board of trustees - bath spa university · 2016-10-31 · board of trustees meeting agenda...

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Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda Wednesday 1st June 2016 at 5 - 7.30 pm Newton Park Campus, Corston CN101

Extraordinary Agenda Item

5.15 – 6.15pm Training Session: 'The prevent duty in higher education: an introduction'.

This is module one in a series of seven modules developed by the LFHE (Leadership Foundation in Higher Education) which comprise a training package on the Prevent duty specifically for use in higher education institutions. This is an introductory module that provides essential information on Prevent and provides an overview and awareness of Prevent.

It will be delivered by Salam Katbi, Prevent Regional HE/FE Lead – South West

Time Item Owner Introduction

6.20 – 6.25pm 1. Apologies KH

6.25 – 6.30pm 2. Conflicts of interest KH

6.30 – 6.35pm 3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting KH

6.35 – 6.40pm 4. Matters arising KH

6.40 – 6.45pm 5. Chairs Business KH

Items for discussion or review

6.45 – 6.55pm 6a. Risk Management Update report Regular agenda item to look at progress to reduce and control key risks facing the organisation in 2015-16. Paper attached


6.55 – 7.05pm 6b. Review of the Union’s Banking provision Following discussion with at the finance & Resources Committee Meeting on 18th October, this report asks that the Board considers the Union’s future banking arrangements. Please note further information will be provided at the meeting as detailed.


Strategic Focus

7.05 – 7.15pm 7a. Revised Budget 2016-17. Following consideration at Finance & Resources Committee this paper seeks approval of a revised budget for 2016-17. Paper attached.


7.15 – 7.25pm 7b. Performance Framework Report Paper attached to discuss format of future performance


reports to the Board following approval of the BIG Plan 2016-2020. Paper attached

7.25 – 7.35pm 7c. Welcome Week report Discussion paper to consider the Welcome Week programme 2016. Paper attached.


Items for Receipt only from Committees

7.35 -7.40pm 8a. Minutes of the Finance & Resources Committee 18.10.16

8b. Minutes of the Audit & Risk Committee 19.10.16

Please notify the Chair in advance if you wish to raise any matters in relation to these items.


Meeting Conclusion

7.40-7.45pm 9. Any Other Business KH

10. Date of Next Meeting: 13th December at 4.30PM KH

Attendance: Chair: Bruce Galliver (President) Clerk: Marta North

Name Kitty Hilton Graham Briscoe Maggi Thomas Michael Roy

Position VP Activities External Trustee External Trustee External Trustee

Name James Lloyd Kathryn Jeanes Ed Stevens

Position Student Trustee Equal Opportunities Officer External Trustee

In Attendance Sarah Dawes Chief Executive Sally Savage Finance & Resources Manager Shaun McGall Lay Member Oliver Kasper Democracy, Representation & Welfare Manager Susan Hammond Student Experience and Enterprise Manager

Introduction Action

1. Apologies were received from:

Aled Davies VP Welfare Jessica Milton Environment & Ethics Officer John Smythe Student Trustee

2. Conflicts of Interest

SD advised that there was a conflict of interest with regards to appointment of Lay Members and Student Trustees. JL and SM would therefore not be present for agenda item 7e.

3. Minutes of last Meeting

Agreed as true record.

4. Matters Arising

The Board Voting at Newton Park Campus - BG reported that he had not sent to the local newspaper and it was too late to do it now.

5. Chair’s Business

BG mentioned that some of the Trustees would be leaving soon and he thanked them all for their work.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Minutes of Meeting held on 1st of June 2016

6. Items for discussion or Review Action

6a. Risk Management 2016 – 2017

SD introduced the Risk Register for 2016-17 which had previously been considered by the Audit & Risk Commitee.

SD introduced Appendix 2, the report on progress against the Corporate Risk Management Action plan for the previous 12 months and Appendix 3, the Action Plan for 2016-17 which highlighted key risks and actions that the Board would need to focus on for 2016-17.

KJ refered to point GL7 and asked to put all papers on our website so students could view them and make it priority for next year. SD said that it was oversight on our part and it would be done.

MR commented that the Risk Management approach was very good. GB thanked SD for producing it.

The Risk Register and Corprate Risk Management Action Plan for 2016-17 was approved by the Trustees.

6b. HE White Paper

SD informed the Board of the progress of the HE Green Paper discussed at the December 2015 meeting. The Government had now published its white paper.

SD outlined the key points in the paper and changes following the consultation.

GB raised a concern regarding recent NUS communications which caused him concern. He explained that there was a recommendation from NUS conference to ”sabotage” the National Student survey.

SD responded saying this was an issue that had raised some concern across the membership, with several Unions having pointed out the usefulness of the data Union’s derive from the NSS. She added that the Union was not obliged to follow a recommendation from NUS but if other Unions chose to do so this would affect the usefulness of any comparative data.

SD would keep the Board informed of the progress and any issues arising from the White Paper.

6c. Meeting schedule

SD propsed a list of meeting dates for 2016-17 and asked if Trustees could come back to her if there were any problems with them.



Strategic Focus Action

7a. 2015-2016 Quarter 3 Performance Report

SD introduced the key points from the Q3 performance report.

SD informed the Board that whilst, at the end of Q3, the Union remained on target to achieve its budget projections for 2015-16, she had concerns that the Summer Ball tickets sales were below target which looked likely to affect this position. Currently this could have a negative impact of around £30,000, and would mean the Union would not achieve a surplus in 2015-16.

She added that this may mean the budget for 2016-17 may need revising if it was felt that this is likely to be an issue in future.

GB said that whole aspect of Summer Ball was changing and gave an example of another Union that lost around £7000 on their recent event. He added that timing was very important as students could not go out and enjoy themselves if they were still revising for exams. SD pointed out that Summer Ball day was the last day of exams.

MT suggested giving reductions on tickets. SS responded that unfortunately cost of the event dictated cost of tickets.

KJ said that she would recommend having less high profile acts because what students wanted was just to spend last night with friends who they had been studying with. She agreed that we may need to rethink the event.

Trustees noted the content of the report.

7b. Draft Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020

SD introduced the draft Strategic Plan 2016-2020. She talked through the consultation undertaken since the last meeting and feedback received.

The new Strategy had six key themes:

Communications & engagement



Skills development


Student voice

SD also introduced the Strategic Foundations section and how this encompassed the joint work with the University discussed at the Board meeting in December 2015 and at Finance & Resources Committee in February 2016. This would include areas such as a new lease agreement for the existing Union building and its replacement and agreeing a basis for the block grant.

GB questioned the text referring to social enterprise model. The Board agreed to change the wording to reflect that the Union was a charity run on a social enterprise model. The Trustees also agreed reference should be included to outline the Board of Trustees responsibility for the governance and management of the Union.

SM praised the document and also added that the consultation video was very good. He thought some of the images could be less Newton Park focussed. SD confirmed this was a draft document using current images on file. The final version would be expected to have a more representative set of images.

KJ referred to “Students’ Voice” chapter and requested adding reference to the role of the Liberation Reps.

GB suggested delegating responsibility to President and Chief Executive to make changes.

Strategic Plan was approved by the Trustees subject to amendments.

The Board also discussed the development of KPIs to include in future performance reports. The Board felt that Trustees should be more directly involved in their development and several options were discussed. It was agreed in principal that the group would consist of Chief Executive, staff members of her choice, two external Trustees, one Sabbatical Officer and one Student



7c. Business Plan 2016 – 19 & Budget 2016 – 17

SD introduced the Business Plan 2016-19 and talked about the link between Strategic Plan and budget. She highlighted key issues which Trustees should be aware of, such as discussions regarding the block grant, staff costs and current concerns regarding the summer ball. She also mentioned the potential financial impact of NUS referendum result which may affect prices and profit margins in trading areas.

SD also talked through the implications of changes to the National Living Wage and Minimum wage and how these had been contained within the budget forecasts.

GB asked when the Trustees could get financial outturn of the year as there were three months only away from the end of the year. SD responded that it was recorded in Finance & Resources minutes that we were on target. GB asked that this be stated more clearly that this was the draft financial outturn. SD added here concerns over the effect of the summer ball as discussed earlier.

GB talked about our reserves which appeared to him to be quite high. He gave an example of Bournemouth Students’ Union that was able to reduce their reserves through an agreement with the University that, in the event of a major disruption or closure, they would take the Union’ staff on board from services identified as critical to prevent redundancy and cost to the Union. He suggested discussing scenario like that with BSU. SD responded that she was just about to begin working on the Union’s Business Continuity Plan which would look at all such issues and be able to more fully inform the Union Reserve’s policy.

GB also referred to Budget Summary 2016-19 on Page11 and expressed concern that 2017-18 & 2018-19 budget showed loses. SD explained that the figures included projects that could only happen if we received funding from the University.

The Board approved Business Plan 2016-19 & Budget 2016-17.

7d. Democratic Reform

OK explained to the Trustees that Student Council had been struggling to achieve quorum for some time and its make-up was limited to a fixed number of students, which often limited the range of students engaged in consultation.

OK explained that the composition and proceedings of the Student Council were not defined in the Constitution, but in the bye-laws which had been reviewed recently and as a result a new approach was proposed and approved at the AGM on 10/05/2016. He explained that the new approach would retain the term “Student Council” as an umbrella term but rather than one single meeting group of representatives, the new approach would see the business of Council separated into three approaches: Democracy & Oversight Forum, a Votes of Confidence system, forums & surveys.

JL asked OK if he thought that the new system would be more empowering. OK responded that in line with the new strategy it would be.

SM asked OK what research was used to come to those conclusions. OK said that he looked at different models of what other Students’ Unions used. He added that some of them were costly and that it was important to do what worked for us.

KJ asked talked about Student Voice Panel and asked who would sit on it. OK responded that everybody would be invited to come.

SM asked OK why he decided to keep Student Council. OK explained that we had to have it because it was in our constitution.

GB referred to changes of bye-laws and expressed concern that something went to AGM but it was not run through Trustees. SD explained that because Student Council was not quorate a decision could not be taken. However, the matter was presented to the AGM for discussion to gauge opinion. It was now being formally bought to the Board of Trustees and the next step would be to take this to the new Democracy & Oversight Forum.

ES asked OK how he decided what issues needed to be put forward for discussion. OK responded that he would do it through listening to students.

SM and OK asked OK to clarify the structure for the academic rep system and how this related to the new structures within the University. OK did so.

GB requested that a diagram be bought to a future meeting that showed the new academic structure of the University.

The Board approved the recommendations of the report and acknowledged the challenge of democratic transition.

SM & JL left the meeting at this point due to the conflict of interest in relation to item 7e.

7e. Appointment of Lay Members and Student Trustees 16- 17

SD described the recent work of the Search Committee, who wished to recommend to the Board that Shaun Stephenson-McGall be re-appointed as a Lay Member for 2016-17.

She also added that the Committee had received an application from a person who had special legal expertise and worked for Bath University. The Search Committee had met with the applicant. ES and MT gave more details about the applicant. Search Committee also wished to recommend they be appointed as a Lay member for 2016-17.

GB said that the new Lay Member applicant’s CV should have been circulated to the Trustees. He added that he supported the choice but he would prefer that in the future he could see new applicants’ CVs. ES pointed out that CV was circulated to Search Committee.

SD informed the Board she had received 2 applications for the roles of Student Trustees for 2016-17. Both were current business management students. SD described how they should be appointed by Student Council, but as the last meeting was not quorate a decision could not be made. As described earlier in the meeting, the format for Student Council had been changed and replaced with an approach which will see such decisions taken by a Democracy and Oversight Forum of the Student Council.

As the new Democracy and Oversight Forum will not meet until the beginning of the next academic year, SD sought approval from the Board of Trustees to co-opt the two applicants, Emily Billson and James Lloyd, to the roles of Student Trustees for 2016-17. This decision will then be taken to the first meeting of the Democracy and Oversight Forum for ratification in the autumn term.

The Board approved that Shaun Stephenson-McGall and Maree Perkins be appointed as Lay Members for 2016-17 and James Lloyd and Emily Billson be co-opted as Student Trustees for 2016-17, subject to formal appointment by the Democracy and Oversight Forum in the autumn term.

SD presented a draft proposal of appointments to Committees for 2016-17. It was agreed that the VP Education be appointed to the Remunerations and Search Committees to replace the existing VP appointments and the Equal Opportunities officer role.

Items for receipt from Committees. Action

8a. Minutes of A & R Committee 27.04.16

8b. Minutes of AGM 10.05.16

8c. Minutes of Remuneration Committee 12.05.16

8d. Minutes of the Finance & Resources Committee 24.05.16

Any Other Business

GB said that he attended NUS Conference in Leeds and he was putting together a short presentation which he would send to SD to be circulated.

SM talked about a family of refugees that lived in Bath. He said that they wanted to tell their story and suggested making a film about them by BSU media students. BG said that he would contact some students and relevant staff.

Meeting closed at 8.00 pm

Date of Next Meeting: 25th October at 5pm.

Board of Trustees Matters Arising Progress Report 25th October 2016 Agenda Item 4.

Actions from Board of Trustees Meeting 15th March 2016


6a. Risk Management

All Board Papers to be placed on the Union website

SD to ensure papers are uploaded. SD Expected completion by end October

6c.Meeting schedule

Trustees to look at possible problems with proposed meeting schedule for 2016.

Trustees to notify SD of any potential issues.

ALL Completed.

7b Draft Strategic Plan

Final version of Strategic Plan 2016-2020 to be published following approval by Board of Trustees on 1st June.

Finalise text and images ready and images ready to publication

SD & KH Text finalised. New images currently being finalised ready for inclusion. Expected publication date end October.

Outstanding Actions from Previous Meetings


08.12.15 Etherington Review

Implementing recommendations from the Etherington Review in to charity fundraising.

Undertake a review of current practices following Charities Bill 2016 receiving Royal Assent

SD TAR 2016 will contain reference to fundraising as required and fundraising guidance given to RAG, C&S as required to meet best practice.

08.12.2015 Corporate Risk Management

Development of Asset Management plan

To progress the development of an Asset Management Plan as part of the budget process.

SS Asset Register completed, work to complete small equipment register underway.

Next stage is to label all assets and revise internal procedures and training to ensure

Action Plan

register automatically updates.

This will then ensure Trustees are able to consider future funding requirements and make provision in the Union’s reserves where necessary.

Corporate Risk Management Action Plan 2016

Progress Report

Risk No

Key action identified Status Complete

d (date) Managed

by Monitored

by Review


GL2 Training and reports detailing implications of Charities Act 2016, Prevent duty and any other duties will be bought to Board during 2016-17

Prevent training session will be included in BoT meeting on 25th October 2016.

CEO BoT December 2016

CS1 Strategic Plan 2016-2020 to be finalised and approved by Board. Business Plan, performance framework and internal structures to be developed to support the delivery of the plan.

Plan approved. Business Plan approved. Revised budget being presented to F&R Committee and BoT during October 2016. Performance Framework under development for approval October 2016.

Sabbatical Team & CEO

BoT June 2016 then ongoing

P1 External audit of HR policies to be arranged to ensure internal practices and procedures are legal compliant and consistent with best practice.

Discussion held with NUS HR Strategic Support Unit. Expected completion December 2016

CEO F&R Committee

December 2016

F5 & R1

Strategic Plan foundations to be agreed with BSU regarding building lease, relationship agreement, reporting framework and Block Grant to ensure the partnership supports the strategic ambitions and sustainability of the Union.

Not yet started SU Pres CEO

BoT June 2017

F7 Asset management plan to be developed to enable future capital expenditure to be

Not yet started FRM F&R Committee

August 2016

Board of Trustees

25.10.16 Agenda Item 6a.

prioritised and enable Board of Trustees to develop appropriate levels of reserves

A1 & HS2

Business continuity plan to be developed alongside BSU to cover major disruption

First draft developed as part of BSU Emergency management team project.


Sept 2016


Training for key staff so they are aware of University Emergency Plan and Union Business Continuity Plan to be able to respond accordingly in the event of an incident.

Training held August and September 2016. Final version of draft BCP to be finalised and circulated.

CEO A&R Dec 2016

FD1 Continue discussions regarding replacement of SU building at Newton Park and visibility at other BSU campuses.

Ongoing SU Pres CEO

BoT ongoing

F8 Implement improvements identified in Fraud Audit 2016 to reduce risks of fraud:

Procedures in relation to

collection boxes should be


Fixed Asset list needs to be

finalised and then kept up to


A separate Anti-Fraud Policy

should be developed

New risk actions. To be started. CEO FRM

A&R June 2017

Bath Spa University Students’ Union

To Board of Trustees

From Sarah Dawes – Chief Executive

Prepared by Sarah Dawes / Sally Savage

Date 25th October 2016

Subject Agenda Item 6b: Review of the Union’s Banking arrangements

1.0 Purpose

1.1 To inform the Board of current issues with the Union’s banking arrangements and present the Board with options for the future of its banking provision.

2.0 Introduction

2.1 The Union holds a number of accounts to effectively manage its current account

requirements and reserves. These are monitored by the Finance & Resources


2.2 Our reserves are currently split across a 12 month fixed term bond at the Co-

operative Bank and a savings account with the Charity Bank. These were chosen due

to the ethical nature of those banks and to give the best rates of interest available.

2.3 We also hold a current account with the Co-operative, where annual interest earned

is deposited and we have recently set up a current account with Santander, linked to

our change of card payment provider to Elavon.

2.4 However, our main current account provider is Natwest, who have provided the

service for a long time.

2.5 We have for some time been intending to review our current account provision in

line with our commitment to be an ethically focussed organisation and to ensure

that we minimise the costs of banking to the Union.

2.6 However, we have been increasingly disappointed with their poor customer service

offered by Natwest and the relationship with NatWest has further deteriorated over

the last 3 months, resulting in a formal complaint to Director of Customer Relations,

for which we are, at the time of writing, still awaiting a response.

2.7 At the Finance & Resources Meeting of 18th October, the Chief Executive outlined

the detail of recent discussions and the current risks of remaining with Natwest. In

particular she outlined the request by NatWest to verify all Trustee details,

irrespective of the responsibilities of the Trustees as detailed in the Constitution and

the particular issue this may present for the Union’s Trustees that had been

discussed with Natwest.

2.8 The Committee discussed the matter in detail and agreed that the matter be bought

to the next Board of Trustees Meeting, with the recommendation that the Board

should approve the Union move its accounts from Natwest.

2.9 Furthermore, the Committee considered potential alternative providers. The Chief

Executive and Finance & Resources Manager had provided the Committee with

comparison costs from alternative providers chosen through use of ethical

comparison reports and industry awards.

2.10 The Committee also discussed the changing nature of transactions and how this

could affect future costs of banking, particularly with the growth of contactless and

card payments.

2.11 The Committee also discussed the importance of having a good working relationship

with a new banking provider.

2.12 The Committee agreed that the Board should be provided with comparative cost

details of the alternative providers as considered at the meeting, in order to inform

their decision. These will be provided to the Trustees at the meeting.

3.0 Recommendations

3.1 That the Board considers the content of the report and approves that the Union should begin the process to switch its current account provision from Natwest.

3.2 That the Board agree who they would like to provide their future current account banking.

Bath Spa University Students’ Union

To Board of Trustees

From Sarah Dawes – Chief Executive

Prepared by Sarah Dawes / Sally Savage

Date 25th October 2016

Subject Agenda Item 7a: Revised Budget 2016-17

1.0 Purpose

1.1 To present to the Board a proposed revised budget for 2016-17.

2.0 Introduction

2.1 At its meeting of 1st June 2016, the Board of Trustees approved the budget for 2016-17. This budget was prepared through detailed analysis of performance over 2015-16 to Quarter 3 (to end April 2016) and preceding years.

2.2 The Union had predicted a slight profit for 2015-16 and the budget approved for 2016-17 also expected this to be the case. Budget performance in the first 3 quarters of the year had been strong and consistently on target.

2.3 However, at the meeting on 1st June, Trustees were informed that we had concerns that tickets for the annual Summer Ball were at that stage not sold out. The Ball is our biggest single fundraising event of the year. We had also noticed a downturn in discretionary spend following the Easter break.

2.4 Our financial year ends on 31st July and on 3rd August Trustees were informed that the Summer Ball did not sell out and in fact we had sold 300 tickets less than the previously 3 years, which meant that income from the event was £31,110 less than expected.

2.5 In addition, income had dropped in areas of discretionary spend after May. This mirrored a trend experienced across campus, indicating increasing pressure on student finances, rather than an issue with any element of service performance. This is consistent with the feedback from the Summer Ball which was extremely positive.

2.6 All of these factors have had a significant effect on the financial performance for 2015-16 and as a result we expect our end of year results to show an expected operating loss of £46,349.

2.7 Our initial budget for 2016-17, approved at the Board meeting in June, did not account for these factors and as such we have implemented a number of changes to immediately reduce expenditure.

2.8 The proposed budget for 2016-17 has been revised, reflecting these changes and revising income targets based on the full results for 2015-16.

2.9 Proposals were discussed by the Senior Management Team to ensure that we were confident that any decisions made would minimise impact upon the students.

2.10 It was also important that any changes would enable us to start to deliver the new Strategic Plan and ensure that our approach was not just about reducing services but about creating a platform for positive change.

2.11 Changes implanted included:

1. We have reduced the opening times from September for the Bar and Cafe, which will now not open until 10.30am. There are also slight changes to food service times to ensure opening hours were able to recover costs. For example, whilst we opened at 9am to provide a service for students, sales prior to 10.30 did not cover staffing costs.

2. We have replaced an existing kitchen vacancy with an apprentice via Bath College. This means we will hopefully have a trainee chef who we hope will be able to grow his career with us in the longer term. This means we are able to take advantage of funding support available through the college and Government apprenticeship scheme, thus reducing our costs.

3. We secured funding to host a 9 month post for a Communications Intern who will focus on co-ordinating our social media presence and developing graphics, thus adding much needed resource and support, particularly to the commercial areas.

4. We removed the part time Student Advisor role. All advice work will now be handled by the existing Representation & Academic Advice Co-ordinator, whose role and job title have been revised to reflect this change.

5. The Gym staffing hours have been reduced and the gym will now not be staffed at quiet times. Reception staff will ensure there is no abuse of the system when Gym staff are not present.

2.12 These actions would give a revised surplus for 2016-17 of £3,952.

2.13 In addition I have also identified a number of items of expenditure which, whilst they are still contained within the budget, will not be actioned for 10 months when we can be sure of the position for 2016-17. This gives an additional ‘cushion’ of £6,500.

2.14 The revised budget is attached at Appendix 1. I have also attached the original budget at Appendix 2 which was approved on 1st June to enable the Board to see the impact of the changes.

2.15 The proposed revised budget was discussed at the Finance & Resources Committee Meeting on 18th October, where it was agreed to recommend the revised budget be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval.

2.16 The Committee were informed that we had launched a survey following the Summer Ball to inform planning for the 2017 event. We have reduced income targets in the revised budget, reflecting the financial results from 2016 and initial feedback from the received which indicated cost was an increasing barrier to attendance. The survey results are attached at Appendix 3.

3.0 Recommendations

3.1 That the Board considers the content of the report and actions taken, and, subject to any proposed changes, recommend the revised budget for approval by the Board of Trustees.

Appendix 1: Revised Budget 2016-17

Department Income Purchases for resale

Direct Expenditure Staffing Overheads

Total for year

Commercial Services

Bar 119,930 40,867 5,031 55,075 14,602 4,355

Catering 181,957 65,321 3,373 60,022 8,177 45,064

Welcome Week 44,826 5,040 10,326 8,301 12,063 9,096

Fundraising events 72,410 5,760 9,380 7,994 30,532 18,744

Shop 326,950 234,600 155 69,030 4,930 18,235

Gym 73,655 0 1,394 30,993 5,980 35,288

Student Services

SU Clubs & Societies 675 0 2,815 31,083 29,384 -62,607

Representation & Welfare 0 0 1,400 60,202 7,826 -69,428

Marketing & Communications

27,76565 0 1,600 39,609 15,403 -28,847

Student Development & Volunteering

0 0 1,075 25,766 1,595 -28,436

Union vehicles 1,735 0 0 0 3,873 -2,138

Spalife 0 0 80 0 2,970 -3,050


Management & Admin 425,209 0 0 137,933 128,088 159,188

Office Costs 69,688 53,742 20 14,799 9,900 -8,773

Governance 0 0 0 80,774 2,865 -83,639

Budget Totals 2016-17 1,344,800 405,330 36,649 621,581 278,188 3,052

Final outturn 2014-15 1,258,243 405,435 69,292 534,405 273,762 -24,651

Budget 2015-16 1,254,806 384,489 63,140 569,681 235,096 2,039

Draft outturn 2015-16 -43,543

Appendix 2: Original budget approved June 2016

Department Income Purchases for resale

Direct Expenditure Staffing Overheads

Total for year

Commercial Services

Bar 138,668 50,470 4,068 54,513 11,842 17,775

Catering 184,941 58,588 2,288 81,729 7,140 35,196

Freshers 48,301 5,668 15,371 9,039 12,063 6,160

Fundraising events 122,810 8,800 28,570 5,671 34,852 44,917

Shop 306,380 205,100 155 75,457 5,950 19,718

Gym 73,216 0 3,650 32,586 4,954 32,026

Student Services

SU Clubs & Societies 675 0 2815 33,069 34,584 -69,793

Representation & Welfare 0 0 0 62,867 12,226 -75,093

Marketing & Communications

23,265 0 1600 29,508 15,924 -23,767

Student Development & Volunteering

0 0 1075 25,766 1,595 -28,436

Union vehicles 925 0 0 0 3,943 -3,018

Spalife 0 0 80 0 2,970 -3,050


Management & Admin 420,698 0 0 136,333 133,024 151,341

Office Costs 69,688 53,742 20 14,799 9,900 -8,773

Governance 0 0 0 80,774 2,865 -83,639

Budget Totals 2016-17 1,389,567 382,368 59,692 642,111 293,832 11,565

Final outturn 2014-15 1,258,243 405,435 69,292 534,405 273,762 -24,651

Budget 2015-16 1,254,806 384,489 63,140 569,681 235,096 2,039

Indicative budget 2017-18 1,417,358 390,015 60,886 792,774 299,709 -126,026

Indicative budget 2018-19 1,445,705 397,816 62,104 859,759 305,703 -179,677

Appendix 3: Summary of Summer Ball Survey Feedback


The Students’ Union wanted to get feedback from students following the Summer Ball event that

has traditionally been held in the third term of the year on an annual basis. The need to get this

feedback was due to lower than expected sales and in order to gain insight into student views

surrounding the event.

We ran a survey using Google forms so that we would be able to restrict respondents to one entry;

we also offered an incentive to be entered into a prize draw for a £50 Amazon Voucher. We first

targeted emails through our MSL administration system to students that had bought a wristband to

get their feedback, we then targeted graduating students that may not have attended so that we

could get a decent mix of students that had gone and that had not attended.

We had 355 responses to our survey which was a lot more than we had expected, our target was for

150 respondents but we had no measure of success given this was the first Summer Ball Survey we

had done. It should be noted that this survey was ran during the summer which is believed to be an

ineffective time of year to engage students but given the high response rate here we may have to

rethink that viewpoint.

Summary of results

We had a pretty even spread of respondents that had and had not attended the ball with 52.1% of

respondents attending the event and 47.9% not attending.

For those that did attend we asked what the best aspect of the event was. As you can see above

“celebrating with friends” was the highest scoring aspect with 38% of respondents choosing this

option, then 26.7% of respondents said the best aspect was the Fun Fair. 12.8% said “High profile

acts” and then 8% said a “great selection of entertainment” .

For those choosing not to attend the event we can see that 45.6% did not go as it was too expensive

and then 22.5% as their friends did not attend. It could be argued that these two points could be

linked when nearly half of the people not attending deemed the event too expensive this could

mean that a lot of people who maybe could afford the cost would probably not attend as their

friends could not. It is also worth noting that only 4% responded saying it was “not their type of


Respondents indicated that if the SU were to reduce the price of tickets there would be a clear

preference for more student bands /performances and for less high profile acts. These two options

take up 67.6% of preferences in total.

It can be seen that there is a clear preference for a “Summer Festival Event” (73%) if we were to

change from the traditional formal “Ball” focus. However it should be noted here there are only two

options and there could be a variety of alternative events to be explored.

81.1% of respondents believe that the timing of the event is fine where it currently is.

Again another clear preference in terms of the provision for graduating students at the event for the

status quo with 65.6% of respondents prefering a VIP element in the event. Having said that 34.4% is

a sizeable minority so there may be some mileage in exploring a smaller, more intitmate celebration

for graduating students.

Recommendations from survey

1. Keep the date of any future event where it is currently

2. It is clear that a more informal and fun Summer Festival (“SpaFest”) type event is preferable

3. More of a focus on student bands and no high profile acts, as most students want a platform

to celebrate with friends. This also builds more pride and sense of community within the

student body

4. Reduce the cost of the event in terms of the tickets but also associated costs (the need for

formal wear can be quite a cost).

5. Run a student focus group to get more of the in-depth qualitative data and feedback from


Report completed by Ollie Kasper, Student Engagement and Welfare Manager.

Bath Spa University Students’ Union

To Board of Trustees

From Sarah Dawes – Chief Executive

Prepared by Sarah Dawes

Date 25th October 2016

Subject Agenda Item 7b: Performance Framework Report

1.0 Purpose

1.1 To discuss the content of performance reports to support Board Members to effectively manage the performance of the Union in delivering the new Strategic Plan 2016-20.

2.0 Introduction

2.1 Over the past few years the Board have received regular performance reports at

each meeting.

2.2 The content of the reports was developed over time to include a range of

information which enabled the Board to effectively manage the delivery of the old

Strategic Plan and its responsibilities as a Board. The framework for the reports


Financial performance overview (detailed performance is monitored by the

Finance & Resources Committee)

Performance in delivering key performance indicators (KPIs) which showed

progress in delivering the ambitions of the Strategic Plan

Departmental highlights which would give Trustees an update in the work of

the Union

Challenges and issues over the past quarter and anticipated in future which

highlighted risks to achieving targets and ambitions.

2.3 This format has proved effective. However following the development of the new

Strategic Plan there was a need to agree a new set of KPI measures to underpin the

ambitions of the new plan.

2.4 Following discussion at the Board Meeting on 1st June 2016, a working group of

Trustees and senior staff met in August to develop a set of proposed KPIs and other

measures that could be included as standard in the regular performance reports to

the Board. These are detailed at Appendix 1.

2.5 This group considered the ambitions of the Plan and also comparison information

about key drivers of satisfaction and performance achieved at high performing


2.6 The proposals would mean that existing overall format would largely remain

unchanged and the new KPIs included in each report would be:

Voter turnout at Union elections of 30% by 2020

Variance in satisfaction of different groups of students to be no greater than 25% by


At least 30% students participate in clubs and societies

Equality of participation in clubs and societies with a variance of no more than 25%

by 2020

Increasing number of students express satisfaction through the NSS Q26: Students

Union effectively represents student academic interests

By 2020, at least 10% students will be directly involved with the Union or as a part of

volunteering projecting organised through the Union

2.7 In addition to the existing inclusion of departmental highlights, any internal or

external surveys would be included as a matter of course as they emerge through

the year.

3.0 Recommendations

3.1 That the Board considers the recommendations from the working group and approves the recommendations for KPIs and the content of performance reports to the Board

Appendix 1: Proposed KPIs and other information for inclusion in performance reporting

Strategic Plan theme

Success measures in plan

Comparative data / existing data Proposed KPI Other measures to be included in quarterly performance repots/other


EngagementCommunication & Research

Fully mobile workforce

N/A N/A Committee reports /HR monitoring.

Internal management issue to provide weekly presence at SH & CC.

Increased voter turnout

Current KPI. 2016 -25%

30% by 2020 Annual elections report to Board - March

Sample top performing unions shows turnouts of 25-34%.

Increased satisfaction of students

NSS 2016 – 65% , 2015 – 68% i-graduate 2015 – 93%

Use range of measures: NSS, i-graduate, PRES

NSS questions changing from 2017. Recommended that BOT look at a range of satisfaction measures throughout year.

Equality of engagement and satisfaction across all groups and campuses

NSS data shows high/low satisfaction scores across different courses of: 2014: H 91 / L 18 = diff: 73 2015: H 100 / L 20 = diff: 80 2016: H 88 / L 35 = diff: 53 No data yet about differences across multi-site Unis

Variance between courses, equalities data, campuses no more than 25% by 2020

Equalities /variance data to be presented to Board with above satisfaction information to identify areas/groups less engaged and satisfied.

Activities Increased participation in clubs, societies and activities to 30%+

2015-16 this rose to 36% from 25% in 14-15. Top performing Unions used as comparison = average of 47%.

Maintain at minimum 30%

Correlation between satisfaction and participation. Key issue to consolidate performance as University numbers increase and ensure equality across campuses.

Establish extra curricula activities programme

Anecdotal / information element to performance report.

Look at Q22 feedback.

Equality of participation across whole student body

MSL system provides live membership profile data by location of study so baseline can be established by club / society type.

Variance between courses, equalities data, campuses no more than 25% by 2020?

Student Voice New academic rep system in place for 2016-17

Board report for information. Supported through NSS optional questions feedback.

Recognition of the impact of the academic rep system

NSS changes for 2017 to include reference to academic rep so baseline data will be in 2017 survey

New Q26 : The students’ union (association or guild) effectively represents students’ academic interests

Board report – inclusion in NSS report to Board, looking at optional questions bank and full range of questions around student voice:

23. I have had the right opportunities to provide feedback on my course 24. Staff value students’ views and opinions about the course 25. It is clear how students’ feedback on the course has been acted on

Optional questions bank 2016-18

Developing an ongoing system of training and skills development to empower student leaders to effectively lead debate and

Currently delivered via Engagement and Experience but not reported.

Reported to Board – information element as part of performance report.

implement projects

Well-being Number students involved in peer to peer support initiatives

Refers to Nightline, stress reduction initiatives etc. Need to establish baseline.

Reported to Board – as part of performance report

Expanded advice service able to respond to identified need

Comparative info on numbers from other Unions. Monitoring systems under development plus budget issues.

Reported to Board – as part of performance report to identify trends in volume and types

Skills development

Establish student hub at Bath Spa

Project report

Increase number students engaged in community volunteering

Links to above As above.

Number students directly involved with the Union or as part of volunteering projects through the Union

Data available. Key issue to maintain current levels as student numbers increase.

10% students by 2020

Community Increase students involved in community volunteering

Links to earlier measures

Strong programme of activities and student networks such as clubs and societies

No comparative data and resource reliant.

Reported to Board – as part of performance report to report on projects and trends

Link to examination of NSS and i-graduate data

Improved internal and external reputation of students

Difficult to measure. Chairman award nominations etc currently included in performance report.

Include any issues, trends, celebrations as part of performance report as currently

Bath Spa University Students’ Union

To Board of Trustees

From Sarah Dawes – Chief Executive

Prepared by Sarah Dawes / Sally Savage

Date 25th October 2016

Subject Agenda Item: 7c: Welcome Week 2016 report

1.0 Purpose

1.1 To present to the Board initial findings from the Welcome Week 2016.

2.0 Introduction

2.1 The Welcome Week is a key part of the University calendar, enabling new students to become settled into University life through developing social links and interests. It is also an essential part of reconnecting with returning students.

2.2 The week is a showcase for the Union where its events increase awareness of the Union and the services it offers. The success of the week’s events has a dramatic effect on the income and reputation of the Union. This effect continues through the year and as such it is vitally important that the standard of events and interaction with students is high.

2.3 This year’s events built upon changes introduced and experience of previous years to ensure the range of activities would appeal to a wide number of students. The full programme of events is attached at Appendix 1.

2.4 During registration weekend the Union had a display stand in the Commons, answering questions and welcoming new students and their families to the Union. This was staffed by the Sabbatical team ensuring the elected officers were the first point of welcome for new students. The Sabbatical team were also able to signpost students to visit the Union over the weekend.

2.5 The Union rebranded its Angels and Buddies programme and this year trained and was helped by over 130 Buddies and Lead Buddies who provided invaluable assistance throughout the week. This included:

Helping new students unload cars on arrival

General signposting/advice such as transport, WIFI access

Ensuring students were not left alone, too homesick and encouraging friendships

Helping students find their way around Bath

2.6 The training itself was revised, with Lead Buddies ‘emerging’ from the training days. A number of thank you emails and compliments about the assistance of the Buddies were received this year which perhaps reflected the success of the revised training.

2.7 Following on from the success of the BuddyBus scheme in 2015, the Buddies again organised a BuddyBus (walking bus) to take students to halls from events held in Bath during the week.

2.8 Following on from the success of previous years, the Union held some events in Bath at Komedia and the Pavillion. It also launched its new partnership with Moles, which will see a weekly Bath Spa night at the venue.

2.9 This year we expanded the programme to include more emphasis on student led events, with elected Representatives, Clubs and Societies being encouraged to host welcome events throughout the week. These were designed to bring a more inclusive approach to the week and included:

Performances from student bands

Poetry performances from members of Rhyme and Reason

Welcome events from the LGBTQ+ Society and hosted for mature students, parents and Carers

Events organised by a number of societies, including Harry Potter, Campus Games, Socialists, Latin & Ballroom, Debating, Christian Union and Poker

Taster sessions for sports teams and societies throughout the first few weeks

2.10 The Union also organised two early evening events, to coincide with other activities at Sion Hill. These featured acoustic music and performance poetry from student groups.

2.11 This year we also rebranded the week to a Welcome Week (rather than ‘Freshers’) to ensure events and activities would appeal to a wide range of students.

2.12 We also launched a survey following the week seek feedback from students around their welcome experience. This will inform planning for next year. The survey closed on 19th October, with 360 responses. Initial results from the survey are attached at Appendix 2. Once these have been fully analysed the results will be shared with the University.

3.0 Key challenges

3.1 Once again this year there was pressure from promoters organising events in Bath targeted at new students. This year we saw an increase in students who had bought wristbands to these events thinking they were associated with the Union. Whilst this did affect our wristband sales, they more worryingly misled students into buying expensive wristbands by accident. Clearly these sales were targeted for commercial gain, rather than having the welfare of new students in mind. We will be revising our marketing strategy as part of our planning for next year.

3.2 Our responsibility to neighbouring communities remains a priority. These hosting of large events at suitable venues in the city and use again of the BuddyBus scheme, ensured Newton St. Loe and Bath residents were not unduly inconvenienced. No complaints were received from local residents.

3.3 The Union included three specific events for Sion Hill students. Whilst two were well attended, the Sion Hill Societies Showcase was less so, with very few students appearing to be at the Sion Hill campus on this day. Whilst there was good feedback

and interest from the students who did attend, how we engage new students at Sion Hill will be a key issue for 2017.

4.0 Financial report

4.1 Events

The Union continued work in previous years to provide high quality events. This year we saw more events run by liberation reps, clubs and societies. This expanded the programme without impacting on staffing resources. It also provided a larger number of free events than in previous years.

4.2 This year we again offered two wristband options. Numbers were limited by venue capacity. Students could buy a pass to all events for £49 or to the Freshers’ Ball only for £15. Students could also pay on the door for all events, subject to available capacity. We sold less wristbands than previous years, although door income remained consistent. This reflects the impact of other wristband and events in Bath.

We also noted that students were less inclined to purchase wristbands in advance, preferring to meet their new housemates first and find out their plans before committing themselves.

4.3 Final figures for the period are still being reconciled. However the following table shows the initial comparison figures for income achieved for key events/wristbands.

2014 2015 2016


22,320 12,884 9,883

Cafe 4,033 10,422 10,324

Freshers Wristbands

28,004 26,065 14,404

Door income 13,232 7,801 7,388

Totals £67,589 £57,172 £41,999

4.6 The Board will notice that the trend in falling bar sales continues. However this does not reflect a fall in alcohol consumption with many students drinking prior to arriving at events. This continues to present issues for bar staff to ensure the welfare of students attending events and for wider Union activities to promote alcohol awareness and personal safety messages. However for the second year running, no incidents and injuries as a result of alcohol were reported.

The move to hold events in Bath has also reduced our income at the bar on campus over last 2 years.

4.7 Whilst income is lower this year, our expenditure is also reduced and we expect to achieve the budget target for 2016-17. This will be included in the Quarter 1 finance performance figures which will be reported to the November meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee.

4.8 Gym

The Gym staff were present over the registration weekend, enabling prospective users to be shown round the gym and inducted more quickly. As detailed above the team also had a presence elsewhere to generate further awareness of the facilities.

This helped to increase sales compared to last year as shown below:

4.9 Shop

The shop has continued to perform well since the refurbishment in 2014:


20.9.14-28.9.14 26.9.15-05.10.15


Income £ 16,880.40 £ 21,433 £20,963 21,044

5. Financial implications

5.1 There are no decisions with financial implications contained in this report.

5.2 The budget for the Welcome Week 2017 will be developed during the normal cycle of planning and presented to the Board as part of the budget considerations for 2017-18 onwards.

6. Equalities Implications

6.1 In the planning of events for this year’s programme of events the Union was very keen to develop a number of events specifically targeted at potentially underrepresented groups.

6.2 Such events may not attract large numbers but are equally as important as larger ones in ensuring that the Union engages with students at the beginning of their time at University.

6.3 The feedback and impact of these events will inform the planning for next year, along with recommendations and ideas from Officers and Reps.

7. Recommendation

That the Board of Trustees note the content of the report.

2012-13 (whole year)

2013 Freshers week

2014 to 6th October

2015 to 13th October

2016 to 12th October

Number members

168 172 237 281 277

Income 27,884 18,820 32,170 37,586 38,419

Appendix 2: Raw extract of the headline figures for the Welcome Week Survey 2016

Attendance: Chair: Maggi Thomas External Trustee Clerk: Marta North Name Position Amy Dawson VP Activities Michael Roy External Trustee Emily Billson Student Trustee In Attendance: Sarah Dawes Chief Executive Sally Savage Finance & Resources Manager Apologies: None

Introduction Action

1. Apologies

There were no apologies.

2. Conflicts of Interest

There were no conflicts of interest.

3. Minutes of last Meeting

Agreed as true record.

4. Matters Arising

Matters arising: mispelling mistake of word “Lumis” needs amending to Loomis.

Paragraph FR16/06 – wording “SD responded that as a Trustees” needs amending to “SD responded that as Trustees”.

Banking arrangements and investments – SS said that this item was on the agenda.

Outstanding debtors – SS talked about one of our debtors Galiford Try and confirmed that the debt was written off.

5. Chair’s Business


Finance & Resources Committee Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 18th October 2016

Items for discussion or Review Action

6. End of Year Stocktake Report:

SS explained to the new Trustees the purpose of the stocktake and how this was undertaken by an external company each quarter. She then presented results of the Bar and Catering stocktake for the financial year of 2015 - 16 which was undertaken on 29/07/2016, and the comparison to financial year of 2013 -14 and 2014 - 15. She also explained how the consolidated annual report gave a better picture of the direction of travel than the quarterly reports.

SS also explained to the Trustees how the Shop stocktake is undertaken internally during the year.

SS said that the actual gross profit for the bar had dropped. She added that theoretical gross profit for the Bar was 67.53% and actual gross profit was 63.94%. MT explained that in the past the stock was miscounted and that affected the future results of stocktake.

SS talked about the Cafe stocktake results, which showed a slight fall. She said that actual gross profit for the Café was 64.55%, which was slightly less than in 2014-2015, a reduction of 1.62%.

MT asked why the actual profit had fallen. SS said that it was a combination of things like for example: stock wastage on items now removed from the menu and rising stock prices. She also added that the new menu had proved popular and increased trade overall through the year.

MR highlighted to the new Trustees importance of stocktake and said that they were legally responsible to protect Students’ Union assets, which include stock.

SD informed the Committee that monitoring the stock take results through the year would provide essential information to ensure gross profit margins were maintained if, as widely anticipated, the cost of stocks rose.

The Committee noted the content of the report.

7. Quarter 4 Finance Performance Report:

SS explained to the new Trustees in detail what accounts we held and with which bank and then presented a verbal report on our financial performance for Qtr.4 of financial year 2015-2016. She said that the actual figure for the year was a loss of (£46,349) against a budgeted profit of £2,039; a variance of (£48,388).

SS also added that BSU paid the block grant for 2016-17 grant early this year in July, which had to be shown in 2015 – 16 year’s accounts.

SS talked about our debtors & creditors. She talked in more detail about one of the outstanding debtors - Galiford Try who owed £2,154.00 and said that the debt had to be written off.

SS talked about the areas which showed a surplus against their budget, (Gym, Shop, Clubs & Societies, Representation & Welfare, Marketing and Student Development) but also the areas that showed an under-performance and the reasons for variances.

SS added that it was very important to always have realistic budget and be able to explain all reasons for variances.

The Committee talked about how students’ spending patterns were changing and how it affected our trading.

The Committee noted the content of the report.

8. Revised Budget 2016-17

SD explained the reason for revising the initial budget for 2016 – 17 which was approved by the Trustees in June 2016.

SD explained to the Trustees the key factors influencing the down turn in performance in the 4th quarter 2015-16 and the actions taken as a result to reduce expenditure.

SD also described the importance of ensuring the revised budget proposed was able to not only reduce expenditure but also create a positive platform from which the Union could start to deliver the new Strategic Plan. This had resulted in the creation of 2 new posts using external funding support for an apprentice and a graduate internship.

The Committee talked extensively about the tills, how they operated and how much information we could get from them. Trustees agreed that the system had been very good investment. SD & SS informed the Committee about new card machines for the Bar and Shop that we were in the process of installing, which would provide a more efficient service and introduce contactless payment options.

The Committee discussed the impact of the proposed changes and recommended Board of Trustees should approve the revised budget.

9. Review of Banking arrangements

SD outlined that the Union held a number of accounts to effectively manage its reserves and ensure its investments met its ethical objectives.

SD explained to the new Trustees that NatWest had been our current account provider for a long time but unfortunately we had been increasingly disappointed with their poor customer service.

SD explained that the issue of reviewing our current account provider in line with our wish to be an ethical organisation and to ensure that we minimised the costs of banking to the Union had been previously discussed as a project we wished to undertake.

SD outlined the content of recent meetings with the bank and the new requirement by NatWest to verify all Trustee details, irrespective of the responsibilities of the Trustees as detailed in the Constitution. KH and SD had explained the particular issue this may present for the Union’s Trustees. The Committee discussed this point and it was felt to be an unusual request.

SD explained in detail how the relationship with NatWest had further deteriorated over the last 3 months, resulting in a formal complaint to Director of Customer Relations, for which she was still awaiting a response.

As a result, she and SS had looked at alternative providers for our current account banking needs. SD explained the choice of alternative providers had been informed through use of ethical comparison reports and industry awards. SS detailed how costs compared and also how we expected our costs to alter as the use of cash declined.

The Committee discussed the conduct of NatWest in detail and agreed that the Board of Trustees be informed of the current situation and the recommendation from the Committee that the Board should approve switching our current account provision to a new provider.

MT raised that the approach of the new provider to its customer service should be a key factor in such decision making.

Committee agreed that the matter be bought to the next Board of Trustees Meeting and that SS would provide further information on the detailed comparative costs of two alternative providers to the meeting.

10. Welcome Week 2016

SD introduced the programme for the Welcome Week 2016 and the similarities and changes to previous years.

SD described how we had re-branded Freshers Week to Welcome Week to reflect the more inclusive nature of the programme.

She added that the move to include more student led events had proved popular and they


had received several compliments from the University on how helpful this year’s Buddy team had been.

She also described the events held in partnership with venues in Bath and the launch of the new regular Thursday nights at Moles.

SD informed the committee that a survey was currently underway and the initial results would be brought to the Board of Trustees next week.

SD talked through initial income figures and their comparison to 2015.

SD described the key challenge from the providers of other wristbands and the effect on sales. Furthermore she added that in some cases the costs of entry, and drinks were clearly priced to maximise income from students and it was clear that the welfare of students at some venues was not the key priority it was for the Union.

The Committee discussed how the Union gave a different offer to venues and promoters in Bath and the welfare and engagement with students would always remain its priority.

SD added that next year Welcome Week would be likely to happen earlier as the University was introduced a new semester system.

The Committee noted the content of the report and the positive start to the year.

Any Other Business


Date of Next meeting: 29th November 2016 at 5pm

Attendance: Chair: Graham Briscoe Clerk: Marta North Name Position Ed Stevens External Trustee Aled Davies Vice President Welfare James Lloyd Student Trustee In Attendance: Sarah Dawes Chief Executive Sally Savage Finance & Resources Manager Joe Simmonds Business & Management Student

Introduction Action

1. Apologies: There were no apologies.

2. Conflicts of Interest: There were no conflicts of interest.

3. Minutes of last Meeting: Agreed as true record.

4. Matters Arising:

Risk Management – SD confirmed that the report had been taken to the Board of Trustees.

Annual insurance report – SS said that it would be reviewed and ready to be presented to the Commitee in April 2017.

Appointment of auditors – SD confirmed that the matter went to AGM in May 2016.

5. Chair’s Business: None

Audit & Risk Committee Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 19/10/2016

Items for discussion or Review Action

6. Annual Governance Review:

SD introduced this annual report, which was bought to the Committee for the first time last year following an assessment undertaken in 2014 using NUS Good Governance Framework. She talked in more detail about the framework and the seven principles of governance underpinning the framework.

SD said that over the past two years a number of changes had been made to further strengthen the governance of the Union as a result of the assessment and talked the Trustees through them.

Moreover, SD informed the Trustees that over the summer, Business and Management student Joe Simmonds undertook a review of a number of areas using the NUS Quality Unions Accreditation scheme during his work experience placement with the Union. Part of this included looking at governance and the findings of this part of his work were discussed.

SD talked through her recommendations for work to be undertaken during 2016 – 2017, which included reviewing the Constitution, which should be undertaken every 5 years. GB asked how SD intended to do this and she responded that she would recommend a Task and Finish group be established. In addition she had approached the NUS Strategic Support Unit who would be able to assist the Trustees in this work.

She added that any recommendations of amendments to the Constitution would have to go to the AGM and then to the Charity Commission for approval.

The Committee agreed the proposals and GB proposed that the recommendation to establish a Task & Finish Group be raised at the Board of Trustees Meeting.

7. Annual Complaints Review:

SD explained that this report looked at complaints that were logged with us and talked about how we recorded them. She also pointed out that whilst we did not have many complaints, it was important that the Union should not become complacent.

SD confirmed we had received two general complaints, one of which was later withdrawn and one of which was handled in line with our Harassment procedures.

We also received six complaints during NUS membership referendum. She gave the Trustees more details about how the complaints were dealt with.

SD described to the Trustees, the new web based tool which had been launched on our website to help to engage students to share their views. This was already receiving a lot of interaction reflecting issues pertinent to both the University and the Union.

She also said that during next 12 months the Union would be undertaking further research to uncover groups who may be less satisfied with the Union, employing a former student to undertake this work.

GB suggested inviting him to give short presentation on his processes and tools that he used to engage students and any issues uncovered.

Finally, SD described the work she and JL were intending to introduce to develop use of mystery shopping to improve our understanding of areas that could improve.

The Committee noted the content of the report.

8. Fraud Audit:

SD introduced the report and emphasised that no organisation was immune to the risk of fraud. The Trustees had a duty to ensure it minimised any risks to the organisation and that they should ensure that controls were in place.

SD introduced Joe Simmonds who she had asked to undertake a Fraud Risk Audit of the


Union during summer. She described how Joe had been asked to use guidance from the Charity Commission and other sources to inform his review and was given free access to all SU staff members and information to support his work.

JS talked the Trustees through his report and recommendations to: a) further improve procedures regarding with collection boxes b) finalise fixed asset register project and amend internal systems c) develop a separate anti – fraud policy.

SS referred to fixed asset register and how the project was progressing.

The Committee noted the content of the report and recommendations for improvement.

GB thanked Joe for his work and the committee noted the work undertaken to complete it.

9. Corporate Risk Management Action Plan:

SD talked the Trustees through key actions and progress to date

SD informed the Committee she had added the recommendations from the Fraud Audit to the register to enable the Trustees to monitor progress.

The Committee noted the content of the report.

10. Annual Health & Safety Report:

SS said that the report was based on the whole financial year 2015-2016.

She added that the Health & Safety Policy was approved in December 2013 and was now due for review. This was currently being undertaken.

SS talked the Trustees through the report explaining how we met out statutory legal obligations regarding health and safety and how we worked with the University.

Moreover, SS talked in more detail about fire evacuation which we did twice per year and about training undertaken for use of the evacuation chair and mattress. She pointed out that evacuation should always take less than 2 minutes.

GB asked what the process was to check if the building was empty. SS responded that we had five fire wardens who checked their areas. GB also asked how many fire escape exits we had and the process of manning those exits during an evacuation to ensure the Union was not at risk of theft. SS responded that the majority of exits could be seen from the fire assembly point but it was something we would look at.

SS described how she was undertook annual safety audits with a member of the University staff and always raised jobs with BSU if there was anything that needed rectifying. She also mentioned that our fire wardens did checks every month and the reports were being sent to the University.

SS also talked about accident reporting. She described in more detail type of accidents and their number.

GB asked if the University had a defibrillator. SD responded that it did and it was by the gym.

ES asked if we had anything in place to deal with students who were taking performance enhancing drugs. SD responded that our staff were extremely alert about it and they would raise it if it happened.

Finally, SS mentioned that all staff were required to complete Health & Safety course on U-Learn as a part of their induction.

The Committee noted the content of the report.


Any Other Business

GB thanked JS for attending the meeting and praised his work.

SD mentioned that Head of Finance at the University had been invited to attend the next Audit & Risk meeting to meet the External Auditors.

Date of Next meeting: 21st November 2016 at 5pm

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