break out of your rut

Post on 21-May-2015






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Brief presentation designed to help you break out of a rut when you are unemployed.


Break Out of Your Rut

Laura Parrino Byxbe

Career Management Consultant

Right Management Consultants

Rut Time is running out… Why am I here? What will I do with the rest of my life? What does it all mean?

The role of Crisis in your rut… Mid life calling of the soul Result of loss Reaction to change

What Keeps Us Stuck Not knowing what we want Stoicism Distraction (busy-ness) Fear Difficult job market Lack of portable skills A required tradeoff (family, health insurance)

What Keeps Us Stuck No energy Lethargy, complacency Depression High Tolerance for Pain Disaproval

New Adult Life Span Advances in healthcare, globalization and

technology have altered our world We are maturing earlier and living longer Multiple adulthoods instead of just one! Transitions occur because of loss and

change This is your chance to start over

What do I want… Job… Career…. Calling…

Choices about work… Making a living and having a financial plan to

take care of our dependents is part of life. But we must be certain to recognize the difference between authentic sacrifice and self-imposed masochism. The ultimate gift that adults pass on to the young, is a sense of values. And the primary value in life is not in the things we buy with the money we earn; the primary value in life is in living life fully.”………Mathew Fox

Engagement Engaged Workers:

Satisfied with their work (enjoyment)

Committed to two years of employment

Give their best everyday

Disengaged Workers: 60% Disengaged 25% Engaged 15% Actively

disengaged – the workplace “on board terrorist” seeking to undermine operations

Discontent 40% - Job is very or extremely stressful 25% - #1 stressor in life 60% - Pressured to work too much 56% - somewhat or completely dissatisfied

with job 85% - Overworked and unappreciated

Shocking New Study! 87%….would rather cut off a finger than

lose their job! 48%….would willingly amputate a foot if

it meant they would have lifelong employment!

Change… Constantly expand your skills so you can

continually adapt to the every-changing marketplace

None of the top ten jobs in 2010 exist today Average person today has 10-14 careers…

average job lasts 3-5 years Amount of change that will happen between

2000-2020 will be equal to the change from 1900-2000.

Do What You Love…. Getting Rich Your Own Way – Srully

Blotnick research project – 1982 1500 people – Group A – 83% of sample-

career chosen for making money now in order to do what they love later

Group B – 17% of sample - chose their career based on what they wanted to do now, and worry about the money later

Do What You Love… In 20 years – 101 of the 1500 became millionaires… All but 1 came from Group B!

Skills +Passion = Strength!

Skills Passions/Interests Job Marketplace The difference between a waitress whose

job is a passion vs. a paycheck

What do I want? Job Career Calling

Five Stages of the Soul The Call The Search The Struggle The Breakthrough The Return

Steps to Finding…. Consult Your Death…. An internal and spiritual process… Be prepared for your life to turn upside

down Sacrifice Paradox

Steps to Finding… Reflect on what has been…. Determine talents, skills, values, mission

statement Update your skill sets Just do it! Reframe your current job – JOY! Treasure Map

Steps to Finding… Volunteer Take a class Acknowledge resistance Be careful – share your dreams only

with someone who will honor them Be careful who you share your dreams with. You hear the word no at least144,000 times before you are 18

Find a coach, mentor or success team.

Contact me…. Laura Parrino Byxbe Career Management Consultant Right Management Consultants 414-256-9545

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