blowup near in attack · 2014. 12....

Post on 22-Jan-2021






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forih » Werel polJer of nuOnUlnlnf htib lerrl of etnployment." The UoUtiTe ■ppreral foUowed rtfia*I of the honso to meetpt tbi »dmljiblr»tloB’« so-calltd -fuH




A R egional Newspaper Serring Nino Irrlsalcd Id a h o Counties


BLOWUP NEAR IN ATTACK QUIZElectrical Union Threatens Strike; Involves 200,000

Ur The Ansoclalcd TrtMA threat of another huK c countrywide strike, iiivol

nomc 200,000 CIO t'lt'ciricfll w n rkcrn em ployed in planUi o f tlircu bip corporations, ciarkenoi! the nntion's already ffloomy iubor picture today.

Following the pattern -set b y CIO workers in the .steel and automotive industriey, CIO employes in plant.s of General Electric, WestinKhouHe and th e clectrical (livision of General IMotor.i ye-sterday voted nlmo.sL five to one in favor of a work stoppage to cnforce deninnd.s for a §2 a day wage increase.

The slTlkc o( the union workers * ifi ^

of CIO Warns of New Economy Fall

ec)ulptn In 18 «t

:;iO Unlkd Auto Workei

n strike rnl Motcr cciit wose rate hike.

»(cfl KIrlke Jan. 14 CIO Unllfd Stcclworkcr.1

wcklnff ft « n day puy boo; out 700,000 mcinlitr.i, lia. cnl strike for Jan. 14.

Detroit, the CIO

:v,lce rcjfctc a 10 per cGM dl.-<loiCd It wiu .seeking court

Jnjunellons asalnjt .•'trlkerj In Clfvcland and La Orange, 111., ciisrglns them with using "threats nnd perwnnl dbuse" la prevent non- ctrllting ''tmplojci from entering’'

Company planti.• -nrtfd DUtfrnru”

Walter P. Rtuthcr. UAW vlcc- prealdcnt. snid the Injuctlons "wlU only breed bltSeriicsn, and good will Is whttl Is needed." He rcltemtcd his ellnrso thnt the corporation waa reJu-'lng to bar?oln In good fnltli,

Al30 In Detroit the KalMr.Fr.-v?er corporation, which ha4 lewcd the Slant Willow Run bomber plant for car production, wiu reportedly pre­paring an "entirely novel" eomprvny- unlon BKurlty plan.

Federnl conclllnlors In Wash ton failed to settle the 44-da5 strike of same 4,000 AFL Oreyht bm drlvcra In 18 northewtern />l

The NUIB announced nl Dc thol white collnr cmployE-s of Denver Rocky !ountalll New Ecrlpps-Hownrd neaspapcr. vo!c tn 37 to authorize the CIO Amcr Newspaper gillld to call n slrlk neccisjry to fupport ihclr demi

the I ■tlou I nishlrdlJivstci

c than the crash of IDIO. ;hat a dtclinc In workers' pny combined with cor- fll lio;>rdlnB could lead cprp-ilon far more severe ntvvoc which followed the

Murray appeared befure tlie liou )or commlttco in oppo. itlon e.'.ldent Tniman', propo.'al for •dfty cooling olf period bcto Ike notion to permit tl r dispute.? by lacl-flni

fie called the President'

Eisenhower Sees Byrnes Off for Russia

if la-

b.ickert don-n from hb original pof 1

d wlmt he termed Mr. :k of -forthright and

;ouraReouj action," •Ax Munay spolte -.tnembcra pre-

Par.a to ?o Into Mecbtlve Kcsalon to consider two altenistlv# proposals. They are (1) thelvlng ot the Pre;

request, for «naclmenc of 1 ;rlke program, and (D) llir

tatlon of conimltue hearings In i effort to comply with admlnlstr.

ta for p.iwage of ti rore the Ciirlstnna r

3 Burglaries Solved After

a- Coast Arrest


■c Twin Falls Monday r

W. Lowery a:

ft car stolen ed burglnrlz- county fllilnK Kilt. Hherlffnounced Pri­

cing heldHe identlfed the me;US Leonard Davl. Jo,L. Pniitt, 23, both of Arliona.

Ttie sheriff said they admitted entering the Hansen service station and the Chuck Crom filling station at Hansen nnd Paul Tumlp.M'ed's fllllnR station at Filer, Loot 'tnlnrd

Jhowcd industry well able Increased wages wlihoul urlccr,. He declnrtd that ,)rlcu dnta, prepared by

1C claimed to support Increased


OPA but publicly, precluded

rther boards to find

Byrnes Lands After Beinff Lost an HourMO.SCOW, Dec. H M’,—Lost 111

n blizzard over tlie Moscow area for an hour, Sccret.-iry ol State B>Tnea landed In nn American

Deputy Foreign Conimlssar V. Dekaiiajov. Another deputy co mUsar. Andrei J. Vlahln.iky, < wnlUng ot another airport.

Possibilities Of Houses at

Hunt Revive

Top British Bomb Aces Tackle Unexploded TNT


3re they burl I tomom)iv t clrtuUr cnlt

il bomb. Althocsl) the

C R O YD O N , Dec. M (U.R)—Britnin'H top bom b diHpo.sal ex­perts tod a y tiicklet! liie job of removing, pouiid-by-pound, 3,000 pound.H o f live TN T from tlic uiiexploded tw o-ton Her*

Pearl Harbor Legal Chiefs Quit, Barkley May Follow

WASHINGTON, D c c . U (U,P.)-The Pearl Harbor eom m ittee ’a legal .staff resigned today with a charge o f tim c-w aatinfr and Chairman Alben W . B ark ley , D ., Ky., thrcatencil to re.sign.

Chitf Counsel 'W illiam D. Mitchell told the liouse-aenate invc.stigating committee that ho and his three colleugue.s would quit as soon ns they could b e replaced.

lie said the hearinp.s were dragging on much longer than he h:id expected them to and thnt he nnd hin s ta ff had n o t yet been permitted to present new data hitherto never made public.

Barkley expro.sseil regret at the legal staffs rfecim'on. H o added, however, tliat the time ul.HO had come when h e must determine whether his duties on the committee outweigh his — tiWiisibiiities a.s D em ocra tic — --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Increased Loans Assured Veterans in Congress Bill

WASHINGTON, Dcc. 14 (U.R) — Bigger and eaaier-to-get loans and more liberal education benefits virtually were as.sur- ed veterans toiiay as hoiise-aenate confereea agreed on amend­ments to the G.I, bill o f r ig h ts .

The amendments, sprin g in g from widespread diasatisfac* tion ^vith some of the prov isions o f the original bill, now go to

ipective houses for ap-

••If I m UllC.1linll there

I my dutlf! committee," Barkley n .litcheil notified the Ihe start of today's sc hearings have reache

n eomplels leg

night and Sundays for '

iny prcvlom Inquiry

'that Ijccaiiic of the

It has becoino IncrciLsUiRly npparew some member,'! ot the commU- lave a dlffcreiil view than thai

No Name* MentionedMlldiell mentioned no nnmej

;here •’rras no rtoubt tjini lil

which has lair istrict Hince

of t

^location home. 10 ihortaKC 1 •111. pre. u:Commerce, Friday Instrui :hamber enierceno’ howl

mlttee to relnve.stlKate am lo offlcInU at Hunt, Merrill told the board i

liar .•'fsslun n L- Park hole

Jtigat ibyt

ANSWEO-'-YES-EMPOniA. Kan., Dcc.

Alice Drndfleld ottached

nc of several c ....... .or the Red Cross. necently she receive soldier lu nortlieni

Ing off tJie "Mn." t<

, I suppose you are ma Bradlield l.i 65 and haj


lothlnit- Sherllf Lowery said some

clothing was reeovcred- The two nlw edmlttcfl. hi

committing burglaries at


ProviF.uriy Friday nftenioon It had not

been decided who would obtain tody of the i«lr, Arliomi vr them for the stolen car. the PBI could take them on » Dyer chatB* and Twin Falls county w

ree felony chargci

Patton Termed

Out of DangernriDEXDERO, Dec. H (UJU-Oen

Oeorge a. Patlon today Was pro­nounced by his phj'slclons out of ^ he«r J'barrlng unforseen compll-

Col. R. O. Shurlpy, Louisville. Ky.. Patton's physlclnti, added, however, that Patton still faced the poulbll- lly of pirtlal paralpLs for the re- mftlndcr of his Ufe.

Bmtog unforeseen compIlcc twns. he jaid. -i>»tion U out c <3»nger at this moment.

Sri WAl

LOS AKOELES, Dc>ene Richter. 25, has ......1 the Union depot four da ights tri'lng unsuccessfully •1 a train to go to Manches She nlmcut made It once. "I got 1 the way out to the tniln and pul V ..he plalfonn before thi

■ Id said,'that':ohdishe relat •s shi


of the original electric light bulbs Installed la the ntidltorlum of Ros­enberg library In Galveston 41 years ago wtw retired from Mrvlcc this week. The bulb which Is largo 'Wch bcJrt a hand-leltered s

good condition

tial _pnr»iysl3 for f danger of par- the rest of hla

Butter Withheld For Military Use

WASHINQTON, Dee. 14 (/T>-The agriculture department said today U Is withholding from the civilian market 20,000,000 pounds of govem- f^eni butter unUl needs of the mlU-

delennined.Tills butter U » part of more

lan 60.000,000 pounds which the rmy turned over several weeks ngo ir sale to civilian dtstrlbutort. Officials said that piwpect3 of » intlnued short supply of bu^r trough 1948 1«1 the militate' es to ask that the 000,000 pounds > wlUihcld untU they can reviewippltC.1.

tvealcd Uic not be used on

!c .',ald It would have I ami moved off whtr 5urplu.\ property.

lltlon.'? throughout I 'cdcral lioifilni: auth illowed for special ref rhnmber wa. told. Cl; veller, chalrm,in of the vliamber

will lookthe r itler

Tom C. Peavcy, chalnnnu cf t

nt Wa,')hlngton seek of tlip 100-foot rlght-i low prevents the 5lst< IB funds with the I

Merrill also \te of ihr U

quct had been to be he

aimounced that tl imber's annual b.i> set for Friday, Ja :1 in Uie Chrlslia

;h»mbcr luncheoti.

Army to Release

Scarce ArticlesWASHINOTON. Dec. H (,7>-The ar department advised senatoni

today It Is releasing Immediately tore Uian *100,000,000 worth of ;arce civilian good.!.The war investbtatlng committee as given a list of Items valued at

$203,721,370 and an aide said that another *200,000,000 worth also Is being rclex^ed, although a tabula- tlon of,Items Is not yet available.

The lUt wa-5 submitted after Un­der Secretary of War Kenneth C, Royftll and Gen, Courtnev ir. IIodRe. hod assured membei

New Yorker Tosses 920,000 Out WindowGLICNS FALLS, N. V.. Dec. 14

(.V,-Edward B. Hllils, who liter­ally la-jccJ S:0,000 out the win­dow, wiu, !inxluu.'ly looking for It

Gosset Asserts

Idaho Projects

Need 5 MillionsWASHINGTON,

'our Irrigation r '•ill require- }5.e

lilc only five rhe bill bdr 1 paired the

■ division, S2.000.000; BoLii

d deep in a south Croydon s dropped b y the Gi early five years ago.The bomb, It wiu revcalci


;he 11

ry.ilde. More I


1 Uie British 1 two dozei

lit. O. A. Frnkc r Horsfttll of Uie n bomb disposal . quad 40-foot bomb crater

They ordered mor ved from the luiKe provide ad(lltloni.l

fotmd the bomb

procedure I damaged '■ high ex

Thrj'rt Optimist e bomb experts were ver po.v,ll)imy of rcmo

rrjstnlUtec quentiy « used for si

the explosive had t CrjstnllUjitlon fi

:urs when TNT b r

during the ntlcmjit were nllowi-d

.... iKndln;; renew forts. It wa;i not c

. would be force again while the TNI

— __ jddrr«edfour flepubllcan mr

lO-man committee.Mcml

Democrat commltleo had made hide their Irritation i que.'tloning conduct

(Caiilnotd «n Paii :

Of the legal su ff and

Matt Kimes’ Auto Injury

Proves Fatal

obbtry, died today i ate ho.spllal here, been In the hasplti

notorious and

.ddltl, suffered i lip and hn

internal injuric.-;.Uiicon.wlou.'i when picked up after

Lhe accident, Kimc4' Identity was citabllihcd when offlcer.-i became lurlous about a pistol found at the scene of Ihe accident and *1.635 found In hL? clothing.

The FBI filed n fugitive warrant igalan Ktmei a few day.-i after hts ipprehenslon charging complicity In he I17£00 holdup of the First Slato

bank ot Morton, Tex., Sepl - -75,000 I and.

Total of Jew Deaths Fixed

At 6 MillionsNUERNDERO, Dec. H-61r r-,''.

lion European Jews were rutl.lfsalj slaughtered In tho nazl campaign ol extermination, said German sccrel police callmates placed today be loro tho Inlemallonal aUltary trl- hunal trying 51 of Hitler'* top lead­ers on war crlmcs charges.

American prosecutors filed nn af- fidftVU by Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl, r^ght hand man to defendant Ernst Kalt- enbrunner In the secret police. glV' Ing the tsllraatr.

"Approximately 4,000,000 Jews hac been killed In the various extermV nation csmpi whllt an addUtonal 3.»0,^»0 mf', de»th In other w*y». tlie innjbr prft orwWch werc alJOf by opcmlionst squads of security police during tho campaign again-H Ruisla," HocttI said In his affidavit

Hoettl attributed his Ilpire tc Adolf Elchman. chief “Jew catcher'

I sceret police. He said Elch- ronfei ed It to him in August. In CTprcislng the cojivlctloi

pay for “ thimillions of Je» h lives 1 his c

Gestapo chief Jlelnrlch inmmler thought Elchman's total was too low. Hocttl'a affidavit revealed. But ilocttl added that Elchman wa.i the

Informed official on Jewish c.x-cutloiTliousu e killed whcr. 29-day ma.-jacre In 1043. aceord-

to reeonls sutimlttcd- by MuJ. nk Wasli cf New York City, as- ant U. 6. proicculor.

330 Trapped. Probers Told

WASHINGTON, Dcc, M — A navy court martial was told today that between 250 and 330 men were trapped aboard Ihe crulscr Indl- inapolL) In qi)urters which were lamnKCd so badly the eri'w mpmlirri wrc unable

Capt. Chari D. Mc\: their

III. cr the Indianapolis,

proval.The Chang. 1. Permit

guarantee vIn The bill would: ic govemment to

tcran real estate loans Instead of tho present

maxl..ium of *2,000. Loans also would be granted for a wider range of purposes. In addition they would be easier to fret, '.hrousb making "reasonable value" of property tli# .asls for the loan bstead of the "normal reasonable value." The lat­ter provision has made It difficult to obtain approval of loan.? since U does not allow .'or present high price levels.. 2, Raisetraining

subsLstenc* allowances taking educatlonol or

,-aes from tho present *uv month for single reterins and 175 for married veteram to *v5 and <99 a month. DUsbleci veter&n* v<}uld get *los a month Itute^ ot the present *32, with extra adow- anc«s for deportments. The a n limit would b8 lifted on veteran# wanUng to go to school and thajr wotild be pcrtai iBd to taks eonei • 6pondcnc«.«edr»ek and hlgh-cMt tcchnlcil courscs.

One major change, , accepted by the conferees after a bitter debate.Is expected to cause thousands of additional ex-servlcmen to apply for a i bill benefits. The amend­ment eliminates the provision of me Ol bill deducUng from any fu tu r e bonus payments made under thi: bill. Many veterans re­frained from taking advantage of benefits for fear they would lose

Senate Votes Against Hilie

In Solon Pay /WASHINGTON. Dec. U l/?/-Tha

Mnnte refused today lo vole a tem­porary 33 per cent pay increase for senators and representatives.

'niB vote was 45 to S3,\ctlon c..........oposed by Scno

■ctlon lUflllclency1(K...

Enslcn John Wool.Uon. Sc; nmage control olficer, on w joard the ship when she was sunk

last July 30 with a tosj of 8S0 II 10 estimated from 250 to were sleeping In quarter: rea where the explosions

;urrcd. In addition, he said, tl re approximately 30 men on wi •y In the forward sccUon. which i damaged by the blast.

It Looks Like Ersatz Christmas With Santa Just Dishing Out Promissory Notes, Othman Figures

fU.P.'— tin of Oth- going to lose

The doc Kiiys no may even be abl 5 congrc.'islonia ■atory without icm swelling up

ogaln in pratcst. 60 I have spentthtefully, bcttt


the n vould do lu b' 10 allev; cowlstet

It looks like

Claus, 1015 model.Is 0 bookkeeper pa.ssli« out promls.'.ory notes.

About the only thing BdvertUcd for sale that you can buy and ac- tually take home Is perfume. In­cluding one vnriety that Is guama-;

Thai's 1 ■s Is a Ktncll at *18.50 per ou

Priority Certificates Most other gifts, from vi

ieaners u> electric slove.s t rigerator* with two front doors, ome In the form of priority eer- Ifleates, handsomely decorated with

holly,Ssy you want to surprise youi if# with something beautiful It le way of a washing machine

that also i>ecl.s jiotatoes, mlxcj bread, rinses

n and c s buttiI'm not apoofliiK; thLi wonder ot

the postwar world now Is coming off the production lino In Chicago Vou glve the man your money, he bands you the document, and later

maybe, with luck, the lady of r heart gels her machlncrj'. he ndvcrtlsemenu ore bcauUfuL

I will odmiu They show pletures of electric blankets, felt haU. brier pipe*, sun lampa gas stoves, electric

;olfee pots, clocks, and brci era with eleclric brains. And wh docs Uie small type say? Buy certificate for future delivery.

They don’t say when; they just say later. And not one ad that IVi seen offers to pay Interest on your monev.

OadjKs S«nnd Bllck Some ot the new gadgets, when.

and If, do sound alJck. There's t phonograph witli a slot; drop Ir your n-cord and it plays wUhoui. further monkey business. When Ifs through the record pops out. There'a a vest pocket radio with 4in ear­phone like a hearing aid button,

cuum tubes the slxc o f hazel Its and a battery no blguor than

your thumb.1 nice the Idea ot a cimiera-slze

'Idget that pops open and bums your hide Uko Uie Florida jun. Pricc UliO, and don’t forget your

jhter that has a blow torch ichcd for Igniting pipe:

utomoblle that ha;of a)

e andHere's a Boom

IB boys claim now tliat they get out the ice cubes without

shlng your Ungers, They’U sell gas thn; wUl turn your hiul: a buzz bomb and build you a of your wife’s nylons that will forever, or almost, ibber heels that won't csake

black streaks oa the kitchen floor ire back, even If you can't buy ’em 'et; glass fo'lng pans are on thd 'oy; someb^ has floured out

Chrutmaa tree lights of neon tubes: while the flashlight without a bat- • !ty Is here.

Squeeze It and U turns night Into ly, or win when you trade In that

dog-eared certillcatesome ttoio next Santa. I want a priority lo

deficiency appropriations bill of more than *2,000,000,000.

t. i’ould have raised the »l0,000 iry of members of the senate and ISC to the rate of I13J00 and the ,000 pay ot the vice-president I speaker to the rale of » l9 m

the remainder of the current al year ending June 30. 1946.'he vote followed an earlier one 47 to 24 against s bill provision — ............- *'!iOO Increaseexpci

oftcrn hour nf Apirltcd debate dtulng ;hlch Mojorlty Leader Barkley. D.. :y., declared "No member needs Its more ilnn I do" but “I am un- •ming to come through Uie kitchen 5r a roUe."Senator White, R., Me., the Re­

publican leader, supporUd the pro­posed Increase, pointing out that

Is already had been voted to ambers of the house, rhe test came as the senate was

actlBB upon an omnibus deficiency •pproprlatloiu bill carrying more han *2,000,000,000, or MTOB »600.-

000,000 more than previously ap­proved by the house.

Both Barkley and Senator Byrd, -. Vu„ veteran economy advocate,

termed tliB e.tpense Increase a "sub- rfuge."Senator Drldgts. R. N. H, »ho

approval of the senaia appro-rldei

tlon committee for the e_,___r. sold It would be a sad day A>r

le country If the senate ’ degCB- :ate.-> Into a mUllonalTM cluU' Party Unes split vMely In Uu

4 Missing After Blaze in Hotel

poii«d mlsolsi today a jleru mwnlng flni vbleb dettrored'OM«l Ol«oim d. , A( lewl dgM oflUn wero Injurtd. ■ ,

c . a istcuU a, o«w« ot h* hotel. Mid b» h»d lKca:.aukttelA account lut Ihrw .« !»been Uat«d on Oxt r i{U&.':iM oUw. «tmn iw viULnn «M ta tetUdlBg at tlw tlRw at U« J b ' whoM nun« iM <iM UA kUK,


Blowup Neai" As Atlomeys 111 Probe Qiiil

<rr.i« Ft». Om)Homer Fexgiuon. R, Midi.. *nd ntpt. rruik B, Keeft, n , Wla.. and BertrBiiile W. aeirhart, TL. Cniif.

Ben. Ofl’on DroMttr ot Milne, fourth n«publlc>n on the committee, liM Iwrn absent recently becsusa o; th» dc»th of his father. During the

'early itagea of ths InTutlEotlon. however, ho freflutnlly crlUclted the legal etaft'fl methodi.

Mitchell «ald that a month of puUllc hearing! hu convinced tfio legal staff that the Inquiry cannot b« completed by early January as all of them had contemplated It ■would.

The Irgul Ktall’a rcplsnstlon came M new tlouljta weffl ralietl before the commltteo that Japan ever rent n myi'tcflouo "wlnda" brondcnjit be­fore llie Pearl Harbor attack.

Naval evidence jubmlttecl to committee piled more confuflon confmlon already existing In c nectlon v,lth the mcisage.

One wltncji at a navsl inquiry, the dsla dlsclojed, gave hearsay (ejtlmony that Oen. Oeorge C. Marshall, former army chief of staff, ordered flutrucllon of evi­dence that the vital meisaso waa Intercepted before Pearl Hartwr, Others <-(iW they had no Information that the brondciiil ever was made.

The meMage. If actually tent and Intercepted, would have been a tip- oil Uint Japan meant

Now 23 (lavs without a tr a ffic death in our Uaglo Valley.

Funeral Held for Burley Resident

DUnLEy, Dec, It-Fimcrol serv­ices for Mrs. Sarah Fairchild were held at the Burley third word chapel under the direction of Dlihop Sidney A. Larsen. Mrs. Fern McBride played the prelude and postlude and played the accompaniments lor the various sonfto. Music wna fiimL'hcd by the Singing Mothers dlreclcd by Mrs. LaPrell Moon. Mrs. n«tta Payne, Mrs, Raolo Drake, and Ned Moon, Ths Invocation given t>y John Jeffs.

Speakers were Bishop L.arzen and i^ u e l Mclntoah. The benediction was pronounced by David O. Parker. Burial waa Irt the Burley cemetCTy under the direction of the Payne tooTtuary. The grave was dedicated by John H. ralrchlld. Basin.

Pallbearers were Jerry Fairchild, H. U Moultrie. Orvll Moultrie. Ken- neth Moultrie, Verl A. Moultrie and IXin Stafford. Mrs. David O.. Parker, Mra. Sidney A. Larsen and Mrs. Luclndft namsey. assisted by six of the granddaughtera of Mrs. ralrchlld, were In charge of the florers.

Contest Looms in Highway Election

JE310ME, Dcc. M—Five candl- dnus have flltil for three vacancies 0,1 conrmlsslonm of the Qood Ro;idj highway dt'trict No. 1 cubjeti to the election lo be held Tuesday at Uio Bugarloal school house. Tlie deadline for filing expired Thurs- doy nlBht.

Thotc filing as candidates were . J, Llckley, Edgar Heaves, Oeorge

Fuller, Lon S. Studyvln and Arlo McCellon.

Commissioners whose tcrma ex­pire are ilouard Bird, secretary, Melvin Eldred and Bud Meeks. None 1

them filed for reelectlon. IVotlnc hours will be from ' <n '

a p. m-

ChUf Daptitr ni L<irft Robert#, chief deputy clerk.

BudltOfTeeorder, la Ul at home frith eold.

Dack From Boise LoulB Evans has returned from 1 appliance dcsleri' meeting


rian MeelincTUB Lucky 13 club will meet

;30 p, m. Tuesday, Dec. 18, for potluelc. dinner and glli exchange at the home of Mr. ami Mrs, J. D. Staata, Flier. Memben ere afkert

bring table sen’ice.Blrtha

A daughter was bom Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Junes Wassom, Twin Palls, anti a son to Mr, and Mrs. W. 6. Onnnon, Buhl, on

it the Twin Falls county cral hospital materrlty home.

Graduate ReturnsBUHL. Dec. H - Helen Cap

doughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Capps, U expected to return home lifter graduatlrs Dec, 2u from the NorthWMl Instltulc of Technology, Minneapolis, Minn. She will resume employment In the office of Dr. A. A, Boston, Twin Falls. Miss Cnppj was president of her cUm.

Missionary of Africa To Make Talk Here

KIMBEBLy. Dee. 1«-T^6 R«t. Elmer SchmeOrenbach. Nampa, a Naxarent mS«sIonary on furlough from South Africa, vlU speak at the Church of the Naiarens here Sun­day at 8 p. m.. according to the RvT. Vent ilortln, pastor.

The late Itev. Hannon Schmelien- bsch, faAer of the rilssjon&ry. waa * pioneer missionary In South Africa and vas conmended by Great Brlt> ftfn for his work. &x; ct<d to ac> eompiny the Simdsy speaker here la the Rer, J. A, ifcNatt, Nampa, Idaho-Oregon district superintend*

DECREi: o r DIBTRIDUTIONAccordlnn to a probate court d.

creo of final distribution recorded Friday, the estate of S. W, Tedroi who died June Ifl, lim in this county, was given entirely I< widow. Other heirs were a sor. daughter. Tlic property consLited of two Iot-1 here, one on Austin nilo ne:r Birch street and the otJicr on Second avenue we.n near Birch street.

Magic Valley Funerals

JEROME — Funeral servlce.s for Mrs. LoTft Smith will be held Mon­day at 3 p. m, at the Wiley funeral home with the Rev. Quincy A. Mur- phree. pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be In Jerome cemetery.

RUPERT—LD8 tervlces for Wil­liam Davidson will be held at 3' p. m. Saturday In the Rupert taber­nacle. Bishop Lavon Darley will of- Oclate. Burial wLl be In the Rupert cemetery under the direction of aoodman mortuary, pupert.

Air PaRsenxen^ E, Lewis arrived from Boise

V. ir. Burke. L. p. Eldreeo and J. M. Afooro from Pocatello- Chorles (Chlci Crabtree left Friday for Burley. All traveled by Zlmmerly Alrllne.i.From Los Angeln

Mrs. John P. ZCInnr)’ has return­ed from Lo.i Angrles after visiting

■■'i her M.itcr there and attend- the wedding of her daughter, former Mlfs Faith Kinney who married Thanksjlvlng day >n

R. a . O'Donnell.lUporta Lock Broken

Mrs. Clyde Ouffey reported to police Friday that a lock on the door of the M and J Second-hand store. 324 Main avenue south, had been broken on Wednesday, she said, however, that a check of the plncc failed to show anytlilnj mL'islng.On Vacation

Kathryn Oravefl, dnushter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Ornvf-i, 517 Lincoln street, will arrive tolny to spend Ihe ChrL tman holldiiyj »lth her par­ents. MIm Craves entered Stanlord university as a freshman Inst fall.

' needHorold Campbell paid a 13 flnt

yesterday for operating his car with faulty lights, police reported.Moose Meetinc

Moose lodge and Women of the Moose will meet at 8 p. m, today In their hall. The men will e '

‘Old Home Week’ For 3 Sergeants

When BKt, c . F. Wurster me. c-schoolmates at Tok>o, he mei m In pairs.First the Twin Falls soldier n ito M/Sst. Lyle Boss, also of Twin

Fulls. In the Japanese capital. They •frst about high fchool

days at Hollister, where both tended. Then Wurster spotted

r familiar face—that of 8/-,,.. Kinney, Twin Falls, with whom

he att enrieil University of Idaho. They met at a proces.Mng center

ose to Tokyo.Kinney Is son of Mre. John P.

Kinney. Boss Is son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bom, Wendell, and hus­band of Mrs. Derlle Boss, Twin Falla. Wurster, a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wursti r. sr.. Twin Falls, '■ married to Mrs. Derry Wurster

living at Moscow ptnd-

The HospitalOnly emergency beds were nrall-

abla at the Twin Falls cotmiy gen­eral hospital Friday,

ADMITTED James Parr, Mr.s. A. N. Qrlslum,

ttU of Twin Falls; Bernice Blsco. Castlelord; Mrs. Joseph Newbry. Hansen: Mrs. W, c . Oarnion. Buhl, and Mrs, Monroe Ptilppen, Carej-,

DISMISSED LeRoy Moore, Randall Castle,

Paul Hanshew, all of Buhl; Shirley Rhlnehart. Mrs. Roland ^l rrll Mrs. Homer Mathews, Carolyn Law­rence and Mrs. Merle Stoddard, all o f Tv,-ln Falls: Mrs. Alice Turner, Hatelton; Mrs. Lloyd Dletl, Hansen; Linda Ostler. Kimberly, and Marvin Iwaklri, Eden.

FILER—Funeral serrlcea for w..- ford Ray Averett wUl be conducted at U a. in. Saturday at the White mortuary chapel with Blsliop W. J. Fife officiating. Interment will be In the Flier lOOP cemetery under the direction of the White mortuary.

TWIN PALS — Funeral services jor R. L, Reed will be conducted at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Reynolds funeral home chapel. Tlis Rev. H. O. McCalllstei. First Methodist church, will officiate. The casket will not bo opened at the services. FVlends may call from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday at the chapel. Interment will be In the Twin Falk cemetery.

TWIN FALLS - Fimeral services for L. A.- Snyder will be conducted at 3 p. m. Tuesday at the grave- lde In the Twin FaHs cemetery, Ar- ranHemento sre In charge of the

e mortuary. Mr. Snyder, for- Twln Falls resident, died at

Hollywood, Calif, Services were con­ducted there Friday afternoon.

The WeatherGradually clearing but eontlnued

cold lenlgbt. Lowest tonight about 8 t« 12. Satnrday scattered elouds with slowly rising temperatures.! Yesterday high 25. low 19; today'low 11,


who Is .,InK his return.

Kinney is n member of the third air commnnrio group; Boss is with the first cavalry dlvl. lon: Wurster Is with a combat cargo group of the fifth AAF troop carrier command Incidentally, Staff Sergeant Kinney haa wTltten his mother that he hopes to be home by Christmas If "I get n break" In transportation And Srrgpnnt Wiirs'er, according to an army release from Tokyo, haa been processed and Is awaiting tran-'portatlon.

Auto Repair Man Is Given $18 Judgrment

Oeorge Kay, of a Twin FiUls body repair firm, was given a - lent for SI8.33 Friday against Wal-

•r E>ay. loral seed dealer, following civil suit In justice court here. Judge Jnmes O. Pumphrey also

ordered Day to pay the costs of the action. »3J0.

The suit, wne brought for collec- on of a bill for services done car owned by D.iv,

Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Tucker hai as their guests Mr. and Mrs. R. i Phelps, Summit, Ore. The wome

Loses Money Bag Mrs. Amanda Huntley, 137 Ash

street, reported to police late yes- terdiiy that alic lor.i a black pigskin bag containing ib and Iclentlflca tJon papers, somewhere In the downtown nren.

Brotlirr Visits Cpl. Jamca 8. Sullivan Is visiting

at the home of his brother-in-law .. -_.jr. Mr. ond Mrs. E. V.

Erlcscn. Stationed at Camp Bowie, the soldier Is on furlough and

•xi route to Butte, Mont., to visit his wife and two children..Maateri to Meet

Falla council No, 7 Royal and Select Masters will meet at

m. today In the Masonic tem- to elect and ln.-.ull officers. A- Bobler, llliL'.trlous master an­

nounced. Plan.s Kill also be made to confer the super excellent ter’s degree this spring.Promoled

Sgt. Paul Hnrdesty. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaseph Hardesty, Sacra­mento. Cnllf., former Twin FalU re.sldents. wiia recently promoted from corpoml at the 21st replace­ment depot, near Manila, according to word received here yesterday.Injured Rharpenlng Knife

J. L. Tliotneti, 251 Eighth avenL. suffered a deep laceration of

his left hand Wednesday night when a butcher knife he was sharp­ening slipped and cut him. He was treated at Twin Falls ccunty gen­eral hospital for the injury.Marriage Licenses

A morrlago license was Issued Friday to Owen L. Rowe, Buhl, and Dorothy M, Oerber, Twin Falls. LI- censes were is-iued here yesterday to Frank Hair nnd E. Kthcl Smith, Denver, Colo.: Irvin Earl William.?, Wlnnemucca. Nev., ond Mary Hair. Denver, Colo.: ond Qraydon

-Markley. pnrnm and Dorothy Lillian Krau.«ji, New York, N, -

Hotel, Apartment House Owner DiesJE3VDME. Dcc. 14—Mrs, Annlo L.

Leavitt. manoBcr of the Ellwyn hotel and aportmenta here and a pioneer resident of th is section,

today at the hotel.------ -------------» to tlie hoopltal a

few weeks aso and had only re­cently returned to the hotel where she Miadf her home. Her hiLibaad

led several months ago and ahe ad no known relatives.The body la at the Jerome fun-

home pending funeral arranae-

DischargesOrln A. Hampton. William Allen

Brooks, Harold W. Howard and Prank O. Hanlctiu.

Belsen Beast, Other German


Oermany. Dec, 14 lU.PJ—Josef Kni' \ beetle-browed csar of the Bel-

concentration camp, ond 10 othtr B»l«n ofllclala Including three women w*r# hanged in the red brick prison ef Hamelln yesterclny, It was disclosed officially today.

For more than six hours the 11 marched In turn to the gallows and were executed for* committing mass murder* and atrocitlts in the camp whetfl thouiandi of Jews. Poles and other Inmites died in the months before British troopa reached It.

Kramer and Dr. Pritz Klein, doctor who picked the victims for Ihe Oswltcim gas chambers, swung to their deatlis sljntiltaneoaily at 11:11 p. m., the announcement said.

First to die vas EDlrabeth Volken- r»th. 38-year-old former halrdreiser who led ths SS women at Belien. ■' was hanged at 0:30 a. m. Halt

hour later Irma Grese, blond "queen' of the camp, wei gallows.

There was no explanation why Kramer and Dr, Klein were hanged simultaneously.

All 11 were sentenced by a British military court at Lueneberg on Nov. 17 after a trial lasting nine weeks. Field Marahal Sir Bernard L. Mont­gomery rejected their ph clemency.

Great secrecy had been attached to the execution date and the name of the town where the executions were to occtu-. On Tuesday British and German police mounted guard around ths gallows at the Hamelln prison.

Seen Today

Full Turnout of Choir Requested

C- W. Albertson, director of the community choir, urged Friday that all members of the group appear for rehearsals neit Monday and Thurs­day. since last night's turnout was only "fair." Tlie choir meets in the First Presbyterian church, where a Christmas program will be presented ■•ee. 23 at 4 p. m. and Dec, 33

Glenn Chugg, publicity director of the Jaycee-aponsored group, an- suered many requests for the free tickets by saying that they were being printed and an announce­ment of their distribution would be rasde soon.

WINTER IN \TRGINIAFILER. Dec, 13—Mr. and Mt,i. C,

E. Grleiser. fornurly of Twin F.ills and now of Filer nrr* spending the winter with thflr daughter mid Oll• In-law. Mr, and Mr^. K- S. Nor- qurst and family. Arlington. Va. i

from bakery wlUi , ________so he can eat it worm with meltloa butter. . . Lea Crowley ■tortlna to dash toward bank against red IroX- flo light, then sheepishly retunUna after getting partway aerosd (uid, maybe, after recalling what police nre starting to do about it now) . . Two small bays on Main north Mop­ping out Into the street so's to gel closer to three hitchhikers before trading "ran" remarks with 'em . . . Impressive drawings of alrcnift and ultra motor cars, by artJ*t C. R. Riybum, Twin FalU in Idaho Pow­er window , , . Auto 30-1800 causing P. C. fihencberger to do some fast Jumping at intersection of 8ho- shons and Third north . . . And overheard: From n pretty brown­eyed lajj, 'These rctumlnff veter­ans worry me": from a cettaln charming accountant, figuratively and almost literally tearing her holr, I’D— these Income ta.x re­ports,"

Jerome Resident

27 Years PassesJEROME, Dec. 14 - Mrs. Lova

EliubcUi Smltli. 43, resident Jerome since IDIB. died ot 3:03 a today at the family residence.East Second avenue, after a long illneu.

Boni In OkJahomo on Feb. 1B03. she csme to Jerome with her parents In IB18 and was married 1 Twin Palls to Olle “Duffle” Emit.

n Feb. 4, ID34.In addition to her husband ahe

is surrived by a daughter. Phyllis Jean, Jerome: two brothers. Herb­ert Shannon. Astoria. Ore.. and L. M. Shannon, Springfield. Ore., and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L, P. Shannon, Jerome, The body Is at ths Wiley funeral home pending funeral arrangements.

to ralltv* ilu ff ln a t t , In v tts

Out of Work Claims Show Big Increase

BOISE. Dec, 14 tn-Unemploy- ment compensitlon claims filed In the local offices of the U. S. em- p!o)-mont tenleo reached 1,490 on Dec. 1, an Increase of 70 per ccnt over a two-week period. H. F. a o r - rett. executive director of the Idaho luiemployment compensation divi­sion, said today.

Approximately 50 per cent ot these claims arc filed agolnst other states, ths official said. Idaho acts as an egent in taking these claims and the benefits are paid by the state where the applicant last worked.

The average weekly check for un­employment eompen-'sllon on Dec. 1, was JI5.47 compared with S14.03 for the same period last year nnd 113.14 in tho corresponding period of 1043. Tills Increase Is due to the higher wages earned by the workers which Is a basis for computing benefit amounts.

For tho week ending Dec. I. 133 veterans were paid unemploymont compensation totaling $3,258, Qar-

only for those workera out .. through no fault of their own. worker who Is unemployed due lo c-xl.ning labor depute not eligible to draw compensation imle.-a he satisfactorily show that he is participating or financially or rectly Interested in the labor dia- puto or does not belong to a class of workers which were employed at the premises where he was last employed or any of whom are fi nanclally or directly interested 1: the labor dispute.

Sk$ptIf noil fill* up

T o n lifh tIVi wonderful how a UlUs Va-tro-nol up each acetrii relieves stuSy tmn.'dent coQsestioo. If you ne^ relief tonight, trylll Follow directions In package.VICKS VA-TROHei

Thanks for Reading This Ad

Last Rites Held For G.W. Sherrill

Funeral services for O. H. BherrlU were held at 3 p. m. TOursday at the T*la Falls mortuary chapcl. The Rev. H, O, UcCalllster Ofnciot- ed. Music was furnished by Mrs. Nellie Ostroin.

P^lbeareni were Glen White. J. i B. Hampton. Harry R. Hartnift. Ed Chan, Walter Wlrschlng and A, L. Wlrsching. Burial was in Sunset memorial park under direction ot the Twin Falls mortuary.

Gilford Averett Passes at F illr

OUford Ray Averelt, 94, died . Thursday momtng at his hc»ne lii > Flier, He waa bom Jan. 19, 1B31. in !: Washington county. Utah. Burvlv- or.s Include two sWers, Mrs, Mar- \ saret N. Tiirnbaujh. Filer, and Mra. i Byron Averett, Bt. Oeorge. tliah

Services will be he.Id at 11 a. r... Saturday at the White mortuary chapel with Bishop W. D. Fife offi- clntlng. Interment will be In tho Filer roOF cemetery under dtrtw-.’ of tho While mortuary,^^^


Auditorium Sfonday evening’DEC. 17th

net Lonch Benefit Moslo by


r n m a

The 1946 MERCURY

is a t your Dealer^

•rwm FALLS _WMth-jtes_

R a d i a t o r s

Cara . 'ftock* . ■ftscteiB

exFBBH Ncro. quaupikdEQuu-jrZD

Platy •(

BENTON'S0 ^ ■ u d B«4b(«r Bb^


Indispensable to fine gin distill­

ing is B ^ c U /s :lo rtd jottune:, A T*« ache o f Imponed herba

and berries tod miscsty of bleed­

ing snd distilliagl Riches tucfa u

Jtheseenmbiflc to produce tqu ' ity o f gin, imtmtlx I>lc«ing the taste. ^

W e ilncerely Ktliert Barclays ' ito be the finest g k sold in

lAoeria todtf.

J u . U t d l f i C o ^ L i n J l t J PeorU.inmoJs

• This is it! Tho new 1946 Mercury. A big, nnartly styled be«uty- and it offm so much more! Inside—outaide—you’ll find newnOB everywhere!. . . New roomy, Itmmoua interioral Easy, restful riding comfort! Overaircd brsics that nre so n , quiet and smooth. Thero’s powa-, pltis-and with it sji aconoray of gsjwlina and oil Ihst will make ownera of lighter can envioua. , . Yotir Liacob-MercurydeaJer wai be bsppy to t«U you much more about the new 1946 Mercuiy, See today.

T»iwta. ...TH B FOBP SHOW . . . . CBS. Tiiadayt, lO-IOiSO P.M.. E.S.T. TSK rOtD BUnOlT lyi^^lKC .BOV*. . . . ASC,Sunii>}t,8-9 P. M., E.S.T.


VFW Accepts „ ^107 More on H ^ o i i of _Post|| S h o ts

E V ”s r i ‘S \ S

By Timid Hero of Lions lub^ Play




....... " . 1.00" 1.00




Deceufd.Notice U hereby giren by the un-

derslfftied executor of the »lll, trj- tttmenfund eninta of JESSIE M. VANCE, deceased, lo lha credliora of and tll persona having claims ngaliut tlia «Bld deceajcd. to exhibit them with the ntcCMsry vouchers, within Jour monlhs »(tcr iho lirsi publlcaUon of thb notice, lo the aald Executor, at IIM Flier Are.. City and County of Twin Fnila, State of Idaho, thli being the place Ilxed for the traiuacUon of llio biuliieis of said eatale.

Dated November 29. 1845,CHARLES E. VANCE

Pub. Nov. 30. Dec. 7, 14, 31, 1045.

Enured u mcohI cIui i April t, 1*11. » ti. t«letf W.lio, Dtider li. »«i ,


•That," snld he, "la my good 110 pipe!" '

He warkrd Ihp rest of hb shift with n nc.-vr-broltcii heart.

But when he Kot home he found It was jusi one of hl.'» old clunkets that reaembled In outward appear­ance thnt »10 prUle of hla hetrl.

FAMOUS LAST LINE . . Horry, mljter—nti pUylnr

with the toy* lo try >ra out! . .TIIE fiENTLEHAN IN

THE T u in D no w

When local oongstilon brings ohestmusol«>aoli«i, Irritation,andtlghtneaiolGOLDS’ COUGHS

YO U can help bring back the soap you need so bndiy : . . ju s t b y keeping up the good habit o f saving used fata. Supplies of induslriol fats are far short o f w hat’s needed to moke enough soap and other peacetime good s . So i f you f a i l to turn in used fnts, supplies u-ill go lower Bttll — and soap shortoges m ay get even worse thon they are now I Keep saving! Turn used fnts in promptly and collect 'Ip a pound.


Cr&ndma'a fsmoui mut­ton-net rvtxldei mad* batter by modtra tel- once. FavorllB for ctUl-r~ubj‘iupp*lj’ :& O ti


BAHTBUNUa’y only

» hr Chuplct m. II

Top CASH Pricesrof Tom



Phone 1080 O ffice : Sandc RIdg.

Re». Phane IMl

CUTTravel Time

To a Minimum



Phone 1786


Lobby Rogcrson Hold

W here there’s faf, there’s soapKeep S a vin g Used Fats — Help PravenI S o a p Shortagei

STORAGEIn Our New Modern

WAREHOUSEWe ha?e weured tddlUoiua wrchouM *p*c# for ufe. eco­nomical, iMured rtcrage for hoiwehold goods or othiff t»Ju- mble«.

Private—CommercialWe-re ipeeliUrt* in every kind of moTlof and sblpplAc—«nd havs ftrcproof atortf* (tnielurM rfgbt tierela bnm.

FORD TRANSFERU 7 V a U - F h o . 2 2 7 i

Plione 24 6For Expert Moving A nyw here



I I ! !Violet S )c's Appeal

^ ^- 6 Sfe;




At FARM and HOME Store

223 Main A ven u e E. Phone 2063

FRIDAY, DEC. 14.1945 T IM E S -N E W S , T W N FALLS, ID A H O

Varied Social

The Bcnfr»l cammltlee .... „charge. U wUl Include Mr. and Mra. Homer Saxon. Mr. lad Mra. BianUy Phillip*. Ur. and Mn, A. L, Norton, Mr. and Mra. O. P, DutsU and Mr. and Mra. B. P. Majtl.

Thd loufjiamfni pl»yeri ... vomen will Include Un. SLanley Phllllpa. Mrs. Coe Pricc. Mra. Chorlea Casey. Mrs. Ltm A. Chapin,

,, Mrs. J. D. eincms. Mr*. Ben Keane, , Mrs. A. L. Norton, Mrs. W. O. Swim,

Mrs. p. }I. SUiwell, Mra. Bert Isniel. Mrs. nalph W. Carpenter and Mr*. Hugh U. pmillpj.

Thase who will pUy for the met are C, J, Kelly. Don Andrews. Clar­ence Dean. Joe Berent«r, n. L RoberU. Btaaley Phillips, A. B. Col- TceD. George Seidel. Ruasell Polt«r. C. A. DaUsy. A1 Weitergrei C. H. Krengcl.

Jf ¥ *Mrs. Millie Merrfll wa« chosen

mc»t Excellent chief al the meet- Ins of the Pythian Elilers held Wed. nc.-iday evening.

Other officers chosen were Mrs Cnrrle Hardy, excelltnl senior: Mrs. Pranccs Mlnntrly, excellent lunlor; Mra. Esther Maher, manager; Mrs. Anglo Iron, mblreis of finance; Mrs. Clemenco Eldred, mlitrt:.i of records anti correspondence; Mrs. Louise Wamlck, prolecloratc, nnd Mrs. Harold Morrison, pianist.

Afi3. Waraeck acled u raost ex. crllcnt chief nt the Wednesday ses­sion In the obsenw of Mrs. Ellz-i- beth Ulilcr. Two guesU from Craw­ford, Nebr.. were vlslton.

Mrs. Grant Kunklc was admitted by a wltlidrawal card. Plan.'s were mtule for a Pollyanna Christmas ex­change scheduled at3;30 p.m. Wed- neaday, Dec. ID, at the home of Mr; Morrison.

The annual Christmas dinner for Knights of Pythias and Pjthlan , tcrs will be held Dec.» at the hi of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hdred.

* ¥ *.Mr, and Mrs. Norrb P. Stct

CpL u id Mn. Glen Bmdeen. tlaJIey, anosnce* the eaocement of their danihter Lois UMarr Yearlan, to 8gt James Dale Bob- bln.. aon of .Mr. and Mti. Don nilzer, Hailey. (Staff entraTlnfl

and ] 1. Quy

aifts for guestatered wIlli a birthda candleis. Gurjta Martha Robertson, Kathleen Duvall, '

nlng group met at the Mrs. Doris Htmdley ’ Oranvllle O. Allen and N

A buffet supper was le.rccenii renime

ZInglnnd. wn.s rumI ipeaker. . . rrlnted hrr experiences abroad. MLw Priebc was stationed as a Red Cross recreation worker In on# of psychopathic ho.ipllalj.

Priebc wa.1 IntroducedMrs I. J, Pen

s green

Members spent the remi the evening In group »1 ChrLitma. carol.?. Ofllccri choscn nt the next mettliii

dinner. Mrs. Violet Deus was chal

The tables were decorated with .. lace cloth and red and green lighted candlt.?. Christmas tree decoratlns formed the centerpiece.

Mra. Ivle Jensen was In charge of the program which opened with group singing; piano solo, Jennie Hunaaker; reading. Ellen Harding; trio number. Ivle May. Mary Cooper and Ann Oalbralth.

A tea towel gift exchange was held following the program. Mrs- Dclla Edwards. 1137 Ninth avenue eojt. won the quilt.

¥ ¥ 4Mrs. William Baker «ns In charge

of devoUons a t a 1:30 p. m. lunch­eon meeting of Circle one of the WSCS held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mra. R. A. Butcllff. Assistant hostesses were Mra Charles Uhllg and Alberu eimonds

Mrs. J. P. Hunt conducted the bualnesa meeting. The program waa presented by Mrs. Glen Trail who talked on Christmas trees and tra­ditions. Musical aelecUoni were presented by Mrs. fiMsell Potter. The book, "Chrlat and Our Coun-

wa» reviewed by Mr., c . C. puffley. TTie n e « meeting will be held Jointly by all the circles of

“ ■ ■" “ •♦ ♦ -

Luther Evans wa to charge of the program at a meeting of the General association of the Presby­terian church held Thursday after- noon In the church parlors, eho. read the nauvlty story and a pray- er-poOT by Henry Van Dyke, j

A trio composed of Mrs. S v a n s . I

Slicarer, accompanied- by L. West, presented ChrLitinis rJir- dLi. a musical program wili also presfiUed by the Junior high school Tiuslc department under the di­rection of Ella Mae Wcssel. Ac- :omp.iiilsLs were Janet GUIespls. .VUIctta Wnrbcrg and Mtu \VcJscl.LcBcnd."! and poem* were prrsent-

?d by members ot the group. Mrs 'rank Dawson told legends of

Chrlstmaa trees; Mrs. Harry Elcock, itor - o f poln.ictila.i: Mrs. Pierce, itcry of Clirbtjn nan Schurger.Rceje Williams, i

Rbfrcshments ■Circle two under the dlrectl Mra. O. R. Churchill. The tea Uble

Mrs. K ath a Rowbettofo. wb« was Margaret TCose Ikard. daugh­ter of Dr. W. L. IkanJ. former Jerome resldeiit. now of Great Falls, Mcmt. The couple « u married In a Jerome ceremony last Satarday. (LeyMO photo. •Uff engraving!

charge of

Edlli VoorhcfMr

red upers with a and rclndi

bOMpiece for the lan?e table

Snnta Claus appeared -enlng and distributed gllta to the •oup f r o m a lighted ChrUtmi

Lyons Smith presided jUie


_ , ___ j f ChrWmas5 and a yule monologue by Sralth with Mr*. Lucille Mar-

presenting background music. Mrs. Martin also provided Accom-

hcndecl the hoste.v ihatrmnn with Mrs. on. Mrs. Clyde A

Kelly nnd Mrs. Wllll

. Wllllnm Klljbe was In ct.irgc proKram presented nt a race:-

if the Women’s Council of :iirL'iil;in church held Tliurs- ftemoon In the church par­

lors,Tlie hiLslnMS Ef:

ed by Fern Smith ixjscd of Mrs. Leonard Hamlltoi

.1 Nyi-, Mrs. Dole Bowmin and \mos Rend presented Christ


Cllfford Urnse. Mrs. Lange and her son. Bill, will leave next Thursday by plane for Los Angeles. Lleuten-

Longe. navy. Is being dticharg- ed from the service. He will Join its wife nrtd eon In Los Angeirs •here they wlJJ make their honi The refreahment table wa.i cer

tered with holly flanked by light ed red tapers.

Quests at Uie party were Mrs, Wayne AnnU. Mrs. Elvln Cain. Mn A1 Nye. Mrs. rrank Maloney, Mar garet Hamilton and Martha Mac Namara.

The E\enlnB guild of ihe A: Sion Episcopal church met Tl day afternoon nt the home of J. W. Marshall. Alice Taylor

1 chargc of the program. Chrl.5tmaa

Uent MoUy McMahon, damh- Ur of Mr. and Mr*. A, D. McMa­hon. Jerome, who became the brUe at FInt Lieut. George B. Borthert, son of Mn. Ada B. Borthen. SaeTamento, Calif. The ceremony was performed in the Methodist ehurch In Honolulu Thursday. March IS, IMS. IStaff engraTlni)

Prlcbe. Red (the

Mrs worke perler

Mrs. E. Lcsll Collard.

table. M. Jan. 10 at tli Bellini.


In Magic Valley.

Ianuar>- will ars. Gamble lew seA.'lon.

Mr.I by

Mrs. 3ry of 6

atep-K. Carr. Re- : of group

Charle.? Crow.V *

Margaret Hnrolltoi charged from the W,

. a Boclal satherlng During the evcnln. in displayed souve

fro.-n overseas to the guests, ittendlng the party wrri

------------ .ik Maloney, Mrs. R. ISummerfleld, Martha MacNajturi ■ ..................ij-ne Tucker. Refresh.

, entertained her home. Miss Hsmll-


:nts T

Lieut. Katherine Booth. WAVE, ras honored at a tea Friday after- lOon nt the home of Mrs. L. L. Ireckenrldge. 137 ScvenUi avenue lorlh. Mrs. j . H, Dreckenrldge. sls- er of the honoree, was c o - t t . Lieutenant Booth trained at

Hunter college and later was sta­tioned nt WaslUngtnn, D. c, A :hrlitmaa scene decorated the tea able.

¥■ ¥ ¥Mrs, Wayne Tucker entertained

t a farewell party Thursday even­ing In honor of her sister, Mra.

C hicken DinnersCall Dasry at Ihe

MODEL CAFE124 Shoshone 81. West

GasolineBULK PLANT «





Spccial Attentloa Given to TnicJjersDAY * m c n T SERVICE________________________ PnOKE wt


.ffalr observei mlversary.I preaented each guest, t were Betty m !' Marguerite Oand _ , iberly, Ruth Cahill, 5. Delores Martlnko,

Elaine Callen. Joan Wulbchlager, lette Brown, Doris Ann W> Muj-lel Piigllnno. ncs were played nnd Clirb ;wercflunt{. Doris Ann W.

V. ¥ *icoln PTA executive boari r dny evening In the . choo vlth Mrs. Della Tliatchei officiating,

Spencer, reported o:the

. Fn)UtS.

Christmas party will be heli night at the Lincoln school, achievement trophy wUl be prc ed to a boy at that time lor work done. It waa made by Jo# Roberti and donated to the Bcouts. Thi boy who wins Uie trophy three Ume In succe.vslon will become perman

Mrs. Harold Lackey pre.«ntcd hci resignation as publicity chalrmai to take over a Camp Firegroup Li composed of , . ___Bird units from lost year. Mrs. ^ckey will be guardian and Mrs.

. as.slstnnt guardian. Sylvia Way wivi elected president; Barbara Bickford, secretary and

ira Steven.v treasurer. Mrs. Miller has been appointed the thalrraan for the Cimp Fire

committee.The PTA will buy rain cape.i and

hnla for the patrol bo>s of the

oup. Thi

ichool. Plans wi •athcr's night In :lose of the meetli 3resented member.' 'Ollte. Regular held Dec. 30 when will be offered by :hool.




, poratlon,PlalnUff,

All unknown directors, trustees and stockholden of BUHL TOWN- 6ITE COMPANY, LTD.. formerly a corporation; W. D. SAVAGE and AGNE3 SAVAOE. his wife; CITY OP BUHL, a municipal cor­poration; VILLAGE OP KIM­BERLY. a municipal corporation; MARY B. WILLARD. If living, and if dead her unknown heita and unknown devisees; PCTER LINK; ALL UNKNOWN OWN- ERS of the following-described real estate located In Tn-ln Falls County, Idaho, to wit:

■ - 8. 7, B, 0. 10. 11. IJ,, IS strip IS feet In Southeast side Duhl Townslte. E3m Street and next adjacent t. block and exUm

tho N(

Block 70, also _ width along tho of Block 70 ot being a part oI >elnc the 13 feet

Lot IS Ui said Ing from Eighth .............. >(lary

Mrs. Bernice Patten was cho. . president of tlje Paai Noblo Grant club at the annunl Christmas par held Thursday evening at the hor of Mra. A. D- Wllion. Mrs. Hu( Anderson. Mrs. C- H. Eldred ni Mrs, Henry Mahnken were c hostesses.

Other offlcer.s chn.-,oi. iDrlsltell, fin

I. Chai .. Edith Collord. . W. J, Hollon: he president uiip

book committee whlc Hollenbeck, Mrs. Ellj

preslder ctary- a:

Iffer e for t

Clyde 6

W, O. Wat ...................A ChrlstmM gift exclianRc was he Mrs. Hattie EllM wa. a guest. .Me 3ers will gather again Jan. 10 at t lome of Mrs. Lionel Dean for ; itallatlon service.

¥ * *The Junior Guild of the Cliur

)f the Brethren met at the home Mrs. Ray Flke Thursday evening.

Ruth Miller was In charge devotlonals and Lois NlchoLion v

large of entertainment, poem was rend by Mrs. Hu

q»mer. Tlie whlt« elephant -von by Mrs. Verdn Johnston. Jhrtitmas gift exchange was he Refreshments were served

lostess naslsted by Mra. Cllft imallwood.

of tho alley in said block, being . portion of lha Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Sec­tion 38, Township Q South. Range i f East of the Bolso Meridian.

Deglnnlng at tho Southeast corner of the Northeaot quarter ol Southctse (juarter of Section 20,, Tonn-ihlp 10 South. Rango 16. i East of tho Bolso Meridian, thence « 2 feet West along Kim­berly Townslte line, thence 50 feet North, thence <83 feet East, paral­lel to first line, thence 50 fee

to point of beginning; witl

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSWUIard and Peter link, dated Ai. gust 37. IWO, and filed for record on the 27th day of August, 1809. at 3:11 pjD., and duly recorded In Book S ot Mortgages at page 131 ot the records ot Twin Falls Coun­ty. Idaho, and of quieting UUo tn fee In the plalnUff and against the defendants, and each ot them, and against the world In and to the real estate described tn the caption here-

of November. iSiS,(Seal) C. A. BUIiES. ClerkPub: Nov. 18, 33. 30, Dec. 7. M. ID15.

the e :cptlon of Iand 375 feet long at U

aoutheast comer o f above-di scribed tracL

Beginning at a point 40 fc- West of the Southeast corner . Northea-st quarter of Southea iiuarter of Section 20, Townsli.. 10 South, Range IB. East ol the Uolse Merldli

BUeet and •y of Kim. 0 West 610 to Northfeet,

of Main I boundar ■e). thcnc


of Orcgoily. thence along sali

■ isiu-oi-wny line In a Southeast etly direction to the West side o- Maln Street, thence North lo the point of beginning, along West boundary of M i' ' — -

act < more or leis.

All of Block 15S; I 11 and 12 In Block Block Hfl and Lot C all In the City fame Is pliittec Amended Plat

1.16 I

Slate, of record 1 the County Recorder County. Th# toregolni platted upon and are the East r •- '

□ the Final 01 Twin Falls


of 1 ctlorouthwesl 1 Town- 17. East

Magic V alley Social Tid-Bits

PAUL, Dec. H—Tlie Etia-ho chap :r ot Order of Eastern Star met fo lecUon of officers, Tliosc chwei ere Alta Bell, worthy matron

Wheeler McOlll. worthy patron Amy Clark, a iwlate matron; Ralpli Benedict, patron; Lisle Watson, sec retary; Edith Morgan, treasurer I/Ucy Eiwton, conductress; and Paul­ina Hardin, associate eonductrens.

— N A R C O --Water Softeners-----Capilcly. Dependability

Efficiency <0.000 Grain

$189.95ROB’T E. LEE SA LES CO.

Plumbing Dept

ship la S(of the BoL c Mcrldltt)

Lot 3 In Block 154 of Twin Falls Townslte, being a part of East half of tho Southwest quar­ter of Scctlon 10. Town.shlp 10 South, Range 17. East ot the Dolsa Meridian.

TOGETHER with the tene­ments, hercdlt.-imcnts and appur­tenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appcrUlnlng.





That the annual meeting o f t .itockholders of ilie Salmon Rl\ Canal Compatiy, Limited. wUl held at the offlce-of the company . . Hollister. Twin Palls County. Sut« -Jf Idaho, on tho !4lh day of Jonu- iry, 19«. at one o'clock p. m.. foi ihe purpose of electing DIrecton md transacting any and all hus|. less that may properly come befori .he meeting; to consider the affairs >t the company and lo take actlor vltli respect thereto; and partic­ularly to rote upon the question ol whether Ui# Salmon River Canal

Company. Limited, shall purchase xlmately 7^00 acre feet of de- w-atcr appurtenant to lands

rly owned by the Utah Con- lon Company lying above and 8 south of the lands ot thi m River Canal Company ProJ- •ogether with the lands t<

appurtenant used 1;

vhlch Ietlon with aald lar , tor t prlc

.jpon terms as ahall be deter­mined and agreed upon by the Board of Directors of the Salmon RlTCr Canal Company. Limited, which shsU be by stock vole.

And tho ballot to be submitted as to the purchase of said water rlghU, lands and grazing rights referred to herein shall contain the follow-

Shall the Board of Dlrectora ot tho Salmon River Canal Com­pany, Limited, purcha mately 7A00 acre fee dfcrced to lands formerly owned by the Utah Construction Com­pany. and which are appurtenant --------- 9 lands





ings to the above named defendants: You are hereby notified that i

complaint has been filed agalna you In the District Court of th( Eleventh Judicial District of the State of Idaho, Ln and tor th< County of Twjn Palls, by tho above named plaintiff and you arc hereby directed to appear and plead to Uio said complaint within twenty days of the service of this summons; nnd you are further notlllod that unleiss

and plead to saidplali within e hereli spe-

I, the plalntllf will tako Judg- ................. as prayed In said

complaint.You are further notified that this

ctlon Is brought by the plaintiff to recover a Judgment and decree of said Court against the defendants »nd each of them, as follows:

That the defendants, ond eacli of :hem, both known and unknown, bo required lo set forth the nature of their claims to the real property described In the title of this proceed­ing and that ill claims ot the de­fendants adverie to the plaintiff be determined by the decree ot this Court; that by aald decree It be declared, ordered, adjudged and de­creed that tho plaintiff Is the owner of and entitled lo the possession of said real property and each wid every part thereof and that the title of tho plalnUIf therein and thereto

LEGAL ADVERTISGUEinraIs good ud valid; that by saU <U» - cree It bt further declared; ordered ’ and adjudged that the defesdaaiB. and cach ot them, both knotm ao4' unknown, have bo esutc, right, tltla. Interest or Ueo In. lo or upon tbk above described real property, or a n y part ther»5f, and that th# UUa to sold real property b« quieted lo Uu plalntlit and that the defendanU and each ot them, both known a n d unkBown, t« forerer rutralsed, en* Joined and debarred from assertlnff any claim whatever in or to tJ» real property herein referred to a o d described as Lot Seven (7) In Blod: One Hundred Seven (107) of Ttrln Palls Townslte. In Twin Fall*. Twin Falla County, Idaho, reference being ; hereby made to said ccnplalat eo file herein for further partlculara

Wltne: said Cou 1945.

(SEAL) 0, A. BULUES,Clerk of the District Oourt,

ROY E BM rra.Attorney for Plaintiff, realdln| at Twin Palls. Idaho.

Pub: Dec. 7, 14, 31,38, 1B45; Jan. *,


Improverotnt club Christmas party will be held Dec, 18 at the home of . Mrs, Arch Henderson,



DEC. 14LEGION HALL'TTis entire proceed* will bo given to the

members of the Albert Mullens Fatally, five of whom perished In a fire

rights mecUor,ted above tmd

ho south of th# lands of t... ialmon River Canal Comp«iny’fl ’ rojecl, at a price nnd upon tenns 0 be agreed to by tlie said Doard if Dirrciors of the said Salmon Uver Canal Company, Limited?


miist be filed with the live <S) days prior to the fo proxy will be filed aft

Publish: Dec. 14, 3

complaint hasrreby I itlflc

I tiled gainstEleventh Judicial District, in and for the County of Twin Falls, by the above-named plalnUIf, ajid you hereby directed to appear and pi to said complaint within tw( days of the service of this Anoi Summons; and you arc further tilled that imlcsa you so appear plead to said complaint within .... time herein specified, the plaintiff win take Judgment against you prayed In sold complaint.

This action is brought for purpose of having declared paid that certain ilortgage by Allen Zimmerman, uiunarrled, to Mary B.

People Make Fun ot Mrs. Beulah Hankins

Starch Company rcc "I want lo lell j

rs. Beulah' S. Collli

o Paultit

of me for They say this alarth Is f people. I have a boy foui old and I iron ten to fiftee of elothei a week for him. lo Iron them a> FaaUIess makex ea.<y Ironing. I als. twins, el(h( monlhi old. i Ihey have a laundry—from

ind do u twenty »eek and

most of tlirkc arc white one*. They iron to rmooth and amell good. Thanki atain for FaalUes* SUrcb. II sure .avfs me many boi ironing."

Thai's p.'obably the m ^t wonderful letter anyme cotild write about Faultles.1 Starch! Mrs. Honklns is a busy wife nnd mothi ha* found that Faultless Starch saves time and work for hei ' . makes starch without cooking and she has found that Faultless Starch makes her Irciiing easy. Sho gets kick out of i>eopli Faultless SMrch I Certainly she urn

If you arc l)U.«y, too—eypcclally on 'ashday and Ironing day—you de- frvc the tlmr-saving and work- ivlng help Faultless Starch can

.We you. You see Faultless Starch Iji mado a special way to help you through your »-a.'hlng and

Federal Works Agency. Public Buildings Administration. Office ot

division Engineer, 838 U. S. Ap. ?rj' Building £an Francisco 11

California, Nov. 30, 1045. Sealed :ds. In triplicate, will bo rece ; thU oflke until 3 p, m.. Dcc.HJ and then publicly opened, for tmbhlng the materials, and pcr- rmlng the work for new water plp- g nt Uie U. B, P O, Twin Falls, laho. In strict occordance with le spcclllcatlons dated PB-Dlv-7

October 15, 1945, and drawings (It any) mentioned therein; And the general conditions dated Sept. 15, 1013 and addendum thereto dated May 15. I5H. Specifications ond other data may bo had at the ottica ot the custodian of the bulldlnR or the office ol the division engineer. J. E etnnton. Division Engineer.Pub: Dec. 13, IS, 14. 1045.


WEEK b A rS SATURDAYS4:00 P. nt. lO:S0A.M.,2i30u>dSP.lL






Dennis Sm ithBUYING


Capable, Dependable Sorting: Crews

Phono 34-Jl Kimberly

r liizy people

of 1 ling, i why renjoy FnuUlesi starch? All . .. have to do Is nsk your grocer for It Then you can make perfect hot starch without cooking! And you eaa make Ironing eo smooth, eaay

beaullful. It's iours tor Ui« g . . . FaulUcis Etarcbl Adv.

Ron. 1:1S 1 Cor. 9:1S Oal. 1:8


J. Lloyd Moyer Box 663, Twin Falls, Ida.

Subject: The A im s of the Churches of Chrisl

churches ond a complete re Uanlty as It v ginning.

r aim. to fur- it, comprlslns dlvlduals, for .m lo Chrw- s at the be-

Her r. WE STAND:

1. For Uio Bible as Uic *H- eufflclent etandard ot faith and pracuce. recognltlng that what Ood required from His ancient people , Israel. Is found In the Old Testament Scriptures, and what He re­quires from all now Is con­tained In the New Testament Scrlptures-

3, For the union of all be­liever* on the New Testament basis. Our Lord prayed that “they all tnlght be one . . . that the world may beliBve." This prayer makes the union ot His people essential to lha salvation of the world, and can ' only be answered when there

r«turn lo the faith, ordi­nances. and order of the amrch of the Apostolic age.

3. For tho rejection of all irUMAN creeds, confession ot faith, doctrines, and com­mandments, and the accep­tance of the Divinely-revealed aeed, "Thou art the Christ, the Son ot the Uvlng Ood," believing that a real heart- grfp ot that, with all it Im- pliei, will lead to a complete surrender of Ills and will to him.

4. For the ordinances n.s de­livered by the Lord, and kept by the first ChrlsUaiis. The Scrlpturc-i dearly show tJiat baptism was the Immersion of a penitent believer Into the name ot Jesus Christ, In order lo tho remission of past ains. TJie'Lord's Table, on which th# Lord’s Supper Is spread. Is Inside the Lord’o church, and Is tor the Lord's people, to te partaken of on the first day of the week. Thli dlTlnelj- ordalned memorial of His

death for us Is to be kept by the ehurch until Be ihalt come again.

5. For lha ministry of aU thi church—every meaber, lo dif­ferent spheres, doing that for which they ore titled, limited by ability to edify the church.

6. For the support of tba church by the ehurch only. Only those who hare ob«7« l the Gospel hare the duty ' privilege of contrlbuUag to Its treasury.

7. Fbr (he abaodonmeot ot all sectarlao niiaui and eei:^ alaatleal UUM. and tb«(. ebUTchei and b«llem« ibOQM b« called by the namsa taaaS In the New “ "

We absa b* pletaed (o uu-- wer Inquiries relaUog to th«- above. and to init thoM eited Id tmttit wltii- beUtvmi: atandlng for theta

The CHURCH OF CHRIST INThird Street and Third Aveno« fjlo^h


Thousand Delegates Expected Here for National Meeting of Sportsmen in June

B j IAN SANDERSONA t least 1,000 dele­

gates, i-epresenting 11 western states, Canada, M exico and possibly South A m erica w ill definitely m eet next June in Twin F alls for the annual con­vention o f the Western Association of State Fish and Game commissionei's, W alter Priobe, chairman o f the local Fourth Dis­tr ict Associated Sports­men, announced Thuj-s- day night following an annual convention of the fou rth district grou]).

Priebc lolil Uip Tlnifj-Nci*:.Twill Pnm Kiui cliasoi llirouKli Uon by Jiimcs O. Bcck. st.Kc Aiid comml-'.slonfr Aiid rcci !y clcctcd prtsldtm ol ihc wrnem sUtu a.uocUllon.

The imrlfy wll local Ei)orl4 RuUiorlliM nrc Already startlnK Action to provlrte houslnK rnellltiM niirt n lull larKCcnouEh to accDiiio(l:ite the trcmcn dtnjj croup rtlcli will liicluile sevtr- rI nttUonally known jpurtj writers

■ rntloi

Fourth District Sportsmen Plunge Into Peacetime Plans; Adopt 29 Resolutions

F ourth Difltrict Aasocinted Sportsm en rolled up Ihcir alccvp.s Thursday iiiKii’t in their annual convention and leaped hend f i r s t into a jirofrram designed to rc.scuc Mngic Vnllcy’s fiHh nnd jrnnie progrnm which hns Inid dornmnt for four years hecausc o f war-time con­d itions.

T h e meetinff, Attended by dcluRates from 10 counties, ap)) big-gam e nnd upland bird pro- ^ „gram s, which will be present­ed to the state meetings o f the Idaho wild life federation nnd Idaho fish and game com-

n in Boific this week.Scores Flrranu Use

rc.iohition.s o f fishing',!(. If. >/i :f.

Local Sportsmen Reelected

sporU mnsnrlnp.-:.Pricbc Kalcl a

lime n ilic f.Uc of T»in PnlLs, nol to iDPiilioii ILfcl/, win be honored by tlic Rra\i|i In Uielr selcc' 'tlon lor ft cunvTtillcn jltc.

Wlillo ht;c. Bcclc announced throuKh the Jocnl sports Rroi deIcKatc-1 will be conductcd pcrronnl tour tliroujlioul .Mnglc Vnllcy.i fibuloai sports area, In­cluding Sim Valley. Uw Minidoka ranges and tlic Tolrs nnd likes.

ArrBngcmcnls for (lie convention are being handled by Qonlon Tnie, Canfornitt supervUor ' man-Roberston consrcsslonal bill relative to funds for th« dcrelop- mert of state fish and gnme pro- JecU.

One of ths major topics expected to be dlsoiiscd at tlie June me< Inc will be the Cordon bill which being considered for prcjentatlon concTc.'.? and whijh lias bfen bitter­ly opposed by the western a-<socli\-

The bill, which has been revised aeveral tliiiej, would Brant delegates tb Uie fcderel fish and lldlire Ice tho authority to regulate fed­erally Bponicred projects Involving ImpoundRient and diversion of waters for protecting wUrlllfe nnfl blologlcol interests.

The weatem association Is rei»rt- ed to be the second largest fL>h and

group in the naUcm, ranking under the Katlonal Fish and Wild­life commission.

Jenny Stewart Hits 577 Total In Bowl League

High three game total of 577 rolI«l by Jenuy Slc»srt at Bowladrowe last night In the Magic City :eague. Mary Ollkey msde 313 /o r the high single game,, T»1n FalLi Title and Abstract leum smn Iied the maples for tnl or 5J25.

RANDALL'SM. F.IV ________ 111 HI IIIS. W irpl.______ HI HI HI

■file group si-ored Uic liapharard ■•e of flrearnu In bis game hunt­

ing and vrill urge a definite standard KiuiRC to be used In quest of deer, elk ftjid Biilelope. TUc present rule liold/i no b.irn and jrhotguns, and i5-20n have been lised to the effect that many deer and other game have been crippled but not killed ou'rlglit, officials said.

The group aL?o favored a revtilon of Uio out-of-slate hunting licenses alilch nt present sPow.? sportuncn

inltlnl tee of »50 and bag . . of game. Fourth district

HiciJibcrs feel Ifijt a separalo itf /ihould be charged for each tpye of

imc. Uie amount to be left ate: leglslatlon.A1.SO scored were pedal hunts,

llmlLi and scnsoiu which are au­thorized by the elate without coii- .■sultatlon witli local uroui*. Parllcu- Iftrly mentioned were the archcry himt in the Minidoka area and the

son of fishing at Magic •Although not op|x>jed to

tho program, tlic club nevertheleu iiidled without refer-

. fourth dl.itrlct offi­cials.

Ufflclalt ItetlrcledAll Incumbent officers of the iis-

■ocliiLlon were ipelected. Tliey In- •ludr Chairman Waiter Prlebe, rwhi Falls; f . H. "Durt' rarrlsh,

Burley, vlce-chnlrrean, nnd A. D, McMahon, Jerome, secretarj’-treas-

UpliLnd bird giune re.iolutloiis call- 1 for c-stablLshment of Banctilarles ir phea-ianU In Maftlc Valley areas.> chnnge.i In the present hen law Id bag limit and uniform open-

iHRs In districts 3. 4 nnd 5.Propo.^nl under fishing Included 1C opening of Silver crcek on July,

I; limit of steclhead ciitcli lo ' per day nnd 3 In posic.wlon: curemcnt of a competent fish turlst to establish an organlied fish plantlns program; bag limit of trout • be reduced to 10 pounds and one

h or 20 fish; advnncemtnl of flslilns streams for the eicluslva use of Juveniles; a new limit smoked or canned salmon to be 40 pounds of canned salmon and 30 pounds of amokrd salmon; clarlll- cation of pnng hooka and spearing by the slate fish and gnmc eommb- slon, and a change In the Fish creek .len. on, opening It In May, closing July I to Nov. 15, opening ngaln Nov. 16 to Feb. 1 and permitting

Coast Leaguers

Retain Hopes to

Join Major Loopny UAL WOOD

SAN PllANCISCO, Dcc, H lUK- Major league statm for the Pacific coast basebaU circuit U a •■certain­ly" within tft-o or three years. Charlf. II, Ornhiim. president of the San ScbLi. aald today

Rejection of the coa.-it'.i 1M5 ma­jor leigiie bid wa R -•severe setbacJc —but only trmporarlly." Orahnm declared, rclurnlng from the majors convention In the ra.'t.

'•Pcrliopi were n bit prema­ture," he said, -Init »«- will make nmjor slntiw by lOO .-.urc. In 1D« we will achieve our orUlnal object­ive—we will nol accept the drafting or our player,?. Wc will sUrt 1013 ns a free, unhompcrcil league, n big Ic.igiic,"

arahani ,?old he lliouRht a lack of adetiuate ball jxirti hindered the coasts try for the big-time this

ar, Tlio pnrka can be brought up — major league .ilandnrds by lOlB, ho-sever. he jwlntrd out, iind — •'nollilnR can stand in Uie way

Snow and Odds Drop on Redskin, Rams Grid Game

CLEVELAND, Dec, 14 </I’)-Snow and the pre-game odds on the Cleve­land Rams for Ihelr national foot­ball league title plnyoff with th< WnshlnRton Redskins Sunday hnvf iKen falling fa. 1 In Forest city.

8U-polnl cholce.i of the odds fel­lows a week ago, the youthful Roms were scant three-point favorites to­day for the cliamplon.ihlp cinsh be­

an expccted rccord-brenklnf crowd of 55,000 In .inowswept Lake- front stndlum.

League Publicity Mnnngcr George Btrlckler predicted that Sunday'? turnout of fans would !;ma.5h Iht circuit’s paid ntlendnnce mark of 40.010 set la.1t year when the Green Bay Packers toppled the New •york Olanta at the Polo grounds.

Nelson, Former

Caddy at Garden

Course, FavoredFORT WORTH, Tex., Dec. 14 UV)

- A field Df 103 started firing today nt Olcn Garden country club's tight par 71 In Uie first J8 holes of the *10,000 Fort Wortli ojxri with a guy who used to carry the golf bags here favored to carry off the money bags come Sunday.

B>Ton Nelson, golf’s greatcj.l win­ner who got hlj sUrt as a caddie at Olen Garden, returns from a vaca­tion of two month.1 finding himself In the luiual rpot—labelled the man to bent.

Nelson, the Denton farmer, yca-

FRroAY, DEC. A4,1945

terday ehal hla first complete round since Oct. IS and was hitting them straight and tr ie. He had a 73 without pressing.


Perrine HotelB arber Shop

Chas. H. RussellFomierlj- employed sit Hunt's Barber Bhop, hns purchased Uie Shop, ef­fective immediately, Clyde Richards nnd Carl Mul­lens will be asvjclated with Mr. Ruaell.


Incumbent officer* nf (he Fourth DUtrict A.woclateil Sportsmen clubs were reelected Tliunilay nieht at an annual convention in the Park hotel. AboTc. mapplnr plan,', for an aP-ont offensive to build up Majlc Valley’s sports are.i. are left tt> rijht, Walter Prlebe, chairman; A. n. McMahon, «rcretar>-lrfawrrr, and U. II, -'nurf Parrish. vlce-ehalrmaM.

Nine Tills Tonight; Miirtaiigli, Eden Have 60 Foiils in Game

Five-Year Coachm v HAVEN, Conn., Dec. M i..

—Ynle, shuttering 73 ycnr. of foot- bnll hLitory, today nnnoimced the ippolntmcnt of Ilo-Ale Odell as head roach for five jcar. a long distance ‘ccord here.

The prevloa'i Ynle high commltt- .iient had been for throe years o the latest to hnvc brcn on the ceivliig end of tJinl wn.? Emerson iSplkn Neboii, whom Odell

1043.jilcicM 1

CI.OSE TO 01,1) FRIENDS ARCADIA, Calif.-Gcurgc Odom's

nr Jny Paley s lior.'.r-% at Santa Is dlrcctly ai

hoiiilns the LouU ». Mayer hor.'.es.

Nine games nri basketball .'che while Twin F,ill: marrow nlRlil a prcviovLily cliiti-d

Inchidctl In

on MoKlc Vallejs iilc , lor tonight 1 mcfts Oatcley t Oakk-y, a gar

or toiilKht.3iil(;ht'.s fvchedulc I


fLihing through the Ice.'

Kansas City Loop

Gets New PrexyKANSAS CITY, Dec. 14 -

Multl-mllllonalre Del E. Webb, a part owner of tlie New York Yankeca, Is tho new president of the Kansas City Blues of Uic AmcHcan aijocialion.

The announcement that Webb in serve as pre.ildcnt of Uis Kans.xs

City club was made by Lelnnd (Larry) MnePhail. head ninn of i ... Yankee.-., at a .dinner last nlitlit honorltiR Bill Meyer, who b retiirn- Ing »n mnnnser of the Dlues next -prUig,

hiLs conunctlng Inter- Angeles and Phoenix,

Arlr.. .' ucceedi Roy Hamey. newly elected prcjldenl of the American as.wlatian,

MncPhall pledged full support of le Yankee organltatlon in giving

Kaiua.s City n first clas.5 b.ill next year.

Meyer, who returns lo Kansxs City after a successful stay wlih Newark in the International leacue succeed.'! Casey Stengel who moves to tlie west coast os manager of Ihe Oakland entry In Uie Pacific league.LARGEST COURT

BATON no uO E, Lu.—Louisiana , State plans to build the world's • bn.iketbaJI court to accommo- ! date 24 teams In action simuitane- ; ously.

Rupert at Anirrliaii Fnll.s, Wen (leil at OoodliiK, I-'ller at Uuhl, Kim bcrl)- at C:uilli-Ir)iii, Murtaugh ii Eden, Care> at llidley, Ari-quta a Mall.i. KliiK Hill nt Olrniri Ferry and 6hfi-.lioiie at PnuL

tDE.N btlAIlEH MURTAUGII Tlie referee got the best workout

Tliiirsdny night wten fllen j;quec. po. t .Murtalif;ii 33 to 31 111 an oi tbie Khinc that marked CO pcr.wnal foub and the cjectiou cf file Mur- taugh players and one from Eden.

Miirtaugh's Demer took je of tho charity losses offered

and scored eight, adding two fl jails to pace his niatc.i with points. For Eden Stelnmctz i McLeod each tallied 10,

Fortunately the new high .school basketbiill ruling allows five i>eiialty fouls In.'itend of four, otlierwha both teams would have had to 1 draft ,iyfatcm to recruit enough .ihiycrs to contlnuv the tinnie. ' addition lo the i-lx eJrctiHl. ..., others tnUlcd four iwrsonal fouls

JI;R()MK STOPS SIIOSIIONK JEROME, Doc. H—Jercnie ;.nioth- ed a vi.sltinK Shoshone brL-cketball dm under n -4-39 Marc here

ITiur.idny night.Warburion, nee h^ llollc fcr- ,uri. had a big night on the floor Id at the foul line, gnllierlng fix cld Roali nnd sinking .-ix Phots om the foul line for 18 polnt.

C.irlton. with H. wn.s hldi for the local ,v]und.

Jerome Junior

ROOFING CO.M PANY“Always the Beit for Less’ ' riaco Advance Orders Now

285 W. ADDISON. Pho. 147

SAV-MOR DRUGOpposite Orphcum T heatre

Make It a




Here You Will F ind :• Modem Tools and Kquipment• Expert, Dependable :ilechanlci• Authorlied ParisO Reliable Serrice for All Makes

of Cara and Trucks


313 MAIN A V E . EAST Phone 707

Rupert Defeated

n a preliminary, riade things iiot fell short at the

Pociitello in n ba.skctball

•he .southeoil city, the Rupert Jtmiors for Pocatello but final count by

White Cinder Blocks

MADE IN IDAHO FALLS • Slrnns * Insulatlve and economical • J or a itiiUloa


SW MAIN r. or PIIONK 931M or 1083J

S P O R T I N GNo « ift can a Imv or .spnrt.sman or ivonian m ore lhan a pift of fine \(i Kifl can please a Ihiv— .sportsman or womun m ore lhan a g ift o f fine


SKI BOOTSSizes only, P a ir ...........

$ ^ 9 5

ar lty ]>!ayer

TruckersInsured Carrlfrt - Standard

Rales • Prompt Serrlee



SPORT SHIRTSof W aihable Rayon

Sizc.s 15 • I.^!i Several Colors .... $6.50

^Need a Taxi?\


► F or Prompt, Conrteoos 24-HOUR SERVICE

'Checker Cab Co.




In the Following Sizes 6:00x16 — 6:50x16


W c Also Hart Som e New First

Grade T ir «

BARNARD AUTO CO.203-223 2nd AVE. E. TW1>


D e c . 16**^9 A.M. to 5 P.M .

2'/2 Miles North o f West 5 Points

on Canyon Rim

Snake River Gun ClubLunch and Shells Available on Grounds



P re -W a r Wood & Steel ,

F ram e

LANDING NETS ........... $1.95 up

T O Y S ^ D O L L S -^T O Y SC oaster

WAGONSM elanVhecLs < ^ 4 1 * O C Rubber Tires ....


HELMETS$ 2 - 2 5 , $ 5 . 0 0 ^

n'Ikon Golden Glovn

BOXING GLOVES$ 1 4 . 0 0

CLEANING RODSFor Guns o f all 4 Un Makes, S i z e s .......... IO C -


2S2 Mai itAvenue So. Phone 533


4,400 Telephone Books Delivered To City Dwellers

rfew Dtcember luu* telephone books—4,<00 ot thus—Tcra being d«Urer«d lo Twin Fill< eubserlbers rrid»y. Mell E. Dollini, loc»l m»n-

ot the Mounuin flUMi Tele- pbona and TelegTsrh eompeny, nounted.

He »#ld the toW number or phonea on the esehinje here »ho*s sn Incretu over !t<4. Becaute o( ]»ck of equipment during the v yeers, few new Ulephone* we eT&Uel3le.

A hesv7 Increwe In etibKriber* expccUd. DoUlng »ld. He pointed cut that «» of V-J d»y there were Bt leiiit 600 oppllcallon* for phone »eivlce on We.BEAD TIWM-KEWO WAMT AOS


CHICAGO A N D ALL POINTS EAST We »re now coanectlnf with P*cUlo Grejbotind Unei at Wclb. Neradai elM Borllnilon TniJw*yi—Senihtm Paclfla H. n. end Wertera P»ct/le B. B. Serrice to L. A. iM net afrec(«d. tesvlar lin t for Twin Fellii

10 A. M . AND 6:15 P. M.

TWIN FALLS - WELLS STAGESBay Tickets Anytime Phono 2000

Officer Doesn’t Forget Inmates

Sltteen fancy Chrtstmn cards ere etacked on the desk of Juvenile

Officer John A. Brown FrlSty.They were eddrtwed to the lU

Elrla and 10 beyi who hive been committed lo the etate tnilualrlal eehool at Bt, Anlhony from Twin

■'I never forjel them at Chrlit- lae time." brov.ii said.There were 19 other caiili on his

desk, too. They were eddreued to the pavnts of the Jurenlle*—r«> minding them not to forgtt their yotingjlers et Chil'tmas tlmf.

Bro»n has followed thl. pracUce for the past stvtn years. ’

ANNnXBBABY ROME. Dec. 11 (ff) — Pope Pius

X II observed Die <00th annlvereary of the opening of the council of Trent yeeterday by Bppcallns lo all Christian* to reunite nnd bccome ••one flock."

’46 Merciuy Boasts of 33 New Features

lew 1849 Mercury «lght fealuree. went on dUpUy

II the Union Motor company

f ^ u d t __ '^ r n v e d !



DETWEILERS"Everythifig to m a k e livins more pleasant”

Hfffhcst Prices for

PotatoesWe Are Now Buying at



W .W .an d W.T. Newcomb"Idaha'i Pioneer

Ba7<n A Bbtppcn* niYUON HAHniS. Bnyer

MorUogh. Phene n WILBirn LOOCHS

Kimberly. Pheoe tU( aUlD Offlcs Darler. Fbo- lOfi

L ike th is P ic tu r e ?Th»n uni it to an

fritndto «how them your IdsholOr. for fin* finUh riprint. addrtaa t poatal card raqucit

The)3J ne»Friday here,'

A wider hood and a redojlgned front grille gave the car * htavltr, lower and wider •ppcatance.

DUplayed hero wan a black four- door ledan. PorcJ U manufactur­ing the ear In eight different ex- terior colon with harmonldng in strument penels. upholjtfo- and trim.

Two distinctive Uitfrlnr lr»it menta are lued. Ono f«»wre4 gray, green broadcloth upholjtery and i modernistic fr»y*gretn lacquered Inatmment panel with contrasting plastic trim. Doors are paneled wlih gray-green art leather.

Sfparate "Mercur)-’' and "Elshf nameplates have been added and mouldings have been widened all around the ear to accentuate the length and low center of gravity.

Englneerln* knowltdi* gained during reaearch and production of wartime goods haa been tranaferred to the new Mercury by rord. Thess Include trl-ftlloy bearlnn, crnnk. ca » ventilation, an Improved oil pump, four-ring ttlumlnu.-n piston* and Interchancable cylinder he.’)

Springs have been redejiirned give added riding comfort. spring leaves are thinner and their number hna been Increaseil.

A track bar haa been edded rear to prevent "wander'’ c , rosd In high winds. A tloaUng shoe brake haa been develaned and brake pedal pressure U softer.

The ear has an U8 Inch wheel- base.

Grant O. Padgct, owner of Union Motor, said that the exAct price on

had not been deter­mined.

The current Induatrlil-labor situ­ation leaves him with the opinion that leu than half the number of 1846 models that were tcheduled for .reduction will roll off the assembly inei by Augiwt, date I’.hen Ford ■ 111 turn to their 1047 models.

He May Not Get Out ’Til Spring At Present Rate

O. W. Blik. 35. Burley, was i for hli release from the county Jail Friday after completion of a lH-d lentence given him for Issuing worthleu check.

The sheriff's office had oth plane for him. however.

Deputy Sheriff Charles Parrott released Slak from his cell so that ho could accompany him to Jastlce court where Judge Jamei O. Pum* phrey had another complaint charg- Ins that the defendant had gU trorthlesa check for #18 to the fi Cab company here.

BLik pleaded guilty and receivedIS-day Jail sentonce—a day (or

every dollar repre-*ented en amount on the check.

That Isn't all. Sisk wouldn’t have gotten out anyway. His bondimen In another case where he Is chatjed «-lth a felony In connection with the use of another person's automobile Blihoul the owner'* consent, told Sheriff Warren W . Lowery they wished to bo relieved ot their obli­gation after sisk w u plckcd up the bad check charge while at I rty on IJOO ball.So—Silk U a cinch for Ohrbtma.i

In Jall.

Former Mayor’s

Condition BetterThe condition of Joe-K Kocli...,

viier ol the Boxy thtiter and for- Twin Falla mayor, who Is In trlUcal condition at me Boiseeran-i' hospital was termed "r.___better" by relatives here Isle Thure- day.

Max O. Lloyd, KoelUtr’i, said that Mrs. Koehler, wjio Is with her husband In Doiie. had phoned Thursday to report that th( former mayor had spent a comfor­table day. He wa.-i to be given tteit- men: today which b. e>:pe:lc<l lo Im­prove his condition, his joii-ln-law tald.

^ TT®

famwu idiMr n w u oa ^ spofU faeillOn . . . a lo a tt Ih o i't IB b«it "T a tU " te itk Idaho'i em "Beer o f Good T tu t*''...p tT (m tn m pon . <on on MY td n ltr outim$.

^ .p o rt*— that’i Idahol It b the locAUty o f theUnion Pacific Railroad • fir-famed Sun Vall#jr Rwort which, for th#

t h ^ y m ha* be«n eerving aa a Ntt»al ConralaKont Cantar. Idaho aUo becoma famou* for the Nfttlonal Champlonahip Doj Taam Racta which, bafora the war. wera held *ach winter naar Aahton! But. to ita m any raaidant winter tporU enthualaata the G *m State U OM ffreat pUiyground. There« hardly a community in the state which U not ^ t h ln * few hour* drive of tome akl club. Food and o d ^ U avaUable a t moet o£ theae •pot* and many havo skiUed

InatTOctor* in attendance. An Increaaing number of them ar« also eguipp«J with eld U ft*. Idaho la truly a YEAR-AROUND playground.

Ho. 13 c< a series featuring Idaho's (great outdoor* and un-' matched recreational facilities. Enjoy these resources arid in»rte your out-of-atata frlenda lo enjoy them in EVERY aeaion!

Two Appeal Fine And Ja il Terms

John M- Glefrled. found guilty in Justlci! court here yesterday if llle- j«l cohabitation, was fined *50 and 12.70 cciirt costs and sentenced lo prno IS days In the county Jall when he appeared before Juiljc James o. Pumphrey Friday.

He navo notlcc o f appeal to dH-

at !3tH) which Ilf i>o.'tril nnd was reli'.i.M'd.. Convicted Qlonc with him and given a fmillar iuntence v,n,'. Mrs. Schlrrell Shank. Her attorney, O. 0. Hul* announced an appeal and •iho was freed on $300 bond pending district court action.

Tliey were<'cl In a hotel loin at 3:30 a. m. Dec. 1 after

Wllll.iin Shank, hiuiboiid of the wo­man, signed a complaint against his wife from whom ho Is now seeking


Elks Hear Former G-Man at MeetingDill mtschke, owner of the Spori- : store, dhcu.?icd his e. pLTlciiccs I nn FBI nccnl nt the rrRuItir hus- ic-'.', meeting of tlie Elks lodRc held

Thuriday night. Alton J. Young, eislted ruler, presided at the meet-UlR.

Entertainment wa-n In clinrce of I. P. Duvnll and piano numbers r:e preientcd by Hnrry Walters.

f!c.'rcrhnicn;.i were served folio: Irz the meeting.

Markets and FinanceStocks

Markets at a GlanceYOHK. « f v - ^

' ’ 'Dcrti-Tlodirl iill> •xtvnct tsllr- CclUn—htih<ti cilll burlnt.

^ I®.

IV VOnK. Vtc. li (A .1 Ml«ctlv.;y 10<l*f tx) in4 atl»iloni •IlHou«:

c/n—siwki r*-


XK'-;.'S;r.'uasrJi’.‘v.‘i!;Ill; canntn >n4 cMlUn IS.SS ti sdi

■s>«p i’7,«e V*

FALLSI m o r t u a r y. Mr. & Mrs. 8limJey Phillips .,263 2nd Avc. N o^ Phrine ai




For 1940 and 1941FORD TRUCKS

These arc complete Radlatoi units ready to Install, D rive in!

HARRISRadiator S hopUS 2nd Ave. r. Pbeno 23]

• luii rood 4h»rUxl •l«<n !t» mrtliim •horlfnii down- I (iKVan and («*9<n itMdrxepi ItUb!! ird tcU

r cliun tuDr cnl>4 limit tofORTLAND

dhtland, Dt<. It [«-iueDA-

hl °* Vio lb Jib'*I'l |0 'tin','

« itMlr la .11 bt(h«ri f»d• lll.feio.dlvn. l«r»d ti«n 114 to, ; !,T, f f i - ' l i v

uilDEN, ptc. U |U8t>Al—3'1 w tbijc»*°|65.JM.'ib["’ Kh«*r»*V*6! Bood lowi snir .mooinnt wtlihia lli.ti. m«i S4kb;. uei lei«| us, onlr odd* »n.J* pn i>l< moiUr «i*»l nomlnalt/ • Iir: r«l nadlum <o>i ; cut-

'•I'* 'ml*!’ !* TT.u i

o-in.lti nxdlun la


Grain..E lV 'fS ilu (tituiul gilu Iknulust M l f t

Wh..ll ^ ^S s list!

ISIt i:S!! i:!iS

i i i i i s iii ii i i i i5V; i:!!"J - ly ------- ------------- l.l»«i

^aycAco,^ !)»•. u tn—wii.H h*.

'"tio com u)t.. OtI. hM'7 .141 K«. t

S H D au a r ''''''''" 'rLounMINNEAPOLIS, Die. 14*nt»l ihlpmtnu ll.eit.

Potatoes-OnionsLoAno r*i.u

v£®:;:Cis" S v K ttl;;A In IM-lb, .siktd. fiiv.'h'.d'trd’ '

C«ih i» jrewer* Wli «wvi T«* few

CmCAQO rOIATOfS CHICAGO. Of.:. It Ur-PoUt««i Arriv.u 11: nn tii;li Mli WUI skip-

.................................... . 'S !

S iv s iS

Butter and Eggs


> Sil.b'. .nd'iot.

1 ANOELl:S. D» . 1

Stock Averages(C.BpUM ty k , Pnu)

Indcal. lUIlt UuL. Bltcl

I’revteut dii’ ico!? 'V«.k .10 ..loi.i MnnU> ... M.l

Si? ii:!

l ^ o b e m i a i v G i u iKeprfnta ot thl* adT«rtia*m«nt "T% e B eer o f Good Taste"

bj BdMvim Ii«, 9e<«. IMo

Two Escape H urt As Truck Crashes

Into ’Phone PoleTwo persons escaped injury

Thttt*d»y when thi driver o f a toti and oss-hau truck turned his vehicle into a borrow pit and sinick a wiephone pole two mllea north of Wer^n highway JO. The driver acted to BTold crsshln* Into the «ar of I truck In front o f him that had made a left turn across the

J»ay to enter a driveway.-h i uoloadod truck waa drtven

by Jacob H. Copeobarfar. 43. rou“ Buhl, and It traveJad U4

yards befsre flaalhr eomto* to rest near a concrete cuNarl after gUoe- Isc off th« talephuia pole. Naltbar 0>penb»n.T ner KaoSatU Fauwtt^ le. route three. Buhl, paa*«ogtr is the truck were hurt

SUte Pstrfllman John E. Ulsar said there were lodkutlona that the Copenbarger brake* war* faiuty.

He ttld that the truck took to the borrow pit to avoid hltUne a truck loaded with hay thac vaa drlvea by Aobtrt MUier. 22. route one. Filer.


* I'rni' urtUas'*!.

Beet Hearing Started Late

Postponed until 1 p. m. today was the Idtho - Oregon • Washington U8DA hearing on isifl lugar beet prices and wage* of beet worker* on the farm.

Sdieduled to be conducted at U . m. In district courtroom, the

henrlng was put oft becaiue three Wnshlngtoii. D. C., representative* of the USDA were delayed eomUtf here via Salt Lake City. They were c . n. Chiatt, H. H. Slmpeon and C. M. NlchoUon. Present wis Ariel L. Crowley, Portland. Ore,, associate regional attorney for the OSOA.

He said the three men would pre« side at the meeting. They were sugar beet experU and woiUd ask questions of representaUves of tabor, the growers and the processorfc. *U of whom will testify. Crowley wUl see that the Interrogation and pro* ccduro are legally in order. Acoortl- Ing to the eugar act of 1937, the hearing will be held to set "fair and reasonable wage” mlnlmums for the beet hands for 11148 and also “fair and reaionable prices" for grower* and processors lor 1S<1

Twin Fails Markets

L li u b i f , ! ' u ■ 1 iV °ii’L i—J H

Ortit KorUitM No. 1_ Cm. , N»nl..rt. No. I

OnJ. Nk 1 1100"U.) OpT.WUiw.HM. rOTATOg*

I-Ulio R«.,U No. I ___Idalia Rguna N& 1 . _ .

Or^ tte. 1. ;Md, M<]tw.lH.i




PEGLERNEW TORtt-Wlthout my yeOl

• Jng or poundln* of the Uble. let u exBmlne soma matt«n InTotTcd li ths dlsput« bet«en tha C. I. Onnd beoTT In-

, tiustiy rom »n ■ oljJcctlTfl point ol TlCW.

Our trouble ta tliftt wo hi'« c lu tte re d oui mlnili wlUi Dlls- Jnlonniitlon and aaptnUUon. We belloo 80 manj thinji thnt are

Now. for exam- plr, Ford Iim jLiked the Unllfri Auto Workers ulvfl t Ifgal undcmklng, backcd by IlnandBl rMpoiulbUlty. to Indon- nU7 the comivmy In bresch of con- trnct. The eompiny nitisl obey lt.i aKrffmrnt.1 or tulfcr penalUcj. F Drcl propojM thal, to balance the equci- tlon, i;iB union »(rrce to pny Ford »5 a d»r fnr each day mL ied by each •trorktr In «o-Called wildcat atrlkca which often are not Irrcipon.-ilble Btrikcs nt nil but real union jtrlkcfl, monaced by word-of*niouth ordrrr. Irom t!ie union pxccutlvca which leave no record and Ihiu permit the executives to disavow them. In tiny CMC. Ihs damijo la done by breach of contract.

Except ivs to llic parLlcuIar form of the Ford proposal. IhU Li not, n , new Idea. It H Inhcrrnt buamcu controcw. It t flgrtcd to and operated Buccc-'JifuIly In a number of union nfreemcnts. The tl/irmed reaction ot the U. A. W.. however, mlstit Rive Uie public nn Imprc ' lcii that Furd lliouglit up a Jllclt Irlck

Another fact Hint we have to Tlew Is that Ford, or any other employer, may me n unlnn for breach of conlrsct under our prc.i-

■ cnt Uas. It mlsht be Rood to ptiw a iietf law exjiltcltly nfflrmlnR thL' riahl because, In thal cnae. the 11a- bllltj' would be emphasized. Bui un­ions rlghl row can be c.ued rot only for broach of contract but for libel both In ecurrllous Btntementa ol tlielr officials In the heat of con- trovtrsy nnd In their official publl- Catlotvi. Tlie pxplanatlon ot the loose defamations uttered by these men arjd Uio publljhecl ecurrllltlcs. Uej In the fact tlial the Injured parties .limply have forgotten their riRhlj. Th^y have ccmo to believe thal unions are immune to all Inw.-i and penaUlcj whereas their rrnl Immunities, oulrngeoiw ns they cer­tainly are. neverUicIe« exist only In ccrtaln definitely bounded

Damages may not be recovered for boycotts and exclusions of roocL If a union Is nellng solely In Its own interest. Wa sot thal dictum by Inference from Felix Frankfurter In the Infamous opinion In pcntera' case, and » new law will be ncccisary to revoke It and Impose on unions criminal and financial rcspoiulblllty for violations of the

union combines wlUi one group of Industrial employers to exclude the products of oUitr employer* from ccrtaln markets, the victims may sue and recover, TTint Is the b.viLi of a larRc suit now pending agaln.' t local 3 of the A. P, of L. electricians' union In New York.

In the □encral Motors dispute, tiifl company wai asked to show It. books and pentilt the union to fl:c prices of autojiolilles to the public and limit profits,

A reasonable answer to that would be a counter-demand for ac- ccss to the union's occounts ond a sUputltlon by Qeneral Motors that tlic unlon’i dues and fees be regu­lated by the company, and that Its collections, or proflti. inu-'t n cced some figure which the pony deemed to be jufflclent.

This may have a startling sound but. If so, that Jiut ahows how one­sided our tlilnking has been. Jlcrc ara two gianls of equal size. The union Is powerful enouKh to tie up

, the company and has money to Bi»are for political campaigns In ■upport of condlditei hostile to prt- Tftt# ownership and


The company is bl« and itrone enough to lock up nnd alt oui strlks but 1* forbidden by law eoatrlbule to political funds and evea to express a political prefer-

. «nc9 to the workers.

It li entirely reasonable, then, that the company should demand a reciprocal right, under contract, to •Witch the union's books and equal- lio their position by regulating lt« eolleotlons and limiting Its wealth.

, Just M the union arjues that the . publlo must pay any Increase In the

price of outomobllrs, the company may argue that dues and treasury rcsmes of unions likewise are paid. In the end. by the public, os part of the wages which are so largo porUon of the cost.

Some of the union executives, no­tably Phillip Murray, have accused the companies ol a titdown atrlkc. Admitting this, for the sake of ar- guioent, why not? The sltdown atrike was Introduced In this coun­try-. from Prance, by the C. I. O. and has been dtfcnded by the C. I. O. as & fair weapon In Its own hands.

And. finally, the Aulo Workers’ executives pounced on a atatement.

• perhaps unguarded, by Qeneral Mo­tors, that unless ii could create

. part« for other manufacturers, the . entire automobile Industry must

. close. HiIs. the union aald, was an •dmUilon that OenrnU Motors was » monopoly. That is a plausible touch.

But, going another step, the un­ion admits that It li a higher and more powerful monopoly when It

. boasts that It bai dosed dowa tbo

WABJONO — “nis United Btates congress has just Issued a double barreled warning to the world thal reflects rather nccurately the pres­ent-day tem per of copltol hill, the White Kouso ■' presumably American people.The Ifgljlators; would not have I taken such seem­ing 1 y contradlc' tory action they thought Uieyi

e tatLsfylngl constituent.'',I

for 10<a Is a re- elcctlon yenr.

Tlielr voles expre.y the we.itcrn hemisphere's e.imcit hope for the e.itnblbhmenl of peace by tha weary notions nnd Its fearful pcrntlon at the slowntsj with which the f.tntc.'inen nro marching to Uial objective. Tlielr action uL o reveiL'i Uie conln.Mon nnd conccni which prevail hero and eUewhera over the delay In solving postwar problems.

FI.EET - With hoiL'.o adopted by

Vlason bill wnpowerful pcaceilnio

•y In all history. Khllo tho senate committed this country to the use

,0 United Nations or* Kiinlzntlon at the dtwretlon of the Pre.'itlenl acting through the lean delegate, Kdwarii R. Stetllnlm,Jr.

In other word-s, the congress w oiiuronce ot pcaee so deeply and earnestly that 11 Is willing to fight for 11 — cooperatively or singly. Wa-'hington prnyx lor an end of war, but it is preparing for the P' .'.Iblllty of another conflict before tho termination of the last struggle has been officially proclaimed,

Tlio Vinson bill does n ' ate tho number nr clive.i of wr ahlpa which the United Elates w keep on hand or build In the future. Dill ll doe.' fix the ilie of personnel at Uio figure — iipiiroxlmately 500,- 000 — thiU will be required t the Brrnte.U ot-cnii-golng fleet t eiij haveATOM — Tlie coiigrc.s.i did i akc first, plans for a mlshty

military mtichliic In dellance of the White Howe. Although their vle*3

details differ, the lejlslators have discovered lhal Prc.'ldent Trlimiin believes In a strong a , e.itnblUhment, if only because 1

ay reinforce hi.? pcace alms.Besides the authoilijllon of j

great postwar fleet, h signs Uiat the ndmliiL'tratlon. unlike

past regimes, Intends tc K stick" lo back Its Itieallstlc

program for making the UNO w Tlie foreign mlnbters of the U. S.,

Britain and Russia — not the " council of fi

elgn mlnbters, to 'fthlch China a France belong — s dlscus.1 to future of the atom bomb.

r. Truman will not olfer the cosmic weapon for Iniematlunal

facture and po'slble iiv until he la more convinced timi It will i prove ratJier than handicap i chance for permanent peace and good will t

SUBSTITUTE - Mr. Truman lias his doubts about the pollllcal wli- dom of advocating ujilversal mili­tary training, nUhough ho favors the Idea. But he re.servu as nn al- tcm.itlve a program which will pro­vide the U, S. witli a land force that he regards as Ideally suited lo our nntlonnl defense needs.

The President has nl*ays been an enthusiast for the national guard, which cradled his early mllltnri' yeornlnEs and nmbitlom. Sliould he conclude that a plan for comiiuL' or}- milltary service cannot get through cougre.---! In a reelectlon year, he will propose ti substitute almost as good.

He expects that regular e ments will bring the regular to at least 500,000 men. EnlLsl: and rcenllstmenLi since V-J have totaled more than 200,000. Fu-

5 dischargees who Use service should

figure to SOO.OOO, or perhaps 7»,000. They will be young, trained, experi­enced fighters.

His rational guard program probably call lor an anniml three months' encampment of about a mil-

mea. They ’wlU b« so trained ecjuippeii that they wUl

ready for active duty or shipment overseas In SO days.

TOTAL - Meanwhile, » skeleton force of selective service exporu Is working quietly on th« blueprints of a future draft system, Dy com­parison with their tentative plans, the World war II procedure was a' hlt-or-mlss. hodge-podge and In­efficiently Indiscriminate lottery.

The S, B, men are. In reality, framing a national icrvlce act. which was advocated by President nocacvelt in Ihe closing day* of

ar but never accepted by con- because U was too far-reach­

ing, Under this progcnm every man and woman. Including Invalids and cripples, will be subject to the gov. emmtnt’s call on their aerrices for military duty, faeiorj' awlgnment. agricultural, mining,, transportation, retail or domestic performance.

In short, every available American HI ^ enrolled In Ihe war effort,

- obody will be Immune from a to- U1 mUllary mobllliallon such as Hitler, Mu.uollnl and Htrohlto never Imagined In their wildest dreams of world eonqueet.

The logic of the last war and Uia doubts of an uncertain future are cited M JujUfkatlon ot thase prep­arations. As an army topnotcher luUy acquainted with these secret plaru explained: "We liope we won't have to fight no more, but we have no assurance of lhal. Sut if we do have to fight, why cot fight with



i-afiET th ’ SA L T // (vajy wai, m takb »u t o ) T H E v m o n s ItViKEKE ABc THE PtAvsMS?? I DO thI

NEVER KNOW*— <'ru. g e t '

BurrARP) TH’ <

-nwB m xr w u t h w k » J ^ s a l t j t ? )

s e p p i

FBIDAY.DEC. 14.1045 T IM B S-N E W 3, T W IN P A L L S , ID A H O

Munbm of the Twin Falls Uta- stock Mvkellns uaocUUan, reu- scmbiln; In the Odd Fellows bftQ yuUrdt; «It«moon t o l lo w la t lunchMn held la the Rogenoc bo­ld. nunMl tUrold Johnson, Twin Fftlb, president ot th« •MocltUon. in (iMtiQiu *t the commiiftlon’s aa- nual meeUO(.

Clur o . TbDiQu, TUar, tTMcanr. .Kui«d on tha hoc c«canIUM b r

Johnua nra P. B. Martlson. Uar<* ’ taugh; O. F. UeNAlr. OkIE. Sklnnrr, BoUUter. Tbo .sbo^COintnlUM. SlM n>w<< by ttwpmUent cT the awnrttt.lan. to« dudrd D . n. Toner. HurUBRb; . Ptul Balid. IVtn «Oil S » 9HudwBtthl._________ , .

NXJBsilwScHAKoiDKmBSRl,?. DM. l * - U r , UKI • -

Mr*. W. a C im e, K toba------ ■their dausbUr, Dorotlv. thlf we«k fnm a motor Baale. Oailt< «Iwr» M mreealrad ta «JK&sxfa:b.......aimjr ouna oorjtt. -She w u * t! Uautaaut and cemd ttt'two-r In tlia Ameaa «Dd theaUn.

TIMES-NEWS, t w i n p a l l s , IDAHO FRIDAY, DEC. 14, 1945

yets Having Malai’ia Will Get Pension

lUturnlng vettrniu of World wnr II, »ubj«t lo malaria nlUcks, fUjIblc for government dlsnijlllty bcncflLs, William R. Woller. *crvlce offlccr for Uic local poat ol American Legion, announcctl y«lerdiiy.

Wllli manj' of the rrlurnltis vcl- rmns liuvlns seen scn’lce In leal artM where mularln wiu fontncted—"and many ot thei luvlnj nlUicks until their iirrlval licme," Wollcr sUttd "Uicrc Is lirrjoiit i» 'r*ln Palls <loctor « li,u btcii (ip.'lRnntrd by the st. vcterarvs' nclrolnlsu-iitlon to linndic Micli caiea."

Wolter a!io Mid "there tire varl- nuj ilfsrtes of recognized dl;abill IV erlilnft out of n velrrnn’a cxjw Hnice with mnlarlii."

He nia that "If he was trculed for iiinlarln In ictvlco, or If he served lii n Iroplcnl zone nnd files a clalni for maUrln, unlcM cvldcncc li clearly to the contrary, he la entltlfil lo n disability consideration. '

U the nppllcant atate--. nl the time he km being exumhicil for lUscli.irKO Hint he 1i;li Imd nn at- l.ick of miil-irla In the year,' In' Ls Blven a 10 per cent (IbnblltiK rntlnj," WoIIer pointed out.

■II he .italc ; lie lias liaci t-*o at- taclu ft'Uhln the ;;lx inoiihLs,providing liLi mnllcal record nhow.s evWtrcc he hnd malaria In 5en,-lcc. he Li 30 ix-r crnl <ILtnblc<l. II the velernn /it.ilej he liad Uiree or

noiitlis I dL a-

c la!,l £he Li entllled lo 50 i>cr billty,

-II the ve!cr,m files a. claim at Ihe dl' hurge center stutlnff he hastaeU of malaria K'lthln six montlu, the {tatemcjit la given the same eonjlflcratlon aa though he had giv­en It to Ihe dlachargo doctor.. "If there Li mcdlenl confirmation Mlhln one year showlni? malaria the rating Ij the xame,

"If the records jihow medic treatment for malaria nny tlrr within the past year the same ra' Ings apply and hla word will be taken tor the number of recurrent attaets.

"If affldavlli from doctors can be obtained, these* should be ob­tained and submitted. If the veter­an has had medical attention In March, 1D45, and submits a state­ment Iran the attcnrilnK physician, the number of recurrent nttacks will be Isktn for a year from March,

"If he should have another at- lacV In September, 1045. nnd hnve .♦.-ime verified by a doctor, Uie .vime basis for ratlnf: would be good nnlll Beptember, 3045," Wolter said.

In addlllon lo the above. If Uie vetemn's record diow that ha has Iweu hojpltalljcd for on extended period within the Inst six montlis

I be r 1 100 Enbled.

"Frotii tills varied bn.sU Judging a veteran's dL-aiblllty, It may be seen Oiat whenover a eran his a recurrent attack of larla after hij discharge from i ice, he ahould alvays ko to a doc­tor, call a doctor, or contact a Tct- enins' orsanlcvtlon's sen-lce offlccr. In order to medically Mtabllsh Uia attack,- Wolter said, "It jihould undtnfood that any mtm with iervlee connection for mnlnrla entitled lo out patient treatment and has the privilege of culllnf: the doctor specllled by the veterans’ nd- mlnljtratlon.”

Doctora In Magle Valley deslgnat- ed by the administration to treat malaria victims Include Dr. Qeorge O, Haney. Tn'ln Falb; Dr. Hugh E Dean. Durley; Dr. Simeon Hopper, Eden ind Hazelton: Dr, Marlon J. Keanu, Fairfield; Dr. Ivan A. An- derron. Filer; Dr, John W . Davis, Qlenns Pcrr>’; Dr. John H. Crom­well. Gooding; Dr. Ernest H. El­more, Ilupert, and Dr. FVsrresl II, Hoaard, (U. fl. N.) Slioshone,

ON WAY nOAIE FILEH, Dee. M—Mrs. Emcat Rag-

land has received word that her husband, PhM 2.'c Rogland. Is en route home. He has been on a minesweeper in the iwuth Pacific.




P, E. Hartley Advcrtl.wmcnt Dec.

W, J. Hollenbeck, Aiictloiiecr


.\dvfr1l«ment Dec. 19-ZO U'. J. Hollenberk. Aactloneee


WHITE PUMICE ROCK Fire Proof — Insulating


C -J T J iV .jh MODERN ™ TO

Arollable for AU Dulldln? Porposes




Cinder Products Co.JOWM pboDC m Idsbe TtrlO V»a» Om«e - Fb«HM tT4 « » • « * . B. * Ktah«lT H c t

B ecau se this year home gifts m oan m ore than ever you w il l w ant to choose the finest in hom e furnishings

and accessories. Whether you are se lectin g a g ift for y o u r ow n fam ily or a g ift fo r a fr ie n d , w e here at the H oos ier Furnitui-e Company w ill b e pleased to aid

you in selecting an appropriate g i f t t o w arm all the h ea rts and hearths on your Christm as list. May we s u g g e s t these ideas for home g i f t s o f the finest q u a lity . . . .

Whether you r g i f t be for mother, dad, sis or brother , . . yes, or even the little tots

you ’ ll fin d item s here now that will give the u tm o s t on Christmas day and keep

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lon g and satisfactory sei-vice th ey give.New things are constantly a rr iv in g so feel

free to come in and b row se around as often as convenient.

Beautifully Framed

PICTURESNolhlnc cnn add ;o mutfi to n room, den or n reading or lounclnK nook for so mile cost lhan nii npproprl- nte, well phiccd picture. We have an encellent choice of scenes nnd snb- JecUi now for yonr Cliri5lma.s glvlnc jr to add ft toueli of color lo your oa'n home at Chrlsimis time.

We invite you





I«ok over this collection of fine picturti ftt your leisure. You'll find jour fnvor- iic type of art In beoulllul tturdy frames and well protected behind clenr, TawIcM glass.


LAMPSgave % warm, welcoming glow to « room and few people ever hove enoush lamps . - , See our wide selection for In.iplrutlon. A NEW SHIPMENT JUBT ARRIVED THia MORNING.

MIRRORSrIvc life nnd Bpnrklc to Inne rooms-. Increase the elie of small ones jilay up the color and hlghllghta of a home. Give a mirror In the variety Uked best, round, square or ovat



A huge lounge clialr for the man-of- the.houso—a wlntt chnir for mother—» eomfoitnble plntfomi rocker that any member of the hoiuehold would appre­ciate—we hove a variety In modem-or period ityles.

J u m itu re Coi

for convcnlenco—for look*—for added beauty. There are few rooms In the home that could not use another end Uble. a coffee table, a really good lamp

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