brand image of lux soap in cuttack city

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Brand image measurement

Executive Summary

Hindustan Unilver limited is India’s largest fast moving consumer goods company, with

leadership in home and personal care products and beverages. Uniliver is one of the most

popular brand is Lux. Lux toilet soap was introduced as a bathroom soap in the US in 1925

and in the UK in 1928 as a brand extension of Lux soap flakes. Subsequently Lux soap has

been marketed in several forms, including hand wash, shower gel and cream bath soap. In

India it was introduced in 1929.Lux has been making waves since its inception as the world’s

first mass market beauty soap which sales at a fraction of cost of some expensive brands. It

offers people a chance to pamper themselves for a modest price.

The basic objective of our study is to find out the brand stature, brand vitality , brand image

and brand identity of lux .We have to also verify the gap between the internal positioning

and external positioning with respect to our survey.

In our research process, we have used the quantitative as well as qualitative techniques such

as the BAV model (Brand Asset Valuator) which is a patented model of world’s renowned

advertising company Young and Rubicam and also the laddering technique that enables us to

find out brand identity in terms of Attributes (A), Consequences(c) and Value (v).

In qualitative techniques we interviewed a total sample of 30 respondents within the

Ravenshaw University campus and analyze their responses. Where as in the quantitative

techniques, the process of interview was supported by a set of questionnaire and the analysis

part was done by the use of 7 point Likert scale in which we had used 8 attributes in each


From our quantitative analysis, we have found that the stature and vitality of lux is high.

From this we interpret that our brand Lux is positioned in the first quadrant of BAV graph

which means our brand is a very strong brand. In our qualitative analysis which we have done

by the use of laddering technique, we have found that the important attributes the

consequences and respective values from the point of view of our research.

Development of Lux

Lux soap was first launched in the UK in 1899 as a flaked version of Sunlight soap.

Subsequently it was launched in the US in 1916 and marketed as laundry soap targeted

specifically at 'delicates'. Lever Brothers encouraged women to home launder their clothes

without fear of satins and silks being turned yellow by harsh lyes that were often used in

soaps at the time. The flake-type soap allowed the manufacturer some leeway from lye

because it did not need to be shaped into traditional cake-shaped loaves as other soaps were.

The result was a gentler soap that dissolved more readily and was advertised as suitable for

home laundry use. Lux is currently a product of Unilever. The name "Lux" was chosen as the

Latin word for "light" and because it was suggestive of "luxury."

Lux toilet soap was introduced as bathroom soap in the US in 1925 and in the UK in 1928 as

a brand extension of Lux soap flakes. Subsequently Lux soap has been marketed in several

forms, including hand wash, shower gel and cream bath soap.

Lux soap was launched in India in 1929. The very first advertisement in 1929 featured

Leela Chitnis as its brand ambassador. It was branded in India as "the beauty soap of

film stars'. Lux is the largest personal wash brand in the country with a value share of


Three in every five Indian consumers enjoy the luxurious bathing pleasure of Lux

during the course of a year.

In1960s, Lux went coloured for the first time.

In 1970s, Jayalalitha Featured Lux in India.

Hollywood film stars also promoted it as a beauty soap.

Har star lucky star offer was introduced for its sales promotion.

Lux is celebrating range of merchandise for the product.

Chocolate seduction was a new variety where Karina Kapoor endorsed Lux.

Aromatic glown is new flavor launched in the market.

Lux white sta product for Lux in the body wash segment.

Shahrukh khan: first Indian male brand ambassador.

Priyanka Chopra: The current brand ambassador for Lux in India.

Instruments of Data Collections

In our research we have used both the Quantitative as well as the Qualitative methods to

analyse the collected data. The BAV (Brand Asset Valuator) model is used in the quantitative

technique while the laddering method is used in the qualitative analysis. For our research we

had taken a sample of 30 respondents. All the respondents belong to the Ravenshaw

University surroundings. We have taken the interview of the students, house wives and


For the Qualitative analysis we have had the one-to-one in depth interview with the

respondents. In the due course we tried to get into such a conversation mode that would

create an environment of comfort where they could freely express their feelings. In these

interview sessions with different respondents we came across different experiences. Some of

the respondents were responsive to our queries but some of them were hesitating to express

their perceptions. We adopted an approach to not to ask about the brand directly but the

respondent’s personality or his likings and attitude to trap the hidden intent. In this manner

we were able to carve out some attributes which the respondents mentioned in the due course

of the interview according to their expectations and desire about the product. Then probing

more with them about their attributes they related it to certain consequences which in turn

allowed us to figure out their personal values which they might be relating to their ambitions,

experiences, moral values, character and socio-economical needs.

For the Quantitative BAV analysis we have administered the interview with a set of

Questionnaire. The Questionnaire contains different questions related to brand awareness,

brand loyalty, using habits, buying behaviour, brand knowledge and brand personality. Then

we have segregated different attributes in different parameters of Brand stature and Brand

vitality. Then total of 32 attributes are divided into 8 attributes each for the respective

segments implicating Knowledge, Esteem, Relevance and Differentiation. After segregation

we have used a seven point Likert scale to find out the preferences given by respondents as

per the importance of the attributes. Hence, we are attaching the Quantitative Questionnaires

and Qualitative survey samples.


We, the students of Ravenshaw Management Centre, are conducting a Marketing Research on the LUX soap for the study purpose only.


To study the brand image of LUX.



2- Gender: M F

3- DOB:

4- Age Group:








50 & Above

5- Educational Qualification:

Under Metric


Higher Secondary(+2)


Post graduation

Other 6-Occupation:

7-Family Annual Income:

Below 1 lakh

1 to 3 lakh

3 to 5 lakh

5 to 10 lakh

Above 10 lakh

8- Family Members:

Below 5

5 to 7

7 to 10

10 & Above


Questionnaire To Customer about product

1. What are the brands of soap, you are aware of ?



2. Usage





3. Have you ever used LUX? Y / N

4. If LUX is in current use, then of which category?

5. How many times you are using the LUX in a day?

I. Once

II. Twice

III. More than two times

6. Do all the members of your family use the same brand of soap ? Y /N

7. If No, what are the other brands ? ......................................................( Mention )

8. What is the frequency of purchase ?

I. Weekly

II. Bimonthly

III. Monthly

IV. Quarterly

V. Semi-annually

VI. More …………………..

9. Generally which one you prefer weight ?

I. 50gm

II. 75gm

III. 100gm

IV. 135gm

V. 150gm

VI. Other………………

10. From which sources you get the information about your soap ?


Relative’s or Friend’s Reference

Shopkeeper’s Reference



11. What are the factors you take into consideration before buying a soap?


Value for money

Brand value

Celebrity Endorsement

Relative Reference


Special offer

Easy Availability



No Side Effect




Skin care



Effects on Germs

12. Do you consider any other Factors ? Y / N

13. If yes, please mention ……………………………………………………


14. Which are the brands you prefer on overall basis? ( )

15. Which brand do you think has the best range of prices? ( )

16. Which brand gives good value for money? ( )

17. Which soap has the best brand value? ( )

18. Which are the brands do you like on celebrity endorsement point of view? ( )

19. Which brand is more recommended by relative mostly? ( )

20. Which brand offer good discount time to time? ( )

21. Based on special offer, which brand attracts you more? ( )

22. Which brand is available in maximum store? ( )

23. Which brand do you think has zero side effects? ( )

24. Which brand you prefer on fragrance? ( )

25. Which brand do you think comes up with variety of colours time to time? ( )

26. Which brand flavours do you like most? ( )

27. Packaging –wise; which brands attract you more? ( )

28. Which brand has a greater effect on germ? ( )

29. Which brand do you think better suits your skin type? ( )

30. Which brand you think having herbal ingredients?( )

31. Which brand is being preferred by all age groups? ( )

32. Which is the most trustworthy brand? ( )

33. Are you satisfied with your soap? Y / N

34. If No, what do you expect more from your product?


35. Do you have any plan to switch over? Y / N

36. If yes, to which brand? ……………………..













37. Does your soap affect

i- body-odour Y / N

ii- Freshness Y / N

iii- Feel good factor Y / N

iv- Hygiene Y/N

38. Do you feel it’s effectiveness remains throughout the day ? Y / N

39. Do you feel more active after bath? Y / N

40. If you are given a chance to compare your brand to a famous personality, whom

do you want to name? -----------------------------------------

7 point Likert scale

7-Must be there, 6- Most important, 5-Very important, 4-important, 3-Average, 2-Low, 1-Very Low



Attributes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



care about Customer




Good Appearance


Attributes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

easy availability

available in many colour

Referred by all user Group

Best Brands


Celebrity Endorsement

Shopper Purchases

Relative and Friend Reference


Attributes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Skin Care

beauty Shop


Best Price

Good fragrances

Zero side effect


Moisturising effect


Attributes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




germs protection




Seasonal Need


Questions Rationale

1 What brands you are aware of? To know the brand knowledge and Overall awareness

11 What are the factors you take into consideration

before buying soap?

To find out important attributes for Lux

10 From which sources you get the information

about your soap?

Sources to get information about availability

4 Which soap has the best brand value? To identify the best brand

5 Do you have any plan to switch over? Y / N

Indicates about the brand retention and brand Loyalty of customers

40 If you are given a chance to compare your brand to a famous personality, whom do you want to name?

Brand Personality

Data Representation

Occupation In our survey we had asked to 30 respondents among 17 were students, 6 were house wives

and 7 were employed or self employed.

Gender Distribution Our team had surveyed in 30 people in Cuttack city who are Lux users among them 10 persons were

female and 20 persons were male.




0 5 10 15 20


House wife






Age Group The survey had shown that we surveyed in across all age groups. The highest respondents

were belongs to 20 to 25 age group and the second highest age groups belongs to two age

groups. And the Graph is as follows.

Education Qualification The respondent were belongs to various educational background, our respondent mainly

belongs to post graduate or graduate backgrounds. The graph is as follows.


6 6
















Socio economic analysis We also collected the data from our respondents regarding their economical conditions. In

that survey we asked regarding their family income. In this we had made the five categories

and it had made 1 lakh to more than 5 lakhs .The graphical distribution of the data as are


Qualitative interview samples

The reference material is given here for the exclusive Lux uses being interviewed by our groups near to the Ravenshaw University Campus proximity. The respondents are homogeneous sets of male and female students, housewives in the campus and some shopkeepers nearby. Given below are a set of questioning techniques for soap category in Lux. Utmost importance was given to focus on the person but not on the product and understand the hidden intent for buying Lux and relate it to laddering to carve out the values with the help of different consequences. Given below are some interviews conducted by our group members during the survey. Some attributes and consequences repeated time to time , so some unique ones are taken into account as the samples.




0 to 1





Interviewer: As you have already mentioned that you are a lux user ,why you like it so much? Respondent: Yeah, I like it because it gives a very good fragrance. Interviewer: How good fragrance helps you? Respondent: I feel good after taking bath and I do feel confident in my day to day work. Interviewer: If you do your work confidently how does it help you in your life? Respondent: Being confident I can work efficiently. Interviewer: Then, how does work efficiency help you? Respondent: Yeah, work efficiency refines my job which means I am more accurate at my work. This accuracy may lead me towards my goal and become successful in life.

The summary ladder for (1) is:

V Successful In Life

C Efficiency C Confident C Feel good C Freshness A Fragrance


Interviewer: Why do you use Lux? Respondent: I just like it. Interviewer: What are the features you like most in Lux? Respondent: I do not know…. But I like it. Interviewer: Are you a fan of Ms Priyanka Chopra? Respondent: Yes, I am. Interviewer: Do you aware that Ms Chopra is the Brand Ambassador of Lux? Respondent: Yes, I do . Interviewer: Do you think that Ms. Chopra is the perfect person for endorsing Lux? Respondent: Yes, I think she is the perfect person for endorsing Lux, because, she is a great actress and she was a Miss world. Therefore she is so famous in her early, and a role model for the youngsters. Interviewer: What happens if any one becomes famous? Respondent: If anyone is famous then s/he will have the good reputation in society. The summary ladder for (2) is:

V Social status

C Following role model

C Famous

A Celebrity Endorsements


Interviewer: Madam, why do you buy Lux for family usages?

Respondent: Generally, one is for the family and other for the guests.

Interviewer: Are you concerned about price?

Respondent: No, I don’t think much about it.

Interviewer: In your colony do your neighbours buy soaps based on price?

Respondent: yeah, my neighbours are very rigid about price. Interviewer: Don’t you think that reasonable price of soap is necessary?

Respondent: Yes, it fits into the family budget and saves money.

Interviewer: Is saving money important?

Respondent: Yes, it helps in saving something for my family and saving something for family provides satisfaction and meet additional responsibilities.

The summary ladder for (3) is:

V Responsibility to family or Family person

C Self satisfaction

C Saves money

C Fits in budget

A Price


Interviewer: You told you are a frequent user of Lux and sometimes you also go for Dettol ,can you explain me why? Respondent: As I have mentioned lux, I am using it for my skin and Dettol for protection from dust, bacterial infection, skin rash.

Interviewer: Do you think Dettol gives you better skincare than Lux?

Respondent: No………………………………(silence).

Interviewer: Silence.

Respondent: Well, I mean to say, for me better skincare is glowing and smooth skin and in between I use Dettol for nothing but for germ protection .

Interviewer: Glowing and smooth skin……… can you clarify?

Respondent: yes, to me glowing and smooth skin means soft skin/ bright skin, where I can show off, mix with friends and have a chat with them.

Interviewer: How this mixing with friends helps you?

Respondent: I have created a self image of myself among the peers. Interviewer: Why is that important to you?

Respondent: it is self esteem.

Interviewer: And what about germ protection?

Respondent: Germ protection is healthy skin that is disease free.

Interviewer: How this disease freeness helps you?

Respondent: This disease freeness encourages me to lead a youthful and energetic life. Interviewer: Can you identify other major difference between the two soap?

Respondent: ummmmmmmmmmm ……….. silence

Interviewer: Silent.

Respondent: Yes, yes, Lux gives more foam compared to Dettol……ha..ha. Interviewer: How more foam is important to you?

Respondent: ummm …. More foam means more fun .

Interviewer: More fun… means?

Respondent: Hence, I am a happy man.

These are samples of some of the differentiated situations in our survey.

Presentation of findings and conclusions

Brand Asset Valuator Quantitative Analysis

Brand Asset valuator is a model developed by Brand Asset consulting division of Young and

Rubicam Company. Young and Rubicam is an advertising company which provides

information to enable firms to improve the marketing decision-making process and to manage

brands better. Brand Asset Valuator and BAV also describe the Y&R group managing the


BAV analyze Four (4) dimensions: "Differentiation," "Relevance," "Esteem," and

"Knowledge." Differentiation and Relevance build up to "Brand Strength." Esteem and

Knowledge are used to calculate "Brand Stature." BAV defines these terms as follows.

"Differentiation" quantifies the brand's point of difference.

"Relevance" how appropriate the brand is to you.

"Esteem" how well the regarded the brand is.

"Knowledge" an intimate understanding of the brand.

"Brand Strength" describes the brand's growth potential.

"Brand Stature" describes the brand's current power.

BAV is a patented model of Y&R Company. They have studied 30,000 brands across

400,000 consumers in 48 countries through 240 studies.

BAV had taken 48 attributes across four dimensions to estimate the exact Brand Positioning.

We had taken LUX, the flagship soap brand Of Hindustan Unilver limited. It is having

Position in the consumer mind as beauty soap which is used by film stars. We had estimated

the positioning of Lux among 30 respondents in Cuttack city by taking 32 attributes as

follows across four above mentioned dimensions.


o Easy availability

o Available in many colour

o Referred by all user Group

o Traditional

o Best Brands

o Celebrity Endorsement

o Shopkeeper Push

o Relative Reference


o Reliable

o Trustworthy

o Care about Customer

o Prestigious

o Innovative

o Authentic

o Good Appearance

o Progressive


o Skin Care

o Beauty Shop

o Original

o Best Price

o Good fragrances

o Zero side effect

o Foam

o Moisturizing effect


o Dynamic

o Fun

o Advanced

o Germs protection

o Stylish

o Unique

o Famous

o Seasonal Need

The above attributes are qualitative attributes and to quantify these qualitative information we have

taken the help of 7 point Likert scale. The formulation of the Likert scale is as follows

7= must be there 6= most important 5= very important 4= important 3= average

2= low 1= very low

Survey result

We had taken 30 respondent for random sampling survey. In that survey the data collected from

respondents were interpreted through Likert scale to analyse the positioning of lux in Cuttack city.


For each attribute we have put corresponding values in their respective cells in a n

excel sheet

After filling all the cells in each dimension as we above mentioned , we sum up all the

attribute values for each dimension

We this , we got the grand total score for each dimension across 30 respondents and

8 attributes of each dimension

For getting average of total 30 respondents and 8 attributes, we had divided the the

score with 30x8=240 for the average dimension score

After getting these scores, we converted the scores of 7 point scale to 100 point scale ,

for re presentable study in Graph we have taken the scores in percentage

As we know that the among these four dimensions , two dimension differentiation and

relevance contribute to brand vitality and other two dimension knowledge and esteem

contributes to brand stature, we took averaged score for both the brand descriptors by

summing up these scores and making an average dividing by two with the help of

scores obtained for corresponding dimension

Then we plotted the above results in a 2-D graph where X axis :- brand stature, Y axis

is :- Brand vitality


In this findings we are getting

Stature Score = 74.10714286(High)

Vitality Score = 71.9047619(High)

By this we can interpret that our brand LUX is positioned in 1st quadrant of this

BAV graph which means our brand is very strong brand.

High Stature Low Stature


h V









As we have found the respective scores for “ Relevance Score” = 72.79

“Differentiation score”=74.1071”

“Knowledge score”=75.47”

“Esteem score”=68.33

This shows all of them are high according to scale of measurement which is out of 100.

High relevance implies no tinkering with the positioning and current projection of the brand.

The soap brand is also distinguished its position among all soap brands in its segment. It

enjoys good promotion as the knowledge score are good and up to an extended. The users

also have a regard for the brand. As over the years famous film stars have endorsed the brand

as a beauty soap it created an esteem for itself among its users.

Qualitative analysis

Successful Greater Social Settlement Social belongingness Prosperous More Self More In Life (v) Achievement (v) Status (v) in personal Life/Marriage (v) / companionship (V) Life (V) Responsible (v) Esteem (v) Sensibility/Family man (V)

Progressive To be Famous(c2) Impress Enjoyment Save Money Showoff Dependable /Efficient(c2) opposite Sex (c2) Sharing with others(c2) /Self Satisfaction(c2) Peers(c2) /Reliable(c2) Happy /Healthy (c2) More productive work / Better time mgt (c2). More beautiful

Freshness(c1) Following (c1) Cute /) Save Fun(c1) More Germ Free bath / (c1) Comes in(c1) Attracted (c1) Faithful(c1) -Feel Good role model Possessive(c1 Time(c1) Attractive safety budget towards brand -Feel confident /Pride(c1) -Efficiency -Active

Foam (A) Fragrance(A) Experience (A) Celebrity(A) Shape(A) Easy Availability(A) Good package(A) Hygiene(A) Good price(A) Better Brand Value(A) Good advt.(A) Trustworthy(A) After Bath Endorsement

Beauty Soap(A) Skin Care(A)

HVM (Hierarchical Value Map) Of LUX

Values Consequences Attributes 38.Social status 14.Progressive/efficient 1.Fragrance 39.Greater Achievement 15.To be famous 2.Skin Care

40.Successful in life 16.Impress opposite sex 3.Experience .After bath

41.Settlement in personal life (Marriage)

17.Enjoyment & sharing with others

4.Celebrity endorsement

42.Social belongings/ Companionship

18.Saves money/ self satisfaction 5.Shape

43.Prosperous life off peers 6.Easy availability

44.Responsible person 20Dependable/Reliable 7.Beauty soap

45.Self esteem 21.Happy and healthy 8.Good package

46.Family man 22.productive work/Greater time management


23.Freshness 10.Good price

24Feel good 11.Better brand value

25.Feel confident 12.Good Advertisement

26.Efficiency 13.Trust worthy


28.Following role model

29.More beautiful and positive feeling


31Germfree and safety

32.Within budget

33.Attracted towards brand


35.More attractive/pride

36.Cute& possessive

37.Saves time

From our qualitative analysis we came to know that among all the attributes, certain attributes like

skin care, celebrity endorsement, easy availability and beauty soap are important from the point of

view of our research because they offer certain values to the people which play an important role in

their lives.


People distinguish the psychological aspect of a brand form experiential aspect. The

experiential consist of sum of all points of contact with the brand is known as brand

experience. This psychological aspect sometimes referred to as the brand image, is symbolic

construct created within minds of people and consists of all the information and expectation

associated with the product and service.

In our case the brand image of the brand Lux lies in first quadrant of BAV model which

means both the brand descriptor (brand vitality, brand stature) has a very impressive score of

above 70% each .As brand stature measure the current strength of the brand so Lux got the

potential to be powerful brand and brand vitality measures the growth prospect of a brand. So

it has a great relevance to users and stands out to be a differentiated product in times to come.

Hence our study concludes the brand image of Lux as a market leader in beauty soap segment

which delivers more value to its user. The most important attributes that have emerged from

our survey are skin care, celebrity endorsement, easy availability and beauty soap. The values that

implied these attributes are Successful in life, Social Status, Self Esteem which consequently matches

with the current internal positioning of the brand which is communicated through the Lux


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