bottle breacher — high-caliber...

Post on 24-Aug-2020






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After weekly downtime on WooCommerce and two catastrophic outages during Shark Tank airings, Bottle Breacher felt the heat from their investors to make a move. The owners were spending 40% of their time troubleshooting, web developer costs were skyrocketing and their customer experience was painfully impaired.

After recommendations from other Shark Tank companies, Bottle Breacher moved to Bigcommerce Enterprise. For the first time ever, they enjoyed 100% uptime during their Shark Tank airing, and haven’t been down since. The easy-to-use interface allowed them to bring site management in house, and the account management and support exceeded their expectations.

Business goal: Ditch the downtime

Bigcommerce benefit: Reliable uptime & top-notch service

"Bigcommerce came recommended by other Shark Tank companies and there

were absolutely no surprises. The experience of switching over was wonderful."

— Jen Crane, President


260%Increase in


30%Increase in average

order value

40%Reduction of time

spent troubleshooting


Moving to Bigcommerce Enterprise eliminated downtime and significantly streamlined operations

Bottle Breacher — High-Caliber Gifts

For more information

Bottle Breacher, a manufacturer of bottle openers made from 50-caliber ammunition, went from zero to millions in a few short years after co-founders Jen and Eli Crane received funding on Shark Tank. While the future looked good, Jen was regularly fighting fires. “Woocommerce was constantly crashing. We were down on a near-weekly basis.” Jen spent 40% of her time making sure the site was operational. Due to the lack of customer support from their provider, Bottle Breacher spent $3,000+ a month on developer fees.

When their Shark Tank episode first aired, the site crashed within five minutes. It crashed again during a re-airing a few months later, costing $250,000 in lost sales. “We couldn’t get positive feedback after that, which affected our sales.”


After the second Shark Tank incident, Jen and Eli’s investors said it was time to move. “We needed to go somewhere innovative with good customer service,” said Jen. “Bigcommerce is easy to use and has amazing training and tutorials. It’s everything we need at our fingertips.”

Not having a developer on call saved $3,000 a month, and Bigcommerce streamlined daily tasks such as processing orders and updating products. But the biggest benefit is the service. “When something big comes up, we call our account manager. Having one person who knows your whole story is such peace of mind.”


Relaunched in time for their third Shark Tank airing, the Bottle Breacher site finally achieved 100% uptime — even with 20,000 hits a second. Bottle Breacher has now been on Bigcommerce over a year, and their site has never gone down. Since switching, conversion rates have shot up from 2.2% to 8%, and average order values are up 30%. But Jen always comes back to one thing. “The most surprising part of moving to Bigcommerce is the customer service. I never expected our Bigcommerce team to be as excited for us as we are.”


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