps). Our program also offer links to the U.S Naval Academy and many other ROTC College scholarships.

Section 1


This “Cadet Handbook” contains the rules and regulations that will guide the administration and discipline of the NJROTC program in the Vallejo City Unified School District. Emphasis is placed on areas and procedures that are subject to misinterpretation as well as those that are necessary for the efficient running of our unit. All NJROTC Cadets are expected to be familiar with this “Handbook” and with the NJROTC Cadet Field Manual and to comply with the rules and regulation contained therein. Finally, this handbook is a “living document” it is your guide on how things are done, so you can recommend additions and deletions whenever you feel they will improve the unit.




The primary goal of the NJROTC Program is to develop skills and attributes that will help you face life’s many challenges. Specifically:

1. To develop informed and responsible citizens.

2. To strengthen character and self-esteem.

3. To promote understanding of our national security through historical studies.

4. To help form habits of self-discipline.

5. To develop respect of adult and peer authority.

6. To assist all who express a need for guidance.

7. To develop follower and leadership skills.

8. To promote TEAMWORK.

Section 2


All cadets will exhibit the following procedures during their assigned Naval Science class period:

1. All cadets will be in the classroom, at their assigned seats, prior to the tardy bell. Truancy will not be accepted. After the third tardy, your Aptitude grade will be reduced for each additional tardy. In NJROTC, the Aptitude grade is reflected in you academic grade. So remember –BE IN CLASS ON TIME, READY TO LEARN.

2. At the sounding of the tardy bell all cadets will stand by their seats at the position of attention until told to take their seats.

3. Cadets must sit at their assigned seats unless otherwise directed by the instructor.

4. When the period commences the MPO or designated person will take role and report to the instructor. Talking is prohibited during the role call.

5. No talking is permitted between cadets during the class period unless approved by the instructor as part of the learning experience.

6. During the class, any cadets wishing to answer or ask a question will raise their hand and wait to be called on. Do not answer with out permission.

7. When the bell rings to signal the end of the class period, the cadets will remain seated until dismissed.

The key to success in NJROTC is to be open-minded and respect each other’s right to make well thought out intelligent, comments and observations. Everyone has to contribute and will be given the opportunity to be heard without interruption. The following are intended to foster open communication and positive learning environment:

1. Be Prepared! Cadets will come to class with all necessary tools of the student’s trade: books’ manual, NJROTC notebook, paper and sharpened pencils. Preparedness also includes completing your homework assignments and being ready to contribute to everyone’s learning in class.

2. Participate! Your ideas are important and will help you and your classmates better understand our material. Your contribution is part of the TEAMWORK that is so critical to our unit’s success.

3. Be On Time! Seven minutes is not a lot of time to get from one end of our school to the other. So plan your day ahead of time so that you will not be tardy. Tardiness is disruptive to class time and will be grounds for extra duty and referrals in accordance with Jesse Bethel High School policy. There will be no delays en-route to class.

4. Cooperate! Each of you is learning to be a leader. But, being a leader requires knowing how to follow. It is important that you cooperate with your instructors and other cadets.



1. GENERAL: You represent a select group with a reputation as exceptional young Americans. This means that you should always conduct yourself in a manner that is favorable to Jesse Bethel High School, NJROTC Area 13, and the United States Navy.

2. ADDRESSING OTHER CADETS: All cadets should be addressed by their respective ranks. All cadets under C/PO3 should be addressed as “cadet” followed their last names. All Petty Officers under the rank of C/CPO should be addressed as “petty officer” followed by their last names. All enlisted cadets over C/CPO should be called by their title: “Cadet Chief, Cadet Senior Chief, or Cadet Master Chief”

3. ADDRESSING CADET OFFICERS: Cadet Officers are officers for a reason, and should be treated with respect. When addressing them, call them by their titles followed by their last names: “Cadet Lieutenant Junior Grade Smith”. Or you may simply address them as SIR/MA’AM.

4. SALUTING: A salute is a greeting. You are required to salute all cadet officers when you are both in uniform. You do not salute an enlisted cadet, unless it is called for during drill.” All cadet officers must render the proper salute to higher cadet officers.

5. ACTIVE DUTY, RESERVE, and RETIRED MILITARY PERSONNEL: Military personnel are addressed by their rank and last name. You are required to salute military officers when you are both in uniform.

6. WALKING WITH CADETS AND MILITARY PERSONNEL: When walking with a person of higher rank, always walk on their left side. Do NOT walk with your hands in your pockets, and ALWAYS have your covers on.

7. TREATMENT OF LOWER RANKING CADETS: Harassment is not tolerated in JBHS NJROTC. Any form of harassment will be reported up the chain of command. Cadets will not be embarrassed or degraded in any manner. This includes but is not limited to: Public Reprimands, Public Punishment, Forced Exercise in Public, and Teasing about Rank.

8. CALLING A GROUP TO ATTENTION: When the Principal or distinguished visitors enter the NJROTC classroom, the cadets in the room are called to attention. The first person to notice the group is responsible for calling attention. Cadets in the classroom will remain at attention until the guest tells the group to carry on.

9. COURTESIES RENDERED TO NON-CADETS: Faculty members and adults are addressed as Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss and their last names unless requested you address them in another manner. They are responded to by using yes ma’am/ sir, or no ma’am/ sir.

10. PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION: Public displays of affection are not allowed in or around the NJROTC classroom or While in uniform.

11. FOLLOWING ORDERS: All orders must be followed at all times. If an order seems unfair, report the order to the next higher Cadet on the Chain of Command.

Cadet Behavior

Cadets are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and pride throughout their school, whether they are in uniform or not. Many of you will achieve a status of leadership at some point in your time as a cadet. It is the cadet’s duty and responsibility to set the proper example for all students, and to correct NJROTC cadets who are in violation of the rules stated in this manual. These rules expected to be followed not only in the NJROTC program, but in all aspects of your lives.

1. The NSI/SNSI, all cadet officers, and any adult encountered in the performance of your NJROTC duties or in the school environment will be addressed as “Sir or Ma’am”. It is called common courtesy and it is used everywhere in the business and work world.

2. Cadets will come to the position of “ATTENTION” upon the first greeting of the SNSI, or any time a Serviceman/woman, military Officer, Principal, Vice-Principal, Counselor, or cadet officer enters the NJROTC classroom. It is the duty of the first cadet who sees these guests to call “Attention on Deck”

3. When approaching the NSI/SNSI, any school official, any commissioned officer in uniform, or cadet officer on or off campus, cadets will sound off with a loud and clear “Good Morning, sir/ma’am”, Good Afternoon, sir/ma’am”, or “Good Evening, sir/ma’am” In accordance with the rules of Service Etiquette. If out doors and in uniform (While Covered), a crisp salute will accompany the verbal greeting.

4. When the command “EYES” is given, all cadets will respond in unison, “CLEAR! SIR/MA’AM”. If the command “EYES ON ME” is given, all cadets will respond, “EYES! SIR/MA’AM”.

5. If in an informal setting, such as outside, at a meal, or just standing around, and an Officer or any other distinguished guest addresses said group of cadets, the group will come to attention until instructed otherwise.

Section 3



Fraternization is against NJROTC rules and regulations, and is against military code as well. Fraternization is defined as an inappropriate relationship between a leader and a subordinate. These relationships may be perceived as leading to favoritism. For these reasons, fraternization goes against good order and discipline. This is high school, and for that reason, we cannot restrict who you choose to be in a relationship. However fraternization will not be tolerated in or around NJROTC spaces events. If the relationship gets to be a problem, or gets in the way of performing your duties as a cadet, you will be subject to a review board or captain’s mast. If other cadets get to think you are practicing favoritism during inspection, drill, or when awarding punishment, you will not be allowed to interact with that cadet while in NJROTC situations, and may be barred from utilizing NJROTC spaces.


Favoritism can be defined as giving advantages or being lenient on any cadet more so than the rest of the corps based on friendship or relationship. Signs of favoritism:

1. The junior cadet in the relationship constantly has the, or close to the, top score on inspection days, even though their uniform may have noticeable issues with said uniform.

2. Senior cadet is usually more lenient towards the junior cadet during PT or Drill.

3. The senior cadet has a tendency to avoid awarding punishment to the junior cadet

4. Senior cadet will spend more time teaching the junior cadet and will usually be more thorough.

5. Senior cadet will have a tendency to target the cadets the junior cadet dislikes.

If you think that favoritism is being practiced, approach the senior cadet about it. If the behavior fails to change, report to the next higher cadet on the chain.


In Jesse Bethel High School NJROTC, discrimination cannot and will not be tolerated. Discrimination is against school rules, workplace rules, Naval Customs and Courtesies, and more importantly good moral conduct. Discrimination is defined as unfavorable behavior and exclusion of a particular person or group of people based solely on ethnicity, religion, height, sexual orientation, or age group. In NJROTC, we follow the same guidelines that were set forth by the United States Navy.

Sexual Harassment

In this unit, sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Not only is this against school rules, it is also against our guidelines set forth by the United States Navy. The surprising thing is that both men and women can commit sexual harassment. This can be unwanted advances, touching, or inappropriate language. There are three tiers of contact Green (acceptable), Yellow (borderline), and Red (Unacceptable).


1. Touching that in no way can be considered sexual(example, accidentally brushing elbows)

2. Counseling on military appearance; permission must be granted, however, by the cadet being inspected

3. Handshakes, high fives, knuckle bumps etc...

4. Showing concern, i.e. pat on the back, rubbing shoulder, or holding hands in a show of condolences


1. Violating personal space (lingering close enough to make the person uncomfortable)

2. Repeated requests for dates

3. Unwanted notes, or poems

4. Unwanted requested personal questions

5. Inappropriate language

6. Any behavior or possessions that are sexually suggestive

7. Sitting or gesturing sexually


1. Requests for sexual favors in return for positions or advancements

2. Threats if sexual favors are not provided

3. Sexually explicit remarks or pictures

4. Use of position or ranks to request dates

5. Obscene letters or comments

The most severe forms of sexual harassment such as sexual assault (ranging anywhere from forcefully grabbing private parts, to fondling, to forced kissing, to rape) Constitute to felony offences and will result in prosecution in a court of law.

Sexual harassment is not limited to these examples, see the instructors if you feel that you are being sexually harassed.


Hazing is morally wrong. Cadets in NJROTC are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is favorable to the Unit, School, Navy, and United States as whole. So hazing is completely against everything we stand for.

Hazing can be defined as any conduct that is violent, demeaning, or irritating towards any cadet(s) based on:



Sexual Orientation


Social Status

Position in Unit



Anyone caught hazing will be subject to disciplinary actions, those include but aren’t limited to: Review Board, C.O’s Mast, Demotion, and suspension.


Grooming Standards

Because you represent Jesse Bethel High School, your families, Vallejo,HighH the Naval Community, and The United States as a whole; you are held to a much higher standard than your peers. While we cadets will follow the standards set in the NJROTC field manual and Navy Regulations, a few items need to be emphasized in this handbook.

1. All NJROTC cadets should come to school ready and willing to learn. While proper diet and adequate sleep are recognized as physical necessities that affect alertness in class, proper grooming is more important because it instills a sense of pride and self esteem. High self esteem generally indicates a willingness to take on other challenges of new learning experiences. CADETS SHOULD MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO LOOK GOOD IN AND OUT OF UNIFORM.

2. Male cadets will remove any hats or headgear and earrings prior to entering the NJROTC spaces. In addition, they should come to class clean shaven with the exception of a neatly trimmed moustache. A conservative hairstyle that conforms to the Cadet Field Manual is mandatory. NO SAGGING PANTS!!!!

3. Female cadets should avoid revealing clothing of any sort and excessive makeup. The Cadet Field Manual provides guidelines.


Each cadet will be issued the necessary uniforms for participation in NJROTC. These uniforms are the same uniforms worn by the men and women who serve valiantly in the United States Navy. They are a symbol of our country and the finest navy in the world today. There is a long and proud history associated with our uniforms and we know you will wear your uniforms with the same pride and respect shown by the members of our naval service.

The uniforms are issued to cadets on a yearly basis for the period of time in which they are enrolled in NJROTC. They remain, however, the property of the United States Government, and the United States Navy. Uniforms must be returned to the NJROTC unit at the end of each year and/ or when the cadet leaves the unit. Uniforms are to be kept neat and in good repair. Any lost items will be reported to the Naval Science Instructors immediately. If the loss or damage is due to the cadet’s negligence, they will be expected to reimburse the government for the loss. Cadets are responsible for maintenance of the uniforms.

As part of your curriculum, you are required to wear your uniform to school all day, once a week. The day will be designated by the Instructors. Failure to do so will result in a reduction of your grade.


Discipline cannot be founded on the fear of punishment alone- such discipline seeks to compel adjustment and only arouses opposition. True discipline is based on willing cooperation, which springs from knowledge, idealism, and a sense of duty. Punishment, then, should be used as a powerful reminder to the cadet that they are acting against the interests of the unit.

The following punishments may be used if seen necessary:

Push-Ups, Jumping Jacks, Sit-Ups, and Laps are the most basic form of discipline. These are not to be used discriminately or for hazing in any fashion. The purpose of these forms of disciplinary action is to focus attention on improper behavior, correct minor infractions or lapses in concentration. They also serve to support our physical fitness program by building strength and stamina. ONLY THE NSI OR SNSI CAN AUTHORIZE PHYSICAL EXERCISE AS DISCIPLINE. Senior cadets who find it necessary to impose this kind of discipline must ensure they have NSI/SNSI permission to award punishment and perform the exercise along with the cadet. The following limits are imposed:

Push-ups: 5(female) 15(male)

Jumping Jacks: 20 All

Sit-ups: 5(female) 15 (male)

Laps: 2 (all)

Reduction in rank: Cadets who fail to demonstrate the leadership and motivation attributed with their rank will be bumped down by the NSI/SNSI. Rank is a privilege that is difficult to obtain but easy to lose.

Review Boards: Cadets who continually disrupt class after being told not to, or commit severe infractions, may be subject to a Review Board. A review board is a formal hearing similar to a Military Courts Martial. The cadet that is subject to the review board will be tried by the Operations Officer, Executive Officer, and Command Chief (If present in the unit.) The cadet will be expected to give a statement on their behalf. The effects of a review board vary but usually end in holding the cadet’s next promotion.

C.O’s Mast: Cadets who fail to improve their behavior after a review board are subject to the C.O’s Mast. The C.O’s mast is a formal hearing between the Commanding Officer and the cadet. The Commanding Officer will decide the proper disciplinary action and meet with the Instructors before imposing said punishment

Referral: Cadets who pose a disciplinary problem in class, to include flagrant disrespect toward Cadet staff, NSI, or SNSI, school rule violations, unexcused absences, etc. will be referred to the Assistant Principal or Vice Principal for appropriate school action.

Probation and Disenrollment: A cadet who consistently fails to meet academic, grooming, or disciplinary standards may be placed on probation. This action will be taken provided the deviancies are considered temporary in nature and do not present a threat to the discipline or morale of the unit. Any cadet who fails to improve after their probation, or refuses to wear the uniform will be disenrolled from the NJROTC program.


The following requirements must be met for advancement to each of the roles indicated. Written (CPS) exams will be taken only after all other requirements are completed. Time in Rate can be waved for those cadets who show exceptional aptitude and ability. Generally, failing a test will require the cadet to wait a week before retest is given. Cadet Advancement Records are to be maintained by the battalion training officer. All advancements require that cadets maintain the highest standards of uniforms appearance. All advancements require a recommendation from Company Executive Officer. The Naval Science Instructors has a final approval in regards to all promotions. A PREREQUISITE FOR ADVANCEMENT IS THAT YOU MUST HAVE GOOD ATTENDANCE.

E-2: C/Seamen Apprentice

· Must have no grade of “F” in any course for current quarter

· Must be a member of Jesse Bethel High School NJROTC program

· Pass C/Seaman Apprentice Advancement Exam (Chain of Command / Military Time)

· First five general orders (IF AN NS2, ALL 11)

· Pass practical “Squad Drill” test

· 80% on Uniform Inspection and Quiz

· Navy “core values and honor code”

· Participate in Cadet Challenge.

E-3: C/Seaman

· Must have no grade of “F” in any course for current quarter

· Must have been a Seaman Apprentice for two months

· Pass C/Seaman Advancement Exam (NJROTC Rates & Ranks. Eleven General Orders.)

· Pass Practical “Squad Drill” and “Platoon Drill” test.

· 80% on Uniform Inspection and Quiz

· Participate in Cadet Challenge

E-4 C/Petty Officer Third Class

· Must have no grade of “F” in any course for current quarter

· Must have been a Seaman for two months

· Pass C/PO 3rd Class Advancement Exam (NJROTC Ribbons, Leadership Traits/Principles)

· Know all eleven general orders

· Pass “Guidon” practical test

· Conduct Squad Drill and Squad Personnel Inspection.

· 80% on Uniform Inspection and Quiz

· Participate in Cadet Challenge

E-5 C/ Petty Officer Second Class

· Must have no grade of “F” in any course for the current quarter

· Must have been a Petty Officer Third Class for three months.

· Conduct Platoon Drill and Platoon Personnel Inspection

· Pass C/PO 2nd Class Advancement Exam (U.S Navy Enlisted and Officer rate and rank insignia)

· Recite and explain the Eleven General Orders to the Sentry.

· 85% on Uniform Inspection and Quiz

· Participate in Cadet Challenge

E-6 C/Petty Officer First Class

· Must have no grade of “F” in any course for current quarter.

· Must have been a Petty Officer 2nd class for three months

· Demonstrate knowledge of Platoon Drill requirements for AMI and Pass in Review

· Know the Supply and Admin requirements for checking in new cadet in to a company (Issue uniforms and hand out and explain paperwork requirements)

· 90% on Uniform Inspections and Quiz

· Participate in Cadet Challenge

E-7 C/Chief Petty Officer

· Must have no grade lower than “C” for current quarter

· Must have been a Petty Officer 1st Class for three months

· Demonstrates knowledge and ability to take care of and conduct Company Drill for AMI Pass in Review

· Demonstrate knowledge of Naval Customs and Courtesies.

· Supervise Three (3) or more Community Service Events.

· Pass the Cadet/CPO exam

· 100% on Uniform Inspection

· Participate in Cadet Challenge

E-8 C/Senior Chief Petty Officer

· Must be serving in the billet of Command Chief.

· Recommended by Senior Naval Science Instructor.

· Awards Tab

· Leadership academy & other training applications

· Participate in Cadet Challenge

The NJROTC Cadet Creed

I am a Navy Junior ROTC Cadet. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school, and corps of cadets. I am loyal and patriotic; I am the future of the United States of America

I do not lie, cheat, or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.

I practice good citizenship and patriotism. I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.

I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life. May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.

General Orders to the Sentry

1. Take charge of this post and all government property in view.

2. Walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

3. Report all violations I am instructed to enforce.

4. Repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse or the quarter deck than my own.

5. Quit my post only when properly relieved.

6. Receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the commanding officer, command duty officer, officer of the day, officer of the deck, and all officers and petty officers of the watch only.

7. Take to no one except in the line of duty.

8. Give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

9. Call the corporal of the guard or officer of the deck in any case not covered by instructions.

10. Salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.

11. Be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.






Here is the command structure of Jesse Bethel High School NJROTC. The duties and officer billets are as follows:


Responsible for:

A. Planning, coordinating, and executing (under the guidance of the SNSI/NSI) all unit activities

B. Scheduling and conducting all weekly staff meetings

C. Monitoring the performance of all staff members

D. Coordinating through the SNSI/NSI to ensure support required to get the job done is attained

E. Representing the JBHS NJROTC unit at school and community events, ceremonies, and other functions.

F. Maintaining the morale, cohesiveness, and productivity of staff


Responsible for:

A. Conducting follow- up at the Department Head level to ensure the actions and policies directing by the Commanding Officer are carried out

B. Maintaining the schedule of events for the unit, and assign specific responsibilities for preparation of each event

C. Serving as the unit’s primary communicator to ensure that all hands remain fully informed on policies, procedures, and schedules.

D. Chairing all staff meetings with all Department heads and assigned officers

E. Chairing ALL Review Boards

F. Representing the unit at school and community functions as directed by the Commanding Officer or SNSI/NSI


Responsible for:

A. Coordinating the activities and requirements of the special teams commanders (Drill Teams, Color Guards, Air Rifle Teams, Academic Teams, ETC)

B. Coordinating the assignment of cadets to assist in School or Community functions when cleared through the SNSI/NSI

C. Coordinating the unit flag detail and Clean- Up details

D. Making folders and sign up sheets for each event, and also coordinating with any event committees the event may have.

E. Ensuring ALL Staff members, Platoon Leaders, and team commanders know how to PROPERLY make a folder * see appendix 8

F. Ensuring that a folder is made for every event as soon as event is announced

G. Once the event is over with, ensuring that they have read through the after actions (see appendix 9), and made contact with the POC and team commanders to discuss the event

H. Making sure that a field trip permission slip form, calendar request form, and event sheet is made as soon as event is announced

I. Performing other such duties as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer or SNSI/NSI


Responsible for:

A. Coordinating the issue, exchange, and return of uniform items under the supervision of the SNSI/NSI

B. Maintaining accurate records to reflect uniform items received, on hand, and issued.

C. Supervising the use of the NETFOCUS supply section.

D. Assisting the SNSI/NSI in ordering all needed uniform items.

E. Directing and supervising the supply clerks and assistants to ensure every cadet has a complete, well- fitted uniform.

F. Performing other such duties as directed by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, SNSI, or NSI


Responsible for:

A. Maintaining all unit records

B. Collecting information for publishing and distributing the Agenda for Staff Meetings

C. Maintaining those Agendas in a single, permanent record

D. Overseeing the performance of the Personnel Officer and Public Affairs Officer, ensuring that the jobs assigned are completed within a timely manner

E. Coordinating communications between other departments and platoon leaders as necessary to ensure cadet and unit records are up to date and accurate

F. Supervising and operating the cadets section of JUMS

G. Advancements Cycle: ensuring all advancements are updated in JUMS immediately after the cadets are advanced

H. Cadet Challenge: ensuring that all PT results are entered into JUMS the day after

I. Making awards entries ONE day after the event. ( includes: AMI, Awards Night, and Advancements)

J. After AMI; entering all advancements, promotions, inspection results, and awards.

K. Holding a joint responsibility with the event POC to get the event entered into JUMS within Two days of that event.

L. Performing other such duties as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, SNSI, NSI


Responsible for:

A. Administer the unit advancement program by ensuring that all eligible cadets have met all the advancement requirements prior to testing, schedule physical fitness test and ensure that all test results are recorded on JUMS and in cadets folders

B. Collecting information from platoon leaders, administrative personnel and others as necessary to maintain advancement eligibility status and records

C. Maintaining files of inspection and military aptitude evaluation submitted by platoon leaders

D. Training and supervising the platoon leaders

E. Scheduling the quarterly physical fitness test

F. Performing other such duties as assigned by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, NSI, or SNSI




Responsible for:

A. Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Commanding Officer, SNSI/NSI

B. Responsible for unit morale and the welfare of the enlisted personnel

C. Coordinate enlisted watch bill (Flag Detail/ Cleaning Detail) through the Watch bill Coordinator.

D. Coordinate platoon roster ensuring each platoon has sufficient leadership and experience

E. Performing other such duties as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer, NSI, SNSI


Responsible for:

A. Obtaining the necessary information for cadet records

B. Maintaining an orderly file of personnel records on all cadets in the unit, plus an inactive file for former cadets for three years following said cadets’ departures

C. Assisting the Administration Officer on any of his/her duties

D. Performing other such duties as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Administration Officer, NSI, SNSI


Responsible for:

A. Preparing news releases for supported school publications and local media on unit events to include all competitions, trips, and newsworthy events

B. Ensuring all releases are screened and approved by the Commanding Officer, Administration Officer, NSI, or SNSI

C. Maintaining the Unit Scrapbook for the year and preparing the unit yearbook

D. Maintaining a current events display on the bulletin board reflecting cadet activities

E. Planning and coordinating the Annual Military Ball and NJROTC Picnic

F. Maintaining the unit’s yearly calendar of events. ( Electronically AND on the board)

G. Performing any such duties as assigned by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Administration Officer, NSI, or SNSI


Responsible for:

A. Performing all duties associated with uniform inventory, ordering, and issuing

B. Performing any such duties as assigned by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Supply Officer, NSI, or SNSI


Responsible for:

A. Assuming overall responsibility for the maintenance, preservation, and cleanliness of NJROTC spaces and equipment

B. Maintaining assigned drill rifles, air rifles, and equipment; performing the cleaning and repairs as may be necessary

C. Supervising the performance of the Assistant Equipment Officer in the performance of his/ her duties

D. Ensuring all equipment is ready for and is in good shape for any event/ competition

E. Performing any other such duties as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer, Supply Officer, NSI, or SNSI


Responsible for:

A. Maintaining all assigned drill rifles, and equipment; assisting in the cleaning and repairs as necessary

B. Performing other such duties as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer, Supply Officer, Equipment Manager, NSI, or SNSI


Responsible for:

A. Conducting the unit physical fitness program

B. Scheduling the quarterly physical fitness test

C. Performing other such duties as assigned by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Training Officer, NSI, or SNSI


Responsible for:

A. Maintaining the unit’s academic teams

B. Coordinating with the staff to make sure they maintain a reasonable GPA

C. Performing other such duties as assigned by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Administration Officer, NSI, or SNSI

Cadet Staff will familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the billet to which they are assigned. Additionally, they will become familiar with the duties of their superiors and subordinates within the chain of command as indicated in this section. If doubt exists as to the responsibilities, first get the job done regardless, and then resolve the doubt through the Chain of Command. A primary responsibility of all cadet officers is to keep the Cadet Commanding Officer and the Naval Science Instructors fully informed on any plans or updates that the staff may have.




Responsible for:

A. Ensuring the military bearing and conduct of assigned cadets

B. Conducting the training of Assistant Platoon Commanders, Guideons, and assigned cadets in leadership and military drill under the supervision of the Training Officer, and NSI/SNSI

C. Conducting weekly performance evaluations of assigned cadets

D. Submitting weekly performance evaluation to SNSI

E. Performing other such duties as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Training Officer, NSI, or SNSI


Responsible for:

A. Assisting the Platoon Commanders with the training of platoon elements and other duties as needed by the Platoon Commander

B. Conducting platoon muster during monthly formations and reporting results to the Platoon Commander

C. Performing other such duties as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Platoon Commanders, NSI, or SNSI


Responsible for:

A. Preparing their teams for competitions, parades, and any events they may attend.

B. Coordinating all team events with OPS and NSI/SNSI

C. Performing other such duties as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Training Officer, NSI, or SNSI


Responsible for:

A. Maintaining the unit’s flag detail and clean up details, with the guidance of the Command Chief (Senior Chief, Master Chief)

Performing other such duties as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer, Command Chief (Senior Chief, Master Chief), NSI, or SNSI



Here are some important forms pertaining to special teams, the Operations department, and the Cadet Corps as a whole. These forms are required for every instance they are needed.


Formal Acknowledgment

Name of Cadet ___________________ Date ____/____/____ Platoon ___

Formal Acknowledgments are of two types: (1) “Positive” Acknowledgments, which are issued when, a cadet’s job performance exceeds requirements or expectations; and, (2) “Review Boards”, which are issued when a cadet’s job performance is substandard, or when a cadet engaging in a relatively new task inadvertently violates a general rule or policy.

Please check one: □ Positive Acknowledgment □ Review Board

If this is a “Positive Acknowledgment”, please provide an explanation of the acknowledgment:



If this is an “Review Board” it is necessary to inform you that you that your performance requires immediate improvement in the following area(s):

□ Negative attitude towards NSI/SNSI, □ Failure to complete assigned job □ Tardiness/Attendance.

Staff, and/or other cadets. duties.

□ Using inappropriate/offensive □ Safety violation. □ Insubordination.


□ Uniform: i.e. excessive dirty,

wrinkled, nametag, jewelry, hair, etc. □ Fighting/Horseplay. □ Stealing unit moneys.

□ Abusing equipment. □ Poor work performance. □ Failure to follow basic


□ Other: _____________________


What steps will the cadet take to insure this does not happen again?

(For cases involving “Review Boards” only.)


It’s our desire to let no cadet’s conduct go unnoticed. Issuing Positive Acknowledgments insures that exceptional performance will be recognized and rewarded, while issuing Review Boards will help identify a cadet’s “weak-spots” and help them improve their overall performance.

_____________________________ ______________________________

Cadet Signature C.O. Signature

_____________________________ ______________________________

NSI Signature SNSI Signature



NAME: _________________________________________________________________

CADET WHO RECRUITED YOU TO N.J.R.O.T.C: ____________________________

CLASS YOU WISH TO SWITCH FROM: ____________________________________

REASON FOR JOINING N.J.R.O.T.C: _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your interest in our great program. We are honored that you are considering joining, and are positive that you will learn many great principles and practices while in attendance of Jesse Bethel High School’s N.J.R.O.T.C.





1. cadet must know basic in place drill with a 100% understanding

2. cadet must know basic marching with a 100%understanding

3. cadet must read and sign the drill rifle procedures form

4. cadet must know basic drill with arms with a 100% understanding

5. cadet must learn exhibition drill with arms to the expectation of team commander


1. cadet must read and sign marksmanship safety pledge

2. cadet must pass marksmanship test with 100% accuracy

3. cadet must complete marksmanship safety course training with 100% accuracy


1. cadet must know basic in place drill with a 100% understanding

2. cadets must know basic marching with a 100% understanding


1. cadet must receive 85% or higher on their weekly uniform inspections

2. cadet must have a 100% understanding of basic drill

3. cadets must have a 100% understanding of basic marching

Note for all teams…: While going through the steps to join your team you must practice with the team you wish to join at all times, no exceptions. ALL TEAM MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO BE IN ATTENDANCE AT ALL TEAM ACTIVITIES. THESE INCLUDE MEETINGS, COMPETITIONS, PRACTICES, AND PERFORMANCES. YOU MAY NOT BE ABSENT WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE NAVAL SCIENCE INSTRUCTORS.

SIGNATURE OF CADET_________________________DATE__________



CADET NAME:_______________________

CURRENT TEAM:______________________

TEAM YOU WISH TO BE ON:______________________

REASON FOR SWITCHING TEAMS:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


TEAM COMMANDER YOU’RE SWITCHING TO:_____________________________


TRAINING OFFICER SIGNATURE:_________________________________________


OPERATIONS OFFICER SIGNATURE:______________________________________


COMMANDING OFFICER SIGNATURE:____________________________________


NSI SIGNATURE:___________________________________________


SNSI SIGNATURE:__________________________________________




NAME: ________________________________________________________

DATE OF EVENT/ ABSENCE: ____________________________________

REASON: ______________________________________________________



TEAM COMMANDER APPROVAL: ________________________________

NSI Signature: ___________________________________________________

SNSI Signature: __________________________________________________



CADET NAME: ______________________________________________________

PLATOON: _____________________ NS YEAR: ___________________________

E-1 – E-2 DATE

Basic Stationary Drill: ________________________ __________

PLT Leader’s Signature

First Five General Orders: _______________________ ___________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Uniform Inspection at 80%: ______________________ ___________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Class Leader Recommendation: ___________________ __________

E-2 – E-3

Marching Drill: _____________________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Basic Armed Drill: _____________________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

All Eleven General Orders: ______________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Uniform Inspection at 80%: ______________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Class Leader Recommendation: ___________________` _________

E-3 – E-4

Squad Leader in Drill: ___________________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

All Gen. Orders, And C.O.C: _____________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Uniform Inspection at 85%: ______________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Training Officer Recommendation: ________________ _________

E-4 – E-5

Know Mustering Petty Officer Drill: _______________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Know How to Inspect Cadets: _____________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Know Guideon: ________________________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Training Officer Recommendation: ________________ __________

E-5 – E6

Know Manual of Colors: ____________________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Know Platoon Leader Drill: __________________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Know How to Properly Wear SDBs: ___________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Training Officer Recommendation: ____________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

E-6 – E-7

Know Manual of Sword: ____________________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Know How to March a Company: ____________________ _________

PLT Leader’s Signature

Commanding Officer Recommendation: _______________ _________



Please complete the application below. Candidates are expected to be available to make a verbal statement about their candidacy.

NAME: _________________________________________________________________

RANK/ RATE: ___________________________________________________________

GRADE: ______________________ NAVAL SCIENCE YEAR: ________________

CURRENT GPA: ________________

DO YOU BELLONG TO AN ACADEMY? :___________________________________

JOB(S) APPLYING FOR: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PREVIOUS JOB(S) OR TRAINING: _________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOP FIVE TRAITS YOU WILL BRING TO THE UNIT THIS YEAR?












DATE OF LAST PRT:______________________________________ DATE OF LAST PHYSICAL: ________________________________



Folder Guidelines

(New Maroon Multi-tab Folders)

1. Folder must be readable.

2. Everything in the folder must be written in ink or typed.

3. Event name and event date must be included on the outermost tab.

4. There MUST be an Event Checklist for EVERY folder.

5. When first opening the folder, preliminary data (such as emails, informational packets, fliers, etc) MUST go on the left and the Event Sign-Up Sheet goes on the right.

6. In the middle section of the folder, request forms (calendar requests, field trip requests, transportation requests, etc) go on the LEFT and Permission Slips (with an original copy on top) go on the right.

7. In the final section of the folder, the Event Checklist goes on the left and After Actions (Team Performance Grading Sheets) go on the right.

8. A routing slip should be attached on the front of the folder cover after the event has been completed, and passed up the chain (CIC/OPS to XO to CO to NSI and finally, SNSI).

9. Cadets’ credit for the events must be entered into JUMS within 48 hours after the event has been completed. This can be done by the CIC or Admin.

Appendix 8

Folder Guidelines (Manila Folders)

1. Folder must be readable.

2. Everything in the folder must be written in ink or typed.

3. The date MUST be on the folder.

4. Event sheet should be inside the folder, on the left side.

5. Permission slips/ Email requests/ Calendar requests/ Transportation Requests all need to be under the event sheet.

6. Event Checklist MUST be on the right side. After actions go in front of the Event Checklist.



TEAM: ______________________________________________________

TEAM COMMANDER: _________________________________________

PERFORMANCE TITLE: _______________________________________

PERFORMANCE DATE: _______________________________________

PERFORMANCE GRADE: ______________________________________

REMARKS: __________________________________________________


WHAT CAN BE DONE DIFFERENTLY? : _________________________









Appendix 9


ABSENT CADET 1.________________DATE:_________________


Appendix 9



(Senior enlisted advisor)

















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