bringing the bible to life · 2018. 7. 2. · kent kloter associate pastor of biblical counseling...

Post on 24-Mar-2021






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Bringing the Bible to Life Biblical Counseling Workshops

Bethany Biblical Counseling Ministries

Is the Bible Relevant for Today’s Counseling Problems?

Track I.1

Kent Kloter

Associate Pastor of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship

Adam Needed counsel before sin

28 …And God said to

them, “Be fruitful and

multiply & ill the earth

& subdue it & have

dominion …” 29 And

God said, “Behold, I have

given you every plant…,

& every tree... You shall

have them for food.

Not Autonomous! Intelligent, but incomplete; never intended

to understand himself or his world apart

from God’s Special Revelation

Didn’t know his…




God created Adam to be RELIANT

Reflector (mirror-image of God)

Relational (w/God, self, Eve, Creation)

Receiver (needed God’s Word)

Reasoning Logical, rational, considering

Responder (worshiper, worker/servant)

Righteous (pure)


Ruler (Dominion-haver)


Needed God’s Word to know his


Needed God’s Word to know his


Mirror God’s image (individually) 1:26

Be fruitful & multiply 1:28

Manage – “subdue the Earth” 1:28

Work – the Garden 2:15

Guard [keep] the garden 2:15

Mirror God’s Image (as a couple) 2:23

Needed God’s Word

to know his Needs

Obey God’s Word (15 commandments)

Live in fellowship with God 2:15

“Live here” 2:15

Eat, eat this, eat all this, 2:16

in abundance, except… 2:17

Helper-suitable 2:18

Adam Needed to Obey

12 “DO” Commandments in the Garden

1. Live here

2. Work here

3. Guard here

4. Eat freely and widely here

5. Take dominion

6. Love your wife

Adam Needed to Obey

12 “DO” Commandments in the Garden

7. Leave and cleave

8. Multiply

9. Enjoy pleasure

10. Know me

11. Worship me

12. Obey me

Adam Needed to Obey

1. 3 “DON”T” Commands of the Garden

2. Don’t eat of this one tree

3. Don’t live alone

4. Don’t disobey

Adam’s State @ Creation


Vertical Purity – no sin, intimacy w/God


Peace-of heart/mind/soul,


Pleasure-comfort-no pain/grief

Plans-always met-no


Horizontal Personal relationships-no conflict

External Provision-all needs met-no wants

Protection-perfect safety, justice

Adam’s state at Creation

God gave Adam EVERYTHING he needed

Physically in the GARDEN

Man shall live…

by every word from

God’s mouth…Matt.4:4

God gave Adam EVERYTHING he needed

Spiritually thru His WORD

Another “Counselor”

Did God actually say?

God’s Word must not be enough to help me…

I must need more than what God has already

revealed …

Did He tell

us enough?

Did He withhold

something we

need to know?

Adam’s State after the Fall

Adam & Eve enjoyed perfect… Rebellion’s Disruption

Purity – no sin, intimacy w/God Guilt, shame, fear, condemnation

Peace-of heart/mind/soul,


Fear, confusion, regret

Pleasure-comfort-no pain/grief Pain, suffering

Plans-always met-no


Failure, disappointment

Personal relationships-no conflict Isolation, rejection

Provision-all needs met-no wants Loss, hardship, pain,

Protection-perfect safety, justice Harm, injury, shame

Exchange for Listening

to “another counselor”

Reflector Disfigured

Relational Dissenter

Receiver Disconnected

Reasoning Deceived (noetic)

Responder Defector

Righteous Depraved

Reliant Destitute

Ruler Dominated

From Dependence to Depravity Needed God Needed God’s Word Needed a helper

Rescue from sin Restoration & Forgiveness Righteousness

Rescue from corrupted reasoning

(noetic effect)

5 “Cursed is the man who trusts

in man and makes flesh his strength, whose

heart turns away from the Lord. 6 He is like a

shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good

come. He shall dwell in the parched places of

the wilderness, in an

uninhabited salt land. …

ESV Jer.17:5-6

Results of Listening

to “another counselor”

Human Wisdom is Unreliable

"The heart is deceitful above all things and

desperately sick;

Who can understand it? …

"I, the LORD,

search the heart, I test the mind,

ESV Jer. 17:9-10a

Human Wisdom is

Foolishness 19For the wisdom of this world is folly with

God. For it is written, “He catches the

wise in their craftiness,” 20 and again,

“The Lord knows the thoughts of the

wise, that they are futile.” ESV 1 Cor 3:19-20



THAT WILL ENHANCE GOD’S WORD (Special Revelation).

Is God’s Word is Reliable?

Forever, O Lord, your word

is firmly fixed in the heavens. Psalm


Is God’s Word Relevant?

For us to discern our Identity?



To help us in our troubles?

Is God’s Word Relevant?

continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it 15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

ESV 2 Tim.3:14-17

Is God’s Word Relevant?

16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and

profitable for teaching, for reproof, for

correction, and for training in

righteousness, 17 that the man of

God may be competent, equipped for

every good work. ESV 2 Tim.3:14-17

God’s Word is Relevant

3 His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,

through the knowledge of him who called

us to his own glory and excellence, ESV 2 Peter 1:3-4

God’s Word is Relevant

4by which he has granted to us his precious and

very great promises, so that through them you

may become partakers of the divine nature,

having escaped from the corruption that is in the

world because of sinful desire. ESV 2 Peter 1:4



•Summarize your main take-aways from this

session, especially noting any areas that were either

unclear to you or that you might disagree.

• Fundamentals of the Faith Workbook

lesson #1, make sure to listen to the audio message

first at



•Psalm 19; Psalm 119

•Five audio messages entitled “The

Sufficiency of Scripture” @

•Pamphlet: Why Biblical Counseling,

Craig Rowe

•Paperback: What to Do on Thursday,

Jay E. Adams

•Paperback: Unleashing God’s Word in

Your Life, John MacArthur

•Book: Think Biblically, John MacArthur

Additional materials, recommended for further study, not required

Bringing the Bible to Life Biblical Counseling Workshops

Bethany Biblical Counseling Ministries

Kent Kloter

(309) 508-1755

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