brook trout bottom fins (pectoral, anal, pelvic ) have white margins spots on side merge along top...

Post on 22-Jan-2016






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Brook Trout

• Bottom fins (pectoral, anal, pelvic ) have white margins

• Spots on side merge along top and appear worm like

• Slight notch in the tail fin

Brown Trout

• Brown in color

• Red or gray – yellow spots surrounded by a white halo

• Spotted adipose fin

Rainbow Trout

• Rainbow color characteristic on the sides

• Black spots on the body and fins

Rio Grande cutthroat trout

• Red slash marks below the jaw. Large black irregular spots on tail and upper 2/3rds of the body

Gila Trout

• Gold / Copper Color

• Black spots on upper half of the body and on the dorsal and caudal fins

• Dark splotches along center line

Channel catfish

• Deep forked tail, upper jaw projects beyond bottom jaw

• Dark spots on body, white belly

Flathead catfish

• Flat head, lower jaw projects beyond upper jaw. Pale yellow belly, mottled color.

• Rounded caudal fin

Yellow bullhead catfish

• Lower body has yellow color. The anal fin is rounded, fins are dusky brown and the head is depressed.

Smallmouth bass

• Yellow-green with vertical bands

• Jaw hinge slightly forward of the eye

Largemouth Bass

• Usually dark green, dark splotches form a horizontal line.

• Dorsal fin almost divided.

• Upper jaw reaches behind rear margin of the eye

Striped bass

• Olive green back, white belly with dark horizontal stripes.

• Doral fin is separated


• The gill fringe is blue in color, with a black patch on the back of the gill. It has five dark vertical bars on the sides. Body tends to be orange in color.


• Eyes locate near the top of the head. Dark flecking on the body.


• Hard segmented exoskeleton. May be brown, yellow or green I pair of antennae and one pair of pinchers.

Kokanee Salmon

• Bright silver on the sides. As they mature the female has a blue /green color and the male turns red with a hooked jaw.


• The light reflects light, giving it the shiny glossy appearance. White belly with a yellow/olive colored body. Usually has five dark saddles on the back


• Small eyes, has thick lips with a barbel at the corner of its mouth. The carp has very large scales.


• Elongated head with the small mouth adapted for bottom feeding. Heavily scaled and a tinge of red or pink on its sides

Northern Pike

• Olive green body with elongated white spots. Single dorsal fin and has a white underline, teeth are very evident.

Longnose Gar

• Extremely long nose with numerous teeth. Long cylindrical body with a white underline. The dorsal fin is located almost in front of the tail fin.

Canada goose

• Large brown goose

• Long black neck

• White Chin strap

Snow Goose

• White goose, black on the tips of the primary wing feathers.

Mallard - Male

• Green head, yellow bill, white ring on neck, gray back, blue wing speculum.

Mallard - Female

• Orange bill with a black central patch. Dark cap and eye line. Mottle brown with a blue wing speculum.

Pintail - Male

• Long pointed tail, blue – gray bill with a black stripe down the middle. White stripe on the back of then neck. Green wing speculum.

Pintail - Female

• Bluish bill, yellow brown in color, pale green wing speculum

Shoveler - Male

• Pronounced bill. Dark green head, white breast. Light blue shoulder patch, black – green speculums

Shoveler - female

• Gray – brown buff in color, light blue shoulder patch, black-green speculum

• Pronounced bill

Gadwall - Male

• Grayish color, white patch on back of wing edge, black rump. Folded wings appear to have red/brown stripes

Gadwall - Female

• Mottled brown color, white patch on wing edge.

Wigeon - Male

• Brown body with a white abdomen, green on the back of the head. Pale yellow to white fore head. Pin/gray breast, green speculum. Blue Bill

Wigeon - female

• Brown mottled body with a green wing speculum. Blue bill

Wood Duck - Male

• Very colorful, body may be green, purple, burgundy. Green crested head and a white throat. Long square tail.

Wood Duck - Female

• Brown to gray in color, white patches around the eyes. Crested head.

Green-winged teal Male

• Cinnamon colored head with a green wing patch. White stripe down the side between the wing and breast. It has a black bill and feet and legs.

Green-winged , Female

• The female has a light brown head and neck with a whitish throat, green patches on the wing.

Cinnamon teal - Male

• Cinnamon colored head and body. Long dark bill, red eyes. Spatulate bill.

Cinnamon teal - Female

• Brown eye, pale head

Blue –winged teal, male

• The male has a blue gray head, a white curved stripe between the bill and the eye. Speckled pink and gray body.

Blue-winged teal, female

• Speckled black, white and brown body. The bill is black and blue

Canvasback, male

• Red head, long black bill, sloping forehead. Black chest with grey-white body.

Canvasback - female

• Lighter colored head than the male. Long bill and sloping fore head are evident.

Lesser scaup - male

• Dark green metallic head, speckled back, white side. Blue bill with a black nail tip.

Lesser scaup - female

• Blue bill, black nail at tip, white band at the base of the bill, dark body.

Ring-necked duck - male

• Dark head, very dark purple ring seen on the neck. Upper body and rear are black. Bill is blue/grey, white bordered with a black tip.

Ring-necked duck - female

• Bill is blue grey , white bordered with a black tip. Tan sides, brown back and white belly.

Common merganser - male

• Green-black head, white flanks, breast and belly. Long red, pointed, serrated bill. Dark back, white flanks, breast and belly.

Common merganser - female

• Long orange serrated bill. Brown head, grey back and grey/white body

Hooded Merganser - male

• Yellow eye, black head and back, large white patch in the center of the crest.

Hooded merganser - female

• Brown eye, gray brown head and body, faint red tinge to the crest, white belly.

Common goldeneye - male

• Dark metallic head, yellow eye, gently sloped forehead, small black bill. White patch in front of the eye.

Common goldeneye - female

• Reddish brown head, gray body and goldeneye.

Bufflehead - male

• Front of the head and the top half of the body are black. The lower half of the body is white. White bar from the eye to the back of the head.

Bufflehead - female

• Sooty Grey body , white spot behind the eye.


• Male Red head, short blue bill, grey back and middle.

• Female has a brown head and light brown body


• Duck like aquatic bird. Gray body, black head, white pointed bill. Partially webbed feet.

Ruddy Duck

Whooping Crane

• White in color with black wing tips. Red Fore head and cheeks

Sandhill Crane

• Gray bird up to 60” tall. Has a red crown, long pointed bill, whitish cheeks.

Great Blue Heron

• Long legged gray bird which may be four feet tall. White head with a dark crest. Long feathers on the lower neck.

Least Tern

• The top of the head and neck are black, the forehead is white. It has an orange bill with a black tip.


• Small stocky body. Short thick banded bill. Brown in color, darker on the back and head. White under tail coverts, feet set far back on the body.

Red – Tailed Hawk

• Broad tailed hawk. Top side of tail feathers are red. Black spots across the middle of the breast.

Cooper’s hawk

• The Beak is short with a rounded tip. The wings are short, broad and rounded. Long tail that is rounded on the tip and has black stripes.

Sharp shinned hawk

• Short broad wings. The tail has black bands and is squared off. Adults have a dark crown.

Swainson’s hawk

• There are two color phases. Light=immature Dark = mature. Brown feathers on head and neck resemble a

hood. It has a speckled breast.

Golden Eagle

• Dark brown body with golden colored feathers on the head of mature birds. The cere and feet are yellow. Feathers on the shanks, but not on the feet.

Bald Eagle

• Black body with white feathers on the head and tail. There are no feathers on the shanks or the feet

Peregrine Falcon

• Black mustache mark below the eye, spotted breast and legs. Narrow tail.

Great horned owl

Large gray bodied owl with tufts of feathers on its heads that appear to be horns. Feathers on the shanks and feet

Burrowing Owl

• Small owl, somewhat round and puffy looking. No feathers on the shanks or feet.

Turkey Vulture

• Black body. Red head bare of feathers. Yellow feet.

Merriam’s turkey

• Small blue head, red neck. Body has metallic appearing reflective feathers. Buff colored bands of color on the tail feathers.

Rio Grande turkey

• Small blue head with a red neck. Longer legs than other breeds of wild turkeys. The body appears to be somewhat copper colored

Prairie Chicken

• Small Chicken like bird, short square tail. The male has orange/ yellow air sacs and eyebrows.

Scaled Quail

• Scale like feathers on the breast and abdomen. Gray brown head, blue about the head and neck

Bobwhite Quail

Males have a white throat and eye line with a black eye bar. The lower breast is black and white mottled color. The female eye bare and throat are buff colored.

Mearn’s Quail

• Harlequin marked face, large eyes, heavily spotted sides

Ring-necked pheasant

The male head is iridescent blue, green or purple. He has a white collar, red skin on the cheek. Long brown tail. The female is brown mottled color.

Blue grouse

• Dark in color with faint white mottling on back and under wings. Yellow to purple air sac on males. Yellow to orange comb over the eye

Band-tailed pigeon

• Blue grey body with white and grey to black bands of color on the tail.

Mourning dove

• Brown head and body, blue grey wings with black spots, long pointed tail.

White-winged dove

• Light blue-grey body, short blunt tail, white evident on the wings.

White-tailed ptarmigan

• White outer tail feathers, red comb, mottled brown in summer, white on wings and belly, entirely white in winter.

Black Bear

• Smallest North American bear. Short stocky bear, thick legs, small ears. Color may be black, blonde, cinnamon.


• Some what beef like in appearance. Large heavy fronted mammal. Large crest, very dark, hairy face, curved upright horns.

Grizzly Bear

• Very large bear that may be blonde, brown or black in color. Large hump on shoulders, large round head.


• Largest of the deer family. Long legged with dark fur. Large droopy nose with dewlap hanging from the chin. Large palmate antlers.

Mountain Goat

• Thick fluffy white hair. Black horns 6-10” in length.

Pronghorn Antelope

• Tan on the upper half of the body and white on the bottom, white rump, black horns, neck is dark with a white stripe.

Mule Deer

• Brown coat, large ears, dark patch on the forehead. White rump the tail is white with a black tip. Antlers grow up and the main beam forks.

White-tailed deer

• Brown body with a white underside. The underside of the tail is white, there is white ring on the nose and white on the throat. Antlers curve forward over the face.

Elk• Tan colored body, dark legs

and neck. Cream colored rump with a short tail.

Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep

Brown body, white on the eye patch, rump , muzzle, belly and back of legs. Massive horns spiral back from the top of the head. Both sexes have horns.

Desert bighorn sheep

• Same color as the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep but not as stocky. The horns are flatter and spread wider from the head


• Small pig like animal ( 12-16” tall). Very coarse black and white speckled hair, white band around the shoulders.

Oryx• Both sexes have black spear like horns. Black

markings on a white face, fawn colored body.


• Goat like animal. Males have a beard, both sexes have horns. Males horns are long and semi circular, female horns are much shorter than the male

Barbary Sheep

• Brown body, long mane hangs from the throat, chest and upper fore legs. Both sexes have wrinkled horns that bend out and then back.

Gray fox

• Salt and pepper coat, the underline and neck are buff/orange in color. There is a black stripe from the rump to

Swift fox

• The smallest of all foxes it has very large ears. The coat is salt and pepper color, the underline is buff/orange and white. There is a black tip on the tail.

Red Fox

• Reddish brown fur. White underline and a white tip on the tail.

Gray wolf

• Very large, 2-2.5 feet tall and 4-5 feet in length. Color will vary from gray, white red to black. More massive and sturdy in structure than a coyote.


• The coyote is dog like with a round bushy tail. Very coarse hair that varies in color, mostly gray but can be brown, black, rust colored.


• The bobcat has a short tail, tawny gray body with black spots. Broad cheek ruff, small tufts of black hair on the ends of the ears.

Mountain Lion

• Tawny color above, buff underline, small round ears, long black tipped tail.


• May be black or have yellow/brown fur with dark rosette markings. The lower tail will have black rings.


• Brown body, black mask around the eyes, 4-6 orange and black rings on the tail.



• Brown body, long tail with alternating dark brown and light brown stripes


• Slender cat like body, long tail with alternating black and white rings. Large ears with white rings around its eyes


• Broad squat body, white stripe from the nose over the head to the shoulders. White stripe between the eye and ear.

Stripped Skunk

• Black head and body. White stripe between the eyes. White stripe on each side from the top of the head to the tail

Spotted Skunk

• Smaller than a striped skunk, has spots rather than stripes the length of the body.

Hognose Skunk

• Top of head back and tail are white while the lower portion of the body is black. It has a large blunt pig like nose.


• Large soft furred rodent. It has a large flat scaly tail, two large front teeth, short ears and webbed hind feet.


• Brown in color, it has a long scaly tail that is flat from side to side, pale color below the throat.

Norway rat

• Will have brown to black fur. Ears and tail are bald. The length of tail is shorter than the length of body.

Black rat

• The black rat is brown to gray in color. It has coarse fur. Sparse hair on the tail. The tail is also scaly. The length of the tail is longer than the length of head and body.

Deer mouse

• Approximately 8” in length including the tail. Tan or brown in color with a white belly and throat. Large round hairless ears.


• A rodent nearly as large as a beaver, it has a long scaly rat like tail. It has webbed feet, orange incisors and a white chin.

Mexican vole

• A small brown short tailed mouse.

Yellowbelly marmot

• A heavy bodied rodent with gray brown fur. Yellow patches on the neck, front legs and rear legs. White bar on the nose and lips.


• Quill bearing rodent.


• Dark buff color speckled with black. It has large ears and long legs.

Cottontail rabbit

• Small brown rabbit with black and white speckles, white tail like ball of cotton short ears.

Black-footed ferret

• Long weasel like body. It has black mask around the eyes, black legs.

Long-tailed weasel

• Long slender brown body, bushy tail, yellow/white belly and neck, pure white in the winter.

Prairie Dog

• Robust small rodent with a fat round body. Brown with a light colored belly. Short legs.

Pocket gopher

• Dark brown upper body with a light brown underline. Total length of 5 ½” to 9”. Hairless tail and ears. Large stout front legs

Kangaroo Rat

• A rat that resembles a miniature kangaroo. Very large hind legs and feet, long tail and large dark eye.


• Moles have a cylindrical fur covered body with small or covered eyes, ears are not visible. They have large fleshy feet and snout


• Easily recognized by it outer shell which is made of bone. Long ant eater like nose and short powerful legs.


• Grey to black in color. The opossum has a pink nose, tail and feet. The nose is long an pointed and the ears are often black in color.


• Yellow grey in color with black and white stripes from the nose to tail.

Rock Squirrel

• Mottle coat grey/brown in the front, brown behind, buff/white underline. Long bushy variegated tail.

Fox squirrel

• The fox squirrel has a brown/gray body with a red underline, cheeks and a red black speckled tail.

Gray Squirrel

• The upper body is gray in color, underline and bottom of the tail are white. Black tufts of hair on the tips of the ears.

Red Squirrel

• Reddish gray in color, white underline, large bushy tail.

Tassel-eared squirrel

• Cylindrical body with grey fur on the upper body and a white underline. The ears are long and broad with tufts of hair on the ends


Desert Box Turtle

• Black to red/brown shell, yellow lines radiate from the center.

Common snapping turtle

• The color varies from tan to brown and olive color. The skin on top is brown and the skin on the bottom is yellow/cream. It has a large head with two barbels on the chin. Five clawed toes on each foot.

Alligator snapping turtle

• Alligator snapping turtles have a beak like jaw, ridged shell and spikes on the tail and neck. Mean disposition, like an Ag. teacher on the last day of the fair.

Horned lizard

• Flat toad like bodies, they have a row of sharp points on the head.

Collared Lizard

• Very prominent black bands behind the head. Green body with white, yellow or red speckling.

Whiptail lizard

• The whiptail has a long slender body with a pointed snout and a long tail. The color may be brown, tan or olive with stripes or spots of yellow or white.


• Salamanders are found in a variety of colors. They resemble a lizard with a wet waxy appearance.

Gila Monster

• A thick bodied lizard with black, yellow, pink splotches of color. The body has a bead like texture.


• The color will vary from blue, to gray to beige. They appear to have diagonal lines of scales and a thick tail.


• Heavy bodied snake, grows 3-5’ in length. Light brown in color with dark brown or black splotches, may have a yellow underline.

Diamondback Rattlesnake

• Triangular head with a pit between the eyes, diamond pattern along the top and rattles are present.

Coral Snake

• Recognized by the alternate bands of color. Red and black band s are wide while the white or yellow bands are narrow.

Garter Snake

• The garter snake has three stripes down its back. The stripes may be white or yellow.

Ringneck snake

• The body color will vary from blue grey to tan or black. It has a flat, black head with a light white ring behind the head.


• Very long slender snake. The head will be darker than the rest of the body. Generally tan or cream colored.

Western prairie rattlesnake

• Body color may vary form cream, yellow, brown or green. One row of dark blotches on the back. Two rows of small blotches on each side

Blacktailed rattlesnake

• The body may be green, yellow or gray. Thick bodied and have dark irregular blotches on the back, blotches have light center. The nose and tail are black.

Mojave rattlesnake

• The color will vary with terrain, mainly green or yellow. Diamond shape pattern diminishes toward the tail. Offset stripe pattern is different from the diamond back.

Bullfrog• Dorsal color is usually green but may vary to

brown. The sides and belly are usually yellow or white.


• Usually bright green in color. The white underline is separated by black spots.


• Quite often blue in color but that may vary to brown and almost black. Can recognized by the large crest.


• Brown to black top line with a red breast and yellow beak. The female will have a reddish brown breast.

Red-winged blackbird

• Black bird with a red or yellow wing bar.


• Black grey speckled body with a white underline. Feathers stand vertically on top of the head. Tail feathers a black metallic in color.


• Small bird with a very long beak. Brightly colored metallic feathers.

Brown Thrasher

• Brown back with a white breast. Brown streaks on the breast. It has a yellow eye and a long slender bill. It’s face is gray


• Totally black in color, heavy thick beak.

House sparrow

• The back is brown with black streaking, the breast and belly are gray. The neck and cheek are white. A short stout bird.

House finch

• The male has a bright red head neck and upper breast. In the female those areas are brown. The top of the rump is also red. It has a short convex bill.


• Resembles a crow in body shape. The wing speculum and lower breast are white.


• Red body and crest. The wings are gray brown. Black face with an orange bill.

House Wren

• Grayish brown upper body, with a pale breast and lower body. A white eye brow is visible as are jagged bars of color on the wings.


• Black cap (crest) and throat, with white cheeks. Gray back and brown breast. Gray and white striped wings.

Eastern bluebird

• Bright blue back and head. The upper breast is orange and the lower breast is white Primary wing tips are black.

Mountain bluebird

• Bright blue back and head. Upper breast is blue and fades into white on the lower breast

Purple martin

• Glossy dark purple feathers. Some brown streaking on the breast and tail.

Ruby-throated hummingbird

European starling

• Black with yellow bill. The feathers have green/purple iridescence. White spots are scattered on the body. The wings and tail are black in color.


• Mottled gray brown body with gray tail feathers. Orange on the cheek and around the eye. White stripes on the wings


• Black stripe down the top of the head. Cheeks and upper

breast are white. Back wings and tail are blue gray in color.

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