byzantine art after 10 century

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7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 1/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 2/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 3/84

130U T THE YEAR 1075 a mysterious

ind ividual named K ekaumenos,

who seems to have been a highly

 placed militar y governor ,

counselled his peer s:

If  someone r evolts and pr od aims himself  emper or ,

do not support his scherne but stand  a!oof fr om him... Pr cserve f ealty to the emper or in Constantino ple

and  you won't f ai! in your  expectations ... i beseech

you ... to sid e with the emper or and to k ee p serving

him, since the emperor  who has his court in

Constantinople must always win.'

Fig. 'gThe 'Da_id Cask et',

cnd  of ninth century.

["ory, 16.1 x 8.+

x 10.3 cm

Mor e than a mor alising plea for loyalty, this

 piece of ad Yice implies that the r ead er might

tak e the o pposite cour se and move against

the em per or  ~ a possi bility fr equently r ealised 

in the long histor y of Byzantine cons piracy

and usurpation. Both fealty and ex pectationschar acter ise the natur e of those objects that

we have, work s of  art that in one way or 

, another may be associatea with the Byzantine

court as things emanating fr om, or pr esented in,

this milieu. As against the long-Iost physical

. environment and d  ecor ation of the Gr eat Palace,

these thihgs stiıı s peak of the pr etensions and 

ambitions of those who mad e use of them.

The off ering and reception of gifts (and 

titles), and broad  suspicion as to the motives

und erlying such gestures, play a sizeable part

in the counsels of K ek aumenos. Both s

also f igure in the mid-tenth-centur y wo

as the Baak  r if  G er emanie.>and  O n tlze Admin

tlze Empire, com pilations attr ibuted to C

VII Porphyr ogennetos (sole rule 945-39

In these texts it is o bvious what is off er e

what is r eceived , but in many cases whe

have only an o bject unaccompanied by

s pecifications, it is difficult to know whe

was a pr esent fr om or to the emperor . I

d ear that the so-caııed David Cask et in

Palazzo Venezia in Rome (fig.19) was g

the sover eign (and his s pouse) - the insc

on the lid, a bove an image of  Chr ist ble

them and the d onor s saluting this event

of  the 'couple ofser vants [who] ad or e a

should , the imperial couple' - it is far fr

certain whether  a dismember ed  o bject lthe leaf  shovıing Constantine the Gr eat2

 proba bly alluding to his tenth-centur y s

d enotes his demonstratian of piety befo

lost centr al membel' of a triptych presen

him or  a gift to him cele brating this attit

Such pr o blems ar e inherent in many

instances of  this sart and teııing in the a

they present since theyattest to value s i

shar ed by the ruler  and his court. In oth

it is less important whether  a piece or igi

the emper or 's or  an aristocr at's behest t both parties to the artistic tr ansaction pa

 pated in a comman id eology. Centr al to

 bod y of thought was the r uler 's weıı- bein

this d e pend ed that of the empir e over  w

ruled . His longevity, divinely pr otected p

health and  a bility to d ef eat his enemies

as concomitants. These belief s ar e link ed

ivor y diptych, the two parts of which ar e

divid ed . On the leaf in Venice (eaI.75), a

anather in Dresd en,3 SS. John the Theol

and Paul are said in the e pigr am at the t protect an emper or  Constantine - almos

certainly Constantine VII - fr om harm,

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 4/84

i:11'1" ni"ı!ıe \' enice !c"L no\l' İn \ ·icnn"

,\ndn'ıı' "nCi Pe[er ar e eksnilxd as

iıİın li'nın his sins. lt is intnesting to

\ıHlınl'·s p"cihc. or atorieal stam'l'

•,'S "r e depicted in philosopheı<

ılıl ' rok  assignecl to him in the

 I d ll iiııi. ı /m / iı ıı ı ı ı /   / lie E m /  J ir e. in ıdıich

;ııtr i bııtes a "ictan' O\Tr the Sb\'s

'I ('ntiun of  'the im'incibk ancl

. Iıle ıı'arr ior  and captain andmar sh<ıl.

ıd ldlll and  "icıorioııs hr st-called  apostlc

\ııd ı, i ilc d ifler l'nce is c:--:plained by the

., •i 1.1 i, •that this ınulti-talented  saint was

"III"d  111">11ın play in the ınid-tenth centur y .

. \ L ı i'compleınent<ır ity appear s \ıhen the

111>11'c: ,I "nc! inscriptions o n a tr i ptych, again

ııı li " ı ) ,I  IC ı Venezia, ar e consid er eel (fig. :20).

(III İı. \ ing the legenel eleclar es th<ıt, withd ı( 11<'11',( [he lour  ın<ırtyrs d epicteel, the r uler 

,lc:.lll1. i lik cly Constantine VII) puts his

'11<'1111' IliGht - a sentimenr re peateel half 

,i ("111111 !'ıer in a poern on the page f acing

lll,, ll"I" ıu r Basil II in his Psalter  Hank eel

ı JI iı'(iII i inilitarv saints (fig. s ) , wher e the

111;11'1\r · i" .ıı·n are elescri bed  as his 'allies'.

11111d u • ııi~r am on the triptych's centr al

ıll!'lııl)('1 " bles ehr is!'s instructions to iVlary

,llıd ),,11 iıc B<ıptist, the inter cessors for 

11lllıı;lııi" ıtı, lo reJcase Constantine f r om all

iilıw"., ii"s He su bjects all powers to his

l'.ııılıi\ ,Jl'csentati\·e."

Illscriptian on the ıer t wing the

( red ited with the carving of the

i.ımiliar topos in Il'hich the s ponsor 

i' unekrstoocl to have be en its

htantine, incleecl, is clescr i becl in a

dı' te:--:tas <ın ar tist in his own right

'(O] recıor ' of other  crali:smtn." Yet,

" ,k ills <ır e mythical, the object <ıSa

'llsll1<ııf'<;thr  \1:'1)' in \\'hieh Christian

" [umecl to the bend it of the

i,i, is so in the ease of a dıalice

'i'11)('11 '


f'\ı-ıı il

\ \ I ıı ı l ( " i

in Venicc" -- possibly iootecl by the Latins fr om

the Great Palaee or  the Church of St So phia -

on the f  oot of which divine aid is invok ecl f or an

emper or R omanos. Ancl on the even mor e r ichly

gem-stuclclecl cr oss-r cliquary at Limbur g an cler 

Lahn,7 s ponsor ecl by Basil the p ro ed ro 5 (a high-

ranking civilian clignity), an inser iption on the

fr ame asserts that, with the help of the Cr oss,

Constantine (VII) ancl R omanos (I or II) enısh

the bar  bariam as Chr ist shatterecl the gates of 

Hcll. Appr opriations of this sar t are rile on work s

fi·om the ninth through the twd f th century ancl,

 par tieularly cluring Constantine's sole reign,

oceur  on ieoııs in a var iety of mater ials. He

masq ueracles as the f ir st emperor of  that name,

cr ownecl by Chr ist, in the pose use cl to de pict

the Pr oclromos (For er unner ) as he baptiscd 

Christ in the Jorclan," on a well-known ivan'

 plaq ue in Moseo\\' (cat.63); ;md in the guise of 

King Abgar  rceei\'ing the ı\Ianclylion on a \\'oocl

 panel at i\Iount Sinai." R c pealcdl), :i"IIT "kıll

see, he a ppear s as Da\'icl in the Paris Ps:tltcr 

(cat. 60). Bm the e:--: ploitation of  an;ılogies to


Trip!""" "ith Deisis

~llld ~aints, m icl-tl 'lltlı

cCl1nıry. ln))"'y , Qo.8

x 7.6 en1 (l e r ı \ \" in g l ;

23.6 ;:.,q..2 cnı (centr

 pbq ul'): 2'''9 x 6,9 c

(ri ght " ' ing )

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Fi~. II

Tr ipeveh \Vith

Crucif ixion and saints,

mid-tenth cCIHur y.

k or yo 20.8 x 7.6 cm

dcft \Ving);23.6 x 1+2

cm (central plaquc);

20.9 x 6.9 cm (right


C,lhIıU:1 d t'~ ~kd :ı.iJl{"!>.

l~i bJiIHht;qlı(' naıionaie e le

Fr ;1I1CI'. P,ır i.~


The siekbed of  King

Hezekiah, folio H6vof ıhe Paris Psalter ,

mid -tenıh centur y.

Tem per a and 

gold on parehmetlt,20.3 x 18.1cm.

Cabiııct des ~lcd aiıı{·s.

Bil)tim!lequc Il.lıion.ıic

dc France. Paris

. J udeo-Chr isıİan Antiq uily ıı·as limited

to the per son nar the time of  Constanti

This ruler 's mar r iage to Helena, d augh

his pr ed ecessor  R omanos ı(920-++),

impetus to the long-esta blished image

Constantine the Gr eat and his mother

ıdıo wer e r egard ed  as ar chety pal def en

the f aith. They stand together  at the f o

Cr ass on a magnificent ivor y in the Ca

~Iedailles, Paris (f ig.21), thus supplemen

traditional iconogr a phy of the Crucifix

r e pr esented  by the Borr adaile triptych

If  size and excellence in carving ar e ev

of imperial sponsor ship, then [he tr ipty

Paris is just such a cr eatian, most lik ely

the r eign of  Romanos II (959-63).10

Besid es a r e positor y of ancient id ea

Palace was evid ently a stor ehouse of anartefacts, both Christian and  secular . T

trophies wer e braught out in their  or igi

as were the silver  'lord anes' plate, the '

and  other  minsouria of the f ourth to six

centuries. iı Near the sickbed  of King H

in the mid-tenth-centur y Paris Psalter  (

stand s a chemibo xes to n (washing set) with

of fifth- or  six[h-centur y ty pe. Mor e oft

materials were incorpor ated into new c

as in the case of  the alr ead y-mentioned 

of R omanos, the gadraoned  bowl of wh

a sardonyx vessel of Late Antique, if no

origin. New lif e was similar ly given to th

rack  cr ystal known as the 'Gratta of the

which in Venice, if not earlier in Byzant

mounted  on a base now und er stood to

cr awn ofLeo Vi (886-912; cat.064) and

artef act in which the em perar is pr esente

is apos talos , the eq ual of  the A postles and 

Evangelists who surr aund him.

Between the ninth and the eleventh

the r e-employment of ancient har d stone

to have ins pir ed  Byzantine cr aftsmen to

newly mined ~ıaterials of  this sart. With

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, ,1'1111<'1:111;111;ı''';ıtt' patt'n iıı P;lris.'C' illlOıııııı- i, ,-,

I' Iı ii i' ,''I ,iLTıIIIal 1'01In(lcl (kpilting ıhe

\\ 1 1 < '

1,,1'1"ll pp"1 d SITııe es peC'ially ap pr opriate lo

ılll' ii''''l,i:ııı harisıic Iımnion - ancl the lllllCh

I;ıı~l'1 "I,IILı,I,'r  c:\aııı ple in "enice (caL80), at

ılj(' !ııılı' ıl'1\!ıil'lı a hall~length Chr ist \"'10. in the

iıı'ı 1'ipıi,1ı1"r "ııııclhiın. 'Takc. cal. this is ıny

I ILI' "il ," i"ice LOthe litur giC'al instruction)11 .. - •

rı'pe,ıı"" 1)\ ()r ıhoc!ox ancl other pr iesıs LO this

11;1\, ()Ij(' "i'ııı"n' ol'these sumptuous lItemils

ıııi"dıı 1\1,1111,111'coıııe from a churC'h or ciıapel

iıı ı!ıe (;1".11 P;ı1ace or  f r om St So phia: the Boo l<

0 / Lddl/Old'" i. ehapters I, g) descr i bes ho\l', at

Peıııc,."" '111c!on other leasts, the em peror laid 

1\\11l'ld ie," ancl t\l'O patens on the alta i'of  the

(;rı''11 (:Iııırıh, The same text tclls repeateclly

e,~, d i i. Ch;ıptcr IS) ofcrowns, chains, silver 

i,lllıkl;ı1l1 d, pt'ar l-studdcd and enamelled  book ('{III'1's;iiici oıher ob jects br ought in fr om the

l1'cl,ıın aııCı neighbouring churches to adam the

\LI,!.!;llaıır;1;ıııci oıher  parts of the palacı" when

.lınlia";IlI'ır s fr om a b r oad  were received.

T" '\ rı"s only uniq ue o bjccts in r arc

ııı;lll'r i,lls \i oıılcl be to d istort the pictur c of 

t,r if tsolil-r l'cI in the palacı" and  to ignor e the

,.ir,.ıımsunces of their  circulation, ]\Ilore habitual

\i;"ılll' prest'ntation of objects like the smail

ilın cr, '''c,s saicl in the Ceremonies book 

i. ıha pı('\', ıg, :22) to have been bestawed by

ılj(' cınpıT"r on a variety of  dignitar ies in the

Clıur ılı "I'ıhe :\lothcr of Cod ofthc Pharos

"iiLI\('il-;1Slof St Elijah and other occasions.

,'-iııılı pr esents are pr obably exemplif ied  by

,i ,ıııall ,iIHT cr oss at Dumbarton Oak  s (fig.23).

011illl' "ill'lTSe, ar oıınd the bu st of  Chr ist,

ıP pl'.ıI, ıht' plca 'Lord he! p R omanos the

Onlı"d,,'. cmperor ', while, on the rever se, the

'in;iıı', d icl i, inH)k ed for   'Basil the Des pot bom

ıı iIIt, pıırpie', These niclloed  legends mak e clear 

1;1 1 ılı" r ıılns in question \I'er e Romanos IIand 

\;ı,illl. Iıis son and  co-cmper or bet\l'een g60

ııCı'ılı,; \\'Iı<lt the inscriptions do not tel! us is

r et'or ckd  in the ({'rl'ıııııııi!',ı hook : ıhese sihTr 

er osses \ı('re a\l'ard ed dur  ing the same e\Tnt

as the pr cket of the tr casUl\' ancl other  oHicials

of -lcred  to the em per or  inlaid gold nosses, The

 precious-metal symbols \ITr e thus elements in

aritual of  gilt exchange. a saned  com pacı of 

allegianees ıhat coııld stay the Hu:\ of loyaltİes

implicit in the acl\'ice of K ek aumenos and  all too

aften manif est in the politicil historyol' the cr a,

R ead er s of  the Book  if  Cmmoııi!' .> might

IH'II come a\ı'a)' belie\'ing that \I'iıhout pom p

ther e \Vas no cir eumstance, no r itual conr ext

surround ing and af f ecting an object that may

reasona bly be assumed  to hm'e been associated 

",ith the palace. Yet in many instances it is

d ifficult to identif y sur\'i\'iııg \'estiges of Byzanıine

ar t with activities of   the court, fir st because this

text rar e!y enters into detail about the ob jectsthat it mentiom; and , second , ,e;iven its d eliber ate

focus' on 'public' events in this setting, because it

19nor es those things that penain to r elationships

 between imperia! kinsmen and women, tokens

exchange d  as mark er s of family solid arity -

the most important, and  sometimes the most

flagranıly withd r awn, sort of  al!egiance.

One example of such a ' personal' gif t is a

littlc-k nown cr oss-r eliquar y kept in the Church

of  St-Eloi at Eine in Fland ers (f ig.24). l ts eed ar 

obverse, bar ı" except for  its gold and ename!

tips, repr esented a partid e of  the T r ue Cr oss;

its reverse, sheathed in gold, bear s an inscr iption

describing this ' br anch of Eden' as an offering to

the Vir gin of '~Vlar ia, bom in the purple'. This

 princess \l'as a daughter of Alexios IKomnenos

and  Em press lr ene Douk aina, who pr esented a

\'er y similar  silver -gilt rcliq uar y (now in Veniee)u

to the Keehar itomene in Constantino ple, the

com'enr to \rhich both mother  and d aughter 

r etir ed after the emper or's cleath in ii ı8.

Ostensi bly de\'oid  of  politica] GontenL these

richı), d emr ated r elics proclaimed the piety of 

t beir donors, e\'en \I'hile the epithet ' purplc- borr i'

F i ; : ! . : 1 3

Cr o" or ılıe Emperor

Roın:ıno; II .ıncl B",i

[i. 9(io 03, Sillcr .

7· + x '-'. 9 cm.

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 7/84



 bcgil1l1İng of t\Vclftb

(CnlUty. Cedar , gold ,nicllo and  cnan1cl,

Lj..2 x 8 cm.

;ı pplied to ~Iaria Komnene sen'C.d to ollset

the fact that her father  was a usur  per . Clear ly,

Alexios I, noted f or the distıi bution of partieles

of  the 'Holy Wood ' to f or eigner s and to

monaster ies over seas,14 did not exelud e

members of his own elan.

The Par is Psalter  (cat. 60), an exce ptionallylar ge and lavishly d ecor ated  ver sion of the book 

that ser ved  the Byzantines as a mor al and liter ar y

 pr imer , may fittingly conelud e these r emark s on

ar t at court. Quite possibly pr e par ed  at the ord er 

of  Constantine VII for the edification of his son

R omanos, ı5 the bod yol' the text is surr ound ed 

 by an elabor ate a ppar atus of patr istic and other 

commentar y. But it is the d esign and content

of  its four teen f ull-page miniatur es that best

r ehear se manyol' the themes outlined  a bove.

Even the omament in their fr ames, nota bly the'vir tual' cabochons that stud  the images attached 

to the Od es of  Moses (f aL.149 v) and Isaiah

(f o1.435v),echo or  anticipate the encr ustation

of  the precioııs-metal vessels and  r eliqu

we have consid ered , while those of the

David  cyele (lois w-- p) r ef lect motifs us

mosaic decoration and  enamel inlays o


Best known f or  the per sonif ications

Classical and  Chr istian vir tues cele br atevarious Byzantine 'Mirr or s of  Pr inces'

lik e Ischys ( power ) in the scene of  Davi

slaughter  of  the lion and bear , and Prao

(mildness) who attend s his anointment

- the images r ef er no less d ir ectly to r c

 pr eser ved in the palace, as in the case o

that Moses wield s as he cr osses the R ed

o bject which was said to have been br o

Constantino ple d ur ing the r eign of  Con

the Great and  which, together  with the

of  the R omans' (manif est per haps in thof David 's coronation, f aL.6 v) , accor ding

Ceremon ie s book  (II, Cha pter  15),was dis

Ar ab emissaries visiting the cour t. "Vhe

not the final miniatur e of the ailing Hez

(fig.n), whose lif e is extend ed by God  a

thr ough the Prophet Isaiah, cannates th

and  a bsolutian of Constantine VII, to w

ther e seems to be an allusion in the e pig

on ivories (cats 74, 75), ther e is little d ou

a number  of  o bjects d e picted in the psa

to pr oud  possessions of  the Gr eat Palace

ther e ar e many scholar s who r e ject the

a society rack ed by cons pir acy, usurpatio

sus picion, attested by K ek aumenos and

wr itings of  Byzantine chr onieler s of  lif e

These d oubters may well turn for  comf o

contempor ary work s of ar t, a bod yol' pr

f rom which such d ysfunctional featur es

elid ed  or  combated with visual str ategies

concealed  within dif f icult, coded  r ef eren

58Icon of the Archan


Comtal1tinople, ı,,"elflh

Silver  g-ilt on \Vaad , gald

enanıCı, pr C(iOııS stones,

46 ..1 x 1) x 2.7 cm

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59 +-

Faur Gaspds,

Second  'luarter  of

century, Constantin

Par chmenı, 18.6 x

1-325 folios

Constantino ple, m

L \lanuscript on par

37 x 26·5 cm

6 i --77

Lectionary wi

text, folia ıgy

Constantino ple, tw

Par chment, 38.5 x

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'l, 1 .

i- • ~

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Byzantiuın, tentlı clc\'cııth

cclltllr ies, with latcr  altcr atİol1s

Bo ne on a wooelen core, \\"ith

 brass c1as ps , 1 6.1 x 2+ x i:-).6 enı

Constantino plc, mid-tcnıh centur y

Tvor y and bone on wünel cor e,

metal hard war e, 11.2 x 40.5 x 16 cm

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 16/84

( ) ~/

(:;lIy('ci hox iiith

l'ıııpl'1'ors ricli ııg ;ınc l

iıuııt111O ". - . ,

r('ıııll (jr {'It-. i. \ı'tll 1et'!lll!]"\"

(.;ın"cd ;ıııci .' . ....•Lııncd ı\"nıy. '-aid

~lıll\\ ıran" 01'.,.'1 i' '. III

.1. • .-.' ( lll~·.\\nlı ,ik,  T 

l pI.IIT llH'lıt.'

ltld, _  !ıiıı'r'I'orılt'l' l'('iııııırcCl11t'llh. ,..,l:-'.ll1d

; j.1 x ~l ;. -+ x qı"nı

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( jg

h,ır\ \i iilı C:oııstaııtinc

\·11 I'orpll\ mgcnnctas

,r O\\ ıwd 1)\' Clırİsl

(,11 ı it ,ıpiı', ' J ı . . - ı

h.>\ ,I, j{ q.,") ı " r ı ı

( :i,11'i,ldIIIHI11!t'.

i )ii \\('I - ; 1 ;:;: () •1 11 c i ~ ) [ '1

I ,, '1'\. II i. ; , i(L X '2('lll

ii Ikliıı.

". Il1ld.\!ll" Iılıı Iıi;"

, ı".-,ıı"li

; 0\'atiH' plaquc "ith Clırİst

 blessing Empt'ror Oııa i

(067 - 83) and Empr css

Thco plıano \982 83)

h"O r y. Ir.H T ;" nı' rrd  poı~·t'hrtJıny.

ın.,i x ıo.t) rm

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 19/84

7 1 .-

Icon with Vir güı

and Child Sccond half of temh cemu

InH;:. 22.~ x q.:2 x 1.1cm

72 --.

1vory panel with th

Theotokos Hod eget

Comtaminople, tenth cen

,,"oıy, '25 -7 x '3.3 x 1.4 cm

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 20/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 21/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 22/84


j . ) .

"ıır\ iiiılı ( lıı ı,ı

1 '. 1 1 L L L ,k r .ı ii'i

74Ivor y panel \I·ith

s s _ Andr ew and Peter 

(;Olhl.tIltiIlı)pi<:. miCı-ıcIHh

CTIlıury CIl' 1(1)1).'"

k oı;:. :2+6 ; . < J~L)CI11

7 5h-or y panel witlı Stjolın

the Theologian anel

St Paul

(;f ııı ....Llllıillnl}k. mid-{I:nIJ ı

n'ntury OL " ıcı()l)..,

h"o ı ~. l+~J x 1:1.-!- ('!LL

-.". J.' .,ı. ,(",L. i i~ı'' 1'." "'ll; ••...•1", , "

\. ;'·",·Iı, i. ,,].•. 'I' !' ...

'IL.-.ı ,L. i .,1 dı \ " .'"1 . il ,i' . lıO "

1'1.1L i: ıi.' l.;'~',ı.ı, i. \1" . '\ ""'!" ,

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 23/84

76Triptych with

Deisis and Saints

ConstanLİoopie, c. ı000

h-or y with traces or  gilt,

2:).2 x 33 x 2.9 cm (opeo)

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 24/84

/ i

1 1 1 ,1 i L I i J d \' i1 I c ' tr ip t\" c h

\lllIı I), j,i, ;l Ilcl sain ts,

ı l l " ti J H Ilo! {jr j.~'iıı.ılı.

. i tlıe {Ttllı'l' ,lllcl

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 25/84

78h·ory triptych with

Crucifixion and  saints

(The Borr ad aile Triptych)

Icon with the

Cnnstanıino p!e. sec

of ıhe ıenıh cenııır y

Slcatİtc, panially g

'3 x 11.2 x 1.7 rmCoııswntinoplc, tenth century

In)};'. 27.2 x 15.7 cm (central

panel; 7.8 cın lIeft \ ,-in?;); 8.5 enl

rif{ht \\'in~\

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 26/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 27/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 28/84

81Chalicc ol' the Paırİar chs,\Ja!Ja,ın j l< l I < ii

witlı C lııi,!

COI1"I.tlııilll'pl, !I'IJlIı "IC'\I'llllı


\l.ıI,.•,,(!.]....•ihı I-·~jıl. l'lWK  cry"ı:ıl.


Coıı ....ıaıııiııoplc. Il'mb or 

(' ;ı rly c!ı' \"('ıııh <Tlltııry

S;ır doııyx ('u p: "ikcr ~!.!,"ilı.

g-nld doi",OIlJl4:' e!l.ııııl'!. pt'ar  b.

 plTCioıı lnllC :ıııd  rock  cr y.\I;ı1

c.ı1)(Jt.'lıolı, 111011111. '27< ) x ıg1'111

Byzantiıll11, I : ı t < , It'IHh

L';:ırl~dı'\"l'llllı n'IHlıri(';-'

(;iklvd 7'ikl T /lll \\()od. "

g:ııld 1']Oi"OllIH' (,Ilamd".

aııd pr {'("iClu ....•.•11ınl· • .•. :": ~L)

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 29/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 30/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 31/84

At Church

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 32/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 33/84

'1"1 Llı

ılil i lt " i

"i ıı,ıiıı'

iiillı IIi



I""' piıınl illlcil!H' piıte'lI illlci

"i "IH' LO thl' ,ouıh 1;)1' ITslmı'llls

'. '1 '1 1 1 ' ,i\lletuan as ii ıı!ııılc

Iıııklcn Iwhiııc! thl' İl'f ıııostasi.'

i 11IJlI"1I aııc! r l'snlTd  Ic)r 

,lıı, miıınia! ahOlT aıı

,I ciil'inl' s peetack . Here an

i i>Ilıhinl'd hl'autif ülh-, the

" i ıhe lToss-in-squar e chur ch

ii 'lll' Il's.'icr ac (nıhes ur gla.'iSI

",ıil'. On c10se ins pectioıı, the

i iii.:.!.; St And r eıı' (fig':3+) shılll's hoıı'

, ..,insertecl iııc!İ\'icllıaııy inlO

, '~,(ıımd  on site to constr uct an

,ilıhis created  an othenvor 1c11y

,ii ing, r eftcctedlight. Paint ıvas

i ıhing to mosaic work , and the eff eet

L L L '1 !'hur ch was LOcreate a LOtaııy

tl d is phy, clark cl' andmor e intense.

i;iiıation of  l1aos as 'centralised  s pace

i \ as:1I1 area set apart rdated to the

ontine r eligioııs sen'ices. On thc

,ıngr egation couk ! listen to the

 j "Jt obser ve their  activities. Cer tain

l~ihJe r eadings and the d eliver l'af 

homilil's look pliılT al t!ll' d o"r s or  tlH'

il'lInuslasis bııı the litur g:' (the tnın rl'k r s

to ıhl' EUl'har isl, buı ııiıı he USl'd  hl'r e Ic)r 

am' rl'gu!ar  ehureh sen'ilTi ıı'as huİ!t annınci

d raınillİl' iıp pearanl'l'S or thl' C1l'r g:' [i'oın the

s<lnl'lU,ll'l' at k cl' points in the sen'ict'

c!is p!aI'İng ıhl' Gos pl'1s <ınci ıhe saeraınl'nts.

In sl'mbolie terms. the pans or  the chıır ch

IIlTe clil'icled hoth l'('rtİcaııy anclhor izonıaııy

ancl e:ıclı part coulcl be gin'n a s pİritua!

meaning. Verticaıı)', eınphasis has traclitionaıı)'

 bin on the iınages ilİthin the ehur ch. These

hal'C long been und er staacl as l\'Or k ing in thr ee

r egister s. At the highest Ic\'cls, the cupolas and 

apses ar e Cıecor aled  Il'ith Chr ist, the Mother  of 

Gocl ancl ange!s. Bela\\' ar e scenes fr om the lif e

of  Chr ist, o[(en Cid ieel a 'f estil'a! cycle' because

they hal'e been see n ;ıs scenes r epr esenting the

T\I'eh'e Gr eat feasts of  the Orthodox Chur ch.5

Finaııy, the lowest [eye! is mad e up of  saints,

LısuaHy shown as single standing figur es.

Tn this way, the to p levcl r e pr esents heaveıı

and , ind eeel, the centr al d ome is most of ten

occu pieel by Chr ist whose pr esence, though

not visi b!e to worship per s un!ess they chose

to look right u p, never theless hung over them

Fi~:-,3~ı 33["terior  ,ıııcl p bno r  til(' early dlTCllth-

century mona ...trry

clıur clı of Ho,i",

Loukas. 11t'.l\"

Di~tomo. in Boeot ia

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 34/84

Fig·34The İnterior  of  the

monastcr y church

of  Hasİos Louk as

throughout their time in the builcling. In the

apse, the Mother of Gad , bearing the Child,

ser ved to illusırate the Incarnation, proving that

Gad became Man, was bom of a Virgin and 

saved humankind . Below this, the scenes from

the life of Chr ist could be under stood in sever al

ways. A comman view is that they acted  as books

f or the illiterate, a teaching tool f or those who

came to wor ship but who could not read. This

is a convenient interpr etation of the meaning of  pictures in chur ches but it does not always match

the reality, which is that such scenes were often

uncomf orta bly high a bove wor shipper s and  even

 beyand their  sight. R ather , they mac

life pr esent ancl visible as an eternal w

Christian truths and  a r eassur ance to

Finaııy, the saints, both on the walls

on the lowest level, closest to the wor

 physicaııy surr ound ed the \iewer s in

They gazed out at worshippers, seemmeet their  eyes, acting as the fir st f oc

wor shippers on entering the church,

icons ofTheodore Tir o and Stlames.

wor ship per 's fir st act was to make a c

of  these images, often the s pecial sain

each chur ch, dis played on stand s (kn

 pr os / ıy neta r ia ) , venerating the m through

them, lighting cancUes in fr ont of them

touching them.6 This corpor eal conta

saints ena bled the f aithful to shar e th

as the lik enesses were not under stoocl

Byzantines simply as pictures but as i

which contained the authority of the

figur e. At the start of the litur gy, cong

and icons alik e wer e censed  and , in th

 both became equal participants and e

 pr esences in the liturgy, f orming a pa

communion of saints. Russian envoys

Sophia in the tenth centur y wer e con

the angels descended from the mosaic

in the cele bration.7 So images within

drew the s pectator into contemplation

divine events and , beyand that, into p

in divine wor ship.8

Icons f illed  chur ches. Over time t

of the Byzantine chur ch went through

of  significant changes, stimulated by t

to incr ease the sanctity of the altar an

emphasise the power of icons. In the

Byzantine chur ch the laity could  visua

 participate in all the stages of the litur

 per f ormed  by the priests behind  a law barrier between the nave and the alta

gr aclually changcd , and in the sixth ce

Chur ch of St So phia at Constantino ple

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 35/84


" i \\ iılı ,I Iıiıd ıer  scr een, tlıe so-callcd halil tL ,'~, , , ,

Iii'i 11('11.ın Ir ont ot tlıe altar . ihıs type

ıııp o, .,cıT"1I \\ ,I' ii)uııcl III oıher  dlllrdıes belür e

1'111 11I11iı r a pie!ly beeame the norm afi:er llUl ,. . i

1'111 11,11,ı1hin marblc as in the chur ch at'Iltil" ,

riptlll iıı : : j jl j + caıs 183, 18+1. By ıhe t\H'lfth

I 11'1 l(olJ.' IltTe laid  O\Tr  the to p of thelll .'

, iiLi, likı' ilıe !ıeaın on :'Tount .\thos \I'ithI' ,

ii or  iiit' Iıl.ıiıı chur eh f esti\'als, the R aising- of :'l ., ıl' ;i!ıti ılıe Transf iguration, as in eat.216),

ıılt"'ll tlj(' ı'oluınns of  the templon, ieons or 

ır ı;ıiıı' ii"1'(' graclually inserted. As a result of 

H"t' ,lr ti('IIIl(". ıhe priest now perf or med part of 

' liıur g, Iwhind an o paque scr een, enhancing

iık ;ı ,ıl' ılıe ill\'isi ble holy of holies in the

ırTIı ,Illll .ıllmı·ing him to m ak e entrances into

e clıur clı ;11 e!r;m1atic moments in the litur gy.

e ıeııd ı'ıı('\' to se par ate laity fr om priesthood 

aclıed  i ı > ; llIlal stage with the thirteenth-centur y

cloplIlen! of the high ieonostasis, a scr een

\I'ITd  \\ iıh ieons which totally concealed  the

ar uıılı'" ıhe centr al d oor s (usually d ecor ated 

h aıı .\ııllLll1eiation, as cat.281) wer e o pened.

e i('oııo'ıasis included  a whole range of icons

' 1(,IHTaıiol1, including the Deisis, the patronal

ıı ol' ıhe ehurch, the ma jor f estivals of the

r clı. aııe! other  saints and  pr ophets, and might

SlımHılllltee! with a crtlcifixion.

LIl'Iı church a p pears to have had  its ownTr sc eollcetion of  saints. Asaint may a p pear 

losı aıı\ where on the walls of  a chur ch, and 

gr olljlee! lI'ith a var iety of  other  saints from

aııge of clates in the liturgieal calend ar .9

hough iı has been suggested that saints ar e

gaııiSl'd by ran k , function and  plaee in the

ııci;ır of t he Chur ch, this is not the case.

ııgh saints \I·ithin the Church eer tainly

n ddiııee! gr oups - pr ophets, A postles,

ı ;1\ "lı .\ne!re\ı', E\·angclists. martyr s, bishops,

r rioJ. s.ıillts, hr etler  saints - the a p parently

ı 1';1 1'\ nalur e of  the ciıaice of ineli\'ielual ,aints

I!',1ı"ıl lI'iıhin each chur ch suggests that the

ineli\'ielual natur e anel r ole o r ıhe ehurclı \I'as

iııı por tant in picking the saints. !ııekeel, it is

 possi ble that ehur ehes liTr e per soııalisee! thr ough

their  choice of  saint: the iııe!i\'ielual patrolis, ıhe

l\'lxof monk . the ty pe of  ehur eh ınust all h<l\T

 been signif ieant faetor s in the ehoiees of saiıl!'.

Sueh \ıas the settiııg for the litur gy. \I'hiclı

lI'as itself  a perfor manee eelCbrated  \ı·ith

a ppr o priatc tr a ppings \Iİthin the s pace of  tlıe

ehur eh (fig.35). i\f any seniees took place early ın

the ınorning or  at d usk , and churehes liTre oüen

small and r e/atiH ly dark , As a r esult, ligh ting was

of  gr eat importance, and chur ch inventories and 

ty pik a (f ound ation d oeuments) r cgular ly eliscms

the Iighting d evices in their particular  building.

Candles and oil lam ps (cats 218, 21g) provieled 

artificial light; they might be sus pend eel in

glitıering cand ela br a (ca ts 170, 171) and 

chanddier s, or plaeed in cand lestick s.

The importance of the litur gy meant

that litur gical vesse/s and book s wer e valued 

highly and mad e of pr eeious mater ials. The

k ey liturgical vessels wer e the chalice, paten

(ca ts 20, 80) anel asterisk  (for the Eucharistic

wine and br ead ), and t he associated vessels

f or the pr e par ation of  the Communion, the

f la bellum, or f an, the censer used thr oughout

the ser vice to' cense congregation, altar  and 

church. Processional cr osses (cats ıgo, ıgı) wereemployed in the entr y processions of  the d er gy

and  went befor e the Gos pe/-book. Altar tables

too could be precious and lavishly decor ated. iD

They, the br ead and wine, the chalice and patl'n

\Yere all co\'ered ıvith a p propriate textiles. of ten

silk s heavily embroid er ed  in golel. The pr iests

themselves had  vestınents a ppr opriate f or  each

service. The ep it rach e lio n was an em broidereel stri p

of doth worn ar ounel the neck that all priests

were obliged to wear when ap pr oaching the

sanctuar y, wlıile the e J }( g o nn t i o ı ı was a stif f  gold-

embr oielered piece of d orlı that hung f rom the

girelle to t he k  nee,

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 36/84

Fig·35The inıer ior  of 

St Caıher ine', on

;\OlountSinai, with

a service in progress

Books wer e es peciaııy holy because they

contained the word  of Gad. Consequently, they

wer e often lavishly d eeorated  and  sumptuously

 bound , sho~ving proper r es pect to Gad . The

litur gy is an e1a borate interweaving of texts

fr om psalms, both r ead and  sung, of passages

fr om the Gospels and Epistles or Prophets, of a

lar ge number  of pr ayer s, same chanted , of  short

r eadings a bout the saints whose day it is, and of 

hymns. All of these need ed book s. Liturgical texts

were not assembled into one book but in f act

s pr ead across several volumes. The prayer s said 

 by the priest in Iitur gy wer e uniquely written on

a long scroll r olled to the eorr eet place and held 

up by the d eacan for the priest. These serolls

tend ed not to be heavily illuminated: the Patmos

litur gieal roll has an elabor ate frontis pieee

showing St Basil the Great cele br ating

litur gy insid e an cla bor ate mar  ble build

 but the r e,t of its iııustr ations ar e initial

r eligious and  secular . Gos pel texts wer e

in a lectioııar y, wher e they \,·er e divide

of lessons ananged  accor ding to the d a

year  on whieh passage was to be r ead .

Gos pel- book  (eat. 205 ) playcd  an active

in the litur gy, f or it was earried out into

ehur ch from the pr othesis, and tak en th

the sanctuar y d oor s into the be ma, or  s

wher e it was placed  on the altar . This a

symbolised . among other  things, the en

the Word  of Gad into the world. As a r

Gos pel-book s fr equently had impr essive

and less attention might be paid to thei

deeor ation. Ind eed , ther e is a ease for  s

that same of  the most ela borately deeorGos pel- books in Byzantium wer e never 

used but may have simply sat on the al

re pr esentations of  Christ's inearnate wi

 just as the bread and wine of the Eueha

wer e his bod y and bload . However , hun

of illustrated  Gos pel-book s sur vive, show

variety of ways of iııustr ating the narrati

use frontis pieees with Gos pel seenes, sam

narrative stıi ps between bloeks of text; m

Evangelist portr aits. Leetionaries (eats 6

eontained liturgical r eadings drawn fromBible f or  the Euehar ist, and fr om saints'

Church Fathers and the Couneils of the

f or  other  serüces.

The psalter  was per ha ps the most im

 book in Byzantine d aily lif e, to the exten

childr en leamed to r  ead  and  write from

even, as in the bilingı.ıal psalter her e, W

adults might leam Gr eek  from it (eat. 17

In ehur eh, psalms wer e sung throughout

Iitur gy. In par ish ehur ches, they were se

r elevanee to that d ay's f east; in monaster

wer e sung in biblical ord er over  the eour

serviees. Bothmonk s and lay singer s mu

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 37/84

.IıJI iiLi p,a!ln 1)\, he~lr ( ;IS, pmhably,

IJlII'1 ,,Jılıe cüll,~r egatiuıı, ,\ı kast 8: )

Jlıilı.ı1ııI psalıer s slIlYin' aııCı 110 t\1'() are

,;ııııı', i 1I11str aıecl in \'arious \I'ays, they

ı' 1lllllwr"lIS inıeıvr etaıions, meclitations

i ('lıll1llıı'lıtar ies on the psalıns, Suıvr isinglY,

piı,' ıı.ı\' iıı \d ıieh the psal111s \ITr e used  in

r ~'\, IIli, ın;ı;, are neyer r earrang-ed to r eHect

bııı .dıı~ı\,; ınainıain ıheir biblical oı·der .

lıı'lp ıııııııks in the r ecitation or  the psalıns,

dın' ,,,'r e organised into t\\'enıy sections or 

ı ııılill , ,'aı h containing bet\lTen one and 

p,;dı ih,To aid 111eınor )' eve n fur ther , each

hi,ııııı ii;1' su bd iyided into three, Ther e ar e

1 " , \ (1 ' ()Id Testament book s than New, in

ı 1t'lIn llI1~ their  lesser  place in the litur gy.

B""k ,)[Jo b, however . is one of  the most

ıı!;ır , .ıııcl O\Tr twelye iııustrated  co pies


The 111llr eh was alsa a place wher e people

.(lll11I;lkeind ividual off er ings, Same took  the

n ol' \Oıiye gifts lef t for  Chr ist, the Mother 

;ocl "i ıhe saints in pr ayer  or in thank s f or 

diı, received  (cat. 198), R elics of  saints wer e

'ioıı'. of Iering the f aithful a dir ect contact

ı1J(';ınual, tangi ble hal)', and ever y altar 

mnlk  eontaincd a relic. Such r emains

ci \ .LI'\'li'om a minute s plinter  of wood  from

Trııc Cross (ca ts 182, 188), encased  as bef itted tll" or a mor sel of bone from asaint to

ıholı' hcad  or  a hand  of  asaim. Such

ial r ı 'lies alsa actcd  as magnets f or  pilgrims

e ı\ııırch.

Tllf' materials used  to er eatc the images

"Iıied'> at chur ch r eHected both the

lll'(TS a\'ailable to the patrons and  the

ır l.llJlT of  r cligion, f or it was thc patr ons'

Iıı c;i\'t, of the ir be,t to Gad . There \I'as a

r ( 11\ (J[ matcr ials: mosaic and  paint; gold ,

1)11)llze, br as;" co pper ; and material;,1"I\"s ınioht car  ı'" a svm bolic mcaniıw.

" .',/ b

1"1' example, did not tarııi,h and   so

re presellll'd  pmi!\', Pıır   plc staiııiıı,~ or pages or 

 buok s r l'pr esl'llted llot onl\' aıı İllCr l'aSl' iıı pr ilT

 bllt abo a coıııment oll il11 pl'r ial statııs. pıırplc

 being t he impcrial eolom r esel'\Td  for the

e111per or . .\licro-1110saie ieons \ITH' a highly

s peeialised , partind arly eostly Itırın or  111osaic:

ıhe b'c1 and detail or  skill need ed to \lork  on

this seale ıısing mimııe ıesserae, ca ch plael'd 

indi\'idııalh' in position, sur ely \lith t\\TeZer S,

is simply sraggcring. Ol~ jcets 111ight be hırther 

d eeor ated \I'irh e\'Cn ınore precious materials,

inlaid in ename! perha ps (cats 199, 2 - 1 - , ) ) or 

gild ed , and d eeor ar ed \I'ith omament and  scenes

a p pr o priate to their lise, as with the Riha Paten

LlSed f or Eucharistic br ead , wher e the Last

Su p per is d e picr ed  (cat. 20). And  size always

mattcr ed . it related not only to cost, but alsa to

[ıınction: sm all book s wer e often intend ed to be

r ead  in private.

'Vithin the ehur ch, ar chitectur e, imager y,

'the litur gy, as well as sights, sound s and  smells,

including voices, incense, smak l' and  candle-wax.

heat and bodies, hard , polished floor s, gli ttering

mater ials, aıı com bined to cr eate the ef f ect of 

tr anslating the wor shipper into a s pher e beyand 

the wor ldly, and  to transiate the church into

heaven, in ord er to move being 'at chur ch'

to being 'with Gad '.

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7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 39/84


Chanclclicr  (c!ıor o.ı)

Thir ıcellth li)t 1ncl'1lI1ı Cl'llIl1r~

(:~ıst ('opp cr  alloy. diaııH'lcl" :).-)0

I.:lll: Iıl' i! .dlt ,," ithou t h;ııı!!iıı!.!;~

1'+6.) <:111

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 40/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 41/84

7 i

l JlJll']-,ıliIl\


,[lll1 \11' 1I,r;ılll';ıll. 1.,-),")1) (i.-)n

ı . ı~ılı o r "'lI~p('Jı,ilıl1

;1-11'1" ııl' di,k '2g ("LLL

1 72 " 

Clıur ch bcll

Ser  bia, '1 ı\lıgUst I+12

CaQ br oıızt', hcight 7'2 cm;

c1iaıncıcT 55 rm

1 7 3 .,.

R ad ap's belI

Scrli:ı.:.? .-\ugıı"ı Lt:;:!

Ca~( br ol1z(', : > [ J x -l j rın

1 7 t +-

Co pper  al10y plaque ıı"ith

the H od cgt.:tr ia and  saints

il~Llıtilıll1. lı'mh f lr

l'i{'\"("Hiı fTılllır~·

('O p! cr  :ı1!()) , ~ J '.- J y Itı.E: ('])1

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 42/84

1 7 5 .-Homilies on the

~lary by James

K okkino ba phos,

Constanıil1ople, lir s ı h

ıhe !\, dfi h eentur v

~ ranuscript on parchm

23 x t6.5 cm

1 76 --.Per fume br azier

f orm of a d omed

Constantino plc or Ital

end  of the twelfth cent

Silwl', partiaııy gilded ,

and perf oratcd , 36 x 3

1 7 7 -77

Psalter  with the

vener ation of  an

the Virgin Mary

Hodegetr ia, folio

COl1sıantinople and C:y 

arounCı 1300

Tempera anel golel on p

Latin and Gn'ek bilingııa

and other tcxts of  \'ar ioı

x 2 + cn1

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 43/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 44/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 45/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 46/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 47/84

ııg .-Tray ıı-ith r  e pl'l'seıııation

o r the. \postlcs Peter  anel

Paul ııanking- acr oss

(:;ırt!ı;ı,:.!,\', ~ır ·ltııır \ - I tH )

(:Ia;. :r/.~) < :Jtl.n,'lll: \\iılth ol'

rr .lllW +. -i. cm

179 lt

Gilt-co ppcr plaqut' "ith

St Theoelor e

Byz.ll11iııın 'C()Il"uııtiI10 plC~)I.

nıid -dcn'l1rh (cnnır;;

Gilt (oppcr, 12.:) i< 6.7 cm

iLı ·1. ı.,· ,.fı:',- I1r;1 ;1 \hı. 11.1 .-, 1 -1 11.1

P~"ı.!i••·;- .

ı80 , j,

Textile hanging with

St Mak ar ios and  waman

in pr ayer 

E;.iYV l,lour tlı ')r  tif tlı CC l1lur y

Lint'Jl and  \\"001, IO~):. Sb Ctn

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 48/84

R cliq uar y sar co phagus

Byzantiul11, f if lh-sevenıh century

~ l arb le a~glonıcratc,

27 x 51 x '15 -:') cm

R eliq uary crucif i

Constantino ple, lirst h

the tenth centur y, :\[on

of St !I!ichael, Damok r(now Güzelce)

Parıially gilded  silver  c

hold er , 36.4 x 23·7 cm

(The ertlcif ix [a bove] a

the sar co phagı.ıs Dcf t]

for illustrative purposes

and  ar e not exhi bited )

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 49/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 50/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 51/84

185 .-Double-sid ed d osure


Thrb("s, nintlı ct'nll1ry

il br  blc, 88.3 x 10:;.8 x Il).:) cnı

Double-sid ed  d osur e


Thebes m , 872/73

illarblc, 97.5 x 73.8 x 9.5 cnı

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 52/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 53/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 54/84

ı87Silver chalice

Syria, Early Byzantine,

sİxth century

Sih-er  ,,·ith nicllo and  gild ing,

18 x 26.6 x 16 cm

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 55/84

~!"_~- ~

~ '"

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 56/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 57/84

189 .-

(:llll"(i1lllirınplt'. lir..ıIı,ılr ııl'

,'ltTe mlı Cl'Jl!ll1Y

Ca ...! {'opper  :ı1lııy. !ı.1l1l11ll'rn!.

l'1l!.~, T;ın·d <llld j>11I1dH·d. : 1 1 ) A. :;ll.ı x

o.:i clll

19° , j.

Pr ocessianal cross

Hy Z< 1I11 ilim.

 pr nl>:,lık  I\\Tllilı ,.,.nın!"\"

Br onzı" l'llgl'an'd .lIld L'll1 bo~snl.

Cia x +( j<~ x 'l.h cm

ıBnRı'liqı!ıı. arthe

'I'rtll ( ı J"



:.11· tl

lı ı nnnı' ')P~lqlıC

l,iı\"fT gilt su p port.

p.ı~;lı·, ~+x i/.7 x 1..')cm

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 58/84

ıgıProcessİonal cross

Constantino ple or north-western

.\naıolia. Iate ele\'enth or  early

twcmh centur y

Silver , silver gilt, niello, iron cor e

and  bronze shart, 73 x 39 cm

ıg2Th e Cross of A

L'lle tenth centur y

Silver  sheets, ",ith en

 partial gilding and n

decor ation. r i\'eted  a

İr an co re. 58.5 x 31 x

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 59/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 60/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 61/84


( ' 1 (1 ( iıı" \I'ithıC J • •

'II '(i iiıser ıptıon1\1(' (Il

\1 'lII14'ITalıcaıı.ı ..ı"":!'ı' ,

"Iııl' ( -llllIY . . .

< ', - Iıı· j,r/U meltıcııng J ı L L L '. .. . . •

( i' i' . iı)ı ıp 7.1 ('LLL; \nd th..lJ'pl'li"llll

II LLL:"\1 '~Iil p.ıü g

i: .\i,,'ı:\~.ı '1', I"1

19+I, crossPCC(()I';ı1 r e ıquar y

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 62/84

.'1;' 1 98 . .ı . .

Votive hand hold

across• ~, t.'• ~ i

\ i

\t,~\,-I"" 'ı

, J1 \ 1 \ \ \ •

\'iif , ..ı ,"","1 ". .IUI. :\

. \ ı \ ' · . ti l "I · , j.,1

\i .\1 )' \

. } O-

Syıia-Palestine, sixth-

cighth ccntury

Bronzc, 2+ x 10 cm; cra

1 3 x L O cm

195 tPector al reliquar y cross

Constantino ple !Jr Anatolia,

eleventh ccntur y

Coppcr aııoy, 7"3 x +3 cm

1 96 tPector al reliquar y cross

Constantino ple or  Anatolia,

clevcnth centur y

Cop pcr  alloy, 8 x 4-5 cm

Pectoral r eliquar y cross

Constantinople or Anatolia, !ate

lenth or  elevenıh century

Co pper aııoy, 9,5 x 5,5 cm

1 99 -- .Pector al cr oss with

Four Evangelists

Constantinople (O h secon

of the elcventh centur y

Gold , fıligr ce, cloisonne

chample \ 'c enanıeı, emer

tourmaline, pearls, 9 x 6

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 63/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 64/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 65/84

"ıı ,




.1. i j . -~ r

', Cl"! .' ! " ,:

, . ,'c',.


iI ' :i ("; :1


, ,-

ı~Ii ı

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 66/84

Camea with

Christ Pantokratar 

Consıanıinoplc, early thirteenıh

century <'amca); Serbia. Pf'C

or Prizrcn. early snoemecnıh

cenıur y (selting)

.Jasper green. ctltting; sih'er,

ham mc ring gilding; enamCı I blue

and  gr een); canıelian, moıher -oı~

 pear ı, glass pasıe. eameo length

+ cm; ",id th 3-5 cm: selting

kngı h 7.2 cm; width 6 cm

2°3Pendant with

Christ Pantokrata

Constantino ple e). e1

or t",elfih centur y i n a

sİxıccnth-cenwry mou

R ock  er vsıal, gold. pre

 pearls (mount),6.1

x 6lindud ing mounl)

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 67/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 68/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 69/84

20-!- 4

\l'lI T l"I;II11l'lıt.

I,ılio ı 7:ii

.\lid _ ı\\ı-ilııı ' ( , i ı[,y.

( ,I )rı~ı.ıııl: J. i 'i Jj(

!'.ın !ıııwı ;<'. - > - < r,)',l cm.

2°5Ll'niolld 1\ ıı 'ith

ılır Lı,ı :-ıu pper ,

l(ılİo ()i

(',ııl"ı.ıl)!IIH 'illI iLI'.\.r "ı ia

.\iiıı' ll'. ,;: ,~i'J ı ! ( J()O

I',ın hıııı']]ı' :..!.;: j( .2t1., j cm

, .~" li\','

- ' ' ' ' . : ~ , . . , . , 2 f " " i- ' ••, ı-' "...•••~f '~"'.,. •.••.,

ii ,, "'- - .

~n ••

L )~l·l\t\\ı;n HI< )fJ (~·H·

~'i ,~l\rıl;L(~1fC -'fd "lı,

'r(l'fI \\1l\(';1\.\ +/' J ~

iU, (; L\,ı PC~\. H)'rıiL\• . . . .

'I'.\'\t.\\tl 'ht;r!.\\," .

'I'lt 't' i : iiP(;! r~ Tı\ı. .... /  v' .. •

\l;1 1 1 . \ ( ; f \.() " L l l f ·

Jı)r t :7",\()(; " , \ t• . ..7.\

i i 1 L( '.~,~T\.)lIt )1 1 V "

!~(~,.c;((;i p t ~ '1 ,, \ '

{ - ; ( \ ' J \ ) \ ' . \ . < ~ i ll! i ~~\•

i .~

/\1\1 'rı< ) li l ~i T " ı n , ' 'I' ~,\+,\.\ i j\  j\ ~( i),,.\i

:' / "

'Ti" lll'\.I\. '; j(f){i?

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 70/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 71/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 72/84


Chalice veil


Gas pels with the

af  Christ, f ülia 9

Constantinopic, secon

de\·enth ccntury·

Par elımeııı, 3° x 13.2

.Late ıhirteel1lh-early r ourteenth


Silk embroid er ed ",ith ,iker and 

gild ed  sih-cr thr ead , 63.5 x 63.5 cm

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 73/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 74/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 75/84

Epita phios of :\'icholas


Coıı:-'{~lI1tin() pk . 'l'h('~saı()l1iki

or ıhe Pcloponncst'. 1{06 /07

Cri m so n :- .i lk \\·it h ~ikcr . ,ilnT-gilt .

and  (olonred tlır eacb. 8 j x '+u cn

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 76/84

213\Vaıı tilc with an

image of  St Nicholas

Pr o bably C:onstamiııoplc.

{('llth century

Co Jo ur ed and tran:-.par Cl1l giaze:-)

011 \vhiıc c('ramir, ıG.8 x 1f ) . . . .J . CIll

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 77/84

214\ Vali r ile \y i th an

image of St Ar erhas

Pr lJ lı:ı l)iy Coıı'>lalııiIHll)ll' ,

ll'l1tlı (T1Hııry

(:o!<Jlır cd :ınd Ir .Ubpdl'l'llt ~lal.l·~

niL \\!ıi te «:r<ımi" 17.2 x 17.1 cm

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 78/84

215The Raising q f  La zarus

Twelf th centur y

Egg tempcra on \Vood . 21.3 x 24 cm

Epistyle f ragınen

Transfigur ation

~Iount Athos, f ir st ha

ıwelf th centur y

Chcsınut wood , gesso

tem per a. 23.2 x 23.7 x

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 79/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 80/84

217 -.Incense burner 

Serhia.Janjc \ 'o. f (J lırtec lııh century

Bronzc, ca:-.ting, opcnwork,

ii x 12 _ .1 x 3.05 cm

Lıstern ~lcditerrancan (? )L

fiflh-sixıh ccntury

Brass, '2.7x 7.9 cm

219 . J ,


Egy pt, sixıh ccntur yQlIaıemary allay, east in parts,

covered with grecn pariııa,

32.1 x 25.5 x 19.3 cm

Raund el

Alather  o

IUi8-81 (?i,

SC'lJentine. d

220 ~

Brass lamp with

griffin's he ad hanelle

haly (?), fif th-sixth ccntur y AD

Br ass, height 15.9 cm; width 7.2 cm;

Icngth 21.3 cm

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 81/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 82/84

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 83/84


\I""ıiı li ıılı Iıı'ad

.0 1" ( : 1 I II ,i

~U :31-""111(,,,,1)('1,, Jo !io Ili'

7/28/2019 Byzantine Art After 10 Century 84/84

x c

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