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Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015








Art. 1 The Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders (Portuguese

abbreviation PPGDCH) of the Health Sciences Center (CCS) of Brazilian Universidade Federal

de Santa Maria (UFSM; Federal University of Santa Maria) offers courses in levels of master’s

and doctor’s degrees targeted to the production of knowledge, technology and innovation.

PPGDCH in levels of master’s and doctor’s degrees aims to train human resources with broad

mastery of the field of human communication and its disorders for the exercise of teaching,

research and extension activities, as well as greater qualification for professional performance in

Speech-Language Pathology and related areas, taking into account the ethical aspects inherent

to these activities.

Sole paragraph. PPGDCH has a focus area of Speech-Language Pathology and Human

Communication: clinical and promotion, understanding it as an identification of the human

communication focus area both from a clinical as a promotional point of view, since activities in

speech-language pathology and areas related to human communication involve the three levels

of health care, rehabilitating and preventing disorders, but also promoting better communicative

conditions for people. Other focus areas may be created in the PPGDCH Pedagogical Proposal

as long as they meet the UFSM postgraduation courses regulation requirements.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015



Art. 2 PPGDCH didactic aspects at Universidade

Federal de Santa Maria:

I – Curriculum flexibility meeting the trends diversities and knowledge areas;

II – A system of course credits;

III – A semester offer of subjects, which can be focused or modular, as long as

workload, quality and Program content are ensured;

IV – The faculty’s qualification based in accreditation and de-accreditation criteria

defined by the PPGDCH regulation and in synchronicity with the requirements of each area

established in the CAPES [Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior

(Brazilian Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel)] area documents;

V – A requirement for a thesis adviser professor accredited at PPGDCH;

VI – A students’ selection process by PPGDCH;

VII – Enrollment by subject, according to the students ’ study plan;

VIII – Evaluation of the academic performance;

IX – A requirement for dissertation (academic master ’s degree) or thesis (doctor’s


X – The quality of the teaching, research, scientific and technological production


XI – The search for a continuous update in the area of knowledge; and

XII – An integration between the graduation and the postgraduation.

Art. 3 The following aspects are within the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

PPGDDCH regulation:

I – Criteria for the faculty’s accreditation and de-accreditation; II – Criteria for the

students’ selection;

III – Criteria for the distribution of scholarships allocated in the Program;

IV – Criteria for the distribution of resources allocated in the Program;

V – Definition of the conditions for retirement – maximum period for defense of a

dissertation, qualification examination and thesis;

VI – Definition of the maximum number of students per thesis adviser which

take into account the CAPES area documents and regulations and the thesis adviser ’s

individual profile;


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

VII – Definition of the thesis adviser’s responsibilities in case of the student’s

failure or withdrawal;

VIII – Definition of the maximum deadline to perform the qualification examination;

IX – Definition of the minimum and maximum deadlines for the dissertation or thesis

defense and delivery;

X – Definition of the faculty’s inclusion policy;

XI – Criteria for the selection of students for training periods abroad or the

equivalent for scholarships granted to the Program;

XII – Definition of the thesis co-adviser’s and the guidance committee’s roles and

their responsibilities; and

XIII – Definition of the collaborating professors, taking into account the

recommendations contained in the CAPES area documents and regulations.


Art. 4 The PPGDCH to which this regulation refers is structured in master ’s and doctor’s

degree courses and the activities arising from them, aiming to obtain the master ’s and doctor’s

degrees in Human Communication Disorders.

Art. 5 In the PPGDCH organization, the following principles are going to be taken into


I – The quality of the teaching, scientific and technological production activities;

II – The search for a continuous update in the areas of knowledge;

III – Training of qualified human resources at all levels of the postgraduate process;


IV – Observance of the ethical aspects inherent in postgraduate activities.





Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

Art. 6 The PPGDCH was instituted after the ultimately approval of the pedagogical

project by the University Council at UFSM.

§ 1 The proposal for the creation of the PPGDCH was forwarded to PRPGP in a specific

form and taking into account the deadline annually and internally determined.

§ 2 The PRPGP (CA-PRPGP) Advisory Committee proceeded to the analysis of the

proposal for the creation of the PPGDCH master’s and doctor’s degree courses and the CA-

PRPGP issued an opinion related to the feasibility of each proposal and its potentiality for being

recommended by the federal agencies. And the analysis was based on judging the documents

for the creation of CAPES courses, as well as the documents and information from the Area 21

Committees (Physical Education, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology and

Occupational Therapy).

§ 3 The proposals for the creation of the courses obtained a favorable opinion from CA-

PRPGP and they were sent for analysis by the consultant ad hoc.

§ 4 From the consultant’s favorable opinion ad hoc, a process was opened at the general

protocol to process the proposal of each course;

§ 5 The project for the creation of the PPGDCH and its respective master’s and doctor’s

degrees courses obtained the department’s approval as to the faculty’s participation in the

proposal, besides informing about the commitment from the department of Speech-Language

Pathology in the offer of the subjects listed in the proposal. Professors from other departments

were formally authorized by them to participate in the PPGDCH faculty;

§ 6 The process of creation of the PPGDCH master ’s and doctor’s degree courses was

processed at the Center Council, at the Committee for the Course Pedagogical Projects

Implementation and Follow-up at UFSM (CIAPPC, in the Portuguese abbreviation), at the

Teaching and Research Committee (CEPE, in the Portuguese abbreviation) and finally at the

University Council (CONSUN, in the Portuguese abbreviation).

§ 7 The proposal approved by the University Council at UFSM were submitted to

analysis by CAPES.

Art. 7 The institutional registration of the new course, as well the opening of an official

notice for the enrollment of students is only going to be carried out after its approval at the

University Council and a recommendation by CAPES.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015




Art. 8 The PPGDCH is going to have the following minimal structure:

1. Panel body;

2. Coordination staff;

3. Administrative Support Office; and

4. Scholarship Committee.

Sole paragraph. The PPGDCH is also going to have, at the Panel body ’s discretion, a

Scientific and Academic Guidance Committee.

Art. 9 The Program is going to have a substitute coordinator and a secretary for

administrative support, whose roles are provided for in the current legislation.

Art. 10 The coordinator and the substitute coordinator of the postgraduation Program

must have the title of doctors and previous experience in participating in the PPGDCH Panel

Body in the last three years.

Sole paragraph – The term of office of the coordinator and the substitute coordinator

shall be of two years and the term may be renewed.

Section I The Panel Body

Art. 11 The PPGDCH didactic activities administration and coordination shall be the

Panel Body’s responsibility.

Art. 12 The Program Panel Body shall consist of: I – A coordinator as a chairperson;

II – A substitute coordinator; and

III – Faculty representatives, being one permanent professor by line of research of

the PPGDCH, with their respective alternates;


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

IV – Students’ representatives, being one student representative from the master ’s

degree course and another from the doctor ’s degree course, with their respective alternates.

§ 1 The Panel Body formation is going to be certified by the Health Sciences Center

(CCS) council and its members shall be appointed by the Center director by means of a specific

administrative regulation.

§ 2 The faculty and students representatives members shall be appointed by their peers

in a consultation that is going to be conducted under the PPGDCH coordinator ’s responsibility.

§ 3 The students’ representatives’ term shall be of one year.

And the faculty’s representatives’ term shall be of two years. For both groups there may be a


§ 4 The Panel Body representative who does not justify an absence for two meetings

shall be replaced by their alternate. If there is no availability of an alternate, a consultation shall

be carried out to their peers in advance for the election of a new representative.

Art. 13 The Program Panel Body must:

I. Define the PPGDCH Regulation and its amendments;

II. Define the attributions for the committees and councils when these exist;

III. Standardize the process of consulting the academic community linked to the

PPGDCH aiming to choose the coordinator and the substitute coordinator;

IV. Accredit and disqualify the professors and thesis advisers according to the criteria

defined in this Regulation;

V. Approve the appointments by thesis co-advisers or members of the Committee for

guidance when requested by the thesis adviser and students;

VI. Establish the selection criteria of the students enrolled in the PPGDCH;

VII. Define the focus areas and activity lines of research of the Program;

VIII. Define the master’s and doctor’s degrees courses curricula and its amendments;

IX. Approve the students’ selection process for enrollment in the Program;

X. Approve the students’ study plans;

XI. Approve the offer of subjects each semester, followed by an appointment from the

respective professors;


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

XII. Approve the offer of subjects each semester, followed by

an appointment from the respective professors;

XIII. Decide on the acceptance of credits obtained in other postgraduation Programs;

XIV. Certify the criteria for granting and relocating

scholarships proposed by the PPGDCH Scholarship Committee;

XV. Approve the work plans requested in “Teaching Internship;”

XVI. Certify the thesis co-advisers’ appointments requested by the thesis adviser

according to criteria established by the PPGDCH Regulation;

XVII. Approve the defense thesis committees of dissertation,

qualification or thesis;

XVIII. Approve the plan for applying the financial resources allocated to the

Postgraduation Program;

XIX. Approve the partnership agreements of interest for the courses activities;

XX. Analyze and certify the projects of master ’s degree dissertation and

students’ doctor’s degree thesis. Also, if necessary or convenient, obtain the aid from doctors

from other institutions as consultants in order to maintain the quality of dissertations and theses

produced in the PPGDCH;

XXI. Decide on the request to extend the course completion period according to rules

established by the institution and the Program regulation;

XXII. Establish rules for directly passing from the master ’s to the doctor’s degrees, as

well as the selection of doctoral students to participate in internship Programs abroad;

XXIII. Carry out the Program planning by defining goals to improve CAPES grades,

expanding the Program or its maintenance in case of it having the maximum grade;

XXIV. Judge the coordinators’ decisions in terms of appeal;

XXV. Decide, at the coordinator’s request, on the students’ academic life aspects;

XXVI. Analyze the PPGDCH activities annual report;

XXVII. Deliberate on the changes in the Scientific and Academic Guidance Committee;

XXVIII. Define the PPGDCH faculty’s evaluation criteria, observing the productivity indices

established by CAPES;


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

XXIX. Judge and propose disciplinary measures to the PPGDCH members who do not

comply with the Regulation;

XXX. Deliberate on other topics attributed to it by law and by the UFSM Statute within the

scope of its competence.

Sole paragraph. Regarding the Panel Body’s decisions, there may be an appeal in first

judicial level to the Health Sciences Center Council and in second judicial level to the Board of

Education, Research and Extension of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

Art. 14 The Panel Body meetings shall be organized by the coordinator on their own

initiative or in response to the Panel Body’s members’ request and setting up at least two

semiannual meetings is mandatory.

Art. 18 The Panel Body minutes shall be available online on the PPGDCH Web site page

after its approval in a subsequent meeting and they also remain available at the Administrative

Support Office.

Section II The coordination staff

Art. 15 The postgraduation Program coordinator must:

I – Supervise compliance with the Program regulation;

II – Summon and chair the Program Panel Body’s meetings;

III – Ensure the Program Panel Body’s representativeness according to the


IV – Represent the Program whenever necessary;

V – Comply with the Panel Body’s decisions;

VI – Submit to the Center Council the topics requiring action from higher bodies;

VII – Forward to the competent body, through the Center Council, the proposals for

curricular changes approved by the Panel Body;

VIII – Be responsible for the assets allocated in the Program;

IX – Manage the financial resources allocated to the Program, in accordance with

the implementation plan determined by the Panel Body;

X – Request to the departments, each academic semester, the offer of subjects

and professors necessary to the development of the activities;


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

XI – Consult the Program faculty and propose for the Panel Body ’s analysis and

approval the official notice of the students ’ selection to enroll in the Program;

XII – Provide and make available the information necessary about students selected

for enrollment in the Program so that DERCA [Departamento de Registro e Controle Acadêmico

na UFSM (Department of Registration and Academic Control at UFSM)] may make feasible for

the students to enroll through the Web site;

XIII – Inform the higher bodies about cases of disciplinary transgression from

professors and/or students; and

XIV – Perform other functions inherent to their role as determined by law or by the

UFSM Statute within the scope of their competence

XIV – Promote the students’ curricular adaptation in the cases provided for in the

current legislation;

XV – Exam, deciding in the first judicial level, the doubts raised by the students;

XVI – Ensure the faithful observance of the PPGDCH Regulation, proposing to the

Panel Body, in cases of infringement, appropriate corrective measures;

XVII – Forward to the postgraduation and research Pro Dean ’s Office of research and

postgraduation the Thesis Committee list of names for the defense of the master’s dissertation,

qualification examination, and doctoral thesis;

XVIII – Promote the coordinations and interrelations that the Program Panel Body

shall keep with the several academic administration bodies;

XIX – Perform other functions inherent to their role as determined by law or by the

UFSM Statute within the scope of their competence

Art. 16 The coordinator shall be replaced in their absences or impediments by the

substitute coordinator. In the absence of this one, by the oldest professor in the career staff of

the so-called Higher Magisterium, a member of the Course Panel Body.

Sole paragraph. In case of an administrative regulation being issued to constitute the

Thesis Committee for the dissertation defense, the qualification examination, the thesis and the

certificates of participation of the committee, the Center Chairperson may sign instead of the

coordinator and the substitute coordinator in case of these ones participating as members of the


Art. 17 In case of vacancy in the PPGDCH coordination staff, at any time the substitute

coordinator shall take over the Program coordination and complete the term.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

§ 1 If the vacancy occurs before the first half of the term, a new substitute coordinator

shall be elected, as provided for in the Program regulation, which shall follow up the term.

§ 2 If the vacancy occurs after the first half of the term, the Program Panel Body

shall appoint a pro tempore substitute coordinator to complete the term.

Section III

The Administrative Support Office

Art. 18 The secretary must:

I – Superintend the administrative office’s services; II – Maintain the students’ academic


III – Receive, file and distribute documents related to the didactic and administrative


IV – Prepare submissions of accounts and reports;

V – Organize and keep updated the collection of laws, administrative regulations,

memos and other documents that may interest the Program;

VI – Provide information and/or documents related to the Program; VII –

Assist in the Panel Body’s meetings;

VIII – Maintain updated the list of professors and students in activity in the Program;

IX – Proceed with the submission of the qualification examination minutes to DERCA for


X – Proceed to forward to PRPGP the dissertation or thesis defense minute with

the course coordination staff order with a memo attached;

XI – Guide the student body regarding the procedures for enrollment and other

activities of the Program; and

XII – Carry out the activities inherent to the use of financial resources approved by

the Program Panel Body;

XI – Keep updated the PPGDCH Web site page.

Section IV Scholarship Committee


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

Art. 19 The Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders shall have a

Scholarship Committee consisting of the coordinator, a faculty ’s representative for each line of

research of the Program and two representatives from the students of each level (master ’s and

doctor’s degrees) chosen among their peers and according to the following requirements:

I – The faculty’s representatives must be part of the Program professors

permanent staff; and

II – The students’ representatives must be enrolled in the Program for at least a

year as a regular student.

Sole paragraph – The faculty’s and students’ representatives term shall be of a year,

which may be renewed.

Art. 20 The scholarship committee must:

I – Propose the criteria for granting and maintaining scholarships to be certified by

the Program Panel Body;

II – Disclose in advance, together with the faculty and students, the current criteria

for granting and maintaining scholarships; and

III – Evaluate the scholarship holders’ academic performance and propose

scholarship grants and maintenance based on criteria established in accordance with

Subsection I.

Art. 24 The distribution of the PPGDCH scholarships is going to be based on an annual

public selection when the criteria in the rules governing the scholarship holders ’ selection

process of the PPGDCH development agencies are determined.

Art. 21 The Scholarship Committee is going to meet whenever necessary and it is going

to be mandatory to call for at least two annual meetings. And at the end of each semester, the

scholarship committee is going to send a report of its decisions for consideration by the Program

Panel Body.

Sole paragraph. Regarding the Scholarship Committee decisions, the Program Panel

Body may appeal.

Section VI

The faculty, the thesis advisers, the thesis co-advisers and the Scientific and

Academic Guidance Committee



Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

The faculty

Art. 30 The PPGDCH faculty shall consist of permanent professors, collaborators

and visitors with the title of doctors as established by the criteria in administrative regulation no.

174 of December 30, 2014/CAPES.

Sole paragraph: The visiting professors work shall comply with the norms and

requirements of the development agencies, as well as the UFSM current visiting professors

hiring policy.

Art. 37 Professors or other professionals who have been approved by the Program Panel

Body and who have their situation regularized at UFSM may be part of the PPGDCH faculty,

which means:

I – Complying with current legislation for retired professors from higher education

institutions or other professionals;

II – Complying with current legislation for working professors from higher education

institutions and postdoctoral students;

III – Complying with current legislation for visiting professors.

Art. 31 The permanent faculty shall have the following attributions:

I – Engage in teaching activities;

II – Carry out research activities in the PPGDCH lines of research with the effective

participation of undergraduate students in related fields;

III – Advise on dissertation or thesis papers and be part of the academic guidance

committee, scientific committee, scholarship committee, selection committee and thesis


IV – Send to the department administrative office, to which the subject is attached,

a report on students’ achievement within the period established by the competent body’s school


V – Watch over the image of PPGDCH and contribute to its growth and


VI – Provide the information requested by the PPGDCH coordination staff to

prepare reports to the bodies financing postgraduation in Brazil, mainly CAPES.

VII – Accompany the biannual delivery of students ’ activity report with their analysis;


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

VIII – Regularly participate in the PPGDCH faculty’s meetings.

Art. 32 Criteria established for the PPGDCH regarding the

faculty’s accreditation and reaccreditation:

§ 1 The PPGDCH faculty shall consist of permanent professors, collaborators

and visitors with the title of doctors as defined by CAPES [Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de

Pessoal de Nível Superior (Brazilian Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education


§ 2 Professors or PhD researchers from other higher education and research

institutions may be part of the faculty, provided that they teach subjects and advise on


Sole paragraph – The visiting professors work shall comply with the norms and

requirements of the development agencies, as well as the UFSM current visiting professors

hiring policy.

Art. 33 The professors’ initial accreditation process shall be done by the

interested parties completing and forwarding an instrument requesting the Accreditation of

Professors with:

I. Work plan to be developed in the Program that fits the Program area and

lines; availability to be thesis advisers; research project and definition of the line of research to

be adopted;

II. CNPq [Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

(National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development)] (Brazilian Government Lattes

Platform) model Curriculum Vitae;

III. A declaration stating to be aware of the UFSM PPGDCH professors’

accreditation rules.

Sole paragraph – The initial accreditation shall be valid for four years, the

application being initially evaluated by the PPGDCH Panel Body and at this one ’s discretion by

consultants ad hoc.

Art. 34 The minimum criteria for permanent professors being accredited as thesis

advisers are:

§ 1 MASTER’S DEGREE level – Who is going to be accredited: professors who are

doctors, working full time with exclusivity or at least 40 class hours; professors with experience

as master’s degree thesis advisers or co-advisers at least once; and professors with the

minimum scientific production compatible with the area criteria at CAPES for being master ’s

degree thesis advisers, using for this analysis of productions the score rules of the

Qualis/CAPES system of the area in which the Program is inserted and the PPGDCH present



Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

§ 2 DOCTOR’S DEGREE level – Who is going to be accredited: professors who are

doctors, working full time with exclusivity or at least 40 class hours; professors with the minimum

of 3 periods of experience as doctor’s degree thesis advisers concluded; and professors with the

minimum scientific production compatible with the area criteria at CAPES for being doctor ’s

degree thesis advisers, using for this analysis of productions the score rules of the

Qualis/CAPES system of the area in which the Program is inserted and the PPGDCH present


Art. 35 No professor may stay more than one academic year away from the

Program curricular activities, except in cases of a leave to continue studies or licenses regulated

by current legislation.

Sole paragraph – In cases of a leave beyond one academic year, the professor

must submit a new application for accreditation.

Art. 36 The professors’ reaccreditation shall be performed every three years and

conducted by the Program Panel Body.

Sole paragraph – For the reaccreditation process, the annual reports analysis

results of the scientific production in the period of accreditation shall be considered, as well as

the regularity and flow of guidelines completed in the period.

Art. 37 The professors’ reaccreditation process must take place until the month of

June of each year, preceding the announcement of vacancies scheduled for the selection of the

following year.

Sole paragraph – The reaccreditation committee shall consist of the PPGDCH

coordinator, a permanent professor of the PPGDCH and an external professor with experience

in the area 21 criteria. After examining the applications, the results shall be sent to the PPGDCH

Panel Body.

Art. 38 At the request of the interested party or by the Program Panel Body, the

professor may be disqualified at any moment.

Art. 39 For the professors staff’s accreditation and reaccreditation, it shall be

necessary to:

I – Have taught at least one subject in the Program for at least two years;


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

II – Have published at least three articles in journals qualified in the Program area;

III – Have co-advised at least one dissertation;

IV – Have participated in at least two dissertation defenses.

Art. 40 The collaborator professors at UFSM shall participate in the Program or teaching

a subject or providing thesis guidance from time to time. They may remain in such condition for

at most one triennial. At the end of the triennial, they must have the scientif ic production and

experience in research necessary to be included as a permanent professor at the PPGDCH.

Thesis guidance

Art. 22 Every student must have a thesis adviser from the first semester and can also be

a co-adviser.

Art. 24 The thesis adviser must be a permanent professor accredited in the Program,

complying to the accreditation criteria established based on the CAPES area and administrative

regulations documents.

Art. 25 The thesis adviser professor must:

I – Define the curriculum and its possible reformulations, together with the student

and co-adviser or, where appropriate, the Scientific and Academic Guidance Committee;

II – Guide, together with the co-adviser or Scientific and Academic Guidance

Committee, in accordance with the student, the dissertation or thesis topic;

III – Supervise the dissertation or thesis work, which must be drafted in accordance

with the UFSM current rules; and

IV – Integrate, as chairperson, the thesis committee of exam defense of

qualification, dissertation or thesis.

The thesis co-adviser

Art. 26 The thesis adviser, in accordance with the student, may have a thesis co-adviser

for the dissertation or thesis work, who may be internal or external to UFSM, forwarding th the

Panel Body for analysis a request of a thesis co-adviser with a declaration


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

by the co-adviser regarding the agreement for performing the activities and awareness of the

non-remuneration for the position.

§ 1 The co-adviser must have a doctor’s degree, be in full research activity and have a

presence in the approved project, upon written justification by the thesis adviser to the Scientific

and Academic Guidance Committee, for subsequent approval by the Program Panel Body.

§ 2 The co-adviser’s name and designation must be in the designation administrative

regulation of the dissertation or thesis final evaluation committee as an effective member.

Art. 52 The co-adviser job process shall take place when the thesis adviser deems that

another specialist’s collaboration is necessary in the development of the idealized research

project. The maximum number of co-adviser jobs per triennial is 3 per PPGDCH professor.

Another situation providing for the presence of a co-adviser is in the process of inserting newly

doctors in the Program.

Art. 53 The co-adviser must collaborate for the student’s research project, interacting

with the thesis adviser in the initial planning, in the implementation and/or in drafting the

dissertation or thesis, and of the scientific articles resulting from the final works.

The Scientific and Academic Guidance Committee

Art. 26 The Scientific and Academic Guidance Committee shall consist of a coordinator

and a substitute coordinator, as well as a faculty ’s representative from each line of research of

the Program, belonging to the permanent staff of PPGDCH professors, and these are chosen by

their peers and appointed by the Panel Body.

Sole paragraph – The faculty’s representatives term shall be of a year, which may be


Art. 27 Permanent professors who may be part of the Scientific and Academic Guidance

Committee if they:

I. Present a regular production qualified in the Program;

II. Have concluded at least three master’s and/or doctor’s degree guidance jobs;


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

III. Have been developing didactic activities in the Program for at least three


Art. 28 The Scientific and Academic Guidance Committee must:

I. Suggest academic and scientific policies aiming the implementation of activities

to which the Program is directed;

II. Approve the appointment for achieving credits in other higher education

institutions, specially those with which the Program has academic and interchange cooperation

partnership agreements;

III. Analyze the credits obtained in other higher education institutions in cases of

transfers, guiding the Panel Body in terms of convenience or not of validating such credits;

IV. Approve the students’ study plan;

V. From time to time substitute the thesis adviser professor in their absence.

VI. Evaluate and issue an opinion on the PPGDCH students ’ master’s degree

dissertation and doctor’s degree thesis projects scientific quality;

VII. Aid the coordination staff in managing and organizing the subjects, events and

academic questions of each line of research of the PPGDCH.


Art. 29 The UFSM PPGDCH is organized in such a way as to provide the student with

the improvement of the qualification already acquired and to allow them to fully develop studies,

research and extension in the Program focus area.

§ 2 The Program curricular structure lays out the subjects in three sets, namely:

I. Subjects in a related field (compulsory);

II. Subjects of a specific domain (optional);

III. Optional subjects


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

§ 3 The focus area, understood as an area of knowledge, consists of subjects

that define their specificity.

§ 4 The subjects that serve as a link and foundation to the focus area are of

related domain, which justifies the fact that they are obligatory.

§ 5 The specific domain subjects support curricular flexibility, meeting the needs

of the Program lines of research, as well as the student ’s research project, taking into account

the diversity and interdisciplinarity in the area.

§ 6 The thesis adviser shall define in the study plan which optional subjects are

necessary for the credits completion of the student under their guidance.

§ 7 At the thesis adviser’s discretion, other activities aimed at complementing the

student’s training may be developed.

Art. 29 A value expressed in credits shall be assigned to the subject so that each credit

shall correspond to fifteen hours of theoretical or practical classes.

§ 1 The PPGDCH master’s degree student must study at least twenty-six (26) credits in

subjects chosen from those offered by the Program or by other programs accredited by CAPES.

Of this total, at least twenty credits must be taken in subjects offered by the PPGDCH

(compulsory and optional) and a maximum of six credits may be obtained in subjects taken in

other Programs.

§ 2 The PPGDCH doctor’s degree student must take at least forty-two (42) credits in

subjects chosen from those offered by the Program or by other programs accredited by CAPES.

The credits obtained in the master’s degree may be validated for the doctor’s degree at the

discretion of the Program Panel Body, up to the limit of twenty (20) credits. Of the total credits to

be complemented for the doctorate, at least thirty-four (34) credits must be taken in subjects

offered by the PPGDCH and a maximum of ten credits may be obtained in subjects taken in

other Programs accredited by CAPES.

§ 3 The credits earned as a special student in the Institution or in other higher education

institutions may be validated at the discretion of the PPGDCH Panel Body, provided that the

grade obtained is equal to or higher than B.

§ 4 The credits obtained in the master’s degree can be validated for the doctorate, which

shall be analyzed based on criteria of similarity between the program of the subject object of the

request and of another subject within the list offered by the PPGDCH.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

§ 5 The subjects carried out in other postgraduation programs of the Institution or in

other higher education institutions, which are included in the student ’s study plan and have been

approved by the Panel Body do not need to be reexamined by the Panel Body.

Art. 30 It is the student’s responsibility to open the study plan online, as well as any

updates. The study plan must be approved by the respective program/course Panel Body before

enrollment for the course second semester.

Art. 43 The PPGDCH master’s degree students must prove proficiency in the English

language and the doctorate students must prove proficiency in another foreign language besides

the English language.

§ 1 Once approved by the Program Panel Body, the proven proficiency in foreign

languages shall be in the student’s academic record with the words “Passed” or “Failed.”

§ 2 Students may meet this requirement in accordance with the options and regulations

defined in a specific resolution by UFSM.

Art. 32 With the thesis adviser’s express and duly justified consent, the student enrolled

in a master’s degree program may request the Program Panel Body an approval for a direct

passage to the doctorate, considering the UFSM’s and the development agency’s current


§ 1 In order to be entitled to the request defined in this article caput, the student must

have completed at least 12 months and at most 18 months, and have completed all credits.

§ 2 The student must present in the school history no grade retention and grades higher

than “B,” in addition to two published or accepted articles in the last five years, in any range A or

B of the Qualis CAPES of Area 21 or undergraduate or master ’s degree area, considering the

requirements established for admission to the PPGDCH-UFSM doctorate;

§ 3 A committee shall be set up to analyze the research proposal, consisting of a

professor from the line of research in which the student is enrolled, a professor from the

scholarship committee and the coordinator, who shall attest or not the proposal merits.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

§ 2 Once the direct passage is approved, the student shall receive another registration

number to enable registration in the CAPES students registration or in other development

agencies and shall have up to ninety days to defend the dissertation. And the enrollment in the

doctorate course shall only be kept if they pass in the dissertation defense within the term


Art. 33 The student that is in the dissertation or thesis preparation phase must regularly

enroll every semester in dissertation or thesis preparation (EDT in the Portuguese abbreviation).

§ 1 The student shall receive the grades of passed (AP) or failed (NA) in

dissertation or thesis preparation (EDT).

§ 2 It is the thesis adviser’s responsibility to monitor the work, frequency and grade

assignment to the student enrolled in EDT.

§ 3 The thesis adviser must communicate in writing to the coordination staff and this

one take to the

Program Panel Body if the student does not properly develop the EDT works.

§ 4 The student who does not adequately develop the EDT works may be dismissed from

the Program based on a reasoned justification from the thesis adviser to the coordination staff,

which shall be evaluated by the Panel Body.

§ 5 The Panel Body can only dismiss the student from the Program after judging the

written arguments from the thesis adviser and the student.

Art. 34 When there is a request from the student and/or the thesis adviser to exchange

guidance, the Panel Body shall have an opinion about it and, in case of need for a new


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

guidance, this one must be approved by the Panel Body after awareness from the

student and the new thesis adviser. The Panel Body may suggest the transfer of guidance when

there is a request from the student or the thesis adviser and the acceptance of such request by

another thesis adviser of the Program.

Section II The pedagogical project

Art. 46 The Human Communication Disorders Postgraduation Programs pedagogical

project is a document guiding its actions in the Institution.

§ 1 The PPGDCH pedagogical project is regulated by current legislation approved by the

Board of Education, Research and Extension of UFSM.

§ 2 The postgraduation courses pedagogical project changes must be processed in the

program/course Panel Body, in the Center Council, the Committee for the Course Pedagogical

Projects Implementation and Follow-up (CIAPPC in the Portuguese abbreviation), the Board of

Education, Research and Extension (CEPE in the Portuguese abbreviation), and the University

Council (CONSUN in the Portuguese abbreviation) and take into account what follows:

I – It is the Pro Dean’s Office of research and postgraduation Advisory

Committee’s responsibility to analyze and issue an opinion on the postgraduation programs

pedagogical project and this must be approved at the university unit and by the Board of

Education, Research and Extension (CEPE);

II – When it concerns the creation of the postgraduation Program focus area, the

process shall be analyzed in the Human Communication Disorders Postgraduate Program Panel

Body, the Health Sciences Center Council, the PRPGP, and approved by CEPE;

III – When it concerns the creation, restructuring or cancellation of the

postgraduation Program lines of research, the process shall be analyzed in the PPGDCH Panel


IV – When it concerns the creation, restructuring or cancellation of subjects, the

process shall be analyzed in the PPGDCH Panel Body, in the departments involved and in the



Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

V – It is the PPGDCH coordination staff’s responsibility to request to DERCA the

codification of new subjects and the cancellation of existing subject codes in accordance with

Subsection IV.

Art. 47 The PPGDCH shall have the duration and the hourly load provided for in its

pedagogical project, considering the minimum of twenty-six credits for the master’s degree and

forty-two credits for the doctorate.

§ 1 For the calculation of the course total credits, the theoretical, practical and

theoretical-practical classes shall be considered.

§ 2 The master’s degree course shall have a minimum duration of twelve and a

maximum of twenty-four months. And the doctorate course, a minimum duration of twenty-four

and maximum of forty-eight months.

§ 3 At the student’s request with the thesis adviser’s justification and agreement, the

deadlines defined in paragraph 2 of this Article may be extended for up to six months upon

approval according to the criteria established by the PPGDCH Panel Body.

Art. 38 Postdoctoral programs may be carried out together with postgraduation programs

provided that the post-doctoral students have their situation regularized at UFSM, according to

specific legislation.

§ 1 The regularization at UFSM is the registration at DERCA from the process opening at

the general protocol, as detailed on the PRPGP Web site ( – Pro Dean’s

office – legislation) in the standard application for a postdoctoral degree.

§ 2 Post-doctoral students must comply with the specific legislation when they exercise

activities as professors in subjects so that they can have a registration at PROGEP (People

Management Pro Dean’s Office) and a number at SIE (Educational Information System) which

allow them to target the subjects participation and hourly load.

Art. 40 UFSM can promote international courses in association with higher education

institutions or foreign research institutes.

§ 1 A partnership agreement must be developed between UFSM and the foreign

institution and from that a regulation is established as to its functionality where the aspects that

shall guide the didactic and research activities are detailed.

§ 2 The international courses shall be held on a reciprocal basis and the students shall

have the degree awarded by the universities involved.

Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

§ 3 Reciprocity should be characterized by the existence of students, professors and

thesis advisers from the institutions involved and the development of didactic and research

activities in the institutions of the countries involved.

Art. 41 UFSM may establish partnership agreements with foreign institutions for the

development of programs to train masters and doctors in co-dependency with or without a

double degree, allowing the obtainment of a master ’s or doctor’s degree concurrently in both


Sole paragraph. The initiative of formalizing a partnership agreement for the purpose

mentioned in the caput of this Article should be from the postgraduation program that identifies

in this strategy one of the effective actions to the internationalization of postgraduation at UFSM

and an improvement in the quality of human resources training and the research generated in

the Program.

Section III The teaching internship

Art. 42 The teaching internship is a curricular activity for postgraduate students that

presents itself as a subject called “Guided Teaching,” being defined as the participation of

postgraduate students in teaching activities in

higher education at UFSM, serving to complement the postgraduates ’ pedagogical


§ 1 In the subjects called “Guided Teaching” the master’s degree course students shall

total two credits and the doctorate course students four credits for curricular completion.

§ 2 For the purposes of this regulation, teaching activities are:

I – To provide a predetermined set of theoretical and/or practical classes that does

not exceed thirty percent of the total subjects classes;

II – To assist in the preparation of lesson plans and/or act in the extra-class

services for the students;

III – To participate in partial evaluation of programmatic, theoretical and practical

contents; and

IV – To apply pedagogical methods or techniques, such as targeted studies,

seminars, etc.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

§ 3 The Guided Teaching plan must be delivered at the PPGDCH administrative office

during the enrollment adjustment week on the deadline specified in the UFSM school calendar

in the semester in which the subject shall be taken by the student.

§ 5 The Guided Teaching shall have an hourly load of 15 hours and at least four hours

must be of theoretical classes about different subject matters. From this total, the number of

classes for the student can not exceed ten hours nor be less than 7 hours/class and the rest

shall be used for the preparation of classes and discussions with the professor responsible for

the subject.

§ 6 Because it is a curricular activity, the postgraduate students ’ participation in the

teaching internship shall not create an employment relationship nor be remunerated.

§ 7 The teaching activities developed by the postgraduate student in the Guided

Teaching internship should be developed under the supervision of a professor in the career staff

of the so-called Higher Magisterium, designated by the directly interested teaching department.



Section I Access to the postgraduation course

Art. 54 Below are the general requirements for the registration of applicants:

I – The registration form available on the PRPGP Web site;

II – Curriculum Vitae in the Brazilian Government Lattes Platform model, certified;

III – A copy of the diploma or certificate of foreseen completion of the higher

education course in Speech-Language Pathology or related areas for the master’s degree or

master’s degree in Human Communication Disorders or in related areas for the doctor ’s degree,

replaceable until the registration or a date preestablished in an official notice;

IV – School records; and

V – A proof of payment of the registration fee.

Sole paragraph. The specific requirements for the registration of applicants shall be

defined and approved by the Program Panel Body.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

Art. 55 Entries shall be made on the PRPGP Web site during the period established in

the UFSM school calendar.

Sole paragraph. The documentation required must be sent to the PPGDCH

administrative office via (the Brazilian courier delivery service, National Express Order Service)

SEDEX, and the documentation completion shall be the applicant ’s sole responsibility.

Art. 43 The specific requirements for the applicants ’ enrollment to the postgraduate

courses must be observed in the respective official notices for opening enrollment to the

postgraduate courses.

§ 1 General information regarding the selection process for admission to the courses

should be included in the respective regulations of the postgraduate programs, available on the

programs/courses electronic pages.

§ 2 Information on the possibility of exemption from the application fee and the

procedure for doing so are described in the respective official notices.

§ 3 Students with special needs must enroll in the

UFSM Accessibility Center before enrolling for the first time.

Art. 44 There may be a direct admission into the doctoral course, i.e., the master ’s

degree title may not be required for admission to the doctoral course. However, the

postgraduate program that opts for this form of entry should explain in its regulation the

requirements and norms for the follow-up of the student that joins this modality.

Section II The selection of applicants

Art. 57 Criteria established by PPGDCH regarding the selection for admission of


§ 1 MASTER’S DEGREE level:

The applicants who have been approved in the stages below shall be selected by a

public official notice:

- Proof of titles with an evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae in the Brazilian

Government Lattes Platform model;

- Defense of a research pre-project linked to the line of research of the probable

thesis adviser.



Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

The applicants who have been approved in the stages below shall be selected by a

public official notice:

- Proof of titles, with an evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae in the Brazilian

Government Lattes Platform model and proof of publication of at least two scientific articles in

qualified journals;

- Defense of a research pre-project linked to the line of research of the probable

thesis adviser.

- Proof of passing in a foreign language (English) proficiency test.

Art. 56 The Selection Committee shall be appointed by the PPGDCH Panel Body and

approved by the Health Sciences Center Council by an administrative regulation.

Art. 47 The disclosure of the list of names of applicants who have succeeded

shall be provided by the

PRPGP and DERCA must call alternates when applicable.

§ 1 The applicant may appeal to the Program Panel Body via Department of General

Files on the deadline established in the respective official notice of selection, whose days shall

be counted from the disclosure of results by the PRPGP.

§ 2 The Program Panel Body shall have a deadline to decide on appeals, as stated in the

respective official notice of selection.

Art. 48 It is forbidden to enter the postgraduate course at UFSM by means of transfer

from another IES (higher education institution, in the Portuguese abbreviation) or from another

postgraduation program at UFSM.

Section III The enrollment

Art. 49 The enrollment application via the Web in subjects and other activities related to

the study plan is the student’s responsibility and must be carried out within the deadlines

established by the UFSM academic calendar.

§ 1 Exceptionally, PRPGP may authorize late registration when requested by the

Program coordination staff, with an explanatory statement, provided that seventy-five per cent of

the subjects hourly load are guaranteed.

§ 2 Enrollment in the subject dissertation or thesis preparation (EDT) or another subject

that is exceptionally offered in a time schedule that is different

Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

from that in the academic calendar may be requested to PRPGP by the course coordination staff


an explanatory statement for the reasons thereof.

§ 3 The student may apply for holding the registration in abeyance for subjects within the

deadline established by the academic calendar. Indefinitely holding the registration in abeyance

is not allowed.

§ 4 The student shall have their registration canceled and be dismissed from the course:

I – When the maximum deadline for the course completion has expired and the

Program respective departments and coordination staff must monitor by the students ’ school

records and the Department of Registration and Academic Control (DERCA) such follow-up;

II – When presenting poor performance, according to the criteria established in this

regulation; and

III – In the other cases provided for in this regulation.

Art. 50 At the end of the credits, the student should maintain the bond with


by means of the semester enrollment in EDT.

Art. 51 The student who does not register regularly shall have their situation

characterized as withdrawing from the course.

Art. 52 The students selected for the UFSM postgraduation programs are entitled to a

regular enrollment in any subjected offered to the postgraduation at UFSM, provided that it is

provided for in the study plan and there is a vacancy availability.

Sole paragraph – The number of credits taken in other programs shall not exceed the

limit fixed by the PPGDCH regulation.

Art. 53 The utilization of credits obtained in subjects or activities of postgraduate courses

of other institutions may be requested to the Program Panel Body, which shall be analyzed

based in similarity criteria between the subject program object of the request and of another

subject within the list of those offered by the PPGDCH.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

Art. 54 At the moment of the enrollment, the student must state their nationality.

If they are foreigners, they must meet the current legislation requirements.

Art. 55 Postgraduate course re-entry is not allowed for

students who have been dismissed from the respective course.

Art. 56 Simultaneous academic registration is permitted in more than one

postgraduate course only in the following situations:

I – When a registration is in a lato sensu course and another in a stricto sensu


And at the moment of enrollment in the stricto sensu course the student must be

regularly enrolled in a lato sensu course for at least one school semester; and

II – When directly passing from the master’s degree course to a

doctor’s degree course.

Art. 57 The special enrollment may be granted in the following cases:


– Undergraduate students from any IES with at least seventy-

five percent of the credits necessary to completing the course and

participating in a research project approved within the institution’s scope. And the

project coordinator is responsible for the request with the appropriate justifications to the

coordination staff;

II – Students linked to postgraduation programs from other national or

foreign IES. And the student’s original program coordination staff is responsible for

requesting to the UFSM postgraduation program coordination staff;

III – Holders of a higher education diploma participating in a research

project approved within the scope of the institution. And the project coordinator is

responsible for requesting to the UFSM postgraduation program coordination staff; and


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

IV – Servants having a higher education diploma from the institution and other

IES. And the immediate chief is responsible for requesting to the coordination staff.

§ 1 Except for applicants provided for in Subsection II, the special enrollment in

postgraduation subjects is limited to one subject per semester for each student and at

most two special enrollments in a postgraduation program.

§ 2 The student may take subjects at most in two

different programs, in compliance with the criteria in paragraph 1 of this Article. And

they may total, in four different semesters, four subjects as a special student in the


§ 3 Enrollment as a special student in any subject from the list of those offered

by the PPGDCH is conditioned to the existence of vacancies. And there is a priority for

the vacancies of the regular students of the PPGDCH master ’s and doctor’s degrees


Art. 58 Academic mobility in the postgraduation of students from other national

IES and postdoctoral students who come to develop teaching, research and extension

activities for any period, occurring in a continuous flow, and a registration must be done

at DERCA. Foreign students or researchers have a link with UFSM through interchange .

Section IV Frequency and evaluation

Art. 59 Frequency is compulsory and may not be less than seventy-five percent

of the hourly load scheduled per subject or activity.

Art. 60 Achievement in each subject shall be evaluated by the professor

responsible for the student’s relative performance in tests, seminars, individual or

collective work, and others, and one of the following grades is assigned:


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

I – A (10.0 to 9.1); II – A – (9.0 to 8.1);

III – B (8.0 to 7.1); IV – B – (7.0 to 6.1); V – C (6.0 to 5.1); VI – C – (5.0 to 4.1);

VII – D (4.0 to 3.1);

VIII – D – (3.0 to 2.1); IX – E (2.0 to 1.1);

X – E – (1.0 to 0.0).

§ 1 To the subjects that are not computed in the grades above, the following

situations shall be attributed:

I – AP (Passed);

II – NA (Failed);

III – R Failed due to non-frequency (zero weight); and

IV – I Incomplete situation (situation “I”).

§ 2 The leveling subjects should be repeated if the situation is NA.

§ 3 Situation “I” means incomplete work and shall be attributed only when there

is no possibility of registration in the same semester, which shall be proven by one of

the following situations:

I – Health treatment; II – Maternity leave;

III – Suspension of registration due to administrative irregularity; and

IV – Situations not covered shall be decided by mutual agreement between

the Program Panel Body and the Pro Dean’s Office of research and postgraduation.

§ 4 Situation “I” may not exceed the subsequent school semester.

Art. 61 The student who obtains a grade equal to or less than “C” in any subject

shall fail.

Art. 62 The student who fails (obtaining grade equal to or lower than “C,” NA or

R) in two subjects or twice in the same subject shall be dismissed from the Program and

the respective Program Departments and Coordination Staffs must monitor the students ’

school records and the Department of Registration and Academic Control (DERCA)

must control such situation.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

Art. 63 Enrollment shall be forbidden in subjects in which the student has passed

in the last five years.

Section V The master’s or doctor’s degrees qualification examination

Art. 64 The qualification exam aims to evaluate and qualify the research project,

as well as the doctorate or master’s degrees students’ capacity in its achievement.

Sole paragraph. The qualification exam shall evaluate the research project in

progress, its originality, the partial results when available, the student ’s competence and

potential to conduct innovative research, especially in the case of the doctorate degree,

and in a creative way in the area of study, and their general knowledge of science and

research. The defense of an intellectual production may be added to the qualification


The dissertation qualification

Art. 82 A master’s degree qualification prior to the dissertation defense

shall be required from all applicants to the title of master, which can be held from the

course third semester through a master’s degree qualification thesis committee that

shall prepare a written opinion about the master’s degree dissertation preliminary


Art. 72 The applicant shall request the Program coordination staff to process the

dissertation qualification with the thesis adviser ’s agreement with a maximum advance

of sixty (60) days prior to the dissertation defense date.

§ 1 To request the dissertation qualification, the student must have

fulfilled the minimum credits required by the Program.

§ 2 The thesis adviser shall informally contact the possible members of

the qualification thesis committee, checking their interest and availability.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

§ 3 – The applicant shall inform the Program coordination staff the

qualification thesis committee members’ data (full name, institution, e-mail address,

telephone numbers, summary of academic education) by means of a memo, initiating

qualification process.

Art. 73 The dissertation qualification thesis committee shall have three

(3) active members and one (1) alternate, being one (1) active member external to


Art. 74 The Program coordination staff shall provide the official invitation

by means of a letter of invitation and an evaluation script. And the student shall send a

copy of these documents and the preliminary version of the dissertation to the members

of the dissertation qualification thesis committee, which shall have a deadline of at most

thirty (30) days to issue their opinions in writing, according to the Program script.

Sole paragraph – The dissertation qualification thesis committee

members’ opinion shall be sent by e-mail to the student, the thesis adviser and the

Program coordination staff within the period of thirty (30) days after sending the


Art. 75 After receiving the opinions, the student and the thesis adviser

shall proceed to the corrections required and decide on fulfilling the corrections just

suggested by the dissertation qualification thesis committee members within a period of

at most twenty (20 days.

Sole paragraph – After correcting the preliminary version of the

dissertation within the period of twenty (20) days, the student shall send the final version

to the dissertation qualification thesis committee members who shall presumably be the

dissertation defense thesis committee members.

The doctor’s degree qualification examination


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

Art. 83 The qualification exam aims to evaluate and qualify the research project,

as well as the doctorate’s degree students’ capacity in its achievement.

Sole paragraph. The qualification exam shall evaluate the research project, its

originality, the applicant’s competence and potential to conduct innovative research and

in a creative way in the area of study, and their general knowledge of science and


Art. 84 The qualification examination shall be required for all applicants to the

title of doctor in compliance with the rules established in the Program regulations.

Art. 85 The student must have concluded at least seventy-five percent of the

credits required by the postgraduation Program regulations to request the qualification


Art. 67 It is the student’s responsibility to open online a process to request the

qualification examination, suggesting, upon the thesis adviser ’s approval, the members

for the thesis committee.

§ 1 Opening the process for taking the doctor’s degree qualification examination

must be carried out in up to twenty-four months after admission into the Program and

thirty-six months in case of directly passing from the master ’s to the doctor’s degrees,

under penalty of the student being dismissed from the course.

§ 2 Once the process requesting the qualification examination is opened by the

student, the process is directed to the thesis adviser for approval and then it is sent to

the course coordination staff for analysis and approval of the thesis committee by the

course/program Panel Body.

Art. 68 The thesis committee, in the case of a doctor ’s degree, must have five

active members and two alternates and at least one of the active members must be

external to UFSM, who shall be suggested to the Program Panel Body in agreement

between the thesis adviser and the doctorate student. In


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

the case of a master’s degree, the thesis committee must have three active members

and one alternate and at least one of the active members must be external to UFSM.

§ 1 The thesis committee must have the thesis adviser, who shall be its

chairperson, and the other members must be doctor ’s degree holders.

§ 2 In the case of confidential information of the research project, the

qualification examination shall be closed to the public and the thesis committee

members who are external to the Program shall carry out their activities by signing a

confidentiality agreement (Annex

6), which shall be in possession of the respective Program coordination staff.

§ 3 If it is impossible for the thesis adviser to participate in the qualification

examination defense, they must officially inform the Program coordination staff and state

the reasons.

§ 4 The thesis co-adviser or another professor appointed by the thesis adviser

and approved by the postgraduation Program Panel Body may chair the qualification

examination defense works.

§ 5 Academic members’ relatives up to and including third-degree may not be

part of the examination committee.

Art. 88 The qualification examination shall meet the following conditions:

I – The examination shall consist of questions about topics of the research

project, the study plan, and other topics related to the student ’s focus area and line of


II – The student who passes by simple majority of the thesis committee

components shall be approved in the qualification examination for the doctorate;

III – The student who fails may request a new examination on a date to be

determined by the PPGDCH coordination staff in a period that may not exceed six

months from the first examination date.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

Section VI Defending the dissertation or thesis

Art. 69 The dissertation or thesis should be an original, unpublished work,

preferably written in Portuguese, and it may be in English or Spanish when the latter is

the applicant’s mother tongue.

§ 1 The dissertation or thesis structure and presentation must comply with the

{ABNT [Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (Brazilian National Standards

Organization)]} MDT (Portuguese abbreviation for the Dissertation and Thesis Manual)

preparation manual.

§ 2 The articles that are part of the dissertation or thesis can be written in

another language, according to the rules of the journals of interest for submission, in

compliance with the PPGDCH regulation.

Art. 79 Scientific articles should deal with topics related to the context of the

PPGDCH/UFSM focus areas and lines of research.

§ 1 The articles should be prepared during the period of the student ’s

stay in the PPGDCH regarding the master’s dissertation or doctoral thesis, under the

direct supervision from the thesis adviser professor.

§ 2 In the case of the research involving humans or animals, approval in

the respective ethics committees, especially the registration by the thesis adviser of the

project in the UFSM ethics committee in research and project office is mandatory.

Art. 70 It is the student’s responsibility to open online the process to the defense

of dissertation or thesis, suggesting the composition of the thesis committee and

complying to the protocol for the processing of such processes, whose information can

be obtained from the Program administrative office.

§ 2 Once the process requesting the dissertation or thesis defense is opened by

the student, the process is directed to the thesis adviser for approval and then it is sent

to the course coordination staff for analysis and approval of the thesis committee by the

Program Panel Body.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

§ 2 The dissertation or thesis must be presented to the Program coordination

staff and a copy must be supplied to each member of the thesis committee.

Art. 71 The thesis committee must consist of:

I – Three active members and an alternate for the dissertation defense,


II – Five active members and two alternates for the thesis defense.

§ 1 The thesis committee works chairing shall be carried by the thesis adviser


§ 2 If it is impossible for the thesis adviser professor to participate in the thesis

committee for the dissertation or thesis defense examination, the thesis co-adviser may

chair the defense works.

§ 3 If it is impossible for the thesis adviser to participate in the dissertation or

thesis defense, as well as their replacement by the co-adviser, the thesis adviser must

officially inform the Program coordination staff, stating the reasons and suggesting a


§ 4 The professor appointed by the postgraduation Program Panel Body must

chair the dissertation or thesis defense works.

§ 5 When the thesis adviser and the thesis co-adviser are present in the

dissertation or thesis examining thesis committee, this committee shall have one more

active member and the co-adviser shall not participate in assigning the final grade.

§ 6 The thesis committee must consist of at least one member from another

institution in the master’s degree and two in the doctor’s degree.

§ 7 By request from the thesis committee chairperson, the alternate may actively

participate in the thesis committee works but with no right to vote when assigning the

final grade.

§ 8 In the case of the dissertation or thesis containing confidential information,

the qualification examination shall be closed to the public and the thesis committee

members who are external to the Program shall carry out their activities by signing a

confidentiality agreement (Annex 6), which shall be in possession of the respective

Program coordination staff.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

Art. 72 Applicants’ relatives up to and including third-degree may not be part of

the examination committee.

Art. 73 The thesis committee shall be approved by the postgraduation Program

Panel Body.

Art. 74 Opposition to any member of the examination committee may be

requested by the applicant within five working days from the date on which the applicant

takes official knowledge of the examination committee defined in the Program Panel

Body and must contain a detailed statement of the grounds on which the applicant is

based to present an opposition.

Sole paragraph. The presentation of an opposition must be addressed to the

Program coordinator who in turn shall forward it to the Panel Body in order to take the

necessary measures.

Art. 75 In case of passing in the dissertation or thesis defense, the applicant

must present the dissertation or thesis final copies to the Program coordination staff

according to the deadline defined by the thesis committee, consisting in a defense

minute with the modifications suggested by the thesis committee. And the verification of

the corrections shall be under the thesis adviser professor’s responsibility.

§ 1 The maximum deadline that may be granted by the thesis committee is sixty

(60) days.

§ 2 The number of copies of the dissertation or t hes is f ina l copy is two (2 )

and one printed copy of the dissertation or thesis shall be sent to the UFSM Central

Library together with an electronic copy and the respective authorization for online


§ 3 The applicant must deliver an electronic copy of the dissertation or thesis

with the appropriate authorization for its availability on the PPGDCH Web site and in

the dissertation and thesis database at UFSM and CAPES.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

§ 4 Two years after the dissertation or thesis defense, the electronic document

ends up rightfully belonging to the university and thus may be made available online.

Art. 76 The student may also deliver a proof of sending of two (2) scientific

articles for journals Qualis B1 or higher of Area 21 of CAPES and three (3) scientific

articles for journals of Area 21 of CAPES, being compulsorily one Qualis B1 or higher

and the other two Qualis A of Area 21, and one of these may be published at doctorate.

Sole paragraph. Only after compliance with the provisions in Articles 75 and 76

the dissertation or thesis defense minute shall be forwarded to PRPGP and then to

DERCA to issue the master or doctor diplomas and other activities for the appropriate

registration and to finalize the student’s situation as “graduated.”

Section VII

The dissertation and thesis defense test and the

qualification examination

Art. 77 At the time of the dissertation and thesis defense test the thesis

committee shall analyze the capacity presented by the student, specially the way of

conducting the defense of their work.

Art. 78 The student shall have a maximum time of fifty minutes to generally

present their work.

Art. 79 In carrying out the dissertation, qualification examination, thesis defense,

each of the thesis committee members shall question the student for as long as it takes

and this one shall have at least as much time to answer each question.


Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

Art. 80 After the questioning step, the thesis committee shall analyze the final

result behind closed doors and it shall subsequently disclosed to the student and the

interested community.

Sole paragraph. The grade to be attributed to the student must be “Passed” or

“Failed” and registered in the defense minute.

Art. 81 The dissertation, qualification examination, thesis defense must be open

to the public.

Sole paragraph. In the case of dissertation, qualification examination, thesis

containing confidential information and/or likely to involve requests for intellectual

property rights, with a favorable opinion from Brazilian Technological Innovation Center,

the defense shall be closed to the public, as defined in Articles 68 and 71.

Art. 82 The dissertation, qualification, thesis defense may be carried out by

videoconference and up to two non-in-person members may participate.

Sole paragraph. Exceptionally the student may carry out a non-in-person

dissertation, qualification, thesis defense provided that this is approved by the Program

Panel Body.

Art. 83 The use of an opinion is allowed to the detriment of the

presence of members of the thesis committees in the

qualification examination, dissertation or thesis in the following conditions:

I – Up to one member in the thesis committees for

dissertation defense or qualification examination at the master ’s degree;

II – Up to two members in the thesis committees in the thesis defense or

qualification examination in the doctorate; and

III – It is for the works chairman the responsibility for reading the absent

members’ opinions, allowing the student to make statements in view of the opinions



Regulation for the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication Disorders UFSM/2015

Art. 84 In view of a justified reason it is up to the coordinator to postpone the

dissertation, qualification examination or thesis defense date provided that there is

compliance with the deadlines established in the regulations.

Art. 85 At the final judgment, each evaluator shall assign a grade to the

qualification examination and to the qualification examination, dissertation or thesis

defense. And in the cases where there is no agreement among the evaluators, the

regulations established in the subsections of this Article must be applied.

§ 1 The applicant who has passed by simple majority of the thesis committee

members shall be considered as having passed in the qualification examination,

dissertation or thesis.

§ 2 The applicant who has failed can have, at the thesis committee’s discretion,

up to six months to submit to a single new qualification examination, dissertation or

thesis defense and such student must keep the connection by an enrollment in EDT.

Art. 86 Carrying out the qualification examination, dissertation or thesis defense

shall comply with the protocol constituting Annex 1 of this regulation.

Section VIII

Course completion and title obtainment

Art. 87 Title granting or school history release with the course completion may take place

only after compliance with all the requirements within the PPGDCH regulation.



General Stricto Sensu and Lato Sensu postgraduation regulations at UFSM/2014

Art. 97 Situations not covered and questions raised in applying this regulation shall

be resolved by the UFSM Board of Education, Research and Extension (CEPE in the

Portuguese abbreviation).


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