brands in online communities - zafar ahmed, social and search manager, truelogic philippines

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Business in Online Communities

• Building a Business Means Building a Community

• How To Start Building a Community

• How To Manage and Nurture the Community

• The Role of a Social Media Manager

• What Are Some Disruptive Programs For The Community?

• Tips and Techniques

Building a Business Means Building a Community

Community is built through Shared experiences. Shared characteristics.

Shared Experience > Communities

• Community must have a purpose.

• To build a true community starts with your vision statement. You must define the experience you want people to have with your brand and align that experience with everything that you do.

• Communities are proxy for relevance.

• Give people something to stand with... something to believe in.

“A strong community is the net result of something designed to be meaningful and remarkable. The brand is then a collection of shared experiences aimed at creating alignment between your vision and customer aspiration..” – Brian Solis

Tribe Management

A tribe is any group of people, large or small, who are connected to one another, a leader, and an idea. For millions of years, humans have been seeking out tribes, be they religious, ethnic, economic, political, or even musical

"Tribe Management" is a whole different way of looking at building communities.

Think of your customers or website visitors as a tribe.

Tribes will make you think (really think) about the opportunities in leading your fellow employees, customers, investors, believers, hobbyists, or readers.

Create a Small Network of Communities

Small Network of Community can make better decisions than individuals because of diverse range of opinions, all group member opinions need to be aggregated.

Sometimes group of non-experts is better than an individual expert at predicting outcomes in the expert's field, for example, stock market performance. 

Connect+Develop (C&D) Initiative

StarBucks Community Projects

How To Start Building a Community

Build Communities Around These three THINGS. Otherwise, you will find it really hard to see growth and engagement.

Build Lightweight Interactions

People build relations with each others through many lightweight interactions over time.  

Information OverloadThe amount of information accessible to us is increasing exponentially

Our capacity of memory has taken million of years to evolve and won't change within our lifetime.

This is why we turn to others to help us make decisions. We will also turn to Subject experts and thought leaders to help us make decision.

How To Manage and Nurture the Community

Build Thought Leadership Council

A Thought Leadership Council is the team of key subject matter experts from across the organization who generate content ideas

It Takes a Community of Subject Experts to be a Thought Leader

Build an “Expert Connect” Program Community

Understand Digital Darwinism“Digital Darwinism," a time when technology and society are evolving faster than the ability of many organizations to adapt – Brian Solis

• Businesses must align with individuals

• The reality is that there isn’t a top-down movement to create a singular experience for fans.

Dynamic Customer Journey in Various Moments of Truth

Two Way Dialogue in Generation “C” Era

•Consumers are more informed than ever before.

• Conversations are trusted sources.

• Follow these four steps to connect with the connected customer/fan:


The Role of Social Media Manager

Cultivate a Culture of Thought Leadership Internally

The simple truth is that it takes a culture of innovation to compete for both Generation C “Connected” and for the future . . .

To innovate first requires innovation within.

Build a Thought Leadership Council Board: A Thought Leadership Council is the team of key subject matter experts from across the organization who generate content ideas

Be The Change Agent

You are the change agent. You will help influence and change the  culture of management from silos into that of leadership and innovation

Create Community Nurturing Programs

1.Webinars 2.Google+ Hangouts3.Whitepapers4.Definitive Guides5.Interviews6.Events Marketing7.One Pagers8.Drip Campaigns9.Step by Step Guides

What Are Some Disruptive Programs/Ideas For The Community?

The Innovators DNA

Five discovery skills thatdistinguish innovativeentrepreneurs and executives

fromordinary managers: 1. Associating 2. Questioning3. Observing4. Networking5. Experimenting

Think like a Publisher

We rely on emotional brain, our nonconcious brain does a lot if invisibly analysis and generates a feeling that it sends out to our rationale brain. 

Don’t Talk About Facts.

Talk about things that generates emotional reaction, visual reaction..

Nike Marketing Strategy

Tips & Tricks And Bonus Points

Create a Super Fan Program

How To Generate Innovative Ideas

E m a i l : z a f a r @ t r u e l o g i c . c o m . p h

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