buckeye key fall 2011

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A Newsletter for Ohio Key clubbers. Articles include;


Editor’s Note Hey everyone! My name is Grace Buchholz and I am your 2011-2012 bulletin editor. I’m so excited for this upcoming year of service, friendship and fun through key club.

Here’s a little about me. I have been in key club since my freshman year (I am currently a Junior) and I have loved every minute of it. I go to Davidson high school, which is in central Ohio, and play the violin there (not well though). I also enjoy figure skating and art in my spare time.

I will be releasing a new Buckeye key every season, so next time you will hear from me is late November for the winter edition. I want to make this bulletin as useful for you as I can, so if there is a topic you would like me to write about please feel free to contact me. My contact Information is on page 15. Also something new I am trying this year is a raffle every edition. Somewhere in this bulletin is an opportunity to enter a raffle for a Starbucks gift card. That’s all for now, I wish you all the best as you start off the school year.

Buckeye Key Fall 2011 Back to School Edition

Table of Contents 1 editor’s note

2 International Trustee’s message

3 Questions With Nick DePorzio

4 Governor’s message/ Questions

5 International Convention Recap

6 District Service Project

6 K-Family Branches

7 Trick or Treat for UNICEF

8 Fall Rally

9 Key Club Week

10 Eliminate

11 Club Spotlight

12 Fun Fall Service

13 Alex’s Lemonade stand

14 Youth Opportunities Fund

15 Contact / Photos / Poll

Yours in Service, Grace Buchholz Ohio District Bulletin Editor Picture taken at International Convention in Phoenix.

International Trustee’s Message

To the Outstanding, Out-of-this-World, Ohio District!

Thank you so much. Thank you for all that you have done already and will do this year in your quest to make a difference, and thank you for allowing me to play a humble part in it all. What an unimaginable honor it will be too! Serving one of the most historic districts in Key Club International!

In my years with Key Club, I’ve learned that a year in service is nothing short of an adventure. Never without its discouraging shortfalls but always full of valiant triumphs! Passion drives us forward. It allows us to unite in fellowship and carry on our mission: to make a difference. If even the slightest improvement is made in a year, we are accomplishing our goal, we are making this world a better place whether that be in the local soup kitchen or through the neighborhood car wash.

Key Clubbers, I think, are really like superheroes! An individual Key Clubber can do such an incredible amount, but together, we can accomplish so much more! So please remember this year that there are tons of people here to support you in your efforts, here to work with you towards your goals. Myself as well as your phenomenal District Board are here for you, we’ve got your back, so use us as much as you can!

My wish is to see the service of every member blossom by being well supported and represented. Everything from resources to communication tools should be provided for you and to see what myself and the International Board is working on, check out my Trustee website at trustynick.com. It has blogs and tweets and all those gizmos and gadgets. There you should learn a bit about me too! Being a total self admitted nerd, mention anything about science or Harry Potter and we’ll be best buddies in a snap! And with that, this year should be like one big old friendship! So feel free to Facebook me up, give me call, or shoot me a text anytime!

I’m sure each of you possess nothing less than the deepest love, commitment and passion for what we’re doing, so, with our Sister Districts of New York and Ohio, let’s shake things up this year and really make a difference!

In the Deepest Friendship and Service,

Nick DePorzio

Q & A With Nick DePorzio

Q. What is your favorite part of Key Club?

A. My favorite part of Key Club is the fellowship that we embrace. To realize that thousands of unique individuals unite on the same principals is just simply moving, inspiring really! And we have so much fun doing it too!

Q. What do you do when your bored?

A. Oh gosh, don't judge me too much here! Well, I am a total self admitted nerd. Seriously, I love physics and people think I'm crazy for it! So it isn't uncommon for me to pick up a physics book if I have some free time. But I wouldn't be able to live without my friends, so movie nights and crazy adventures are always a fun addition!

Q. What is the strangest thing you have ever done and why?

A. Sheez-oh you're really trying to embarrass me now! Ok, so most people don't like airports, but I kind of love them and I've always wanted to stay the night at the airport. One day, I woke up and decided that I would try and make that dream come true. So I got a bunch of camping gear, everything from a tent to sleeping bags, and tried to camp at the airport! Well, when I got to security I learned two things. One, that you need a plane ticket to get through and two, that you look really strange with a bunch of camping gear in a security line. Oh silly times!

Q. What is your favorite service project? why?

A. My favorite service project has been helping out at my club's local soup kitchen. Not only because I had my Key Club moment there, but because I always experience just a great emotional connection with what we do every time I attend. To see the individuals and families we help, to hear from them how we've made a difference in their lives, it just touches my heart; it shows me how important the work we do is.

Q. Do you have a favorite scene in Harry Potter, if so what is it?

A. Oh ho ho! You could not have asked the biggest Harry Potter fan in the world a tougher question! Seriously, when you've dressed up to watch the movies... at home, you know you have a problem! I've loved every scene from Harry's 11th birthday to Voldemort's downfall too much to choose a single one! I'm still going through withdrawals since the last movie ended!

Governor’s Message

Hello Ohio District Key Clubbers!

My name is Breanna Learn and I will be serving as your 2011-2012 District Governor. I joined Key Club as a freshman and I have been an active ever since. My sophomore year I served as Medina High School's treasurer and my junior year as Lieutenant Governor for division 16W. I am also a founder for a safe teen driving program called MStar and I love to dance and sing. I have big plans for this year to improve this incredible district, and I hope to meet as many of you as I can! Have a wonderful year of service and fellowship.

Q & A With Breanna Learn

Q. What is your favorite part of key club?

A. Being around teens that value service as much as I do. It makes me feel good to know that when I'm at a meeting or event I am surrounding myself with quality individuals.

Q. What is your least favorite part of school?

A. Math, math, math, math, math. Numbers and I do not and have never gotten along.

Q. Favorite flavor of ice cream?

A. I can't choose! Anything I can get my hands on!

Q. What you do when you are bored

A. I go for a run or watch movies.

Q. Do you have any fun skills key clubbers don’t know?

A. Nothing too interesting about me. I run 6 days a week at least 2 miles, I love to dance, and I sing.

International Convention Recap

International convention (ICON) was held in Phoenix this year and was a ton of fun! From swimming in the huge pool, meeting over 1,300 key clubbers from all over the world, it was a busy few days.

Our flight left at 7:45 from Columbus and by the time we landed a little more than four hours later it was 9am. Needless to say we all felt a tad jet lagged, but that just made us all the more grateful for lunch when the hard rock café finally opened at 11:00. From there the Ohio group proceeded to the hotel where the first group of key clubbers we met was Aruba. Within the first 20 minutes we had already made some great new friends.

The First day culminated with a meet and greet where we danced, met new friends, traded pins and oh yea, rode a mechanical bull. Your friendly bulletin editor lasted 8 seconds.

During Icon attendees helped to elect the new international board. Caucuses were held just like at District Convention, but this time we were voting in trustees, international Vice President, and President. Through the course of convention we heard the candidates speak many times, there were many great options but in the end we had to make a vote at the House of Delegates. Annie Lewandowski is the new International President. For a complete list of the International board, visit the key club page.

At the Convention there were also many awesome forums. They had forums ranging from the eliminate project, to icebreakers, to yoga. There was something for everyone. Members of the district board also went to forums about their jobs, just as club board members do at DCON.

Aside from business there was also a lot of fun. At the service fair attendees got to hear about service projects from across the globe. A member from Southwest district even dressed up in a giant pepper suit. There were also two themed dances the first being a beach theme and the second a western one. A good time was had by all. On the last day, the group went to Wet and Wild for the morning and visited an old western town in the evening.

Attendees also enjoyed the views from their hotel rooms, making loads of international friends, and drinking an insane amount of Starbucks. Next year International Convention will be in Orlando Florida and, on behalf of the Ohio District we hope we will see you there!!

District Service Project

Every year your Ohio board has a new project that the whole state can participate in. The District Service (DSP) project is an opportunity for clubs across the state to get together and do something big. This year the project is called Drive in to Service. This does not mean driving in a car, instead it focuses on the actions you will be doing for this year’s DSP. You could hold a canned food drive, coat drive, anything is possible. Some ideas for fall include a school supply drive for children in your community who could not otherwise afford it, or a canned food drive for your local food pantry who’s demand goes up as it gets colder.

This Project is also designed to bring the branches of Kiwanis closer together. Have a local builders club? Challenge them to get their school to donate more gently used coats than yours. Maybe collaborate with your Kiwanis to hold a blood drive. Combine with Aktion club to collect food for your local pantry. The options are endless, and you may just make a few new friends along the way.

A little fuzzy on all the branches of Kiwanis? Here’s a refresher course;

Kiwanis- A global organization focused on helping the children of the world. They started it all. Kiwanians are amazing individuals who want to help, include them in your service projects and help out with theirs, you will learn a lot and meet some great people.

K-Kids- This is the elementary students’ branch of Kiwanis. They learn love of service through projects and activities.

Builders Club- The middle school branch is student lead and focuses on helping children across the world.

CKI – Circle K is Key club in college; it focuses on service, leadership, and fellowship. If you go to college, check if they have a Circle K and continue service.

Aktion Club- allows adults with disabilities to develop initiative and leadership through the vehicle of hands on service.


Trick or treat for UNICEF

Although Halloween seems far off now, it will be here before we know it. Although you may have stopped trick or treating years ago, there’s a reason to start again.

Since 1994 Key Club has partnered with UNICEF in their efforts to eliminate unnecessary deaths in children. UNICEF’s mission is simple, turn the number 22,000 into zero. 22,000 is the number of children who die everyday from things most of us never worry about, malnutrition, unsafe water, and lack of affordable vaccines. They have slashed the deaths by 1/3 in the past four years, and with your help that percentage can be even greater.

UNICEF provides;

-Child immunizations to nearly half the world’s children.

-Clean drinking water and sanitation, helping nearly 1.8 billion people with access to clean drinking water.

-More than 19 million anti-malaria bug nets in 2008 alone, helping to protect children in malaria prone areas of the world

-Nourishment to prevent malnutrition in many famine ravaged countries, brining children back from the brink of starvation.

-Care for children affected by AIDS, and ensures that infected pregnant women get the drugs they need to prevent the transmission of the virus to their babies.

Over the years, Key Clubbers have raised nearly $5 million for iodine deficiency programs worldwide, HIV and AIDS programs in Kenya and Swaziland and most recently Operation Uruguay: Protecting the Rights of Children. Key Club has a set a goal to raise $1.5 million through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF for Operation Uruguay, which will help combat poverty, social exclusion, high rates of school dropout, and teen pregnancy.

Now the question becomes, how do I sign up? Its simple, contact UNICEF or talk to your Kiwanis club about getting some of the orange boxes for donations. Then on Halloween night, dress up and go house to house. Instead of candy you will be collecting donations of coins and bills, it all helps. Once Halloween is over you send the money is. This Halloween you can do much more than get a few candy bars, you can help save the lives of children around the world.

Fall Rally 2011 is fast approaching! Ohio key club get ready for great speakers, games, service and lots of fun!

Fall Rally will be held at COSI again this year. This means after fall rally you can go explore COSI with your key club! You will have a chance to bond will your key club, and key clubbers from all across the state. Also there will be your lieutenant governors, and international trustee Nick DePorzio.

At the rally there will be baskets to bid on, and all proceeds go to charity. You will get to play games and learn more about key club. Lunch is also served, and you have plenty of time to bond with key clubbers from across the state.

Show your key club spirit and bring your wizard hat because the fall rally theme is the wonderful wizarding world of service! Stick around to learn the theme of District convention 2012!

Invite your friends, because Fall Rally 2011 is an event not to be missed!

Fall Rally 2011

Key club week is November 7th through 11th and is your opportunity to show your key club pride! Show others how amazing it is to change the world through service, friendship and fun. Each day key club international had provided a new way for us to share key club with others,

Monday November 7th- Get the word out about Key Club. Wear your key club t-shirt, plan a project or simply wear nametags prompting others to “ask me about Key Club”.

Tuesday November 8th- Thank your supporters. Use today to thank all the people who have helped you in key club. It could be as simple as thanking a friend, giving a thank you note to a teacher who helped you with a service project. You can also go all out, host an honorary dinner for those that have helped your key club succeed (ie. Kiwanians, student advisor, principal, parents). It doesn’t matter how you do it, just let those who have helped you know you care and appreciate it.

Wednesday November 9th- Connect the K’s. Attend or plan a meeting or service project with your local Kiwanis, Builders club, Aktion club, K-Kids, or Circle K. This is a great opportunity do a DSP service opportunity! Use this day to strengthen your bonds with the other branches of Kiwanis, even encourage younger members to someday join your club.

Thursday November 10th- Bring a friend to key club. Its simple more members= more service. Tell your friends about key club and possibly plan a celebration to invite them to so they can learn more about key club.

Friday November 11th- Your way! Have a celebration, do an awesome service project, whatever your heart desires, email what you did to ohiobulletineditor@gmail.com and it may appear in the next buckeye key!

Kiwanis, in partnership with UNICEF, has begun a new worldwide campaign and they need your help! Project Eliminate is poised to make history by eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus.

Maternal and neonatal tetanus is more than a deadly disease, it robs the mother of the ability to hold her newborn, comfort her dying child in any way . This painful disease kills one baby every nine minutes, but is completely preventable. Unsanitary birthing practices and lack of access to vaccine in remote parts of the world can result in a newborn contracting this disease. It kills within days, brining symptoms such as stiffness, difficulty breathing and painful convulsions triggered by the slightest sound or contact.

We can stop this disease. Maternal and neonatal tetanus has already been eliminated (less than one case in 1000 live births) in twenty countries since 2000. $1.80 can protect a mother and her future children from this terrible disease. The amount of money it costs to buy a soft drink can save a family from one of the greatest losses imaginable. Kiwanis is striving to raise 110 million dollars by 2015, effectively protecting 61 MILLION mothers and their future children.

Where does the money go?

-Toward immunizing women of reproductive age. Women in areas that have limited access to prenatal care, immunization and skilled birth attendants will be given the vaccine in three properly spaced rounds.

-Promotion of clean delivery practices. Educating rural doctors, and peoples on safe birthing practices.

-Immunization of pregnant women.

-Creation of a Kiwanis sustainability fund. Funds will help maintain the education and outreach, assuring that the progress made will continue.

How do you get started? It’s up to you. You can make an educational video or get one off the eliminate website to show your club/school. Maybe you like a more hands on approach, in that case try a carwash or other fundraiser. Not only can you make money to donate to the eliminate project but you can educate people as they buy your cookies or get their car washed. For more ways you and your club can help, visit the eliminate project website www.theeliminateproject.org

Club Spotlight

This past year, the Gahanna Lincoln High School (GLHS) Key Club initiated and participated in numerous service projects and fundraisers. GLHS Key Club members have devoted hundreds of hours outside of school for several service projects. We've written letters to patients at Nationwide Children's Hospital and war veterans; we've raised money for UNICEF and the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

In particular, through the organization Child Fund International, Key Club adopted “Bright Banda”, a young boy from Zambia. This adoption will ensure Bright has enough food, water, health resources, and play materials. In addition, GLHS Key Clubbers have been corresponding with Bright by writing him letters and sending him coloring book pages and stickers. Writing to Bright and his family has been extremely meaningful and touching for the GLHS Key Club.

In order to fund the adoption, GLHS Key Clubbers designed and sold lime green wrist bands with the phrase “Bands for Bright” inscribed on them. The fundraiser was a great way to raise awareness about Key Club as well as Child Fund International. Through service projects like “Bands for Bright” Key Clubbers have the opportunity to meet people from all different walks of life, honing their leadership skills, and make a positive difference in the world

Did your club just do an interesting service project? Email me at: ohiobulletineditor@gmail.com with a description of what your group did and maybe some pictures. You might just see your service project in the next Buckeye Key!

Fun Fall Service

It’s back to school time and we are all looking for something new and fun to start off the school year with. Service projects are a great way to make new friends, have a good time and make a positive impact in your community. Here are a few ideas to get you started; hopefully these will spark some ideas of your own.

1. School Supply drive- this is great as a school wide competition. See what class can bring in the most school supplies for needy kids in your community. There are many charities that will take donations.

2. Rake and Run- Do you know any elderly or disabled people in your

neighborhood that could use help when the leaves begin to fall? Organize a group and go around to help rake leaves. Stop at the house, hop out, rake the leaves, bag them, and run Its fun and shows that people do care enough to help each other out without wanting anything in return.

3. Gardening- Is a community garden or park flower bed looking a little worse for wear after this hot summer? Organize a group to go and help clean out weeds and water. You may be surprised how many of your key club friends have a green thumb!

4. Tutoring- Are you great at algebra, history, science, maybe French? Try tutoring classmates, middle school, or elementary school students. Even organize a free tutoring night at a local school where fellow key clubbers can help pass on their knowledge. It’s a great way to help the community and promote learning.

5. Book drive- Collect gently used books at your high school this fall. Everyone has a few books they bought, read once and are now just collecting dust. Donate these books to a needy library or needy students. Getting a new book can really help open up a kid’s mind to reading.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand

This August Medina High School Key Club raised an outstanding $500 for Alex’s Lemonade Stand!!! Alex’s Lemonade Stand is an organization that carries on Alex Scott’s (a girl who died at a young age from her cancer) lemonade stand that she once had to raise money to give to doctors to find a cure for cancer. This organization has made over $45 million to be used to fund more than 200 research projects, create a travel program to help support families of children receiving treatment and develop resources to help people everywhere affected by childhood cancer.

Over three days, 20 pounds of sugar, dozens of lemons, gallons upon gallons of water, 100 pounds of ice and fantastic Key Club service Medina Key Club has really helped out Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation as they do every summer. All the members who helped out really enjoyed the project; “Doing this lemonade stand was such a great experience and it was a wonderful cause to do service for!” said one member. Great job Medina High School Key Club, keep of the great service!

Youth Opportunities Fund

The Youth opportunities fund is a great opportunity to make a service project you thought was out of your financial capabilities, available. If you have an idea that will help the community, just needs some funding assistance here’s how to apply; Begin the Form. Obtain an official Youth Opportunities Fund grant application online at www.keyclub.org/service/yof. You’ll need to choose one Key Club member and one involved adult to be contacts for the selection committee. Have them complete the first two sections of the application form.

Declare your project. Prior to beginning your application, your club should have discussed the project with which they’d like YOF assistance. Write that project’s name and short description in the third section of the form, and continue to break it down in the next two sections: Problem – What made you choose the project you did? Describe the situation you seek to improve through your club’s service. Remember, the selection committee won’t be familiar with the circumstances of your application, so be as descriptive as possible in this section. Solution – Here you’ll find several questions as to how you will address the problem you’ve already stated. Be sure to include all necessary information, or your application may be denied.

Address the Finances. A meticulously prepared budget for your project is a must! Account for every dollar of both your YOF grant, and the additional funds you’ve raised for the project. Remember, you may request anywhere from $100 to $2000 from the Youth Opportunities Fund, but all that money must appear in your finished budget. It is acceptable to attach a separately prepared document to your application.

Complete and mail. There are four last statements included in the final section of the YOF application form. Once you’ve completed every field and read these conditions, have your Key Club member contact (from section one), adult advisor (from section two), and school principal sign and date the form. Mail all your documents to: Youth Opportunities Fund, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196 The selection committee will mail its final decisions no later than January 15.

REMEMBER! Submissions must received by Oct.15th

Want a free Starbucks gift card?

It’s easy, just answer this question, what is the key club motto? Email ohiobulletineditor@gmail.com before Oct 18th and be entered into a raffle to win! All you have to do is email your name, school, the motto, and an address I can send the card to if you win.

Contact me/ Photos/ Poll

Well that’s about all for this edition! I hope you have enjoyed it. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact me at the email listed below. If you have a service project for the club spotlight, or a topic you think I should write about feel free to tell me!

Email: ohiobulletineditor@gmail.com

Photos from ICON!!

What is your favorite part of key club?

This was the question posed to the Ltg’s, and here are their responses.


Making new friends.......................33%

Doing meaningful service projects……………..33%

Fall rally/ Dcon …….17%

Possibility of free food at club meetings………….…6%

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