brian o'neill, sarasota - 5 easy, green indredients for diy cleaning solutions

Post on 15-May-2015






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With just five, name them, five green ingredients you can accomplish ten cleaning tasks around your home. Brian O’Neill is a skilled entrepreneur from Sarasota, Florida with 30 years of business experience. Business ventures include O’Neill’s Lawnservice, HouseMaids, New England Turf-Tech, and B.J.O. Courier Service. Visit for more information.


Cleaning Your Home With 5

Easy Ingredients

Brian O’Neill, HouseMaidsSarasota, Florida

With just five, name them, five green ingredients, you can accomplish ten cleaning tasks around your home.

1. Baking SodaTo make it more appropriate and effective for washing, heat it in the oven so it won’t clump up.

2. Castile Soap

It’s made from oil (usually olive oil) and smells lovely.

3. BoraxBorax is a product that’s safe for cloths and comes from naturally occurring minerals.

4. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice will make things smell great and it is effective for grease and mold.

5. VinegarVinegar is the final green ingredient that is used by many and widely respected as a cleaning agent.

Using these five ingredients you can blend your own, green cleaning products right in your own home. This will help the environment and save you money. But what to do with these new cleaning products?

Clean Your Upholstery!

Make a homemade stain remover from water, castile soap, and vinegar.

Disinfect Your Home!

To disinfect areas around your house try water, borax, vinegar, and a little lemon juice for smell.

Wash Your Dishes!

To do your dishes in a clean way, combine water, castile soap, vinegar, lemon juice, and washing soda for your own dishwashing detergent

Do Your Laundry!

Combine 2 parts Borax with 2 part washing soda and grated castile soap for perfect laundry detergent.

Dust Your Furniture!

Try a little spray bottle of water, vinegar, and lemon.

Clean Your Floors!

Sprinkle your carpet with baking soda before vacuuming for ultimate freshness. For mopping floors, keep it simple with some vinegar and water.

Scrub Your Bathroom!

To scrub the toilet, tub and sink combine baking soda and washing soda for the grit and freshness. You can even use baking soda and vinegar to unclog the drain!

Wash Your Windows!

For the streak free shine on windows try equal parts vinegar and water and use newspaper, instead of cloth, to wipe it down.

Enjoy you new line of DIY green cleaning products!

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