by dr. · 2011-01-06 ·...

Post on 18-Mar-2020






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Volume: 2 Issue:1



Beloved, my prayer this

coming year is for Wildewood to become a House of

Prayer. We must endeavor to be a safe haven in this

community that truly operates in love by first endeavoring

to “Dig Deeper” so we can strengthen our roots internally

- understanding that we are all part of a living organism,

made up of talents and giftings – the arms and legs of

Jesus Christ. Once we deepen our resolve internally, then

we are all charged to go out to the community, and

embrace those lost and broken souls and bring them into

citizenship with the saints of God. Ephesians 2:19 states

“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but

fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of

God...” My brothers and Sisters, we all belong to God’s

own household, the household of every born-again believer

of faith, where spiritual favor and blessings flow. If we

are to become the church that “stretches wider”, we must

first encourage and admonish one another in the faith.

When we adopt those precepts, will begin to strengthen

and build up our church as a sanctified body of believers.

We must “stretch wider” into our local neighborhood,

pluck up those that are walking in darkness, and tell them

the story of the most glorious and reverend Son, Jesus

Christ of Nazareth. An embedded sense of community will

allow us to “reach higher” goals and overlay a measure of

excellence which is required to allow the beacon of love

and caring, of this church to shine on others. My brothers

and sisters, all in the Church of God ought to be talking

the same language… and that is that God gave up His Son

so that our sins are atoned and that we have salvation,

eternal life because Jesus died at Calvary.

We must encourage one another to leave some stuff

behind us, in order to push forth into this New Year with

renewed passion and praise… Dropping last year’s

baggage of offenses, lost of faith, shattered hopes,

unrealized dreams because God, is trying to lead you into

a future and a hope that he has reserved for you - if

only you would accept His gift. Stop quenching the Holy

Spirit goodness in your life; stop grieving the Holy Spirit

which makes your prayers ineffective; start studying

more, praying more, forgiving more – start learning to

fall in love with Jesus all over again! Because my

brothers and sisters; when you fall deeply in love with

Jesus, you will be on your way to be changed from the

inside out, with a renewed mind and embracing a new

attitude that is good and acceptable to the perfect will

of God for your life. Remember, your transformation

into a consecrated saint of God does not come easy, it

requires pressure from all sides to mold you and valley

treading to move you and humility to constrain you, so

that God can completed His perfect work, his

masterpiece YOU… So be encouraged my beloved and

keep in mind that the darkest hour of the night is just

before the sun shines and know in your heart, that I pray

for you all daily. God Bless and Keep you in 2011… AMEN


Endeavor to Dig Deeper, Stretch

Wider and Reach Higher... Your Pastors


By Dr. E.W.Bryant

A Church After God’s Heart

… ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will. Acts 13:22

January 2011


WWBC Purpose Statement

•Exodus 23:25-26

•Romans 12:1


•Joshua 24:22•Acts 1:8

Witness•Genesis 33:9-11•Matthew 10:40


•John 12:32•Ephesians 4:12-16


Rev. Dr. E.W. Bryant, Senior Pastor


Rev. Eddie Ballard, Associate Minister

Rev. Ralph Thomas, Associate Minister

Rev. Barry George, Director of Parish Fellowship

Rev. Curtis Liggins, Director of Christian Education

Rev. Donnell Mathews, Director of Crisis Ministry

Rev. Eddie Copeland Jr. Director of Evangelism

Brother D. Wayne Lee Minister of Music

Trustee Board Brother Michael Berry, Chairperson

Brother Harvey Kimes, Vice Chairperson

Deacon Board Brother John Hamilton, Chairperson

Brother Freeman Wilson, Vice Chairperson

Brotherhood Brother Wayne Williams, Chairman

Women’s Missionary Union Sister Frankie Brewer, Chairperson

Youth Ministry Sister Iris Copeland, Director

Sunday School Fulfillment Hour Brother Homer Evans, Superintendent

Church Clerk/Office Personnel Sister Patricia Walker, Secretary

Newsletter Editor: Sister Iris Copeland

Speak to the other person first. Don’t wait for them to take the initiative.

Pass on the look of encouragement in a generous smile ....

Pass on the kindness of encouragement in a thoughtful deed ....

And let the encouragement of Christ flow through you.


Dear Lord, cleanse and prepare our

hearts to celebrate our Savior’s birth

Praise and Worship

Devotion/Purpose Statement


Benevolence Offering

Acknowledgement of Visitors Sister Pat Walker

Musical Sections WWBC Choir

Sermon Dr. E. W. Bryant, Senior Pastor

Invitation to Discipleship Pulpit Minister

Tithes and Offering



Altar Call Prayer Pulpit Minister


Depart to Serve





Sunday Breakfast

08:00-9:15 AM

Fulfillment Hour

9:30-10:30 AM

Call to Worship

11:00 AM-12:30PM

Bible Study

5:30-6:30 PM

Communion Service

First Sunday

Wednesday Bible Academy

6:00 PM- 7:00 PM

Saturday Brotherhood Mtg-2nd

WMU Meeting-4th

Church Address: 60 NE 60th Street

Oklahoma City, OK 405-842-2622


January 2011


WWBC Purpose Statement

•Exodus 23:25-26

•Romans 12:1


•Joshua 24:22•Acts 1:8

Witness•Genesis 33:9-11•Matthew 10:40


•John 12:32•Ephesians 4:12-16


The Speakers Engagement Pastor E.W. Bryant spoke a spiritually enriching

message at First Bqptist Church in Cushing, OK .

Pastor Williams and his wife celebrated 6 year s

of faithful service. Our Pastor gave us spiritual

advice, then he gave us the guiding princples of

Christian based leadership – then he blessed us

women with information on what our Christian

man needs from us to stay strong. Thank you

Pastor for that Spirt-filled word of knowledge.


New Year’s Day,

January 1, 201



January 4, 2011

Junior Laymens


January 8, 2011

EZCDA Men’s Meeting

January 14, 2011

Women & Young Adult

Prayer Retreat

January 14-15, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr.’s

Birthday, January 17

5 Things Your Pastor Wish You Knew 1. He works more than 3 hours per week- He

doesn't punch a clock and work normal hours like you or I

do, but he spends countless hours visiting shut ins and

the ill, tending to grieving families, counselling soon-to-

be-wed couples, helping families in the throes of

crisis...etc, etc.

2. He is not Superman - He is human, just like

you. One of the greatest gifts that you can give your

pastor is the freedom to be himself. He'll be much better

equipped to love you and be loved, when you remove the

element of expected perfection.

3. He is not an army of one - His calling was

never intended to be carried out alone. Here is a

thought, the next time you see something that needs to

be done, do it, then tell your pastor about it!

4. What is yours is his - When you rejoice

because your child gets saved at WBS, so does he. Many

a night, he ends a phone call with you during a time of

need, unable to sleep, just as you are, because he feels

your burdens. And he does it gladly, it is a part of the call.

5. He is responsible to a much HIGHER

authority than his church members - Is he

going to do things the way that YOU think he should?

Nope. He is going to do it the way that God tells him to.

Except from Stacie Stamper, a Pastors’ wife

January 2011


WWBC Purpose Statement

•Exodus 23:25-26

•Romans 12:1


•Joshua 24:22•Acts 1:8

Witness•Genesis 33:9-11•Matthew 10:40


•John 12:32•Ephesians 4:12-16



Discipleship or spiritual formation is becoming a focal

and vital necessity in the Christian community.

Dietrich Bonheoffer a known advocate against the

Nazi rule by Hitler’s regime chided the church 2

generations ago. He said we were settling for what he

called “cheap grace.” Practicing a brand of

Christianity without a cross. In many circles it would

seem that all that is necessary is to embrace certain

tenets, such as I am justified by faith alone. With this

type of understanding of the Christian life what is the

need to have a transformed life. In many surveys of

various Christian groups, people will readily identify

themselves as “Christians”, but are quite reluctant to

call themselves “Disciples.” Why might this be the

norm? Because being a Christian is easy. The one thing

required is that we acknowledge our need for a Savior

and receive a gift that we cannot earn nor deserve.

But if I identify myself as a “Disciple”, then I am

making a statement about the depth of my being a

follower. Being a Christian is a statement about what

Christ has done for us and being a Disciple is a

statement what I doing as a follower of Christ. There

are many Christian leaders who have sent the message

that it is acceptable to be a Christian without the

commitment of being a true follower of Jesus, a

Disciple. (Continued on page 5)


January 2011


WWBC Purpose Statement

•Exodus 23:25-26

•Romans 12:1


•Joshua 24:22•Acts 1:8

Witness•Genesis 33:9-11•Matthew 10:40


•John 12:32•Ephesians 4:12-16


Song with a message?

According to modern folklore, the song “The 12 Days

of Christmas” was written to help young believers learn about their faith.

Although no evidence proves that claim, some say the popular carol contains these codes:

The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus Christ.

Two turtle doves are the Old and New Testaments.

Three French hens stand for faith, hope and love.

The four calling birds are the four gospels: Matthew,

Mark, Luke and John.

The five golden rings are the Law: the first five books of the Old Testament.

The six geese a-laying represent the six days of creation.

Seven swans a-swimming represent the gifts of the

Holy Spirit: prophesy, serving, teaching, exhortation, contribution, leadership and mercy.

The eight maids a-milking are Jesus’ eight beatitudes.

Nine ladies dancing are the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

The 10 lords a-leaping are the Ten Commandments.

The 11 pipers piping stand for the 11 faithful


The 12 drummers drumming symbolize the 12 statements of belief in the Apostles' Creed.

January 2011


WWBC Purpose Statement

•Exodus 23:25-26

•Romans 12:1


•Joshua 24:22•Acts 1:8

Witness•Genesis 33:9-11•Matthew 10:40


•John 12:32•Ephesians 4:12-16


Christian Education Opportunity By Pastor Bryant

Accepting Christian Truth

ATTENTION: Each Sunday night from 5:30-6:30PM, our ministers have been presenting a training on Accepting Christian Truth. These sessions have resulted in some great information for study and frank and open discussions concerning the primary goal of all Christians and that is “How do we become more like Christ?” Handouts available. Please join Pastor Bryant and the ministry staff of the church for some real insight into the application of the word of God to your life. You’ll Be Glad You Came.....

Advantages of Joining the Choir

1. You never have to worry about what to wear.

2. You have excellent seats and are assured a reserved seat for Christmas and Easter.

3. From your advantageous seat, you can smile at, gawk at, ignore and otherwise enjoy the rest of the people in the congregation.

4. The pastor is nearly always looking the other way.

5. You’re in a wonderful spot to see new members.

6. The cost for all these benefits? Just one evening a week.

Oh, yes, one more reason to join the choir:

You’re a leader in the worship experience.

January 2011


WWBC Purpose Statement

•Exodus 23:25-26

•Romans 12:1


•Joshua 24:22•Acts 1:8

Witness•Genesis 33:9-11•Matthew 10:40


•John 12:32•Ephesians 4:12-16


Part 2 continued I believe we have done a miserable job of making

disciples as commanded in the scriptures. In terms of

moral values and lifestyle choices there is little

distinction between Christians and non-Christians.

We have become compromised at the core of our

faith. We must reaffirm that biblically that there is no

distinction between embracing God’s grace as a

forgiven sinner and following Jesus as the primary

shaping influence over our life. Christians and

disciples are interchangeable as stated in Acts 11:26,

the disciples were 1st called Christians at Antioch.

Therefore we must reevaluate where we set the bar

of discipleship. One key issue I desire to address in

Part III of this series of writing is “How are Disciples

made?” Have you made a decision for Christ

today? If, so let us know, you can contact us by

email (INFO@ WWBCOKC.COM ) or phone. (405-842-

2622) We will be happy to pray with you and help

you begin your walk of faith in Christ. Praise the

Lord for you. May God lift up His countenance

upon you and give you peace. Peace out, Rev Eddie


I have become quite a frivolous old gal. I’m seeing five gentlemen every day. As soon as I awake 1 Will Power helps me to get out of bed. When he leaves I go to see 2 John. Then 3 Charlie Horse comes along, and when he is here, he takes a lot of my attention. When he leaves 4 Arthur Ritis shows up and stays the rest of the day. He doesn’t like to stay in one place very long, so he takes me from joint to joint... After such a busy day, I’m really tired and ready to go to bed with 5 Ben Gay. What a life. Oh, yes, I've also been flirting with Al Zymer!

Submitted by Mother Lubertha Johnson

First Baptist Church, Enid Oklahoma

Youth are our future & their proper

nurturing is our responsibility..

January 2011


WWBC Purpose Statement

•Exodus 23:25-26

•Romans 12:1


•Joshua 24:22•Acts 1:8

Witness•Genesis 33:9-11•Matthew 10:40


•John 12:32•Ephesians 4:12-16


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness,

neither shadow of turning. James 1:17


The reality of Christ’s birth should

bring joy to the world. We were lost and

there was no other means whereby we

could be saved. Thank God for Jesus, it is

so wonderful to have Christmas a few days

before the celebration of the New Year.

What better motivation for newness in

our lives than the cause of Christ. If we

cannot do it for Jesus I do not know what

to say to us. So when you think of the New

Year and resolution that are within our

grasp please read 2 Peter for a little

direction. If you read the Bible more, pray

more and give more of your time talent

and abilities in 2011, When 2012 rolls

around you will not be disappointed.

God’s Blessings...

January 2011


WWBC Purpose Statement

•Exodus 23:25-26

•Romans 12:1


•Joshua 24:22•Acts 1:8

Witness•Genesis 33:9-11•Matthew 10:40


•John 12:32•Ephesians 4:12-16



Commencing on Jan 4, 2011 Tuesdays & Thursdays

11:00 am- 2:00 pm

Call if you need transportation 877-503-0988


DUE : February 6, 2011

ESSAY TOPIC: “Faith to Succeed”

Suggested Scripture: Hebrews Chapter 11

See Sister Sharon Smith for further details

GPA, Awards or Certificates (include dates):

Goals and Aspirations:

Application Must Include:

Your Favorite/Inspirational Bible

Grades or proof of acceptance

Goals or Aspirations

January 2011


WWBC Purpose Statement

•Exodus 23:25-26

•Romans 12:1


•Joshua 24:22•Acts 1:8

Witness•Genesis 33:9-11•Matthew 10:40


•John 12:32•Ephesians 4:12-16


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