by: n. walker unit 4. * the queen's official and main royal london home * the official london...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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By: N. Walker

*Buckingham Palace

Unit 4


*The Queen's official and main royal London home

* The official London residence and principal workplace of the British monarch

*Originally known as Buckingham House

*The house which forms the architectural core of the present palace was built for the first Duke of Buckingham and Norman in 1703 to the design of William Winde

*Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live there.

*Some Occupants of the Palace – Past and

Present*Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live there.

*Buckingham Palace is not only the home of the Queen and Prince Philip, but also the London residence of the Duke of York (Prince Andrew) and the Earl and Countess of Wessex (Prince Edward and his wife) and their daughter.

*The Guards of the Palace

*Five regiments of Foot Guards guard the Palace. They wear red jackets and tall, furry hats called bearskins.

*The five regiments of the British army form the Queens foot guards are the following: the Grenadier Guards, the Coldstream Guards, the Scots Guards, the Irish Guards, and the Welsh Guards.

*Total Guards

*The queen is a very important person and needs many guards even if most are there only for ceremonial purposes..

*The guards consists of 3 officers and 36 soldiers.

*Tour of the Buckingham Palace





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