book 4: the boy's choice · iii translator’s note: the japanese honorifics were kept in the...

Post on 05-Sep-2019






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ENTAKU NO KISHI The Leftover Princess and the

Knights of the Round

Book IV: The Boy’s Choice

Story by: Riine Ishida

Art by: Ichiko Okiya

Translated by: CrystalHikari


Translator’s note:

The Japanese honorifics were kept in the translation

of the dialogues of the characters to show the respect or

adoration of the characters. Footnotes were provided

upon the first appearance of the honorific in the chapter

to explain it.

Thoughts are signified by italics.


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Chapter II:

The Meeting at Noon

Leti and Astrid arrived at the capital at midnight after

four days of travelling from Mount Gran.

Leti thanked Astrid for escorting her throughout the

journey until the Royal Villa. She was welcomed home by

the servants waiting for her at the door. Upon entry, she

found her younger brother who had not slept a wink

waiting for her. Beside him stood an unexpected person.

“Welcome home Ane’ue1,” greeted Leonhardt. “This

one over here just had some business with me. There’s no

need to greet him; he was on his way anyway.”

“I am sorry for intruding,” apologised Guido.

“That you are,” agreed the younger prince and then he

noticed Leti’s uncharacteristic movement. “Ane’ue?”

Leti took a glance at her half-brother, Second Prince

Guido, then to her brother Leonhardt and briskly went

inside the villa. She did not even spare her brothers a

second glance as she shouted, “I do not want to talk to

1 Ane’ue: A Japanese honorific used to refer to one’s older sister. (More

formal and old-fashioned than the normal Onee-san.)

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you looking like this. Wait here until I have freshened


Guido was undoubtedly Solvelle’s most handsome

man. Leti’s womanly pride would not allow her to stand

up next to him looking all travel-worn. Definitely no.

“Ane’ue seems like has something to discuss with


“Most likely about the fire on Mount Gran. I have

received a simple report about it.”

“I see. We need to have the other one then. How

should we call him? We cannot be seen all gathered up

together in the middle of the night now, can we? It will be

a big problem for all of us.”

Leonhardt was right. The royal siblings fighting over

the crown were supposed to be in bad terms with each

other and could not simply call and visit each other this

late at night.

“How about tell him you caught a fever so he should

come and visit you?”

“Sometimes, I cannot help but think you’re stupid,

Guido Ani’ue2. Do you think that would be believable for

someone who has never paid me a visit when I was sick?

2 Ani’ue: A Japanese honorific used to refer to one’s older brother.

(More formal and old-fashioned than the normal onii-san.)

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That’s why I hate you,” resented Leonhardt as he caught a

maid and asked her to deliver a message.

Now, all that was left was to wait for Leti.

Leti hurriedly washed her hair and body with a hot

bath to clean off the dirt and dust of travel. Once all of

that was done, she asked a maid to call Guido and


Her hair was still damp and the dress she wore was a

simple one meant for indoors. She decided this was

enough since she they were just family after all.

“Take a seat. You might have known about this

already, but there had been fires on Mount Gran.”

Only Guido took a seat while Leonhardt leaned

against the windowsill.

“Was it terrible?”

“I would like to see a wildfire that was not terrible.

Great-grandfather’s foresight is commendable, is it not?”

The heat wave from Illstra goes over the mountains

once every few years. Administrative King Karlheinz

proposed to have a budget allotted for such an incident

since it was bound to happen in the future. This proposal

was enacted and still continues to be in effect now. If

there happened to be a wildfire, Solvelle has the means to

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immediately address whatever casualties the fire may


“But this foresight is for Solvelle. To use it for

Northruth’s support is,” started Guido when Leonhardt

butted in.

“Our little troop is now complete, Ane’ue.”

Leti looked at the window from where Leonhardt

stood and she was shocked by the human figure emerging

from the dark. “Prince Friedhelm!”

“Coming! I’ll open the lock now,” said Leonhardt.

Once Leonhardt opened the window, their other half-

older brother rushed inside.

“You do have some guts to tell me to sneak in

through the window, huh, Leonhardt?”

“Well, the three of you are supposed to be on bad

terms. There was no other way. Guido Ani’ue happened

to be here already because of some business with me, so

you had to be the one to come here stealthily.”

“Getting away from Seventh Heaven’s watch was a

pain, you know! Add to that I have to come here like I’m

a secret lover of some married woman! At least let the

room be that of a voluptuous countess or something.”

“I somehow understand why you are friends with

Duke Northruth. I had the same thought about him: how

the two of you are raised to be well-mannered gentlemen,

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but your speech is uncouth. Can you not try to refine it,”

commented Leti.

Such manner of speaking was embarrassing to be

heard from a prince of Solvelle. Even Astrid’s speech had

more finesse.

“I eagerly learned this speech during my Academy

days. And even if you don’t welcome it, just being there is

enough to influence you. I act as the proper prince in

front of everybody else, so just let me be when I’m with


“But Prince Guido attended the same academy and

had retained his finesse.”

“Well, Guido never really paid attention to his

surroundings. His classmates were also careful not to use

such language when speaking to him,” explained

Friedhelm. “You know, you’ve gotta learn some from


“I see. I made my friends self-conscious when they

speak to me,” contemplated Guido.

“You do not have to take that seriously. You are a

prince. Making them self-conscious is just right.”

Leti glared at Friedhelm, telling him with her sharp

gaze to stop picking at Guido since he does not

understand jokes.

But this was not what I wanted to talk about.

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Their conversation had gone away with the real topic

so Leti coughed once to call everyone into order.

“Now, going back. I am sure you have already heard

about the incident on Mount Gran. As of now, there are

no victims yet from Solvelle, but we cannot say for certain

until the heat waves stop.”

“Then Northruth is the one who suffered the blow?”

“Yes. I heard Belden was burnt down. Wildfires were

not limited to the area around Mount Gran but also

within their territory.”

“We cannot joke about their situation then now that

Belden is gone.”

Belden was known to be Northruth’s food source.

Leti needed not to elaborate on this since Friedhelm

immediately understood the complications that comes

with it: Northruth cannot survive the winter.

“Duke Northruth had already evacuated all the

victims from Belden to the northern foot of Mount Gran.

Right now, a buffer zone is being constructed to prevent

another fire from spreading down to Northruth. Solvelle

and Kielf are helping in the construction. Mount Gran,

for both countries, is their own after all.”

Mount Gran was under territorial claims between the

three countries, but it was thanks to this issue that they

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were cooperating now to keep the wildfire on the

mountain under control.

“In tomorrow’s meeting, I will be proposing a large-

scale aid for Northruth. Large-scale here means I want to

use our heat wave emergency funds to help them survive


“You’ll meet a lot of opposition if you want to do that

much,” replied Friedhelm.

“And the ‘kind-hearted princess’ will win against all of

it. What I want to ask of you is to show no opposition

about my proposal. You do not even need to show

support. Just join the meeting and be quiet.”

Not having the two prince go against her would be a

big help for her already. If she only had the time, she

would also ask help from others in advance to prepare the

stage for tomorrow’s meeting. Unfortunately, she did not

have that luxury.

“Of course, you’d be giving us something in return.”

Friedhelm would not just agree to this scheme for free.

Leonhardt glared at him, silently telling him to die.

“I will agree to meet some of your proposed husband

candidates personally. Prepare two from each of you.”

Leti had all refused the candidates they sent to her. To

have her meet them now was one big hurdle overcome

for Friedhelm. Besides, Leti had always acted as the gentle

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and sweet princess in front of everyone; she could not act

cold and distant when she faces the candidates. This was

too good of chance for Friedhelm to pass up.

“Well, well, well, then I shall have a man who’d say ‘as

you wish’ to your every command.”

“I accept this condition as well,” agreed Guido.

She had covered everything needed to be discussed.

She was about to send them home when she remembered


“One more thing,” started Leti. She was about to

mention Valery’s request to grant protection for the

fourth prince of Kielf, but decided not to tell them.

Asking them now about this when I do not have an answer on my

own would not be a consultation. It would mean I do not have

confidence in my own opinion. I need to have an answer first and

then I would consult with them.

She is a monarch. She cannot leave everything to be

someone else’s responsibility.

“I made a lover in Illstra. He is currently busy so I

cannot introduce him to you yet, but I will eventually. So

could you select a husband candidate that can tolerate

him,” joked Leti to cover up what she meant to say.

“Illstra? Lover? Don’t tell me it’s that rake Victor?

He’s more than twenty and yet only has women in his

mind,” protested Friedhelm. “Or is it the other stupid

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man August? Whoever it is, I am against both. I’m strongly

against the two of them!”

Friedhelm knew that Victor, Illstra’s first prince, liked

Leti. He was also aware of Duke Northruth’s preference

for intelligent and beautiful women. He was starting to

curse God for what happened. Leti was just supposed to

attend her cousin’s wedding! Why did this have to


“Friedhelm Ani’ue, could you try using your head a

little? She said a lover and not a fiancé. This means there is

a difference between their social status. Those two are

both men of status qualified to be her husband,”

explained Leonhardt as he laughed coldly.

“Then a noble of Illstra or one of the knights of the

Order.” Only Guido was the one seriously thinking who

could the man be.”

“Duke! What are you doing, man! That’s what you’re a

knight for!”

“It could be him, you know,” insinuated Leonhardt.

“The difference in social status?”

“Ah, I see,” murmured Guido. “Shall we break his

neck when he returns?”

Leonhardt agreed to Guido’s suggestion. “That was a

good joke! Sharp-tongued jokes are one of Solvelle’s royal

family’s special skills after all.”

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“No, I was serious.”

“Eh? You were serious?”

Leti looked at her brothers and somehow reflected on

her own joke. Perhaps it was a bit too much for them. In

truth, she had gained a knight and not a lover, but to tell

them the truth now was somehow troublesome. She just

decided to end their conversation and forced them out of

her room.

Once her brothers left, she sat down in front of her

desk. She had a lot of things to accomplish tonight.

“I truly have to consider the husband issue soon. But

for now, providing aid to Northruth comes first.”

This sudden happening left her without any cards

prepared in her hand so she had to sacrifice herself in

exchange for her brothers’ cooperation. Now, the rest

was up to her efforts.

“Oh right, I have to open the window.”

She opened the latch of the window and held out her

hand. This night at Solvelle’s capital was still. It was the

perfect weather for the practice she started since she left

Mount Gran. Leti closed her eyes and felt the wind.

Leti slept not a wink last night to finish making the

document needed for the morning’s meeting. After

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completing everything, she brought Astrid with her as she

headed towards her battlefield, the conference room.

Her task now was not to lead the operations at Mount

Gran, nor was it to care for the wounded and pray for

everyone’s safety. She had to gain the council’s agreement

for the large scale aid for Northruth.

“I have here my report about the wildfire at Mount


Leti stood up and looked at the members in

attendance of the meeting.

“On the fifth of this month, Northruth’s soldiers

confirmed the presence of heat waves around Mount

Gran. This continued for three days resulting to the first

wildfire on the eighth. The fire stopped naturally after half

a day but another fire happened on the tenth,” presented

Leti. She took the trouble to lay down first the facts most

likely known by all the members before she proceeded to

her real agenda.

“The fires did not happen on Mount Gran alone.

Several fires were also reported to be burning the

mountain range facing Northruth and Illstra. The victims

who have lost their homes evacuated to the northern foot

of Mount Gran as their temporary shelter as instructed by

Duke Northruth.”

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Duke Northruth selected the northern foot of Mount

Gran because it was close to the station making

transportation easier. He also thought it was safe from the

heatwave. But the heatwave this year was strong and went

over Mount Gran. His plan of evacuation was sound at

the time of planning, but it could turn out to be a bad

decision with the present situation.

“Many are suffering right now at Mount Gran. Their

lungs are burnt by the heat wave and the ashes and dust

continually hurt their eyes and throat. They are all asking

for help, but Northruth’s military forces already have their

hands full with the search and rescue operations. They

can no longer extend help to the other victims.”

Such a situation could easily warrant an agreement to

provide some aid to Northruth. But that was not all Leti

had to say.

“The Belden region of the Dukedom of Northruth

was burnt. If this situation persists, then they cannot

survive the coming winter.”

Even if they could buy food from other countries, this

would still depend if they have enough surplus to sell to

them. This heat wave did not affect Northruth alone. It

was most likely the produce of the other neighbouring

countries was affected by this as well. This poor yield

could lead to higher prices too.

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Now that all the facts had been laid, it was time for

the battle. Leti, standing right inside the battlefield made

her declaration of war.

“I propose for the Kingdome of Solvelle to send out a

large scale aid to the Dukedom of Northruth,” announced

Leti in her clear and confident voice.

The room turned silent for a moment. A question

from one of the members broke it. “How much is large


“We have a heat wave emergency fund. I propose to

use thirty percent of our fund that has accumulated for

the past ten years in order to dispatch a medical team and

supply them with food and medicines for free in addition

to the assistance for the search and rescue operation to be

provided by the Royal Chivalric Order.”

Leti had always been a proponent of providing help

and support to people, but this was the largest she had

ever proposed.

“Helping Northruth to a certain extent is

understandable, but the scale this time is too big. Thirty

percent is too much.”

Opposition from the members not under the neutral

faction were starting to be raised.

But Leti was prepared for them. She did not say thirty

percent without any thought behind it.

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“We are fortunate that ever since this fund was

established, the heat wave had only affected Solvelle once.

Therefore, even if we use thirty percent of the ten-year

budget, we would still have more than enough even if the

heat wave continues until the following year or even the

year after that.”

Solvelle would still have an enough budget to sustain

herself even after providing an all out support to


But the enemies, the families of the three Grand

Marquises, would not be silenced. A member of the

Eulenberg questioned Leti. “Let us just say there will be

enough left for Solvelle. But what benefit are we to get

from doing this charity? The budget is for Solvelle’s good

after all.” Then he murmured, “this is why princesses are

just trouble.”

And they have started the fight. One day, you’ll find yourself

crying, Eulenberg’s dog, swore Leti as she took a deep breath

to prepare herself to attack. She exhaled and then started

her piece. “This will be for Solvelle’s benefit.”

Leti was prepared to shut down these noisy men. She

is the sister of the bluff-expert Friedhelm and the master

debater Guido.

“The possibility of Northruth returning this favour is

not to be considered a benefit, Your Highness,” snickered

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another. Her ‘leftover princess’ moniker could be heard

around the room, but Leti ignored them and continued

resolute in her stand.

“Northruth and the Kielf Empire are helping in

putting out the fire at Mount Gran, at our Mount Gran.

They are offering their help out of goodwill. Should we

not also repay them with goodwill?"

Mount Gran for Solvelle was her own land.

Therefore, what the other two countries doing for Mount

Gran should not be interpreted as claim on the land but

an act of kindness on their part. Leti clarified this point to


“That may be true, and therefore our act of goodwill

should be of an equal value. But Your Highness’s

proposal is too much to be considered as an act of


“If this happened to any another country, then I agree

that repaying them with an equal value is enough. But we

are talking about Northruth.”

Northruth is a country of her own now, but in the

past, she used to be a part of Solvelle and everyone is

aware of that history.

“We share the same race and language as Northruth;

we are like sisters, a family. So if Solvelle abandon them in

this time of crisis, it is like telling them we are nothing but

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strangers. Such treatment would make Northruth feel like

we betrayed them and that feeling of resentment and

disappointment will surely be cause for trouble in the


And that future was not far.

“I presume you are all aware of the unstable situation

in the Kielf Empire, are you not? They are on the verge of

having a civil war and this is the main reason why

Northruth, the Buffer State, is valuable to us.”

The moment the Kielf Empire was mentioned, an

eerie tension invaded the room. Leti took note of the

change and felt satisfied at the effect of her words. Yes,

they should fear the Kielf Empire, the great empire of the

north that had waged war against Solvelle several times.

“As we are hesitating to help Northruth, Kielf may

already be reaching out to them. When that happens,

Northruth may change her allegiance as a buffer state for

Solvelle to be a buffer state for Kielf. Northruth might

select the Northern Empire over us!”

Everyone at the meeting looked at Leti. Their eyes

were no longer lackadaisical as if they were just listening

to a princess’s whims. They were turning serious as they

truly start thinking about Solvelle’s future.

“Please consider again your agreement to provide aid

for Northruth in exchange for Solvelle’s peaceful future.”

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Leti once again stated her proposal. The reaction to it

was completely different to the reaction she had received

the first time she presented it.

Astrid was patiently waiting for Leti at the corridor.

He tried listening to the voices that could be heard from

outside. He did not have knowledge about the

proceedings for a meeting, but he was sure this meeting

was no longer fit to be called a “morning meeting”.

It was already noon when the council had reached a

decision and people started to go out of the room.

Among them was one person who knew Astrid and

greeted him.

“Good job waiting. Leticia would be out in a bit. She

is still finalising some things about the support party to

send to Northruth with His Majesty and Commander


That person was Prince Friedhelm.

“What’s with that face,” asked the prince.

“Well, I was just surprised. Your Highness was there

in the meeting.”

“Why you! Who do you think am I? In case you don’t

know, I am The First Prince of Solvelle, Prince


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“I was surprised because I have not heard Your

Highness’s voice even once during the meeting.”

Astrid, who knew nothing about what happened

inside, answered straightforwardly that it was quite

refreshing for the prince.

Astrid’s answer could have been interpreted as a

sarcastic comment that Friedhelm only attended the

meeting and did not contribute anything to the

discussion. But Friedhelm knew that this young knight

was not capable of such subterfuge so he just agreed that

he truly did not say a word.

“There was some opposition about giving the support

then,” murmured Astrid and then boldly asked, “Do we

not have the money to do so?”

For Astrid, the only reason why there would be any

difficulties in extending help was because they do not

have the financial capacity to do so. They cannot, so they

would not.

“My great-grandfather, the Administrative King

Karlheinz, had left a dictum to allot a budget every year as

an emergency fund in case the heat wave hits Solvelle

since such a case would surely happen once every few

years. Thanks to that, Solvelle always has the funds ready

and could be used immediately when the need arises.”

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“But the decision to provide the support was not

agreed upon immediately.”

“Because it was not for us. ‘Twas natural for them to

a bit stingy in providing that much assistance, even for

Northruth. Doing something for the benefit of your own

country is the correct way of doing politics.”

There are people suffering right in front of you. You

are capable of helping them, but still do not. That is


“I see,” replied Astrid. He realised he was not one for

politics because he could not understand how it worked.

“However, on the north of Solvelle was the currently

unstable Kielf Empire. We do not know when they would

suddenly send their soldiers down to us so Northruth as

the buffer state was important. If the need arises, we

could use it as a battlefield. Therefore, helping Northruth

now did not seem such a bad idea after all.”

“So in the end, after a lot of considerations, helping

Northruth would be for Solvelle’s benefit?”


Then why not just help from the start, thought Astrid.

Politics is hard.

“Northruth should be grateful to our First Princess. If

she was not the one who proposed this and presented the

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arguments, the most they could get from Solvelle would

be cheaper prices for the goods.”

“Your Highness cannot do it?”

“You know, you should just voice out your

admiration for Leticia without throwing a barb at me,”

commented Friedhelm before answering the question.

“No, I cannot. This had to be done by Leticia. If Guido

or I did this, they would just think we were doing it to

gain points.”

Astrid wanted to ask what the points were for, but

decided to just continue listening.

“If they think that our proposition to help was just a

plot to get some points, the opposing faction would

definitely do everything to pull it down. But such a

thought would not even cross their mind for Leticia. She

also had her past good deeds to support her.

Leti, since before, had always been active in

supporting the promotion of education and welfare. This

was not her first time providing help for a wildfire. She

knows what to do to put together a support party. She

also had the most experience of going to sites of crises as

the representative of the Royal Family. She did not have

an active role in politics or military, but she was a

constant presence in charity works. That was the image of

the First Princess of Solvelle Leti had created. She was

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not only adored by the nobles, but also by the citizens of


“Our kind-hearted princess wants to help. If doing so

will be a benefit to us, then we should, regardless if it was

large scale. She had laid this groundwork for so many

years that more than respect, I shudder at how perfectly

things are going for her.”

Since when had she been preparing for this? Could

things really go this smoothly without her being aware of

what she was doing.

Friedhelm sometimes have these questions about Leti.

“Amazing,” blurted Astrid as he blushed. He was


Friedhelm immediately understood Astrid’s thoughts

had gone towards a different direction, so he asked,

“What’s amazing?”

“Well, it meant that Her Highness had been

continuously putting in her efforts so that she could

always help people.”

“I see it went that way,” murmured Friedhelm. “Yes,

you’re right. I know that in the end, she is just a kind-

hearted person under all of it.”

And that kind-heartedness was influencing everything

to go too smoothly. In other words, she seem to be dearly

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beloved by some “fate”. Friedhelm groaned inwardly with


“For this case, there are many people suffering and

she has the power to help them so she wants to lend them

a hand. She totally thought this is what a human ought to


“A human?” Astrid’s thought stopped there. He was

very familiar to a similar phrase, “what a knight ought to

do”. This phrase was commonly found in his text book

on morals and ethics at the Knight Academy. A knight

ought to save people. A knight out to be kind towards

women and children.

“I see.” Her Highness is helping not because she is a princess,

but because she is human. Astrid thought this was an

important thing he should remember.

“Astrid! I have finished everything as scheduled,”

called Leti in her clear voice ending his conversation with

Prince Friedhelm.

“You are to come with me later as my guard for my

travel back to Mount Gran. I know you are tired, but you

will accept the task, will you not?”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Leti was satisfied with Astrid’s happy reply and

proceeded to the next persons she had to talk with:

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Friedhelm whom Astrid was just talking to a while ago,

and Guido who was watching the pair from a distance.

“Prince Friedhelm, how is the draft of the support

unit from the Order?”

“Here you go, Princess. It already has the

commander’s signature right there on the approval line.”

Leti took a look at the document and it was really

signed by Johannes.

“Prince Guido, how about the approval to use the

budget and the list of supplies?”

“The budget is already signed by the Prime Minister.

As for the list. I have already checked it,” explained

Guido as he gave Leti the documents.

Leti looked at it and they were just as he had said.

She asked them these things last night and they also

attended this morning’s meeting. For them to have all of

these prepared meant they had also stayed up all night just

like her.

“I appreciate all this help. To thank you, why not send

one of your knights with me to Mount Gran? That would

show you helped out in giving the aid to Northruth and

that fact would be my repayment so I will not owe you


For Leti, taking all of the credits for this would not be

good for her in the future. To prevent future troubles, she

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had to show consideration to the Lauenstein and

Eulenberg factions.

“Then let me send Oscar from Seventh Heaven. He is

a former doctor so he should be useful.”

“Then Bruno will be the one from Valkyrie. His

hometown is near Mount Gran and had been worried

since he heard of the fire. I am sure he will take initiative

even if you don’t give him any orders.”

Negotiations were successfully made and Leti curtsied

after thanking them. She turned on her heel and started

walking out. Astrid was about to go after her when

Friedhelm grabbed him the back of his collar.

“Hey, what are you planning to do from here on,”

asked Friedhelm in a hushed voice so that Leti could not


“I will go to Mount Gran as Her Highness’s guard.”

“I meant about your future. Better take this kind

advice from me. Leticia will be crowned as the queen in a

few years so you’d better move quickly to take up a place

in the remaining eleven seats of her Knights of the


Friedhelm’s advice was spot on. There were even

fewer seats now that the Vice-Commander had filled up

the second seat.

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“Thank you,” said Astrid as he ran after Leti. He

heard Friedhelm say from afar that being young was so


The preparations for the departure of the first support

party was completed earlier than Leti had expected.

Commander Johannes had already given instructions

to the knights to pack after Friedhelm showed him the

proposal. The Prime Minister also did the same, he

already gave instructions even before her proposal was

approved. And all of these happened even before the

morning meeting when her brothers asked for their

signatures. Truly having reliable people around was

something to be grateful for.

All that was left was the doctors she requested

Leonhardt to handle. But that was already taken care of.

Leonhardt went to commission two elder doctors while

she was busy with the meeting. When the two doctors

heard Leti’s request, the gladly accepted it.

“I am sorry, but please expect you would not be able

to return for a while.”

The elderly doctors laughed at Leti’s words.

“We had served as doctors during the war. Camping

out may just bring back our young spirits.”

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“Indeed. We can still hold ourselves against the White


Any doctor would know about them. The White

Doctors were a group of doctors who goes around

battlefields carrying white flags and treats the wounded

regardless if they were soldiers or civilians, hence the

name. Leti of course knew about them as well.

A former member of the said group will be coming with us this

time to Mount Gran. To have a young doctor with stamina for this

kind of situation is valuable, thought Leti as she looked at the

former doctor who was talking with Friedhelm.

Oscar Schleiden was a knight in Friedhelm’s personal

order, Seventh Heaven. Several anecdotes about him were

going around like he was invited by the emperor from the

east to be his personal attending physician or that he had

been awarded with a special order from a country in the


The reason why he left the White Doctors, however, is a


He could have been taken in by Friedhelm’s charm, or

he had some other reason. Leti, like all others, could only


“Should Your Highness really personally go to

Northruth,” asked one of the doctors.

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The question brought Leti back out of her rumination

and answered, “Yes, I am the person in charge both for

this relief operation and for the territorial dispute about

Mount Gran. Besides, being there to personally see the

situation is more efficient than waiting here in the capital

for the reports sent by express.”

“What assuring words from our princess. Then at

least change seats with me, Your Highness.”

Seats meant their seating arrangement in the carriage.

This party was the first to be dispatched, so not much

could be prepared at a moment’s notice. They loaded the

carriage with as much supplies could fit inside; creating a

space for the two doctors to sit at the roof rack was all

they could manage. Leti was left to ride beside the


“No, the present arrangement is fine. My job is to

safely deliver the supplies to Mount Gran. After that, all I

have to do is to listen and nod at the reports. Your job

will be after we reach Mount Gran. It is better for you to

save your energies until then.”

Leti shortly bid farewell to the people who had come

to send them off and soon the first support party was on

their way.

The party was able to reach the next big town via the

main road before sunset as scheduled. They rented a small

- 33 -

inn and everyone retired early to prepare for the early

start on the morrow.

I hope nothing untoward happens and we reach Northruth

safely, prayed Leti as she sat on her bed and stared at the

lamp’s light.

Their first day went according to plan. They were also

blessed with good weather. If their good fortune

continues, they could reach Mount Gran in five days.

A knock on the window broke her reverie. She stood

up to check when she heard a familiar voice call out,

“Your Highness.”

“You really prefer entering through windows,”

commented Leti as she opened the window to let Astrid


“I slipped out of the room so I cannot enter from the

front door.” He had to report something in secret.

Leti pointed out a corner of the room not visible from

outside. Astrid silently moved to the location Leti pointed

and started reporting first about the situation outside.

“The wind outside suddenly became strong. This has

been happening recently and Your Highness is the reason

behind these strong winds, is it not Your highness?”

Leti had granted Astrid one of the Promise Swords,

the Sword of White Light, to save his life. Thus, Astrid

knows everything about the Knight King and this could

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have been the reason how he sensed that the strong winds

every night was of Leti’s doing.

“Is Your Highness all right to use your power that


“I am careful not to overexert my self. I am only

trying to acclimate myself with using and controlling large

amounts of energy.”

“I see, if you say so.” reluctantly agreed Astrid. He

was not sure whether to believe her or not.

“Is that all?”

“Ah, I have a report. I observed some suspicious

movements from Mr. Oscar. After he confirmed the

schedule for tomorrow, he left a note on one of the trees

outside the inn.

“Oscar? What did it contain?”

“Today’s date and probably an established code

between the them.”

Leti nodded at Astrid’s report. The note most likely

said “on schedule” since it was just their first day of


“Should I tie him up and leave him here,” asked


Leti considered the situation. Detaining Oscar here

would be an easy task for Astrid, however, his motives

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were not yet clear. Is it Leti’s life? Or is to prevent the

delivery of supplies? It could also be something personal.

“Let him be for now. Besides, I would like to be

certain on who the mastermind is.”

“Your Highness is not surprised about this?”

“The possibility of Lauenstein and Eulenberg to

interfere with me had been there since the start. There

was a half of a possibility for that to happen, and the

scales tipped to the bad.”

Friedhelm and Guido supposedly selected the knights

to come with her with utmost care.

Oscar, whom Friedhelm chose, was a former doctor

and does not have any debt or connection to the


Bruno, from Guido’s Valkyrie, was possessor of an

honest personality, almost to a fault. He would rather die

than choose to help in the murder of a woman or a child.

“Is Mr. Oscar indebted to the Lauenstein,” asked

Astrid. He was mostly ignorant about Solvelle’s noble

families so he probably did not know the relationship

between Friedhelm and Oscar.

“Oscar Schleiden is not connected to Lauenstein in

any way. Strictly speaking, he may not even be connected

to Solvelle. He was a former White Doctor. Have you

heard of them?”

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“I have, in one of my classes. If I remember correctly,

no one is allowed to attack a White Doctor that is raising

a white flag in the battlefield.”

“Yes. This was not particularly decided in any law or

treaty, but it is acknowledged by all. I cannot even fathom

how much suffering he had witnessed during his time as a

White Doctor and the effort he had exerted to help save

lives until he found his way to Solvelle.”

These White Doctors spend every day with death

hovering on battlefields tending the wounded and sending

off patients who could not make it. Their emotional

strength and focus might even be stronger than any elite

force a big country possess.

Leti was admiring the works of the White Doctors in

her head, when Astrid brought her back to reality with a

practical question.

“Ever since I’ve heard about them, I had been

wondering how do they survive since they are treating

patients for free.”

They were a group, so if they do not receive payment,

then where do they get their food and medicines?

“That is like asking how an artist lives. There are

always those wealthy benefactors who like sponsoring

people who do things for free.”

- 37 -

“Meaning there is someone supporting the White



“Who could they be?”

“Who knows,” replied Leti indifferently.

Astrid thought that one person might just be in front

of him.

There are people who wage war, but there are also just

as much people who willingly help.

“I wonder why he quit the White Doctors then.”

“You have to ask him yourself,” replied Leti. “But I

am certain something happened to him and that made

him quit helping people.”

Leti also thought that might have been the time when

Oscar met Friedhelm. Friedhelm won Oscar’s trust with

his naturally charming personally and had the doctor

wrapped around his little finger then made him his knight.

That story about Prince Friedhelm gaining a White Doctor for

a knight gained him quite a lot of attention that time.

A young man who used to go around the world

helping anyone regardless of politics came to be

Friedhelm’s knight. It showed that Friedhelm possessed

such qualities of a king.

“Astrid, remember this. Oscar chose to be Prince

Friedhelm’s knight out of his own freewill and not out of

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duty. He did not simply become his knight without any

thought and resolve. He is most likely prepared to do

everything for Prince Friedhelm’s sake.”

Oscar’s loyalty may still be on helping people as he

was a doctor, but his resolve to be Friedhelm’s knight

might be enough to overcome his loyalty to his former

occupation and be ready to kill for the sake of his cause.

“Continue on watching over Oscar. Protecting

everyone right now when his motives are not clear may be

difficult, but that is the reason I brought you with me. I

have full confidence in you.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

But Leti underestimated the situation. She thought

Oscar would not murder everyone in the party. He was a

former doctor after all.

That was why the incident happened.

They were on their fourth day of travel since their

departure from the capital. The hurriedly prepared first

support party had now arrived at Mount Stein, a

mountain beside Mount Gran inside Northruth territory.

Up until this point, they have travelled on the main road

and rested in inns. However, for tonight, they would be

camping out in Mount Stein. The knights of the Order

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was at first against the idea of letting Leti sleep outside,

but Leti insisted they need not worry about her.

If we continue at this pace, we can reach Mount Gran within a

day and a few hours. Based on the worsening vision due to the

darkness, they will definitely attack tonight, thought Leti as she

looked up at the mountain to check its current status.

She and Astrid was there to protect the party. If they

are attacked when they were prepared, they could

definitely do something about it. And that assurance of

their strengths might have just been misplaced arrogance.

That evening, they have reached the bridge crossing

over the canyon in Mount Stein. This road passes through

Solvelle, Northruth and Kielf so it was not just a hanging

bridge, but a sturdy one enough for carriages to pass


Horses, on the other hand, are delicate creatures and

hate high and unfamiliar places. Astrid, who was taking

the lead, decided to cross the bridge quickly before the

horses are spooked.

Then he noticed something strange on the bridge in

the dim twilight.

A steel thread!

A steel thread glimmered in the darkness. It was

pulled across the bridge the horses had to cross.

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Astrid immediately saw what could happen. The

thread would cut through the horse’s legs throwing off

the rider. Seeing it a few moments earlier was like a


The action he took after making the decision,

however, was not a miracle. They were only a result of

insane physical abilities and reflexes.

“Stop!” shouted Astrid.

He knew his horse was a lost case so he jumped off it

backwards to the carriage behind him and pulled on the

reins for it to stop.

Leti immediately understood what Astrid wanted to

do so she quickly called a stormy squall with the Sword of

Gale Winds. Before this, she might not have been able to

call forth such a strong wind in an instant, but thanks to

her daily practice using the sword, she could call a wind so

strong, it was enough to push the horses back.

The carriage shook violently as the horses stopped

suddenly due to Astrid’s pull on their reins and being

assaulted by the strong wind. In the corner of her eye,

Leti saw Astrid was thrown off the bridge. She reached

out to him even if she was almost falling off her seat, but

her hand could not reach him.

- 41 -

Leti knew what would happen to Astrid if he reached

the bottom. She was now torn between making the

decision as a queen and as a human.

In the end, you are just a kind-hearted person. You are aware

of that fact so you try to rein it in with the chains of reason and

logic. I could even call that a talent. Friedhelm had once said

this to describe Leti, a covert comment about her

unsuitability for the crown.

I understand that the most! I know that as a queen I should

abandon Astrid here!

Astrid may have perished, but thanks to his sacrifice,

everyone else is alive. She should be thankful for that and

proceed on to their journey. This was what her rational

self told her, but another voice was shouting in her head.

You have the power to save him! What’s wrong with using that


There was no time for hesitation.

Leti slowly slipped off her seat on the nearly toppling

carriage and jumped down to go after Astrid. She pushed

herself downwards with a strong wind. She caught up

with him and held him tight. At that moment when Astrid

was securely in her arms, she hit a wharf.

“Ugh,” cried Leti in pain.

- 42 -

The strong force of the hit and the succeeding pain

clouded her consciousness but she still kept her tight hold

on Astrid.

This time, she did not have enough allowance to

create a wind to break their fall. But she had the Sword of

Iron Steel inside her. It would protect her body. The

Sword of Ground Earth would heal her wounds.

So this is all fine, whispered Leti.

Astrid woke up heeling cold and ticklish. His

consciousness slowly returning to him. It had been a long

time since he woke up like this, not having any idea where

he was and what he had been doing.

Where am I? In my room? But why is my body all heavy and

cold? Astrid found this strange and tried to sit up with his

hands when pain suddenly ran through his whole body.

He stopped and calmed first his breathing before rising

again, slowly this time, with just his abdominal muscles.

As he rose up, something fell off from his body. Water

splashed him on the face. He opened his eyes to check,

and for the first time in his life, he doubted his own eyes.


- 43 -

He hurriedly called forth the Sword of White Light

inside him to shed light around him and he could not

believe what he saw. Beautiful golden hair danced in the

water. This was the cause of the ticklish sensation he

woke up to.


His memories returned all at once.

They were on their way to Mount Gran and was

crossing the bridge in Mount Stein when he saw the steel

thread trap. He jumped off his horse to save the carriage

behind him and in the process fell off the bridge. So why

was Her Highness down here when he had supposedly

saved her?

She must have jumped off the carriage to save him

and took the wounds he should have suffered.

“Princess! Wake up!”

The pale Leti did not stir.

“Your Highness, can you hear me?”

No answer still. But he had to do something. First, he

had to pull her body out of the water and then treat her

wounds. The bleeding would not stop if she stayed

submerged in water. But he was taught in the Academy

that they should not move a person with head wounds.

He did not know which to prioritise. He cursed himself

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for being knowledgeable on ways how to kill a person but

being ignorant on how to help them.

“Princess,” called Astrid again. Then he remembered

about Leti’s possession of the Sword of Iron Steel.

The Sword of Iron Steel, the sword of protection, has

the ability to protect its possessor from physical attacks. A

slash from a sword would only be scratch on the body.

But a scratch is still a scratch.

So what happens if the possessor of the sword lost

consciousness and got hit several times by a ragged cliff?

What if she had still been protecting him until they fell on

the river and was washed away until the current had

slowed down? How much wounds would she suffer?

Astrid’s mind went blank.

“Princess! Please! Open your eyes,” pleaded Astrid.

She still had pulse and she was still breathing, though


Shivers ran through Astrid’s spine.


But Leti did not even stir no matter how much he

called her.

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