business and personal finance semester portfolio · your annotated bibliography. module 3 annotated...

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Business and Personal Finance

Semester Portfolio

Part 3 / Module 3

This booklet provides instructions for completing the required exercises

for the Business and Personal Finance Semester Portfolio.

After the completion of each module, you will complete and submit the

required exercises found in this booklet; exercises intended to improve

your budgeting, organization, researching, and note-taking skills!

Each module will have its own booklet with module-specific infor-

mation and instructions. Be sure to read each book-

let in its entirety to maximize your points earned.


Before You Begin the Semester Portfolio Be sure to review your Part 2 / Module 2 Semester Portfolio submission grading feedback provided to you by

your teacher . The feedback offers valuable insight into the expectations and requirements of each exercise.

Portfolio Exercise #1: Budgeting In Module 3, you learned about debt and banking. You learned the difference between: good/bad debt and

short-term/long-term debt. You also learned about banking establishments, account types, and more.

Module 3 Budgeting Exercise

In Module 1, you selected a career and researched information about the career’s income and educational

requirements. In Module 2, you selected a location to live and researched the area’s cost of living. Now, you

will build on this information to further improve the functionality of your budget.

To complete the Module 3 Budgeting Exercise, follow the instructions below:

1. Open your saved budget worksheet and check the contents of cell F22 - did you list any projected student

loans in the cell? With a better understanding of debt, particularly the concept of good debt and its ability

to increase your wealth, ask yourself if the school loan information listed is accurate.

2. Conduct research to determine what percentage of your income should be set aside for savings. Consider

using the following search phrases, “saving for the future” or “how much should I be saving?”.

3. Based on your research, update your saved budget worksheet - completing the following elements listed

in the budget:

Personal Monthly Budget tab:

Projected Student Loans - cell F22

- If the value in cell F22 represents the total value of your student loans, use the Federal Student Aid Re-

payment Estimator to calculate the monthly payment for your loans. List your monthly student loan pay-

ment in cell F22 and move your student loan total to the budget-notes explanation tab.

Projected Savings (Other) - cell F33

- Create a savings plan designed to save for desired items like: a new laptop, the newest video game, a

vacation, etc. Use your research regarding savings account interest rates to determine an appropriate

percentage of your monthly income to save. List your monthly savings value in cell F33.

Budget Notes-Explanations tab:

Student Loan: Include any updated information, to include your rationale, for adjustments to your stu-

dent loan information. Did you choose to increase the amount of student loans taken? Did you choose to

decrease the amount of student loans taken? If so, explain.

Savings (Other): Include information regarding your savings plan; to include: the percentage of your in-

come that is being saved as well as a list of items that you are saving for. Include any pertinent infor-

mation that you feel is relevant to your savings plan.

4. Save your changes - renaming your Excel file as: budget_M3_FLast.xls

- Replace FLast with your first initial of your first name and your full last name (ex: JDoe).

Portfolio Exercise #2: Storing/Organizing In Module 3, you were introduced to more important documents that need to be stored and organized; to

include: account terms of agreement, account statements, checks and checking account registers, ATM re-

ceipts, and more. Remember the length of time you keep documents varies; so be sure you have a systematic

approach to storing and organizing your files and documents to ensure you aren’t buried in paper!

You will now build upon the storage/organization structure that you created in

Part 1 and Part 2.

Module 3 Storing/Organizing Exercise

Module 3 introduced you to a variety of banking concepts; to include: banking

establishments, account and product types available, and the variety of docu-

ments associated with these concepts. Use your knowledge of storage and organi-

zation to complete the Module 3 Storing/Organizing Exercise.

To complete the Module 3 Storing/Organizing Exercise, follow the instructions


1. Consider the following financial records (note some records listed may not necessarily be financial rec-

ords, but they are still important records that you should store for the future):

2. Open the Storing/Organizing Word document created in Part 1 and Part 2 (Module 1 and 2). Add each

financial records listed below to your storage/organization structure you created and answer the guiding

questions listed. Be sure to highlight the new documents added to your storage/organization structure

as well as your responses to the guiding questions, so that your teacher knows which information has

been newly added for Module 3.

- See the following examples for guidance: Organization Structure - Text and Organization Structure - Visual

Financial Records

Guiding Questions

Does your current storage/organization structure account for the particular financial record?

If not, what changes need to be made to the storage/organization structure in order for the document

to be stored purposefully?

3. Save your changes - renaming your file as: storage_structure_M3_FLast.doc

- Replace FLast with your first initial of your first name and your full last name (ex: JDoe).

Account Application and Terms of Agreement -

physical document

Savings and Checking Account Statements - digi-

tal documents

Certificate of Deposit - physical document

Statement of Deposit - physical document

Checks (new/un-used) - physical document

Check Registers (used) - physical document

ATM/Debit Receipts - physical document

Portfolio Exercise #3: Annotated Bibliography In Module 3, you were introduced to many important websites that

contained valuable information about debt and banking; in particu-

lar, information about: paying off your debt, trends in college pric-

ing, FDIC deposit insurance, safe online banking procedures and

much more.

You will now add to the annotated bibliography you created in Part 1

and Part 2. You will use the sources presented in Module 3 to update

your annotated bibliography.

Module 3 Annotated Bibliography

Module 3 presented a variety of resources designed to supplement the topics presented. You will select two

of these resources and create source records for each.

To complete the Module 3 Annotated Bibliography Exercise, follow the instructions below:

1. Briefly review the resources provided in Module 3 (links listed below):

2. Select two resources that you feel contain highly valuable information.

3. Open the Annotated Bibliography Word document you created in Part 1 and Part 2 (Module 1 and Mod-

ule 2). Add the header Module 3 at the top of the document and then add a source record for each re-

source you selected in step #2. Be sure your Module 3 source records are listed below the Module 3

header. Each source record must include:

- The title of the article or website

- The full URL of the article or website

- A one paragraph synopsis that highlights the information presented in the article or website.

- An evaluation of the source’s perceived usefulness.

4. Save your changes - renaming the Word file as: annotated_bibliography_M3_FLast.doc

- Replace FLast with your first initial of your first name and your full last name (ex: JDoe).

Debt: Paying off Debt - Section A The Pros and Cons of Internet Banks - Section B

Trends in College Pricing - Section A Safe Internet Banking - Section B

Natl. Foundation for Credit Counseling - Section A Skimming the Cash Out of Your Account - Section B

10 Easy Ways to Pay Off Debt - Section A Debit Card Fraud: Is Your Money at Risk? - Section B

FDIC Deposit Insurance FAQ - Section B Recovering from Identity Theft - Section B

Credit Unions Are a Smarter Choice - Section B

Personal Monthly Budget tab:

Projected Gross Income - cell C7

- Your monthly income without taxes or deductions

Projected Student Loans - cell F22

- Seriously consider how you will pay for career readiness education and/or training; will you be

awarded scholarships and grants? Will those take care of all your educational and/or training

expenses? Will you need to take out student loans? If so, how much?

Budget Notes-Explanations tab:

Career Information

- Include information that explains the values listed in the monthly budget; to include: job title,

education and/or training requirements, and salary. Include the URL for where you found the


Portfolio Exercise #4: Note Taking In Module 3, you were presented with supplemental information by way of videos, tutorials and more. These

supplemental materials are meant to provide you with additional information about topics presented in the

module; they act as an extension of the instruction taking place in the course.

To maximize your comprehension of Business and Personal Finance, it is important that you review the sup-

plemental materials presented in each module. To truly grasp the information presented, it is beneficial to

take notes.

You will now access the supplemental materials of the module and take notes about the information present-

ed. You may use any style of note taking you choose (outline, Cornell, mapping, etc.), but remember the in-

formation is only as valuable as you make it. Extend your understanding of the information by asking ques-

tions, making connections to other topics, comparing the information presented to your own schema (your

personal thought process), etc.

Module 3 Note Taking Exercise

Module 3 presented a variety of supplemental materials designed to extend your understanding of the topics

presented. You will access these supplemental materials and take notes as instructed.

To complete the Module 3 Note Taking Exercise, follow the instructions below:

1. Review the supplemental materials provided in Module 3 (links listed below):

Central California Housing Crash - Section A Introduction to Interest - Section B

Poor Financial Habits Avatar - Section A How ATMs Work - Section B

FDIC Insurance Video - Section B What is Identity Theft? - Section B

How to Balance Your Checkbook - Section B Identity Theft Avatar - Section B

2. Open the Note Taking Word document you created in Part 1 and Part 2 (Module 1 and Module 2). Add

the header Module 3 to the top of the document and then add a full page of notes for any of the supple-

mental resources listed above. Your notes must adhere to the following guidelines:

3. Save your changes - renaming the Word file as: note_taking_M3_FLast.doc

- Replace FLast with your first initial of your first name and your full last name (ex: JDoe).

Header included that lists the name of each supplemental material referenced in the notes.

Text font must be a normal, readable font (e.g. Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, Verdana, etc.).

Text size must be 14pt or smaller.

Margins should be set to no larger than one inch on all sides.

Formatting tools (bold, highlight, underline, italics, etc.) should be used to provide emphasis for

important information.

Submitting Your Semester Portfolio Congratulations! You have completed all of the exercises required for the Business and Personal Finance Se-

mester Portfolio - Part 3.

To submit your Business and Personal Finance Semester Portfolio Exercise elements, follow the instructions


1. Access the M3SP—Semester Portfolio: Part 3 assignment submission area (located in the Module 3 fold-


2. Review the rubric listed in the assignment submission area to ensure you have met the requirements of

each element criteria.

3. Attach the following files to the assignment submission area; ensure that your documents have been

properly formatted so as to highlight the Module 3 information added:





4. Add any clarifying text to the submission text window.

5. Click Submit.

Image Credits Page 1

kentoh, Business Finance, 183088841, Thinkstock


Page 2 & 3

Violka08, Budget concept, 495853751, iStock/Thinkstock

GuidoVrola, File cabinet, 475664997, Thinstock

Page 4 & 5

Olegk1986, Books and apple on laptop screen, 476181096,


Page 6

pepj, completed stamp, 187179219, Thinstock

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