business breakthrough 2017 v8 - gail...

Post on 09-Aug-2020






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Version 7 dated 16 Jan 17 1

For The Healthcare Professional Utterly Convinced You Are So Close To Moving Your Business On To

The Next Level But Are Frustrated You Just Can’t Quite Put Your Finger On What You Need To Do

Differently To Move Forward

"Discover How You Can Banish Overwhelm Immediately And Move

Your Healthcare Business Further Forward In Leaps and Bounds

By Taking Immediate Advantage of the THREE Business

Breakthrough Principles Ruthlessly Applied By The Most

Successful And Profitable Entrepreneurs Of Our Time"

The solution to the oppressive challenge of overwhelm faced by stressed out

Healthcare Professionals struggling to keep their head above water is contained in

this simple diagram:

Breakthrough Report By Gail Biddulph

Business Psychologist, Qualified Therapist and Serial


Author of “How Your Brain Is Blocking Your Business…And

What You Can Do About It"

Dear Fellow Healthcare Professional,

By reading this, I believe you are in exactly the right place at exactly the right time.

If you have already made the huge commitment of running your own Healthcare

Business to help others lead healthier lives AND provide for your family then what I

am about to share with you will dramatically change the way you look at your


Is this for you?

Well if you have plateaued and can’t seem to move forward despite the MASSIVE

effort you are putting in right now this WILL help you.

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If overwhelm, over work and stress are words (or thoughts) you use to describe

yourself and your business, then with what I will share with you here, you might

have just stumbled upon your way through the challenges you are facing right now.

My name is Sara Hadfield, I am a chiropractor, I am self

employed and have been for 12 years. Suffering from

overwhelm, over work and a little bit of burnout. I’ve been on

Gail Biddulph’s business seminar today and I have to say it is

worth every penny and I have tapped into one of the best

business minds I have ever seen for a very, very reasonable fee,

in a very supportive environment. I’ve gained clarity, some

amazing insights, and I have a plan of where I am going next. I

have never come across anything like that in all my years before in a corporate

environment. So I highly recommend you give Gail a call to see what she can do and how she

can help your business. You will not regret it.

Many Healthcare Business Owners Are Frustrated

I have spent many years of running successful businesses across a range of different

niches. I have also helped many business owners grow and expand their


In doing so, I have personally experienced the whole spectrum of business advice

from complex and chaotic to simple and successful.

What has become glaringly obvious to me is that the current business environment

is one that is rich with opportunity but rife with distraction. This means many

healthcare business owners find themselves in the double bind of the frustration of


• Frustrated they don’t know what choice to make

• Frustrated they haven’t actually made any choice

The Double Bind Of This Frustration Will Harm Your Business

The impact of this double bind can be significant:

You might be left with debilitating feelings of overwhelm which if left

unchecked can cause you to feel out of control (which is the gateway to stress -

and often much worse!)

You may find your business stalling and not progressing as it could or

should be.

Perhaps you have let the demons of doubt take hold and are beginning to

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question whether you have what it takes to build and operate a business.

You might be struggling under the inevitable financial pressures of pouring

time and money into your enterprise and not seeing any return on your


Tragically there might be the detrimental impact on your home life as it is

extremely hard to keep any negative emotion and poor moods from spilling

over into precious time with your family.

And of course, there is dealing with the feelings of frustration (although as

you’ll see later this is a good place to be because it means you are potentially

on the verge of a breakthrough).

All of these lead to pressures that at the very least can be a hindrance and at worst

can create stress and anxiety at levels that can be debilitating for you.

I know it doesn’t feel good – because I have been there myself.

But there is a way out…

You Can Have Even Greater Business Success If You Overcome

These Challenges

I want to help you consolidate where you are now and then create a strong

foundation and platform for you to be able to launch yourself and your business

even more effectively and even more productively into the Future.

When I wrote my last book “How Your Brain Is

Blocking Your Business…And What You Can Do

About It”, I noticed some disturbing trends. As both

a business psychologist and an entrepreneur myself,

three challenges facing entrepreneurs kept jumping

out at me time and time again.

Not only have they kept appearing in my research

but they kept cropping up so often when I have been

working with other Healthcare Professionals that I

felt it was time to start doing something specifically

about them.

It didn’t matter whether it was somebody just starting out developing their practice,

established Healthcare Professionals with thriving enterprises or an expert with a

portfolio of separate income streams from multiple businesses.

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Regardless of age, ethnicity or social status these challenges appeared time and time


The problems that I keep seeing healthcare business owners encountering are


1. Not having enough time to do everything that needs to be done.

2. High levels of self-doubt and insecurity in highly capable and outwardly

successful professionals.

3. An unnecessary and usually debilitating over-complication to the way

business was being conducted.

We Tend To Overcomplicate Business - But It Doesn’t Have To Be

That Way

So having successfully piloted a groundbreaking seminar to help people like you in

business deal specifically with these three problems, I am going to share it with

other ambitious but frustrated Healthcare Professionals.

My extensive research and experience of running and advising multiple businesses

over the last 20 years (and believe me, I have the battle scars to prove that) has

shown that it is so very easy to over-complicate the way we approach business.

I have seen far too many businesses needlessly stumble and fail because they have

let these challenges overwhelm and even consume them.

To Be Even More Successful You Need To Focus On Just Three


It is time to simplify and then profit from increased levels of your focus on only the

extremely important things.

To be even more successful, these are the three things you need to focus on:

1. An increase in your Personal Productivity and effectiveness - so you can

get more of the right things done in less time.

2. The development of what I call your Millionaire Mindset - understanding

how to think like a serially successful soul.

3. De-cluttering your activities to focus on Business Essentials - the vital few

rather than the trivial many to bring in more business for you and boost

your profits.

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Hello My name is Sue Smith and I have just been on Gail Biddulph’s seminar

day about business and it has been amazing. I have benefitted hugely. A lot

to take home and a lot to add to my business plan or the clarity. But also a lot

of structure. I know have got a very clear idea of where I need to go from

here and I think that if you are looking at your business and you know what

you want but you are not quite sure how to get there - and you are just

overwhelmed at times, which I have been, and you want to find ways to move

forward - then this is an incredible day and so I hugely recommend it. Just get

on and ask Gail and come along.

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Focusing On Just One Of These Areas Will Help…But

Consider each one of these three scenarios:

Scenario A

If ALL you did was learn how to get more done then you should be able to

make faster progress by becoming more efficient and more effective.

Scenario B

If ALL you did was develop an even better attitude with greater mental

resilience and toughness then you would be more likely to succeed over

the next 12 months because 80% of success is in the mind.

Scenario C

If ALL you did was streamline your business activities to cut out the

unnecessary and ineffective and only focus on profit generating and value

adding activities then next year would definitely be a great year.

…When You Combine All Three, You Can Do Less To Achieve More

But what if you were able to combine all three?

What would happen if you identified your essential core business activities


You grew your personal productivity skills to be able to do those activities far

quicker and far more effectively


You developed the success-oriented mindset that gave you the mental discipline,

focus and resilience to see you through the inevitable tough times?

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The answer is quite simple.

You would be able to work less than you have done before but achieve far more in

the future - all because you work smarter and not harder.

And it is this unique blend of these three Business Breakthrough Principles that I

will share with you when you attend one of my highly effective Business

Breakthrough Seminars.

Essentially this is Three Seminars in One as I will be sharing all three of these

components AND how to blend them to maximize your success.

After this interactive, fun and hugely supportive experience, you will walk away

with tips, tools and techniques and a plan of action.

This will give your business a MASSIVE boost whilst your competition is still

wallowing around trying to work out how to deal with the overwhelm problem you

will have just solved.

Hi My name is Emma Lazarus-Stockdale and I’ve just attended Gail

Biddulph’s Business Seminar and I’ve been working with Gail for

quite a while now on a one to one basis and I was really eager to

come to this seminar and I have got some much from it. A lot of it

we have done on a 1 to 1 basis but today it has just put that all

together and given clarity to me. I highly recommend Gail if you are

struggling with your business or you have come to that plateau I

suggest you speak to her because she really does know her stuff. I’ve

been in rooms full of 5,000 people in seminars an I have got more from this today thank I have

in the bigger rooms so I really recommend Gail.

Hi My name is Ruth Dee, Ive just attended Gail Biddulph’s

business seminar, I’ve actually already been on a 1 to 1 with

Gail. She has put me on the path of how to actually start my

business so I am taking baby steps. Coming to this seminar, I

have seen a much bigger picture and all I can do is highly

recommend it and the value I have got from today as a whole

group, it has only been a small group, I have actually been able

to get encouragement from the people around me.

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Here’s What You will Discover To Help Boost and Accelerate Your


The day will be divided into the following three sections:

Personal Productivity

In this part of this ground-breaking day you will be exposed to the latest thinking on

personal productivity and business effectiveness. You will walk away with new

ideas on how to get more out of your day. Your thinking on time will be

challenged, old ideas and tools will be debunked and after experiencing this part of

the day, you will never go on another Time Management Course ever again.

Specifically you will:

• Discover how to free up one hour per day so you can get more of the right

stuff done.

• Understand how your brain is hardwired for distraction and what you can do

about it so you can stay focused.

• Discover how you are chemically addicted to trivial tasks and what you can

do about it to stop wasting time.

• Discover the problems you think you are dealing with are not actually your

problems and how to identify where to place your efforts for maximum


• Experience the simple but shockingly revealing exercise that will change the

way you look at your to do list FOREVER.

• Why having a TO DO list is part of your problem and what you can do instead

to maximise your productivity.

• Revealed - the 5 most effective productivity strategies used by the world’s

most successful and profitable business people so you can get more done in

less time.

• Shattered - the myth of multi-tasking disproved after all - after this one

exercise you will never do more than one thing at a time AGAIN - EVER!

• Understand the 5 most effective email strategies to master your inbox and

give you complete control over your e mail so it works for you rather than

you being a slave to it

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Millionaire Mindset

Once you have discovered new ways to enhance your personal productivity, you will

then explore the key mental attributes of successful business owners. Woody

Allen famously once said that 80% of success was just showing up.

Well unfortunately just showing up these days is not enough. What is important is

having the right mindset.

I will cover the 7 common Millionaire Mindset traits I have seen in EVERY

successful business owner I have had the privilege to work with. These are traits

they had to have BEFORE they became a Millionaire.

Now you might not want millions in your bank account, but by adopting these

mental traits, I can guarantee your business and financial success is infinitely more


In this vital part of the day after showing you why your brain may well be blocking

your business, I will share with you:

• Mindset 1 - How you can develop absolute clarity of where you need to be

and develop a practical, actionable plan to get there in the most efficient and

effective way possible.

• Mindset 2 – How to harmonise your goals with your beliefs using the latest

in performance psychology to gain an alignment between your conscious and

powerful subconscious minds that will propel you towards your desires

WITHOUT deviation.

• Mindset 3 – How to deepen the quality of your thinking to tap into ideas and

solutions your competitors will have no idea even exist until they see you

succeed with them.

• Mindset 4 – How to learn to absolutely love challenges, obstacles and

inevitable criticism and harness them with a mindset to accelerate your


• Mindset 5 – How to develop internal mental strength and resilience and an

unshakeable self-confidence so you can stride forward resolutely towards

the successful and rapid achievement of your goals.

• Mindset 6 – How to become comfortable with the inevitable discomfort of

change so you can swiftly respond and adapt to the inevitable shifting sands

as you seek success.

• Mindset 7 - How to created both internal and external harmony so you can

maintain the necessary balance to ensure you maximise your endurance and

ensure you keep going UNTIL you cross the finishing line.

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Business Essentials

And then in the last section I will show you how you can simplify what you are

doing in your business to achieve even greater success.

It is so tempting to get sucked in to doing the easy and interesting at the expense of

the necessary. Running an effective business is simple if we focus on just a handful

of essential activities.

We will close out the day by focusing your attention on the key essentials to

running a profitable business.

If you strip back any business to just these essentials you will still be left with an

efficient, effective but most importantly a profitable business.

Specifically we will look at:

• The simple 3 step system to build any business - you will find this

approach in successful businesses of every size from local home based

ventures to multi-billion pound corporations. Get this wrong and you

won’t last long.

• Walking away with a detailed explanation and implementation plan of

three tried, tested & proven business building strategies you can put in

place straight away to add ££££ to your bottom line.

• Introducing the most powerful business growth tool responsible for

phenomenal increase in sales profit and performance and how you can

use it to explode your turnover using existing resources and clients.

• How to eliminate Feast and Famine so you have a consistent stream of

clients and business flowing to you.

• How to reduce your marketing costs - this one idea is so simple, you

will kick yourself for not realising this before.

• Simple to implement zero cost marketing strategies that very few

businesses are aware of or even using to allow you to profit from

untapped opportunities that your competitors won’t even be aware exist.

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The Day Will Be Presented To You By A Proven Expert In Her Field

This day has been put together to give you everything you need to take your

business to the next level. Let me tell you a bit about me and why I know I can help


My name is Gail Biddulph and I am a successful commercial

strategist and my roots are a combination of formal business

psychology training and years running my own successful

enterprises across a number of niches. I am an international

speaker, consultant and strategic advisor, and have helped

hundreds of businesses become more profitable.

Here is what people have said about me and the results I help businesses create:

"Gail Biddulph - delivers! In a world where so many people are

only sharing what they’ve discovered by seeing others do stuff -

what a refreshing change to see and hear someone who’s actually

been there, done it, ridden the bike and has the T shirt! Having

seen Gail present her world-wise, proven methods I’ve seen the

immediate (and long-term) impact on her clients and listeners. If

you’re looking to be more effective, make more profits or simply

help your people reach their targets faster and easier than before,

then call Gail - you’ll be delighted you did. I did!"

Peter Thomson “The UK’s Most Prolific Information Product


"Gail is an exceptional strategist who took a consistent approach

to resolving a range of complex issues in a business with which we

worked. As a superb communicator, she had a clear vision of how

the business needed to be taken forward and developed a

marketing strategy to direct the business.”

Robin Trangmar M.Ed., SFHEA, FRGS., Chartered MCIPD –

Director, BiviBag Adventure

You’ve turned my life around. You’ve seen possibility and

opportunity in me that nobody else could see and given me

confidence to start my own business. I’m so excited about my

future. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

AS North Wales

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So Here’s What The Complete Package Looks Like For You

This is an exciting seminar and the feedback already shows just how well it is hitting

the mark with other Healthcare Professionals like you.

I have only ever shared these strategies with my high-end fee-paying personal

clients before. But now is the time for more people running their own healthcare

business to ditch the stress and overwhelm and have a successful and profitable


I call this event the Business Breakthrough Seminar and it will take place at


Registration begins at 9.00 am for a 9:30am start and the day will end at 4.30 pm. There is free

parking here and the day will include all refreshments and lunch

One on one time with me is usually a significant investment and would set you back

a tidy four-figured sum.

However I am so passionate about sharing these ideas with more Healthcare

Professionals that I am going to allow the economy of scale to influence the cost of

this opportunity.

For just a day of your time and a very small investment, here is what you will get:

A professionally delivered interactive, engaging and fun 1 day seminar that

will change the way you look at your business activities FOREVER giving you

Personal Productivity Skills, the 7 Components of the Millionaire

Mindset and the Business Essentials you should focus on in the coming

year to increase your profit and business productivity (value £497)

A downloadable Audio and Video Summary of the entire event (value

£197). Immediately after the seminar ends, I will record a summary of ALL

of the key ideas and strategies I will have shared with you. You will get the

audio and video versions of these within 48 hours of the end of the event to

help you capitalise on your time you spend with me.

Copies of all of the presentation materially (value £47)

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An exclusive signed copy of “How Your Brain Is Blocking Your

Business…And What You Can Do About It” (value £10)

Opportunity to network with and be inspired by fellow likeminded local

business owners (value - PRICELESS) – At previous seminars, this alone was

one of the most talked about benefits of attending.

Membership of a Private Facebook Group where you can continue your

journey supported by me and others treading a similar path (value £197) –

This alone is worth the price of admission

Free parking together with lunch and all refreshments (value £37)

The Seminar time is CPD allowable.

Total Value of £885.00 for just £125+vat

This event is designed for healthcare business owners, but if you would like to bring

a guest from your network then you can invest in a double ticket for just £197 +

vat?? (a saving of over £50.00 on the purchase of two single entry passes)

My Guarantee and Promise to You

I know making a decision to attend a seminar is a big

one. I want to make it as easy for you to say “Yes” as

I possibly can. So here is my promise to you.

If by lunchtime on the day, you do not feel you have

gained at least DOUBLE the value of the ticket price,

then come and see me or one of my team during the

lunch break and we will refund the price you have

paid on the spot without question.

Book Your Place Now

So for you to increase your personal productivity, develop your millionaire

mindset and get focused in on your business’s “vital few” and book your seat at

my exclusive Business Breakthrough Seminar, just visit the following website:

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Or call me on:

01244 681122

I look forward to meeting you at the seminar.

Yours sincerely

Gail Biddulph

PS. By coming to this event, you will discover new skills, experience different ways

of thinking about business and be exposed to little known business strategies that

can sky rocket your income AND will set you apart from your competition.

PPS. Expect to get involved, and expect the day to be fun.

My name is Sandra Elland-Williams, I’ve just completed Gail’s

Business Seminar today. I’ve been on lots and lots of different

seminars and I have even covered some of this information

before. But Gail’s got a really interesting way of… she’s got a

different twist on it - a different way of you getting those aha

moments and making it really easy for me now to want to go and

implement rather than me just go away feeling completely

overwhelmed and thinking “Oh where am I going to start?”. So I

have already got ideas on what I can do. It has been really really

worthwhile, really worth the time. And even if you have read through the material and think

“Oh I’ve covered some of that”, it is still worth coming because you will have a completely

different take on anything that you think you have learnt before. It is well worth it.

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