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No. 33. Saturday 19 August 2006. Your local newsletter - everything and anything to do with Bohemia Price: £0.40 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEWGATE RESERVOIR An abridged version of the application letter from VLH Associates of 27 Watling Street, Canterbury, on behalf of Southern Water Services Ltd, Southern House, Capstone Road, Chatham, Kent, follows: OVAL FUN FAIR Dear Sir




No. 33. Saturday 19 August 2006. Your local newsletter - everything and anything to do with Bohemia Price: £0.40 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Southern Water keen to build Southern Water wants to build – on spare land it owns in Amherst Road, on the site of Newgate Reservoir, next to Amherst Gardens. An amended application was registered on the 2 August for full planning permission to build four houses and two flats with ten parking spaces.

Newgate Reservoir: how the proposed houses and flats may look

Public consultation runs only until next Wednesday, the 23 August. If you would like to comment on this planning application please send an email to including the application number [HS/FA/06/00617], your name, address, comment and reason for interest.

Newgate Reservoir as it looks today. Southern Water want to build four

houses and two flats on the site.

An abridged version of the application letter from VLH Associates of 27 Watling Street, Canterbury, on behalf of Southern Water Services Ltd, Southern House, Capstone Road, Chatham, Kent, follows:

Dear Sir

Planning application: land at Newgate Reservoir, Amherst Rd, Hastings.

On behalf on my client Southern Water plc. Full planning application for four houses and two flats with parking for 10 cars, and construction of a new access road to the land at the side and rear for continued use by Southern Water. The previous application was refused as insufficient parking had been provided.

Site plans for Southern Water’s proposed development in Amherst Road

The buildings comprise a semi-detached pair of 3 bedroom houses with roof accommodation, a terrace of two houses (one with 3 bedrooms and the other

with 2 bedrooms) and 2 one bedroom flats with undercroft parking. Each house has a comparatively wide garden, with depths of between 9.3 and 9.7m.

The buildings have been designed to reflect some of the design features of properties in the area; using gable-ended and pitched roof designs, red tiles and brickwork; as well as render panel and timber framing on the principal elevations. The form of the development is compatible with the street scene and surrounding area, relating to the lower density development further east and the higher density further west along Amherst Road. The ten parking spaces are provided by two undercroft spaces and eight open spaces. Southern Water needs to retain access to the remainder of the site for maintenance purposes. There are no members of staff working permanently on the site, and so only occasional visits by engineers would be required. The retaining wall along Amherst Close would be kept so there would be no change to the existing features fronting this road. The nearest properties would not be affected by the development. There is sufficient distance to the residential properties on the other side of Amherst Close and 37a Amherst Road to avoid any undue overlooking or loss of privacy. The properties in Amherst Close (to the rear of the site) would not be affected as the application site does not extend as far as the reservoir and its retaining wall to the rear. Hence no overlooking could occur. The rear of the proposed properties would have long distance views to the other side of the valley and would not be looking down upon or dominating other residential properties.

The letter is signed by Vic Hester, of VLH, 27, Watling Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2UD.



All the fun of the fair … The funfair is here again. This year the rides are priced at 99p, but on Thursday of this week, the crowds were modest. Most popular attractions seemed to be the ‘Dodgems’, and ‘Hellraiser’ (picture below). Other rides included the ‘Rock O Plane’ (where wire cages in which customers sit are moved round in a large vertical circle and spin independently).

‘Do you wanna go faster?’ yells the Hellraiser loudspeaker – before the

speed is increased yet again at Bohemia’s annual fair on Thursday.

At one of the sideshows, where the object is to hook out a cartoon character with a number on its base, floating in a tank of water, large cuddly toys were guaranteed, even if you lost! The catch, of course, is that no-one loses: you’re guaranteed a prize, even if it’s only a cheap inflatable hammer. A large sign stated that no alcohol was allowed on the fair ground site. The toffee-apples were nice though.

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‘Landslide’ interrupts work Work on the three new houses in Spring Street has been temporarily brought to a halt because of a ‘landslide’ – actually a small collapse of earth in a trench. Atlas Builders of Bexhill are erecting the three new properties. Builders working at the site explained on Monday of this week: “The heavy rain recently has caused some of the footings running alongside the drainage pipes to collapse and damage the pipes. We now have to replace these pipes including the plastic ones with new ones made of clay. Clay is being used because it lasts longer. The drains have got to be sorted out before we do anything else. The buildings should start going up next week.” Two workshops and a garage were demolished earlier this year to provide the site for the houses.

The 3 new houses for Spring Street take shape [photo: Monday 14 Aug]

Planning consent for the development was originally refused, in 2005, by Hastings Borough Council. The reasons given were: "The proposed dwellings would, by reason of their location in close proximity to much larger properties in Tower Road and Bohemia Road, and to the dwellings on the opposite side of Spring Street, have a poor outlook and would suffer from poor natural lighting and overlooking and would provide an unacceptably low standard of accommodation. Furthermore, the houses would lack adequate private amenity space and the development would result in an unacceptable loss of privacy to the occupiers of nearby properties." Policy DG11 states: "Planning permission will not be granted for dwellings intended for family use unless amenity space is provided. As a general standard, new houses will be expected to incorporate rear gardens of at least 10 metres in length."

How the Spring Street houses will look

However, a successful appeal was made (by a Mr S Toubi of Bexhill, using agents Rod Sampson Design), against this decision, and the plan was duly approved in May 2005. The Planning Inspectorate at Bristol, in the shape of David Harmston, who visited the site early in May 2005, and gave its reasons as follows: "The appeal site lies within a densely built up area, close to the centre of St Leonards. It is currently occupied by a light industrial unit and lock-up garages with an area of about 0.02 hectares. Spring Street is a cul-de-sac, and apart from the appeal site, it is predominantly residential in land use and character. Two storey terraced buildings immediately abut the street which is narrow with just enough room for two cars to pass, encroaching on the strips of footway. To the north-east of the site is

the rear of the high buildings in Bohemia Road - a main commercial thoroughfare. Because of the rise in the ground away from the appeal site to the north, the close proximity of the adjacent buildings in Bohemia Road is a very dominant feature in terms of their impact on the appeal site, and many of the other dwellings in Spring Street. The Council raises no objections to the design of the houses or their appearance on the street scene. The absence of any parking provision is not objected to. The nub of the Council's objections concerns the outlook from the dwellings, the possibility of overlooking and the provision of adequate, private amenity space. The proposed dwellings closely echo the form and style of the nearby houses in Spring Street. The amount of amenity area to be provided at the rear, whilst small, is comparable in size to many of the nearby dwellings. Similarly, the criticisms made concerning overlooking, privacy and natural lighting are all factors that arise from the size and location of the site within a densely developed area where small units of this type are commonplace. The dwellings would be available as small units and it is largely for the future occupiers to decide whether the size and standard of the accommodation meets their requirements. The development would make a positive, beneficial use of the site and would lead to the loss of a use which has the potential to harm the living conditions of the nearby residents, by traffic generation and parking alone.” The Planning Inspectorate, Bristol. Site visit made 4 May 2005.



Too tall to be a hooker Our local councillor is interviewed by John Humphries

It was last Saturday morning, when Bohemia Village Voice caught up with our local Conservative councillor Daniel Poulter for an interview. Daniel, 27, was running his monthly constituency surgery at the Red Cross Hall in Newgate Road. He was alone and reading a copy of The Daily Mail. “My usual paper,” he explained, “is The Guardian – I just find the Mail easier to read.” Daniel also confessed that he is ‘too tall to be a hooker’.

Daniel Poulter is the Conservative councillor for Gensing ward which includes Bohemia Village. He is also a medical doctor and works in various hospitals, including the Conquest, District General Hospital at Eastbourne, Tunbridge Wells and others in the area. He lives on St Leonards seafront, by Warrior Square.

Councillor Daniel Poulter at his constituency surgery last Saturday

What does your medical work consist of? “Well, I'm in general medicine - dealing with patients who come in through the front door, and that can be anything from someone with a chest infection, a heart attack or a stroke, or a psychiatric problem, anything really that comes in through the front door, e.g. from the A & E dept, or from the Out Patients dept at the hospital.” Daniel is with a rheumatology 'firm' (he explains that 'firm' is used to mean a team of medical staff),

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headed by a consultant, and the consultants are rotated on a five weekly basis (!). “Rheumatology,” Daniel explains, “is to do with joints, especially rheumatoid arthritis, a condition which affects the soft tissue around the joints.” So, are you a rheumatolgist? “No, because I'm still training. Maybe you could say that in nine year's time if I were to stay in rheumatology, but I'm also interested in obstetrics and gynaecology and in respiratory medicine, asthma and lung diseases.”

How do you manage to find time for your work as a Councillor? “One thing about medicine is that you've got to be efficient to get things done. You've got to time manage very well to get the patients treated properly, to get the right medications, and to get them out on time. I put aside two or three evenings a week to do Council work, and I do two surgeries [as a councillor] a month, one up here (at the Red Cross Hall in Newgate Road) on the second Saturday of each month, and one down at the Southwater Community Centre on the first Saturday of the month as well. And so far it’s been going quite well.”

What are the main problems your constituents bring you? “There's a lot to do in connexion with the rubbish issue at the moment and with the cutting and mowing of Newgate Fields. In both instances it means getting in touch with the relevant people in the Council and chasing things up.”

What do you think about the application for an off licence by the Bohemia Foodmarket? “I agree with Vivienne Bond that there is a danger that if cheap alcohol is sold in Bohemia it might encourage alcoholism in the area. I live along the seafront in St Leonards and I've seen shops that are supposed to be general stores where half the floor space is given over to cheap booze.”

Do you have long term political ambitions? Do you want to be an MP? “No, definitely not. I do find it quite rewarding doing things on a community basis, but my long term goals are in medicine rather than politics.”

Why did you decide to become a councillor? “Originally, I was involved in some local charities, including the Southwater Centre, and I thought that, actually, well, it might be perhaps, through the local Council that I could do a bit more to facilitate looking after some of the people that I'm involved with at the charities like the Seaview Project and the mental health charities and that sort of thing. Thus far, in my councillor's perspective, I haven't actually had much sort of overlap in that respect, but hopefully, as time goes on, I will do something for those people also.”

What does your work at the Seaview Centre involve? “Oh, I volunteer, it's on a purely non party political basis. I've been doing that now since December of last year, and I volunteer there to sort of help in lifestyle talks. The people there have obviously got various drug and psychiatric problems and homelessness as well, so I open up the ways in which they can look after themselves a little bit better, through educational talks.”

It seems that your life is wall-to-wall public service, with your hospital work, your Councillor's work and your voluntary work? “Before I did medicine, I read law, and I knew I didn't want to be a lawyer, because I was living with a doctor and I realised actually I was more interested in what he was doing and then I did most of my training up in London, at Guy's and St Thomas', and when you've seen a lot of the problems associated with poverty and deprivation and the social issues that are involved, it leaves you with a lasting impression that someone has got to help to improve the quality of life for some people. I think that was what motivated me to get involved in charity work and give up my free time for that and be a Councillor as well, as I thought I could contribute there as well. I very much enjoy what I do. I very much enjoy medicine, and I enjoy all that I do in my community work and Council work.”

Do you have time for any hobbies? “Yes, I play rugby, for Guy's Hospital, still. We play all over the South East, so that's Saturday afternoons from September through to about April, about two out of four Saturdays. I play in the back row.” So you're not a hooker then? No, I'm too tall for that. I have a fairly active social life, which is the only way to keep sane if you're doing a lot of various work. How do you find the time? “Well, you have to get used to feeling very tired come Friday.” What about music? Anything really, music wise. I grew

up going to the local night club, the Crypt, down here in town, in Hastings. I like anything really, at the moment, the ‘Killers’ for instance, and ‘Green Bay’. The Killers' name is a bit deceptive, they're a bit more mellow than the name suggests.”

What about your family background? “I'm an only child. My mum's in local politics, hence my interest, and choice of path through life. She is the Conservative party's area campaign director for London and the South East. My dad works for Norwich Union Insurance Company. I'm not married. Do you want to get married? “One day (laughs) – perhaps – I’m only 27.”

� Councillor Daniel Poulter. 01424 431876 and 713696.



Still looking for a new shop … Hastings Cycles is keen to move, but no-one seems to want their present shop. The freehold building has been on the market since last November, at an asking price of £185,000, which includes vacant possession of the shop and a two-bedroomed maisonette upstairs. Owner, Nick Alff, talked to Bohemia Village Voice about the shop.

Hastings Cycles – whole building for sale at £185,000

So why does Nick Alff, want to sell? “The building,” says Nick, “has been in the family for years and years. My sister used to live upstairs and she moved out last Christmas. I've had problems lifting the bikes up and down from the workshop because of my bad back. It made sense to look for somewhere else while the upstairs was empty, to find somewhere that's all on one level. We're not looking to sell the business, we're looking for somewhere to re-locate. We've been here for seven years, but it's been a bike shop for 30 or 35 years.”

Have they had any offers? “We've had no offers on the building, so we are continuing to trade - as you can see we're fully stocked.” Has the proposed move affected trade? “Not at all – if someone buys a bike and we relocate its no problem with any warranty issues - it's not put people off buying from us, because we'll just take our phone number with us wherever we go.”

Hastings Cycles’ best selling model: a Saracen Ventura I – at £200

Did they consider buying the Lullabuys shop? “Yep, but it had already gone. We went after it pretty soon after it went on the market and when we rang we were told 'it's still going through' and they weren't going to issue any details on it, so we couldn't view it.”

What is their main business activity? “About 50% of our turnover is bicycle repairs, the rest is sales of bikes and accessories. We're finding that even when people come in with a bike for repair, they've

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bought the parts on-line. It's all changed - people shop differently now. You can get some cracking deals on the net. Our best selling bike is probably a hybrid bike – a ‘Saracen Ventura I’ which sells for just under £200*, (picture above). But we sell all sorts of stuff: accessories galore, bikes and frames, components.

Do you sponsor any riders: “Yes, we sponsor three, Ashley Mepham, 17, Carl Perkins, 17, and Oliver Burton. They’re all very good riders, they enter races throughout Sussex. We give them T-shirts with our logo on it. When they race they enter under our shop name - Hastings Cycles, and the t-shirts say ''. All the spare parts they need for their bikes are supplied to them at trade price.

Nick is 42, married, with three children and lives 6 miles away in Brede, and he makes the 15 minute trip into Bohemia each morning.

� Nick Alff, Hastings Cycles Ltd, 75, Bohemia Road, Bohemia Village, Sussex. TN37 6RG. Tel: 01424 446886. Website: e-mail:

* For those interested in the technical details of the Saracen Ventura I, the specification is: Frame: lightweight aluminium sports hybrid. All mounts for mudguards and racks are included. Fork: Saracen taper leg high strength steel with low rider mounts and mudguard mounts. Gear System: 3x7 speed Shimano with TX50 rear derailleur and ST-EF50 EZ-fire shift levers for ease of use and comfortable, reliable shifting. Wheelset: XC-D Double wall aluminium rims with multi-surface tyres. Brakes 'V' type brakes for simple reliable stopping. Crankset: SR-Suntour with protection guard on a cartridge bearing bottom bracket for safe and reliable shifting and a long life. Contact points: Soft and comfortable double density kraton grips and comfort sports saddle, with pressure relief for delicate areas. Adjustable stem for the right position.


FURNITURE CORNER The only wicker pram in town? An attractive and unusual perambulator went on sale this week at Furniture Corner in Bohemia Road. Owner John says “The pram is a reproduction of a 1910 model American style pram, probably about 20 years old now..” The price? “£125.”

A highly unusual perambulator on sale in Bohemia this week

The wheels are wooden with solid rubber tyres. The wicker-bodied pram appears to be in good order and fully functional and might well appeal to a mum wanting something that bit different.

� Furniture Corner, 76, Bohemia Road, Bohemia Village.


Kings of Scotland join Voice We are very pleased to announce that all the Kings of Scotland have agreed to join Bohemia Village Voice’s editorial team, thus doubling the staff numbers.

Val Torrington – self-confessed ‘pedant’

Val Torrington has kindly agreed to be our new proof-reader. A self-confessed pedant, and therefore ideal for the job, he positively bristles with degrees, six at the last count*, picked up from around the world, and we are honoured and delighted to have secured his services. The Kings of Scotland? Dr Valentine Torrington, or Val, as he prefers to be called, was given seven middle names: Michael Robert Seamus (Gaelic for James) Charles Henry Victor Francis, being the seven Kings of Scotland. He lives in Devon and is an ardent thimble collector – he has thousands of the things, including, he says, complete collections of Wedgwood and Caverswall Christmas edtions, several solid gold items, numerous sterling silver items, and some brass ones dating back to 1300. Welcome on board, Val.

*For the curious, Val’s degrees are: F.I.A.A. - Fellow of the Institute of Australian Accountants. M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration (Accountancy). B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science (Historic Preservation). Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy (History). F.A.N.D.A. - Fellow of the Australian National Dance Association. F.B.D.A. - Fellow of the British Dancing Association.


Grapevine GL Sanctuary. The opening date for this new health & beauty salon has been put back to Saturday 2 Sep at 11:00am. Someone ‘mega-rich-and-famous’ is being sought to perform the official opening. We are not allowed to know who.

Bet Bet Bet staff have been described as ‘extremely courteous’ and have been said to offer ‘better odds than Ladbrokes’ ... and they offer free coffee.

Proposed new off-licence. Hastings Borough Council’s Licensing Chairman, Trevor Scales, has received four valid letters of objection to the application for an off-licence at the old Lullabuys property by new owner Masood Iqbal. About twenty further letters were received which have had to be disregarded as they did not include objections allowed within the Licensing Act. Some objected on the grounds of parking, which is not ‘an acceptable reason’. Work has stopped temporarily at the proposed Bohemia Foodmarket site. Owner Masood Iqbal says he “has only been popping in and out recently” and that he has “not been doing any work at the shop as I’ve been ill with a chest infection, and I’ve been waiting for planning permissions to come through. I’ve heard lots of local shopkeepers are objecting.”

Bohemia Village Voice. Is now available for reading at Hastings Central Library in Claremont, in the reference section. Information Services Librarian Roger Bristow, has requested all back copies.

Hastings Museum. The wood-panelled Durbar room at Hastings Museum is to be ‘re-displayed’, with a range of new subjects. The new themes will be: 1. Marriage (2 cases downstairs). 2. Fertility, birth, and childhood. 3. Food & drink (hunting implements as well as cooking & serving vessels). 4. Craftsmen & materials. 5. Beliefs & rituals. 6. Warfare. 7. Death. 8. Made for trade. 9. Costume &

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adornment. If you want more information on this please contact Catherine, the Education Officer, as she is doing the redisplay: __________________________________________________________


Vie de Bohème …

How the Bohemian Club was Founded (12/24) “And what of my word of honour?” said the artist with dignity.

“It’s not like furniture … you may seek lodgings elsewhere. Durand will give you back your earnest-money.”

“Eh?” said the janitor, taken aback. “I’ve put it in the savings-bank.”

“But, sir,” replied the young man, “I can find no other lodgings at a minute’s notice. Grant me hospitality at least for a day.”

“Go lodge at the inn,” said M. Bernard. “By the way,” he added, after sudden reflection, “that room that you were to occupy, I can let it to you furnished, if you wish. It contains the furniture of my insolvent tenant. But you understand that, in agreements of this sort, rent is paid in advance.”

“The question is, what would you charge me for the hole?” said the artist, seeing no other way out.

“The rent is very reasonable: twenty-five francs a month, in view of the circumstances. Paid in advance.”

“You said that before. The phrase is not worthy of repetition.” The young man rummaged in a pocket. “Have you change for five hundred francs?”

“What? What did you say?”

“Why, a half-thou’, you know. Never seen one?” The artist brandished the note in front of the landlord and janitor, who seemed knocked off their balance.

“I shall see that you get your change,” said M. Bernard respectfully. “There will be only twenty francs to pay, since Durand will give you back the earnest money.”

“He may keep it, on condition that he comes every morning and tells me what day it is, the date and the month, which quarter the moon is in, the state of the weather and the form of government under which we are living.”

“Ah, sir!” old Durand exclaimed, bowing himself double.

“I shall send you your receipt, sir,” said the landlord.

That same evening M. Bernard’s new tenant, the painter Marcel, was installed in the exiled Schaunard’s lodging, now transformed into a palace.

Meanwhile, Schaunard himself had been patrolling Paris on what he was wont to call his ‘financial levy’.

Schaunard had developed borrowing into a fine art. In preparation for a time when he might have to ‘touch’ foreigners, he had learnt how to borrow five francs in all the languages under the sun. He had made a deep study of all the tricks that coin uses to escape its hunters. Better than a pilot knows the times of the tides, he knew when and where it was high water or low water: that is to say, the days when his friends and acquaintances were accustomed to

receive money. In various houses throughout Paris, people would say, on seeing him enter, not: “There goes Schaunard,” but: “This is the first (or the fifteenth) of the month.” To facilitate, and also to spread out evenly, this system of tithe-gathering, which he practised, when necessity drove him to it, upon all who had the means to contribute, Schaunard had drawn up an alphabetic table, arranged by Quarters and districts, of the names of all his friends and acquaintances. [To be continued …]

[Vie de Bohème by Henry Mürger, a vivid portrait of the ‘Bohemian’ life of the artistic quarter of Paris in the nineteenth century was originally published (by Michel Lévy) in 1851. The extract above is taken from a translation by Norman Cameron, published by Hamish Hamilton. The illustration is by Dodi Masterman.]


Letters ���� ���� ���� Listed buildings - correction Dear Sir,

I feel I must point out a couple of errors in last week’s issue, concerning 77 and 79, Bohemia Road. No. 77 was never, in fact used as a watchmakers. The records are somewhat confusing as the buildings in Bohemia Road were not always numbered as they are today. In fact, there have been two other numberings before the present system. Often, a terrace of houses was built and numbered regardless of other buildings’ numbers. ‘No. 77’ was at one time part of the block of shops between Upper South Road and Newgate Road. But this was not the no. 77 as exists today [Masquerade Fancy Dress, on the corner of Newgate Road and Bohemia Road]. Also, there are at least two other listed buildings in Bohemia – Bohemia Cottages on Bohemia Road between Magdalen Road and De Cham Road.

Edward Preston Bohemia Road

Bet Bet Bet Dear Sir,

With regard to the article "Robert's £100,000 bet bet bet" [Bohemia Village Voice, no. 32], I should like to answer the criticism* levelled at me. As the ward Councillor I represent all the local residents and I feel that my objections to this business [the betting shop, 'Bet Bet Bet' in Bohemia Road] on moral grounds were valid. I still do not feel that this business brings anything of value to our community as a whole. We need shops that sell fish, meat, greengrocery and a post office, rather than a betting shop that takes our hard earned cash for - usually - no return. The application for a betting shop licence could have been made at any time of the year and would most probably have co-incided with one or more race meetings. The loss of the Cheltenham Cup was never mentioned, and I feel it is unfair to drop it at my door now. Also the wallpaper shop could not close without a buyer.

Having said this, I am the first to admit that the shop and signs are bright and give a good impression as you enter Bohemia and I've found the staff to be always very smart and helpful.

May I also take this opportunity to welcome the 'GL Sanctuary' [the new health and beauty salon opening in September in Bohemia Road] to Bohemia, and may they have a long and prosperous stay.

Councillor Vivienne Bond. *In issue 32, Robert Prior, owner of newly opened betting shop, 'Bet Bet Bet', was quoted as saying, in answer to the question: " Did the application for a betting shop licence go smoothly? "Yes, it was fine until Councillor Vivienne Bond started to object. She caused so much hassle, by not doing her research properly. Because of her objections, the application had to go to the planning board and the delay meant we missed a lot of business including the Cheltenham Cup. One of her reasons for objecting was that the Wallpaper Centre would close and Bohemia would lose an established local business. Well, they were about to close anyway. She also said the betting shop was owned by an out of town chain. It isn't, it's owned by just me - and I live in Hastings. Vivienne Bond cost me thousands of pounds."

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Puzzle Picture Here are Faith, Hope and Charity, but unfortunately Faith is missing … damaged by vandalism and awaiting repairs. But do you know where in Bohemia these fine examples of stained glass are situated?

Two stained glass works – not yet damaged – where are they?

Answer to last week’s picture:

Of course! The granite block pictured (from the wrong side) last week was the East Sussex Fire Services sign outside the Bohemia Road Fire Station and Fire Safety Offices.

Bohemia Village Voice Edited and published by John Humphries at 33, St Peter’s Road, Bohemia Village, Sussex, England, TN37 6JQ. Telephone: 01424 446759. Mobile: 07891 634377. E-mail: Proof reader: Valentine Torrington. Items for inclusion: please send to the editor. To begin receiving this newsletter: please send an e-mail to John Humphries with the message “Please subscribe me to Bohemia Village Voice.” To cease receiving this newsletter: please send an e-mail to John Humphries, with the message “Please unsubscribe me from Bohemia Village Voice.” Circulation figures for August 5 issue: e-mail version: 63, printed version: 7, total circulation: 70. First published in May 2006. © 2006 John Humphries.

Next issue: Saturday 26 August 2006. Please note that the deadline for all items for inclusion, is 5:00pm Friday 25 August.

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