book - kid stuff3

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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KKiidd SSttuuffff (Poems written between the ages of 8 – 18)

What Would happen?

History Lessons

Good Manners

Leonard’s Nightmare

Square Dancing on the Hill

The Lonely Loon

Comeback of a Clown

Never Fall For A Porcupine

Teen Tips

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What Would happen?

What would happen tell me pray,

If the groundhog came today?

It is just the first you know

Would winter come, or would it go?

Would spring hasten on its way?

What would happen?

What if he would come the third?

That is something quite absurd,

The weather might be, oh, so bleak

And he’d go to bed for a long six weeks.

But if the sun were shining bright

What would happen?

If something should upset his schedule,

And he didn’t come out to see his shadow?

Ground Hog Day would be disrupted.

Everything quite interrupted.

What would happen if that would happen?

Poor old groundhog.

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History Lessons

When reading about history

We sometimes think it’s dry

To learn how our ancestors

Taught airplanes how to fly.

And how they caught the lightning bugs

And caged them up in glass

So we could have the ‘lectric lights

To see in History Class.

And how they looked for many years

To find those little men

That fit inside the radio;

For history again.

But then I think when I’ve been gone

For quite a long, long while

If I could see my great-grandchildren

I would really have to smile.

If I could see their faces

With that cute disgusted look,

When they read ‘bout us kids doings

In their modern History book.

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Good Manners

When I was just a little lad

My Grandpa said “now Willie,

You must learn its not good manners

To crush crackers in your chili.”

Years later when I’d been elected

Governor of my State

I often thought of Grandpa

And was careful how I ate

When other leaders in my State

Invited me for haut-cuisine

I’d struggle to restrain myself from

Crumbling crumbs in my tureen.

One day the President invited

Six Governors to luncheon.

We were at the table supping soup

Dry crackers we were munchin’.

When suddenly I heard a sound

That knocked me for a loop.

I turned to see the President

Crushing crackers in his soup.

I dropped my conversation

Grabbed my crackers from the table

And crumbled them into my soup

As fast as I was able.

For when the sound that froze my blood

Had risen to my ears

I cursed my sainted Grandpa

For fifty wasted years.

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Leonard’s Nightmare

I dreamed a great big Apple Pie

With eyes and mouth and nose

And arms and legs was chasing me

And caught me by the toes.

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Square Dancing on the Hill

Max is the youngest square dance caller

In the Town of Chance

He started out by watching

When his folks went to a dance

He listened, learned and practiced

When no one was at home

With a borrowed square dance record

And a little microphone.

When he thought that he was ready

As ready as could be

He called his friends to join him

For a square dance jamboree

They started in the basement

Where he showed them all their places

Then he turned the music on

And put them through the paces.

They soon learned how to dosido

And promenade the ring

Chain across and make a star

Left allemande and swing.

The kids were having so much fun

They began to whoop and roar

And soon the noise was plainly heard

Up to the second floor.

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Tnen Max heard his mother’s voice

Please go outside and play

What are you doing in the house

On such a sunny day?”

Max took the tape recorder

And his little microphone

And they all gathered in the yard

Of Max’s hillside home.

Max climbed upon a handy stump

And looked up at the hill

There’s a way to do this, he exclaimed\

If you guys have the will.

Come on, he said, Let’s square ‘em up

We can do this if we try

And he began to call a dance

Beneath the clear blue sky.

All join hands and circle left

Go all around the square

Some go up and some go down

And some go everywhere

Head two ladies chain across

Just send her high or low

Turn around and send her back

Don’t let her stub a toe.

Side two ladies, do the same

Guys send your gal across

Turn around and send em back

Show them who’s the boss.

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Allemande your corner girl,

Then dosido your own

If you’re down you must go up

If up, you must go down.

Soon the neighbors heard the noise

And came outside to see

what the excitement was about

and soon joined in the glee.

Now folks come over once a week

And things are never still

When Max begins to call for

The square dance on the hill.

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The Lonely Loon

A lonely loon was swimming along

And as she swam she crooned a song

She would drift back and forth

From the south to the north

With her head bowed down low

Did she search for a beau?

She was lovely, that loon

All alone ‘neath the moon

Swimming alone, all alone

I could hardly pretend,

That I’d be her friend

Cause I’m just a lone abalone.

One day, along came another lone loon.

Swimming alone upon the lagoon

He soon saw a lady loon floating by

It was nearly high tide

So he rushed to her side

Said “You look like you’re going to cry.

I’m alone and lonely; there’s just me only

I would certainly welcome a friend

Said he with a smile, we can drift for awhile

But there is no need to pretend

If you’ll be my bride, I’ll stay by your side

And we’ll never be lonely again.

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Never Fall For A Porcupine

I love my mate, he’s really great

Although he’s sometimes prickly

And when he gets his dander up

You’d better move on quickly

He can be gentle as a lamb;

And usually quite benign.

Unless he’s mad; then don’t forget

That he’s a porcupine.

You’ll find that my true love is sweet

Though I don’t like to brag.

He wears his colors proudly

And loves to fly his flag.

He’s quick to defend his property

And he has a lot of spunk;

But be careful not to frighten him

After all he is a skunk.

My spouse is such a charmer

He sits upon a lily

And begs the ladies for a kiss

Well doesn’t he look silly?

If they believe he is a prince

They’re in for a surprise

He’s just a great big bull frog

Not royalty in disguise.

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My love is fond of formal wear

And loves to strut his stuff

I’m always proud to walk with him

I just can’t get enough

Sometimes I think he doesn’t care

Then much to my chagrin

He lays a pebble at my feet

To show he’s my Penguin.

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Comeback of a Clown

There once was a clown in the days of old,

And this is the way his story’s been told.

Teen Tips

Are you the belle of the ball

Or a flower on the wall?

Or are you just a simple stay-at-home?

It’s no secret I will tell;

You all could be a bell.

But you must use the hidden features that you


Now your hair is beauty plus

And it isn’t too much fuss

To comb your hair and brush it every night.

Then take a little care with the style of your hair

And choose one that will suit your face just right.

You use makeup? That’s just fine

If you know the art of making up your face

To use makeup if it’s in the proper placeHis name

was Pepito, he could do lots of tricks

And the children that watched him sure got lots of


He was the most famous clown in the whole world


For there wasn’t a better one to be found

But when the war started Pepito, you see,

Said since this worlds been so good to me

I’m leaving the circus and joining the army

The enemy will have a hard time to disarm me

No amount of coaxing would change the clown’s


He joined in the army to help all mankind.

So the days and the weeks and the months

passed away

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With no word from Pepito, the clown once so gay

We finally heard from the world famous clown

He was lying in a hospital in a foreign town.

His sight was gone, he was totally blind

And buried deep in Pepito’s mind

Was a picture so gruesome, a bomb from the


Had shattered the sight from his once alert eyes.

Except for that instant his mind was erased

His faith too was lost in the ruins of disgrace.

So two men decided to get him to act

To bring back to him the faith that he lacked

One day they visited Pepito’s room.

The ex-clown was moody and steeped in gloom.

Introductions didn’t do very much good

Pepito still looked like a man made of wood.

The younger man spoke then, and here’s what he


My dad was a good man, though now he is dead.

He took me one night to see a great show

The performer was one everybody should know

Performing that night was Pepito the great

Known through every town, village and state

It was that night that I made up my mind

I’d be a actor and act for mankind.

“Yes, I remember well,” Pepito sighed

“Oh, is this him dad,” a tiny voice cried.

“The Mr. Pepito, you mentioned today.”

“And who is this,” they heard the clown say

“It’s my son, Chunky,” the man spoke once more.

“He’s heard me talk of you often before.”

“He said Mr. Pepito,” the clown stammered low

“Just like the children at my very last show

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Ah how they laughed, I shall never forget

I see their faces in memory yet.”

“Please, do your act for me,” Chunky pleaded

This was the chance the two men needed

“We’ll get your clown suit and make-up and things

Can you perform without any rings”

The clown said he would for the child’s delight

So he acted again though he had lost his sight

And billboards and newspapers soon proclaimed

That the circus was starring Pepito the famed

But he’d be surprised if he could but know

That Chunky was a dummy and was used in a


Pepito recovered the faith that he lacked

With the help of a dummy and ventriloquist act.

Daddy Long Legs

by Aggi Thurner

I spied a Daddy Long Legs

Climbing on a tree.

When he saw I’d seen him

He went still as he could be.

I stayed and watched him for awhile;

Thought I’d track him to his base

To see how Mommy Long Legs

Served meals at their place

I was curious you know

To see how they were able

To fit all the little Long Legs

Around the dinner table.

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Would their legs get tangled

And twisted all about?

And how would they untangle them

When time came to crawl out.

I turned my head a minute

And when I turned around,

My shy little Daddy long legs

Was nowhere to be found.

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