btec media job roles

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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BTEC MediaRoles and responsibilities

The Production Process• Pre-Production• Production• Post-Production

• Distribution • Exhibition

Why have job roles?To ensure employees work as efficiently as possible it is important to have clearly defined job roles and responsibilities. This is particularly important in large firms to ensure no part of the workload is overlooked. In smaller organisations job roles may be less structured as employees may be required to take on a variety of tasks and responsibilities. Clear job descriptions and personal remits enable workers to focus on their job-specific tasks. It allows employees to prioritise their workload and reduce the chance of work duplication. In the offshore environment, where safety is a key priority, defined roles and responsibilities ensure that workers are competent and qualified for the tasks they undertake.

Key roles in media production

•Director•Production Manager/ Producer•Casting Director•Screenwriter•Sound operator/ technician• Editor

DirectorThe Director is the driving creative force in a film's production, and acts as the crucial link between the production, technical and creative teams. Directors are responsible for creatively translating the film's written script into actual images and sounds on the screen - he or she must visualize and define the style and structure of the film, then act as both a storyteller and team leader to bring this vision to reality. Directors' main duties include casting, script editing, shot composition, shot selection and editing, also other duties include always being aware of the constraints of the film's budget and schedule. Being a Director requires great creative vision, dedication and commitment. Directors are ultimately responsible for a film's artistic and commercial success or failure so it is a very important job role within the industry.

Production Manager/ProducerProduction Managers organize the business, finance and employment issues in film and television productions. As a Production Manager, you would be in charge of how the production budget is spent and making sure that everything runs smoothly during filming. To become a Production Manager you will need substantial experience in TV or film, in-depth understanding of the production process, and a network of contacts in the industry.

A Producer sets the situation for the production of a television show or movie. A film Producer initiates, coordinates, supervises and controls all aspects of a production, from fundraising and hiring key personnel, to arranging for distributors. The Producer sees the project through to the end, from development to completion. Traditionally, the film Producer is considered the chief of staff while the director is in charge of the line. This "staff and line" organization mirrors that of most large corporations and the military. Under this arrangement, the Producer has overall control of the project and can terminate the director, but the director actually makes the film.

Casting DirectorCasting Directors organize and facilitate the casting of actors for all the roles in a film. This involves working closely with the director and producer to understand their requirements, and suggesting ideal artists for each role, as well as arranging and conducting interviews and auditions. Once the parts are cast, the Casting Director negotiates fees and contracts for the actors, and acts as a liaison between the director, the actors and their agents. Casting Directors must have an extensive knowledge of actors and their suitability for a particular role. On larger productions, Casting Directors may supervise casting assistants, who will support and assist them in this work.

Screen writerScreenwriters create ideas and bring stories to life in scripts for feature films, TV comedy and drama, animation, children's programmes and computer games. As a screenwriter, you might develop your own original ideas and sell them to producers. Alternatively, producers may commission you to create a screenplay from an idea or true story, or to adapt an existing piece such as a novel, play or comic book.

Your work would typically involve:•coming up with themes and ideas•researching background material•developing believable plots and characters•laying out the screenplay to an agreed format•preparing short summaries of your ideas and selling (known as 'pitching') them to producers or development executives•getting feedback about the first draft of your work from producers or script editors•rewriting the script if necessary (you may need to do this several times before arriving at the final agreed version).

Sound OperatorSound technicians are required to assemble, operate and maintain the technical equipment used to record, amplify, enhance, mix or reproduce sound.They identify the sound requirements for a given task or situation and perform the appropriate actions to produce this sound. Sound technicians of different types are required in a range of industries including film, broadcasting (radio or television), live performance (theatre, music, dance), advertising and audio recordings.As a sound engineer, you would control the sound at live events such as theatre performances and music concerts. You would operate microphones, amplifiers and control desks to balance the sound levels, and you might also provide background music and sound effects.

Camera OperatorA Camera Operator works with digital, electronic and film cameras in multi and single camera operational conditions, producing pictures for directors by combining the use of complex technology with creative visual skills. The work is based in either a studio, where the Camera Operator usually follows a camera script (which gives the order of shots practiced at rehearsal and is cued by the director during recording) or on location, where there is likely to be more opportunity for creativity through suggesting shots to the director. A Camera Operator usually works under the direction of a director or director of photography and is sometimes supported by a camera assistant (or a focus puller/clapper loader, although with the advent of digital and electronic cameras these functions are in decline). The role is an interesting mix of the creative and technical.

EditorFilm Editors assemble footage of feature films, television shows, documentaries, and industrials into a seamless end product. They manipulate plot, score, sound, and graphics to refine the overall story into a continuous and enjoyable whole. On some films, the film Editor is chosen before cast members and script doctors; people in Hollywood recognize that the skills of a good film Editor can save a middling film. Film Editors spend a long time perfecting and honing their craft. Like most industries, the film industry has embraced new technology. Assistant Editors must now have strong computer skills to work in the industry. While some Editors stay removed from the project during the filming process so as not to steer the director away from his or her concept of the film, many of them do visit the director on set while production is underway. Nevertheless, the majority of a film Editor’s work is done alone.

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