building collective communication competence in...

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Building Collective CommunicationCompetence in InterdisciplinaryResearch TeamsJessica Leigh Thompson

Using a grounded theory approach, this investigation addresses how an interdisciplinary

research (IDR) team negotiates meaning and struggles to establish and sustain a sense of

collective communication competence (CCC). Certain communication processes were

foundational to building CCC, such as spending time together, practicing trust,

discussing language differences, and engaging in team tasks. Demonstrating presence,

engaging in reflexive and backstage communication, and shared laughter facilitated and

often expedited CCC development, whereas sarcastic humor, unproductive debates of

expertise, expressions of boredom, and jockeying for power challenged and deteriorated

the team’s CCC.

Keywords: Collective Communication Competence; Interdisciplinary Communication;

Interdisciplinary Research Team; Ethnography; Grounded Theory

Interdisciplinary research (IDR) is becoming increasingly necessary due to the

societal and scientific complexities of problems. However, IDR projects can be

challenging for academic experts, who are typically trained in a specific field of

theories, methodologies, and research processes. Team members must negotiate how

to communicate in order to generate interdisciplinary knowledge. Scientific expertise

is typically excellent; what is often crucial but lacking, is effective management of the

communication and collaboration processes (Markin, 2005).

The National Academies of Science (NAS, 2005) calls for a communication-

based understanding of IDR processes: ‘‘At the heart of interdisciplinarity is

Jessica Leigh Thompson is an Assistant Professor in the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Department at

Colorado State University. The author would like to thank ‘‘the team’’ for this opportunity and Laura Stafford

for her help in editing this manuscript. This manuscript was part of the author’s doctoral dissertation completed

at the University of Utah (2009), and this version is dedicated to the late Dr. Craig B. Forster, committee

member and ‘‘team’’ member. Funding for this research was provided by the National Science Foundation,

Coupled Natural-Human Systems, ATM #0215768. Correspondence to: Jessica Thompson, 1480 Campus

Delivery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, UK. E-mail:

ISSN 0090-9882 (print)/ISSN 1479-5752 (online) # 2009 National Communication Association

DOI: 10.1080/00909880903025911

Journal of Applied Communication Research

Vol. 37, No. 3, August 2009, pp. 278�297

communication*the conversations, connections, and combinations that bring new

insights to virtually every kind of scientist and engineer’’ (p. 19). Funding agencies are

recognizing that there has been little systematic study of the people and institutions

engaged in IDR projects. Meanwhile, communication scholars have spent decades

studying the communication dynamics within institutions and organizations.

Interdisciplinary research teams need expertise in communication to help facilitate

collaboration and complex problem solving.

Much of the current literature and research on communication competence

focuses on interpersonal, relational, organizational, and pedagogical contexts. This

study is an ethnographic exploration of the communicative and collaborative

processes in an academic IDR team. Similar to Ellingson’s (2003) study of

interdisciplinary health care teams, this study describes and analyzes a bona fide

team in action. Bona fide teams exist within a larger social system. They embody

symbiotic, interdependent, and dynamic relationships among team members and

within the larger organizational context (Putnam & Stohl, 1990). Further, Jablin and

Sias (2001) suggest there is value in describing the dynamic interrelationships among

behaviors that enhance collective communication competence (CCC); however, ‘‘few

studies have explicitly explored communication competence at the group and

organizational levels of analysis’’ (p. 824). This study seeks to reveal aspects of one

team’s struggle to build and maintain a sense of CCC.

Interdisciplinary Academic Research Teams

Jantsch (1980) argues that IDR transcends the static nature of disciplinary research

where problems are solved and ‘‘put on the shelf for later use’’ (p. 304). Historically,

academic IDR was linked with government agencies and industry. Such agencies and

organizations were the first to financially support problem-focused research. Klein

(1996) explains that the Manhattan Project required a rare level of collaborative effort

among science, industry, and the government. The prestige of wartime projects

enhanced the status of IDR and new laboratories sprouted across the nation: nuclear

science at Chicago and MIT, biophysics at Pennsylvania, marine physics at UCLA,

and atomic research at Iowa State. After the National Science Foundation (NSF) was

founded in the early 1950s, federal support for applied IDR also increased (Klein,


Through the 1970s and 1980s funding grew, opportunities for IDR grew, and

studies of interdisciplinarity and interdisciplinary group processes soon followed.

There has been substantial research and theorizing regarding IDR team dynamics

(Klein, 2003). Some studies have focused on challenges to interdisciplinary teamwork

(e.g., Kostoff, 2002; Turner & Carpenter, 1999; Wear, 1999) and opportunities for

interdisciplinary success (e.g., Benda et al., 2002; Pickett, Burch, & Grove, 1999). The

findings from the majority of these studies suggest that effective small group

communication processes are fundamental to a team’s success.

Research in small group communication began in the 1950s (e.g., Bales, 1950) with

a focus on group decision making. Bales (1950) explains that group communication

Collective Communication Competence 279

often shifts between discussion about the task at hand and the relationships among the

group members as the group balances the demands of task completion and group

cohesion. Since then, many scholars have investigated such tensions in small group

communication and communication competence research. (For a comprehensive

review of recent small group communication research, theory, and perspectives see

Poole & Hollingshead, 2004, and Levine & Moreland, 1990). Poole and Roth (1989)

suggest that a group’s development depends on the task complexity, leadership

structure, and cohesion among members. Hirokawa (1985) illustrates that groups

negotiate tensions and make decisions relative to their mutually agreed upon

framework for examining the task and potential solutions. Hirokawa, like Poole,

explained that these decision processes do not need to occur in any particular order.

Recognizing the nonlinear nature of small group communication and decision making

is at the heart of systems-based understandings of small group communication.

Many communication scholars (e.g., Fisher & Hawes, 1971; Tubbs, 2001) use

systems theory to explain the complexity of small group interactions. Small groups,

such as an IDR team, are complex and dynamically changing and the principles of

systems theory can help to understand the communication processes and nonlinear

relationships in such interactions.

Communication research that embraces a systems perspective concentrates on the

categories, forms, and sequential patterns of message behavior, rather than on the

cause-and-effect relationships between communication variables (Krone, Jablin, &

Putnam, 1987). The patterns of behavior take place within a communication system

and are the elements that define the system. Changes in behaviors within one part of

the system can alter the character of the entire system. Krone et al. (1987) build upon

the work of Karl Weick (1979) and explain that a systems perspective in the social

sciences is distinguished by its emphasis on time, the sequence of contiguous

messages, the probabilities that sequences of interacts and double interacts occur in

social interaction, and the patterns of interaction in recurring cycles. Weick’s

articulation of time and the value of understanding time relative to communicative

acts is a necessary component for understanding CCC within the team presented in

this study. Another sensitizing concept that influenced my interpretation of this

team’s communication was the elusive and ever-changing work on communication


Although a popular and pervasive concept in the communication literature,

defining communication competence remains a fuzzy endeavor (Jablin & Sias, 2001).

Within the field of communication, there are multiple theoretical and operational

approaches to studying competence, yet there is a lack of consensus regarding the

nature of communication competence (Spitzberg, 1988). Spitzberg (1988) defines

communication competence as the ‘‘ability to interact well with others’’ (p. 68). He

explained that the term ‘‘well’’ refers to ‘‘accuracy, clarity, comprehensibility,

coherence, expertise, effectiveness and appropriateness’’ (p. 68). Rubin (1994) defines

communication competence as ‘‘an impression formed about the appropriateness of

another’s communicative behavior’’ (p. 173). Parks (1994) extends Rubin’s definition

to include the perception of satisfaction in achieving one’s goals, both in

280 J. L. Thompson

communication and otherwise. Communication competence, for Parks, ‘‘represents

the degree to which individuals satisfy and perceive that they have satisfied their goals

within the limits of a social situation without jeopardizing their ability to pursue

more important goals’’ (p. 595). Jablin, Crude, House, Lee, and Roth (1994) build

upon these perspectives to develop a resource-oriented view of communication

competence. They define communication competence as ‘‘the set of abilities,

henceforth termed resources, which a communicator has available for use in the

communication process’’ (p. 125). Such resources include (a) knowledge of

appropriate norms and rules, (b) ability to engage in cognitive differentiation,

(c) perspective taking, and (d) encoding, and decoding of messages. Canary, Cody,

and Manusov (2000) provide six criteria for assessing competence: (a) adaptability,

(b) conversational involvement, (c) conversational management, (d) empathy,

(e) effectiveness, and (f) appropriateness. These six criteria create a holistic

understanding of the interrelated behaviors that lead to communicative competence.

Ultimately, defining communication competence is related to understanding the

context of the interaction (Rubin, 1994) and communication norms may be

successful in one situation and not perceived as competent in a different setting or

with a different group (see Spitzberg & Cupach, 2002, for a comprehensive review

of communication competence in the context of interpersonal skills, and Jablin &

Sias, 2001, for an in-depth review of communication competence from an

organizational perspective).

Integrating these definitions helps to begin theorizing about CCC. CCC is based on

the idea that there are numerous interrelationships among communicators, contexts,

goals, and the participants’ abilities to simultaneously be appropriate and effective.

This study attempts to extend our understanding of communication competence in

group and team contexts. With that goal in mind, the following research questions

are offered:

RQ1: What communication processes influence an interdisciplinary academicresearch team’s ability to create collective communication competence?

RQ2: What communication processes appear to hinder the development ofcollective communication competence?


Setting and Participants

This study is part of a larger ethnographic investigation of communication and

collaboration processes in an IDR team at a large public university in the Western

United States (Thompson, 2007). I was a participant-observer for over four years,

serving as the interdisciplinary graduate research assistant. I assisted the team in their

effort to integrate knowledge about human behaviors related to the production of

greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas.

Addressing issues of urban air quality, greenhouse gases, and natural, as well as

human impacts on climate change required the expertise of multiple disciplines.

Collective Communication Competence 281

The interdisciplinary team members designed a research agenda that included

measuring the concentrations of emissions and pollutant gases, tracing their origins,

and integrating that data into a computer simulation model and hosting a series of

public outreach workshops to solicit input from local stakeholders. My major

responsibility in the team was to assist in developing and facilitating the outreach

workshops by translating scientific findings for the team members and stakeholders.

Much of my work was focussed on taking notes and facilitating team meetings,

coordinating scientific poster sessions, and assisting in systems model building


The team was led by five principal investigators (PIs), 14 co-investigators, and nine

graduate students. Participants represented 12 disciplines including biology, chemical

engineering, civil engineering, communication, ecology, geography, hydrology,

material science engineering, mechanical engineering, meteorology, psychology, and

urban planning. The participants ranged in age, university rank, and IDR experience.

The lead-PI was in the College of Life Sciences, a second PI was in the College of

Engineering, a third was in the physical sciences, a fourth in the social sciences, and the

fifth was in the College of Humanities. Three of the PIs were senior, tenured faculty

members and two were full-time research scientists. Each PI was in charge of one of the

team’s subgroups. These subgroups were organized around specific aspects of the

project, including: (a) measuring greenhouse gas emissions (measurements subgroup),

(b) modeling the urban ecosystem (modeling subgroup), (c) preparing a series of

outreach workshops (outreach subgroup), (d) devising emissions management policies

(emissions management subgroup), and (e) the steering committee subgroup oversaw

data integration. In an attempt to protect the identities of the participants in this case

study, team members will be referred to by their role or position in the team.

As the project evolved, I was able to take rich ethnographic notes on the team’s

communicative and collaborative interactions. My role was truly one of participant-

observer (Lindlof & Taylor, 2002). For example, I coordinated poster sessions for a

series of outreach workshops. I met with 12 team members and helped to translate

their data into public-friendly presentations. Through this process, I gained access to

many team members. They invited me into their offices and laboratories; I used those

invitations as opportunities to ask questions about their expertise, research, and

experiences working on the project. These informal, ethnographic interviews led me

to pursue a deeper investigation of communication competence in an IDR team.

Data Collection

I used a combination of research methods, but the primary data collection process

was ethnographic (Lindlof & Taylor, 2002). I outlined my research focus and

methodology with two members of the research team and we submitted it to the

University’s Institutional Review Board. It was approved in September 2002 and

renewed until October 2006. I also submitted a formal memo to the PIs and the

memo was made available to all team members. In this memo, I detailed my research

282 J. L. Thompson

interests and explained my role as an ethnographic participant-observer, outlining

my goals for studying the project.

I began taking field notes and participating in the interdisciplinary team in

November 2002. Over the course of four years, I took approximately 462 pages of

typed, single-spaced ethnographic notes and attended nearly 185 hours of team

meetings, retreats, and informal gatherings. The lead-PI informed the team of my role

as a participant observer at the first all-team member meeting I attended in

November, 2002. From that day, members of the team voluntarily approached me

with comments, observations, and frustrations related to interdisciplinary commu-

nication and teamwork. Memos of these side conversations were also included in my

field notes. The majority of my field notes came from the large, project review

meetings, but I also took a substantial portion of notes during informal, subgroup

meetings and after casual conversations. Ellingson (2003) suggested it is necessary to

investigate the backstage in order to understand team relationships and analyze

interdisciplinary teamwork in action.

Data Analysis

I entered the team setting with a familiarity of research and literature on

interdisciplinary teams, small group communication, and communication compe-

tence. The research project is guided by an integration of multiple definitions of

communication competence from interpersonal, small group and organizational

scholars (i.e., Canary et al., 2000; Jablin et al., 1994; Parks, 1994; Rubin, 1994;

Spitzberg, 1988). This literature guided my interpretation of the team’s communica-

tion processes, but I did not use this scholarship as a structured framework to test my

observations. Instead, I took a grounded theory approach to interpreting the

communication processes. Research on interdisciplinary teams, small group com-

munication and communication competence were sensitizing concepts, or starting

points for my interpretation and analysis (Bowen, 2006). Grounded theory is a

research approach that calls for continual interplay between data collection and

analysis in order to produce a preliminary theory about a communicative process. In

this case, I was attempting to identify the communication processes that facilitate or

challenge communication competence in an IDR context.

Using the steps outlined by Strauss and Corbin (1990), I began by reading and

coding my field notes. Then I developed inductive categories, revised the categories,

wrote memos to explore preliminary ideas, continually compared parts of the data to

other parts and to the literature, collected more data, fitting it into categories and

noting where it did not fit and revising the categories. To develop categories of CCC,

I read through my field notes three times, noting and comparing similarities and

differences in the initial open codes and continually refining the typology. The

categories were then discussed with a handful of members of the IDR team, three of

whom were also members of my doctoral supervisory committee. Their involvement

was important because they were part of the team and they encouraged me to

regularly check my observations and assumptions. After checking my assumptions

Collective Communication Competence 283

with a majority of the team in March 2005, I listed and detailed the categories,

subcategories, and relationships among them; I also noted the context, conditions,

and consequences of each category in order to better understand how the categories

overlapped and intersected.

Because of my position as both a participant in the team and an observer of the

team, I was forced to continually negotiate my positionality while gathering and

analyzing data. According to Strauss and Corbin (1990), this process enhances

theoretical sensitivity and increases the researcher’s awareness of subtleties in

interpreting the data. Besides positionality, my theoretical sensitivity was also

influenced by familiarity with literature on IDR teams, small group communication,

and definitions of communication competence. Again, I was cognizant of this work,

but maintained my goal of theorizing on communication processes necessary to build

communication competence within the team.

After several meetings, discussing my observations with members of the

interdisciplinary team, I believe I captured a representative sample of the team’s

communication experiences. After a formal presentation to the team in March 2005,

participants expressed agreement that the categories appeared to be systematic,

reflexive, and inclusive of their experiences.


To address the two research questions, I condensed the major communication

processes into two broad categories: processes that facilitated CCC and those that

hindered it. Among the processes that facilitated building CCC, there appeared to be

some fundamental or foundational processes and a few other processes that expedited

CCC development. In all, the facilitative processes composed 74% of my field notes,

with foundational communication processes representing approximately 46% and

expediting processes representing 28% of the data. Foundational processes included:

(a) spending time together (27% of CCC foundation notes; 12% of total notes),

(b) practicing trust (12% foundation; 5% total), (c) task talk (43% foundation; 20%

total), and (d) negotiating meaning through discussions of language differences (18%

foundation; 8% total). The expediting facilitative processes included: (a) demon-

strating presence (25% of facilitating notes; 7% of total notes), (b) reflexive talk (43%

facilitating; 12% total), (c) backstage communication (15% facilitating; 4% total),

and (d) shared humor and laughter (16% facilitating; 5% total).

Processes that challenged the team’s CCC development accounted for 27% of my

field notes and included: (a) negative humor and sarcasm (11% of challenges; 3% of

total notes), (b) debating expertise (21% of challenges; 6% of total), (c) communicating

boredom (18% of challenges; 5% of total), and (d) jockeying for power (49% of

challenges; 13% of total). The challenging processes forced the team members to

continually negotiate their standards of CCC, accepting procedural knowledge and

cognitive effectiveness over sensitivity and commitment to appropriate communica-

tion behavior performance. In some cases, the challenging processes degraded CCC to

284 J. L. Thompson

the extent that interpersonal relationships among team members deteriorated


What Helped? Communication Processes that Facilitated CCC Foundational Processes

Spending time together. The first requirement for team building and developing

communication competence is to spend time together. I observed that members who

were open and willing to learn from each other were also willing to, and enjoyed,

spending time together. One’s willingness to spend time was related to external

variables such as the resources available and the amount and types of outside

resistance members felt. Team members repeatedly told me that they felt that they did

not have enough time to discuss, connect, and explore ideas with other team

members. Other team members, who were initially excited about the project and

participated regularly in early meetings, later disclosed in interviews that they did not

have time to commit to this project on top of all of their other academic duties.

Spending time together in a shared space provided a foundation for CCC.

Practicing trust. The team members openly discussed their desires for trust and the

consequences of a lack of trust. As a variable of CCC, trust is quite complex; although

individual actions and comments sometimes illustrated trust, trust appeared most

evident through series of accumulated communicated exchanges.

Meyerson, Weick, and Kramer (1996) articulated the theory of swift trust for

temporary teams, formed around a common task with a finite life span, such as the

team in this case study. According to Meyerson et al., such teams consist of members

with diverse skills, with a limited history of working together. These teams work

under tight deadlines and this leaves little time for relationship building so members

import trust from previous experiences instead of building bona fide interpersonal

trust. It seemed that the PIs in this team had developed a sense of swift trust while

writing the project proposal. A co-PI explained:

When we wrote the proposal it was just [the lead-PI] and I. We brainstormedpeople to work with, but we really didn’t know them. We just had to trust that theywere the right people. Some were; some weren’t.

As the project progressed, swift trust needed to evolve to interpersonal trust in order

to be sustainable. Some members of the team developed relationships with one

another that ranged from complete trust to complete mistrust. This transition was

gradual and unique for each individual team member. As an underlying element of

CCC, members suggested that they needed a certain level of trust to continue moving

the project along, but expressed discouragement because of an overwhelming lack of

trust. Even outsiders recognized the problem. The external advisory board mentioned

the lack of trust in their report to the team. ‘‘The team needs more trust. If they want

to go further they need to get the courage to speak up and build relationships.’’ Thus,

building CCC was interdependent with building trust. In this team, trust required

competent communication, and competent communication required that the team

members trust one another.

Collective Communication Competence 285

Task talk. Much like spending time together, it is obvious how talking about the

tasks and scientific aspects of the project would help the team members develop CCC.

Based on the definitions of communication competence that I subscribed to, the team

needed to practice both task talk and relational talk. If the team spent all of its time

building relationships and working on the socioemotional aspects of CCC, they

would not be competent communicators because they neglected conversations about

the science and content of their research project. As predicted, an overwhelming

percentage of team meetings and conversations were devoted to task talk, and a

substantial amount of task talk was directly related to discussions of language

differences, which are also foundational to building CCC.

Discussions of language differences. A major obstacle in IDR is that it is difficult to

find a common language because of disciplinary specialization. Many scholars have

explored the challenge of language differences in collaborative research projects (i.e.,

Benda et al., 2002; Glantz & Orlovsky, 1986). Differences in definition often led to

miscommunication; therefore, discussions of such differences are foundational to

developing CCC. Before this team could engage in collaborative problem solving, it

had to analyze and question definitions and terminology related to the problem. One

of the coinvestigators explained: ‘‘Sometimes our specialized language interferes with

real communication . . . . Can we find ways to exchange ideas and insight that

transcend traditional language, or at least the jargon of our discipline?’’ This example

illustrates the process of discussing task-related language differences:

Coinvestigator 1: I’m having a real difficult time finding literature on thermal

inertia in the geological journals . . . the only things that come

up are studies on Mars!

Coinvestigator 2: (looking directly at her, head tilted, arms folded and his bodyextended forward across the table, he spoke with a frustrated

tone) This is one of those times that we need to define terms!

Co-PI 1: Yeah, [Coinvestigator 2] has a point, because in my field

thermal inertia is . . . (he continued to explain the definition

and applications in tremendous detail).

Coinvestigator 2: (interrupting) Whoa, that is even different from how we woulduse the term . . . there is certainly a language barrier here!

This open exchange about language differences appeared to be necessary for CCC,

but it also required a sufficient amount of trust and reflexive communication to keep

the discussion educational and not confrontational. This example is evidence that a

difference in terminology is more than a language-based difference, it illustrates that

people from different scholarly backgrounds assign qualitatively different meanings

to the same term. Transcending such differences requires recognition, reflection, and

negotiation of meaning, especially in interdisciplinary contexts.

Spending time together, practicing building trust, talking about the task, and

discussing language differences were foundational to building CCC in this team. It

was through such discussions that the team learned and negotiated shared standards

for communicating in an interdisciplinary context. The mutually agreed upon

286 J. L. Thompson

standards for communicating allowed team members to move out of their towers and

across their bridges in order to connect with one another.

Expediting Processes

Beyond building the foundation for CCC, the team members also engaged in

communication processes that rapidly facilitated CCC development. These commu-

nication processes were at the core of a nuanced and context-based capacity for CCC;

they included demonstrating presence, reflexive talk, backstage communication, and

shared humor and laughter.

Demonstrating presence. Senge, Scharmer, Jaworski, and Flowers (2005) articulate

the idea of presence in an organizational context, which involves ‘‘deep listening

[and] being open beyond one’s preconceptions and historical ways of making sense’’

(p. 13). Presence is one’s ability to engage in collaboration while being open to

experiencing profound, collective change. Participant presence in this team was

evidenced by an expressed motivation to learn, listen, and see the world differently

through engagement in collaborative learning experiences.

In this team, demonstrations of presence appeared to be contagious. At an early

team meeting, a coinvestigator arrived joyfully. Nearly galloping into the meeting, he

immediately pulled some papers out of his bag and said with excitement: ‘‘I’ve got air

quality data from [local state agency]!’’ The lead-PI immediately showed a smile from

ear to ear and her eyes grew big with excitement. The team members proceeded to go

through the papers and looked at comparisons from that day and the day before. The

lead-PI was practically jumping out of her seat. The group’s voices were enthusiastic

and grew higher in pitch with each exchange. They were moving their hands so fast

that I could not tell whose fingers were whose. This high-energy exchange illustrates

how one team member’s presence rippled through the team, creating a wave of

enthusiasm and encouraging a deeper sense of CCC.

Reflexive talk. Reflexivity and reflexive communication are terms used to

conceptualize the idea that humans, as participants in a social system, are able to

observe, reflect upon and ultimately affect change within their social system and is

foundational to contemporary definitions of communicative competence. Reflexivity

requires a subjective process of self-consciousness inquiry and an awareness of social

behavior and its impact on group dynamics. Reflexive talk is a useful process to

mitigate the potential pitfalls of groupthink in a team. In this team, it appeared that

reflexive communication helped members reinforce their mutual trust and gain

confidence sharing individual perspectives and insights. The following is an example

of reflexive talk at a project review meeting:

Co-PI 1: Let’s think about how all of this fits together.Advisory BoardMember: (interrupting) I’m just impressed by all of these presentations,

they indicate that links are already there. You’re talking to eachother and that is the first and most important step.

Collective Communication Competence 287

Coinvestigator 1: (joking tone) It didn’t come easy! At first it was in Swahili!(Everyone laughed)Co-PI 2: The modelers have forced us to think about the basic

relationships and concepts which has been extremely helpfulin the first stages of this project.

Coinvestigator 2: May I add to that? This meta-analysis allows us to talk to eachother, which is almost as important as taking measurements. Inany circumstance, it is helpful to see interesting links andquestions.

In postproject interviews, a few team members remembered this meeting and cited it

as an example of reflexivity that renewed enthusiasm for shared learning among the

team members. Reflexive communication is related to other variables of CCC, such as

presence and shared humor. I frequently saw humor in examples of reflexivity (i.e.,

the Swahili comment) and it appeared that humor helped to keep reflexive

communication from being overwhelming for the team members. Similarly, back-

stage communication and discussions of language differences were embedded in the

team’s reflexive communication.

Backstage communication. Backstage communication includes any communication

exchanges that happen behind the scenes or not within the formal setting of official

team business. Backstage communication provides opportunities for social-emo-

tional discussion that allows team members to become more familiar with each other.

When group members stop talking about the task and decide to discuss their own

interpersonal needs, experiences, and orientations then they are engaging in

backstage talk. For example, for several weeks, the team met at a pizzeria across

from campus. During one of those meetings, task talk was interrupted as the team

members watched a group of a dozen high school cheerleaders come into the pizzeria.

The following excerpt from my field notes captures some of the team’s backstage

communication dialogue:

Co-PI 1: (interrupting the discussion about data collection) What is the‘‘B’’ on their jackets for?

Co-PI 2: It’s their varsity letter . . . didn’t you have varsity letters?Co-PI 1: I grew up in Canada and there was no such thing where I went

to high school.Co-PI 2: Oh, so you didn’t have to experience the athletic-snobbery of

rural secondary education?Co-PI 3: In New York [City] there wasn’t room for athletic programs,

so it wasn’t a big deal.Co-investigator: In Europe sports teams are organized outside of school . . .Graduate Student: I went to high school in Texas . . . high school football rivalries

plagued my childhood.

Conversations like these were emergent, spontaneous exchanges that brought diverse

members of the team together. Often teams do not take time to share personal

experiences and engage in interpersonal bonding, but it proves to be a valuable

component in an interdisciplinary team’s development of CCC.

288 J. L. Thompson

Humor and shared laughter. Humor is part of our ability to take advantage of

inconsistencies and incongruencies. In a small group or team, humor can be used to

relieve stress, support group ideals, integrate ideas, and show support for common

values (Bolman & Deal, 1991). Humor can be used to bring out potential problems

before they become big problems. Joking and laughing can help to build a sense of

community and cohesiveness within a team, and cohesive groups work together

better in pursuing common goals.

In this team, humor appeared to ease tension and strengthen bonds threatened by

conflict or fear of failure. Shared laughter often led the team to engage in open

communication and trust-building interactions. The first evidence of humor

I spotted was nearly six months into the project. In this situation, the team members

used humor to reduce the tension of an escalating conflict regarding making a

decision about where to collect greenhouse gas emission data. The team needed to

identify three locations in the local urban area to build data collection towers. These

towers would be specific sites where members of the team could set up atmospheric

data gathering instruments. The team encountered many problems during this

process. The first problem was that each scientist had different requirements for an

ideal location. The second problem was that finding available property or getting

permission to put up towers in urban neighborhoods was more challenging and time

intensive than anticipated. As conflicts over where, when, and how to select sites

ensued at this meeting, one of the co-PIs became agitated and grumbled: ‘‘We need to

make some decisions about our sites.’’ The bickering continued as the scientists

debated where specific locations were on a map of the area. The same co-PI that

showed his agitation became more frustrated as evidenced by fidgety body

mannerisms and vocal tone. He began to debate with another co-PI about where a

specific elementary school was located. Finally, the second co-PI explained how the

frustrated co-PI was wrong. In a fearful moment, when the tension could have

exploded, the frustrated co-PI burst into laughter. The laughter lightened the mood

and soon everyone made jokes about the site selection process:

Coinvestigator 1: We should select a site that we can ride our bikes to so that wedon’t generate any pollution on our way. . . . Can you just see[team members] with their CO2 flux instruments on theirbicycles?!

Co-PI: Yeah, we could all ride over to the West side and hope that wedon’t get jumped on our way!

Coinvestigator 2: Yes! I vote for the ghetto! I love it over there!

Everyone in the room was laughing and giddy. For the first time that I had observed,

the team members utilized humor to alleviate a potential conflict and move the group

toward making a mutually acceptable decision.

What Hindered? Processes that Challenged CCC Development

Many of the communication processes enhanced CCC, but others degraded the

development of CCC. Challenging processes included negative humor and sarcasm,

debating expertise, communicating boredom, and jockeying for power.

Collective Communication Competence 289

Negative humor and sarcasm. Just as positive forms of humor benefit the team,

negative forms of humor can have the opposite effect*decreasing trust, morale,

creativity, and communication. The following field note example illustrates how

sarcastic humor can destroy an opportunity for shared learning and further


Coinvestigator 1: (Presenting research on health impacts of poor air quality, he

also introduced various medical conditions linked to urban

pollution issues.)

Coinvestigator 2: (raised hand and asked question) In your research, have youcome across anything that identifies a link between obesity and

suburban sprawl?

Coinvestigator 3: (interrupting) Sprawl in an airplane seat! (some people

laughed)Coinvestigator 2: (reframed his question) I mean, it seems that people walk less

and drive more when the city sprawls, and now one-third of

adults have diabetes.

Coinvestigator 3: (Before Coinvestigator 1 could respond, the interruptingjokester quipped) And 100 percent of people will die (sarcastic


In this example, humor was used to shut down conversation and reject the validity of

Coinvestigator 2’s concern. A handful of team members laughed with the

interrupting jokester, but a larger number expressed concern, almost shock, in their

facial expressions. Humor is a complicated variable; it can both help and hinder a

team’s development of CCC. Positive humor used to diffuse conflict helps team

members learn how to effectively communicate, whereas sarcasm and comedic

outbursts challenge the team’s CCC.

Debating expertise. Debates of expertise were seldom scientifically based. In more

cases than not, debates of expertise appeared to be more related to maintaining one’s

ego than addressing the task at hand. One of the team members suggested that the

ingrained sense of expertise created and maintained by the academy, as well as

individuals’ identities and team status propelled many of the debates within this

team. This could represent a tension common to many IDR teams, where members

use their individual expertise to maintain their identity and boundaries within the

project. Such a dynamic creates a dialectical tension that each team member must

confront: the need to maintain expert status in a single niche and the need to share

and teach other team members about one’s discipline and knowledge.

Unfortunately, this team confronted many conflicts that did not advance

interpersonal or interdisciplinary understanding. For example, one of the coin-

vestigators, a civil engineer and specialist in intelligent traffic systems, was presenting

his research on traffic patterns at one of the measurement sites. His presentation

included many statements such as this: ‘‘Just tell us where you want us and what data

you want . . . we can collect anywhere and analyze anything.’’ He continued by

describing some of the humorous aspects of his data collection: ‘‘The snow removal

trucks took out some of our equipment on Foothill Boulevard.’’ As he continued to

290 J. L. Thompson

detail his lab’s findings, explaining the nuances of rush-hour traffic and average

speeds, the other team members interjected their experiences:

Co-PI 1: It seems like people drive faster heading into the cityand slower heading out . . .

Co-investigator 1: Don’t diesel trucks emit more carbon dioxide than cars.(Similar statements and questions continued and the presenter graciouslyresponded to the first few)Presenting Coinvestigator: (after 15 minutes or so, he snapped) What’s going on?

Suddenly everyone is a traffic expert? During [thelead-PI’s] presentation no one knew what the isotropiccarbon fluxes were, so you all sat nodding your headsand now you aren’t letting me get through mybusiness.

The presenter’s frustration was emblematic of the team’s tendency to question and

attack some researchers’ expertise, while blindly accepting the expertise of others.

This coinvestigator eventually phased himself out of the project, which might have

been due to the continual challenges to his work. In a postproject interview, I asked

him what the most frustrating aspect of the project was for him. He responded:

‘‘[The] inability of specialists to explain their fields to me.’’ This team member felt

that he had gone beyond the call of duty to make his expertise accessible to all

members of the team, but that others worked to protect their expertise to the extent

that it inhibited CCC and ultimately the creation of interdisciplinary answers to the

team’s research questions.

Communicating boredom. Behaviors that demonstrated boredom and blatant

disinterest also challenged the team’s communication competence and capacity for

collaboration. Boredom can grow from a sense of isolation and disconnection from

other members of the team. A common cause of boredom is a lack of understanding;

For example, if a team member struggles to follow the discussion and make

connections to their research they may become bored with the conversation. The

opposite is also true. If something is too easily understood, to the point of being

predictable, people are likely to become bored. Unfortunately, there are numerous

examples of team members falling asleep, gazing into space, and working on

unrelated tasks during team meetings.

Some team members demonstrated boredom more often than others, but everyone

apparently had at least one bored moment during the project. Caveats include the fact

that academics are often engaged in many projects and may simply be exhausted due

to overcommitment and numerous responsibilities. However, academics are also

professionally trained learners and they should be exceptionally motivated to learn

from and identify connections with other scholars. Unfortunately, when they become

bored, they resort to side conversations and sleeping during meetings. Some team

members showed their boredom with such behaviors as: (a) intense staring out the

window or at the agenda in front of them, (b) using one’s reflection in the window to

clean his teeth with a toothpick, (c) grading papers or student assignments, (d)

websurfing, and (e) preparing for their presentation instead of paying attention to the

Collective Communication Competence 291

current speaker. Sometimes the sleepy culprits would wake up during the middle of a

team member’s presentation, quickly pack their belongings up, and leave the meeting

in a frenzy. Behaviors demonstrating boredom posed a challenge to developing CCC,

yet were such an honest reflection of team members’ current states, that they were

useful in gauging the energy of the group.

Jockeying for power. Whereas debates of expertise could be innocent challenges used

to better understand a scientific aspect of the team’s research, communicated power

struggles were competitive, combative exchanges. Jockeying for power appeared to be

ego driven, where one team member deliberately sought power over another team

member. I believe that this team was especially susceptible to such struggles because of

the leadership structure*five PIs is too many. As a participant-observer, I found myself

in the middle of one excruciating example of two team members jockeying for power.

I had been working with the modeling subgroup on a regular basis, observing them

while contributing to the model building; simultaneously, I was involved in preparing

the workshops with the outreach subgroup. A PI, and member of the modeling

subgroup, was determined that he should take the lead in recruiting workshop

participants because of his extraordinary list of community contacts. Without directly

discussing the workshops at the modeling meetings, we would work on pieces of the

model that we believed would interest stakeholders. The modeling PI announced that

he had been working on a master narrative to describe the local airshed. I did not

think much of it until he elaborated:

We need a ‘‘blue ribbon panel.’’ We need to get these folks to buy into ournarrative . . . . So, now I’m really doing the work of [Outreach Subgroup Co-PI]and her crew.

He explained that he would write the narrative, the modeling subgroup would build a

model to reflect it, and that they would present the model to the workshop


Modeling Co-PI 2: (expressing some concern) We should look at the goals fromthe proposal . . . this may or may not be in alignment.

Modeling Co-PI 1: (persuasive tone) Well, of course, but this would be theconsensus statement to get us started on those goals.

Modeling Co-PI 2: (hesitating) I’m not sure about that . . . we should check with[Outreach Subgroup Co-PI] before we continue along thispath.

The first PI seemed agreeable, but continued to set deadlines for contacting his blue

ribbon panel members and constructing his narrative. In the meantime, I knew that

the blue ribbon panel and a master narrative were not in line with the goals of the

outreach subgroup, but I did not know how to challenge this senior member of

the research team. He eventually called a meeting, inviting the outreach subgroup.

The meeting went smoothly and the modeling co-PI and outreach co-PI agreed to

meet afterward to discuss the list of potential workshop attendees.

The next day the outreach PI called me; she was distraught: ‘‘[Co-PI] called me a

lone wolf! I won’t work with him anymore . . . I won’t do another project if he is on

292 J. L. Thompson

the team . . . he was vicious . . . downright nasty to me.’’ She went on to explain that

this PI had lectured her on the difference between opinion and decision leaders, ‘‘he

was citing twenty-year-old theories, as if I didn’t know the stuff.’’ She continued to

recount the details from the meeting:

He wants the blue ribbon panel to be this speaker box, telling the people what to

think . . . he asked me to sacrifice the integrity of my research to move his agenda

forward . . . . He explained that he had presumed that [a graduate student helping

with workshops] was waiting for him to give her his contacts and he said that if he

gave her all of his contacts that it would just be too overwhelming for her.

I followed-up with a third co-PI who attended the meeting and he confirmed the

viciousness of the attack, including the lone wolf accusation. The modeling co-PI was

jockeying for power over the outreach co-PI, and the outreach co-PI felt that she had

been attacked in his struggle for power within the team. This power struggle

destroyed any semblance of an interpersonal relationship between these two PIs. The

two rarely spoke after that and the modeling co-PI was not included in any of the

outreach workshops as initially planned.

In all of the examples from my field notes, jockeying for power appeared to have an

intense impact on the team’s communication competence, often destroying relation-

ships among members. Communicated power struggles seemed to be the result of one

team member, possibly insecure with his or her own role in the project, finding ways to

hijack the expertise of his or her teammates in order to gain power within the team. It is

also possible that this particular power struggle was related to traditional gender roles

and the role of gender in academia. Of course, it would takeanother focused investigation

to explore how gender influenced the small group dynamics of this IDR team.

This case study was an exploration and an attempt to articulate the key processes

that influence CCC in an interdisciplinary, academic IDR team. The development of

CCC was directly influenced by spending time together, building trust, effective task

talk, discussions of language differences, demonstrating participant presence,

reflexive talk, backstage communication, and shared laughter. The successful

development of CCC was challenged by the impact of conflict, which included

debating expertise, negative humor, behaviors of boredom, and jockeying for power.


CCC in academic IDR teams is enhanced when the team members trust each other,

demonstrate presence, use humor and challenging statements in a positive manner,

and invite opportunities for backstage and reflexive talk. Shared learning and

language use also enhanced CCC. Together these structures and processes influenced

the team’s ability to communicate effectively to address the task and maintain social

relationships among the team members. Unfortunately, other processes limited CCC.

CCC appeared to be compromised when team members were sarcastic, displayed

their boredom blatantly, and made judgmental comments intended to challenge the

integrity and expertise of another teammate. In addition, communicated power

Collective Communication Competence 293

struggles challenged expertise and shut down opportunities for communication. In a

few cases, these communicative processes destroyed relationships among team

members. Combined, these elements help to understand the nuances of commu-

nication competence in academic research teams. My analysis also suggests that IDR

teams may need to develop CCC to collaboratively address complex research

questions. Ultimately, effective teams will develop effective communication patterns,

just as effective communication patterns help teams to improve and develop

rewarding working relationships. My findings suggest that once a team negotiates

how to communicate, members can engage in collaborative problem solving. In this

team, it appeared that CCC required regular maintenance; members did not enter the

project with a preexisting set of communication norms.


These observations and interpretations are based on one academic IDR team, and

were analyzed by a sympathetic participant observer; meaning, they may not be

generalized to a wider population. As with any singular case study and ethnographic

investigation, there are limits in extrapolating findings. I would like to highlight three

limitations of this study. First, while ethnographic investigations of interdisciplinary

teams can enhance our understanding of communication processes in teams and

small groups, such investigations are limited because conclusions are generated from

one case study. Moreover, interdisciplinary teams in one university are different than

teams that include members from multiple universities. Likewise, such a team is

much different from an interorganizational team where members are included from

multiple institutions (e.g., government agencies, private sector businesses, NGOs,

nonprofits, and universities). The culture of academic institutions is very different

from the culture of a business or government agency. Many of the constraints and

challenges the team faced could be related to the expectations and organizational

culture of academia.

A second limitation is the fact that there was only one coder*alone, as the author

of my field notes and coder of my field notes, I was the only tool of analysis and

interpretation. To counter this limitation, I frequently shared my interpretations with

members of the research team and requested their feedback.

Finally, this study observed the first four years of the participants’ relationships

with each other. At the time of writing this manuscript many of the participants’ were

writing additional grants and submitting proposals for funding on many different

projects. This study only analyzed the beginning of their relational development, and

it is possible that as time goes on their relationships will continue to evolve. Despite

such limitations, the conclusions from this study can be used to inform IDR

practitioners, facilitators, and future studies of interdisciplinary communication.

Directions for the Future

I recognized many interesting facets of the group’s interaction that would be of

interest for further investigation. First, it would be useful to assess whether the

294 J. L. Thompson

conceptualization and variables of CCC presented here are evident in other case

studies of bona fide teams. Second, it would be useful to investigate how other teams

confronted similar challenges to CCC and promoted communication to better

facilitate the development of CCC. A third area of interest is the exploration of how

the role of the individual influences CCC development; perhaps certain types of

individuals are more or less competent communicators and bring such skills to

interdisciplinary team-based research.

Also I am led to ask how gender might influence CCC in interdisciplinary

academic research teams. Gender in this team was invisible most of the time, but at a

few interesting communication exchanges, a team member’s gender and stereotypical

gender roles were made explicit. It would be interesting to investigate how academic

researchers negotiate their gender and gender roles while communicating in IDR

teams. In short, there are many nuances to collective communication competence in

IDR teams, which deserve further exploration in future studies.

Practical Applications

The results of this analysis are intended to better understand interdisciplinary

communication, and may prove most useful for interdisciplinary team managers and

project coordinators. I outline four suggestions for team members and managers

based on my findings: (1) build in trust-building time, (2) host explicit discussions

about language differences, (3) schedule social time, and (4) confront communica-

tion challenges early.

First, interdisciplinary teams should write project proposals and team agendas to

include time for building trust and engaging in reflexive talk. Time is one of the most

sacred assets for any researcher, and team members may become frustrated if meeting

time is not being optimized. However, I suggest that time be allotted for team

members to recognize and discuss the need for trust and barriers to trust in their

team. This time should also facilitate reflexive communication about the team’s

relational evolution and development of CCC.

Second, team managers should make an effort to supplement talk about tasks with

explicit discussions about language differences. Many of the challenges this team

faced were related to jargon and terminology differences; such barriers can be

reframed as learning opportunities for the entire team. Managers should be cognizant

of concepts and terms that are not accessible to all members of the team, and make

room during the meeting time to dissect, discuss, and learn from such differences.

Third, teams might also consider scheduling social time for members to build

relationships and share laughter. I recommend that large teams set aside time for

members to network and mingle among themselves. Researchers may be much more

motivated to participate in collaborative work if some type of social benefit

accompanies the professional rewards for participating.

Finally, it appears that negative humor, debating expertise, communicating

boredom, and power struggles are an inherent part of interdisciplinary team

dynamics; efforts should be made to confront such challenges before nasty habits

Collective Communication Competence 295

become group norms. IDR teams could benefit from the use of a professional

facilitator. A professional facilitator can help the team to manage negative aspects or

the dark side of communication competence. Team members may not know how to

confront such conflicts or challenges. Instead of avoiding collaborative research

because of the possibility of unpleasant experiences, teams should include funding for

a facilitator to help the team reflect upon and navigate through such challenges. CCC

in interdisciplinary teams may develop faster with the assistance of a facilitator. Based

on this study, it seems that investing time and resources into actively working to

develop and maintain CCC benefits the team in the long run.


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