body image. what am i? you can't touch it, but it affects how you feel. you can't see it,...

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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Body Image

What am I?

You can't touch it, but it affects how you


You can't see it, but it's there when you look

at yourself in the mirror.

You can't hear it, but it's there every time

you talk about yourself.

What is this important but mysterious thing?

Your Self Esteem!

Self Esteem is how much you value yourself and how important you are. Self esteem isn’t bragging about how great you are, its more like knowing that you are valued and priceless!

Why is self esteem important?

Self esteem is very important to lead a healthy life. Having good self esteem is the ticket to making good choices about your mind and body.

If you value your safety, your feelings, your health - your whole self! Good self-esteem helps you know that every part of you is worth caring for and protecting.

What affects our self esteem?

Body Image

Lets brain storm some ideas about body image: What is it?

Self Esteem & Body Image

Your body image and self esteem are very close friends.

‘Body image is the way we feel about our body and the way other people view us.’Everyone’s body image is different and not always accurate. With a positive body image, a person has a real perception of their size and shape and feels comfortable and proud about their body.

Lets chat… Agree or Disagree?Seeing bones through peoples skin is a

healthy body weight.

Body image issues are the same for girls and boys.

How you look is the most important thing.

Having a tan is a healthy.

What affects body image?

Media:The media plays a big role in shaping our views on health, body image and self esteem. Everyday, images of celebrities and role models are in the media. They influence what we believe a “healthy” person should look like and form ideas on what we would like to look like.

Can you think of anything else that affects body image?

Positive Vs. Negative

The images we see on TV, in magazines and on the internet are either positive or negative influences. An example of a positive influence in the media is Giaan Rooney. Why is this positive?

Lets have a look at some pictures from the media.













Kate Winslet can't stand the size 0 Hollywood.  She plans to keep her curves and not give in to the pressure.

“I don’t really remember sitting down and eating packets and packets of [cookies]. But at that time I remember making a conscious decision about the

whole skinny thing. Being a normal shape - and I hate to sound like a cracked record - is really, really important to me. Especially now, when I think it’s

pretty out of control in the industry and kind of terrifying.”

Kate Winslet is by no means fat… yet Hollywood seem to be proud of her for ‘making it’ and having a ‘fuller ‘ figure.

Nicole RichieHealthy or


Body image in different cultures.In some parts of the world, body

image is seen differently. What we in the western world as beautiful or glamorous, is not in some other societies. And some things that are beautiful and glamorous in other cultures might seem a little strange to us.

Lets have a look at some pictures…

African woman. In African cultures face painting is traditional and beautiful.

Another African woman with traditional face makeup, made up beautifully in African culture.

Henna Tattoo’s, all over this woman's body. This was seen in Madonna’s Frozen film clip.

African woman, completely covered in ochre.It is not unusual for a woman’s breasts to be exposed in African cultures.

The bigger the plate, the more beautiful the woman.

The process of stretching an African woman’s lip.

Back to the western world…

The media and celebrities have a handy tool that we mere-mortals do not – AIRBRUSHING!

A substantial amount of the pictures we see in magazines are airbrushed to remove unwanted flaws on the body.

Check out this amazing example of what airbrushing can do.

Original photo

Airbrushed photo

Real or Fake?

Who does this help?

If the magazines continue to put these ‘fake’ images out there, who is benefiting from it?

Some interesting facts about the world we live in…

1% of the worlds population are supermodels, 99% are not.

8 out of 19 women and 6 out of 10 men are dissatisfied with they way they look.

Marilyn Munroe wore a size 14.If GI Joe were real he would have bigger

biceps then any known body builder40 – 50% of women are on a ‘diet’


Using magazines, choose 3 pictures and describe what sort of things have been changed on the model to make them look better.

You will then present these ideas to the class

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