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Field Instructor Evaluation of Student

Foundation (First) Placement

Student Name: Click here to enter text. Campus: Choose an item.

Agency Name: Click here to enter text. Midyear Assessment Date: Click here to enter a date.

Field Instructor: Click here to enter text. Final Evaluation Date: Click here to enter a date.

Advisor: Click here to enter text. Placement Duration: Choose an item.

Directions for completing evaluation tool

This evaluation form has been updated for Fall 2016 to reflect the nine 2015 CSWE competencies. Assessment of the student’s learning should be a collaborative process between the student and the field instructor; there is space on the form for comments from both.

Each of the competencies listed below contains a definition as well as specific practice activities which are examples of how the competency is demonstrated. The field instructor should rate each of the nine competencies using the rating scale below, and check the practice activities in which the student has been engaged. After listing the evidence which the field instructor has used to assess the student’s learning, he or she should describe the assignments which provided the opportunity to demonstrate the competence (referring to the student’s learning contract may be helpful). The student should also list examples which have supported his/her learning. Finally, both student and field instructor should write a summary at the end of the evaluation which incorporates the student’s progress and future directions for his/her learning. By the end of the placement students are expected to achieve an overall rating of “competence” in all nine competencies; where this is not the case, please provide an explanation.

Revised 11.22.20162015 CSWE Competencies



Charles River & OCP: (617) 353-3754 email: Online Program: (617) 353-3755 email:

Rating Scale

The following categories are based on a multidimensional framework for assessing the student’s competence which takes into account several dimensions of performance: consistency; quality; level of independence; time needed to accomplish tasks; steady progress; integration of knowledge, value and skills; ability to transfer learning from one activity to another.

PC Pre Competence

Does not or rarely demonstrates and integrates values, knowledge and skills; needs constant supervision; quality of work uneven; tasks not completed in reasonable time; knowledge/skills not transferred from one assignment to another; progress uncertain.

EC Emerging Competence

Beginning to demonstrate values, knowledge and skills; integrates and applies learning from one activity to another inconsistently or inappropriately some of the time; requires regular supervision; progress is evident; learning is becoming more efficient; quality of work uneven but moving in a positive direction.

C Competence

Usually demonstrates and integrates values, knowledge and skills with sufficient mastery and independence; uses supervision for consultation appropriately, appropriately applies learning from one activity to another; uses time well to accomplish tasks and assignments; ready to move to advanced placement or beginning practitioner level.

AC Advanced Competence

Consistently demonstrates, integrates and applies values, knowledge and skills in all activities independently and expertly. Uses consultation appropriately; performs activities in a timely and efficient manner; able to teach others.


Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional BehaviorSocial workers understand the value base of the profession and its ethical standards, as well as relevant laws and regulations that may impact practice. Social workers apply critical thinking to frameworks of ethical decision-making in practice. Social workers understand how their personal experiences and affective reactions influence their professional judgment and behavior. Social Workers understand the role of other professions in inter-professional settings. Social workers also understand emerging forms of technology and the ethical use of technology in social work practice.

First (Formative) Assessment Final (Summative) Evaluation

Overall Rating: Ethical and Professional Behavior Choose an item. Choose an item.

Please check the indicators that are relevant to your student’s competence:

Demonstrates professional demeanor in behavior and appearance

☐ ☐

Participates in ethical decision making in consultation with their field instructor using the standards of the NASW Code of Ethics and relevant laws and regulations

☐ ☐

Uses reflection to manage personal values and maintain professionalism in practice

☐ ☐

Uses technology ethically and appropriately to facilitate practice outcomes

☐ ☐

Uses supervision and consultation to guide professional judgment and behavior

☐ ☐

Communicates clearly and professionally in a timely manner in writing and verbally

☐ ☐


Other: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

Which assignments and/or experiences provided opportunity for student demonstration of this competency? (Please refer to assignments on the learning contract.)

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Student: Give examples from your assignments which have supported your developing mastery of this competency.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in PracticeSocial workers understand how diversity and difference characterize and shape the human experience and are critical to the formation of identity. As a consequence, a person’s life experiences may include oppression, poverty, marginalization, and alienation as well as privilege, power, and acclaim. Social workers also understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination and recognize the extent to which a culture’s structures and values, including social, economic, political, and cultural exclusions, may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create privilege and power.

First (Formative) Assessment Final (Summative) Evaluation

Overall Rating: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

Choose an item. Choose an item.


Please check the indicators that are relevant to your student’s competence:

Applies at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels their understanding of the importance of diversity and difference in shaping life experiences

☐ ☐

Presents themselves as learners and engages clients and constituents as experts of their own experiences

☐ ☐

Applies self-awareness and self-regulation to manage the influence of personal biases and values in working with clients and constituents

☐ ☐

Other Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

Which assignments and/or experiences provided opportunity for student demonstration of this competency? (Please refer to assignments on the learning contract.)

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Student: Give examples from your assignments which have supported your developing mastery of this competency.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.


Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic and Environmental Justice

Social workers understand that every person has fundamental human rights such as freedom, safety, privacy, an adequate standard of living, health care, and education. Social workers understand the global interconnections of oppression and human rights violations, and are knowledgeable about theories of human need and social justice and strategies to promote social and economic justice and human rights. Social workers utilize strategies designed to eliminate oppressive structural barriers to ensure that social goods, rights, and responsibilities are distributed equitably and that civil, political, environmental, economic, social, and cultural human rights are protected.

First (Formative) Assessment Final (Summative) Evaluation

Overall Rating: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic and Environmental Justice

Choose an item. Choose an item.

Please check the indicators that are relevant to your student’s competence:

Applies their understanding of social, economic, and environmental justice to advocate for human rights

☐ ☐

Engages in practices that advance social, economic and environmental justice within the social work intern role

☐ ☐

Other Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation


☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

Which assignments and/or experiences provided opportunity for student demonstration of this competency? (Please refer to assignments on the learning contract.)

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Student: Give examples from your assignments which have supported your developing mastery of this competency.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Competency 4: Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice

Social workers understand quantitative and qualitative research methods and their roles in advancing a science of social work and in evaluating their practice. Social workers know the principles of logic, scientific inquiry, and culturally informed and ethical approaches to building knowledge. Social workers understand that evidence that informs practice derives from multi-disciplinary sources and multiple ways of knowing. They also understand the processes for translating research findings into effective practice.

First (Formative) Assessment Final (Summative) Evaluation

Overall Rating: Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice

Choose an item. Choose an item.

Please check the indicators that are relevant to your student’s competence:

Critically analyzes quantitative and qualitative ☐ ☐


research findings

Uses research to inform and improve practice, policy, and service delivery ☐ ☐

Other Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

Which assignments and/or experiences provided opportunity for student demonstration of this competency? (Please refer to assignments on the learning contract.)

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Student: Give examples from your assignments which have supported your developing mastery of this competency.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Competency 5: Engage in Policy PracticeSocial workers understand that human rights and social justice, as well as social welfare and services, are mediated by policy and its implementation at the federal, state, and local levels. Social workers understand the history and current structures of social policies and services, the role of policy in service delivery, and the role of practice in policy development. Social workers understand their role in policy development and implementation within their practice settings and engage in policy practice to effect change within those settings.


First (Formative) Assessment Final (Summative) Evaluation

Overall Rating: Engage in Policy Practice Choose an item. Choose an item.

Please check the indicators that are relevant to your student’s competence:

Is familiar with social policies at the local, state, and federal levels that impact well-being, service delivery, and access to social services

☐ ☐

Assesses how social welfare and economic policies impact the delivery of and access to social services

☐ ☐

Analyzes, formulates, and advocates, where appropriate, for policies that advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.

☐ ☐

Other Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

Which assignments and/or experiences provided opportunity for student demonstration of this competency? (Please refer to assignments on the learning contract.)

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.


Student: Give examples from your assignments which have supported your developing mastery of this competency.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Competencies 6 – 9: There are several shared principles related to engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation of practice that apply to the competencies 6 - 9. Please keep these in mind as you rate the student on competencies 6 – 9.

The importance of human relationships

Theories of human behavior and the social environment

The importance of inter-professional collaboration and communication

Personal experiences and affective reactions that impact social work practice

Knowledge of human diversity

Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Social workers understand and use strategies to engage clients and constituencies.

First (Formative) Assessment Final (Summative) Evaluation

Overall Rating: Engage with Individuals, Families, Choose an item. Choose an item.


Trudy Zimmerman, 07/05/16,
I actually like “collaboration” better since it’s not always quite “teamwork.” We need to find another word for collaboration since it’s at the end of the sentence as well.

Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Please check the indicators that are relevant to your student’s competence:

Uses empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to effectively engage clients and constituencies

☐ ☐

Other Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

Which assignments and/or experiences provided opportunity for student demonstration of this competency? (Please refer to assignments on the learning contract.)

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Student: Give examples from your assignments which have supported your developing mastery of this competency.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.


Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Social workers utilize a range of methods to ensure comprehensive assessment and recognize the implications of the larger practice context in the assessment process.

First (Formative) Assessment Final (Summative) Evaluation

Overall Rating: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Choose an item. Choose an item.

Please check the indicators that are relevant to your student’s competence:

Collects and organizes data, and applies critical thinking to interpret information from clients, constituents and other relevant sources

☐ ☐

Selects appropriate intervention strategies based on the assessment, research knowledge, values and preferences of clients and constituents in keeping with available resources and agency mission

☐ ☐

Other Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report


☐ Other: Type other ☐ Other: Type other

Which assignments and/or experiences provided opportunity for student demonstration of this competency? (Please refer to assignments on the learning contract.)

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Student: Give examples from your assignments which have supported your developing mastery of this competency.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations and Communities

Social workers utilize methods of identifying, analyzing and implementing evidence-informed interventions to achieve client and constituent goals.

First (Formative) Assessment Final (Summative) Evaluation

Overall Rating: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations and Communities

Choose an item. Choose an item.

Please check the indicators that are relevant to your student’s competence:

Critically chooses and implements interventions to achieve practice goals and enhance capacities of clients and constituents

☐ ☐


Negotiates, mediates, and advocates with and on behalf of clients and constituents ☐ ☐

Facilitates effective transitions and endings that advance mutually agreed-on goals. ☐ ☐

Other Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

Which assignments and/or experiences provided opportunity for student demonstration of this competency? (Please refer to assignments on the learning contract.)

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Student: Give examples from your assignments which have supported your developing mastery of this competency.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, and GroupsSocial workers recognize the importance of evaluating processes and outcomes to advance practice, policy, and service delivery effectiveness. Social workers utilize qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluating outcomes and practice effectiveness.


First (Formative) Assessment Final (Summative) Evaluation

Overall Rating: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, and Groups Choose an item. Choose an item.

Please check the indicators that are relevant to your student’s competence:

Selects and uses appropriate methods for evaluation of outcomes ☐ ☐

Applies evaluation findings to improve practice effectiveness at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels

☐ ☐

Documents practice outcomes ☐ ☐

Other Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

What evidence did you use to support your rating of the student’s level of competence? Please give one or two examples.

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

☐ Direct observation by field ins.☐ Discussion in supervision☐ Role play☐ Cofacilitation☐ Colleague report☐ Client report ☐ Other: Type other

Which assignments and/or experiences provided opportunity for student demonstration of this competency? (Please refer to assignments on the learning contract.)

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Student: Give examples from your assignments which have supported your developing mastery of this

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.





Field instructor’s comments: Please include comments addressing the student’s strengths, challenges, and suggestions for future learning and professional development.

Click here to enter text.

Student’s comments: Please include comments addressing your strengths, challenges, use of supervision and goals for future learning.

Click here to enter text.


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