board resolution no. r-762 - 59 of local government code (r.a. 7160). 10....

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  • BOARD RESOLUTION No. R-762Series of 2004



    WHEREAS, a Memorandum from the President directed DILG andHLURB to ensure that all LGUs have finalized, adopted and approved CLUP.

    WHEREAS, HLURB Board Resolution No. R-694. Series of 2001deleted the requirement for certification from Department of Agriculture (DA)and Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in the existing Guidelines for PlanReview, Adoption and Approval Process;

    WHEREAS, the LGUs expressed difficulties in complying with theguidelines on Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)/Zoning Ordinance (ZO)and Provincial Physical Framework Plan (PPFP) review, adoption andapproval process;

    WHEREAS, there is a need to streamline the review and approvalprocess, update the parameters for review and to integrate recent policyissuances relevant to the approval of PPFPs, CLUPs and ZOs;

    WHEREFORE, be it RESOLVED as it is hereby RESOLVED, that theamendments on Plan Review, Adoption and Approval process for CLUPs/ZOsof Component Cities and Municipalities (Annex I); Highly-Urbanized Cities andIndependent Component Cities (Annex II) and Provincial Physical FrameworkPlans (Annex IV) and the submission of Executive Summary instead of theexisting requirement for Fact Sheets (Annexes VII and VIII), be APPROVED.

    APPROVED this 17th day of March 2004, Quezon City.

  • ANNEX 1




    Local GovernmentUnit(LGU)-City/Municipality

    SangguniangPanlalawigan (SP)

    Provincial LandUse Committee(PLUC)


    1. Mayor transmits to Sangguniang Panlalawigan(SP), one (1) set of presentation maps and at leastthree (3) copies of final draft of Comprehensive LandUse Plan (CLUP) & Zoning Ordinance (ZO) togetherwith the following documents:

    a. Executive Summary of the CLUP*;b. Sangguniang Bayan (SB) / Sangguniang

    Panglungsod (SP) Secretary's Certificate ofPublic Hearing conducted;

    c. Minutes of Public Hearing;d. List of Invitees and sector represented;e. Copy of Issued Invitation letter / Notice of

    Public Hearing; andf. Copy of Attendance Sheet.

    2. Receives plan documents and endorses to PLUC forreview.

    3. Receives plan documents and checks completeness.

    3.1 If incomplete, requests LGU to completedocuments.

    3.2 If complete, proceed with activity 4.

    4. Reviews CLUP & ZO.

    4.1 Schedules review.

    4.2 Routes copies of plan documents to PLUCmembers at least two (2) weeks before the actualreview.

    4.2 The PLUC Chairman invites other stakeholdersas needed.

    4.3 PLUC member confirms attendance to theSecretariat.

    NOTE: * Refer to Annex V for Sample Executive Summary.


    The PLUGChairman







    4.4 Convenes the members of the PLUC.

    a. If there is quorum, proceeds with the review.

    b. If there is no quorum, defers review untilquorum is met. A quorum is met whenmajority [50%+1] of the members are present.

    4.5 Presents the plan to PLUC.

    4.6 Conducts review of CLUP & ZO consistent with thereview parameters hereto attached.

    4.7 Committee members present respective commentsand recommendations.

    4.8 Prepares report/recommendations.

    4.9.1 If with revision, transmits documents toLGU.

    4.9.2 If no revision, proceeds with activity 7.

    5. Revises the draft CLUP & ZO integrating therecommendations of PLUC. (LGU may

    coordinate/consult with PLUC). Proceeds with activity 6.

    6. Checks if comments/ recommendations wereincorporated in the CLUP & ZO and endorses toSangguniang Bayan (SB)/Sangguniang Panglungsod(SP) for adoption & enactment.

    7. Endorses CLUP and ZO to LGU for adoption &enactment.

    8. SB/SP adopts CLUP and enacts ZO.

    9. Submits to Sangguniang Panlalawigan, five (5) copiesof CLUP & ZO together with the following documents:

    a. Three (3) sets of Presentation Maps;b. SB/SP Resolution adopting the CLUP and enacting

    theZO; andc. Documents a to f in step 1.





    10. Receives documents. Conducts cursory reviewand endorses the CLUP and ZO for approval.{Coordinates with LGU, if further changes have tobe made).

    11. Approves CLUP and ZO.

    12. Authenticates CLUP, ZO and other plandocuments.

    13. Retains 1 set of plan documents for PPDO.

    14. Furnishes the following with copies of plan documents,presentation maps and Sangguniang PanlalawiganResolution approving the pian:

    - HLURB-RFO (1 set)- LGU (remaining copies)

    15. Complies with publication requirement per Sec. 59of Local Government Code (R.A. 7160).

  • Figure 1







    Mayor transmits to SangguniangPanlalwigan, one (1) set of presentationmaps and at least three (3) copies of finaldraft of CLUP & ZO together with thefollowing docs:a. Executive Summary of the CLUP;b. Sangguniang Bayan (SB) / Sangguniang

    Panglungsod (SP) Secretary's CertificateOf Public Hearing conducted;

    c. Minutes of Public Hearing;d. List of Invitees and sector represented;e. Copy of issued Invitation (Letter/

    Notice of Public Hearing; andf. Copy of Attendance Sheet.

    Receives plan docs, andendorses to PLUC forreview.

    3. Receives plan docs,and checkscompleteness.

    Requests LGUcompletedocuments.

    4. Reviews CLUP &ZO.

    5. Revises the draft CLUP & ZO integratingthe recommendations of PLUC. (LGU maycoordinate/consult with PLUC}.


    8. Sangguniang Bayan (SB) / SangguniangPanlungsod (SP) adopts CLUP and enactsZO.

    9. Submits to Sangguniang Panlalawigan, five(5) copies of CLUP & ZO together with thefollowing documents:a. 3 sets of Presentation Maps; ib. SP Resolution adopting the

    CLUP and enacting the ZO; andc. Documents a t o f in step 1. i

    6. Checks if comments/recommendations wereincorporated in theCLUP & ZO.

    7. Endorses CLUP and ZOto LGU for adoption &enactment.

    15. Complies with publication requirement perSec. 59 of Local Government Code (R.A.7160).

    10. Receives documents. Conductscursory review (coordinates withLGU, if necessary}, recommendsCLUP and ZO for approval.

    11. Approves' CLUP and ZO.12. Authenticates CLUP and ZO.13. Retains one (1) set of plan

    documents.14. Furnishes the following with copies

    of plan documents andSangguniang PanlalawiganResolution approving the plan:- HLURB-RFO(1setof

    plan docs.) with 1 set ofpresentation maps

    - LGU (remaining copies)

    CLUP - Comprehensive Land Use Plan (includes report -size maps}ZO - Zoning Ordinance (includes report-size maps)Plan documents -CLUP and ZO and attached documents listed in steps 1 and 9.



    1. ProvincialPlanning and


    2. ProvincialAgriculturist(PA)

    3. Non-Gov'LOrganization(NGO)

    4. Housing andLand UseRegulatoryBoard(HLURB)

    1 .a If the province has a provincial plan, checks if local planconforms or is in harmony with the provincial plan.

    1 .b If the province has no provincial plan, checks if planconforms with development thrust of the province anddoes not conflict with the land use plans or developmentthrust of other adjacent municipalities.

    2.a Checks if irrigated and irrigable lands are identified,delineated and quantified per RA 8435.

    2.b Determines if areas identified for urban expansion areoutside the identified Network of Protected Areas forAgricultural and Agro-Industrial Development (NPAAAD)and Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries DevelopmentZones (SAFD2).

    2.c Checks if the fishponds (if any) are identified, delineatedand quantified.

    3.a Checks whether the plan increases the access of theunderprivileged and other basic sectors to socio-economicopportunities.

    3.b Evaluates how development strategies, programs andprojects will affect the basic sectors.

    3.c Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis laws & regulations affectinghuman rights, gender, and other sectoral concerns.

    4.a Checks whether LGU clearly identified its functional roleand whether the proposed land use plan and developmentstrategies are consistent with its vision.

    4.b Evaluates if the plan is in harmony with the land useplans of adjacent cities and municipalities.

    4.c If the province has no provincial plan, evaluates thecity/municipal plan in accordance with the developmentpolicies of the Province.

    4.d Evaluates if the land requirements for basic services andfacilities are identified, quantified and properly delineated.

    4.e Evaluates if the location of different land uses aresuitable, property allocated, and delineated.

    4.f Evaluates if proposed socio-cultural and other facilities are adequate and supportive to the city'sfunctional role and development thrust.

    4.h Checks if sites for socialized housing are identifiedpursuant to R.A. 7279 (Urban Development and HousingAct of 1992).

  • 4.i Checks if the identified programs/projects are responsiveto the LGU's needs, properly prioritized and incorporatedin the LDIP.

    4.j Checks whether the land use plan is translated into therequisite Zoning Ordinance with clear Zone Boundaries.

    4.k Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    5. Department ofEnvironmentand NaturalResources(DENR)

    5.a Checks whether present and proposed settlement sitesare free from legal and environmental constraints.

    5.b Checks whether there are inconsistencies between areasproposed for development and areas for protection.

    5.c Checks if there are sites identified for disposal andprojects for management of solid and other hazardouswaste within the city.

    5.d Checks the consistency of the City/ Municipal SolidWaste Management Plan with the CLUP.

    5.e Checks if the plan promotes the enhancement of theenvironmental quality through local initiatives to controlwater, air and land pollution.

    5.f Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    6. Department ofAgrarianReform (DAR)

    6.a Checks/evaluates if there are any lands identified forreclassification and/or conversion that are tenanted orcovered by notice of coverage/acquisition and are withinthe coverage of CARP and if these lands are delineatedand quantified.

    6 b Determines if there are tenants/beneficiaries which needto be compensated

    6.c Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    7. Department ofTrade andIndustry (DTI)

    7.a If applicable, checks if the sites jointly identified by DTIand LGU as Regional Agro-Industrial Centers (RAICs)District Agro-Industrial Centers (DAICs)/Countryside Agro-Industrial Centers (CAICs)/Provincial Industrial Centers(PICs)/ Peoples Industrial Estates (PIEs), etc. aredelineated, considered and quantified in the plan.

    7.b If applicable, checks if Special Economic Zones identifiedby PEZA are delineated and quantified in the plan.

    7.c Evaluates if the proposed industrial sites are feasible andsuitable for industrial development per DTI standards.

    7.d Checks if the requisite utilities and facilities are adequatefor identified industries in the area.

    7.e Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

  • 8. Department ofPublic Worksand Highways(DPWH)

    9. Department ofTourism (DOT)

    10. Departmentof Interior andLocalGovernment(DILG)

    8.a Checks/evaluates if the proposed road network and otherinfrastructure facilities and utilities are adequate tosupport the various land uses and are consistent withregional and national sectoral plans.

    8.b Evaluates if the CLUP has integrated DPWH plans andprograms for implementation within the planning period.

    8.c Determines if mitigating measures for flooding andappropriate disaster prevention programs are identified.

    8.d Checks if the proposed Traffic Management Program(TMP) has linkage with the TMPs of adjacent cities andmunicipalities.

    8.e Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    9.a Checks if potential tourism sites are identified andconsidered in the plan.

    9 b Checks if the sites identified for local tourism developmentis supportive of the Regional Tourism Master Plan.

    9.c Determines if there are adequate utilities/facilities tosupport tourism activities needed to sustain projectednumber of tourists.

    10. a Checks if the proposed projects/programs are the actualtranslation of the LGUs needs and requirements asidentified in the socio-economic and infrastructure sectorand if these are prioritized.

    10.b Checks if the sectoral plan for Local AdministrationSector is consistent with the requirements of the newLocal Government Code.

    10.c Checks the adequacy/sufficiency of the proposedorganizational structure for CLUP/ZO implementation.

    10.d Evaluates the sources of funds for identified programsand projects.

    10.e Checks if the proposed implementing and monitoringschemes are consistent with the Local GovernmentCode.

    10.f Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.









    1. City Mayor transmits to the Housing and Land UseRegulatory Board - Regional Field Office (HLURB-RFO),one (1) set of presentation maps and at least three (3)copies of final draft of Comprehensive Land Use Plan(CLUP) & Zoning Ordinance (ZO) together with thefollowing documents:

    a. Executive Summary of the CLUP*;b. Sangguniang Panglungsod (SP) Secretary's

    Certificate of Public Hearing conducted;c. Minutes of Public Hearing;d. List of Invitees and sector represented; .a. Copy of Issued Invitation letter / Notice of Public

    Hearing; andf. Copy of Attendance Sheet.

    2. RFO receives plan documents and checks completeness.

    2.1 If incomplete, requests LGU to completedocuments.

    2.2 If complete, proceeds with activity 3.

    3. RFO transmits documents to RLUC copy furnishedFOSG for review.

    4. FOSG reviews the plan, prepares report/recommendations and transmits the same to RFO.

    5. RFO transmits HLURB report to RLUC.

    6. Reviews CLUP & ZO.

    a. Schedules review,b. Routes copies of plan documents to members at least

    two (2) weeks before the actual review.c. Invites other stakeholders as needed.

    NOTE: * Refer to Annex V tor Sample Outline of Executive Summary.


    RLUC Chairman








    6.1 Convenes the members of the RLUC,

    a. If there is quorum, proceed with the review.

    b. If there is no quorum, defers review until quorum ismet. A quorum is met when majority [50%+1 ] of themembers are present.

    6.2 Presents the plan to RLUC.

    6.3 Conducts review of CLUP & ZO consistent with thereview parameters hereto attached.

    a. Committee members present respective commentsand recommendations.

    b. Prepares report/recommendations.

    b. 1 If with revision, transmits documents toLGU.

    b.2 If no revision, proceeds with activity 9.

    7. Revises the draft CLUP & ZO integrating therecommendations of RLUC (LGU may coordinate withRLUC). Transmits documents to RLUC.

    8. Checks if comments/recommendations were incorporatedin the CLUP & ZO.

    9. Endorses CLUP and ZO to LGU for adoption &enactment.

    10. SP adopts CLUP and enacts ZO.

    11. Submits to HLURB Central Office (FOSG), six (6)copies of CLUP & ZO together with the followingdocuments:

    a. Three (3) sets of presentation maps;b. SP Resolution adopting the CLUP and enacting

    the ZO; andc. Documents a to f in step 1.

    12. FOSG receives documents. Conducts cursory review



    Central Office {coordinates with LGU, if necessary), recommendsCLUP and ZO for Board approval and requestspresence of HLURB Regional Officer during the BoardMeeting. .

    13. Subjects the plan for Board deliberation and ratification.

    a. City Mayor or his duly authorized representativepresents the plan.

    b. BOARD approves/ratifies CLUP and ZO.

    14. Authenticates CLUP, ZO and other plan documents.

    15. Retains 1 set of plan documents with one (1) set ofpresentation maps.

    16. Furnishes the following with copies of plan documentsand Board Resolution approving the plan:

    - HLURB-RFO (1 set of plan docs.) with 1 set ofpresentation maps

    - LGU (remaining copies).

    Local GovernmentUnit (LGU)

    17. Complies with publication requirement per Sec. 59of Local Government Code (R.A. 7160).



    1. NationalEconomic andDevelopmentAuthority(NEDA)

    2. Housing andLand UseRegulatoryBoard (HLURB)

    3. Dept. of Tradeand Industry(DTI)

    1 .a Checks if the CLUP/ZO is consistent with the PPFP,RPFP and other national/regional policies set byNLUC/RLUC.

    1 .b Checks if the CLUP/ZO does not conflict with the landuse plans or development thrust of adjacent cities andmunicipalities.

    1.c Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    2.a Checks whether LGU clearly identified its functional roleand whether the proposed land use plan and developmentstrategies are consistent with its vision.

    2.b Evaluates if the city plan is in harmony with the land useplans of adjacent cities and municipalities.

    2.c Evaluates if the land requirements for basic services andfacilities are identified, quantified and properly delineated.

    2.d Evaluates if proposed socio-cuftural and otherinfrastructure support facilities are adequate andsupportive to the city's functional role and developmentthrust.

    2.e Checks if sites for socialized housing are identifiedpursuant to R A 7279 (Urban Development and HousingAct of 1992).

    2.f Checks if the locality has responsive programs andprojects to solve the squatting problems, if any.

    2 g Checks if the identified programs/projects are responsiveto the LGU's needs, properly prioritized and incorporatedin the LDIP.

    2.h Checks whether the land use plan is translated into therequisite Zoning Ordinance with clear zone boundaries.

    2.i Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    3.a If applicable, checks if the sites jointly identified by DTIand LGU as Regional Agro-Industrial Centers (RAICs),District Agro-Industrial Centers (DAICs)/Countryside Agro-Industrial Centers (CAICs)/Provincial Industrial Centers(PICs)/ Peoples Industrial Estates (PIEs), etc. aredelineated, considered and quantified in the plan.

    3.b If applicable, checks if Special Economic Zones identifiedby PEZA are delineated and quantified in the plan.

    3 c Evaluates if the proposed industrial sites are feasible andsuitable for industrial development per DTI standards.

  • 4. Department ofTourism (DOT)

    5. DepartmentTransportationand


    6. Dept. of Interiorand LocalGovernment(DILG)

    7. Department ofAgriculture (DA)

    3.d Checks if the requisite utilities and facilities are adequatefor identified industries in the area.

    3.e Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    4.a Checks if potential tourism sites are identified andconsidered in the plan.

    4.b Checks if the sites identified for local tourismdevelopment is supportive of the Regional TourismMaster Plan.

    4.c Determines if there are adequate utilities/facilities tosupport tourism activities needed to sustain projectednumber of tourists.

    4.d If the locality has identified priority sites for tourismdevelopment, reviews the local tourism plan prepared byprivate groups (local/international) and other governmentagencies.

    5.a Checks if the proposed transportation and communicationfacilities and utilities are adequate to support the currentand future requirements of the locality.

    5.b If applicable, furnishes LGU a list of projects within the citythat are programmed for implementation by DOTC whichare not identified in the plan.

    5.c Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    6.a Checks if the proposed projects/programs are the actualtranslation of the LGUs needs and requirements asidentified in the socio-economic and infrastructure sectorand if these are prioritized.

    6.b Checks if the sectoral plan for Local Administration Sectoris consistent with the requirements of the new LocalGovernment Code.

    6.c Checks the adequacy/sufficiency of the proposedorganizational structure for CLUP/ZO implementation.

    6.d Evaluates the sources of funds for identified programsand projects.

    6 e Checks if the proposed, implementing and monitoringschemes are consistent with the Local Government Code.

    6.f Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    7.a If applicable, checks if irrigated and irrigable lands areidentified, delineated and quantified per RA 8435 andchecks if areas identified for expansion of urban uses areoutside the coverage of the Network of Protected Areasfor Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Development(NPAAAD) and Strategic Agricultural and FisheriesDevelopment Zone (SAFDZs).

  • 7.b if applicable, evaluates if the areas identified forreclassification are not or have ceased to beeconomically feasible for agricultural purposes.

    7.c Evaluates CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    8. Department ofEnvironmentand NaturalResources(DENR)

    8.a Checks whether present and proposed settlement sitesare free from legal and environmental constraints.

    8.b Checks whether there are inconsistencies between areasproposed for development and areas for protection.

    8.c Checks if there are sites identified for disposal andprojects for management of solid and other hazardouswaste within the city.

    8.d Checks the consistency of the City Solid WasteManagement Plan with the CLUP.

    8.e Checks if the plan promotes the enhancement of theenvironmental quality through local initiatives to controlwater, air and land pollution.

    8.f Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    9. Department ofAgrarianReform (DAR)

    9.a Checks/evaluates if there are any lands identified forreclassification and/or conversion that are tenanted orcovered by notice of coverage/acquisition and are withinthe coverage of CARP and if these lands are delineatedand quantified.

    9.b Determines if there are tenants/beneficiaries which needto be compensated.

    9.c Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    10. Department ofPublic Worksand Highways(DPWH)

    10. a Checks/evaluates if the proposed road network andother infrastructure facilities and utilities are adequate tosupport the various land uses and are consistent withregional and national sectoral plans.

    10.b Evaluates if the CLUP has integrated DPWH plans andprograms for implementation within the planning period.

    10.c Determines if mitigating measures for flooding andappropriate disaster prevention programs are identified.

    10.d Checks if the proposed Traffic Management Program(TMP) has linkage with the TMPs of adjacent cities andmunicipalities.

    10.e Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    11. Department ofScience andTechnology(DOST)

    11 .a If applicable, furnishes LGU list of projects/studies/researches useful for land use within the city that areprogrammed for implementation by DOST but notidentified in the plan.

    11.b Checks or recommends whether there are available

  • 12. Non-Gov't.Organization(NGO)

    technologies for the development of low cost housingmaterials in the locality.

    11 .c Checks or recommends the suitability of technologyidentified in the proposed projects

    11 .d Checks whether there are indigenous technology worthyof development which can be adopted, innovated orimproved.

    11 .e Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    12.a Checks whether the plan increases the access of theunderprivileged and other basic sectors to socio-economic opportunities.

    12.b Evaluates how development strategies, programs andprojects will affect the different sectors.

    12.c Evaluates the CLUP vis-a-vis laws & regulationsaffecting human rights, gender and other sectoralconcerns.


  • Figure 2






    City Mayor transmits to HLURB-RFO, one (1) set of presentationmaps and at least three (3) copiesof final draft of CLUP & ZOtogether with the followingdocuments:a. Exec. Summary of the CLUP;b. Sangguniang Panglungsod

    (SP) Secretary's Certificate ofPublic Hearing conducted;

    c. Minutes of Public Hearing;d. List of Invitees and sector

    represented,e. Copy of Issued Invitation

    letter/Notice of Public Hearingf COPY of Attendance Sheet

    7. Revises the draft CLUP & ZOintegrating the recommendationsof RLUC. Transmits documentsto RLUC.

    10. Sangguniang Panlungsod (SP)adopts CLUP and enacts ZO.

    11.Submits to HLURB, six (6)copies of CLUP & ZO togetherwith the following documents:a. 3 sets of Presentation Maps.b. SP Resolution adopting the

    CLUP and enacting the ZOc. Documents a to f in step 1.

    2. RFO checks completenessof documents.

    Requests LGUto completedocuments.

    3. RFO transmits documents to RLUCcopy furnished FOSG for review.

    4. FOSG prepares report/recommendations and transmits thesame to RFO.

    5. RFO transmits HLURB report toRLUC.

    6. Reviews CLUP &ZO.


    17. Complies with publicationrequirement per Sec. 59 of theLocal Government Code (RA7160).

    12. FOSG conducts cursory review;coordinates with LGU andrecommends CLUP and ZO forapproval.

    13. Board approves CLUP & ZO.14. Authenticates CLUP and ZO15. Retains one set of plan documents

    with 1 set of presentation maps forlibrary .

    16. Furnishes following agencies copiesof plan documents with copy ofBoard Resolution approving theplan:- HLURB RFO (1) with 1 set

    presentation maps.- LGU (remaining copies)

    8. Checks if comments/recommendations wereincorporated in the CLUP& ZO.

    9. Endorses CLUP and ZOto LGU for adoption andenactment.

    CLUP - Comprehensive Land Use plan (includes report-size maps)ZO - Zoning Ordinance (includes report-size maps)Plan documents -CLUP and ZO and documents listed in steps 1 and 11,RFO - Regional Field OfficeFOSG - Field Operations Support Group at HLURB Central Office








    1. Governor transmits to the Housing and Land UseRegulatory Board - Regional Field Office (HLURB-RFO),one (1) set of presentation maps and at least three (3)copies of final draft of Provincial Physical Framework Plan(PPFP) together with the following documents:a. Executive Summary of the PPFP*;b. Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP) Secretary's

    Certificate of Public Hearing conducted;c. Minutes of Public Hearing;d. List of Invitees and sector represented;a. Copy of Issued Invitation letter / Notice of Public

    Hearing; andf. Copy of Attendance Sheet.

    2. RFO receives plan documents and checks completeness.

    2.1 If incomplete, requests LGU to completedocuments.

    2.2 If complete, proceeds with activity 3.

    3. RFO transmits documents to RLUC copy furnishedFOSG for review.

    4. FOSG reviews the plan, prepares report/recommendations and transmits the same to RFO.

    5. RFO transmits HLURB report to RLUC.

    6. Reviews PPFP.

    a. Schedules review,b. Routes copies of plan documents to members at least

    two (2) weeks before the actual review.c. Invites other stakeholders as needed.

    NOTE: * Refer to Annex V for Sample Outline of Executive Summary.


    RLUC Chairman






    HLURBCentral Office


    6.1 Convenes the members of the RLUC,

    a. If there is quorum, proceed with the review.

    b. If there is no quorum, defers review until quorum ismet. A quorum is met when majority [50%+1] of themembers are present.

    6.2 Presents the plan to RLUC.

    6.3 Conducts review of PPFP consistent with the reviewparameters hereto attached.

    a. Committee members present respective commentsand recommendations.

    b. Prepares report/recommendations.

    b. 1 If with revision, transmits documents toLGU.

    b.2 If no revision, proceeds with activity 9.

    7. Revises the draft PPFP integrating the recommendationsof RLUC (LGU may coordinate with RLUC). Transmitsdocuments to RLUC.

    8. Checks if comments/recommendations were incorporatedin the PPFP and endorses to Sangguniang Panlalawigan(SP) for adoption & enactment.

    9. Endorses PPFP to LGU for adoption & enactment.

    10. SP adopts PPFP.

    11. Submits to HLURB Central Office (FOSG), six (6)copies of PPFP together with the following documents:

    a. Three (3) sets of presentation maps;b. SP Resolution adopting the PPFP; andc. Documents a to f in step 1.

    12. FOSG receives documents. Conducts cursory review{coordinates with LGU, if necessary), recommendsPPFP for Board approval and requests presence ofHLURB Regional Officer during the Board Meeting. .




    13. Subjects the plan for Board deliberation and ratification.

    a. Governor or his duly authorized representativepresents the plan.

    b. BOARD approves/ratifies PPFP.

    14. Authenticates PPFP and other plan documents.

    15. Retains 1 set of plan documents with one (1) set ofpresentation maps.

    16. Furnishes the following with copies of plan documentsand Board Resolution approving the plan:

    - HLURB-RFO (1 copy of plan docs.) with 1 set ofpresentation maps

    - LGU (remaining copies).

    17. Complies with publication requirement per Sec. 59of Local Government Code ( R A 7160).

  • Figure 3






    1. Governor transmits to HLURB-RFO, one (1) set of presentationmaps and at least three (3) copiesof final draft of PPFP together withthe following documents:a. Exec. Summary of the PPFP;b. Sangguniang Panlalawigan

    (SP) Secretary's Certificate ofPublic Hearing conducted;

    c. Minutes of Public Hearing;d. List of Invitees and sector

    represented;e. Copy of Issued Invitation

    letter/Notice of Public Hearing;and

    f Copy of Attendance Sheet.

    2. RFO receives plan docs,and checks completeness

    Requests LGUto completedocuments.

    7. Revises the draft PPFPintegrating the recommendationsof RLUC.

    3. RFO transmits documents toRLUC copy furnished FOSGfor review.

    4. FOSG prepares report/recommendations andtransmits the same to RFO.RFO transmits HLURB reportto RLUC.

    5. RFO transmits HLURB report toRLUC.

    6. Reviews PPFP.


    10. SP adopts PPFP.11. Submits to HLURB, six {6)

    copies of PPFP together withthe following documents:a. 3 sets of Presentation Maps;b. SP Resolution adopting the

    PPFP; andc. Documents a to f in step 1.

    17. Complies with publicationrequirement per Sec. 59 of theLocal Government Code (RA7160).

    12. FOSG conducts cursory review;coordinates with LGU andrecommends PPFP for approval.

    13. Board approves PPFP.14. Authenticates PPFP.15. Retains one set of plan documents

    with 1 set of presentation maps forlibrary.

    16. Furnishes following agencies copies ofplan documents with copy of BoardResolution approving the plan:- HLURB RFO (1 set of plan docs.)

    with 1 set presentation maps.- LGU (remaining copies).

    8. Checks if comments/recommendationswere incorporated inthe PPFP.

    9. Endorses PPFP toLGU for adoption &enactment.

    PPFP - Provincial Physical Framework Plan (includes report-size maps)Plan documents - PPFP and documents listed in steps 1 and 11.RFO - Regional Reid OfficeFOSG - Field Operations Support Group at HLURB Central Office


    1. NationalEconomic andDevelopmentAuthority(NEDA)

    2. Housing andLand UseRegulatoryBoard (HLURB)

    3. Department ofTrade andIndustry (DTI)

    4. Department ofTourism (DOT)

    1.a Determines if the plan has identified measures that willincrease population access to socio-economicopportunities.

    1.b Checks if the PPFP is consistent with the RPFP, NationalFramework for Physical Planning and other nationalregional policies set by NLUC/RLUC.

    2.a Checks if the plan adequately defines the role orspecialization of the province given its resources andconstraints for development.

    2,b Determines if the plan provides policy directions to guide theutilization of land resources vis-a-vis production, protection,settlement, infrastructure.

    2.G Evaluates if the Provincial Physical Framework Plan is theoptimum translation of the province's set goals forsettlement1, land use and infrastructure development.

    2.d Checks if the proposed programs and projects supports thegoals and development vision of the province, prioritizedand incorporated in the PDIP, and consistent with theprovisions of the following: .-

    RA 7160 EO 72 PSSDRA 7279 AO20 NFPPEO 71 MC 54 NUDHFMTPDP RPFP others

    3.a If applicable, checks if the sites jointly identified by DTIand LGU as Regional Agro-Industrial Centers (RAICs),District Agro-Industrial Centers (DAICs)/Countryside Agro-Industrial Centers (CAICs)/Provincial Industrial Centers(PICs)/ Peoples Industrial Estates (PIEs), etc. are .delineated, considered and quantified in the plan.

    3.b If applicable, checks if Special Economic Zones identifiedby PEZA are delineated and quantified in the plan.

    3 c Evaluates if the proposed industrial sites are feasible andsuitable for industrial development per DTI standards.

    3.d Checks if the requisite utilities and facilities are adequate. for identified industries in the area.

    4.a Checks if potential tourism sites are identified andconsidered in the plan.

    4.b Checks if the sites identified for local tourism develop-ment is supportive of the Regional Tourism Master Plan.

    4.C Determines if there are adequate utilities/ facilities tosupport tourism activities needed to sustain projected

  • number of tourists.

    5. Department ofTransportationand


    5.a Checks if the proposed transportation andcommunication facilities and utilities are adequate tosupport the current and future requirements of theprovince.

    5.b Evaluates if the PPFP has integrated DOTC plans andprograms for implementation within the planning period.

    6. Department ofInterior andLocalGovernment(DILG)

    6.a Checks if the proposed projects/programs are essentialfor the promotion of the general welfare of the provinceand Its inhabitants.

    6.b Checks if the proposed projects/programs are the actualtranslation of the province's needs and requirements asidentified in the provincial Socio-Economic andDevelopment Plan and if these are prioritized.

    6.c Checks if the proposed implementing and monitoringschemes are consistent with the Local Government Code.

    6.d Checks the adequacy/sufficiency of the proposedorganizational structure for PPFP implementation.

    6.e Evaluates the sources of funds for identified programsand projects.

    6.f Evaluates the PPFP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    7. Department ofAgriculture (DA)

    7.a If applicable, checks if irrigated and irrigable lands areidentified, delineated and quantified per RA 8435 andcheck if areas identified for expansion of urban uses areoutside the coverage of the Network of Protected Areasfor Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Development(NPAAAD) and Strategic Agricultural and FisheriesDevelopment Z o n e (SAFDZs).

    7.b If applicable, evaluates if the areas identified forreclassification are not or have ceased to be economicallyfeasible for agricultural purposes.

    7.c Checks if there are provisions of requisite agriculturalextension and on-site research services and facilities perRA 7160.

    7.d Checks if there are proposed agricultural expansion areasand if these are properly delineated and conforms withland suitability analysis.

    7.e Evaluates the PPFP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs,

    8. Department ofEnvironmentand NaturalResource(DENR)

    8.a Checks whether present and proposed settlement sitesare free from legal and environmental constraints.

    8.b Checks whether there are inconsistencies between areasproposed for development and areas for protection.

    8.c Checks if there are sites identified for disposal and

  • 9. Department ofAgrarianReform (DAR)

    10. Department ofPublic Worksand Highways(DPWH)

    11. Department ofScience andTechology(DOST)

    projects for management of solid and other hazardouswaste within the province.

    8.d Checks the consistency of the Provincial Solid WasteManagement Plan with the PPFP.

    8.e Checks if the plan promotes the enhancement of theenvironmental quality through local initiatives to controlwater, air and land pollution.

    8.f Checks whether the CADC/CALC and pertinent provisionsof the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) wereincorporated in the PPFP.

    8.g Evaluates the PPFP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    9.a Determines if the province has adopted measures tosupport the implementation of the ComprehensiveAgrarian Reform Program (CARP).

    9.b Evaluates the PPFP vis-a-vis approved agency related, policies/plans/programs.

    1O.a Checks/evaluates if the proposed road network and, other infrastructure facilities and utilities are adequate to

    support the various land uses and are consistent withregional and national sectoral plans.

    10.b Evaluates if the PPFP has integrated DPWH plans andprograms for implementation within the planning period.

    1O.c Determines if mitigating measures for flooding andappropriate disaster prevention programs are identified.

    10.d Checks if the proposed Traffic Management Program(TMR) has linkage with the TMPs of adjacent provinces.

    10.e Evaluates the PPFP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.

    11 .a If applicable, furnishes provincial government withcompleted DOST studies that are beneficial to theProvince and may be adopted for implementation withinthe planning period.

    11 .b If applicable, furnishes a list of projects within theprovince that are programmed for implementation byDOST within the planning period.

    11.c Checks or recommends whether there are availabletechnologies for the development of low cost housingmaterials in the locality.

    11.d Checks or recommends the suitability of technologyidentified in the proposed projects.

    11.e Checks whether there are indigenous technology worthyof development which can be adopted, innovated orimproved. '

    11 .f Evaluates the PPFP vis-a-vis approved agency related .pottcies/plans/programs.

  • 12. Non-Gov't.Organization(NGO)







    Checks whether the plan increases the access of theunderprivileged and other basic sectors to socio-economic opportunities.Evaluates how development strategies, programs andprojects will affect the different sectors.Evaluates the PPFP vis-a-vis approved agency relatedpolicies/plans/programs.




    Planning Period to

    I. Vision

    II. Existing Situation

    Demographic ProfileSocial ServicesEconomic ProfilePhysical InfrastructureEnvironment (forest, water bodies, solid/liquidwastes, etc.)Existing Physical Development TrendLocal Administration . .

    ///. Development Constraints and Opportunities

    IV. General Development Goals and Objectives

    V. Preferred Development Strategy

    VI. Spatial Strategy

    VII. Plan Implementation

    VIII. Summary of Proposed Major Programs and Projects

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