by: wilbert braxton. navigation is the process of reading, and controlling the movement of a craft...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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By: Wilbert Braxton

History of Navigation systems

Navigation is the process of reading, and controlling the movement of a craft or vehicle.

What is navigation?

The first method was called Dead reckoning. Dead reckoning is the process of estimating present position by projecting course and speed from a known past position.

What was the first method of navigation?

How does navigation help people?Navigation helps people that are going out of

town but don’t know how to get around the state they are going to. It also helps sailors or fisherman when they are out at sea.

How does the moon help with navigation?The moon helps with navigation by celestial

navigation. Celestial navigation is when the sailor uses a device called a sextant to measure celestial bodies in the sky.

Car GPS systems are one of the latest forms of navigation in cars.

Car GPS systems

Maps became increasingly accurate and factual during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries with the application of scientific methods. Many countries undertook national mapping programs. Nonetheless, much of the world was poorly known until the widespread use of aerial photography following World War I.


A radio direction finder or RDF is a device for finding the direction to a radio source. Due to radio's ability to travel very long distances "over the horizon", it makes a particularly good navigation system for ships and aircraft that might be flying at a distance from land.

Electronic Navigation

Prior to the introduction of the compass, position, destination, and direction at sea was primarily determined by the sighting of landmarks, supplemented with the observation of the position of celestial bodies.


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