by mitomycin c - 京都大学 ·...

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Author(s) Ueda, Kazumitsu

Citation Kyoto University (京都大学)

Issue Date 1984-03-23



Type Thesis or Dissertation

Textversion author

Kyoto University


E.:. JiÅq 5{t eq











To my family and to Etsuko


The author wishes to express his sincere thanks to Professor

Tohru Komano, Kyoto university, for his kind guidance and

continuous encouragement through the course of this study.

The author wishes to express his grateful acknowledgement to

Dr. Junji Morita, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts, for

his valuable suggestion and discussion.

The author is grateful to Mr. Kazuhiro Yamashita for his

important contributions to this study. Th6 author is also

grateful to Mr. Kouichi Kadowaki for his kind technical assistance

and helpful suggestion.

Acknowledgement is made to Drs. Michio Himeno, Kanji Ohyama,

Hiroshi Sakai, Isao Saito and Mr. Hiroshi Sugiyama for their

valuable suggestion and discussion.

Finally, thanks are due to the members of the Laboratory of

Biochemistry, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyoto

University for their helpful suggestion and discussion.












2-aminoethylisothiuronium bromide HBr

covalently closed circular


diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid

ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid

multiplicity of infection

open circular

plaque-forming unit

replicative form





CHAPTER I Inactivation of Bacteriophage diX174

by Chemically Reduced Mitomycin C

CHAPTER II Induction of Strand Scission in Single-

and Double-Stranded DNAs by Mttomycin C

CHAPTER III Phage Inactivation and DNA Strand Scission

Activities of Mitomycin Derivatives

CHAPTER IV Sequence Specificity of Heat-Labile Sites in DNA Induced by Mitomycih C






--- 21

--- 32






Mitomycin C is an anticarclnogenic antibiotic that has

demonstrated activity against a number of human malignancies.

rvlitomycin C is isolated from RSJi!s}]2!igg!zgslEt t caes itosus as blue

violdt crystals by Wakaki et al. in 1958 (1). Mitomycin C has an

unique structure which has three biolpgtcally active moieties,

e.g. the aziridine ring, carbamate and aminoquinone moieties, in a

small configuration (2)(Fig. 1). The structure suggests that the

main target in the cell is DNA. It actually inhibits cellular DNA

synthesis selectively (3). Mitomycin C interacts directly with

DNA by binding covalently to the i.ndividual strands (monofunctional

binding)(4), as well as forming covalent cross-links between the

complementary strands (5,6). 'These DNA.modifications, in which

the former is .predominant to 10 to 2Q-fold over the latter (4),

are believed to be.essential for the cytotoxicit,y of mitomycin C

r"IitornycinCmust be activated O -Oprior to alkylate DNA.- It was NH2 II .CH20CNH2

clearly indicated by the in vitro CH3observation. The interaction of omitomycin C with DNA can be observed Fig. 1'. Structure ofin vitro only when a reductive mitomycin Cacttvation agent is added in situ,

such as NADPH-dependent bacterial lysates (6), some chemical

reducing agents (6,11), or rat liver microsomal preparations (12).

These results indicate that mitomycin C is converted to an active

form also in vivo by reductive interact with DNA.

The scheme of the reductive activation of mitomycin C is shown in

Fig. 2. The reductive activation produces the hydroquinone which

readily loses methanol to give "acttve form" of the antibiotic

(6). Iyer and Szybalski (6) suggested that the Cl position is the

most probable reactive site, thus is the first alkylating center


H,N CH2ocNH2. H,N - CH2QCNH, H2N - CH2 DNAcH3 o NJ9fiIIHI 'Ei":bill"O" cH3 NoH N NH--'cH3 NoH N '"


Fig. 2. Reductive adtivatlon of mitomycin C. ' (indicated by the arrow 1 on Fig. 2). They also predicted the

activation of a second alkylating center at the CIO position

(arrow 2, Fig. 2), and the possibility of a third reactive site at

the C7 position (arrow 3, Fig. 2). The binding sites of mitomycin

C Å}n DNA are the O-6 posÅ}tion or the 2-amino group of guanÅ}ne

residues or the 6-amino group of adenine resÅ}dues (12,13).

However the adducts in which mitomycin C binds bifunctionally to'

DNA have not been isolated. The detai!s of the interaction of

mitomycin C with DNA have yet to be elucidated.

Mitomyctn C contains quÅ}none moiety besides aziridine and

carbamate. Reduction of mitomycin C, by chemical or enzymatic

methods, followed by exposure to air results in the generation of

superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide (14,15). Oxygen radicals

were generated not only by free mitomycin C but also by mitomycin

C irreversibly bound to DNA (15). Oxygen radicals are well known

to be toxic for nucleic acids (16,!7). Lown et al. (18) reported

that chemically reduced mitomycin C Å}nduces strand scission in

phage PM2 double-stranded DNA. The DNA strand scission is considerea to involve the oxygen radicals. DNA cleavage via

mechanism involvtng oxygen radicals are reported for some anti-

tumor antibiotics such as bleomycin (19,20), streptonigrin (21,22)

and anthracycline antibiotics (23).

The author has intended to clarify the mechanism of action

of mitomycin C against DNA on the basis of biochemical and


molecular biological methods using bacteriophages and their DNAs

as follows.

CHAPTER I; Mitomycin C, chemÅ}cally reduced in situ,inactivates bacteriophage ofX174 which was considered to beresistant to mitomycin C. The target molecule of mitomycin C isDNA.

CHAPTER II; Reduced mitomycin C induces single strandscissÅ}on in single-st-randed and double-stranded DNAs. The DNAstrand scission is considered to involve oxygen radicals.

CHAPTER III; Studies on the activities of mitomycinderivatives suggest that the Cl position of mitomycin C is the

alkylating center, and that the DNA strand scission activity ofmitomycins is possibly related to their antitumor activity.

CHAPTER IV; The sequence specificity of mitomycin C-DNAinteraction was directly determined by using DNA sequencingtechnique, and by using 3L or 5Lend labeled DNA fragments ofdefined sequence as substrates. Oxygen radicals such as sÅ}nglet

oxygen and hydroxyl radical are possibly involved in the actionof mitomycin C.


CHAPTER I Inactivation of Bacteriophage 6X174 by Chemically Reduced Mitomycin c a,b)

Mitomycin C alkylates DNA monofunctionally and crosslinks

bifunctionally between the complementary strands of DNA, upon

activatlon by chemical or enzymatic methods (4,5,6). Its

cytotoxicity has been therefore supposed to be due to alkylation,

cross-linking and the succeeding degradatton of DNA (24).

Degradation of DNA by mitomycin C has been considered to be due

largely to the activation of intyacellular deoxyribonucleases

(24). Although aetivated (reduced) mitomycin C inactivates some

free extracellular viruses and •phages by cross--1,inking their DNA

(4,25), infectivitles of bacteriophage 6Xl74, its single-stranded

DNA and replicative form, of DNA are not affected by mthotmyicn C or

the reduced form of.mitomycin C (26). It is considered t,hat 6X174

sing-le-stranded DNA is too small to be alkylated or crosslinked by

mitomycin C (26). , • As mitomycin C contains quinone moiety, upon reduction of

the quinone and subsequent autoxidation of the reduced quinone,

oxygen radicals can posslbly be generated (14,15). Oxygen radicals

are reported to be toxic for nucle,ic acids (16,17), and the

inactivation of phage including 6X174 by ascorbic acid (27,28) or

some sugar phosphates (29) is caused by a process involving oxygen

radicals. In this chapter the author describes that dX174 is inacti-

vated when the phage is incubated with mitomycin C in the presence

of both sodium hydrosulfite (Na2S204) and cupric ion, or in the

presence of sodium borohydride (NaBH4). The inactivation of 6Xl74

is caused via DNA strand scission in the 6X174 virion by oxygen

radicals or mitomycin C semiquinone radical generated during .autoxidation of reduced mitomycin C.



/Dhag26 and Bactez-La phage diX174 and 14C-labeled diX174 am3 were prepared as

reported previously (30,31). Specific radioactivity of purified14c-labeled dixl74 am3 was about 4 Å~ 10-5 cpm/particle. diX174

single-stranded DNA was extracted from dX174 particles by the hot

phenol method (32). Escherichia coli CN was used as the indicator

bacteria 'for 6X174 and E.coli HF4714 for 6X174 am3. m 'C/}enz-LcaZ6

Mitomycin C was kindly supplied by Kyowa Hakko Co. Ltd.,

Tokyo, Japan. Superoxide dismutase (EC, bovine blood,

2900 Ulmg protein) and catalase (EC, bovine liver, 2500

U/mg protein) were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. Other

chemicals were obtained from 'Nakarai Chemicals Co.


BaJlea SoZaLLon6

All buffer solutions were prepared with redistilled water to

minimize the effect of trace metals. ' '.[nacLLvaiSZon o7e 10hage /DaiLticZ26 ey R?Lt;iSonzycZn C

Purified phage diX174 was diluted in 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH8.1) to 2 Å~ 108 plaque forming units (p.f.u.)/ml. The concent-

rated CuC12•2H20 solution (cupric ion solution) and the sodium

hydroSulfite (Na2S204) solution were freshly prepared with cold

redistilled water, and the concentrated mitomycin C solution withcold 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH' 8.1) prior to each experiment. An

amount of O.1 ml of each cuprtc ion, sodium hydrosulftte, and

mitomycin C solutions and O.1 ml of the phage suspension were

mixed, and the total volume of reaction mixture was adjusted to 1

ml with 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 8.1). Zero time of incubation


corresponded to the time of addition of the phage suspensÅ}on to

the reaction mixture as the last component. The reaction was

carried out for 120 min at 370C with gentle shaking. The reaction

was stopped by dilution with ice-cold 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer and

the survival of phage was assayed by the double agar layer

technique (33).

7it2abn2nt ofe 6X174 D/VA toth M;Ltomyofn C 14c-labeled dix174 DNA (equivalent to 4 Å~ 109 p.f.u.) was

incubated with 150,pM rnitomycin C in the presence of O.57 mM

sodium hydrosulfite and O.1 mM cupric ion for 120 min at 370C with

gentle shaking in 1.0 ml of 50 mM Tris-HCi buffer (pH 8.l). The

reaction was stopped by addition of 10 mrvl EDTA.

7wn6kction A66ay and AduoaRtton Stuctle6 The method of transfection assay was described earlier (30,32).Adsorption of l4C-labeled diX174 treated with mitomycin C in the

presence of sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion to the host cells was

assayed essentially as descrÅ}bed by Nefribold and Sinsheimer (34).

IVeuthaZ Sucno6e Den6tty guaaet2rt2S im7eagation o,e 14C-Zae2Z2d

6X l 7 4 /Daizti c-ee6

The reaction mixture (O.25 ml) was layered on a 5-207o linear

neutral sucrose gradient (4.4 ml) in 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH

7.5) containing O.5 M NaCl and 3 mTvl EDTA. The gradients were

centrifuged in a Hitachi RPS40T-2 rotor at 27,500 rev.lmin for 2.5

h at 40C. After fractionation, the radioactivity was assayed

using Triton X-IOO-toluene scintillation fluid in a Beckman liquid

scintillation counter.


AZkaZine Sucno62 Den6-tRSy Siitadl2nt C2nbLZ7eugaUon o,e 14C-Za!leZ2d

6X174 DIVA 6X174 DNA extracted from 14C-labeled phage particles treated

with mitomycin C or 14C-labeled diX174 DNA which was directly

treated with mitomycin C was layered on a 5-20% linear alkaline

sucrose gradient containing O.5 .M NaOH, 3 mM EDTA, O.5 M NaCl and

O.1% N-lauroyl sarcosine sodium salt. The gradients were

centrifuged in a Hitachi RPS40T-2 rotor at 38,OOO rev.lmin for 7 h

at 40C. After fractionatton, the radioactivity was assayed as

described above.

/V2uiEnaZ Sueno62 Dan6Zty 9iLaaet2nt Cetvbz.t)eugation ol 74C-ZcztZeZed

' '6,)(174 DA!A

14C-labeled diX174 DNA which was directly treated with 'mitomycin C was layered on a 5-20% linear' neutral sucrose gradient

in 50 mM TrisTHCI, buffer (pH 7.5) containing O.5 M NaCl and 3 mTyl

EDTA. The gradients were centrifuged in a Hitaehi RPS40T-2 rotorat 38,OOO rev.lmin for 5 h at 40' C. After fractionation, the

radioactivity was assayed as descrÅ}bed above.


lnacLtvcztion o7e /Dhag2 6?(174 Zy MzZomyofn C in the /O/Le6ence oJ

SocLtum /ly(lizo6uZ tt2 and CuRizxtc lon

Figure I-1 represents that diX174 was not affected by mitomycin

C or mitomycin C reduced with sodium hydrosulfite. As a promotive

effect of cupric ion is commonly observed in the phage inactivation

by oxygen radical-generating agents (27,28,29), The effect of cupric

ion on the reaction between 6X174 and mitomycin C was examined.

The infectivity decreased when the phage was incubated with

mttomycin C in the presence of sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion.

The rate of inactivation was proportiona! to the concentration of













O 30 60 90 I20 Time (min)

Fig. I-1. Inactivation of phage diX174 by mitomycin C in tfiepresence of sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion. 6X174 (2 Å~ 107p.f.u./ml) was incubated with mitomycin C in 50 mM Tris-HCI bufferge",9'3,).Cft",ta,i'.".i,n,g.Og5,7.,M..X,.SO.d,Z'.".M..hi,d.r.O,S.].i.fi6t,e.a..n,d..O,'.i.MM,,C".CLIz,.,

zero; e e, 1.5 pM; A A, 15 pM; - -, O.15 mM;A A, O.75mM;V v, 1 mM. n Mrepresents drugLfree control and other fivereaction mixtures which contain O.1 mM CuC12 alone, O.57 mM sodiumhydrosulfite alone, O.15 mrvl mitomycin C alone, both mitomycin Cand CuC12, or both mitomycin C and sodium hydrosulfite, respectively.

mitomycin C and the length of incubation time. Cupric ion or

sodium hydrosulfite, itself, did not affect the infectivity of6X174 at the concentration used. Incubated with cupric ion and

sodidm hydrosulfite without mitomycin C, only a part of phage

particle was inactivated. These results indicate that both

reduction of mitomycin C and addition of cupric ion are essential

for'inactivation of 6X174.

EfeZect o7e /2eduofng Agent6 on lnactZvation ey M.cLtonzycZn C

The degree of inactivation of 6X174 by 150 pM mitomycin C


loo x'{r=== pF 5: ::I: ;

- ."s s V 10 g

A .z .År 1 di

O.1 lo'5 la4 la3 Conc, of reducing agent (M)


mM mitomycin C in the presence of O.l mM CuC12 and the indicated ,concentration of sodium hydrosulfite (e e) or sodium borohydridee -) in 50 mM Tris.-HCI buffer (pH 8.1) at 370C for2h. Opensymbols, mitomycin C free. X--X shows the effect of sodiumbisulfite on the infectivity of 6X174 in the presence of O.1 mMcuC12.

increased with increasing the concentration of reducing agents in 'the presence of cupric ion at a concentration of O.1 mM (Fig. I-

2). However mitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride did not

so effectively inactivate phage even in the presence of cupric ion

as mitomycin C reduced with sodium hydrosulfite did in the

presence of cupn'c ion. NADH and reducing agents containing thiol

group such as L--cysteine, 2-mercaptoethanol, glutathione, and

dithiothreitol were not also good substitutes for sodium hydro-

sulfitg in phage lnactivation reaction (data not shown).

It Å}s known that sodium bisulfite is a reagent to induce DNA

cleavage. This DNA is caused by sulfite anion radical

and oxygen radicals which are generated during autoxidation (35,36).

Sodium bisulfite can be generated as the intermediary of the

reduction and oxidation reaction of mitomycin C in our experiment.

But sodium bisulfite at the concentration below 1 mM did not





eg.o 50



:g's os



Å~ e -N-

Ol 10 100 Concentration ot mitomycin C(JiM)


reacted with the indicated concentration of mitomycin C in thepresence of O.5 mM sodium borohydride in 50 mlvl Tris-HCI buffer(e e pH 7.1; o---o, pH 8.1) at 370C for 60 min.

affect the infectivity of phage in the presence of cupric ion

(Fig. I-2). Furthermore mitomycin C-induced dX174 inactivation is

different from bisulfite-induced DNA inactivation in the pH depen-

dence and the degree of inhibition by catalae (37) as shown later.

Effect of bisulfite to the phage inactivation can be neglected in

our expenment. Among chemical reducing agents, sodium borohydride, sodium

hydrosulfite and hydrogen at atmospheric pressure in the presence

of palladium catalyst tire reported to activate mitomycin C in

buffered solutions (4,18). The author reinvestigated the action ofmitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride on phage diX174 and

found that sodium borohydride is effective as a reducing agent in

the reaction of mitomycin C with phage diX174 at pH 7.1, although

it is ineffective at pH 8.l (Fig. I-3). The infectivity of 6X174

decreased in proportion to the concentration of mitomycin C above

10 pM at pH 7.1, but it was scarcely affected even by 500 pM




.o.i L

l 8

io-e io-7 lo-6 lo+5 io-` lo-3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 Conc. of CuCE2 (M) pHFig. I-4. Effect of cupric ion on phage inactivation by mitomycinC. 6X174 was incubated with O.15 mM mitomycin C in 50 mM Tris-HCIbuffer (pH 8.1) containing O.57 mM sodium hydrosulfite and theindicated concentration of CuC12 at 370C for 2 h (e e).O O, mitomycin C free.

Fig. I-5. Effect of pH on phage inactivation by mitomycin C.6X174 was incubated with O.15 mM mitomycin C, O.57 mM sodiumhydrosulfite and O.1 mM CuC12 in glycine-NaOH buffer (- 1), ris-HCI buffer (e e),50 mM T (o 50 mM buffer Tris-malate-NaOHO.l M sodium phosphate buffer (A A) or O.2 M sodium acetate-acetate buffer (A A) at 370C for 60 min.


mitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride at pH 8.1. No addi-

tiOnal cupric ion was needed in the reaction of mitomycin C

reduced with sodium borohydride.

EJkcZ o7e Cul? lon and ED7A on fnaeUvaUon IZy R71tonzyofn C

As shown in Fig. I-1, cupric ion is essential for diX174

inactivation by reduced mitomycin C. The inactivation of 6X174

was dependent on the concentration of cupric ion below 50 pM, when

150 pM mitomycin C was reduced with O.57 mM sodium hydrosulfite

(Fig. I-4). At the concentration above 50 pM, no further stimula-


tion, but a little inhibition,by cupric ion was observed. The

optimum concentration of cupric ion in this condition was observed

to be 50 pM to 100 plvl. Although diX174 was slightly inactivated

when incubated with cupric ion above the concentration of 1 pM and

sodium hydrosulfite, the infectivity of phage decreased more than

10-fold by addition of mitomycin C. EDTA inhibited the inactiva-

tion of phage by reduced mitomycin C in the presence of cupric ion

(data not shown). This inhibition was almost complete at the

concentration above 10 mM EDTA. 10 mM EDTA also inhibited the

phage inactivation by mitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride(data not shown). other tranSition metals such as Fe2+, Fe3+,

'Mn2+, co2+ and zn2+ than cu2+ were of no effect at o.1 mM for the

inactivation of phage by reduced mitomycin C (data not shown).

EJteZ2ctS ojt{r 1?i`l on th2 /Dhage Z'nactivazE-Lon 1?eacJtS.ton

Figure I-5 shows the effect of pH on the inactivation rate of

phage by reduced mitomycin C in the presence of cupric ion. With

lowering pH, phage inactivation was stimulated, though an optimum

was observed in the pH range from 7.,5 to 8 in sodium phosphate

buffer and Tris-malate buffer. As indicated the inactivation rate

of phage by reduced mitomycin C in the presence of cupric ion is

strongly dependent on pH.

E)eZect o7e Enzynz26 and 1?acUcaZ ScavengeiL6 on lnactivcziSion o7e 6?(174

g-y R?.ttomycZn C Zn th2 fDite6ence o/ SoaeLtun hycliLo6aZ7eLUSe and CuRitaCc


Lown et al. (19) have reported that the degradation of PM2

double-stranded DNA by reduced mitomycin C is largely due to the

free oxygen radicals. On the autoxidation of mitomycin C reduced

with sodium hydrosulfite, the semiqutnone intermediate seems to .generate oxygen radicals. And so we tested several known free

radical scavengers and enzymes for their abilities to inhibit the


inactivation of 6X174 by mitomycin C in the presence of

hydrosulfite and cupric ion.

Table I-1. Effect of enzymes and radical scavengers oninactivation of 6X174 by mitomycin C in the presence ofhydrosulfite and cupric iona



Scavenger Concentration (mM) 9olnhibitionb

CatalaseSuperoxide dismutaseTironCysteamineAETSodium benzoateDimethylsulfoxideIsopropanolEthanolDABCO

o.oooo4 (lo pg/mo O.O03 1OO 1OO 10 1OO 1OO1OOOlOOO 100

(100 pg/ml)75.0 o o o o16.8

a6X174 (2 Å~ 107 p.f.u./ml) was incubated with O.15 mM mitomycin C,

O.1 mM CuC12 and O.57 mM sodium hydrosulfite in the presence of at 370C in 2h 50 enzymes or radical scavengers for mM Tris-HCIbpbUerf cf eenr tggPHe ?•fiAl•Bition of inactivation was computed from the ratio

of the percentage inactivation in the presence of scavengers to the percentage inactivation in the absence of scavenger (about 80%).

The results are shown in Table I-1. Inactivaiton of phagewas almost completely inhibited by 10 pg/ml catalase that removes

hydrogen peroxide, but 1Å}ttle inhibited by 100 pg/ml superoxide

dismutase that removes superoxide anion. Superoxide dismutase

might be inactivated by reduced mitomycin C in the presence of

cupric ion as well as by reduced streptonigrin (21). Enzymes

autoclaved for 10 min at 1200C did not affect the phage inacti-

vation. Tiron (38) whÅ}ch is a scavenger for superoxide anion

inhibited the inactivation of phage almost completely. These

results indicate that superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide arethe intermediaries of the phage inactivation. Sodium benzoate,

dimethylsulfoxide, isopropanol and ethanol, which scavenge

hydroxyl radical (39), were incapable of inhibiting the phage


Fig. I-6.Iabeled

drugs assodium

and 10






ol SodiLun





28% of





60 (A)







oa2 oA o.6 o.s 1.o

6X174hydrosulfite described hydrosulfitehydrosulfite; pg/ml








lgure of hydrosulfitehydrosulfite,











Neutral sucrose density particles treated and cupric ion. in MATERIALS and cupric (C), mitomycin catalase; (D),

But the possible

excluded, because

radical (40), inh

of phage inactivation

(DABCO) whcÅ}h

rate of inhibition

oJte 6?(174 Attaclcad ey

hyduo6aZvae and Cupiz.Lc

I-6 shows the neutral 14c-labeled diX174

and cupric

with mitomycin

and without drug.

particles were inactivated

a2 o.4 o.6 o.B 1.o


14 gradient sedimentation of c- with mitomycin C, sodiumdiX174 partÅ}cles were treated with

AND METHODS. (A), mitomycin C, ion; (B), mitomycim C and sodiumC, sodium hydrosulfite, cupric iondrug free.

involvement of hydroxyl radical is

cysteamine and AET, scavengers

Å}bited the inactivation effectively.

' was caused also by 1,4-diaza- scavenges singlet oxygen (41),

was low.

R7tiSomyofn C Zn the /Dyze6ence

lon ' sucrose gardient sedimentation

parttcles treated with mitomycin C,

ion, with mitomycin C and sodium

C, soidÅ}um hydrosulfite, cupric ion

In each case, 997., 37%, 20% and

, respectively. But in all


15 15 10 10 =. e.;5 .5 ..h.-

•)o o g15 15 b' 2 10 10 -rd 6 -5 5 oo O,2 O.4 O.6 O,8 1.0 O.2 O,4 O.6 O.8 1.0 Normatized tractions

Fig. I-7. Alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation patterns of DNAextracted from 6X174 particles treated with mitomycin C, sodiumhydrosulfite and cupric ion. DNA was extracted from the sample inFig. I-6 as described in MATERIALS AND METHODS. Experimentalconditlons of A-D were described in the legends for Fig. I-6.

cases, the phage particles sedimenting as a single band had the

same sedimentation coefficient of 114S. Possibly the inactivatton

of 99% phage particles caused no detactable change in the sedimen-

tation properties. It is thus concluded that the coat proteins ofphage particles remain eSsentially unchanged. Adsorptionexperiments using l4C-labeled diX174 revealed that 6X174 treated

with mitomycin C, sodium hydroSulfite and cupric 'ion can adsorb

normally to the cells (data not shown).

Then DNA was extracted from these particles, and analyzed by

alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation. The results are inFig. I-7. When phag6 was treated with mitomycin C, sodium hydro-

sulfite and cupric ion, the extracted DNA sedimented as a broad

peak having a sedimentation coefficient of 10S (Fig. I-7A). And no

detectable peaks were observed at the fraction of closed circular

and linear DNA. Thus, mitomycin C caused the degradation of phageDNA in the presence of sodium hydrosulfite and 6upric ion.

Ivlitomycin C could not degrade the phage DNA without cupric ion


(Fig. I-7B), and 10 pg/ml catalase inhibited the degradation of the

phage DNA (Fig. I-7C). DNA in Fig I-7B,C did not sediment as a clear

peak as well as control DNA (Fig. I-7D), probably because a small

amount of DNA was nicked during incubation or in the course of

extracting process. These results are well compatible with the

loss of plaque-forming abilities of phage treated with drugs, and

indicate that the target molecule of phage attacked by mitomycin

C in the presence of sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion is DNA.

And Fig. !--7 also indicates that the degradation of single-stranded

DNA occurs in the virion.

12eaction o/ 14C-Zae2Zed 62(174 SZngZ2-Stizancled DIVA Lvth R?#omyofn

C Zn iSh2 /)iLe62nee oZ SoattLu7z /lyduo6uZfÅëLt2 and CuR7zALc lon

As the above results revealed that the target molecule of

6X174 by mitomycin C in the presence of sodium hydrosulfite andcupric ion was DNA, 14C-labeled diX174 single-stranded DNA was

directly reacted with reduced mitomycin C in the presence of

cupric ion. [rhe resulting DNA was analyzed by neutral and

alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentations, and the infectivity wasassayed by transfection. Figures I-8 and 9 shovi the neutral andalkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation patterns of l4c-labeled

6X174 DNA treated with mitomycin C, sodium hydrosulfite and cupric

ion, with mitomycin C and sodium hydrosulfite, with mitomcyin C,

sodium hydrosulfite, cupric ion and catalase, and without drug.

The efficÅ}encies of transfection were 1%, 1009e, 100%, and 80%,

respectively. Mitomycin C caused the degradation of diX174 DNA

only in the presence of sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion (Fig.

I-8A and 9A). Moreover, because the fragmentation of DNA was

observed also by the neutral sucrose gradient sedimentation (Fig.

I-8A), it is not considered that reduced mitomycÅ}n C eausesalkaline-15bile sites and the following fragmentation of DNA, but '

that reduced mitomycin C directly degrades DNA. Mitomycin C


A NeO v År r- .) 't ro .9 v E i -o -

O.2 O.4 0.6 0.8 10 O.2 O.4 OS OB 10 Normatized fractions


sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion. (A), mitomycin C, sodiumhydrosulfite and cupric ion; (B), mitomycin C and sodiumhydrosulfite; (C), mitomycin C, sodium hydrosulfÅ}te, cupric ionand 10 pg/ml catalase; (D), drug free.

reduced with sodium hydrosulfite could not degrade the DNA withoutcupric ion (Fig. I-8B and 9B) and 10 pg/ml catalase Å}nhibited the

degradation of DNA (Fig. I-8C and 9C). These results agreed well

with the results of transfection assay. Therefore, the targetmolecule of phage ÅëX174 attacked by mitomycin C in the presence

of sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion is DNA, and degradation of

phage single-stranded DNA causes the loss of infectivity.


The present findings show that mitomycin C reduced with

sodium hydrosulfite inactivates diX174 or degrades 6X174 DNA in

vitro in the presence of cupric ion, although 6X174 single-

stranded DNA is cofisidered to be too small to interact with

mitomycin C (26). Cupric ion has a catalytic effect on the


30 (A)








30 (c)









2. 10eÅrr-.l


.8 2o


1 106F






oo O.2 O.4 O.6 O.8 1,O O.2 O.4 O.6 O.8 10

Normalized fractions


sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion. Experimental conditions ofA-D were described in the legend for Fig. I-8.

autoxidation of compounds with low redox potential (21,42), and is 'required for the inactivation of 6X174 by mitomycin C reduced with

sodium hydrosulfite. Mitomycin C-induced phage inactivation islnhibited by various radical scavengers (Table I-1). Mitomycin C-

induced diX174 inactiva't'ibn is due to the degradation of phage DNA

by oxygen radicals. But because other scavengers than cysteamine

and AET for hydroxyl radical were of no effect, hydroxyl radical

which was supposed to be responsible for mitomycin C-induced PM2DNA cleavag6 (18) may not mainly participate in mitomycin C-

induced 6Xl74 inactivation. These results suggest that mitomycin

C semiquinone radical is involved in mitomycin C-induced diX174

inactivation. Someya and Tanaka (43) have suggested the role of

the free radical form of anthracycline on the anthracycline-

induced DNA cleavage. A possible radical-generating mechanism is 'as follows:






• {5)



H+Mitomycin C - Mitomycin C'--, Mitomycin CH2Mitomycin C'-+02 - Mitomycin C+02'-'MitomycinCH2+02 -MitomycinC"'+H02'+H'Mitomycin C'-+H202 - Mitornycin C+OH-+OH'H02•==tH++O,-- (6) 2H02•=H20,+iO,02•-+H202.HO•+HO-JFiO, (8) H20,+H202.2H20+i02O,•--+Cu2+.102+Cu+ (10) H20,-YCu+.OH-+OH--+Cu2+ DNA+ (OM2it'6' mHy2cOin2'cO.-H. " '02] e single strand scission

]vlitomycin C is slowly, non-enzymatically reduced by sodium

hydrosulfite to form semiquinone or hydroquinone. On the

subsequent rapid autoxidation of the reduced form of quinone,

oxygen radicals are produced. The semiquinone form of mitomycin C

has recently been detected by the electron paramagnetic resonance

method and shown to have a life-time of several seconds (44).

Several reducing agents were tested, but only sodium hydro-

sulfite was found to be effective for mitomycin C-induced 6X174

inactivation at pH 8.1 (Fig. I-2). Interestingly phage 6X174 was

resistant to mitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride at pH 8.1

although dX174 was inactivated by mitomycin C reduced with sodium

borohydride at pH 7.1 (Fig. I-3). .Sodium borohydride reduces

mitomycin C very quickly as compared with sodium hydrosulfite

according to the spectral changes at 363 nm (data not shown).

This Å}s possibly because the coat protein of diX174 were less

permiable to mitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride or sodium

borohydride at pH 8.1 than at pH 7.1, and because sodium boro-

hydride reduced mitomycin C rapidly outside of the virion. It is

considered that mitomycin C should be reduced near DNA for

inducing the DNA strand scission. Reducing agents containing

thiol group were of no effect at pH 8.1, possibly because these

reducing agents can not effectively reduce mitomycin C, which was

confirmed by the spectral changes (data not shown), and they are

potentially active as radical scavengers (40,45).

Ferrous ion or other transitton metal ions are of no effect


oR the inactivation of 6X174 by mitomycin C reduced with sodium

hydrosulfite, although ferrous ion stimulates the phage inacti-

vation reaction of ascorbic acid as well as cupric ion (27) and

Fenton's reagent containing ferrous generates hydroxyl radical

from hydrogen peroxide (46). Cupric ion has specific affinity to

DNA (47). Cupric ion can bind, and disorder single-stranded

helical structures by cross-linking between and within polynucleo-

tide strands (48). Cupric ion may be responsible not only for the

generation of free radicals, but also for binding or proper

alignment of mitomycin C to 6X174 DNA prior to the generation of

free radicals. And cupric ion may make DNA to be easily attacked

by oxygen radicals and mitomycin C semiquinone radical through

destabilizing DNA.


CHAPTER II Induction of Strand Scission in Single- and Double- Stranded DNAs by Mitomycin c b,C,d)

The author described in chapter I that the target molecule of

mitomycin C is DNA. Mitomycin C, chemically reduced in situ,

cleaves phage single-stranded DNA in the virion, and inactivates

phege 6X174. Lown et al. (18) reported that reduced mitomycin C

induced DNA strand scission in vitro, whtch was detected by

ethidium fluorescence assay. However, chemically reduced

mitomycin C is not considered to directly affect double-strandedreplicative f6rm I DNA (RF I DNA; supercoiled, covalently closed,

circular duplex DNA) of phage dXl74 (49) or phage dA (26),

immunologically related to diX174. The author examined the action

of chemically reduced mitomycin C on single- and double-stranded

DNAs of phage 6X174 using agarose gel electrophoresis.

In this chapter, the author describes that mitomycin C

induces single strand scission in single- and double-stranded DNAs

in the presence of sodium borohydride or in the presence of sodium

hydrosulfite and cupric ion. The mechantsm of strand scission in

single- and double-stranded DNAs are similar to each other in the

following respects: (i) The amount of intact DNA decreased in a

similar rate, (iO oxygen radicals were involvedL, and (iii) strand

scission was inhibited by EDTA.


Ch2nzZcaLs and thzynee6 , Mttomycin C was kindly supplied by Kyowa Hakko Co. Ltd.,

Tokyo, Japan. Superoxide dismutase (EC, bovine blood,2,900 U/mg protein) and catalase (EC, bovine liver, 2,500

U/mg protein) were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. Other

chemicals were obteined from Nakarai Chemicals Co. '


/'yuzl?aitLation o7e 6t)('174 DIV,4 and .Z't6 nt Z- D!V,t2

6X174 single-stranded (SS) DNA was extracted from 6X174 gmu3

particles by the hot phenol method (32). 6X174 RF I DNA was

prepared as follows: Escherichia coli CN cells were grown at 370Cto 5 Å~ 108 cellslml in 2 liter of TPG-CA medium, which is identical

to TPG-2A medium (50) except that 19. of Casamino acids is substi-

tuted for the amino acids mixture. The cells were infected with

6X174 am3 at a multiplicity of infection of 5 to 10. After 9 min

of incubation, chloramphenicol was added to a final concentration

of 30 pg/ml (50). The cells were harvested after incubation for 3

h, washed with 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 8.1), resuspended in 10ml of ice-cold 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 8.1) containing 10% (W/V)

sucrose, and lysed with lysozyme-ED7rA and SDS (51). Solid NaCl

was added to the lysate to a concentration of 1 M, and the

solution was kept on ice for 2 h. Host DNA and proteins precipi-

tated were removed by centrÅ}fugation at 8,OOO Å~ g for IO min. The

sugpension was incubated with 20 pg of RNase A/ml (heated to 900C

fe'r IO min to inactivate DNase contaminated) at 370C for 30 min.

Ethidium bromide and CsCl were then added to give a concentrationQf 300 to 350 pg/ml and 1.58 g/cm3, respectively. After

centrifugation in a RP65[I]A rotor of a Hitachi 55P ultracentrifuge

at 86,OOO Å~ g for 40 h, the DNA bands were visualized with long-

wavelength ultraviolet light (365 nm). The lower band which

contains exclusively ofX174 RF I DNA was collected by aspiration.

After this centrifugation step was repeated, ethidium bromide was

removed from the DNA by five extractions with isopropyl alcohol

saturated with CsCl. dX174 RF I DNA suspension was dialysed

against 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 8.l).

f2eaction o7e DIVA zvth MZLonzycZn C 12educed to-(Lth SocLtLu7z Boaohycbt.tde . The reaction mixure (20 pl) contained O.2 pg of 6X174 SS DNA

or RF I DNA, 100 pM mitomycin C and O.5 mrvl soidium borohydride in


50 mrvl Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.1 or 8.1), unless otherwise noted.

The reaction was started by addÅ}tion of freshly prepared sodium

borohydride solution, carrted out for 60 min at 370C and

terminated by the additton of 5 pl of O.1 M EDTA solution

containing 50% (W/V) sucrose and O.1% bromophenol blue. The

sample in a final volume of 25 Fl was analyzed by agarose gel


f?eaction ojte DA/A topLth n?.(ZonzycZn C in th2 /)iLe62nce oie SoaeLwn

llyclito6ndleZte and CuR7zic fon

The reaction mixture (20 pl) contains O.2 pg 6X174 RF I DNA,

O.5 mhI mitomycin C, O.1 mM sodium hydrosulfite and 10 prvl cupric

ion in 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.1), unless otherweise noted.

The reaction was started by the addition of freshly prepared

sodium hydrosulfite solution, carried out for 3 h at 370C and

terminated by the addition of 5 pl of O.1 M EDTA soluttoncontaining 509. (W/V) sucrose and O.19o bromophenol blue. The

sample was analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis.

Agano6e g2Z EZectyzol?hoyte6Z6

Electrophoretic analysis of 6X174 RF I DNA was carried out in

!.4 9o agarose slab gel at 3.5 V/cm for 3 h in 40 inM Tris-

acetate buffer (pH 8.l) containing 5 mM sodtum acetate and 1 mM

EDTA (52). 6X174 SS DNA was analyzed by electrophoresis in agarose

slab gels (2.0%) at 10 V/cm for 1 h in 90 mM Tris-borate buffer

(pH 8.3) containing 2.5 mM EDTA (53). The gel was stained by

soaking in ethidium bromide solution (O.5 pglml) for 1 h.

D2LectZon of the DegiLe2 ofe D/VA Sthand Sof66Zon

The staÅ}ned bands were visualyzed using an ultraviolet lamp(254 nm) and photographed. ' The three topological forms of 6X174

double-stranded DNA, which are ccc DNA (RF I DNA), nicked, open


circular duplex (oc) DNA and full-length linear duplex (linear)

DNA, and the two topological forms of 6X174 single-stranded DNA,

which are circular DNA (SS DNA), and full-length linear DNA, were

detected as clearly separated bands in agarose gels. 6X174 RF I

DNA produces oc DNA following single strand scission, or linear

DNA as the results of a double strand scisston. A strand scissionin circular diX174 SS DNA produces full-length linear DNA. Thus a

single strand scission causes a decrease in the amount of 6X174 RF

I DNA and SS DNA. This electrophoretic analysis using phage

single- and double-stranded DNAs is, therefore, very sensttive and

available for investigating the mechanism of substrates having DNA

strand scission activity (54, h).

The photographic negatives were scanned with a Shimadzu dual-

wavelength TLC-scanner CS-900 to quantitate the amount of 6X174 RF

I DNA and SS DNA, and to assay the degree of DNA strand scission.

Amount of DNA was corrected by the calibration curve.


-Z'nduciSZon ofe DIVA Sthand Sof662on ay i07.ttLonzycZn C •bz J6h2 1'ua6enc2 o7e

SoctZunz /lyduo6uZ/Zt2 and CuRizZc lon

6X174 RF I DNA was not affected by mitomycin C or mitomycin C

reduced with sodium hydrosulfite (Fig. II-IB,C). As shown in

Fig. II-IF-K, in the presence of 10 pM cupric ion, mitomycin C

reduced with sodium hydrosulfite caused DNA strand scission in RF

I DNA, and the RF I DNA was converted to RF II DNA (nicked, open

circular duplex DNA). The conversion of RF I DNA to RF II DNA was

proportional to the concentration of mitomycin C. When the

produced RF II DNA was heat-denatured and analyzed using agarose

gel electrophoresis, smaller DNA fragments other than circular .and full-length linear single-stranded DNA were observed (data not

shown). Even when RF I DNA was treated with 5 mM mitomycin C in


RF ll -

RF ][I -


AB e [) Il F {i +l I ,I e: i



Fig. II-1. Induction of single strand scission in 6X174 RF I DNAby mitomycin C in the presence of sodium hydrosulfite and cupricion. diX174 RF I DNA (O.93 pg/20 ;il) was reacted with mitomycin Cin 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 8.1). The reaction conditions are asfollows:A:B:C:




Drug-free control1 mM mitomycin C1 mlvl mitomycin C,o.1 mM Na2S2041 mrvl mitomycin C,10 yM CuC12o.1 mM Na2S204,10 pM CuC12E + 10 pM mitomycin CE + 50 pM mitomycin C




E + O.1 mM mtomycin CE + O.5 mM mitomycin CE + 1.0 mrvl mitomycin CE + 5.0 miYI mitomycin CPst I-digested diX174 RF I(indicates the position oflinear duplex DNA, RF III)


the presence of sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion (Fig. II-IK),

RF III DNA (linear duplex DNA), which is generated by double

strand scission in RF I DNA, was not observed. Nonreduced

mitomycin C (Fig. II-ID) or sodium hydrosulfite (Fig. II-IE) did

not convert RF I DNA to RF II DNA even in the presence of cupricion. other transition metal ions such as Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, co2+

and zn2+ were of no effect (data not shown).

These results indicate that mitomycin C reduced with sodium

hydrosulfite causes one or more single strand scission, but not

double strand scissj.on in 6Xl74 RF I DNA, and cupric ion is essen-

tial for this DNA cleavage action.




Fig. II-2.induction ofRF I DNA (O.93Tris-HCIA: Drug-freeB: ConpleteC: B+1D: B+ 10E: B+ 10F: B+ 10G: B+ 25 ,H: B+ 25

Efekeect ofe

ScZ66Zon ey MCaRiLZc, lon

It is

semqulnonemitomycin C are

and subsequent

and severalinhibit the RF

presence of


1ete1y 4nhi

of the

scission (Fig.

- RF




Effect of catalase and superoxide dismutase on the single strand scission in 6X174 RF I DNA. 6X174 }ig/20 pl) was reacted with mitomycin C in 50 mM buffer (pH 8.1). The reaction conditions are as follows: control (1.0 rnM mitomycin C, O.1 mM Na2S204, 10 ]Jrvl CuC12) pg/ml catalase pg/ml catalase pg/ml heat-inactivated catalase pg/ml superoxide dismutase pg/ml superoxide dismutase pg/ml heat-inactivated superoxide dismutase

Enzynz26 and f?czclZcaZ Scaveng2iz6 on th2 f21 l D!VA Sthand

tomycth C Zn the 10a26enc2 of So(ttwn llycino6uUZte and

suggested that free oxygen radicals and mitomycin C

radical generated during reduction and autoxidation of involved in the diX174 single-stranded DNA breakage

phage inactivation (Chapter I). Therefore, enzymes

radical scavengers were tested for their abilities to

I DNA strand scission by mitomycin C in the

sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion. As shown in Fig.

catalase (10 pg/ml), which removes hydrogen peroxide, comp-

bited the DNA strand scission. The same concentration

heat-inactivated enzyme did not inhibit the DNA strand

II-2E). Tiron (38), a scavenger for superoxide




Fig. II-3.scission byreactedreactlonA:

B: 1.0 mM O.1 mM 10 pM CC: B+ O.4D: B+ 4.0E: B+ 10

anlon,3C,D), but

scission (F




hydroxyl3F, H, J).




sclsslon ln

-. RF E


Effect of radical scavengers on the DNA strand mitomycin C. 6X174 RF I DNA (O.93 pg/20 pl) was with mitomycin C in 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 8.1). The conditions are as follows:Drug-free control F: B+ 100 mM sodium benzoate mitomycin C, G: B+ 10 rnM sodium formate Na2S204, H: B+ 100 mM sodium formate uC12 I: B+ O.5 m/M KI mM Tiron J: B+ 5.0 mh KI mM Tiron K: B+ 1.0 mM DABCO mM sodium benzoate L: B+ 10 mM DABCO

completely inhibited the DNA strand scission (Fig. II-

superoxide dismutase did not inhibit the DNA strand

ig. II-2F,G). This is probably because the enzyme

superoxide anion to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide which

hydroxyl radical. Sodium benzoate (100 mM), sodium

(100 mM) and potassium iodide (5 mrvl), scavengers for

radical (39), inhibited the DNA strand scission (Fig. II-

The DNA strand scission was inhibited also by 1,4-

o[2,2,2]octane (DABCO) which scavenges singlet oxygen


o7g D!VA SbLand Sc.t66Zon ey MZiSonzycZn C 1?educ2d Ld#h

Boitohy(Zivtde tn 6)(774 SingZ2- and DoueZ2-Stitanded DIVA6

iviitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride caused strand

naked 6X174 SS DNA in proportion to the concentration



tg$glj 50








.OOI .O]funovnt PMt-. (' ug)










Ol 10 1oo Ol 10 1oo Concentratjon of mitornycin C (pM)

Fig. II-4. [rhe action of mitomycin C reduced vith sodium boro- hydride on 6X174 single- and double-stranded DNAs. 6X174 SS DNA (O.2 pg/20 pl, A) or Åqz{X174 RF I DNA (O.2 pg/20 .;il, B) was reacted with the indicated concentration of mitomycin C in the presence of O.5 mM sodium borohydride in 50 mlvl Tris-HCI buffer (e-•--{), pH 7.1;o---o, pH 8.l) at 37 C for 60 min. The degree of the DNA strand scission was detected as described in MATERIALS AND METHODS.

of mitomycin C above 10 pM both at pH 7.1 and at pH 8.1 (Fig. II- }4A). ,6X174 RF I DNA strand scission occured at pH 7.1 depending

on the concentratÅ}on of mitomycin C above IO pM (Fig. II-4B).

This was also the case for diX174 RF ! 'DNA strand scission at pH

8.1, hQwever, O.5 mrvl sodium borohydride alone induced strand

scission. in about half of the ,6X174 RF I DNA molecules at pH 8.l

(Fig. II-4B). The amount of intact single- and double-stranded

DNAs decreased in a similar rate at pH 7.1.

diX174 RF I DNA strand scission by mitomycin C reduced with

sodium borohydride, as well as that by mitomycin C reduced with

sodium hydrosulfite in the presence of cupric ion, was inhibited

by radical scavengers and EDTA (Table II-1). The effects of radical

scavengers and EDTA on strand scission in 6X174 SS DNA were

similar to those on strand scission in diX174 RF I DNA (Table II-

2). This indicates that oxygen radicals, such as hydroxyl radical

and singlet oxygen, participated in strand scission by chemically

reduced mitomycin C in both single- and double-stranded DNAs.


Table II-1. Effects of enzymes and radical scavengers on DNAstrand scission by mitomycin C.A

Relative amount of intact DNA (9.)Scavenger

MDqC-NaBH4a bMMC-Na2S204


Catalase (10 pg/ml)Superoxide dismutase (10 yglml)Sodium benzoate (100 mM)DABCO (10 mlvl)Tiron (4 mM)EDTA (10 mh)




85 18 38 271OO 81


Relative amount of intact DNA (%)Scavenger

6X174 SS DNAa 6X174 RF I DNAa


Catalase (10 pg/ml)Superoxide dismutase (25 pg/ml)Sodium benzoate (100 mM)DABco (lo mlvf)Tiron (4 rnM)ED[[]A (10 mM)


32 15 731OO 861OO



adX174 SS DNA or RF I DNA (O.2 pg/20 yl) was reacted with O.1 mM mitomycin C (]tlMC) and O.5 mM sodium borohydride in 50 mM Tris-HCIb6bx" if 7f4erRF(PiH DN7A'i () o.a2t y3g7/02Co pf iO)r .6 .0.M.i .n.' .ted with o.s mTvi mitomycÅ}n

C, O.1 mrvl sodium hydrosulfite and 10 JiTvl cuprÅ}c ion in 50 mM Tris- HCI buffer (pH 7.1) at 370C for 3 h.


' The present results revealed that mitomycin C induces single

strand scission in diX174 SS DNA and double-stranded RF I DNA in


the presence of sodium borohydride or in the presence of sodium

hydrosulfite and cupric ion. DNA strand scission by mitomycin C

reduced with sodium borohydride occurs by a similar mechanism to

that by mitomycin C reduced with sodium hydrosulfite in the

presence of cupric ion, although the reaction rates of these two

DNA strand scission seem to be different as described later.

The diX174 SS DNA strand scission and diX174 RF I DNA strand

scission are due to oxygen radicals which are generated during the

reduction and autoxidation of mitomycin C. The effect of scaven-

gers for hydroxyl radical on the DNA strand scission reactions

suggest that hydroxyl radieal is mainly responsible for DNA strand

scission by chemically reduced mitomycin C. Hydroxyl radical is

supposed as a responsible species for DNA strand scission by many

oxygen radical-generating agents (18,27,28). Singlet oxygen may

also be involved in the DNA strand scission, because DABCO partly

inhibited the reactions. The mitomycin C semiquinone radical (55)

generated during the reduction may also participate in the

reaction. Mitomycin C semiquinone radical has been detected by

'the electron paramagnetic resonance ,method and shown to have a

life-time of several seconds (44). Trace metal ions contaminating

in the mitomycin C-sodium borohydride reaction mixture or

exogeneously added cupric ion in the mitomycin C-sodium

hydrosulfite reaction mixture are supposed to be involved in the

autoxldation of mitomycin C and the generation of oxygen radicals

as in the case of streptonigrin (21).

. The DNA strand scission by mitomycin C reduced with sodiumborohydride was completed in less than 1 min as a result of rapid

reduction by sodium borohydride, whereas that by mitomycin C

reduced with sodium hydrosulfite in the presence of cupric ion

proceeded slowly for more than 2 h (data not shown). This may

account for the difference in irihibitory effect of catalase (Table



Htgher concentration than O.1 mM of sodium borohydride

induced DNA strand scission in 6X174 RF I DNA at pH 8.1 as shown

in Fig. II-4B. Sodium borohydride also induced strand scission in

phage PM2 double-stranded DNA at pH 8.1, but not at pH 7.1 (data

not shown). Since sodium borohydride-induced DNA strand scission

was inhibited by superoxide dismutase, sodium benzoate, tiron and

EDTA (data not shown), oxygen radicals and metal ions appear to be

involved in the sodium borohydride--induced DNA strand scission.

It is still not clear why strand scission occurs only in double-

stranded DNA at pH 8.1 by sodium borohydride.


CHAPTER III Phage Inactivation and DNA Strand Scission Activities of Mitomycin Derivatives e)

The structure of mitomycin C is very unique not only for the

natural product, but also the antitumor substance in respect that

it has three carcinostatic groups, i.e. quinone, aziridine and

carbamate. The uniqueness of the structure has stimulated the

preparation of numerous anaZogues of mitomycin C in the hope of

obtaining compaunds with improved therapeutic properties

(56,57,58). The author examined the phage inactivation and DNA

strand scission activities of mitomycin derivatives. This study

will serve to elucidate the mechanism of action of mitomycin C.

In this chapter, the auther describes that the binding of

mitomycin C at the Cl position to DNA will play an important role

in the DNA cleavage action, and the substitution at the C7 position

greatly affects the DNA strand scission activity. Among mitomycin

derivatives, 7-N-(2-hydroxyphenyl)mitomycin C (M-83)(59), which

has reported to have a higher antitumor activity than mitomycin C

(59,60), has higher activities of phage inactivation and DNA

strand scission.



Mitomycin C and its derivatives were kindly supplied by Kyowa

Hakko Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. Sodium dextran sulfate 500 was

purchased from Pharmacia Fine Chemicals. Other chemicals were

obtained from Nakarai Chemicals Co.

BacteLia and /Dhag26

Escherichia coli CN and Pseudomonus BAL-•31 were used as the

indicator bacteria of phage 6X174 and phage PM2, respectively.


/'ua1?anatton o/T /Dhag2 6X174 anLZ .Z-t!L6 D!V,t16

Phage 6X174 am3 and its DNAs were prepared as described in

Chapters I and II.

/Diz2RaitcLtion oJ /Dhag2 IDM2

Pseudomonus BAL-31 was grown at 280C to 4 X 108 cells/ml in 1

liter of A)"IS-broth (59), and infected with PM2 at a multiplicity of

infection of 5 to 10. Incubation was continued for 2 to 3 h

after infection until complete lysis. After cooling in ice for 30

min, the lysate was concentrated according to the method described

by Salditt et al. (60): Polyethylene glycol 6000, powdered, was

slowly added to a final concentration of 43 g per liter and sodium

dextran sulfate 500 was added to a final concentration of 2.35 g

per liter. The mixture was vigorously shalÅqen and then allowed to

settle for 18 h at 40C. The bottom phase was collected and

centrifuged at 10,OOO Å~ g for 20 min. The interphase was collected

and suspended in 2-fold volume of 20 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.1)

containing 1 M NaCl and 10 mM CaCl2 (NTC buffer). To the

suspension was added 4 M KCI to a final concentration of 1.1 M.

After allowing the mixture to stand for 2 h at 40C, the precipi-

tate of dextran sulfate was removed by centrifugation at 8,OOO Å~

g. For every gram of solution, O.317 g of cesiuM chloride (CsCl)

was added (average density 1.28 g/ml). After centrifugation

(RP65[rA rotor: Hitachi 55P ultracentrifuge) at 86,OOO Å~ g for 24

h, the white virus band was collected by aspiration. The purified

virus was dialyzed against NTC buffer.

I6oZation o: f'R72 DIVA

PM2 covalentry cZosed circular (ccc) duplex DNA was extracted

from purified PM2 phage and, further purified by CsCl equillibrium

centrifugation essentially as described earlier (61,62).


1?eaction ove R?-itomycZn D2iz.tvaiSZv26 toth 6X174 oa /DM2 Vtaon The reaction mixture (IOO pl) contaÅ}ned 2 Å~ 108 plaque--

forming units (p.f.u.)lml of dX174 or PM2 virion, 100 pM mitomycin

derivatives and O.2 mM sodium borohydride. The reacton wÅ}th 6X174

was carried out in 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.1) at 370C, and

with P]vl2 in NTC buffer at 280C. The reaction was started by

adding freshly prepared sodium borohydride solution, continued for

1 h with gentle shaking, and stopped by dilution with each

ice--cold buffer. The survival of phage was assayed by the double

agar layer technique (33,59).

1?2acUon oZ MLtonzyofn C D27ttvat.tv26 LvLth DA!A

The reaction mixture (20 pl) contained O.17 pg (8.5 ;pg/ml)

PM2 ccc DNA, diX174 SS DNA or RF I DNA, 100 pM mitomycin

derivatives and O.5 mM sodium borohydride in 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer

(pH 7.1), unless otherwise rtoted. Reactions were carried out for

1 h at 370C, and stopped by the addition of 5 pl of O.1 M EDTA

solution containing 50% (W/V) sucrose and O.1% bromophenol blue.

The sample in a final volume of 25 pl was analyzed by agarose gel

electrophoresis. The degree of DNA strand scission was determined

as described in Chapter II.


'/Ohag2 lnacLtvczLLon and Z)IVA Sthand ScZ66Zon ActtvZtl26 ofe

R7onodactZonczZ MLtomyeZn6

Mitomycin C is supposed to bÅ}nd mainly at the Cl position or

the CIO position to DNA (6). To investigate the role of the Cl

and CIO positions in the DNA cleavage action, the action of

decarbamoyl derivatives and 7-methoxymitosene, which have been

assumed to act a monofunctional alkylating agent (24) was examined

(Table III-1). 7-methoxymitosene scarcely induced DNA strand


Table III-1.activitles

Phage inactivation and DNAof monofunctional mitomycins.

strand sclsslon


Mitomycin C






Mitomycin H

Mttomycin G


C ,i3





















ow NH2

PM2Vi ri on ('t.) DNA


o9 cc9 +





Phage PM2 (2 Å~ 107 p.f.u.!100 pl) was incubated with O.1 mMmitomycin derivatives in the presence of O.2 mM sodium boro-hydride. The reaction was carried out in NTC buffer at 280C for 1h. PM 2 ccc DNA (O.17 pg/20 pl) was incubated with O.1 mMmitomycin derivatives in the presence of O.5 mM sodium boro-hydride. The reaction was carried out in 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer(pH 7.1) at 370C for 1 h.









Fig. III-1.Calf thymusC in thein 50 mMwas precipitatedprecipitated•buffer (pH(---) DNAcomputed spectrumsubtractingfrom the

sclsslon lnof phage inactivation


used in th

binding ratio

which was

E3io ii,soo

ethanol precipitation

suggest that

DNA cleavage



3oo 3go 4oo 3oo 3so nm nm Ultraviolet spectra of the DNA-mitomycin C complex. DNA (20 pg/200 pl) was incubated with O.5 mM mitomycinpresence of O.5 mM sodium borohydride at 370C for 30 minTris-HCI buffer (pH 7.1). After the reaction, the DNA with ethanol, rinsed with 709. ethanol. The DNA was resuspended in O.3 ml of 50 mM Tris-HCI 7.1). Left section: ( ) DNA-mitomycin C complex;alone at the same concentration. Right section: of mitomycin C bound to DNA, obtaining by 'the spectrum of DNA alone at the same concentrationspectrum of the complex.

' PM2 DNA, whereas mitomycin G had almost the same level

' ' and DNA cleavage activities as mitomycin C. C reduced with sodium borohydride under the conditions

is study formed a complex with calf thymus DNA and the

' was 50-IOO nucleotides/antibiotic (Fig. III-1),

determined by ultraviolet absorbance at 310 nm and using

(55). The mitomycin C-DNA complex was stable to

'' ' and phenol extraction. These results the binding at the Cl position is essential for the

action of mitomycin C.


Table III-2of mitomycin


Phage inactivation and DNAderivatives.

strand sclsslon actlvltles

bo g Type

MtctnycnC 1

Pcrt,romytin 1

mo-O024 2

KD-O085 2

wo-O02] 1

O-oo65 1

ke-oo25 1

mo-O035 2

wo-co27 1

K! -- O032 1









I) N-

ON- -- ON-













































Phage PM2 (2 Å~ 107 p.f.u./100 pl) was incubated with O.l mMmitomycin derivatives in the presence of O.2 mM sodium boro-hydride. The reaction was carried out in NTC buffer at 280C for 1h. PM 2 ccc DNA (O.17 pg/20 pl) was incubated with O.1 mMmitomycin derivatives in the presence of O.5 mM sodium boro-hydride. The reaction was carried out in 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer(pH 7.1) at 370C for 1 h.


Table III-2B


Na&Type x Y z R V:R:ON (x) DNA

. oc ccc •

MitnyMC 1 NH2- .ocH3 -H -cONH2 2,2

MitornycbA i CH30- . titt 2,5

MitornycmB 2 , -OH -CH3 tt 78

mo-O121 1 ,..oCHs

, tt 51

xu..oo82 2 , . . tt so

i"]-0302 1 CH3CH20- -I - -t 46/


KDOS05 1 CHs(CH2)sO- , ' tt 8,it

fJ-0308 1 OCH20- Jt, it o,i L

Table III-2C

No.gType x Y z RPM2


- oc ccc +

M,tor"ycnC 1 NH2' .OCH3 -H -• COma2 2, 2

K[r)-oOo7 1 te . -CO(CH2)2CH3 , 98

KD-O021 1 i- tj -C02CH2CHs . NKD-O083 1 . - -H -H sa

KD-O087 1 . . . -cOCH3 2, o

KD-O099 1 . - g -CocH2Ct "xu-Ol16 1 . . . -CONHCH3 7,2

ua-Ol15 1 • lt -H . 11


/Ohag2 lnacLtvation and D/VA SiEiLand Sof66Zon ActivZtZe6 o7e MZiSomyc.Ln


The examined derivatives involves 7-substituents (X) in the

quinone ring with other functional groups and substituents (Z) on

the aziridine ring, (R) on the hydroxymethyl side chain and (Y) at

the 9a position (Table III-2A,B,C). The replacement at above

positions (X, Y, Z and R) all affected the phage inactivation

activity or the DNA strand scission activity. Among these deriva-

tives, the 7-aziridino mitomycin C (KD-O025, Table III-2A) and 7-

benzyloxy derivative (IÅqD-0308, Table III-2B) had the remarkably

higher phage inactivation and DNA strand scission activities than

mitomycin C. The 7 position is supposed to be important because

it controls the reduction potential of the quinone ring, thus

offering a chance to obtain some selectivity between normal cells

and certain cancer cells (56,58).




N" o Type1

Fig. III--2. Structures

AcLZon o,e I'2-83

Among the

mitomycin C (M-83)

inactivation and

sodium borohyd

mitomycin C, showed

against 6X174

ocHoR x cH,oR --tt-t'""' :::rN-z C"3 o "V'-":N-•z

Type 2

of mitomycin derivatives.

on 1'hage6 6t)('174 ana( f'/'?2 and 7heZ/L DIV7`16

7-substituted derivatives, 7-N-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-

had the remarkably high activities of phage

DNA strand scission. Ivl-83 reduced in situ with

ride, at one third to one sixth concentration of

the same degree of phage inactivation activity

(Fig. III-4) and Prvl2 (Fig. III-5), and of DNA strand














A 10

.9 tr,

ls o e' so oNo Li

.l l = ut

O.1 o

1 10 1oo Conc. of antibiotic (pM)

Fig. III-4. Inactivation of phagereduced with sodium was incubated at 370C for 1 h withmitomycin C (o---O) or M-83 (e e) in7.1) in the presence of O.2 mM sodium

Fig. III-5. Inactivation of phage PM2reduced with sodium borohydride. Phagepl) was incubated at 280C for 1 h withmitomycin C (o---o) or M-83 O e) inof O.2 mM sodÅ}um borohydride.

C (M-83).

1 10 100 Conc. of antibiotic (pM)

S,Xg,7g b,Åq,yz't?,,9 o,r.,Y.:92,,

indicated concentrations of 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH borohydride.


indicated concentrations of NTC buffer in the presence





zaL"o= 50u'U

")xN o



1 10 100 Conc. of antibiotic (pM)

Fig. III-6. Induction of strand scission in 6X174 single-strandedDNA by mitomycin C (o--o) or M-83 (e e) reduced with sodiumborohydride. Concentrations of mitomycin C or M-83: C and J,1 pM; D and K, 10 pM; E and L, 30 pM; F and M, 50 pM; G andN, 75 pM; H and P, 100 pM; I and Q, 500 pM.A: Drug-free controlB: O.5 mM sodium borohydride aloneC-I: Mitomycin C + O.5 mrvl sodium borohydrideJ-Q: M-83 + O.5 mM sodium borohydride




100 F• v Åq z o 8 N i 10


1 10 100 Conc. of antibiotic (yM)

Fig. III-7. Induction of strand scission in PM2 ccc DNA bymitomycin C (o--o) or M-83 (e e) reduced with sodium borohydride.Concentrations of mitomycin C or M-83: B and J, 1 pM; C and K,IO pM; D and L, 20 jp M; E and M, 30 Ji M; F and N, 50 pM; G andP, 75 pM; H and Q, 100 pM; I, 500 pM. A, drug-free control.


Table III-3. Effect of catalase and superoxide dismutase on DNAstrand scission by mitomycin C or M-83 in the presence of sodiumhydrosulfite and cupric iona.

Antibiotic EnzymeRelative amount ofintact DNA (%)

rvlitomycin CCatalaseSuperoxide dismutase


M-83CatalaseSuperoxide dismutase


adX174 RF I DNA (O.2 pg) was reacted with O.5 mM mitomycin C or 50prvl M-83 in 50 mrvl Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.1) in the presence of O.1 mrvlsodium hydrosulfite and 10 pM cupric ion at 370C for 1 h.






Fig. III-8. Effect of enzymes, radical scavengers and EDTA on DNAstrand scission by mitomycin C or M-83 in the presence ofsodium borohydride. PM2 ccc DNA (O.17 pg/20 pl) was reacted with100 pM mitomycin C or 50 prvl M-83 in the presence of O.5 mMsodium borohydride in 50 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.1) at 370C for1 h. Reaction conditions are as follows:A: Drug-free controlB: O.5 mM soidium borohydride aloneC: 100 pM mitomycin C, O.5 mM sodium borohydrideJ: 50 prvl M-83, O.5 mM sodium borohydrideD or K: C or J+ 10 pglml catalaseE or L: C or J + 25 pglml superoxide dismutaseF or M: C or J+4 mM TironG or N: C or J+ 200 mM sodium benzoateH or P: C or J+ 10 mM DABCOI or Q: C or J+ 10 mM EDTA


scission activity against their DNAs (Fig. III-6,7).

EJeZect o7e Enzynz26 and f2acUcaZ Scaveng2n6 on th2 Rl-83 12eacLLon

The effect of enzymes and radical scavengers on DNA strand

scission by both antibitics were similar (Fig. III-8, Table III-

3). This indicates that oxygen radicals such as hydroxyl radical

and siglet oxygen participate in DNA strand scission by reduced M-

83. Since the reaction was inhibited by EDTA (Fig. III-8I,Q),

trace metal ions in the reaction mixture are presumed to be

involved in the generation of oxygen radicals.

0thea 1imofng Ag2n.t6 -(n the DIVA CZeavag2 1?eaction oJe R?-83

rvl-83 reduced with dithiothreitol showed much higher DNA

strand scission activity than mitomycin C reduced with dithio-

thretol (Fig.III-9B). rvl-83 reduced with 2-mercaptoethanol (Fig.

III-9C), NADH (Fig. III-9D) or HADPH (Fig. III-9E) caused DNA

strand scission appreciably, but mitomycin C did not. These

results suggest that M-83 is more readily reduced to an active

form than mitomycin C.

Fig. III-9. Usefulness of reducing agent in the inductionstrand scission by M-83. PM2 ccc DNA (O.17 pg120 pl)with O.5 mM mitomycin C or O.5 mM M-83 reduced withdithiothreitol (B), O.1 mM 2-mercaptoethanol (C), 2or 2 mM NADPH (E) in 50 mM,Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.1)h. A, drug-free control. In B-E, left lanes, antibiotic-freecontrol; middle lanes, mitomycin C; right lanes, M-83




of DNA was reacted10 mMmM NADPH (D)at 37eC for 1



A s v Åq z o u 50 v v N E a


O 10 20 30 40 50 Temperature (eC)

Fig. III-10. Temperature dependency of DNA strand scission. PM2ccc DNA (O.17 pg/20 pl) was reacted with 50 pM M--83 reduced withO.5 mM sodium borohydride in 50 m)1 Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.1) at theindicated temperature for 1 h.

7enRwLatwz2 Del?`2naLency oZ DAIA Stitand Sof66Zon

DNA strand scission by M-83 reduced with sodium borohydride

was dependent on temperature, and was greatly depressed at 40C(Fi'g. III-10). Strand scission in 6X174 SS DNA by reduced M-83 was

also dependent on temperature (data not shown). Similar tempera-

ture•dependency was observed in DNA strand scission by reduced

mitomycin C(data not shown).


Mitomycin derivatives induced DNA strand scission in double-straLnded Prvl2 DNA as well as in diX174 SS DNA and RF I DNA, and

inactivated phage PM2. This indicates that mitomycins do not

attack particularly 6X174 DNAs alone. The phage Å}nactivation

activities of mitomycin derivatives generally reflected their DNA

strand sctssion activities in this study. The phage inactivation

experiment is supposed to be useful for investigating the action of

substances obtaining DNA strand scission activity (63,64,65), and

for the first screening method of those substances


because it is applicable to crude samples contaminated with DNase.

This study suggested that reduced mitomycin C binds mainly at

the Cl position to DNA, generates oxygen radicals during

autoxidation of quinone, and induces DNA strand scission. This

study also suggested that the substitution at the C7 position,

which is supposed to control the reduction potential of the

quinone ring, greatly affects the DNA strand scission activity of

mitomycins. Among the 7-substituted derivatives, M-83 had the

remarkably high activities of phage inactivation and DNA strand

scission. M-83 has a high antitumor activity than mitomycin C

against lymphocytic leuchemia P388 and fibrosarcoma Meth 1

(59,60), and a lower toxicity than mitomycin C with myelo-

suppression and leukopenia (66). M-83 is, therefore, expected to

be more useful as a clinical antitumor agent.

M-83 was more active than mitomycin C: M-83, at one third to

one sixth concentration, showed the same degree of phage inacti-

vation and DNA strand scission activities of mitomycin C. The

mechanism of phage inactivation and DNA strand scission by M-83

were similar to those by mitomycin C: (1) Reduction of M-83 was

required for its actions. (2) Oxygen radicals were involved, and

metal ions possibly participated in the generation of these

radicals. (3) The DNA strand scission was single strand and

dependent on temperature. Oxygen radicals participate also in DNA

strand scission by several antitumor antibiotics including

bleomycin (l9,67). Metal ions are also associated with bleomycin-

mediated DNA strand scission (67). DNA strand scission by

bleomycin in the absence of reducing agents is relatively insensi-

tive to the change in reaction temperature from 4 to 600C (68),

however, in the presence of reducing agents DNA strand scission Å}s

dependent on temperature (69). Reduction of M--83 or mitomycin C

to form an active Å}ntermediate may be dependent on temperature,

and M-83 appears to be reduced to an active form more readily than


mitomycin C.

These results suggest that covalent binding

the Cl positton to DNA is essential for the DNA

and that the high antitumor activity of Tvl-83 may

strand scission activity.

of mitomycin C at

strand scission,

reflect the DNA

-- 46-

CHAPTER IV Sequence Specificity of Heat-Labile Sites in DNA Induced by Mitomycin C f'g)

Mitomycin C interacts with DNA, resultÅ}ng in covalent bÅ}nding

of the drug to DNA, as well as in the formation of crosslinks

between the complementary strands of DNA (5,6,7). These DNA

modifications are believed to be essential for the cytotoxicity of

mitomycin C (5,8,9,10). The aziridine and methyl uretane moietiesare suggested to be involved in the binding to DNA (6,12,70).

The binding sites of mitomycin C in DNA are the O--6 position or

the 2-amino group of guanine resÅ}dues or the 6-amino group of

adenine residues (12,13). However, the details of the inter-

action of mitomycin C with DNA have yet to be elucidated.

Mitomycin C contains quinone moiety besides aziridine and

methyl uretane. Reduction of mitomycin C, by chemical or

enzymatic methods, followed by exposure to air results in the

generation of superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide (14,15).

Oxygen radicals were generated not only by free mitomycin C but

also by mitomycin C irreversibly bound to DNA (15). The author

described that chemically reduced mitomycin C induces single

strand scission in single-stranded and double-stranded DNAs

(Chapter I,II,III). The DNA strand scisison is 6onsidered to

involve the oxygen radicals such as hydroxyl radical and singlet

oxygen, and mitomycin C semiquinone radical.

DNA cleavage via mechanism involving oxygen radicals are

reported for some antitumor anttbiotics such as bleomycin

(19,20). Strand scission by bleomycin occurs preferentially at

specifÅ}c sequences (71,72) and at specific sites in DNA (73), and

the sequence specificity of single strand scission is related to

the site-specific double strand scission by bleomycin (74).

The author investigated the interaction of mitomycin C with

DNA by using DNA substrates of defined sequence. In this chapter,


the author shows that reduced mitomycin C induces heat-labile

sites in DNA preferentially at specific sequences, and that oxygen

radicals are possibly involved in the induction of heat-labile



Ch2mZcaZ6 ancl Enzyme6

Mitomycin C was kindly supplied by Kyowa Hakko Co. Ltd., Tokyo,

Japan. Restriction enzymes Haelll, LTLag,I and Hinfl, and T4

polynucleotide kinase were obtained from Takara Shuzo Co. Ltd.,

the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I of Escherichia coli was

from Bethesda Research Laboratories GmbH, and calf intestinealkaline phosphatase was from Boeringer Manheim GmbH. [ok-32p]dTTp,

[o(-32p]dc[[[p and [if-32p]ATp (specific activity about 3000 Cilmmol)

were purchased from New England Nuclear a Du Pont Co., and

Amersham International plc.

DIVA Snd6btaiS26

Three DNA fragments of defined sequence were obtained frombacteriophage 6X174 replicative form DNA. Double-stranded 6X174

replicative form DNA was prepared as previously described (Chapter

II) and digested with Haelll, and 194 and 234 base pair fragments

[Z7 and Zs fragments in the map reported by Sanger (75)] were

puriCied. Fragment Z7 was digested with .T!ggl, and was labeled by

extention of the 3' termini with Klenow polymerase in the presenceof [ct-32p]dCTP (76). Fragment Zs was digested with Hinfl and

labeled at the 3' termini in the presence of [ok--32p]d[rTp and

unlabeled dATP and dCTP. Resulting 3Lend labeled 56, 142 and 178

base pair fragments (C436-C4gl, Cgso--Tl121 and C4g2-C66g in the

map reported by Sanger, respectively) were purified by

electrophoresis on a 6% polyacrylamide gel.


[s'-32p]DNA fragments were obtained by incubatton of the Z7

or Zs fragment with [K'-32P]ATP and T4 polynucleotide kinase.

After digestion with -T!,gg,I or Hinfl, 5Lend labeled 55 and 139 base

pair fragments were purifeid by electrophoresis on a 6% polyacryl-

amide gel.

1?eaction ConaeLtion6

The standard reaction mixture (100 pl) contained 25 mM Tris-

HCI buffer (pH 7.1), O.1 mM mitomycin C, O.5 mM sodium borohydrÅ}deand 3L or 5L32p-labeled DNA fragment [approximately 50 ng

(specific activity 2 Å~ 103 cpm/ng)]. The reaction was started by

the addition of freshly prepared sodium borohydride solution,

carried out for 15 min at 370C and terminated by the addition of 4

pl of O.5 M EDTA, 2 Jil of 1 mglml tRNA, 10 pl of 3 M sodium

acetate (pH 5.2) and followed by ethanol precipitation. The

pellet was rinsed in 709. ethanol, dried and resuspended in 40 pl

of 10 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 8.1), and the suspension was heated

The heat-treated DNA was reprecipitated with ethanol, rinsed

in 70% ethanol, dried, and dissolved in 5 pl of 80% (V/V)

formamide--IO mM NaOH loading buffer for gel electrophoresis. DNA

was heat denatured for 1 min at 900C, and loaded on a 107o or 169o

polyacrylamide slab gel for sequence analysis. Electrophoresis '

was at 25 mA. Autoradiography was done on a Fuji RX film at -700C.

QuanLLtattve Sequmc2 AnaZy616 The autoradiorams were scanned with a microdensitometer

(Double-Beam Recording Microdensitometer rvlK III CS•, Joyce Loebl &

Co. Ltd.). The relative position of oligonucleotides produced by

the reaction with reduced mitomycin C and subsequent heat-

treatment were determined by direct comparison with oligonucleo-

-tides produced by the chemical reactions of the Maxam-Gilbert

' -49-

Procedure (77) and by the thymidylate specific reaction which was

newly developed (i,j). The relative amounts of produced oligo-

nucleotides were measured quantitatively as follows: The relative

peak heights on densitometric scans were measured, and normalized

relative to the average height of peaks of products of deoxy-

guanylate specific reaction on the autoradiogram of each

sequencing gel. DNA fragments shorter than 10 base long were

neglected, because they were precipitated inefficiently by ethanol.

AnaZy6Z6 o/ 5' 72imLrzZ

The 5' termini of the fragmbnts resulting from breaks induced

by reduced mitomycin C and subsequent heat--treatment were analyzed

for the presence of a phosphoryl group. For analysis of the 5'

termini of the DNA fragments resulting from dimethyl sulfate

reaction, piperidine treatment in the Maxam-Gilbert procedure was

replaced by hydrolysis with O.1 N NaOH, and followed by pH neutra-

li2ation (78). DNA was precipitated with ethanol and resuspended

in 40 pl of 10 mTvl Tris-HCI buffer (pH 8.1). DNA was heated for 5

min at 900C, and quickly chilled. For dephosphorylation of DNA,10 pl of 10 X CIP buffer [O.5 Tvl Tris-HCI (pH 9.0), 10 mM r"lgC12, 1

mM ZnC12, 10 mM spermidine] and 10 units of calf intesttne

alkaline phosphatase were added, and the mixture was incubated for

30 min at 370C and for 30 min at 560C. The a second aliquat of

the enzyme was added and the incubation was repeated at both

temperatures (76). The reaction was terminated by phenol

extractions and followed by ethanol precipitation. The pelllet

was rtnsed in 709. ethanol, dried and dissolved in 5 pl of loading

buffer for gel electrophoresis.

--. 5O-'


lndLtctZon o,e /leat-LmuZe SZiSe6 Zn D/VA ey 1imc2d R7#omyc-Ln C

To investigate the interaction of mitomycin C with DNA, we

used end--labeled DNA fragments of defined sequence as substrates.

The DNA substrate used in Fig. IV`1 was the 3'-end labeled 142

base pair restriction fragment of 6X174 replicative form DNA

(Cgso-Tll21 in the map reported by Sanger). Oligonucleotides

were clearly detected on the autoradiogram as the products of the

reaction with reduced mitomycin C and subsequent heat-treatment

(Fig. IV-1 lanes 2 and 3). These oligonucleotides were scarcely

produced without heat-treatment (Fig. IV--1 lane 1), and were

produced depending on the time of heat-treatment (Fig. IV-1 lanes

2 and 3). All DNA samples were routinely denatured by heating at

900C for 1 min just before applying to the gel as described in

MATERIALS AND METHODS, but this heating procedure alone was not

enough to cleave mitomycin C-treated DNA. Heat-treatments for 3

or 5 min in Tris-HCI buffer before the denaturation procedure (1

min) were required for chain cleavage of mitomycin C--tr'eated DNA.

No oligonucleotides were produced by reaction with non-reduced

mitomycin C (lane 5) or sodium borohydride alone (Fig. IV--1 lane

6) and subsequent heat--treatment.

.[nhle.ttZon ey O)cygen 12aa"caZ Scavengez6 and P?ezSaZ-CheZatZng Ag2naE6

Oxygen radicals and metal ions are involved in mitomycin C-

tnduced DNA strand scission (18, Chapter I,II,III). The auther

examined the involvement of oxygen radicals and metal ions in the

induction of heat-labile sites by reduced mitomycin C. The DNA

substrate used in Fig. IV-2 was 3'-end !abeled 178 base pair

restriction fragment of 6X174 replicative form DNA (C4g2-C66g in

the map reported by Sanger). Oligonucleotides were produced by

the reaction with reduced mitomycin C and subsequent heat-treat--


!c', c+T








T• x e



Fig. IV-1. Induction of heat-labile siteq in DNA by reducedmitomycin C. The 142 base pair 3'-end [J`P]labeled DNA wasincubated with O.1 mM mitomycin C and O.5 mM sodium borohydridefor 15 min at 370C. After the reaction, DNA was precipitated withethanol, resuspended in 40 Jil of 10 mM Tris--HCI buffer (pH 8.1)and heated for 3 min (lane 2), and for 5 min (lane 3) at 90eC.The heat-treated DNA was reprecipitated with ethanol, dissolved in5 pl of loading buffer and loaded on a 109o polyacrylamide gel forsequence analysis. Products without heat-•treatment were in lane1. Products of reactions in the presence of 10 mM EDTA, in theabsence of sodium borohydride or mitomycin C, followed by heat-treatment, were in lanes 4, 5 and 6, respectively. Lane 7contains untreated 142 base pair 3Lend labeled DNA. Products ofbase-specific chemical reactions were in lanes CT, GA and G.Sequence was indicated on the left side.


CT GA G1 2345 6

?, iiF,iS•1[il:CIGi2"liii]ll!ilifIA,3•2

AG AGc 4o-IGIgt!]c ' AGTA


A c T 20-T i


gk\.} gv,:.2fi, lgse S' gl2", .ey

and O.5 mM sodiumsodium benzoate (pHfor 15 min at 370C. DNApended in 40 pl of 10 mMmin at 900C. Theethanol, and analyzed onanalysis. Products ofhydride or mitomycin C,and 5, respectively.base-specific chemical


.•Nc •"X'. k$





ct( ;•:• .l •'. •(

t .,1. C,. v'

t ,


oxygen radical scavengers. The 178 base DNA was incubated with O.1 mM mitomycin Cborohydride (lane 1), in the presence of O.1 M 7.5)(lane 2) or O.1 M DABCO (pH 7.5)(lane 3) was precipitated with ethanol, resus- Tris-HCI buffer (pH 8.1) and heated for 5heat-treated DNA was reprecipitated with a 109. polyacrylamide gel for sequence reaction in the absence of sodium boro- followed by heat-treatment, were in lane 4 Lane 6 contains untreated DNA. Products of reactions were in lanes CT, GA and G.


ment (Fig. IV-2 lane 1). The production of oligonucleotides were

inhibited by sodium benzoate (Fig. IV-2 lane 2) which scavenges

hydroxyl radical (39), and 1,4--diazablcyclo-[2,2,2]octane

(DABCO)(Fig. IV-2 lane 3) which scavenges singlet oxygen (41).

DABCO completely inhibited the production of oligonucleotides evenat a concentration of 10 mM, and 10' mM sodium benzoate also have

an inhibitory effect (data not shown). EDTA, a metal chelating

agent, also inhibited the production qf oligonucleotides (Fig. IV- ,

1 lane 4). The production of oligonucl.eotides was almost

completely Å}nhibited also by 10 mM diethylenetriamine pentaacetic

acid (DETAPAC), a metal chelating age4t, and partially by 1 mM

DE[rAPAC (data not shown). The high concentrations of these salts

were reported to inhibit the binding bf mitomycin C to DNA (79).

But the inhibitory effect of salts seems negligible when the

inhibitors are used below 10 mM, because 10 mM sodium chloride

did not inhibit the production of oligonucleotides (unpublished


S2qttence Sl?2cZfetc-Lty eJg /le(zt--Lcze.tZe S.Lt26

Autoradiograms tn Figs. IV--1 and 2 made us expect that

reduced mitomycin C induced heat-labile sites preferentially at

specific sequences in DNA. To examine this possibility, The

auther used another DNA substrate (3'--end labeled 56 base pair DNA

fragment)(Fig. IV-3), and scanned autoradiograms in Fig. IV-1, 2

and 3 with a microdensitometer (Fig. IV-4). The relative amounts

of produced oligonucleotides were measured quantitatively as

described in rvlATERIALS AND METHODS, and the relative positions

were determined by direct comparison of the products of mitomycin

C reaction with products of deoxyguanylate specific chemical

reaction (FÅ}g. IV-5). DNA was cleaved at the 3' side of deoxy-

guanosines and of some deoxyadenosines by the heat--treatment of

DNA reacted with reduced mÅ}tomycin C. Reduced mitomycin C induced

heat-labile sites extensively at sequences GGT, GAGGGT and AAGT,



CTC AT4o- EcTavT[lillTil

30- G c CG T• TT TG 20-X






CT GA G 1 tMe.r.-. "'#S:'•"'l'.. .tt .. ..

•r. Iz•e..,1.• ift.

tt-' tret/s: tltAtt tt

.(, I• fi .1':•"l

ew;..:.ig,.: tw

tti-ttwwtX 'ww


" etre.(Rlf


+t Ei,

:. k Bv,K.3• ,R.asg,ss.qggnsgrfpsc,-j.f.ii,ltpll, ,ofi,me5sml.;i6:,g,.,

with O.1 mM mitomycin C and O.5 mM sodium borohydride (lane 1),O.1 mM mitomycin C alone (lane 2) or O.5 mM sodium borohydridealone (lane 3). After the reaction, DNA was heated for 5 min at90CC, and the products were analyzed on a 169o polyacrylamide gelas described in MATERIALS AND METHODS. Lane 4 contains untreatedDNA. Products of base-specific chemical reaction were in lanesCT, GA and G. Arrows I, II and III indicate oligonucleotidesdescribed in the text.

followed by at sequences GGC, GT, GAGAGC, AGT, AGGC and GGA. In

dinucleotides sequeces, G-T sequences (especially PuG-T) were

cleaved most extensively by the reaction with reduced mitomycin C

and subsequent heat-treatment.



f r,i

`( ,i IZ'v"e

tl lttL i r. s" s6166 58 SS 54 5e




u ItiCr."v,`,l:f.rt:g:.t;.h,.as..,fvv..L.......,bo..-'.L:v7ÅqSl




a r,

s90 t35 33 72 fi ",

M'", ,S



/sl .. NN `-.6C E7 55 52 Se a644 42 4e 3,9

] tl lt Sl



v7 ]]År6 30 ?7 ?221

35 32

"StN.k A L"J'v.. v


ltt :l ll




Fig. IV-4. (A) Densitometric scans of lanes 3 (Fig; IV-1. (B) Densitometric scan of lanes 1 (Fig. IV-2. (C) Densitometric scan of lanes 1 (Fig. IV-3. Numbers correspond to the position ofln the fragments from the 3' terminus. Arrows I,indicate oligonucleotides described in the text.

)and G (---)in) and G (---) in) and G (--) indeoxyguanylateII and III





B: iilll llll tll llls,-cElzl;s;lis;I,gTccTAcAmp, CCAGCGTAsgCATAAIA IC


""" ," ; CA-S-I AGCAATCCAAACTTTGTTACT -3, 30 20 !EMc: lll ,, ,l ".5t- CATTCA-G-Si-l TTCTGCC6TTTT fi-GATTTAACCGAA -3t

Fig. IV-5. Sequence specificity of heat-labile sites indticed in3Lend labeled DNA fragment of l42 (A), 178 (B) and 56 (C) basepair long. These fragments were used in Figs. IV-1, 2 and 3.Arrows locate sites determined from the densitometric scans inFig. IV-4. The length of the arrows indicates the realtive extentof cleavage at a particular site as mesured from densitometricscans. Sequences indicated by (C ;) are the sites extensivelycleaved, followed by sequences ( ).


Sbtactun2 oZ 72m7z•Ln.L oZ the Bnealc(s

The structure of termini of the breaks was analyzed to

investigate the chemical nature of the heat-labile sites induced

by reaction with reduced mitomYcln C. The electrophoretic mobili-

ties of oligonucleotides produced from 3'-end labeled DNA by

reaction with reduced mitomycin C, followed by heat-treatment,

were the same as some of thQse produced by the chemical degrada-

tion with the Maxam--Gilbert procedure (Fig. IV-1,2,3). The

comigration of the products suggested that the 5' termini of the

breaks are phosphorylated (80). To determine the structure of.the 5' termini of the breaks,

the author treated the produceq oligonucleotides with calf

intensine alkahne phosphatase which removes 5'-phosphoryl groups.

Treatment of the products of a dimethyl sulfate (deoxyguanylate

specific) reaction with the enzyme resulted in the retardation of

the electrophoretic mobilities (Fig. IV-6 lane l). Treatment of

the oligonucleotides produced by reaction with reduced mitomycin C

and subsequent heat-treatment resulted in a similar retardation

(Fig. IV-6 lane 4). The retardation bf the electrophoreticmobilities is expected to be due to the removal of 5'--phosphoryl

groups from the oligonucleotides and the resulting change of the

chargelmass ratio of the molecule. These results indicate that

the 5' termini of the oligonugleotides produced by the reaction

wtth reduced mitomycln C and subsequen,t heat-treatment contain

phosphoryl groups.

SbLuofLyz2 oZ 3' 727vnZnt ol th2 B,t2ak6

For analysis of the structure of 3' terminÅ} of the breaks,

5'-end labeled DNA was used. The same strand of the fragment used

in Fig. IV-3 was labeled at the 5' terminus, and used as a

substrate (Fig. IV-7). Oligonucleotides were produced when the

DNA was reacted with reduced mitomycin C and then heat-treated


l G23 GAww'A..





Fig. IV-6. SNructure of 5' termini of the breaks. The 178 basepair 3Lend[jLP]labeled DNA was reacted with O.1 mM mitomycin Cand O.5 mM sodium borohydride, and subsequently heated for 5 minat 900C. DNA was treated with calf intestine alkaline phosphataseas described in MATERIALS AND METHODS (lane 3). Original productsof the mitomycin C reaction were in lane 2. Products of thedimethyl sulfate reaction, in which piperidine treatment wasreplaced by O.1 N NaOH hydrolysis followed by pH neutralization,were treated with calf intestine alkaline phosphatase (lane 1).Original products of base-specific reactions were in lanes G andGA.

(Fig. IV-7 lane 1). Reduction of mitomycin C and the subsequent

heat-treatment were prerequisite for the production of oligo-

nucleotides (Fig. IV-7 lanes 3 and 2, respectively) as well as in

the reaction of 3'-end labeled substrates. Sodium benzoate, DABCO

and EDTA inhibited the reaction also in this case (data not


The heat-treatment of the DNA fragment bearing a heat-labile

site results in the production of two oligonucleotides. The

oligonucleotide indicated by arrows I in Fig. IV-7A and B, and


Fig. IV-7.strand oftermlnus,with O.1heated forMETHODS,gel forin lane 2.hydride or3 and 4, .reactlonslanes 1 (from theArrows I,text.

A ?t



20@ pa c T T A c t 5t


CT GA G 1 2 3 4

}.'s,."•xrl•)' :t.,rs





"'th"f" +llI



tM v.,".tz )N4(iil'!es;•AiL,ctAv},tg


5'-C A T T C AG GCT TCT-3' e 20 Structure of 3' termini of the breaks. the fragment used in Fig. IV-3 was and the 5'-end labeled 55 base pair DNAmM mitomycin C and O.5 mM sodium borohydri 5 min at 900C (lane 1) as described in and the products were analyzed on a 16%sequence analysis. Products without Products of reactÅ}ons in the absence mitomycin C, followed by heat-treatment,respectively. Products of base-specific

were in lane CT, GA and G. (B) )and GA (--). G21, which is the 21st correspods to G37 in Fig. IV-3 in 5t-end, II and III indicate oligonucleotides

(A) The same labeled at the 5' was incubated de. DNA was MATERIALS AND polyacrylamide heat-treatment were of sodium boro- were in lanes chemicalDensitometric scans of nucleotide the fragment. described in the


that indicated by arrows I in Figs. IV--3 and 4 are considered to

have resulted from the cleavage at a heat-labile sÅ}te. Oligonucleo-

tides indicated by arrows II or arrows III in Figs. IV--3, 4 and 7

are also considered to be resulted from the cleavage at a heat-

labile site. The products from 5'-end labe!ed DNA had lower

electrophoretic mobilities than the dimethyl sulfate-reaction's

products and the formic acid-reaction's products, although the

products from 3'-end labeled DNA had the same mobilities with the

' products of the chemical reactions of the Maxam-Gilbert procedure

(Figs. IV-3 and 4). Broad peaks on the scan of the autoradiogram

of the products from the 5'-end labeled DNA (Fig. IV-7B) suggest

that 3' termini of the breaks do not have simple structures. The

lower electrophoretic mobilities and the broadness of peaks of the

products from the 5'-end labeled DNA were confirmed with another

fragment (5'-end labeled 139 base pair fragment)(data not shown).


The author has investigated the interaction of mitomycin C

with DNA using sequencing technique. The results demonstrate that

reduced mitomycin C induces heat-labile sites in DNA at specific

sequences. The breaks occur at the 3' side of deoxyguanosines and

of some deoxyadenosines by heat--treatment of DNA reacted with

reduced mitomycin C. A dinucleotide sequence G-T (especially PuG-

T) is the most preferred for induction of heat-labile sites.

Mono-, di- and trinucleotide of deoxyadenosine are rather

resistant to induce heat-labile sites. DNA sequencing technique

have revealed the sequence specific interaction with DNA of

several antitumor agents, e.g. bleomycin (71,72), neocarzino-

statine (81), hedamycin (82), actinomycin D and netropsin (83).

The sequence specificity of' mitomycin C-DNA interaction reported

in this paper is remarkable to compare with other agents, although


mitomycin C is a rather small molecule.

Covalent binding of mitomyctn C to DNA is thought to be

preceded by a noncovalent associatÅ}on, presumably of intercalation

type, between DNA and the mitomyein C semiquinone (55). The

association facilitates covalent bond formation between the O-6

position or the 2-amino group of guanine and Cl of mitomycin C

(12,13) . Mitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride under the

conditions used in this study formed a complex with ca!f thymus

DNA and the binding ratÅ}o was about 100 nucleotides/antibiotic

(Fig. IIX-1). A derivative of mitomycins, 7-methoxy--mitosene,

which can not bind to DNA via the aziridine ring did not induce

heat--labile sites in DNA (Chapter III). These results also

suggest that covalent binding of mitomycin C at Cl position to DNA

is essential for the induction of heat-labile sites.

Substitution at certain sites on bases in DNA, e.g. 7-alkyl-

guanine, increases the rate of hydrolysis of N-glycosidic bond to

yield apurinic sites (84), and then produces strand breaks.

Ivlitomycin C does not alkylate the N--7 position (85), but the O-6

'posÅ}tion or the 2-amino group of guanine residues in DNA (12,13).

It is not known that O-6-alkylguanine produces apurinic sites. The

inhibitory effects of oxygen radical scavengers and metal

chelating agents suggest the involvement of oxygen radicals such

as singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radical in the induction of heat--

labile sites by mÅ}tomycin C. DNA cleavage via mechanism involving

oxygen radicals and metal ions are reported for some antitumor

drugs such as bleomycin and phenanthroline (86). The DNA cleavage

by bleomycin (87,88) and by phenanthroline (89) is considered to

be caused by oxidation of C4' and Cl', respectively, of the deoxy-

ribose moiety. Mitomycin C induces heat-labile sites in DNA, but

does not cleave DNA under the conditions used. [rhe detailed

mechanism of sequence specific induction of heat-labile sites

needs further study.


1 The author has described that reduced mitomycin C induces DNA

strand scission in covalently closed circular DNA (Chapter

I,II,III). However, the present results demonstrate that the

subsequent heat--treatment is reqired for DNA cleavage in the

reaction wtth DNA fragments of 50 to 200 base pair long. The

mechanism of above two reactions of mitomycin C are closely

resemble each other, e.g. in the inhibitory effects of radical

scavengers and metal chelating agents. As the binding ratio was

about 100 nucleotides/antibiotic under our experimental condi-

tions, more than 50 heat-labÅ}le sites are supposed to be induced

in closed circular phage DNA (6X174 DNA is 5386 base long) if one

bound mitomycin C molecule produces one heat-labile site. The

damage is thought to be very unstable, because the author only

needed short period (3 to 5 min) of heating in neutral pH to

produce strand scission. It is predictable that one of those

damages spontaneously produces strand scission in long DNA

molecules. The hÅ}gher-order structures of DNA such as super-coiling may also involve in the production of st.hnd scission.

TAI02, a new strain for the Salmonella/microsome mutagentcity

test (Ames test) which detects oxidative mutagens with high sensi-

tivity detects also bleomycin and mitomycin C (90). •This suggests

that mutagenicity of those antibiotics involve o'xygen radicals.

[rhe surrounding sequence of mutation site of the strain is AAG-T---

AA. This sequence is interesting because a dinucleotide sequence

GT is one of the most preferred sites for cleavage by bleomycin

(71,72) , and is the most preferred site for induction of heat-

labile sites by reduced mitomycin C. The dinucleotide sequence GT

is also known as the sequence, in the alternatingly repeating

sequence, potentially forming Z-form (91). Poly (dG-dT) sequences

are highly dispersed in the human genome, and could be involved in

the regulation of gene expression (92). Mitomycin C possibly

induces heat-labile sites at specific sequences and causes DNA


strand scission in cellular DNA.

Lindqvist and Sinsheimer (49) have found that in a HCR-

(host cell reactivation minus) cell the multiplication of diX174 isnot suppressed by mitomycin C, although in a HCR+ cell the

multiplication of 6X174 is suppressed as well as synthesis of hostDNA by mitomycin C. It is suggested that plaque yield in a HCR+

cell after treatment with mitomycin C is reduced through competi-

tion between host DNA and viral DNA replication system because of

dependence of viral DNA replication on some enzymes or sites

involved in host DNA repair system (26). DNA repair system can

not function in HCR- cell by treatment with mitomycin C and the

multiplication of 6X174 is normal. There is no clear elucidation

for why 6X174 DNA is not affected by mitomycin C. One possibility

is that diX174 is not affected by mitomycin C through competition

between large quantities of host DNA and small molecu!ar size of

6X174 DNA. The sequence specificity of the mÅ}tomycin C reaction

may stimulate the difference reactivity between'host DNA and phage

DNA against mitomycin C.

This is the first paper reporting the sequence speciftc

interaction of mitomycin C with DNA, which produce the heat--labile

sites. Although the properties of mitomycin C-DNA complexes have

been eagarly studied (4,55,93), no loss of crosslinked fraction or

no appreciable decrease of molecular weight of DNA was observed

even Å}f those complexes were heated. The differences in the in

vitro activation systems of mitomycin C may be important, namely

other authors used sodium hydrosulfite (Na2S204) under anaerobic

conditions and the author used sodium borohydride under aerobic

conditions. Although it needs further study whether the reported

heat-labile damages play an important role in the actions of

mitomycin C, the heat-lability showed us the sequence specificity

of mitomycin C-DNA interaction. Anyhow it is of biochemical and

chemical interests to reveal the mechanism of sequence specific



mitomycin C-DNA interaction.



Chapter I Inactivation of Bacteriophage 6X174 by Chemically

Reduced Mitomycin C

Mitomycin C, chemÅ}cally reduced in situ, inactivated

bacteriophage 6X174 which was considered to be resistant to

mitomycÅ}n C. Sodium hydrosulfite in the presence of cupric ion,

and sodium borohydride were useful as reducing agent in the phage

inactivation reaction of mitomycin C. The phage inactivatÅ}on

reaction was dependent on the length of incubation time, the

concentrations of mitomycin C and reducing agents, and pH of

reaction buffer. The phage inactivation was inhibited by EDTA,

catalase and several oxygen radical scavengers such as cysteamine,

2--aminoethylisothiuronium bromÅ}de (AET), Tiron and 1,4--diaza--

bicyclo[2,2,2]octane (DABCO). Inactivated phage sedimented at

llZ"S just as intact phage, but phage DNA was degraded in the

virion, which was detected by sucrose density gradient centrifuga-

tions. Strand scission was also observed when 6Xi74 DNA was

directly reacted with mitomycin C in the presence of sodium

hydrosulfite and cupric ion.

These results suggest that the target molecule of mitomycin C

is DNA, and that chemically reduced mitomycin C Å}nteracts also

with 6X174 single-stranded DNA in proper conditions. Oxygen

radicals such as hydroxyl radical and singlet oxygen, and mitomycin

C semiquinone radical generated during autoxidation of reduced

mitomycin C are supposed to be involved in the strand scission of

phage DNA and subsequent phage inactivation. Metal ions are also

considered to be involved in the reaction.

-- 66-

Chapter II Induction of Strand Scission in Single- and Double-

Stranded DNAs by Mitomycin C

The author examined the direct action of chemically reducedmitomycin C on single- and double-stranded DNAs of phage 6Xl74

using agarose gel electroPhoresis. Mitomycin C induces singlestrand scission in 6X174 single-stranded DNA and double-stranded

RF I DNA in the presence of sodium borohydride or in the presence

of sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ion. DNA strand scission by

mitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride occurs by a similarmechanism to that by mitomycin C reducedwith sodium hydrosulfite

in the presence of cupric ion. The mechanisms of strand scission

in single- and double-stranded DNAs are similar to each other in

the following respects: (i) the amount of intact DNA decreased in

a similar rate, (ii) oxygen radieals were involved, and (iii)

strand scission •was inhibited by EDTA.

Agarose gel electrophoretic analysis using phage DNAs is

available for investigating the mechanism of substances having DNA

strand scission activity, because it is very convenient and sensitive.

'Chapter III Phage Inactivation and DNA Strand Scission Activities

of Mitomycin Derivatives

' Studies on the DNA strand scission activities of monofunction-

al mitomycins revealed that the Cl position of mitomycin C plays

an important role in the DNA cleavage action. Mitomycin C reduced

with sodium borohydride under the condition used in this study

formed a comp!ex with DNA. These results suggest that the binding

at the Cl position is essential for the DNA cleavage action of

mitomycin C. • Among the examined mitomycin derivatives, 7-aziridino,

7-benzyloxy and 7-N-(2-hydroxyphenyl) derivatives showed the


remarkably higher phage inactivation and DNA strand scission

activities than mitomycin C. The phage inactivation and DNA

strand scission mechanisms of 7-N--(.R-hydroxyphenyl)mitomycin C

(M-83), which is reported to have a higher antitumor activity

than mitomycin C, were examined in detail. M-83, at one third to

one sixth concentration, showed the same degree of phage inactiva-

tion and DNA strand scission activities of mitomycin C. The

mechanisms of phage inactivation and DNA strand scission by M-83

were similar to those by mitomycin C. M-83 appeared to be reduced

to an active form more readily than mitomycin C, this may cause

the high DNA strand scission activity and the high antitumor

activity of M-83.

The phage PTvl2 inactivation activities of mitomycin derivatives

generally reflect their DNA strand scission activities. The phage

inactivation experiment is supposed to be useful to investigate

the action of substances having DNA strand scission activity, and

for the first screening method of those substances because it wil!

be applicable to crude samples contaminated with DNase.

Chapter IV Sequence Specificity of Heat-Labile Sites in DNA

Induced by Mitomycin C

The sequence specificity of mitomycin C-DNA interaction was

directly determined by using DNA sequencing technique, and by

usipg 3'- or 5Lend labeled DNA fragments of defined sequence as

substrates. DNA was cleaved at the 3' side of deoxyguanosines and

of some deoxyadenosines when DNA was treated with mitomygin C

reduced with sodium borohydride and subsequently heated at 900C

for 5 min. Reduced mitomycin C induced heat-labile sites

extensively at sequences GGT, GAGGGT and AAGT, followed by at

sequences GGC, GT, GAGAGC, AGT, AGGC and GGA. In dinucleotide


sequences, G-T sequences (especially PuG-T) were cleaved most

extensively by the reaction with reduced mitomycin C and subse-

quent heat-treatment, which was determined by scanning autoradio-

grams with a microdensitometer after gel electrophoresis. Mono-,

di- and trinucleotide of deoxyadenosine are rather resistant to

induce heat-labile sites although mitomycin C has been thought to

bind to adenine residues as well as guanine residues in DNA.

Oligonucleotides produced by heat-treatment after reaction with

reduced mitomycin C contained phosphoryl groups at the 5' termini.

The 3' termini seemed not to have simple structures, judging from

their eiectrophoretic mobilities. Oxygen radicals such as sÅ}nglet

oxygen and hydroxyl radical were possibly involved in the

induction of heat-labile sites.

Xl X2

02 oH;lo2ctY•



N o' :X3eA G oH;lo2


T X4 Xs

s,i pl pU pl pS pJ 3,

J pH 7, 900C, 5 min eqk,Nxim ]Åq)gs,,

Xl X2 X3GT X4 Xs - s'iplpj'i'pxll plpIpi3' ec



Mitomycin C, chemically reduced in vitro, interacts with DNA

and binds at specific sequences to DNA. Mitomycin C will bind

mainly at the Cl position to guanine residues especially in

trinucleotide sequences PuGT in DNA. Then bound mitomycin C

generates oxygen radicals such as singlet oxygen and hydroxyl

radical during autoxidation of reduced quinone in the presence of

metal ions. Oxygen radicals which are generated extremely near

DNA strands induce heat-labile sites in DNA. The induced heat-

labile lesions are enough unstable to become DNA strand scission

in long DNA molecules with higher--order structures. Mitomycin C,

chemically reduced, induces such lesions in phage DNAs to

inactivate phages.

Mitomycin C, reduced enzymatical!y in the cells, may induce

such lesions at specific sequences in cellular DNA. This action ,of mitomycin C may involve in the antitumor action of mitomycin C.

--- 7 O --
















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?wC.h,Wha.•r.Zgt.H.'SD':c.gOid4er2g,r2:giJ:iEi,siPhiiips, F•S• (ig63) science

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-- 76-

List of Publications

(a) Inactivation of bacteriophage 6X174 by mitomycin C in the presence of sodium hydrosulfite and cupric ions

' Ueda, K., Morita, J., Yamashita, K., & Komano, T.

Chem.-Biol. Interactions (1980) 29, 145-158.

(b) Actions of mitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride on bacteriophage dX174 and its single- and double-stranded DNAs

Ueda, K., Morita. J., & Komano, T.

Agric. Biol. Chem. (1982) 46, 1695-1697.

'(c) Induction of single strand scission in bacteriophage 6X174 replicative form I DNA by mitomycin C

Ueda, K., Morita, J., & Komano, T. ' J. Antibiotics (1981) 34, 317-322.

(d) The mechanism of DNA strand scission by redueed mitomycin C

Ueda, K., Morita, J., & Komano, T.

Nucleic Acids Symposium Series (1982) No.11 233-236.

(e) Phage inactivation and DNA strand scission activities of 7-N- (2-hydroxyphenyl)mitomycin C

Ueda, K., Morita, J., & Komano, T.

J. Antibiotics (1982) 35, 1380-1386.

(f) Reduced mitomycin C induces heat-labile sites in DNA at specific sequences

Ueda, K., Morita, J., & Komano, T.

Nucleic Acids Symposiu'm Series (1983) No. 12 99--102.


(g) Sequence specificity of heat-labile sites induced by mitomycin C

Ueda, K., Morita, J., & Komano, T.

Biochemistry (1984) in press.

(h) Induction of DNA strand breakage by autoxidized unsaturated fatty acids

Morita, J., Ueda, K., Nakai, K., Baba, Y., & Komano, T.

Agric. Biol. Chem. (1983) in press.

(i) A new, convenient method for determining T residue in DNA utilizing photo reaction with amine

Sugiyama, H., Sa,tto, I., Matsuura, T., Ueda, K., & Komano, T.

Nucleic Acids Symposium Series (1983) No. 12 103-!06.

(j) A new procedure for determining thymine residue in DNA sequencing. -Photoinduced cleavage of DNA fragments in the presence of spermine-

Sugiyama, H., Saito, I., Matsuura, T., Ueda, K., & Komano, T.

Submitted to J. Biol. Chem.


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