business of freedom

Post on 08-Jun-2015






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Business of Freedom - an initiative for school of indian management is a book compairing 24 management gurus with 24 freedom fighters. Book is published by collecting Rs.100/- from people across the world. Since it is self published it is not distributed by book distributors. To know more get in touch with me on


Barbara Minto A K Ramanujan 1929 - 1993 Pyramid Principle :

The mind automatically sorts information into distinctive pyramidal groupings in order to comprehend it. Any grouping of ideas is easier to understand if it arrives presorted into its pyramidsEvery written document should be deliberately structured to from a pyramid of ideas.“Complete your thinking before you begin to write”

Written Indian texts, like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, often begin with a story about themselves, and it tends to be about the conversion of an tale into a written text. Indian epics are intermediate forms with many of the properties of the oral genre – formulas, repetition at different levels as a key device, story within a story and so forth. They even have tellers and listeners inscribed within the tale.

Core Competence Bottom of Pyramid

C K PrahaladLal Bahadur Sashtri

Jai Jawan Jai kissan

N G Chandavarkar -Francis Fukayama

go back to the heart of your religion and by means of ancient light to learn to speak the language of today, to make use of Light to fulfill the obligation imposed on us by the requirement of modern times.”

we can not divorce economic life from cultural life,

4 P’s of MarketingProductPricePlacementPackaging

Philip Kotler M K Gandhi


It is a misreading of the laws of nature to regard conflict as the only factor in evolution; far more potent than competition is mutual aid and cooperation in the scheme of life.”

Regardless of how many preferences evolve and diverge, they also gradually converge and form markets where economies of scale lead to reduction of cost and prices.

J C Bose

Peter M Senge 1947 Aurobindo1872 - . To master organizational learning,

organization need to harmonize within their members and themselves five key “component technologies”

• Personal Mastery• Mental Modes• Building Shared Vision• Team Learning• Systems Thinking (the ‘fifth

discipline” of the title), a discipline for seeing wholes

The deeper we look, the more we shall be convinced that one thing wanting, which we must strive to acquire before all others, is strength –

• strength physical, • strength mental, • strength moral,• but above all strength spiritual Main cause of India’s weakness …….

diminution of thought- power

1856 - 1920Charles Handy Balgangadhar Tilak

There are four archetypes of organisation culture.

• Power Cultures• Role Cultures• Task Cultures• Person CulturesIdeal organizations have room for

all somewhere within it, reflecting the diverse nature of the groups and individual involved.

To give right direction to the wrath of people against British Rule, four point program of

• Swadeshi, • Boycott,• National Education and• SwarajyaWas initiated. Thus involving the

people in different activities and enabling them to contribute, their bit to the freedom struggle.

Shyama Prasad Mookerjee

‘Culture’ or ‘Sanskriti’ mean the sum total of the highest achievements of people in the realm of thought and action which imperceptibly mould the mind and influence the conduct of that people, individually as well as collectively

‘Not only did Japan stick to its culture but also did well in industry; and through industry Japan exported its cultural ideas across the globe

Richard Tanner Pascale

M S Golwalkar -Jerry Porras The political rulers were never

the standard bearers of our society.

Saints and sages, who had risen above the mundane temptations of pelf and power and had dedicated themselves wholly for establishing a happy virtuous and integrated state of society, were its constant torch bearers; they represented the dharmasatta

A key step in building a visionary company is to articulate a Core Ideology.

Amartya Sen 1933 - Chittaranjan Das 1870 - 1925

Income can not be the sole measure of human welfare; life expectancy and average level of literacy should be included.

Go into the villages, the heart of India, and see the life that is lived by he average Indian. They are the sturdy men and fearless men, they are men of whom any country could be proud; but the degradation that must inevitably follow subjection is writ large on there brow …


Robert Reich 1946 - Madan Mohan Malviya 1861 - 1946

Time has come when capitalists must be induced to come forward to invest money in introducing machinery, in trying to produce manufactures just as they are produced in foreign countries. The educated men and men of capital must combine to bring about the growth of Indian industries

“Benevolent Community” : a social system is based on reciprocal obligation, so that government should provide incentives to business to develop human resource.


Joel Stern - Dada Bhai Noroji 1825 - 1917 “Buy all means seek your

own benefit and your own good in connection with India; but you can not derive any good except by doing good to India .If you do good to India, you will do good to yourselves.”

Economic value added is a measure of the “true” performance of a company, and provide a strategic tool for creating corporate and shareholder wealth. It is also a method of changing corporate priorities and behavior throughout a company , right down to the shop floor.

EVA is an strategic means for taking strategic decisions that ultimately affect the way shareholders perceive value of a company

Lala Lajpat Rai1865 - 1928Michel Porter 1947 -

Five Forces:• Threat of new entrants• Rivalry among existing

competitors• Bargaining power of buyers• Bargaining power of suppliers• Threat of substitute

What are we inferior in :• In the capacity to unite• Adoption to the modern

requirements• Learning the lesson of

diplomacy• Art of telling lies• Art of violence

Subhas Chandra Bose1897 -Robert Kaplan

Give me blood and I promise you freedom

• Total Mobilisation or maximum Sacrifice (Man, Money, Material)

• Gigantic Movement inside India• 3 M’s achieved• Second Front after Total

mobilization• Motive Power• A mistake to wish to live and see

India free• Give me blood, and I promise you


Balance Score Card: You only get what you measure and it is possible to measure performance in quantitative terms.

• Build a strategy map• Create a bsc• Use the bscBSC planning and the budget• Estimate production and sales

volume for the next period• Forecast demand for activities• Calculate resource demands• Determine the actual resource


Leaders are those who have the capacity to create a compelling vision and translate it into action and sustain it. Seven attributes of leadership:

• Technical Competence• Conceptual skills• Track Record• People Skill• Taste• Judgment • Character

Warren G Bennis 1925- Bhagat Singh 1907 - 1931

H MintzbergK B Hedgewar

On-field training through the instrument of Shakha creates leaders with real life experience

Had to face ridicule, followed by opposition when he introduced his unique model of creating social managers and leaders

You can't create a leader in a classroom

Had tough time overcoming the resistance of well settled MBA elites to start his IMPM

Gopal Krishna Gokhle 1866- 1915

‘to train national missionaries for the service of India and to promote by all constitutional means, the true interests of the Indian people.’

“Successful Execution is easier said than done, and it is essential to keep managers from drifting along in an intensely competitive global marketplace.”




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