bob boyce - inventor's terminal cancer courtesy of verichip - targeted individuals

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Bob Boyce - Inventor's Terminal Cancer Courtesy of Verichip - Targeted Individuals - Pesn_com


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Inventor's terminal cancer courtesy of Verichip?Bob Boyce, who has invented a super-efficient electrolysis method, as well as a self-looping electrical circuit capable of charging batteries, discovered a microchip implant in his shoulder when having a tumor removed from that spot, which metastasized. It turns out the chip was made by VeriChip; and he has no idea how it got there. by Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News Copyright 2009 On Nov. 12, we reported that a South African experimenter has Scan Gauge IIPlugs in dashboard for instant mpg and other performance data.


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On Nov. 12, we reported that a South African experimenter has modified an electrolysis circuit developed by Bob Boyce so that now it recharges his daughter's electric vehicle riding toy. We said that what makes this remarkable is that the energy is not drawn from the wall but from the environment somehow; and that he's done this around 35 times now and knows of three replications of the effect by others. We created a feature page and a discussion list to facilitate additional replications and development of the technology. We also reported in the same story that we had become aware the day before that Bob Boyce, of Tennessee, has "terminal" cancer, and that his days are numbered if some kind of remedy isn't found. On Nov. 12, Bob wrote: The cancer that I have developed was not directly due to my research, as many have suggested. Having said that, it did occur under suspicious circumstances. When I was in Florida earlier this year, I noticed a small, hard lump had appeared under the skin of my right shoulder. I wondered where it came from, of course, but did not give it much thought. Over time, the skin over and around the lump turned reddish and became sore. A few months ago, while working with an EMF meter on the bench in my lab, I noticed that I was picking up a weak signal. Nothing else was running at the time, so I tried locating the source, and traced it to the lump in my shoulder! I made arrangements with my doctor to have it removed, and he suspected a common skin cancer. The object itself was tiny, about the size of a dry grain of rice, surrounded by a white fibrous shell. It had numerous nerves attached to it. Once it had been removed, it ceased sending out a signal, as verified by my portable EMF detector. I wanted to keep it and analyze it myself, but my doctor convinced me to let him send it off to the lab. My doctor sent it and the surrounding tissue off for pathology. Not surprisingly, there was absolutely no mention of the object itself in the pathology report. The surrounding tissue turned out to be this rare form of cancer that has been linked to excessive x-ray exposure in x-ray technicians. The surgery had disturbed the cancer and sent cancer cells throughout my blood stream. The margins were not clear, indicating that the cancer was still present at the incision site, as well as clear indications now that the cancer has spread. I can't blame the doctor really, as at the time we did not know that it was not a simple skin cancer. What I really want to know is, what was this object, and how in the heck did it get imbedded in the skin of my shoulder without me knowing about it?Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDFBob Boyce is a famous inventor in the world of ultraefficient electrolysis and hydroxy research. The chip found in his shoulder at the point of tumor formation turns out to be manufactured by VeriChip.

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shoulder without me knowing about it? Many of you have sent us emails and made phone calls suggesting various possible cures. We are hopeful that with the information that has come Bob's way that he will be able to secure a complete cure from his cancer. Meanwhile, on Thanksgiving evening Bob called and left a voice message in which he informed me that it turns out that the chip that was implanted in his shoulder was made by VeriChip, a company that makes implantable microchips. According to the VeriChip VeriMed page: About the size of a grain of rice, the microchip is inserted just under the skin and contains only a unique, 16digit identifier. The microchip itself does not contain any other data other than this unique electronic ID, nor does it contain any Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking capabilities. And unlike conventional forms of identification, the Health Link cannot be lost, stolen, misplaced, or counterfeited. It is safe, secure, reversible, and always with you.

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Close-up of a VeriChip implant device, the size of a small grain of rice.

Another page on their site describes the RFID technology, which is an essential component of their chips, and the proximity required for reading different kinds of chips, such as those used in automated toll collection. In his message to me, Bob referred me to a website,, which documents the link between embedded RFID microchips and tumor formation. It cites a paper, Microchip-Induced Tumors in Laboratory Rodents and Dogs: A Review of the Literature 19902006, and summarizes it as follows: CASPIAN's new report ... is a definitive review of research showing a causal link between implanted radiofrequency (RFID) microchip transponders and cancer in laboratory rodents and dogs. It was written in part to correct industry misstatements and misinformation circulating about the studies. The report evaluates eleven articles previously published in toxicology and pathology journals. In six of the articles, between 0.8% and 10.2% of laboratory mice and rats developed malignant tumors around or adjacent to the microchips. Two additional articles reported microchip-related cancer in dogs. In almost all cases, the malignant tumors, typically sarcomas, arose at the site of the implants and grew to surround and fully encase the devices. These fast-growing, malignant tumors often led to the death of the afflicted animals. In many cases, the tumors metastasized or spread to other parts of the animals. The implants were unequivocally identified as the cause of the cancers. This is one story you will want to pass on to your networks to get the word out about the kinds of nefarious deeds going on to suppress new energy technology that could truly empower people to break free of the powers that be. I've got a few questions for Bob the next time I talk to him.Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API New hot app: Facebook Albums To PDF

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How did you find out the chip was made by VeriChip? Is your source willing to go on record? Are you planning legal action? Is it okay for Watkykjy1 to disclose to the B-Hex group the full details of how he built his charging device? I'll probably append his responses here. I also tried to contact VeriChip for a comment, but being a holiday weekend, I haven't heard back yet. Meanwhile, here is an update that I reported to the B-Hex group on Nov. 19. Also, I should mention that there are now allegedly four people who have replicated the battery charging effect (being able to charge the same battery that is powering the Boyce circuit). [Additional News on B-Hex Project] Watkykjy1 has been extremely busy with his job, putting in 16-hour days, but he did subscribe yesterday to this list in digest version. I had a good chat with Bob the other day. I wish I had a tape recorder going (if he would have let me; he's a bit squeamish about things like that), because he said so many things that would be crucial to understanding this project. My personal knowledge on this B-hex topic is quite limited, so I'm afraid I would make things more confusing than not if I tried to report what he said, but I will venture a few things, with the caveat that I may be misunderstand things or mis-conveying them, unintentionally. I was very impressed with Bob's knowledge and talent, and was glad that this replication forum exists to help facilitate the propagation of this amazing technology. First, I should mention that I was able to put Bob in touch with a healer friend of mine who is confident he could help Bob. The two of them seem to have a lot in common, including their work with breakthrough quantum physics. Bob told me he's been doing battery charging with the Hex controller for quite a long time. They first achieved a closed loop system several months ago. It's usually "dangerous to power output with the input", so they at first had one set of batteries for input, and another for output. He talked about charging a 48-V DC battery bank being charged by a single battery being powered off a single solar panel. It would draw 100 mA at 12 volts to keep the 48-V battery bank charged. He did this for eight months straight, but then a lightning strike took it out, and he's not restored the system yet. He's presently on Revision 3 of the Hex controller. The kind of capacitors he uses are not "typical," as the typical capacitors could not handle what is going on, but tend to overheat. The key is in how pulses are applied to the coils. This isn't just another TWM(?). "The devil is in the details --

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how the signals are processed before taking them to the coil." The way the board is laid out enhances the function. "What we're doing is pulses in 10-100 kHz; not ultrasonic. Have different characteristics, like microwave" (something like that) Most people who try to build a Tesla coil miss the boat and don't build it right. [News on Hydroxy System ...] He's presently on a business trip with an entity interested in his hydroxy system for use in their fleets. It's a confidential situation that I can't say more about, except that it is very impressive. They're running the system on dynos that simulate a variety of environments as part of a CARB / EPA testing regimen. "Hydroxy gas isn't really Brown's gas but Rhodes gas. His is electrolysis. Mine makes a different catalytic process using diff voltages ... low ..." "I crack water catalytically. Normal hydroxy is 70% ortho to 30% para hydrogen, but I can get up to 100% ortho. The equilibrium state of hydroxy gas is 75% ortho and 25% para, so normal hydroxy starts out at 70:30 but gradually changes to 75:25, whereas mine goes from near 99:1 rapidly down to 75:25, so it is important to use it right away. The ortho is where the 'magic' is." "Brown's gas can be pressurized up to 50 psi. My gas explodes if pressurized to 12 psi. I have to have a shut-off switch if it goes above 3 psi." (other components increase the pressure from there). "So there is a wide gamut of hydroxy quality." Bob has his own NMR machine (8-channel [essentially 16]) that he uses to check the ortho:para ratio. NMR machines are very expensive. There is a cheaper, less accurate way to measure the ortho:para ratio. (??->) Put chromio oxide in solution, settle in aquarium size, bubble gas through, temperature sensor, sample gas, bubble. Math: 670 Joules/gram ortho to para. ( Hydroxy > Boyce >

Bob Boyce's un-requested VeriChip and associated tumor removed - Boycefinally had the second VeriChip implant removed yesterday along with the associated tumor. This time the surgical staff documented the implant with photos, and the surgeon placed the "foreign body" in a specimen container and sealed it to establish chain of custody evidence. (PESN; December 7, 2010)Buyer Beware / Suppression > Hydroxy > Boyce >

Another VeriChip Found in Inventor's Shoulder - An RFID reader and an X-ray confirm a VeriChip implant in Bob Boyce's shoulder, where a tumor subsequently formed. More witnesses step forward and steps being taken against Bob Potchen, the likely perpetrator of the implant, who also sabotaged Boyce's hydroxy technology. (PESN; Dec. 16, 2009)

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Buyer Beware / Suppression > Electrolysis > Boyce >

Boyce chip implanter suspect identified - Bob Boyce first noticed what turned out to be the VeriChip implant that caused his malignant tumor when he was working with former associate, Bob Potchen. Having fallen asleep at a desk, when he awoke, his right shoulder felt like it had been numbed; and when he rubbed it, he noticed a small, hard lump there. (PESN; Dec. 6, 2009)Suppression > EM Concerns > Electrolysis > Boyce >

Inventor's terminal cancer courtesy of VeriChip? - Bob Boyce, who has invented a superefficient electrolysis method, as well as a self-looping electrical circuit capable of charging batteries, discovered a microchip implant in his shoulder when having a tumor removed from that spot, which metastasized. It turns out the chip was made by VeriChip. (PESN; Nov. 28, 2009)

See alsoDirectory:Bob Boyce Hex Controller - feature page at PESWiki OS:Bob Boyce Electrolyzer Plans - index at PESWiki Directory:Suppression - index at PESWiki OS:Water Fuel Cell - index at Directory:Electrolysis - index at Directory:Electromagnetic (overunity) - index at Directory:Toroidal Power - index at More Stories by Sterling D. Allan PESN (Pure Energy Systems News) - Feature stories on cutting-edge, clean energy technology. Free Energy News (.com) - Daily cutting-edge, clean energy technology news from around the world PESWiki Latest - Newest feature pages in the publicly-editable energy directory. This Week in Free Energy - Ten-minute recap each Sunday, 7:50 - 8:00 pm Mountain. Free Energy Now (.net) - in-depth interviews

Page composed by Sterling D. Allan Nov. 28, 2009 Last updated December 08, 2010

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Bob Potchen Sterling, Once again you need to check your facts. If our system is so bad, or is losing mileage in vehicles, then how do you explain the independent government certified SAE test which we posted openly on the web. I've heard all the rhetoric from BB, and how he says he will have results posted from several universities to show our system does not work. None of it gets posted! Ever! Because it doesn't exist. You profess to want to promote this industry yet, when facts are presented to you on a continual and consistent basis, that show we are not only getting fantastic results with our system, but continue to improve it daily. Would you care to explain to me and/or your readers how you justify your stories. The only possible justification is because it brings controversy and in that controversy readership. This of course brings advertising dollars to your sites. I have shared this thought with you many times before that legal action is one of the many alternatives against you that we have. Yet, foolishly, you feel that the only reason we haven't pursued legal action is because we don't have a case. You are grossly mistaken. My reasoning for not filing the legal action as of yet, is simple: You don't cut off your head if you have a toothache,.. you fix the one tooth. You have had excellent stories in the past,... you've had very poor stories. The ratio of good to bad still is towards the positive side. Which, is a benefit for most. Thus, the reason I haven't filed legal action against you as of yet. Trying to enlighten you as to the truth is getting to be a little tiresome however. So let's hope in the very near future that you have an epiphany and the self correction. Both of which, can be very refreshing! Our sites, , , , , C ontinue to show positive results of our systems... Might I suggest you try and do the same. 04/09/2011, 14:51:03 Like Reply Farrahday My dog has been chipped. If ever she goes missing and ends up in the pound, she can be scanned and her name and owner details can be determined. I think it's a great idea. Perhaps someone chipped Boyce as a precautionary measure for his own safety, due to the fact that he's clearly lost the plot, and perhaps struggles to find his way back home sometimes - especially if he encounters Bigfoot... or is abducted by aliens!. 02/17/2011, 04:00:27 Like Reply Farrahday I've been slammed in the past for openly airing my views and standing up against some of the utter nonsense that Boyce continually spouts, but I just hope that intelligent people will see him as the charlatan he really is. I've known for years that he's not the full ticket, that he thrives in the limelight and that he is a complusive liar that 'gets off' on this kind of publicity. He's had 'terminal' cancer 3 times as far as I'm aware (the Potchen incident was only the latest development), but I'm sure he'll pull through... again. LOL. Boyce also claims to have been struck by lightning at least twice, and survived. He also claims to be the only one of his group to survive a chemical fall-out from a military base in the aftermath of hurricane Andrew - the others all died horrible deaths! And there's much more, break-ins, stolen equipment, MIB raids, alien visitation... not to mention an encounter with Bigfoot!

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People who are daft enough to believe everything that Boyce has posted, have either not done their homework, are hopelessly gullible... or are simply as barmy as he is. The guy has got serious mental issues! 02/17/2011, 03:46:20 Like Reply Bob Potchen As The fraud, Bob Boyce continues: C heck it yourselves....he posts his own insecurities: I have emailed out copies of his fraud to several hundred HHO and legal teams...Judge for yourselves....check Dr Meynard' is BOB BOYC ES!!!! LOL!!! As well as All of the rest of them!!!! Thanks Boyce, you just dug you hole deeper!!! Bob Boyce Dr Meynard has commented January 7, 2011,9:15:54 PM EST Open your eyes and look at the surgical photos Guest. The malignant mass around the foreign body was much larger than the foreign body itself. The large excision was made to remove the malignant mass prior to excising the foreign body from the malignant mass. A competent surgeon will not remove just a foreign body when that foreign body is contained within a malignant mass of this sort. Ryan Grace has commented January 7, 2011,9:05:32 PM EST Stop posting in my name Bob Potchen. Ryan Grace. Regions Bank has commented January 7, 2011,9:01:24 PM EST Where is Mr Potchen going to manufacture those award winning products? He has defaulted on his business foreclosure proceedings, and we have sued for the remaining debt that he owes us. The arbitration for that suit is just a formality. We will end up owning everything that he has. Guest has commented January 6, 2011,4:59:53 PM EST Bob Potchen, sheriffs do not knock on doors and serve lawsuits. Process servers serve legal documents, not lawsuits. Even if you do pay a process server to serve Sterling, the law cannot compel him to travel to a court in your jurisdiction. A court in your jurisdiction has no jurisdiction over Sterling in his jurisdiction. Wake up and smell the BS that you are peddling dude. Put your short little prick back in your pants and go home before you get it cut off and fed to you by those you try to screw. Today, 6:23:28 PM EST Like Reply Delete 01/09/2011, 18:26:48 Like Reply

California vs Florida Keep dreaming asshole. Anyone can put any name on any profile or post here. Why is the delete tag in your post? Because you posted that crap then blamed it on Boyce. 01/09/2011, 21:07:21 Like Reply California vs Florida Potchen, Go ahead and brag about the results of your legal threats to The Examiner. Your days of freedom and screwing others are numbered. You have the balls to threaten Sterling after all you have done? We dare you and your fictional legal team to take this to court! We, the people that you screwed, will stand united in testifying against you, and providing the legal documentation of your crimes to the court. Did you forget about us already? We surely have not forgotten you. We all stand behind Sterling, and support his public exposure of your dirty little secrets 100%. Those "false legal actions" that you complained to Google about will be published in full with links to your actual court records on so many internet sites that you will not be able to shut them all down. You may be able to BS your way with legal threats against some, but the sad truth is your official court records are A MATTER OF PUBLIC REC ORD THAT YOU C AN NOT HIDE. The search engines will continue to expose the truth about you. The internet is dynamic, and no matter how hard you try, YOU C AN NOT C ONTROL IT! 01/01/2011, 21:19:13 Like Reply Bob Potchen Sterling, Bob Potchen Here... is down...Do you want to loose your source of income too. Pull the BS stories from your site or your start of the new year will be with the full force of our legal team. I have been patient enough. Your choice! As for the "guest below" I am going to set the facts straight....

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As for the "guest below" I am going to set the facts straight.... 1. Yes we do video our entire facility 24/7, and is copied off site, Boyce is aware of this as well as many others of your "group". 2. I am aware of Boyces failings as well as his stories...maybe you should see the advancements we have made in the 2 years since he was thrown out...what has he done?, zippo!!! Do a reality check Sterling. 3. I agree, Boyce is not what he claims to be, and I'll leave it at that... 4. The Guest is right about the might want to check it. 5. I pray they kept the supposed chip, since I know I didn't "chip" that fool, or anyone else, so the real truth can come out. 6. As far as the rest of the "improper", I said nothing of the whomever is trying to "plant" BS, is doing just that, BS!! 7. Distancing yourself from Bob Boyce sounds like a good idea, but once again, your choice. If you doubt whom this is, you are welcome to verify by my email Bob@TheC or phone (407)-330-7838,...but since I know "YOUR" type, neither of those will happen...simply for others to know the truth. BY the way, This will be emailed to several hundred of your closest associates as before....just to make sure the Truth does get out. Best regards, Bob Potchen Robert Potchen President, The C ell Inc.

PS. To the Guest below...Please STOP posting BS...if you have facts, state them, then don't hide behind "GUEST"...give your real name and number, like I do... 12/31/2010, 22:21:12 Like Reply

California vs Florida You are so full of it Potchen. You admoinish the "Guest" below about posting BS, yet you ARE the "Guest" below. From your very own profile that you made the above post with, quoted below; 'Guest has commented Sunday, December 12, 2010, 6:21:30 PM Sterling, If you have any money left when Potchen gets done with you I hope you start limiting your exposure to "sane" stories. Your followup on Boyce is going to be the proverbial nail in your financial coffin. If you believe that Potchen had anything to do with that foolishness, you are not on this planet. I have it on VERY good source that Boyce planted the whole thing himself. Please Sterling, check with someone called xxxx44. You know the person. Boyce is not what he claims to be. Think about it, a surgical incision that size, for what, to remove a football or a micro chip. Do your homework before believing the fakes. Potchen has started posting a video from their C C TV of their production facility showing Boyce apparently trying to do something very "improper" with what looks to be a little girl. Potchen states it is his daughter, and is going to be filing criminal charges. I will try and forward a copy to you if it is still up. It was on youtube under another account other than The cell or premelters. You might want to distance yourself from Boyce. Good luck Sterling.' You post crap in another profile and put Bob Boyce as the profile name so you can blame it on Boyce, and you post here under other names or Guest so you can try to blame that on others. You've been BUSTED in your lies! 01/09/2011, 21:02:24 Like Reply Guest

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Guest Sterling, If you have any money left when Potchen gets done with you I hope you start limiting your exposure to "sane" stories. Your followup on Boyce is going to be the proverbial nail in your financial coffin. If you believe that Potchen had anything to do with that foolishness, you are not on this planet. I have it on VERY good source that Boyce planted the whole thing himself. Please Sterling, check with someone called xxxx44. You know the person. Boyce is not what he claims to be. Think about it, a surgical incision that size, for what, to remove a football or a micro chip. Do your homework before believing the fakes. Potchen has started posting a video from their C C TV of their production facility showing Boyce apparently trying to do something very "improper" with what looks to be a little girl. Potchen states it is his daughter, and is going to be filing criminal charges. I will try and forward a copy to you if it is still up. It was on youtube under another account other than The cell or premelters. You might want to distance yourself from Boyce. Good luck Sterling. 12/12/2010, 18:21:30 Like Reply jj the dye i think is methylen blue which is not really able to specifically color the malignant cells. but maybe i am wrong 12/09/2010, 08:16:43 Like Reply Binh Anyone has better idea to disable the chip. I have one in right knee according to the x-ray. It tortures me all the time day and night, seriously. 03/01/2010, 11:22:43 Like Reply Anon Here's a link to a site which claims to have a device that can disable implants 02/05/2010, 14:55:57 Like ReplySocial Networking by Echo

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ADVISORY: With any technology, you take a high risk to invest significant time or money unless (1) independent testing has thoroughly corroborated the technology, (2) the group involved has intellectual rights to the technology, and (3) the group has the ability to make a success of the endeavor. All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident. -- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) "When you're one step ahead of the crowd you're a genius. When you're two steps ahead, you're a crackpot." -- Rabbi Shlomo Risk in, (Feb. 1998)

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