booklet september'13

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AIESEC University's activities during September 2013


Local Motivation Seminar ‘13

LMS, the first local conference for newbies after being selected by Executive Board and Talent Management team. After selection done by EB members on 15 Septembre, this team was working eve-ryday to prepare and make the best conference in their different point of view.

AIESEC University, Tunisia | Issue of Septembre ‘13


Info Session

Before the recruitement comaping, AIESEC University prepared an event in the university FSEGT in Campus El Manar a session to explain what is AIESEC and what we do for student who want to be part of the association.

Recruitement compaing

Every year, AIESEC in Tunisia open their doors for student to be member of the association and live a new exprience to prepare them for the professional life. More than 700 registra-tion online, it was time to move on for individual interview. From 15 to 25 septembre, Talent Management team and EBs members were making individual interview starting from 9 A.M to 4 P.M in Campus El Manar, Tunis.

AIESEC University, Tunisia | Issue of Septembre ‘13


Welcome Afternoon

After selection, it was time for newbies to have their first contact with AIESEC though in event we call ’WelcomeAfternoon’. More than 100 persons were present in this event to know more about the associa-tion within some session. For this year 2013, the chiar was our dear allumni Ahmed Ouerghi and the facilitators were Amine jmel, Moez bchir, Brahim Ayari, Majdi Elloumi, Hind Hachemi, Seifeddine Klai, Ghassen Drine and Samy Nouri; They made different session Executive Board Presentation, AIESEC Histoty, AIESEC Way and AIE-SEC Values. For more information you can read Wiki on or visit :

AIESEC University, Tunisia | Issue of Septembre ‘13


AIESEC eXperience

When I look back on my internship in Tunisia, I’m filled with a little bit complicated feelings. Mixed with such memorable, joyous and impressive, exciting and amusive moments, all of them have been a valuable memory in my life. Tunisia is one of a few countries concentrates beaches, deserts,forests and ancient civilization,which is a place embraces long history and multi-culture.I’ll never forget the two study tours that I experienced with AIESEC. The desert the beach the sea,the people,everything is amazaing there. I am very glad to work with the local Red Cross staff who are full of passion and positivity so that they always have positive energy no matter how late they worked. They are really helping people need help.The natives is very devout and hospitable and there are some people often offer help to us when we need it.In short, I like Tunisia deeply and hope can go there again.

Jingjing Xin

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