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May 6, 2018

This is my commandment:

love one another as I love you.

No one has greater love than this,

to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

John 15:12-13 (NAB)


Collabora�ve Office

17 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA 01940


Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:00 am– 4:00 pm

Fridays 8:00am-12:00 noon Our Lady of the Assump�on Parish

758 Salem Street, Lynnfield


Fax: 781-598-0055

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 7:00 am

9:00 am

11:00 am Family Mass

Daily: 9:00 am on Monday,

Wed., and Friday

Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45 pm

Saint Maria Gore� Parish

112 Chestnut Street, Lynnfield


Fax: 781-598-0055

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 10:00 am Family Mass

5:00 pm

Daily: 9:00 am on Tuesday

and Thursday

Confessions: Saturday 3-3:45 pm

Mission Statement

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church,

No matter what your current family or marital situation,

No matter what your current personal history, age, income, background, gender, race, ethnicity

or spirituality, No matter what your own self-image or holiness

or virtue - You belong to Christ and belong to us!

You are invited, accepted and respected here at Saint Maria Goretti and Our Lady of the

Assumption Parishes. We welcome you.

We want to share our Roman Catholic way of life with you!









Rev. Paul E. Ri# Pastor


Rev. Anthony Luongo Parochial Vicar


Deacon Edward Elibero Permanent Deacon


Deacon Thomas O’Shea Permanent Deacon


Donna Delahanty Collabora<ve Dir. of Parish Ministries


Caterina Benitez Director of Finance and Opera<ons


Donna Hegan Pastoral Associate


Marie Lagman Director of Media Ministry


Jayson Cote Director of Liturgical Music


Janine Sano Administra<ve Assistant


Kate McGrath Pastoral Assistant


Dan Whelan Facili<es


For lists of Collabora<ve Council and Commi9ee members, please visit our website: www.lynnfieldcatholic.org

Contact Informa�on



Throughout the Easter Season, we have been hearing selec<ons at Mass from the Acts of the Apostles. This New

Testament book, which biblical scholars a9ribute to St. Luke, is a collec<on of stories about the missionary work of

the early Church following the resurrec<on of Jesus Christ. The Acts of the Apostles opens with an account of Jesus’

ascension and the selec<on of Ma9hias as the twelCh apostle, replacing Judas. Then St. Luke narrates the descent of

the Holy Spirit on the disciples at Pentecost, an event that empowers the first Chris<ans to proclaim the risen Lord to

the whole world. In this weekend’s reading from Acts, St. Peter bap<zes a Gen<le centurion named Cornelius and his

en<re household. This passage signals an important development in the early Church; namely, the spread of

Chris<anity beyond Jewish borders. In the Acts of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit engineers and facilitates the growth of

the fledgling Church throughout the Roman Empire. This divine missionary thrust reveals the universal saving will of

God, that is, in the words of the First Le9er of Timothy: “God wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of

the truth (I Timothy 2:4).” Peter’s address in this weekend’s text accents this point: “In truth I see that God shows no

par<ality. Rather, in every na<on whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him.” The circumcised

believers of Jewish heritage who heard Peter speak were astounded that Gen<les could receive the Holy Spirit too,

and be bap<zed into the Chris<an faith. But Peter responds: “can anyone withhold the water for bap<zing these

people, who have received the Holy Spirit even as we have?” The gospel reading this weekend speaks of the main

requirement of anyone who wants to follow Christ. In Jesus’ own words, “Remain in my love. If you keep my

commandments, you will remain in my love….This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” With the

many graces the Holy Spirit gives us, may we all remain in the love of Christ, extending his love to all those in our

circle of life!

News and Notes: This weekend, we are celebra<ng the First Holy Communion of the second graders who are

enrolled in the Faith Forma<on programs of both parishes. Join me in thanking Bethany Kilroy, Jamie Bossi and the

catechists of SMG, as well as Piri Collard, Kate McGrath and the catechists of OLA for their work in assis<ng the

parents of our children in their prepara<on for this second Sacrament of Ini<a<on. Next Saturday, May 12, we will

welcome the second grade children of Our Lady of the Assump<on School and their families to the 4PM Mass at OLA

for the School children’s First Holy Communion celebra<on.

This Thursday, May 10, is the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, a Holyday of Obliga<on that marks Jesus’

Ascension into the glory of heaven 40 days aCer his Resurrec<on. Masses will be celebrated as follows:

Wednesday, 4PM May 9 at OLA

Thursday, 7AM May 10 at SMG

Thursday, 9AM May 10 at OLA

Thursday, 7PM May 10 at SMG

As is the custom of the Church on Holydays, a collec<on for the support of our parishes will be taken up at all Masses

for the Ascension of the Lord. Thanks for your faithful stewardship of your par<cular parish and the Mission of our

Collabora<ve…and blessings to all of you in the week ahead!

If you are visiting our parish, we extend a warm welcome. Please feel

free to introduce yourself to the celebrant. If we can be of service to you

in any way, please let us know. We look forward to seeing you again.



OLA Mass Inten�ons

Saturday, May 5

4:00 pm Celebrant: Fr. Tony Inten<ons of the FHC students

Sunday, May 6

7:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Farrell Luciano and Yolanda Fabrizio Memorial

9:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Tony Inten<ons of the FHC students

11:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Tony Inten<ons of the FHC students

Monday, May 7

9:00 am Swithen Rodrigues & Jolyon Rodrigues Kanath Memorial

Wednesday, May 9

9:00 am Elinor and Donald Galvin Memorial

4:00 pm Inten<on of the Celebrant

Thursday, May 10

9:00 am Inten<on of the Celebrant

Friday, May 11

9:00 am Mary T. Welch 15th Anniversary

Saturday, May 12

4:00 pm Celebrant: Fr. Tony Inten<ons of the FHC students

Sunday, May 13

7:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Bucciferro Mother’s Day Memorials

9:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Tony Mother’s Day Memorials

11:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Farrell Mother’s Day Memorials

SMG Mass Inten�ons

Saturday, May 5

4:00 pm Celebrant: Fr. Paul Inten<ons of the FHC students

Sunday, May 6

10:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Paul Inten<ons of the FHC students

5:00 pm Celebrant: Fr. Bucciferro Frances Teague Birthday Memorial

Tuesday, May 8

9:00 am Richard A. Caprio Memorial

Thursday, May 10

7:00 am Inten<on of the Celebrant

7:00 pm Inten<on of the Celebrant

Saturday, May 12

4:00 pm Celebrant: Fr. Taurasi Rita Kennedy Memorial

Sunday, May 13

10:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Paul Mother’s Day Memorials

5:00 pm Celebrant: Fr. Tony Mother’s Day Memorials

Please pray for Jessie Gutowski; Elizabeth M. Fisher; Vincent P. Reed, Jr.; Mildred P. Healey; Kevin M.

Canty; and Joseph D. Bryant, whose funerals were celebrated recently.

Kindly remember in your prayers the deceased members of our parish, those who have asked for our

prayers, and those who have no one to pray for them by name. In your charity, please pray for:

Debbie Catalano

Eileen Degregorio

Maria Grant

Samuel Halpern

John Kennedy

Carole Lu

Chris Malerich

Joyce Maria

Rone9a Munroe

Jim Salvatore

Marianne Supino

Rose Ann Trainito

Victoria Wing

Our parishes pray for those

currently serving in the

military and deployed


Michael T. Doherty, US Navy

Tom Hathaway, USMC

Raquel LorenzeT , USArmy

If you would like your loved

one’s name included on this

list, please send it to


Those who endow a

Memorial Mass are

welcome to bring

up the giCs.

Please help us keep

our prayer lists




We recently refreshed the Prayer List. If you would like your or your loved one’s name included on this list, please send it to:




Let us know If you would like the Eucharist brought to you during

Holy Communion due to mobility issues, please talk to

an usher.

Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Our pastoral care extends to those who are elderly, sick,

and homebound. Our ministry will bring the Eucharist,

make a home visit, or perform the Anoin<ng of the Sick.

To make arrangements, please contact Kate McGrath at

kmcgrath@ola-smg.org or 781-598-4313 x224.

Baptism The Sacrament of Bap<sm is usually conferred on the

second Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm at both OLA

and SMG. For more informa<on, contact Janine Sano at

jsano@ola-smg.org or 781-598-4313.

Weddings Engaged couples should contact the church office at

least 6 months prior to your wedding date. For

schedules of marriage prepara<on programs offered by

the Archdiocese, please visit:



News Deadline All submissions for the Collabora<ve Bulle<n must be

submi9ed to Marie Lagman at bulle<n@ola-smg.org no

later than 12:00 noon on the Friday of the previous week.

St. Vincent de Paul If you know someone who may need help with

heat, food, clothing, or even rent/mortgage,

please call 781-513-6695. All informa<on

received is kept strictly confiden<al.

Giving If you no<ce that some of your fellow parishioners are

not puTng envelopes in the collec<on basket, it could be

that they are using Online Giving, our electronic

contribu<on tool. Online Giving helps you maintain your

giving even if you cannot be here at Mass. This also helps

our parishes be more

opera<onally efficient. Go to

www.lynnfieldcatholic.org and

click on the Giving tab to sign up.

Stay Fit this Summer By Putting Faith

into Action! Our Collabora<ve has many opportuni<es for you to

flex your faith muscles this summer:

♦ Saturday, May 26, 2:30-4pm—Join us for GAME

DAY at the Harriet and Ralph Kaplan Estates in

Peabody for an aCernoon of playing cards and

board games with residents. This is open to all

ages, but children under 18 must be

accompanied by an adult. RSVP required.

♦ Sunday, June 18, 4:30-7:30pm—Help us serve a

meal at MY BROTHER’S TABLE in Lynn.

Volunteers must be 12 or older. RSVP by May 19

♦ Ongoing throughout the summer—We are

collec<ng items for families in need through a


bins located in the church ves<bules.

For more informa<on or to RSVP, contact Kate

McGrath at kmcgrath@ola-smg.org or 781-598-4313


Walking Group Grab your sneakers and join us for a walk! We’ll

meet at 9:30am at the “White House” next to OLA

Church (4 Grove Street) and walk for about 1 mile.

Water and a light snack will be provided. Contact

Kate at kmcgrath@ola-smg.org or 781-598-4313

x224 for more informa<on. Dates:

May 14, 28; June 11, 25; July 16, 30; August 13, 27



Prayer Shawls and

Baby Blankets A dedicated group of women meet

on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of

each month to knit and crochet

prayer shawls and baby blankets. These are saturated

with blessings and prayers for healing, peace, comfort,

well wishes, hope, and love. They are available at the

Business Office to anyone who needs a healing hug or

loving blessing from God. There is no charge, but we

welcome contribu<ons to defray the cost of the yarn. New

members to the ministry are always welcome! Please

contact Carol Farina at carol.farina@icloud.com.

KOC Baby Bottles

Fundraiser for Catholic

Charities April 28-May 20, OLA and SMG

Star<ng April 28/29, the Lynnfield Knights of

Columbus will be distribu<ng baby bo9les to

collect dona<ons for Catholic Chari<es in

Lynn, as part of the annual KOC Pro-Life

Campaign. Please bring back filled bo9les by

May 20. For more informa<on, please contact

Ken at KennethKasprzak@sbcglobal.net.

Mother’s Day

Spiritual Remembrance

Envelopes As a way of honoring and remembering the

special women in your life during the month

of May, include their names in the

contribu<on envelopes provided at the

church entrances and drop them in the

regular offertory basket.

OLA Annual Baby

Shower April 28-May 27

Every year, in honor of

Mother’s Day, OLA parishioners collect new

baby giCs for Catholic Chari<es in Lynn.

Please leave unwrapped giCs in the

transverse aisle of OLA Church.

“Miles for Miramar” for

Miramar Retreat Center, Duxbury

Through June 30

Calling walkers, cyclists, joggers, mothers

pushing baby strollers, swimmer, and

kayakers! Get health and spiritual benefits by

signing up sponsors and pledging miles to

support the Miramar Retreat Center. Contact

Mary Fran Goodell at 781-585-2460.

Congratulations to our April

1000 Club Winners #064 Karen Pastore $500

#774 Agnes Fandell $500

#619 Marilyn Norfolk $400

#556 Wayne Kerivan $300

#465 Bruce Healey $100

#578, 884 No winner $50

#125 Ruth Morrissey $50

#867, 690 No winner $50

#746 AnnMarie Page $50

Our next drawing will take place on May 20 in the OLA

Church Hall aCer the 11am Mass. Everyone is welcome to

buy a number and par<cipate. If you would like to

become a 1000 Club member, please contact Betsy at 781-

598-4313 x205.

THANK YOU! Thanks to John Pe9azzoni for the new American flag! This

beau<ful flag will remind us to pray for all our veterans,

living and deceased.

Suicide Prevention Seminar Tuesday, May 15, 6:30-8:30pm

Enders Island, Mystic, CT

This free seminar will feature Dr. Robert Harrison, re<red

ER and family prac<ce physician. Please pre-register at 860

-536-0565 or h9p://enders.is/SuicidePreven<on.




Faith Formation

Bethany Kilroy Coordinator, SMG Gr 1-6


Piri Collard Coordinator, OLA Gr K-6


Pam Guerrieo Dir., Youth Faith Formation



May 12 G10 Retreat, 10am-7pm, SMG

May 13 G2 Host Mass & May Procession, 10am

at SMG, 11am at OLA

Alexander Amico

Anthony Andreottola

Bryson Bond

Nicholas Bui

Carina DeLeo

Elise Fallica

Anthony Fiore

Evan Gately

Lilly Gately

Spencer Gillis

Benjamin Glasser

Michael Glynn

Fiona Golden

Julia Grasso

Julius Gutierrez

Connor Hollins

Giuliana Kougianos

Nikhil Kumar

Riley McBride

Griffin McCarthy

Bridget McGee

Adyson Newhall

Maggie Pavao

Andrei Pena

Gemma Primavera

Nicholas Raso

Bianca Sacco

Sean Santo

Anna Scire

Lily Sullivan

Jack Tranfaglia

Neil Trifonov

Vittoria Valentine

Juliana Vigeant

Stella Vigeant

Gianna Veiga

Lucas Westcott

Camden Anderson

Aaron Attubato

Michael Barrett

John Beccia

Luca Brady

Olivia Braley

Gianna Bridges

Kyle Brown

Spencer Brown

Paul Buccilli

Megan Buckley

Ryan Burns

Sabrina Capachietti

Evan Carty

Meredith Cash

Gabriella Cassano

Sadie Caulfield

Cameron Chisholm

Jason Ciolfi

Lily Conway

Collin Curley

Jacob Desrochers

Noah Descrochers

Cassandra Dorman

Avery Fleming

Brendan Flynn

Chloe Grieves

Nolan Heffron

Michael Hubbard

Olivia Hurton

Tyler Ing

Rachael Long

Tessa MacDonald

Julia Maliawco

Ryan Mandile

Jillian Martin

Casey McBride

Davin McClory

Estelle McClory

Molly McMahon

Charlotte Migliero

Sophia Morgese

Jack Mueller

Lorna Murray

Giuliana Nastari

Elliot O’Shea

Lucia Palmer

Quinn Panos

Adam Rystrom

Joseph Santarella

Luca Sarni

Ava Showers

Mitchell Sieve

Gianna Sylvester

Jaxson Tammaro

Domenic Travaglione

Charles Verdile

Congratulations to Our First Holy Communicants!

St. Maria Goretti

Our Lady of the Assumption



www.ola.school | Contact: Cynthia Donovan, Principal, at cdonovan@ola.school

Enroll now for the upcoming 2018-2019

academic school year! We are currently

scheduling Preschool and Kindergarten

screenings. Contact the School Office at 781-

599-4422 x1 to set up a tour, register, or

schedule your child’s screening now. Our next

Drop-in Open House will be on Monday, May

7, to come in to meet our teachers, see our

students in ac<on and learn more about all of

the great things happening at OLA!

School Calendar

May 7 Open House for Prospective


May 9 Science Fair

May 12 First Holy Communion

May 14 May Procession

May 18 OLA Night of the Arts

May 19/20 Drama Club Musical

May 25 Teacher In-service (no school)

OLA Night of the Arts! We are looking forward to our upcoming Night of the

Arts at OLA presented by Ms. Angelosanto and the

students of OLA. We hope you join us on Friday, May 18

to view the students amazing art work, listen to music,

and get a sneak peak at a performance by the OLA Drama

Club’s upcoming musical which will take place the same

weekend — May 19 and 20. You won’t want to miss it!



Date Time Event Loca�on

Monday, May 7 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Eucharis<c Adora<on OLA Church

Tuesday, May 8

9:30 am

4:00 pm

7:30 pm

7:30 pm

Miraculous Medal Novena

Angels in the Morning Rehearsal

AA Mee<ng

NA Mee<ng

SMG Church

OLA Church

SMG Hall

OLA Hall

Wednesday, May 9 Before the 9:00 am Mass

9:30 am


OLA Coffee

OLA Chapel

OLA Hall

Saturday, May 12 9:00 am

10:00 am-7:00 pm

4:00 pm

Jus<ce for Jesus Mee<ng

Grade 10 OLA/SMG Confirma<on Retreat

OLA School First Communion

Business Office

SMG Hall

OLA Church

Sunday, May 13 9:30 am

10:00 am Mass

11:00 am Mass

12:30 pm

Angels in the Morning Warmup

May Procession/Grade 2 Host Mass

May Procession/Grade 2 Host Mass


SMG Church

SMG Church

OLA Church

SMG and OLA Churches

Monday, May 14 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Eucharis<c Adora<on OLA Church

Tuesday, May 15 9:30 am

6:00 pm

7:30 pm

7:30 pm

Miraculous Medal Novena

Knights of Columbus Dinner/Mee<ng

AA Mee<ng

NA Mee<ng

SMG Church

KOC Hall

SMG Hall

OLA Hall

Wednesday, May 16 Before the 9:00 am Mass

6:30 pm-8:00 pm


Grief Support

OLA Chapel

SMG Hall

Thursday, May 17 9:30 am-12:00 noon

11:00 am-12:30 pm

Catholicism for Dummies

Prayer Shawl Mee<ng

SMG Hall

Business Office

Friday, May 18 9:45 am Bible Study OLA Hall

Saturday, May 19 7:45 am

6:30 pm

Men’s Group

OLA School Play

Priests’ Residence

OLA Hall

Sunday, May 20 8:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 pm

2:00 pm

Holy Spirit Ensemble/Heavenly Praise Rehearsal

Mass for the Recently Bap<zed

1000 Club Drawing/Coffee Sunday

OLA School Play

OLA Church

SMG Church

OLA Hall

OLA Hall

Friday, May 11 9:45 am Bible Study OLA Hall

For details on any of these events or to sign up to receive the bulle<ns electronically, please visit: www.lynnfieldcatholic.org

Wednesday, May 9: 4:00 pm at OLA

Thursday, May 10: 7:00 am at SMG, 9:00 am at OLA, 7:00 pm at SMG

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Our Lady of the Assumption, Lynnfield, MA 4604

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Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742 ConcordPark.net

BookletsBookmarksBusiness CardsCalendarsDoor HangersFlyers/BrochuresGreeting CardsMagnetsNewsletters

NotepadsPlastic CardsPostcardsPostersPresentation FoldersStickersTable Tent Cards& much more

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We can help save you money.

What’s Inside

617-779-3777 printing@PilotPrinting.net





Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E N e w E n g l a n d O p e n M a y 2 8 t h t o J u n e 1 s t

J u n e 2 8 t h t o J u l y 1 s t

N e w E n g l a n d J r . C l a y C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p s J u l y 1 0 t h t o J u l y 1 3 t h

N e w E n g l a n d J r . H a r d C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p sA u g u s t 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 1 7 t h

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a A c a d e m y D i r e c t o r

C e l e s t e F r e y A c a d e m y M a n a g e r

A l e x H o w a r d H e a d C o a c h

D a v e C o l b yJ u n i o r P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

D a n i e l Q u i c e n o T e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

C h r i s C l a y t o nT e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a | f m o n t o y a @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 2 3 2

C e l e s t e F r e y | c f r e y @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 3 5 1


Ramp up Your GameJ u n e 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 2 7 t hM o n d a y s - F r i d a y s

1 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 p m 8 y e a r s a n d u p


Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742 ConcordPark.net

BookletsBookmarksBusiness CardsCalendarsDoor HangersFlyers/BrochuresGreeting CardsMagnetsNewsletters

NotepadsPlastic CardsPostcardsPostersPresentation FoldersStickersTable Tent Cards& much more

Proud Printers of This Bulletin

Save 30% to 50% On Most Printing Costs!If you bring your printing to a chain store

or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs.

We can help save you money.

What’s Inside

617-779-3777 printing@PilotPrinting.net





Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E N e w E n g l a n d O p e n M a y 2 8 t h t o J u n e 1 s t

J u n e 2 8 t h t o J u l y 1 s t

N e w E n g l a n d J r . C l a y C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p s J u l y 1 0 t h t o J u l y 1 3 t h

N e w E n g l a n d J r . H a r d C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p sA u g u s t 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 1 7 t h

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a A c a d e m y D i r e c t o r

C e l e s t e F r e y A c a d e m y M a n a g e r

A l e x H o w a r d H e a d C o a c h

D a v e C o l b yJ u n i o r P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

D a n i e l Q u i c e n o T e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

C h r i s C l a y t o nT e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a | f m o n t o y a @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 2 3 2

C e l e s t e F r e y | c f r e y @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 3 5 1


Ramp up Your GameJ u n e 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 2 7 t hM o n d a y s - F r i d a y s

1 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 p m 8 y e a r s a n d u p



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