c-dac_interview questions

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  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    Q.1 If the crystal oscillator is operating at 15MHz, the PCLK output of 88! is

    "#$.5 MHz."%$5 MHz."C$&.5 MHz.

    "'$1( MHz.Ans:(A)

    Q.In )hich *+state oes the CP- sens thearess to eory or I/0 an the #Lsignalfor eultiple2ing

    "#$*1."%$*."C$*3."'$*!.Ans During the first clocking period in abus cycle,which is called T1, the addressof the memory or I! location is sent out

    and the control signals A"#, DT$% andI!&%are also output' ence answer is(A)'

    Q.3 If a1M14 '#M re6uires ! s for arefresh an has 57 ro)s to e refreshe, noore than 9999999999 of tie ust pass

    efore another ro) is refreshe.

    "#$7! s."%$! ns."C$(.5 ns."'$15.75

    Answer is ()

    Q.! In a 'M# )rite operation the ata istransferre

    "#$fro I/0 to eory.

    "%$fro eory to I/0."C$fro eory to eory."'$fro I/0 to I/0.Ans A D&A writes operation transfers datafrom an I!de*ice to memory' enceanswer is (A)'

    Q.5 :hich type of ;MP instruction asseles if

    the istance is ((( h ytes"#$near."%$far."C$short."'$none of the ao,(:>an10>.In )hich of the follo)ingoes this =#M isoperating

    "#$ea"%$:rite"C$=tan y"'$?one of the ao

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    Q.*he PCI us is the iportant us foun inall the ne) Pentiu systes ecause

    "#$It has plug an play characteristics"%$It has aility to function )ith a 7! it ataus"C$#ny Microprocessor can e interface to it

    )ith PCIcontroller or rige"'$#ll of the ao

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    3 MOD4M stands for?M'ltico)&'ter O&erating De#ice Me)or.Mod'lator De)od'latorMega +torage De#ide!one of the a"o#e.Answer : B

    5 CPU controls (((((((((((*All 6n&'t, O't&'t and &rocessingControls Me)or.Controlled ". the in&'t data!one of the a"o#e.Answer : A

    17 Which of the following is not hardware?Printer

    MonitorMagnetic %a&eM+ WordAnswer : D

    11 Me)ories which can "e read onl. are called(((((((((((( )e)ories*RAMROM44RAMD.na)ic Me)ories

    Answer : B

    1$ What is the radi8 of inar. !')"er +.ste)?

    -1$0Answer : C

    1- What is the radi8 of Octal !')"er +.ste)?

    1332$Answer : B

    10 %he Deci)al !')"er s.ste) has "ase((((((((((*3511!one of the a"o#e

    *Answer 9 D

    1 %he He8adeci)al !')"er s.ste) has "ase((((((((((*A/1:17Answer 9 C

    1: CD stands for (((((((((((*asic Co)&'ter Digitinar. Con#erted Deci)alinar. Coded Deci)al!one of the a"o#eAnswer : C

    12 Octal n')"er s.ste) contains digits fro)((((((((((*

    7 ; 37 ; 21 ; 31 ; 5Answer : B

    13 Deci)al n')"er s.ste) contains digits fro)((((((((((*

    1 ; 177 ; 17

    7 ; 37 ; 5Answer : D

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    15 Porta"le &rogra) )eans?Progra) with wheels6nde&endent fro) its a'thors6nde&endent of &latfor)!one of the a"o#eAnswer : C

    $7 %he n')"er of 1

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    -7 Which one of the following is an e8a)&le ofO&erating +.ste) ?Microsoft WordMicrosoft 48celMicrosoft AccessMicrosoft Windows

    *Answer 9 D

    -1 Which one of the following re&resent the"inar. e'i#alent of the deci)al n')"er $-?717111711117711!one of the a"o#e.Answer : B

    -$ Which one of the following is different fro)

    other )e)"ers?>oogleWindowsLin'8MacAnswer : A

    -- Co)&'ters on an internet are identified ".4;)ail address+treet address6P address

    All of the a"o#e.Answer : C

    -0 What is "log?Online M'sic6ntranetA &ersonal or cor&orate we"site in the for) of anonline @o'rnalA &ersonal or cor&orate >oogle +earch.Answer : C

    - Which is not online 6ndian Matri)onialwe"site?www*@ee#ansathi*co)www*shaadi*co)www*"harat)atri)on.*co)www*'*k*single)'sli)*co).Answer : D

    -: it stands forinar. 6nfor)ation %er)inar. Digitinar. %reei#ariate %heor.Answer : B

    -2 Which one of the following is not a networkde#ice?Ro'ter+witchH'"CPUAnswer : D

    -3 A co)&iler is 'sed to con#ert the following too"@ect code which can "e e8ec'ted

    High;le#el lang'ageLow;le#el lang'ageAsse)"l. lang'age!at'ral lang'ageAnswer 9 A

    -5 How )an. 1

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    0$ 4#er. de#ice on the 6nternet has a 'ni'e((((((((((( address also called an B6nternetaddressB*DH6PPPD%H

    6PAnswer : D

    0- P4R% stands for?Progra) 4#al'ation and Re#iew %echni'ePer)ission 4#al'ation and Re#iew %echni'ePro@ect 4#al'ation and Re#iew %echni'eA E C oth.Answer : D

    00 (((((( is the high s&eed )e)or. 'sed in the

    co)&'ter*RAM6O+Hard diskCache.Answer : D

    0 +WO% anal.sis stands for?+trength Weakness O&&ort'nit. and %hreat+ta)ina Will O"esit. %hreat+'"tle Will O&&ort'nit. %hreat

    !one of the a"o#eAnswer : A

    0: %he set of &rocessed data is called?DataData ProcessingData"ase6nfor)ationAnswer:D*

    02 PO Means?'siness Process O'tso'rcing'siness Process Office'siness Process O't&'t'siness Progra) O't&'t.Answer : A

    03 Which of the following is o"@ect oriented&rogra))ing?CC==A+6C/OR%RA!

    *Answer : B

    05 gif is e8&anded as?>ra&hics 6nterchange /ile>ra&hics 6nterchange /or)at>ra&hics 6nfor)ation /ile>ra&hics 6nfor)ation /or)at.Answer : B

    7 A6 for)at was de#elo&ed ".?6M

    A&&leMicrosoftMacro)edia.Answer : C

    1* Which of the following &airs does;not )atch?

    A Dielectric strength of air - to k)) ac'') )a. "e 'sed for reflecti#e ins'lationof li'id O$tank

    C Per)issi"le water content in transfor)er oil is7 &&)D Car"on;&ile resistors for ins'lation of oil;filledca"les (Ans)

    $* Me)or. of a co)&'ter can "e increased ".

    A increasing the )agnetic "'""le dia)eter decreasing the )agnetic "'""le dia)eter(Ans)C 'sing ado)a8, a recent hard )agnetic

    )aterialD 'sing stronti') titanate +r %i O-

    -* %he resid'al )agnetic fl'8 densit. is )ore inA )etallic )agnets (Ans) cera)ic )agnetsC gra&hiteD iron o8ide

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    0* Manganese ferrites is a 191 )i8t're ofA MnO and CdO MnO and /e$O- (Ans)C MnCl$and /e$O-D MnCl$and CdO

    * High fre'enc. transfor)er cores aregenerall. )ade ofA Cast iron M')etalC /errite (Ans)D >ra&hite

    :* /or high s&eed reading and storing ofinfor)ation in a co)&'ter, the 'se is )ade ofA ferrite (Ans)

    &ieFoelectricC &.roelectricsD ferro)agnetics a"o#e 2:37 C

    2* %he &oles of alternators are 's'all. )ade ofA wro'ght iron &er)allo. (Ans)C Cd+D alnico

    3* 6n a se)i;cond'ctor strain ga'ge, the change

    in resistance on a&&lication of strain is )ainl.d'e to the change in itsA lenght dia)eterC resisti#it.D length and dia)eter (Ans)5* %ransfor)er oil is a li'id ins'lator and is)ainl. 'sed in transfor)er* 6t is filled intotransfor)er tank to ser#e the following &'r&oses96* %o transfer the heat generated inside the

    transfor)er core and windings, to the o'tercooling s'rfaces*66* %o )ain ins'lation in the &ri)ar. andsecondar. windings*A Onl. 6 is correct Onl. 66 is correctC oth 6 and 66 are correct (Ans)D !one of these

    17* 4lectrons in an ato) )a. "e #is'aliFed ".A s&ectrosco&ic techni'es (Ans) radiogra&h.C o&tical )icrosco&eD etching techni'es

    11* Most )allea"le )etal isA A' Ag (Ans)C CrD Os)i')

    1$* As the te)&erat're of ap;t.&e se)i;cond'ctor is grad'all. and contin'o'sl.increased, the fer)i le#el will )o#eA into the #alence "and (Ans)

    into the cond'ction "andC towards the )iddle of the for"idden ga&D into the region "etween the acce&tor le#eland the #alence "and

    1-* Which one of the following &olariFation)echanis)ssets of )echanis)s contri"'te tothe static dielectric constant of a ho)o&olarne'tral dielectric?A 4lectronic 4lectronic and ionic

    C 4lectronic, ionic and di&olarD 4lectric and di&olar (Ans)

    10* Consider the following )aterials91* P're silica$* akelite-* Hard r'""er0* Paraffin%he correct se'ence of the D4CR4A+6!>order of loss angles :7 HF of these dielectric)aterials is

    A 1,$,-,0 1,0,-,$C 0,1,$,-D 0,-,1,$ (Ans)

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    1* Which one of the following )aterials is&ieFoelectric?A P"$ A' a%iO- (Ans)C MgAl$O0D !i/e$O0

    1:*%he resid'al resisti#it. of )etalsA is essentiall. inde&endent of te)&erat're increases linearl. with increasing te)&erat're(Ans)C decrease linearl. with increasing te)&erat'reD initiall. increase linearl. with te)&erat're andthen re)ains constant

    12* Consider the following )etals91* Ginc

    $* >old-* +il#er0* Co&&er%he correct se'ence of the increasing order oftheir resisti#ities isA 0,-,1,$ -,0,$,1 (Ans)C 0,-,$,1D -,0,1,$

    13* A t.&e;6 s'&er;cond'ctor )aintained at ate)&erat're T Tc is s'"@ect to a )agnetic fieldH < Hc. %he s'&ercond'ctor will e8ihi"it*A &erfect dia)agnetis) (Ans) &artial dia)agnetis)C &erfect &ara)agnetis)D &artial &ara)agnetis)

    15* %he )agnetic s'sce&ti"ilit. of a&ara)agnetic )aterial isA less than Fero

    less than one "'t &ositi#e (Ans)C greater than oneD e'al to Fero

    $7* Magnetostriction is a &heno)enon where".the )agnetisation of a ferro)agnetic )aterialleads to a change inA relati#e &er)ea"ilit.

    &h.sical di)ensions (Ans)C s&ontaneo's )agnetisationD )agnetic s'sce&ti"ilit.

    $1* %wo initiall. identical sa)&lesAand Bof&'re ger)ani') are do&ed with donors to

    concentrations of 1I17$7);-and -I17$7 );-res&ecti#el.* 6f the hole concentration in Ais5I171$);-, then the hole concentration in Bat thesa)e te)&erat're will "eA -I171$ );- (Ans) 2I171$ );-

    C 11I171$ );-

    D $2I171$ );-

    $$* Consider the following state)ents 9 P'reger)ani') and &'re silicon are e8a)&les of

    1* Direct "and;ga& se)i;cond'ctors$* 6ndirect "and;ga& se)i;cond'ctors-* Degenrate se)i;cond'ctorsof these state)entsA 1 alone is correct $ alone is correct (Ans)C - alone is correctD 1 and - are correct

    $-* Consider the following state)ents 9 6n a se)i;cond'ctor, the )eas're)ent of Hall co;efficient

    &ro#ides 'antitati#e infor)ation on1* Densit. of carriers$* Polarit. of carriers-* 4ffecti#e )ass of the carriers0* Mo"ilit. of the carriersOf these state)ents 9A 1 and $ are correct (Ans) $ and - are correctC 1 and - are correctD 1,$,- and 0 are correct

    $0* +ilicon car"ide reinforced al')ini') )etal)atri8 co)&osites find a&&lication inA the )an'fact're of transfor)er cores the )an'fact're of c'tting toolsC the )an'fact're of standard resistorsD aeros&ace ind'str. (Ans)

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    $* >aAs L4Ds e)it radiation in theA 'ltra;#iolet region #iolet;"l'e;green range of the #isi"le regionC #isi"le regionD infra;red region (Ans)

    $:* %here are **************** "asic cr.stal s.ste)sA two fo'rC si8D se#en (Ans)

    $2* A s'ita"le )aterial for H/ er. highfre'enc. a&&lication isA silicon steel (Ans) alnicoC co"alt steel

    D ferrite

    $3* Heating in )icrowa#e o#en is d'e toA )agnetostriction electrostrictionC edd. c'rrent (Ans)D s&ontaneo's &olariFation

    $5* Line ins'lators are )ade ofA &orcelain (Ans) )ica

    C )ar"leD PC

    -7* 6ns'lating )aterials that can withstand ate)&erat're a"o#e 1377C is ofA Class A t.&e Class t.&eC Class C t.&e (Ans)D Class H t.&e

    -1* Dis&lace)ent c'rrent in a dielectric &ri)aril.

    de&ends '&on theA resisti#it. di&ole )o)ent (Ans)C fre'enc. of o&erating fieldD )o"ilit.

    -$* 6n an i)&erfection free cr.stal, the resisti#it.will "eA infinite Fero (Ans)C negati#eD 'nit.

    --* A )etallic "ond is for)ed fro)A sharing of electrons transfer of electronsC sharing of #aria"le n')"er of electrons ". a#aria"le n')"er of ato)s (Ans)D !one of these

    -0* %he work f'nction W is gi#en ". therelation 9A W J h$f7

    W J hf7 (Ans)C W J hf7$

    D W J h$f7$

    -* 4instein

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    -5* %he co;ordination n')"er is twel#e for aA H*C*P* str'ct're /*C*C* str'ct'reC +*C* and /*C*C* str'ct'reD H*C*P* and /*C*C* str'ct're (Ans)

    07* %he 'antit. 1N77in +6 'nits has theA al'e --7 )s al'e 1*2-I170

    C Di)ensions LT1(Ans)D !one of the a"o#e

    01* Which of the following does not ha#e thesa)e 'nits as the others? %he s.)"ols ha#etheir 's'al )eaningsA L/R RC

    C NLCD 1NLC (Ans)0$* n;t.&e se)i;cond'ctorsA are negati#el. charged are &rod'ced when indi') is added as ani)&'rit. to ger)ani')C are &rod'ced when &hos&horo's is added asan i)&'rit. to silicon (Ans)D none of these

    0-* Which of the following state)ents correct?A Co&&er has &artiall. filled cond'ction "and(Ans) Dia)ond has a co)&letel. filled cond'ction"and "'t an e)&t. #alence "andC +ilicon has a &artiall. filled cond'ction "andand an e)&t. #alence "andD 4nerg. ga& "etween cond'ction and #alence"and in dia)ond is s)aller than in silicon

    00* Which of the following will ser#e as a donor

    i)&'rit. in silicon?A oron 6ndi')C >er)ani')D Anti)on. (Ans)

    0* %wo;closed &acked cr.stal str'ct'res areA bccand fcc fcc and hcp (Ans)C bcc and hcpD fcc and sc

    0:* %he )ean free &ath for electron drift increasewithA &'rit. (Ans) strain hardeningC elastic )od'l'sD none of the a"o#e02* %wo gro'& 6 ele)ents ha#e the sa)edia)ond c'"ic str'ct're* %he one with the larger**************** is e8&ected to ha#e the s)aller energ.ga&*

    A &acking factor co;ordination n')"erC n')"er of #alence electronsD ato)ic weight (Ans)03* %he &rocesses that can "e 'sed to )ake thesteel )agneticall. softer are1* Annealing$* >rain growth-* Decar"'riFation0* Q'enching

    A 1, $ and - (Ans) $, - and 0C $ and - onl.D - and 0 onl.05* PolariFation is a )eas're ofA dielectric constant &er 'nit #ol')e (Ans) #oltage gradient of &rod'ce eslectrical"reakdownC &rod'ct of charge and distance

    D e8cess charge densit.7* Consider the following se)i;cond'ctor diodes1* >er)ani') diode$* +ilicon diode-* %'nnel diode0* +chottk. diode

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    %he correct increasing order of forward #oltagedro& of these diodes is

    A 1,-,$,0 1,$,-,0C -,0,$,1

    D -,1,0,$ (Ans)

    C-DAC Latest Placement Papers

    1*%he &rogra))ing lang'age that was designedfor s&ecif.ing algorith)*****AddressA+C66AL>OL!one of these o&tions

    $* ((((( contains the addresses of all therecords according to the contents of the fielddesigned as the record ke.*6nde8ans +'"scri&t Arra. /ile

    -* ((((((((( s.)"ol is 'sed for Processing ofdata* O#al Parallelogra)ans Rectangle Dia)ond

    0* (((((((((( is the anal.sis tool 'sed for

    &lanning &rogra) logic Protocol !one of theseo&tions PROLO>Pse'docode

    * Machine lang'age has two &art for)at the first&art is(((((((((( and the second &art is(((((((((( OPCOD4,OP4RA!Dans OP4RA!D,OPCOD4 DA%ACOD4,OP4RA!D OP4RA!D,COD4OP

    :* Lang'age Pri)aril. 'sed for internet;"ased

    a&&lications ADA C== AAans /OR%RA!

    2* ((((((((( is a &oint at which the de"'ggersto&s d'ring &rogra) e8ec'tion and awaits af'rther co))and* Me)or. D')& Watch &ointans reak &oint !one of these o&tions

    3* ((((((((do not contain an. &rogra) logicand are ignored ". the lang'ageProcessorProtocolir's Co))ent!one of these

    5* %he co)&onent of data "ase )anage)ents.ste) is ((((((((Data definition Lang'ageData )ani&'lation Lang'ageData definition Lang'ageData )ani&'lation Lang'age!one of these

    17* %he 'alit. of Algorith) is @'dged on the"asis of(((((((((

    %i)e re'ire)entMe)or. Re'ire)entAcc'rac. of sol'tionAll of these;ans

    11* Ad#antages of 'sing flow charts is4ffecti#e Anal.sis4fficient Coding%i)e cons')ing4ffecti#e Anal.sis4fficient Coding

    Sans Progra))ing in C

    1$* %he Real constants in C can "e e8&ressed inwhich of the following for)s /ractional for) onl.48&onential for) onl. A+C66 for) onl.ans oth /ractional and 48&onential for)s

    1-* %he &rogra), which translates high;le#el&rogra) into its e'i#alent )achine lang'age&rogra), is called %ransfor)er Lang'age&rocessor Con#erter

    !one of these o&tions

    10* Consider the following state)ents*i*M'lti&lication associates left to rightii*Di#ision associates left to rightiii*Unar. Min's associates right to lefti#*s'"traction associates left to rightAll are tr'e

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    ans onl. i and ii are tr'e all are false onl. iii andi# are tr'e

    1* What will "e the #al'e of #aria"le a in thefollowing code? 'nsigned char aT a J 78// = 1T&rintfBdB, aT 78// 7V177 7

    ans 7V7

    1:* What is the o't&'t of the following &rogra)?incl'de#oid )ainX&rintfYn17ZJ5 9 d[,17ZJ5T\ans 7 4rror !one of these o&tions

    12* incl'de

    #oid )ainXint 8J17T8#oid )ainXint aJ10Ta =J 2Ta ;J Ta IJ 2T&rintfYnd[,aT

    \ans 53 35 !one of these o&tions

    $7* What is the o't&'t of the following code?incl'dedefine % t#oid )ainXchar % J ]%]T&rintfYnctcn[,%,tT\

    4rror% t% %t t

    $1* %he state)ent that &rints o't the characterset fro) A;G, isfor a J ]F]T a ]a]T a J a S 1 &rintfBcB, EaTfor a J ]a]T a J ]F]T a J a = 1 &rintfBcB, EaTfor a J ]A]T a J ]G]T a J a = 1

    Ans &rintfBcB, aT for a J ]G]T a J ]A]T a J a =1 &rintfBcB, aT

    $$* %he state)ent which &rints o't the #al'es 1to 17 on se&arate lines, is for co'nt J 1T co'ntJ 17T co'nt J co'nt = 1 &rintfBdnB,co'ntT forco'nt J 1T co'nt 17T co'nt J co'nt = 1&rintfYdn[,co'ntT

    $-* What does the ter) ]call;".;reference] referto?

    Passing a co&. of a #aria"le into a f'nction*Passing a &ointer to a #aria"le into a f'nction*

    ans Choosing a rando) #al'e for a #aria"le* Af'nction that does not ret'rn an. #al'es*

    $0* What is the o't&'t of the following code?incl'de#oid swa&intE, intET#oid )ainX

    int a J 17,"J$7Tswa& a==,"==T&rintfYndtdt[,a, "T\#oid swa&intE 8, intE .X8=J$T.=J-T\10, $011, $1 ans 17, $7 4rror

    $* What is the o't&'t of the following &rogra)code incl'de#oid a"cint a^_Xa==Ta^1_J:1$T\

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    )ainXchar a^_Ta"caT&rintfYd[,a^0_T\

    177:1$4rror``ans !one of these o&tions

    $:* which of the following is tr'e a"o't rec'rsi#ef'nctioni* it is also called circ'lar definitionii* it occ'rs when a f'nction calls another f'nction)ore than onceiii* it occ'rs when a state)ent within the f'nctioncalls the f'nction itself i#* a rec'rsi#e f'nction

    cannot ha#e a ret'rn state)ent within itBi and iii``ans i and ii ii and i# i, iii and i#

    $2*What will ha&&en if .o' assign a #al'e to anele)ent of an arra. whose s'"scri&t e8ceeds thesiFe of the arra.?%he ele)ent will "e set to 7 !othing, its done allthe ti)e Other data )a. "e o#erwritten 4rror)essage fro) the co)&iler

    $3* What is the o't&'t of the following code?

    incl'de#oid )ainXint arr^$_^-_^$_JXXX$,0\,X2,3\,X-,0\,\, XX$,$\,X$,-\,X-,0\, \\T &rintfYnd[,IIIarr=1=$=2T\1: ``ans 2 11 4rror

    $5* 6f int s^_ is a one di)ensional arra. ofintegers, which of the following refers to the thirdele)ent in the arra.? I s = $ ``ans I s =

    - s = - s = $

    -7* incl'deBstdio*hB )ain X int I&1,iJ$T #oidI&$T &1JEiT &$JEiT &1J&$T &$J&1T &rintfBdB,iT \%he o't&'t of the a"o#e code is 9 Progra) willnot co)&ile

    ans $ >ar"age #al'e Address of 6

    -1* What is the o't&'t of the following code? #oid)ain X int i J 177, @ J $77T const int I&JEiT & JE@T &rintfBdB,I&T \ 177 $77

    ``ans -77 !one of the a"o#e

    -$* #oid )ain X int iJ-T int I@JEiT clrscrT&rintfBddB,==I@,IEiT \ What is the o't&'t ofthis &rogra)? - - 0 -

    ans 0,address of i &rinted 4rror9L#al'e re'ired

    --* What is the o't&'t of the following code?incl'de#oid )ainXint arr^_ J X17,$7,-7,07,7\T

    int I&tr J arrT&rintfYn dtdt[,I&tr==,I&trT\17 $717 17

    ans $7 $7 $7 17

    -0* Which of these are reasons for 'sing&ointers?1*%o )ani&'late &arts of an arra.

    $*%o refer to ke.words s'ch as for and if-*%o ret'rn )ore than one #al'e fro) a f'nction0*%o refer to &artic'lar &rogra)s )orecon#enientl. 1 E - no=1T\- What is the o't&'t of this &rogra)?3 33 5 ``ans 5 3 3 , 'n&redicta"le

    -:* D'ring initialiFing a 'nion Onl. one )e)"ercan "e initialised* All the )e)"ers will "e

    initialised* 6nitialisation of a 'nion is not &ossi"le*

    ans !one of these o&tions

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    -2* +elf referential str'ct're is onea* Consisting the str'ct're in the &arent str'ct're"* Consisting the &ointer of the str'ct're in the&arent str'ct're Onl. a Onl. " oth a and "!either a nor "

    -3* 6ndi#id'al str'ct're )e)"er can "e initialiFedin the str'ct're itself%r'e /alseCo)&iler de&endent!one of these o&tions

    -5* Which of the following is the feat're ofstack?All o&erations are at one end 6t cannot re'se its)e)or.All ele)ents are of different data t.&es

    An. ele)ent can "e accessed fro) it directl.``ans

    07* When stacks are created Are initiall. e)&t.ans Are initialiFed to Fero Are considered f'll

    01* What is ti)e re'ired to insert an ele)ent ina stack with linked i)&le)entation?1 log$n``ans n n log$n

    0$* Which of the following is the feat're of

    stack?All o&erations are at one end 6t cannot re'se its)e)or.All ele)ents are of different data t.&esAn. ele)ent can "e accessed fro) it directl.ns

    0-* %i)e taken for addition of ele)ent in 'e'e is1 n log nans !one of these o&tions

    00* When is linear 'e'e said to "e e)&t. ?

    /rontJJrear /rontJrear;1 /rontJrear=1 /rontJrear``ans 0* When'e'es are created Are initiall. e)&t.``ansAre initialiFed to Fero Are considered f'll !one ofthe a"o#e

    0:* What wo'ld "e the o't&'t of the following&rogra)? incl'de)ainX&rintfYnc[, Ya"cdefgh[^0_T\

    a"cdefghde ``ans error

    02* +elect the correct C code which will read aline of characterster)inated ". a n fro)in&'t(file into a character arra. called "'ffer*!ULL ter)inate the "'ffer '&on reading a n* intch, loo& J 7T ch J fgetc in&'t(file T while ch ZJ]n]EE ch ZJ 4O/ X"'ffer^loo&_ J chT loo&==T chJ fgetcin&'t(file T\ "'ffer^loo&_ J !ULLT int ch,

    loo& J 7T ch J fgetc in&'t(file T while ch JBnBEE ch J 4O/ X "'ffer^loo&_ J chT loo&ST chJ fgetc_in&'t(file T \ "'ffer^loo&_J !ULLT int ch,loo& J 7T ch J fgetc in&'t(file T while ch Yn[EEch ZJ 4O/ X "'ffer^loo&_ J chT loo&==T ch Jfgetcin&'t(file T \ "'ffer^loo&_ J ;1T

    03* What is the o't&'t of the following code ?#oid )ain

    Xint aJ7Tint "J7T==a JJ 7 ==" JJ 11T&rintfYnd,d[,a,"T\7, 11, 1 ``ans 7, 7 1, 7 05* What is the o't&'t ofthe following &rogra)? define str88 defineKstr8str8 define o&er )'lti&l. #oid )ainX char Io&erna)eJKstro&erT

    &rintfBsB,o&erna)eT \ o&erna)e Kstr )'lti&l.``ans Kstr

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    7* What is the o't&'t of the following code ?incl'deincl'de#oid )ainXchar Ia J YC;DACAC%+n[T &rintfYsn[,aT \

    C;DAC AC%+AC%+C;DAC ``ans !one of these 1* incl'de#oid )ainXwhile 1Xif &rintfYd[,&rintfYd["reakTelsecontin'eT\

    \%he o't&'t isCo)&ile ti)e error>oes into an infinite loo&

    C-DAC,C-CAT -Multiple Choice QuestionsProgramming anguage an! C"C##

    Question $:%he "reak state)ent is 'sed to e8it fro)a* a DO loo&

    "* a /OR loo&c* a +W6%CH state)ent!. all o% a&o'e -Answere* none of a"o#e

    Q'estion $9C== M'lti&le Choice Q'estions ank6n which state)ents, does a CO!%6!U4state)ent ca'se the control to go directl. to thetest condition and then contin'e the loo&ing&rocess?

    a* /OR and WH6L4"* WH6L4 and 6/;4L+4c* DO;WH6L4 and 6/;4L+4!. hile an! D-*+ -Answere* !one of a"o#e

    -9 %he ad#antage of a +W6%CH state)ent o#eran 4L+4;6/ state)enta* A defa'lt condition can "e 'sed in the+W6%CH&. The +TC* is easier to un!erstan!$.-Answer

    c* +e#eral different condition can ca'se one setof state)ents to "e e8ec'ted ina +W6%CHd* +e#eral different state)ents can "e e8ec'tedin a +W6%CHe* !one of a"o#e

    0* %he co))a o&erator , is &ri)aril. 'sed incon@'nction witha./ statement -Answer"*6/;4L+4 state)ent

    c*DO;While state)entd* All of a"o#ee* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o %he >O%O state)ent is 'sed toa* Per)it two different e8&ressions to a&&ear insit'ation where onl. one e8&ression wo'ldordinaril. 'sed"* %er)inate loo&s or to e8it fro) a switchc* Alter the nor)al se'ence or &rogra)

    e8ec'tion ". transferring control to so)e other&art of the &rogra)!. Carr0 out a logical test an! then ta1e one o%two possi&le actions, !epen!ing upon theoutcome o% a test -Answere* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o :a* %he CO!%6!U4 state)ent is 'sed to"* Per)it two different e8&ressions to a&&ear insit'ation where onl. one e8&ression wo'ld

    ordinaril. "e 'sedc. Terminate loops or e2it %rom a switch-Answerd* Alter the nor)al se'ence of &rogra)e8ec'tion ". transfor)ing control to so)e other&art of the &rogra)e* All of a"o#ef* !one of a"o#e

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    Q'estion !o 2%he traditional wa. to create an infinite loo& in Cis

    a. / ( 3 3 )4 -Answer

    "* 6/ J R4AbTc* WH6L4 d* All of a"o#ee* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o 3%he difference "etween the declaraction of ane8ternal #aria"le and its definition is

    a. A !eclaration causes storage space to &eallocate! to 'aria&le while a !e%inition

    announces 'aria&le5s properties -Answer"* A declaration anno'nces the &ro&erties of a#aria"le while a definition also ca'ses storage to"e allocatedc* A declaration anno'nces the &ro&erties of a#aria"le while definition onl. ca'ses storage to"e allocatedd* A declaration 'ses storage s&ace to "eallocated to #aria"le while a definition alsoanno'nce its &ro&erties*e* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o 5%he co))a o&erator , is 'sed to

    a* Per)it to different e8&ressions to a&&ear insit'ation where onl. one e8&ression wo'ldordinaril. "e 'sed&. Terminate loops or to e2it %rom switch-Answerc* Alter the nor)al se'ence of &rogra)e8ec'tion ". transferring control to so)e other

    &arts of the &rogra)d* Carr. o't the logical test and then take one oftwo &ossi"le actions, de&ending '&on theo'tco)e of the teste* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o 17%he rec'rsi#e for) of alge"raic for)'la.J81 = 8$ = =8n isa* J 8 = n;1 8i iJ1"* J 8n = n 8i iJ1c* J8n=8i

    !. 6 7 2n # n-$ i7$ 2i -Answere* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o 11Which one of the following, is a storage classs&ecification in C?a. Automatic -Answer"* 48ternalc* +taticd* All of a"o#ee* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o 1$>i#en these #aria"leschar chTshort iT'nsigned long 'lTfloat fT%he o#erall t.&e of this e8&ression isa* Char"* Unsignedc. loat -Answer

    d* Do'"lee* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o 1-What will this &rogra) dis&la.?incl'de stdio*h)ainXfloat fTfJ17-T&rintf BfB,fT

    \a. 8.8 -Answer"* -*7c* -d* -*1e* !one of a"o#e

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    Q'estion !o 10

    %he )ost co))on 'se of the one;di)entionalarra. in C is thea* +tring"* Character

    c. Data -Answerd* /'nctionse* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o 1C== M'lti&le Choice Q'estions ank%he string related f'nction s'&&lied ". Cstandard li"rar. isa* strc&."* strcatc* strc)&

    d* All of a"o#ee. 9one o% a&o'e -Answer

    Q'estion !o 1:/ind o't the incorrect state)ent for strlenf'nctiona. /eturns the length o% a string -Answer"* Does not co'nt the n'll ter)inatorc* Has general for) strlenTd* All of a"o#ee* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o 12C &ro#ides loo& constr'cts for &erfor)ing loo&o&erations* %he. area* %he WH6L4 state)ent&. The D statement -Answerc* %he /OR state)entd* All of a"o#ee* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o 13

    Arra.s that do not ha#e their di)ensionse8&licitl. s&ecified are calleda. nsi;e! arra0s -Answer"* Undi)ensional arra.sc* 6nitialiFed arra.sd* !o siFe of arra.se* !one of a"o#e

    Q'estion !o 15What is wrong with the gi#en frag)ent?a* %he siFe of the arra. is not s&ecified"* Declaration )'st ha#e float in &lace of intc* %he list )'st "e enclosed "etween c'rl."races

    !. All o% the a&o'e -Answere* !one of the a"o#e*

    Q'estion !o $7A #aria"le that holds the )e)or. address ofanother o"@ect is called aa* integer"* &ointerc* constant!. memor0 'aria&le -Answer

    e* !one of the a"o#e*

    Q'estion !o $1a* I and E"* I and EEc. < an!

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    Q'estion !o $0%he header file

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    .Which of the following is the address ofthe router?

    5he OL

    !one of these o&tions

    $* ((((( contains the addresses of all the records

    according to the contents of the field designed as the

    record ke.*





    -* ((((((((( s.)"ol is 'sed for Processing of





    0* (((((((((( is the anal.sis tool 'sed for

    &lanning &rogra) logic


    !one of these o&tions



    * Machine lang'age has two &art for)at the first

    &art is(((((((((( and the second &art is






    :* Lang'age Pri)aril. 'sed for internet;"ased






  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    2* ((((((((( is a &oint at which the de"'gger

    sto&s d'ring &rogra) e8ec'tion and awaits a f'rther


    Me)or. D')&

    atch point@------ans

    reak &oint

    !one of these o&tions

    3* ((((((((do not contain an. &rogra) logic and

    are ignored ". the lang'age Processor

    Pr otocol



    !one of these o&tions

    5* %he co)&onent of data "ase )anage)ent

    s.ste) is ((((((((Data definition Lang'age

    Data )ani&'lation Lang'age

    Data definition Lang'age and Data )ani&'lation


    !one of these o&tions

    17* %he 'alit. of Algorith) is @'dged on the "asis


    %i)e re'ire)ent

    Me)or. Re'ire)ent

    Acc'rac. of sol'tionAll o% these options@------ans

    11* Ad#antages of 'sing flow charts is

    4ffecti#e Anal.sis

    4fficient Coding

    %i)e cons')ing

    %%ecti'e Anal0sis an! %%icient Co!ing@-----ans

    Progra))ing in C9;

    1$* %he Real constants in C can "e e8&ressed in

    which of the following for)s

    /ractional for) onl.

    48&onential for) onl.

    A+C66 for) onl.

    Both ractional an! 2ponential %orms@------ans

    1-* %he &rogra), which translates high;le#el

    &rogra) into its e'i#alent )achine lang'age

    &rogra), is called


    Lang'age &rocessorCon#erter

    !one of these o&tions;;;;;;ansZ;;^if Z


    10* Consider the following state)ents*

    i*M'lti&lication associates left to right ii*Di#ision

    associates left to right

    iii*Unar. Min's associates right to left

    i'.su&traction associates le%t to right All are true


    onl. i and ii are tr'e

    all are false

    onl. iii and i# are tr'e

    1* What will "e the #al'e of #aria"le a in the

    following code?

    'nsigned char aT

    a J 78// = 1T

    &rintfBdB, aT


    78177 @------ans


    1:* What is the o't&'t of the following &rogra)?

    incl'de stdio*h

    #oid )ain


    &rintfBn17ZJ5 9 dB,17ZJ5T




    !one of these o&tions

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    12* incl'destdio*h

    #oid )ain


    int 8J17T

    87?int a J1779int a J1777T

    &rintfB dB,aT




    !one of these o&tions

    13* Which of the following shows the correct

    hierarch. of arith)etic o&erations in C

    , II, I or , = or ;

    , II, I, , =, ;

    , II, , I, =, ;(), " or , - or # @-----Ans

    15* What is the o't&'t of the following code?


    #oid )ain


    int aJ10T

    a =J 2T

    a ;J T

    a IJ 2T





    !one of these o&tions

    $7* What is the o't&'t of the following code?


    define % t

    #oid )ain


    char % J ]%]T




    % t

    % %

    t t

    $1* %he state)ent that &rints o't the character set

    fro) A;G, is

    for a J ]F]T a ]a]T a J a ; 1

    &rintfBcB, EaT

    for a J ]a]T a J ]F]T a J a = 1&rintfBcB, EaT

    for a J ]A]T a J ]G]T a J a = 1;;;;Ans &rintfBcB,


    for a J ]G]T a J ]A]T a J a = 1

    &rintfBcB, aT

    $$* %he state)ent which &rints o't the #al'es 1 to

    17 on se&arate lines, is

    for co'nt J 1T co'nt J 17T co'nt J co'nt = 1

    &rintfBdnB,co'ntT%or( count 7 $3 count @ $3 count 7 count # $)


    for co'nt J 7T co'nt J 5T co'nt J co'nt = 1

    &rintfBd B,co'ntT

    for co'nt J 1T co'nt 17T co'nt J co'nt = 1


    $-* What does the ter) ]call;".;reference] refer to?

    Passing a co&. of a #aria"le into a f'nction* Passing

    a &ointer to a #aria"le into a f'nction* ;;;;;;ans

    Choosing a rando) #al'e for a #aria"le*

    A f'nction that does not ret'rn an. #al'es*

    $0* What is the o't&'t of the following code?


    #oid swa&intE, intET

    #oid )ain


    int a J 17,"J$7T

    swa& a==,"==T

    &rintfBndtdtB,a, "T


    #oid swa&intE 8, intE .





    10, $0

    $$, $ @------ans

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    17, $7


    $* What is the o't&'t of the following &rogra)



    #oid a"cint a^_X






    char a^_T






    !one of these o&tions

    $:* which of the following is tr'e a"o't rec'rsi#e


    i* it is also called circ'lar definition

    ii* it occ'rs when a f'nction calls another f'nction

    )ore than once

    iii* it occ'rs when a state)ent within the f'nction callsthe f'nction itself

    i#* a rec'rsi#e f'nction cannot ha#e a ret'rn

    state)ent within itB

    i an! iii@------ans

    i and ii

    ii and i#

    i, iii and i#

    $2* What will ha&&en if .o' assign a #al'e to an

    ele)ent of an arra. whose s'"scri&t e8ceeds the siFe

    of the arra.?

    %he ele)ent will "e set to 7

    !othing, its done all the ti)e

    Other data )a. "e o#erwritten

    4rror )essage fro) the co)&iler

    $3* What is the o't&'t of the following code?


    #oid )ain


    int arr^$_^-_^$_JXXX$,0\,X2,3\,X-,0\,\, XX$,$\,X$,-\,X-,0\, \\T


    \$G @------ans




    $5* 6f int s^_ is a one di)ensional arra. of integers,

    which of the following refers to the third ele)ent in the


    ( s # ) @------ans

    I s = - s = -

    s = $

    -7* incl'deBstdio*hB



    int I&1,iJ$T

    #oid I&$T






    %he o't&'t of the a"o#e code is 9

    Program will not compile @------ans


    >ar"age #al'e

    Address of 6

    -1* What is the o't&'t of the following code? #oid



    int i J 177, @ J $77T

    const int I&JEiT

    & J E@T



  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions





    !one of the a"o#e

    -$* #oid )ain

    Xint iJ-T

    int I@JEiT




    What is the o't&'t of this &rogra)?

    - -

    0 - ;;;;;;ans

    0,address of i &rinted

    4rror9L#al'e re'ired

    --* What is the o't&'t of the following code?


    #oid )ain


    int arr^_ J X17,$7,-7,07,7\T

    int I&tr J arrT

    &rintfBn dtdtB,I&tr==,I&trT


    17 $7

    17 17;;;;;;ans$7 $7

    $7 17

    -0* Which of these are reasons for 'sing &ointers?

    1*%o )ani&'late &arts of an arra.

    $*%o refer to ke.words s'ch as for and if

    -*%o ret'rn )ore than one #al'e fro) a f'nction 0*%o

    refer to &artic'lar &rogra)s )ore con#enientl.

    1 E - ;;;;;;ans

    Onl. 1

    Onl. -

    All of the a"o#e

    -* str'ct n')


    int noT

    char na)e^$_T


    #oid )ain


    str'ct n') n1^_JXX$,BroseB\,X$7,Bg'l)oharB\,


    &rintfBddB ,n1^$_*no,IEn1=$;no=1T

    \What is the o't&'t of this &rogra)?

    3 3

    3 5 ;;;;;;ans

    5 3

    3 , 'n&redicta"le

    -:* D'ring initialiFing a 'nion

    Onl. one )e)"er can "e initialised*

    All the )e)"ers will "e initialised* 6nitialisation of a

    'nion is not &ossi"le*;;;;;;ans!one of these o&tions

    -2* +elf referential str'ct're is one

    a* Consisting the str'ct're in the &arent str'ct're

    "* Consisting the &ointer of the str'ct're in the &arent


    Onl. a

    Onl. "

    oth a and "

    !either a nor "

    -3* 6ndi#id'al str'ct're )e)"er can "e initialiFed in

    the str'ct're itself



    Co)&iler de&endent

    !one of these o&tions

    -5* Which of the following is the feat're of stack?

    All o&erations are at one end

    6t cannot re'se its )e)or.

    All ele)ents are of different data t.&es

    An. ele)ent can "e accessed fro) it directl.;;;;;;


    07* When stacks are created

    Are initiall. e)&t.;;;;;;ans

    Are initialiFed to Fero

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    Are considered f'll

    !one of these o&tions

    01* What is ti)e re'ired to insert an ele)ent in a

    stack with linked i)&le)entation?



    n log$n

    0$* Which of the following is the feat're of stack?

    All o&erations are at one end

    6t cannot re'se its )e)or.

    All ele)ents are of different data t.&es

    An. ele)ent can "e accessed fro) it directl.;;;;;;


    0-* %i)e taken for addition of ele)ent in 'e'e is1


    log n;;;;;;ans

    !one of these o&tions

    00* When is linear 'e'e said to "e e)&t. ?





    0* When 'e'es are created

    Are initiall. e)&t.;;;;;;ans

    Are initialiFed to Fero

    Are considered f'll

    !one of the a"o#e

    0:* What wo'ld "e the o't&'t of the following


    incl'de stdio*h



    &rintfBncB, Ba"cdefghB^0_T




    e ;;;;;;ans


    02* +elect the correct C code which will read a line

    of characterster)inated ". a n fro) in&'t(file into a

    character arra. called "'ffer* !ULL ter)inate the

    "'ffer '&on reading a n*

    int ch, loo& J 7T ch J fgetc in&'t(file T while ch ZJ]n]EE ch ZJ 4O/ X"'ffer^loo&_ J chT loo&==T ch J

    fgetcin&'t(file T\ "'ffer^loo&_ J !ULLT

    int ch, loo& J 7T ch J fgetc in&'t(file T while ch J

    BnBEE ch J 4O/ X "'ffer^loo&_ J chT loo&;;T ch J

    fgetc_in&'t(file T \ "'ffer^loo&_J !ULLT

    int ch, loo& J 7T ch J fgetc in&'t(file T while ch

    BnBEE ch ZJ 4O/ X "'ffer^loo&_ J chT loo&==T ch J

    fgetcin&'t(file T \ "'ffer^loo&_ J ;1T

    !one of the a"o#e

    03* What is the o't&'t of the following code ?

    #oid )ain


    int aJ7T

    int "J7T

    ==a JJ 7 ==" JJ 11T



    7, 1

    1, 1 ;;;;;;ans7, 7

    1, 7

    05* What is the o't&'t of the following &rogra)?

    define str88

    define Kstr8str8

    define o&er )'lti&l.

    #oid )ain


    char Io&erna)eJKstro&erT





    )'lti&l. ;;;;;;ans


  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    7* What is the o't&'t of the following code ?



    #oid )ain


    char Ia J BC;DAC77AC%+7nBT &rintfBsnB,aT \

    C;DAC AC%+AC%+

    C;DAC ;;;;;;ans

    !one of these

    1* incl'destdio*h

    #oid )ain


    while 1

    Xif &rintfBdB,&rintfBdB





    %he o't&'t is

    Co)&ile ti)e error

    >oes into an infinite loo&

    >ar"age #al'es ;;;;;;ans

    !one of these o&tions

    $* +elect the correct C state)ents which tests tosee if in&'t(file has o&ened the data file

    s'ccessf'll.*6f not, &rint an error )essage and e8it

    the &rogra)*

    if in&'t(file JJ !ULL X &rintfBUna"le to o&en

    file*nBTe8it1T \

    if in&'t(file ZJ !ULL X &rintfBUna"le to o&en

    file*nBTe8it1T \

    while in&'t(file J !ULL X &rintfBUna"le to o&en


    !one of these o&tions

    -*%he code

    int i J 2T

    &rintfBdnB, i== I i==T

    &rints 05

    &rints : ;;;;;;ans

    is co)&iler de&endent

    e8&ression i== I i== is 'ndefined

    0* Rec'rsi#e &roced're are i)&le)ented ".

    Linear list




    * Which of these are reasons for 'sing &ointers?

    1* %o )ani&'late &arts of an arra.

    $* %o refer to ke.words s'ch as for and if

    -* %o ret'rn )ore than one #al'e fro) a f'nction 0*

    %o refer to &artic'lar &rogra)s )ore con#enientl.

    1 E -;;;;;;ans

    onl. 1

    onl. -

    !one of these o&tions

    :* %he e8&ression 8 J 0 = $ ;3 e#al'ates to ;:



    !one of these o&tions

    2* What is the o't&'t of the following code?




    register int aJ$T

    &rintfBnAddress of a J d,B, EaT &rintfBtal'e of aJ dB,aT

    Address of a,$ ;;;;;;ans

    Linker error

    Co)&ile ti)e error

    !one of these o&tions

    3* What is the o't&'t of the following code?


    #oid )ain


    int arr^_JX7,1,$,-,0,,:\T

    int i,I&trT

    for&trJarr=0,i J7T iJ0T i== &rintfBndB,&tr^;i_Tas

    the 7J0,for ;1 it "eco)es J-



    : 0 - $

  • 8/12/2019 C-DAC_Interview Questions


    7 gar"age gar"age gar"age gar"age

    0 - $ 1 7 ;;;;;;ans

    5* Which of the following is the correct wa. of

    declaring a float &ointer9

    float &trT

    float I&trT ;;;;;;ansIfloat &trT

    !one of the a"o#e

    :7* 6f the following &rogra) new&rog is r'n fro)

    the co))and line as9new&rog 1 $ - What wo'ld "e

    the o't&'t of the following?

    #oid )ain int argc, charIarg#^_


    int 6,@J7T

    for 6J7T6argcT6==@J@ = atoiarg#^6_T






    Co)&ilation error;;;;;;ans

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